The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 07, 1893, Image 2

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e Gletuertiser Bubacriptlon rrtco -J3 MontUs, f 1.00 H i*AYABfjK IN ADVANC,:. ir. W. 11ALL, EDITOR. Katos for Adyertliilng.?Ordinary Ad vertisements, i?<?r aquar?), one Inser tion, $1.00; ?a</h subtuiquent Insertion, 60 coii In. / JJbornl reduction mado for l?r?o Ad vertisement*. W.W.BALLi - Proprietor. LAIM'.SN.N. 8. fX,' NovVX Judge Win. II. Wallace whom Governor TiUman roundly de uounccd and scandalously Insinu a/ed against in one of his messages to tho General Assembly lias de? /elded that (he Dispensary law i? coiiHtltutionul and (hat it provides punishment for those who violate it. Judgo Wallace is a Conserva tivo in politics. Ho has novor boon "ltefawmed" that we have heard. He decides though contrary to Judge Hudson who Is a most ex cellent judge and more over against Mr. Gary who exhibits all tho symptoms of a capable and honest judgellng. Amid thoso di vergent opinions the ADVERTISER confesses itself painfully bewilder ed. Putting ourselves in the posi tion of certain "Refawm" contem poraries wo are compelled to belicvo that Judge Uary is naturally and constitutionally correct for the slm? plo reason that he is a "Rofnwmer" and an enemy to Plutocrats and Antls. The message of Governor Till man which imputod to Judge Wallace corrupt partisanship and sins equivalent to betrayal of his ofileo precludes us from imagining him as possibly conscientious or right. As for Judge Hudson, mis erable man that ho is, a part of the "Uefa win" press lias, referred to him In terms which forbid a faith ful'"Reformer*' to considor his rul ings at all. Tt is therefore perfect ly plain from a "Reform" stand? point that everybody is wrong ox copt Judge Gary. Considered from our stand point and tho standpoint of ordinary fair ness the ADVKRTISRR is free to * acknowledge that it does not know anything at all about the legality or constitutionality of the dispon * sary law. Judgo Hudson's opinion appears to us as logical but that may be because wo uro convinced ->0f the innate vlclousnoss rather than of the legal weakness of the law. We have reaped and confi dence in Judgo Gary's sincerity and ability and wo attach reasona ble weight to his opinion. In tho .same way, we look upon Judgo Wallace as a man of distin guished ability and integrity too and we should despise ourselves to hint a calumnious suspicion like to that which our Governor was not slow to hurl against his character. The rational and necessary con clusion is that the legal features of tho "fcaspc.nsnry law are for the courts of last resort, to determine and along with it goes the minor but equally certain corollary that iiiose newspapers which have pre sumed to criticise Judge Hudson, Judge Gary or Judge Wallace ought to appear contemptible in their own and the eyes of tho public. ? When the General Assembly meets the County Government bill, ""which Is essentially a road bill," and which basks In the sun whine of Mr. John Gary Evans* especial favor ought, after careful and stu dious amendment t,p be pressed to passage. The bill includes tho ground work of what we are con fident would result in vast benefit .to tho State and a liberal sbaro of tho attention of our legislators Is what it. deserves. Blemishes and Imperfections It doubtless has but it is designed on correct lines and ought to escape the stilling treat ment It received at the last session. Tho assassination of Chicago's mayor was a lamentable affair, but it was another testimonial to tho greatness Of Chicago. It elevates #tho dignity of tho city's chief officer to the rank of Casars, princes, and presidents. No genuine crank would have molested tho mayor of a mean little sea port town in tho "offoto east." Well, fellow citizens, after all ho dispensary Is a tax on whiskey whhrtrtfio potvr munmamiy pays and a great part of which goes to the hiring of liquor dealers and spies by tho State. If wo should try to make political capital out of this statement wo should surely fall, unless it wero true? Isn't It true? The Alken Times (wo nro con strained to suspect) is not prepos sessed in favor of Hon. VV. D. Evans as the reform candidate for governor. Thus saith Tho Times: E very now and then some man who seeks notoriety, issues an ad dress to the farmers, or to the Alliance, tolling them "to hold their cotton." The mon to whom it is addrossed run all tho risk of loss, and tho would-hn benefactor secures popularity, if, perchance, he strikes it t Ight. Thero are Evanses and Evanses in tho Stato and some of them have not issued addresses to the farmers about holding their cotton. Home of them uro not even members of the Alliance. Wo respectfully urge the Orange burg Times and Democrat to tell us if George Washington was In favor of free silver and tho Ocaln platform.