The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, January 09, 1894, Image 3

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atotl S. A. ?etor of ln .tato. Tho of Senator in politic;. opytnjBrV :a his sorvices rltor und copy ;ceedingly roas ?anteos sutisfuc wnphor. will bo in Laurons od to do tho high raphie work. Ho n to ovory one who th patronage. Ho )t children's pictures s. All of his work is .re and skill and tho he pleased with it. r-di nances, tSER prints to-day tho iso supplies for tho city year, ft contains mat to every eitizon of the uro invited to rend it. ion is called to tho scalo I a 1>1 iv Marriage. ?n, S. O,, at oloven o'clock ay morning Capt. J. M. Mrs. Laura A. Kern svoro ?arriago. ', a daughter of Dr. C. A. .'polar and prominent citizen county, will bo warmly wel .jaurensby numbers of both od Captain Phllpot's friends, 'hilpot is an omlnontly suc d popular merchant of Luu iately after the ceremony Mr. .. Phllpot left for Augusta, r return they will mako Lau oir homo. Oenth of Mr. A. Nabors. Mr. A. Nabors died at his home live miles north of the city on tho (Ith inst. Mr. Nabors was born 6n the 4th of April 1812 and was therefore past eighty-one years old. Ho leaves a large family of sons and daughters, one of the latter being Mrs. Austin Bramlett of this city. Mr. Nabors was an earnest and sin cere Christian, a member of tho Meth odist church. During his long life straightforward conduct and intelli gence commanded for him the respect and regard of all with whom he was as sociated. Will You or Not? Subscribers who are still indebted to Tino ADVicurrsKU are urged to settle at iincn. We must have money. , We intend to be as liberal as possi ble with those who indicate a desire and olTort to pay us. Wo arc compelled to make arrange ments now to keep the paper on its feet during tbo summer when collec tions are scarce. Therefore we beg and insist that all who owe the paper will pay and not wait any longer. The Late Mr. .lames He'll. Tho doath of Mr. .lames Hell which occurred during the Christnian holi days removes from life a citizen who was useful and valuable to his county and State. Mr. Bell was born in Ireland some sixty-eight years ago and come to Laurens county when he wn.-> about .sovontoen. Hi* whole life wa ? spent on the farm and intelligence combined with sturdy industry made him success ful. He was a good soldier in the war, sorving four years in Black's regiment of cavalry, tie hold the rank of ser geant. Aftor tho war, ho found himsolf broken in fortuno and burdened with dobt but ho was a man never known to fail to meot an obligation financial or otherwise. So with his accustomed de termination ho again went to work, paid his debts and lived to accumulate! u comfortable estate. Mr. Bei' was one of the most popular men in the county, lie was for several terms chairman of the board of county commissioners. In '1)2 he ran for the Legislature, not because he wanted the ofllco, but because he believed it was his duty as a citizen in the political emergency which then confronted the State. Mr. Boll was a member and elder of tho Rocky Springs Presbyterian Church. The Sea Board Air Lino. Parties going East or West will do well to write or seo J. N. Wright, Laurens, S. c. Soliciting Frieght and Passenger Agent of Sea Board Air Lino. "HOPE, Ark., Doc. 21>th, '93. "Mr. J. N. Wright, "Dkak Sir:?We arrived here this morning at 7 o'clock. Came through nil right. Yours, "C. m. Pranks." Ho loft Clinton via G. C. & N. at I:?O 1'. M. Dec. 27th reaching destina tion at timo above via W. Sc A."McKen zie route from Atlanta. J, N. Whicht, S. F. & P. A., S. A. L., Laurens, S. C. ISiihIiichs Notices'. I8f).'l with its joys, trials and linancial difficulties has passed away and wo are now ushored into a now year, 1804. Nono of us know what is in storo for us, yot wo aro hopoful for a bottor trade this year than wo have had in tho past. We aro thankful to the people of Laurens and county for their liboral patronage. In spite of hard timos and scarcity of money our trade has boon liberal and wo aro happy to know that the immense stock of cloth ing, hats and shoes of 18M has beon movod at prices that please tho people and we aro gratified to know that some ' of thorn aro in every home in Laurens * county. Asking you all to contlnuo your trade with us and wishing you a naplfy Now Year we aro your friends, L / Davis, Ropek & Co. A big drive this week on bargain counter. Ten and twelve dollar suits to close at $7.60 until wo move. For cash only. Simmons Bros. Go to Fleming Si Co. for school book.