%$Ut %AvttH%tx> LAUKENS, 8. O., Oct.^th, 189J. X* OO -A. I_i; Tho old song aoont building a cotton factory In the city Is reviving. Wo liaye had hoavy frosts and tho tomporaturo has boen low for October. Mr. A.N. Hra.nlott is building a resi donco on North Ilarpor street. Sales or cotton have boen light during tii" last ton day*. Stokes Bros, keop the best Frenob candy at T. Robertson's old stand. Dr. v.. M. Caino will opeu a brokerage ofneo in tho olty. Mr. J. >?:. Balontino of Brewerton is clerking for Mlntor A Jatnioson. Miss Mary MoOeo of Fountain Inn is visiting tho Missess McCaslan. Mr. D. II. CouutH is building a com mo.liouM hoiiHo on Irby Hill. Mrs. Jhiucs, of Union, has beeu on a visit to bor Kon, M r. J. H. Jamos. Mr. Will Schade, or Groonville, is in tho city. -. %, Miss Ilr>/.onian, of Ninety-Six, is visit ing Mr. A. 0. Hart'a family. Our fannors still coinpluin that cotton is opening vory 8I0WI3'. ?u to Stokos Hros. for fresh Candy and Cakes at T. Hobortson's old stand. Mr. Alox. McHoo Iiiib graced our city slnco tho AnvunrisKn's last issue. Mr. O. W. Sponcor, ot Boaufort, wlio is to lako charge of tho Bondolla Hotel 011 Nov. 1st, is in tho city. Miss Lila Holmes, who bus boon visit ing hor sister, Mrs. Dr. II. Martin, has returned to hor homo in Georgetown. Thoro is no particular crush at tho Tax Collector's window. Soonor orlatorwo get thoro. Messrs. A* M. Mosoley and C. D. Mosoley will commonco businoss in in suranco and brokerage. Mr. j. W. Jones, of Qnlnoy, Miss., a friend of tho Advkktiskh, is visiting friends in this his native county. Mr. Johnnie Blackburn, of Clinton, is at tho post ofllco during tho illness of Mr. P. Burdott. ltopro.sonta.tivo It. C. Watts has re turned Irom a visit to Chostcrilold county. Mrs. Jano Gary and Miss Annie Gaiy, of Gary's Lano are visiting Mrs. Joseph Ino Watts. Ladies bo suro to soo Mlntor Chester; a lamp with the light C( rencral debility] Try fitmwjtv nuts iirrTKits. it will euro you, ctean^o yo?i?- llyer, emu give u good appetite,' Tribut? of Respect. Since the. last meeting of our ses sion our esteemed brother Dr. John Perlneau Hunter hns been removed from our midst by death. Dr. Hunter was born in tho houso where ho died Jan. 16, 1830, and died Aug. 31, 1891, aged ?? years, 7 months and 15 days. He joined the Church May 7,1870; was elected a ruling elder in Old Fields Church 1880 and was elected clerk of session tho same year and filled thnt oilier until bis death. Dr. J. P. Hunter was fuithlul in all tho relations of lifo; trusted in his God and Saviour and illustra ted in his life the principles of the religion of Jesus Christ. WiiEitKA.sOod has removed from our midst this esteemed brother and oflieer bo it resolved, 1st. That we how with humble submission to tho will of our heav enly Father. 2nd. That wo record our high appreciation of him us a citizen und Church officer. 3d. Thut we set apart a page In the Sessional Kecords to his memory. 4th. That we extend to the widow and orphans of our brother our heartfelt sympathy and commend them to tho loving care of our Heavenly Father. 5th. That a copy of these resolu tions he sent to the family of our deceased brother and to tho South ern Presbyterinn and to tho Ai> VBRTI8BR and Herald for publica tion. By order ol tho session ot Old Fields Church. Oct. 2?, 1801. Uso Hall's Vegetable Slcilllan Hair H?nower and your thin gray locks will thicken up and be re stored to their youthful color, vigor and beauty. Front the Dubblur. I spent last week in Atlanta. It is a town of a good deal of push and enterprise, like LuurotiS. it is a place of ''magnificent distances" for a nickel, which sum gives you a nine milo ride on the electric cars. I heard enough of Gov. Hill's speech tit tho unveiling of the Grady monument to notice thai he wore what tho hoys call "a dandy good suit of clothes." If the Gov ernor runs tor President he will go to the bottom of the sen in them? soniewhero near tho place where Salt River empties. The exposition does very well and is worth a visit or two. The Mexican band is glorious