* Did he agree with Phonics Jefferson on those points? "Greenwood" County. Tho topping oil of a section of the southern side of Laurens County to form a part of a now county would contract tho influence and profits of tho *u>vkrti8EK and, moreover, t|?<?ro are in that section lo e 11 ities, which from private con mi.l. i nt i')n i, wo should sincorcly regret to soo sever their rotations with Laurens. On tho other hand w? bellovo that small counties are to tho advantage of tho country people und if the majority of resi dents of tho torritory above' re ferred to exn/ess a desire to join in tho new county movement tho Advkkthkk will interpose no sel fish objection. Tho organization of tho league of Democratic clubs suggested by General Hampton is not only ex pedient but necessary. The Demo cratic leaders in this Stute now in control of tho party organ iz ttion have ceased to bo other than Popu list'? emissaries. We favor clubs which will admit to membership all persons who uro in sympathy with tho national Democratic platform, Tilltnnnites and Free Silverites included, and Who place Democratic principles ubove the PopttlistlC dehiands. Wo should bo glad to soo Governor Tlllman himself join in the work of organizing thCso clubs and so throw his Influence against the dis integration of tho South ?Carolina Democracy and tho bolt which tho Oenlaites have already practically made. These clubs which Oenoral HamptOD suggests are to be ad juncts and aids to tho parly. They are countenanced and recognized by Cleveland, Hill, Daniel, Morgan and all tho leaders of tho party and no Democrat, can have a reasonable objection to thier formation. On the other hand they will command tho hearty sympathy of all true Democrats and tho Democracy of thoso who scoff at and ridicule them will itself bo open to ques tion. Of course there are men and newspapers in tho State who, be cause tho movement is under the auspices of General Hampton, will denounce it and heap maledictions upon it but all such expressions will emanate from sources which properly and virtually belong to tho Populist parly, and are there fore not to bo regarded by Demo crats. * * The United Slates Government has ceased to permit silver miners to loot its treasury. **? ? Tho Pelican State has reason to be proud of her Senators. *** Docs the Cotton Plant believe it solf able to make converts to the Populists ? * If South Carolina is to furnish a People's Party presidential candi date why not Keitt or Bowden? * * * In what term will Governor Til! man abuse Judge Wallace now? There was at least one scriptural character not a gold bug. Judas I.scnriot had a liking for silver. * * It does not require a jurist to de cide that tho dispensary law is an undemocratic measure. * ? - * * Populist papers diligently re frain from puffery of Senator But ler. Cr. ss Hill Notes. Row A. LI. Hassel I has removed from this place to Capo Fear in North Carolina. He and his family will bo greatly missed in the com munity. Liberty Springs church has se cured the services of the Rov. II. McNeil Turner, 1). D? for the fu ture. Although Dr. Turner has passed tho fourscore mile post ho is still in possession of all his phy sical and mental energies and preaches with the ease of a young man. Dr. Turner has preached at this church at various times in tho past, having boon here tho first time about GO years ago. We con gratulate tho church upon having secured tho services of so able and distinguished a minister. An Infant child of Wade H, Tur ner died on the 8pt? ?>.!?. vV"o sym pathize with trie afflicted family. An infant child of R. G. Smith died on tho ist Inst. The afflicted family have the sympathy of tho community. Mrs. R. G. Smith at this writing Is lying very ill, but wo trust we may soon note her recovery. Tho store of Mr. Joo Nance will soon be ready for business. Cotton Is selling freely at livo prices. Scribe. Life Is Misery To many people who have had the taint of scofula in thier blood. Tho agonies caused by tho dread ful running sores and other man ifestations of (his disease are be yond description. There Is no other remedy equal to Hood's Sar saparilla for scorfuln, salt rheum and every form of blood disease. It Is reasonably sum (o benofit all who give it a fair trial. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. W. C. CitAfo. W. C. Winters. WELLS BO^ED i OH the public BY ? inch or 12 inch Wells. We do our work economically and guarantee satisfaction. Mr. W. C. Winter will be glad to give all needful information, Nov. 7, 1893-3111 ?i Burusvlllc Notes. N/ws this week is as scaroo as heirs teeth. Mr. Burns, manager of Tho Burns Co. horo went to l?r,tenvillo last week on business. Little Nannie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Burns, took the blue ribbon at the Woodruff fair. I gess by thai, she must bo the belle baby of Laurons. While up On tho head of the river the other day we took a peep into Mr. W. P. Todd's hog p?n and jsnwvomo of the biggeht hogs we have seen in many a day. We also took a look at his corn crib and if he has no misfortune he will have hog ami hominy at homo. Mr. N. L. Barksdalo is very ill at this writing. Sirs. Dora Todd is very sick, also Mr. W. Ji. Clarrett, of Barksdalo section, is in a delicate stato of heanh. MlChesley Hughes tells us that ho \\ill make more cotton this yearuhan he made the last two years\put together. But that's Chesslyou know. Taking up potatoes is the order of tho lay. We wonder If Mr, T. B. SimVson still wants help to store away las stupendous lot of pota toes. \ Dr.-Cox was in town lust Friday. \ Bum Blink Kit. lAnford Locals* After a lapse of a few weeks we again makctour appearance, hop ing the few lots that wo shall give will be interesting to your readers. The Union Meeting convened with the lhptist Church at this plaee on lasttSaturday and Sunday. Though the attendance was small on Saturday, Wt the discussion oi (juestions w\s very interesting and to the point. Ere this ls\in print, the new bridge that is View being erected across the fnmoVs Mountain Shoals, at Enorec, will Vocompleted. The bridge will be juite an honor to the county commissioners both of Spartanburg anuLaurens. Dan ford still kseps up her record for visitors, and'we are always glad to see oui friends. Among the recent visitoiV was Mr. Jesse T. Morgan, of Wellford, who visit ed at Capt. B. W. Lanford's last week. Mrs. Rogers,of Duncan's, is now visiting the families of Messrs. W. H. Drummond and M. H. Fer guson. Miss Maud Drummond is now attending school at Highland Home. Mr. O. P. Moore vhoiu we. re ported as quite ill at our last writ ing is still on the sick list. Also, his brother Mr. S. It. uNIoorc has been quite ill for the last few days, but is now convalescent.^ Mrs. L. M. Cannon mas been quite sick, but wo are glul to re port that she too is improving. The young people of l\us place are preparing for an entertainment, which they expect to fcjve the 18th of this month. The proceeds will be for the boneiit of tie Bap tist Church. Quite an enWtain ing and laughable programme has been arranged. Tho knoree band will furnish music for tho occasion. The more mention of the Cnoreo band is in its self an assurance that the entertainment ami music will be a treat to all, who like some thing good. ThO public is very cordially invited to attend. Come one, come all. Gkkai.ihni-.. Itch on human, mange on horses, dogs and all stock, cured in :$() min utes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lo tion. This never fails.- Sold by H. P. Burdette & Co., Druggists, fjuurons, C. iL, S. 0. STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lauhkns?Court of PllOHATK. ]amcs M. Iludgcns as Administra tor of the Estate of James Hud* gens, deceased. Complaint to sell realty and pay debts: Pursuant to a decree of the Court in the above staled case, 1 will sell at Laurcns C. II., S. C, on Sab s day in December, 1S93, the same being the 4th day of the month,1 the following described property lying near the corporate limits of the city of Laurcns, SrC, County aforesaid, to wit: Tract No. 1, bounded by lands of E. M. Cainc, public road from Lau rcns to Cross Hill and tracts num bers 3 and 3, containing 2.J;' Acres, more or less. Tract No. 3, bounded by lands of tract No. 1, public road from Lau rcns to Cross Hill, Arthur Sullivan, R. II. Iludgcns, J. D. Sullivan and tract No. 3, containing 2S$ Acres, more or less. Tract No. 3, hounded by tracts numbers I, 2 and 4 am! ! *.