-.. They have tho largest stock ever seen in Lauro/iH and they have bought them to soil, as you would think from thoir low prices. Thoy are so very cheap thoy aro bound to go, and you would know so too if you watched the great bundlos leaving their store. The latter part of this or tho first of next week wo will bo in our now store. Come to us. Simmons Bros. Our semi-annual stock taking loaves us with groat many remnants and odds and onds in all departments. Will soli any of thoso regardless of cost. Sim mons Bros. This Is shoo woathor and we are tooked with a complote assortment and ,ur prices aro low. Simmons Bi os. 9f High class job printing done at this ofllco. You will bo in big luck if you ari for ninate chough to got ono of thos/f* ole ?antsuits' we aro sacrificing '"'minons 1 Happenings of the Week. In ami Around<the City. Tue Coming and Cofng and Min ulino oi<' th k people. Mrs. Ji T. Robertson, of Clinton, is visiting Mr. J. W. .1 ones' family. Cunt. Josoph B. Humbert was in the city Monday. Mr. L. H. WatlH, of Abbevillo, was in town ou Friday. Miss Nancy ToQd, a lady living in the Long Branch section of tho county, died last week ut an advanced ago. Mr. A. B. Murphy, u farmor living a few mllos north wost of tho city, died last wook at tho ago of sixty-five. Mrs. .J. J. Shopard, of Darlington, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Terry. Mrs. Dr. Killingsworth and children have returned to Laurens after soverul months' rcsidoneo in JJultimore. Mr. Fugcno Hix, of Johnson, S. C, is on a visit to his aunt, Mrs. Martha Wilkos. Col. J. W. Ferguson, Mr. L W. Sim kins and Mr. P, P. McGowan went to Columbia on Monday to attend the ses sion of tho Supremo Court. Thk Adveutikkr regrets to learn of the death of Leo Hud gens, a little child of Mr. Ainbroso Hudgens, of l.'Iasloy, which occurred lust week. Miss Ida Fuller, daughter ol Dr. L. S. F?llet1, loft yesterday for Greens boro, N. C, where sho will attend school. The Governor has pardoned John and Ferry Adams, two of tho negroes in tho ponitentiary for tho killing of Thornton Nance. This is tho ease in which nine wore convicted. Mr. A. 6. Hart has sold his place on Irby Hill to Mr. O. B. Simmons and will move with his family to Florida on account of his hoalth. Laurens Is sor ry that they will leavo us. The friends of Mr. W. J. Hudgens will regret to hour of his death at his homo in Park County, Ark. Mr. Hudgens was a member of tho Laurens family of the name and was born and reared to man hood in this county. Mr. D. L. Sitgreuves left to-day for Tennessee and will travel for a grocery house. Mr. 15. G. Sitgreaves will have charge of the mercantile business here. Mr. Sitgreaves is quite popular in Lau rens and very general regret is ex pressedat his leaving. Out* Graded Schools. Every progressive town and city in these days has a sys tern of graded schools, supported us a rule by a spec ial tax, The taxpayeas of this city contribute six mills on the dollar for our schools, that is to say four-mil Is in addition to the regular two mills State levy for school purposes. There is tho poll tax which every man pays besides. Therefore the man who pays taxes on $5000 worth of property pays about thirty-one dollars for the schools. This burden falls on evorybody who pays taxes and any person who will take tho trouble to look around him for a moment will discover at a glance who pays the bulk of tho public school expenses. All this is exactly as it should he and we bollevo that it is directly to tho ad vantage of the property owners of tho town to cheerfully vote this tax in order to encourage a population of thrifty intelligent people to livo in Laurens. Without graded schools a mechanic with four children to keep ut school 'Would 1)0 ut a Yearly' exponsc of. say twenty dollurs, in tuition feos. Heretofore our schools have charged a fee of two dollars a year for each pu pil, but it has boon impossible to keep the schools open for nine months. At the beginning of the present session one dollar of this feo was collected as us ual but the second dollar has not been