and the King Solomon show would bo pro- : nounccd a success by our people if it should ever exhibit here. But the greatest thing to he .seen 4n Atlanta is M. Phylllon doing the spiral lower act. There aro several good side shows. The hoot blacks, newsboys and hack men are as wild and un tameable us elsewhere. The hack hordes aro in belter spirits than ! those in Columbia. j ChayAcr 1; Wv.uk, tired, no appc- j tite. Chapter 2: Take HootWi S.vv- i saparllln. Chapter 3; Strong, I cheerful, hungry. Tho Detroit Free Press Fiend has been punning on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. His is only grati tude for all thinking men know its merits.?(Exoh.) A box of Old Saul's Catarrh Cure j is invaluable for catarrh, intlucnza or cold in the head. A Gold Watch and *20 Maiden Lane, New York. ??A Drink Fit for Ye Gods." Lovers of a fruit juice, beverage lind a pure, wholesome and delight fully refreshing drink in The Spec ialty Go's Apple and Peach Cider Crape and Florida Orange Julep, Raspberry and Pineapple Juloo. Be sure that, you ask for The Spo. clallaty GO'S Goods. Tho Speciali ty Co.: Cider mills, 28 and 20 Will" liamSOnBt.; Oflico, 107 Bay SI. Sa vannah. Notice! All persons who uro indebted to mo by note or account, will please call and pay the same by the 1st of Nov. next. After that time, I will place the claims in the hands of an ollleer for collection. Oct. 20-3L W. H. GABRKTT. STRONG POINTS OF THE Union Central Life Insurance Company. It hns the LOWEST DK AT II RATE. It realizes tho HIGHEST INTEHI2ST ratio on its inyoslmonls. It pays LA ROUST DIVIDEN DS-to policy-holders, and has made tho most rapid progress of any Company in the United Stales. It ISHUOS BNDpWNMKNT insurance at LIFE KATES. It makes its POLICIES INCONTES TABLE and non-forfoltablc. It continues policies in force WITH OUT SURRENDER, by the application of tho ontiro reserve thereon. It docs not own a dollar in B'LUOTU ATI NC .STOCK' or bonds It Imposes no restrictions on Reel* d'-nco or Travel, and pays LOSSES PUOM PTLY. S. P. ({ARLINGTON, AORNT, Hep. 21,'91--8in Lnuiens. S. C. ft HkiYO Timo nrd Iloailh. Doctors' "bills and druggist..' pre*i t: > tion3 aro honvy drains on the pooket, not to mention duys, "weeks, and mouths of enforcod idleness iu cose of niokneas. Iu many instances all this losii may bo saved by the timely uso of Ayor'8 Barsaparilla. This mod '.cine, takon in smaller doses than would be required of any othov blood-purifler, produces tho most positive results; therefoi'o it is economy to Use Only Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Moreover. i>y taking medicine in season, you prevent Ute inroads of disease, keep the blood pure, and the t y .u in imlferudy strong and vigorous, ltcmcmber, Prevention is better than cure. Hut how, it may be asked, U one to know that lie needs this medlotnef Py various Indi ntioiiH; nutonj; them l y that tired [eeling. oy loss ol appetite, lack of energy, dulwend ache and contusion oi memory, pains in tho limbs, back, and sides, pimples and oruptlomi cm the face and body, wen?ricss of the eyes, restlessness i>y nighl, drowsiness by day. and frequent depression o( spirits. These, though not diseases In Ihemselvea, arc symptoms and warning4), which, i( not attended to, may result in diseases of the most serious nature. Ueghi at ouce ii> us ? G9 arsapanSSa* "Ayer's Sarsaparllla gives entire sntUfaxvl ti?:i ;?? my customers. My wife used two bottli n nf :!. which did her more Rood than 1 any other medicine. Ilcr sallow face has become fresh and rosy, i (eelassured that Ayer's SarsajKirHtn h is c impletely n stored' her health. Cor family physician recom-1 i.. mis Ayet's remedies."- Hain't Btopt ensoiii 1 Pool, W. Va. "I'or ye.us l wai afflietcd with dyroep-l having very little appetite and bet \-x dis-1 v.? is hy nearly every tiling I ate. A drug } i d lecommeudod a (rlaiof Ayer'a Sir.-apa iii!.:. of which i am now taking my ibiirth i ottle. The medicine lietpoil n.e al once, ; has < outiuued to |m)p mo. I can i ecom i ; Ayer's Kars:i|*arllUt uj a great r nhedy : this distressing cumpluhif."