* ? ~C E. M. Caine and J. D. Sullivan, containing 50 Acres, mere or less. Tract No. 4, bounded by lands of E. M. Cainc, Mrs. P. Allice Greer, and tracts numbers 3 and 5, con taining 60 acres, more or less. Tract No. 5, bounded by lands of E. M. Caine, Mrs. P. Allicc Grccr and tracts numbers | and 6, con taining 485 acres, more or less. Tract No. 6, bounded by land.-, of A. V. Eichelberger Mrs. P. Allicc Orccr and tracts numbers ? and 7, containing -| ^ acres more or less. Tract No. 7, bounded by lands of A. V. Eichelberger, Mrs. P. Alice Oreoi* and tracts numbers 6 and S, containing 53^ acres, more or less. Tract No S, bounded by lands of Pratt Subcr. James M. iludgcns, tract number 7 and public road lead ing from Laurcns to Maddens, con taining 53 } acres, more or less. Plats of the above decribed prou erty may be seen at my office. Each tract will be sold on follow ing terms: Oucdhird cash, balance one and two years in equal annual installments with interest from day of sale, the credit portion to be se cured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold; tho purchaser to pay for pa pers and have Option of paying all cash.y If term arc not complied with, property to be resold at risk of former purchaser on the same or same subsequent Salesday. JNO. M. CLARDY, j. p. u. c. Nov. 6, '93-31 IIBlKKHHHHflBBl^BilHn^BBI Mr. Gteorgo Smith Uvaldo, Texas. SHAKESPEARE What Mr. Smith Tlilukt Ho Woul<* Iltivo Said About Hood's Sarsaparilla M Had Shakcspeam llwu horo and Buffered as I have, I think lio would liavo saltK Throw away all medicine except Ilobd's Sarsapa rilla. As au EnglHIanan, -coming to this climate, I havo fell I ho heat very much. lit the i m in'- I felt as if 1 had all llio care and nuxlcty of Anierlcu on my mind. Igotono bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and after 1 had taken it I felt as if I could undertake The President's Duties. Last month I had a return of prickly heat; It seemed Imposslhlo to stand up or lie down without almost tearing myself to plcceg. I then got one more hotllo and it has not only nureu Uio heat hut I believo it put my blood Hood's,:: Cures in good condition. I advise all to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla in the spring and fall." Qkokoe Smith, VJvnlde, Texas. Hood's Pills euro Nausea, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Sold by alldrugij'sUJ. STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA County ok Lavkkxs. Probate Court. Mary E. Nelson, as Administra trix, against Etlie McDnniel, et nl. Pursuant to decree rendered in the above stated case I will sell on Salesday in December next, being the 4th day of the month, during the legal hours of sale, at public out cry, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described real estate, to wit: All that lot of land situated in the city of Laurens, S. C, county aforesaid, fronting Laurcns Street about 100 feet, and bounded .on the East by Caroline street, on *he South by jail lot and West by lot of E. S. McKinley, containing Thirty-live .onc-hundreths of an Acre, more or less. Terms: One half cash, balance on credit of twelve months with in terest on the ci'cdit portion from the day of sale. Credit portion to be secured by the bond of the pur chaser and a mortgage of the prem ises, with leave to the purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. If pur chaser fails to comply with terms of sale property to be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday at his risk. Purchaser to pay for papers. JOHN M. CLARDY, Nov. 6, '93-41 j. i?. l. c. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County ok Laukkns, Court of Common Please. By virtue of a decree ol the court in the case of J. H. Whnrton, as Clerk, against L. VV. Simktns, I will sell at Laurcns Court House, South Carolina, on Salesday in l)e I ectnber next during the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the high est bidder, all that tractor parcel of land situate in the county and slate aforesaid, containing One Hundred and Twenty-four Acres, more or less and known in a survey made by K. A. Austin on January 2(. 1891, as tract No. 3, and bounded by lands of A. S. 'Nichols. M. B. Crisp, Dr. F. (J. Fuller and tracts No. l and 2 of said survey. Terms, one half cash, balance on a credit of twelve months fiom date, ciedit portion to be secured by a bond of the purchaser with inter est from day of sale together with a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to have option ol paying all of the purchase in-nicy in cash, if terms of sale arc not complied with, the land will be resold on the same day at the risk of the former purchaser without further order of the court. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. II. VVHARTON, Nov. 6, 03-11 c. c. c. i?. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i ounty of L.\ URIONS, Court of Common Please Caroline G. Strong, against, James H. Lcaman. Pursuant to a decree of the court in the above stated case, I will sell at Laurcns C. II., S. C., on Sales day in December, i^o;',, Ihe sain:: being the |th day of the month, timing the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, all that tract or parcel of land, sit ute, lying and being in the County of Laurcns, Slate of South Caio Una, containing Thirty-one Actes, more or less and bounded by lands of Eugenia Lcaman and the Par sonage tract and the public 'road leading from Cross Hill to Milton post office and othct 8 Terms: One-half cash, the re mainder on a credit of one year. The credit portion to be secured by a bond ol* the purchaser and a mortgage ol the premises sold. It [be purchaser docs not comply with the terms of the sale the land will bo resold on the same tlay without further order of the court. Pur chaser has leave to pay his entire bid In cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. II. VVHARTON, Nov. 6, '93.-11 c. c. c. p, DR. W. H. BALL, DBNTISV, OFFICE OVER NATIONAL BANK, LAURENS. 0? Days?Monday* an 1 Tuesdays. AND NOW -THEY Our object so far this season lias been to show the people that wc have, in every line represented in our stock, a collection never surpassed in Laurens. Having done this, we desire to impress on the trade the mutter of prices as of equal importance. What every buyer wants is> the best assortment at the lowest prices. It is conceded even by oar competitors that our stock towers above all others, and an inspection Will convince the closest buyer that our ptices arc as low as reason can demand. Scan a few quotations taken here and there from our numer ous departments: Dress Goods 5 cts to $2.50 per ? yard. Elegant line of Henrietta 10, 15. 20 and 35 cents. Worth 25 per cent more money, A great line of .|o inch fancy worsted Dress Goods at 4s cts., marked 65 cts elsewhere. A line line Flannels, Serges, Hop sacking ami other new weaves at astonishing figures. The lines! line of Trimming, .Silks, r*V''s"j Velvets, Fur, Etc., tobe found. Nice Dress Styles, Ginghams, only 5 ct .. Full standard Calico, only 5 cts. A nice Jersey Glove, only 10 cts. The very latest in extra long Kid Gloves at 75 cts., worth if 1.00 A tremendous line of Hosiery from 5 els. to 75 cents. Ladies winter Under Vest from ' 2 5 cts to $ 1.50. A good li'ic Towels, 10 cts, reg I ular 20 cts bisse. Clothing and Men's Hats. Great is our line and our prices arc surprisingly low: Suits from $I.OO to $20.00. Pants from 40 cts., to $S.oo. Dig iinc Hals from 15 cts. to $5.00. Childrens' .Shoes from 25 cts to $2.50. Ladies' Shoes from 50 cts to $4.00. Men's Shoes from 75ct.sU> $yoo. Xcigler Bn<s., The Hay Co., and LIcss' are our leading makes, and they can't be beat. Our Millift?a?y Department Our Millinery Deportment is slocked with the best the maiketsol the world produce, and is in charge of the best talent wo can procure. / STATE ?l*SOUTH CAROLINA I County ok Laurkns. Court of Common Please. 1). i'. (Toggans vs. (?'. F. Hunter. Pursuant ton decree of thocouri In tiic above stated ease, I will sell ul Laurcns <'. It., s. 0.. on Sulesdny ; in Di'cemb -r. 1898, tlin sumo bein the 4th day of II:!? month, (Turin tho legal hours of sale, .it public. ; outcry lothohighest bidder,all (It I ; tract or parcel of I and, situati . ly- i Ing an?! In iiig in the Cotinly of I Luurous, Stale of rt nii'i (,'Tn illna, in the corporate limit - < f (!<?? city of Laurens, hounded Tv lands of Sam Fowlnr, II. W. Hall ftild ue\ slreel, said lol hvlng n pari of the lut formerly ? vvmi 5 I v llnsaurin Fowler, dee'd , cunleiniuf; one-hall of one aero, Terms: One-half cash, the 5. .:? air.'e mi a credit of twelve in - vi from the day of sale, wilh . . from lay of sale, secured I?, '< ? of tl\c? puroh.isor, and mm tho promises, wilh leave t.> ; chaser to pay all cash. The pur chaser to pay furpapor.