collected und will not bo. In order, however, to maintain the schools for nine months it has been found neces sary to charge a small monthly tuition fee, twenty-live cents for tho two low est grades, lifty for the next throe and seventy-live for the four highest, but these fees will be charged for only four months, possibly live, if we un derstand the arrangement. When it is remembered that one-half of tho two dollars is not collected this year, it will bo seen thai tho tuition is prac tically a very small amount. Just such a system of tuition fees has been found necessary in nearly all the graded schools of tho State and in most eases it is higher than in Laurens. If it can bo found that one cent of the nubile school monies is expended unwisely, unnecessarily or extrava gantly and that the schools can be run cheaper than they are being run, then there will be good reason to complain at the tuition foes. Tho facts are though that we have a board of trus tees composed of sensible and compe tent business men who are managing the schools with tho greatest economy consistent with eftlolohoy and they rec ognize tho necessity of theso mouthy charges. The Advertiser believes that our system of free schools is the most val uable nubile possession of our town and that nine-tenths of the poorer class of our citizens as well as the largo tax payers on whom tho load really falls will agree with us in this view. ,,. . If there, is any poor man in this town with children to educate who thinks it advisable to abolish the graded schools THE ADVERTISER would like to hear from him. There are taxpayers in Laurens who pay perhaps a hundred dollars for tho education of other people's children. They are not complaining. Bnrksilnle. LaCrippo has grabbed every family in town. So no one can stir to create nows. Hov. J. B. Farrott's eldest son, Ben, is critically ill with pneumonia. Efforts have been made to establish a now post oflieo at tho new depot named, Jacks, but failed. Our very etllcient postmastor, Mr. J. W. Shock ley has had tho olliee at Barksdulo for twenty odd years, serving in tho most acceptable manner, and It is but justice that he should still retain the office, as he lacks many voars of being too old to faithfully fulfill his duties. Mrs. Lucy Anderson, of Arkansas, after an absence of fourteen years, spent a part of Xmas with her brother. Mr. A. C. Watson. The schools in this district opened the new year under tho most favora ble auspices. The one at "Yoargln's Academy" has thirty-two enrolled with more to come. Wo think we may safe ly boast of more schools than any dis trict in the county. We have three with an enrollment of over thirty and under the guidance of efficient expe rienced teachers. Mrs. BrySon and littlo Nannie have roturned and assumed duties after a pleasant visit to Woodruff. The Commlttoo for Improvements will meet at Warrior Crook Church t he 14th, to mako arrangements to win money from grim "hard'tlmos." Much moving among tenants, and many yet without hands. Many white families going to Diekens, and othors to the factories, leaving farmers minus. _,_*_Novice. . Cough and Cold arc tho" dangor sig nals," which naturo provided to warn the unfortunate victim that the affec tion which is now confined to the head and ehest may soon reach the lungs. Tel avoid such a calamity tak ' Clinton Chronicles. Thp now year found everybody ready for work. Not having any driftwood thero has been no changing of places to note. Mrs. D. A. J. Sullivan from Charles ton, spent last week with Capt. W. J. Leake s family. Miss Minnie Shands loft last woek to visit relatives in Calhoun, Ga. Miss Janie Vance Is on an extended visit to relatives in Louisiana. Mr. W. D. Byrd has his saw mill lo cated near the Dormitory on Mr. Henry Youngs' placo and is turning out a lot of excellent timber. Mi*. O. O. Cope land has quit assist ing our postmaster. Mr. John Poako is in his placo. Miss Mattio Calhoun and inothor from Gowan8villo, visited the family of Mr. E. C. Briggs last week. Dr. and Mrs. Boozer, wero called to their daughter, Mrs. Harris of Water loo, last Friday, who is quite sick with pneumonia. Mr. T. H. Little is now wielding the yard stick for J. P. Littlo & Co. Mr. J. W. Copoland, of Statosville, is here on business. "La Grippe" has attacked our town in a mild form. Th Professors