?Char os U. Parntlugton, M .-. M:. ??For soveral years, in the Bprlng months, I r.scd lo bo troubled with a drowsy, tired fcyl Ingnndadull pain in the small of my back, so bail, ;.t times, as to prevent my being ablo to walk, the least sudden motion causing mo severe distress. Occasionally, a rash eov? ereil toy body, tiie akin apparently accenting thickened, accouipaulcd by intense Holling, Frequently, boils WOUld break out on various parts of UtO body. l>y the advice of Ii lends and my family physician, I began the uso of Ayer's Sarsaparllla and continued it tin the poison In my system was completely eradi cated."-!.. Vv". k'ngllsh. Montgomery City, Mo. ?? Kvery spring for the last nllio years 1 have been hi Ilm habit of Inking Ayer's S;ir snparilla, and I can truly say that I never; Used till) modiclno that did mc so much good. 1 am convinced that it is B^ood-Piirifier "1 ali siil '.ii:r ia. :f. 1 I in the market, and can confldently reeorn weuld *'?' ? i :> ?.!?.>:?:?!;.! Ayer's s.n* ana-; mend il to ail in need of a reliable, effee ! ? ? i.li!;ot.?d ^ :'!? liver coni( lahlt | live, and economical alterative medicine." >???)} us, mil I advised i< Use ? ,1. a. Shepard, Proprietor of Bltcpard'S 1 ? Ilia. r. ? mi imina ??:.:. Atel.lsob, Kunst s. Icily, Suvi ? ?? iv i.::..- by ;:?! I I Bavo your money by (akiin; >T.\ \S ? ri? Prepared by IX I 15) lYEH t*. GO., i.owb.', Mas1 arilla, Sold by all Druggists. r.i.i bDttlDB. :f-5. Worth 35 a bottle. for Infants and Childreh, ''CivfltorlalarowoniuUptodtocliildrcjiUiat I Cwitorl* ctim^Oolio, OoMtfpAtlotl, I recommend 11m superior.to any preneri j>Uon | tnown to mo." II. A. Arciikk, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho uso of 'Castoria' la so universal and Its merits so well known that It sooms ft work of supererogation to endoreo it. Few are tho intclllKont families who do not kocp Costoria within easy reach." ._ Carlos Matityh, D. D., New York City. l*to Pastor Bloomingdalo ltofonued Uhmch. Sour Stomach, Dtarrhfra, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes dl poet ion, Without injurious medication. " For 8<;veral years I havo recommended your 1 Castoria,' and shall always eontlnuo to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial reaulta." Edwin F. Pardis, M. p., "The Winthrop," 135th Street and 7th Avo., New York City. Tmt Crntaur Company, 77 Muriiav Strbbt, Nkw Yobk, G-oldQ?i Opportunities for BuyersI AT Till]? Watches ?2H&INS, Silver Ware ? UOTll ? SOLID and PIATED, Spectacles, And everything to be found in a first class Jewelry store where the stuck is laro;c and new. WHEN IN TOWN ALWAYS VISIT V\7". .A.- JTOj?I3Sr302Sl, South side ot* the Square. Bracelets BINGS, Silver Ware ?hot 11? SOLID and uATED. Glasses, A lovely line of Birthday, Wcding and Ch vislmas pre seats. Rep'. f?lloW lug terms: Ono half of the pur chase money cubV? tho balance wftfi Interest secured by a bond of the purchaser or purchasers and a mortgage of tho promises sold. The purchaser to pay lor, papers with, leave to the purchaser to pay hl ? entire bid in cash. If the pur. chaser does not comply with tho . terms of the sale tho lauds may be. resold on same or some subsequent snlcsday on same teinis at risk of former purchaser without furthoi order of tho court. All th M.'E. Mtr'/ic.U- . church, on t he east, by lauds of C. II. Suber 01V Uio^ road \ west, j and known as tho 1?. L. ?riniot?* place containing sixteen acres more. \ or less in a suit of partition oC M. S. Bailey & Son against W. F< Irby et al. All that tract of land lying la. Laurons county, in said Stale, con taining one hundred and one-hall acres more or less bounded by lands of Susan 1. Crisp, William Leaman, Samuel Austin,und others i in suit of foreclosure of M. S. ? Bailey ?fc Son against qoo. P. Criwp \ et al. J. II . \VTI A RTON, C. C. C. P, Oct. 5, '01. STATIC ok SOUT11 CAROLIN A^g County ok Lauhis'ni?, ?Court of Conunou Pleas. .lohn II. Allgood plain tiff vs. V. D. Robertson as administrator, etc. and others. Pursuant to decree rendered by his Honor