-i. If terms i of sillo are not complied with,, promises to ho resold on same or subsequent Saleday at risk of for mer purchaser. J. H. WIIAHTON, Nov. 0, 1893-It o. r. v. i' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County ov IjAurkns, In Court of Probate, .jr* VV II EU HAS, JnO If. anil R. Lee l-Iinilei\{hdth1mstrntors, has applied to me for Letters of Administration . on the estate of Henry M. Hunter deceased? ThetC arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear before me at a Court of Probate to bo holden at my oflicc al Laurcns. S. ('., on the 2j<I day of Nov. at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any they can why letters should not be granted. (iiven under my hand and sc;;l this yth day of Nov. 1S93. JNO. M. CLAKDY, Nov. *J , '93-at .1. I?. I.. C, EXECUTOR'S SALE. Under the power given mo in I ho lust will and tostnmont of Milburn Curry, deceased, 1 will sell to tho highest bidder on Saturday Nov. 1 I, 181)0, at II O'clock A. M, III the lain residence of said deceased, near Ol'uy Court in Laureii.-i "oiiuly South Carolina, the lauds belong ing lo Um ostato of said deceased, as follows, to wit : Trai l No, I. Tlx; home place con laiuing BOVonty-OllO and U 1-10(1 ItCI'OS hounded by laud i of 15. I. Abercromblc, .lohn Curry, Henry Hill, eslnlos of J. II. Sholl and M. 11. Trael No. 2, COIlttlilliUg Oigllty -.even und In-100 acres, bounded by lands of Henry Hill, R. A.Cray, Jr. .nid I rae.t No. I. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for paper-', i'l.itsi ftsaid lands can he seen at my house. Martin A. Curry, Oct\10, '93.-41 r Executor. By virtue of the power vested in me under the will <>f RcflfSbn Cur* . \ ceased, I will s ell ;it public ry at Ermreus C. H., during the : il hours of sale on Salcday next following real estate of said de- j Ceased: One tract of land situate in Dials township, containing One Hundred and Ninety acres, bounded by lauds of Dr. W. II. Ball, Itebccca Dlal.T. Robertson,Willis Cheek and others. One house and lot situate in the city ol I aureus, with buildings thereon with a frontage of Thirty' : i\ feel en Harper street, and Eighty-.'ev en lei tTttTcp, bounded by land i of Mbs Lou Fleming and (>< or; e I '? ? i and others. i >ne i I ;? lot with dwelling thorn h, ? :imining One acre, mure or less, in said city, bounded on the south 1)\ new street, lands of Myers and Hammond and others. Terms cash, and if not complied with land to be sold on the same day at the risk of the former pur chaser. I'm chaser to pay for pa pets. Plats may be seen at Pro j bate ofltCO. \V. C. CURRY. I .Nov. 6, '937*1 h Executor. STATIC OF SOU Til CAROLINA County ok Laukkns. Probate Court. 1 YVlIKHUAS, T. II. What ton. C. C. ! c. has applied to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of ? Mary E. Fielder, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin* tired and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before 1110 at a Court of Probate to l)C holden at my office at Laurens, S. C, on the 15II1 das of Nov. at 11 o'clock, A. M.. to show cause, il any they can, 1 why leitete should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this $oth day of September, 1S93, JOHN M. CLARDY, ' Oct. 2, 'o3.-6t j. I?. h. c. K.J. O'CONNOR, -( in) I Pure Liquors, ?08 Bi'oiid St., Augusta, Gil. (MlOICK < ?1,1? W II ISK I KS, BRAND!ICH, <;INS, 111 .Ms, WINKS AND LKlUOHH OK ALL KINDS. Tho Largest Liquor House in the South. ?+.? KJGT* Mail orders receive prompt attention. Sept. 25, '93-3'? . j ome line Pas Plundered. Never is^Linca. YOU GET the BENEFIT. Make Good the Opportunity While von Imve it. a-' We have been badly deceived i? tlu cotton crop?it is going to bo very much shorter than we thought and as a natural conscience the peo ple will have but little to buy wilh, so must bunt the place to get the most and best goods for their money. As we have already intimated we have bought too many goods, and rather than keep the money tied up in them for Lhe next twelve months have decided to cut the very life out of IE3 IR, X ?les 3 that wc may turn our stock into money. Everybody knows we keep nearly all lines known to the trade. J. 0. C. FLEMING & CO. Keep You ay The Seciei or success. ah iisr mmrw mm, JQK ? f" tu- V? -* fa 31 furniture, Carpeting, China, ass, Crokcry, Tinware, ?toves and Cerates, ?. im and 13- It, W ILK iEJs j We Are On Top Once Again. And am prepared i<> furnish anything in ni) line at reasonable ???iieH. New Goods are nrrlvlu;; ?vorj day. Mending and repair ing dona ni short noiieu and special atiention fjlven lo watches. v 14 .-ad J E 'ML* R Y And in I'aei Hverything li?i?i in a l ii i Class IOhIah?Hliuioul. <'ulir?*1 i Jewelry Store, South west Corner oT l*ublie ??innre.