and students' of tho Colk ??ro all back. Wo notico sev eral iu studonts. The collogc will over pto iper, so long as It're'malns un der tho management of the present professors. Dr. J. H. Downey loft lust week for Now York, where ho will attend a course of lectures. The ladies will all miss him very much, hut cheer up little one, I am as good judge of the hearts action as tho Dr. G. No other sarsaparilla has oqualed Hood,s in tho relief it gives in severest cases of dyspopsia, sick headache, biliousness, etc. Waterloo Jottings. "Magister" enjoyed as a Christmas present a fair specimen of "grippe." We have a gr<;at deal of sickness In town at present?somo cases very se rious. Mrs. Dr. Harris and Mr. T. E. Harris aro very sick with pneumonia. Dr. and Mrs. Boozer, of Clinton, are visiting their daughter Mrs. Dr. Har ris during'her siekness. Our school opened Monday, January 1st., with a full attendance. Two negroes shot two other negroes In our community during tho Christ mas holidays. One dead and the othor in a critical condition. . Col. B. D. Cunningham is locatod here for the present engaged in tho practice of law. Mr. John Cunningham, of California is hero visiting relatives. It has boon many years since ho visited the home Of his boyhood. The littlo school girls and boys en joyed a pleasant sociable :it tho resi dence of Mr. B. A. Anderson last Fri day evening. Miss Allio invited her schoolmates to a good supper, and all present had a good t ime. The Skating rink in Andorson's Hall is in full blast. The young ladies and gentlemen soem to enjoy the pleasant sport and exercise, as well as somcoldor persons. Wo notice a correspondent in tho Greenville News waiting from Fork Shoals declares that'the -Dispensary is the greatest blessing that the Tillman party has given t^o country. Now, this may bo very true, and If true, we pray good Lord doliver us framallsuoh blessings. Magister. Popular Everywhere. Heginning with d small local sale in a retail drug store, tho business of Hood's Sarsaparilla has steadily In creased until there is scarcely a village or hamlet in tho United States where it is unknown. To-d:iy Hood's Sarsaparilla stands at the head in tho medicine world, ad mired in prosperity and envied in merit by thousauds of would-be com petitors. It has a larger sale than any other medicine before the American public, and probably greater than all other sarsaparilla and blood purifiers combined. Such sucoss proves merit. I f you are sick, is it not the medicine for you to try? H00d,8 Sarsaparilla Cures. By using Hall's Hair H?nower, gray, faded or discolored hair assumes the natural color of youth, and grows lux uriant and strong, pleasing everybody. BUrtlHVlllC Notes. As "Bum'' has been using the paint brush for tho last few days, ho hasn't any news of importance for this issue: but, by tho way we are here again. We hud tho pleasure of attending the entertainment at Ora on the 28th ult., which was much enjoyed by all present. Then again Monday night, tho 1st. inst. we had a nice sociable in the same hall. Craig's balding. There's nothing short about Ora it seems. Ab Shell, the well known and skill ful painter has given our town a neat and stylish dross, which is vory be coming. Mr. F. M. Leopard now has a lino big mule. Ho says "it can come near as a pea to crawling through an augor hole."' Mr. Frank Sumerel has moved to Babhtown settlement and Mr. Bu/.by is now our next door neighbor. No use in talking Babbtown now possossos a "grass puller." but our loss is Babb town's gain. It seems that our school teacher has a great tleal of business up about Dur bon to attend to. Wo think perhaps .wo will have tho opportunity soon to note a matrimonial occurrence. Mr. Ellison has charge of the Joshua Burns placo. Owens Academy has changed its name according to its growth and cul ture to the Alleine High School. There were a few typographical oY rors in our last notes which WO think deserve correction: using tho title JainOS Monroe, instead of Joe Monroe, and J. D. Miller, when it should have been J. D. Mills. Our health is very good with the ex ception of a few cases of the grip. We wonder If SlooumGilson wouldn't prolong the time of the fishing party till noxt Xtnas as the time is so short. Will you SlooumV Our local postmaster tells us that the Legislature has got the