Judge J. II. Hudson in the above Stated case I will sell on salosday in November next tho sann? being the 2d day of tho mouth at Lauretta C. H., South Carolina, during legal hours at public outcry to the highest bidder all that tract of land situated in said county and State, containing one; hundred acres more or loss. Hounded by lands of (1. W. Shell. James Hill, W. C. Wharton, J. II. Whnrlon and others, known a.s the J. Alvill Hill place. Terms one-half cash balance on a credit of twelve months with in terest from dato of sale, secured by a bond of the purchaser and mort gage of the premises sold, with le.ivo to the purchaser to pay his cnl're bid in cash. Purchaser to pay /or papers. I f terms of sale aro not complied with said land In bo resold at the risk of the former rur chaser. J. 11. WHARTON, Oct. ?, ?91. C. C. C. P. STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY ok I.AUKENS. Court of Common Pleas. Robinson. Taylor ?V Williams, jaaJnUpK y? Swan \V\Rolt and Jj! A. Cooper. "?-^ * Pursuant to decree rendered by Judge Hudson in tho above stated case, I will sell (.n salosday in Nov. next, the same being the Jd day of the month, at Laurons Court 1 louse, South Carolina, during legal hours Of sale at public outcry to the high est bidder, all that tract or parcel of land situated in said county and stute, containing one hundred ami forty acres more or less, and bounded by lands of 1!. P. Todd, J. P. Jones, J. \V. Poll and others, known a.s the H.A. Cooper place. Terms one-hall cash, balance on a credit of twelve months with inter est from date of sale, secured by a bond of the purchaser and s: mort gage of the premises sold; with leave to tho purchaser Jo pay his entire bid in cash. If tho terms of tho salo are not complied with said land to bo resold at the risk of the former purchaser. J. II. WllAKTON, Oct. 5, '91. v. < . c . I?. " g.^A/TE ok SOUTH CAROLINA ,^ mtv ok Laukens?PltO Cou.\ \TK COUKT. II. Whartou l as Whkhbas, J. ? tci s of Admhv Applied to me for Lc. %f Nanev IS, istrntion on the estate c ICntrekin, deceased? *?? and These arc therefore to cii. ui ndmonish nil and singular the k. died and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear before mc at a Court of Probate, to bo holden at my oflicc at Lnurcns C. II., on tho 30th day of Oct. 1S91, av io o'clock, A. M., to show cause it any they can, why letters should not he granted. Given under my hand and sea!, this 2 ist day of Sept., 1891? JOHN M. CLARDY, Sept. 2.J. (A \, |?, ).. c. Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation yoit must use BRADFIE^D'S % FEMALE 3 REGULATOR } ('AIiTr.nfiVIM.E, April 3?>, 188 ?. This tflll certify that two riif>ml>orn of my Immediate family, nftor having Buffered for yours from Menstrual rrrejriilnrMy? helm? treated without iKMiofit by physicians, wcro at length completely cured by <>no bottlo of HrndnolcP* Female liefkututor, its effect Is truly wonderful. J. Yv. SxtiAMUS. Book ?" " WOMAN* " mailed FHUK, which routnlus \aliml>k< Information on all female ?lscatcs. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, OA. JFOJB 8ALJ3 Dir .in. lUlUCrQISTH. a v t:.\ 51 i eharif riiliiy Inf linini. tlm-.vii.l work lu-? ?fttocdj lo ram Hirrr lSi-i.!^*" IMS?r? l'?ar In |b.*lri>? n Im all l?..?li.l. .. r Hi. - li,^.11 a ?1fiiaii-.ii .>i i ii,|itf,yii.fi,r,ri \, Iii,;, . .'.,, pSffiiu urn alrotftr, i incur, f..r oi. mil. ..in,. .Mill ; iiy* . Ka.lly an.I qotjmlj ?ran',^1. ? '?"?? '"'< ""* " ??< " < lr?ii,i^*h ?ILirii i ??, n ?uxf. da,? alf.m.t, i'.uln ami ??rnthlrdf^iUi rni|ilornn .. I u,( uumim. >? Ii., an no. kin* ...., (yfto a irarratii n ..\'I".\V am) HOI.I I?. I .11 imiih/.m Vit KK Aililrr?.?I otni K. V, A l.l.r.V. JIii/. -ISO, Ai.uui.li-. Mtilnv X?" Hnlr. r iiiiiii.|'?,flf,nrriiiit,M w ik f. i by Amin IVgi-, Ali.1|n l>???. an.I .1. I: i.n. '). I. -t... I .\ i.. *.0 Ml ?? lb. V."H ran iln tin- ? .rk and II? o ?i burua, wli.r. in \ . ii .in . r.?ri> In . rlnm r> pro r.,ij|v i .roll.* fr. ifl ft 1(1 > I" Alt ai-i. We ?fiovi >"? lioW .nil ttSrl yrlll Can \>. . i!. in -i ,i in..i