Dispensary law down so line that a male' chintz can't got in or out. Either side that ho happens to be On will certainly re main his eternal and everlasting home. For further information we refer you to our postmaster who is well posted on the subject and makes his points interesting. Bum BLINKER. Mr. F. Sloan, 187 Portland St., Bos ton, Mass., gives it superlative praise. Ho writes: "1 have used Salvation Oil for neuralgia and find it superior to any to any liniment I have ever used." NoTiceY" ? The legal voters residing wiUilu the Princeton Graded School District ajul returning real and personal property, will meet at Princeton .oh Saturday, Jan. 20th at 10 o'clock A. M. and vote On the question of levying aspocial lax of .'1 mills for said school. j. b. Humbert, j. L French, Sec ch. b. T. Notice to Creditors. All porsons having claims Jigainst the cstato of Carrie b. Fuller, de ceased, will present them to tho under signed, on or before tho ,'llst, Inst., or thoy will be barred. C. L. FULLER, Jan. 8, 1891. Atim'r. Many Persons are broken down from overwork or household cares. Brown'* ' rs Rebuilds tho .IHM -f An Ordinance ?TO? RAISE SUPPLIES FOR THE YEAR 1894.; BE it ordained by the -Wta^oV and AI- | deruaen of the City of Laurens, in Coun cil assembled and by the authority of the same, that a tax to cover the ex Senses of said city from the first day of anuary, I si) I, to the first day of January, 1895, be levied and collected in mauner and form following: Section 1. There shall be paid on each one hundred dollars of the aasosped val ue of all real estate and personal prop erty the sum of 50 cents, except Buch Kroperty as belongs to religious, chant a le or literary associations. The same ???hall ha paiilmvcneh one lmmh?d doH<wof the capital ateah oi uaoh tiunnl) iff ?"Maahmiftci Bunlf. Sec. 2. Each and every male person, between the ages of 16 and 60, except ordained- ministers, professors, teachers, and students, actually employed, ?rmf ?flihiun.iyf tlrm frtliu Dnpasli?wtf tn* wish MHibmg hb ulinll tie Mntow?inad hjti (Jtuumii? (dial I pay on orbeforo the 16w? day of February-, 181)4,' the nun Three Hol lira, for road or street exemption; and any person liable to this tax who shall fail to pay the same within the tiuio specified, required to work on the streets of thSStaAp days under the direction of tho street Overseer; and any person failing either to pay said commutation tax or perform said labor sholl bo brought beforo the Mayor's court, and prosecuted in the same man ner as under tho State laws for failing to work on tho. road, as provided by Stat utes in such cases. Sec. 3. Upon each and every dog one dollar to be paid by the person or per sons keeping tho same. Any one keep ing a doj? or dogs without paying the license thereon shall be fined not ex ceeding fifty dollars, or bo impiisoned not exceeding thirty days?at the discre tion of the Mayor, r ^ ' > ? ? ;1 n 1 ?.' SPEOIAIi TAXRB. Sec. 4. No poison, firm or corporation shall bo engaged in, prosecute or carry on any business or profession, hereinaf ter montioned.lwithont having first paid a special license tax therefor, as follows to wit: Auctioneer pte* annum;.m teo.00 Hoarding house, por annum, Butcher ami meat shop per annum, On beef or hog retail, 75 On calf, mutton, si.oat or kid, ro rothil, , 35 Blacksmith shop, one forge, 2.00 Blacksmith sh?p, more than one each, 1.50 Brick yard, 10.00 Boot and shoe shop, 1.60 Barber's chair, 5.00 Barber's chair, each additional, LOO^ Building and Loan Association, ?SS'.Gfl'l Broker, merchandise, -iO'.OO | Pet ana billinnV t>Usr pgol w bag' a teile -4ty*W 'Bash ailditwnalf 40.0fr Pm any .tan pi* alloy, Mm% If 11 iL 1 fm '^suij Qi 1)080) Uf impiiul s4##4#^ - *^t00| Cotton ginnery, each gin, ?fi.OO"| (M?Ms?s<waiirt?ywwial ?pulrwlnp? ?.G0 Coal and kerosene oil company or agency, 1099 Cotton buyer, Cotton woloher, ?t'U??iH? filmy, Dwwlmiuni vtmnmm mu\l< \Whit 11 lii ?ii i) mJti**immma**i&i****' Dealers in builders' supplies,* 6.00 Dealers or agents in fertilizers, 4fhQ0 | I'tijJUnii in liimwwiHUKiiiawtrii, Demist, Express Co. for business done within tho State, and not in cluding that done without tho State, !r>.W| For exhibitions, performances, or shows of any kind, license to be fixed at the discretion of Mayor.SUaJt Hotel, Harness shop connected with store or separate, 3.00 Honnn tiMB?tewr^wwiB?ciit, pen A?y othsu thai* ialu dnj, *HW IiuiUiHwdui nub, duy? "* Jeweler, or watch and clock ro,T nairer, *' 500 fee dealer, .? 2 50 lee cream saloon, 2.00 Eire, Life or Accident Ins. Co., each having an Agency or doing business in this city, , 6*00 Lumberyard, ??50 rill n I O itMh ? 'in uii Marble Yard or Agency, fli'luliui flULn' inlllu o?.both) ? -frW " 10,000,00-<IW HI),I " iW)Q0O?OQ tu I Oft trtirtni 1 00 lim no quo tmi 111111I1 iiiliUiinwH'1O;0B0 00, PhutOj^uphVr or urt-tat. Physician " itinerant per day, Restaurant K. K. Agency for business done In the State, and not includ ing that done without tho State, '? ,7 Jjjjr> tit) Soda fountain ~9 00? Stable, toed only, 5,00 " for purposes of sale only-,???tOW keeping vohlclos and horses for hire. " keeping vehicles and horses for biro and also Sale' and feed, Dteek yawl, *M? Sfcuwt hawdi or Sow4aaoy8 Imwsq, ? ty-OO " ?Ahoiuui jfofj CM.1 "ITT_? A..2.. Street Wagon or dray, '2 horses, 1 horse, ^Ofj _nkor Shop, lO'DO? Telegraph company or agency for business done in the State and not including that dono without tho State. Undertaker, Ware house, 10 00 SE?i ?l Tor any businoss, occupation or profession not onumoratod in fho foregoing section, the lieonso ahull bo regulated by the m*v*m\ %JU*JZ*******?~* Six. (i. Any person or persons carry ing on, prosecuting Or engaging in any business,.occupation or profession or keeping RiVy-'establishment named in this ordinance, without first having taken out tho license therefor, shall be lined for each offense not exceeding ono hundred dollars or bo imprisoned not exceeding thirty days at tho (Us ed ion of t ho ?M*?r. Jh-tX*.^-****-* Sue. 7. The tax on real and personal properlv. provided for in this ordi nance shall be eolloctod on^or beforo tho first day of March, 189JJ and any person or persons failing to nay such taxes by that dato shall 00 llaolo to the penalties now provided by law for tho failure! to pay tho general Stato tax. Done in Council and ratified under tho corporate seal of the city of Lau rVns on the"2nd day of jrottujXy in the > oar of our*T.ord, one, tnohsund eight hundred and nlnety-Ioty.', and in -the one hundred aiuTZ(|^eteejvtlK. year of tho independence of tno'unitoil states of America. SLJiWIS.W. SIMKIN'S. ? \t. G. BALhE, CPk und Tr. Mayw. 1 rVot^v-' tie List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Lau rent, S. C, unclaimed, for the week < tag January 1, 1894: R.?Bird, Mr*. Woi.; Burns, Mis* Kit tio; Horry. OIub. W. F.?Fuller, J. R. (?.?Glenn, Henry. If.?HowartL Miss F.ater; Hauiill, J H / Hajfethclf^itodSC^ J.?Johnson, J. ii. M.?Martin, T M ; Milaro, J Lj MoAl listor, Tott. R.?Rumloy, Mrs R P; Richardso Mrs Easter; Bichette, J R; Richards' PB. H.?Shed, J N. T.? Thomas, CJiarlos; Thompson, Goldsmith; Torreuce, J N; Teuent, Henry. W ?Whitlock, J P; Woety, Manuel; Warner, C A; Wilb?U, Olevia. Y.?Young, R S. Persons calling for any of above let ters will please say, "They are adver tised." T. B. Cbbws, P. M. POn dysprpsia, Indigestion, und Stomach disorder*, tako imow.VH utON niTi'i::is. All dcalorskccn it, SI ]>or bottle. Ocniiinol,-i Vado uiark and crossed red linos ou wrauix r State of Ohio, City of Toledo,*! Lucas County. \ Frank J. Cheney makes oath tliat he is the senior partner of the firm of F. .1. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ono hundred dollars for each and ovory caso of Catarrh that cannot ht cured by tho upo of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to boforo and subscribed in my. presence, this nth day of Docombor, A. D. 1880. , I-, A, W. GliEASON, \ seal \ { ?.? ' Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts,directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tlio system. Send for testimonials, free." F. J. Cheney* & Co., Toledo, O. OrSold by Druggistc, 75c. Notice. my friends and customers: boon greatly Injure Use at Laurens si by tho' destructi End contents t wou dio tiro indobtcd to m oi^rStherwiso to come forward and settle or I shall bo com hand all accounts without a tions In tho hands of an ollice] lection. 1 hope that my ff Come forward in my time of show their friendship by proi mont of their accounts. A<J cmuuiunications Mid all rt^ffi^i^iB^nk t cd rocoivc prompt attention. Respectfully. L. KOI And ? i *Tul /rom *id t "but ? wo 'ose ti ^F&Q? ok SOUTH CAfl County of Laurki g& Probate Court. [ ?nTT*^- Nelson, Administra/jfi,.. estate of F. M. - Nolson, l"|ng against Ellle McDaniol, et aj?^' Creditors of F. M. Nolson, are hereby notified and requir r present and establish their Jjeforo mo at a Court of Rofor bo hold by me in tho above Eed caso in my ofllce on tho (ifli day of February, 1894, at 10 o'clock, a. m. JOHN M. 1894-4t. CLARDY, J. P. L. C. ^'tflEE of SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurkns. In Court of Prorate. f WHEREAS, John C. and Robort C. Davis, have applied Jo me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, on tho estate of Miss Cat lie Davis, de ceased. These are t eroforo to cite and ad monish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho and appear boforo me at a Court of Probate to be . holden at my offl?tdGt Laurens, S. Cv, on tho ?4Z?li~1l7rr of January, v 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M.,' to show cause, if any they can, why letter should not bo granted. Given under my hand and seal'this 8th day of Jan. 1804. JNO. M. CLARDY, Jan. 8, '94-2t j. p. L. C. Yot Sale. Valuable property in tho city of "yrho old Presbyterian ehuoh ataining about three acres, jh building is of brick, and in best condition and* can be eon jttrtjjHnto a splendid residence lot. Mnon vory desirable building lot noxt to the new Baptist church, with a front on Main street and on Collogo street. Both of these lots are vory convenient I business portion of town and churches and the graded school, 'his is a good opportunity for invos s and/uArqlM^tcsiriiig Co securo a lie lrWnti thriving city of Laiirons. i:onr*iiilr)caOOlth .1. o. C. Fleming ILA*? Wntpson, committee. ? ? St dt cj o u 0) rO b c w 8 S 6 C o a /VI - 3V ? o o Is 42 ? ff "?3 Tlie Best Shoes foe the Least Money. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. $B, $4 and S3.BO Dress Shoe. 83.50 Police Shoe, 3 Soles. $2.60, $2 for Worklngmen. - $2 and $1.75 for Boys. / LADIES AND MISSES, S3, $2.50 $2, $1.75 OAUTION.-If. afay dealer offors you W. Xt. DoukIuh Shoos n.t a reduced, price* or nays ho has them with out tho daiiio afampod on tho bottom, put him down i:t> i? fraud. WA? W. L, DOUGLAS Shoes' arc stylish, easy fitting,'' and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con vinced/ The stamping of W.? L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which guarantee!" their value, saves thousands'of dollars annually to those who wear them'. Dealers who pesh the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full Hue of goods, rrhoy cau afford to noil at a less profit, and wo bellevo you.can. save money by buying nil your footwear of tho dealfcr- advci* Cataloguo freo upon application. V/. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mestf. Used below. ?t.~0^?<* gmr For Sale by THE LAURENS CASH COMPANY. 1fl ? Laurcns, S. C. /O.OO Great IRed?ctiop ?( AT THE )? r.rrr rr.r HJ| drjraa^innr.r r.RCcnncprjiatnanTi^a Our Stock must be reduced in the next 60 days, In order to reduce our slock we arc offering Otir entire stock at w~ Greatly Reduced Prices. How i.i you?chance to buy your entire Winter Goods Cheap. Wc ate going to make some changes in oir Stock Jaiiuary, 1894. In ordoV to make the desired change wo must close out out entire Stock of Ws Dicbs Goods, Millinery, Shoes and Jeans. Tlic above is no catch penny, we mean exactly what we .say. Our stock must 1>6 closed out. possibly to quote Reduced 4'ricos,as the busincsc is composed of Thousands of items for which * obtainable at this time. First callers will get the cream of the Bargain. Wc have several Big V within tho last week (hat will pay you to examine. Ladies! Don't fail to see the Big Barg ate selling our Dross Goods and Trimmings. (SLOAKS! CLOAKS ! ! Wc have a handsome line of Cloaks to be closed out. ' your siae. SHOES! SHOES! ! Wc have the largest stock of Shoes in Laurens, and t' the next 60 days. Now is your chance to buy your Winter Shoes Cheap. Sc wc will he sur.> ' you. Very Respectfully, 'cry Kcspecttuily, T A FT I t in V a el rot. will u. By o. ? ~V=:T ?" Of So 1 Tak< of Jam ft rial oc ?ings a of Rea; oflicc o! rens coi and on II a final di. such Ext All pc against, sa: sent them ' proven atm'v ever barre ' Dec. 19, '9 PUR Arc vt person ed me bly powet medic ?It, keeps 1 purest 1 and pr in IV I