CURIOUS FACTS. | ' A bee raiser in Virginia says that his bees have boen making honey ever since Christmas. . Hotel keepers say the demand for hot, water ns a bevcrago io superseding tho dc nand for ico water. In England all dogs hare to be muz-, tied. A lot of thieves mako a business' of stealing tho muzzles. At Meibom nc, Australia, on January 22, thc thermometer registered IBO de grees in (lie open air at noon. Tho .Russian Czar taught a farm about the size of tho State of Texas thc other day. Ho is now tho largest landowner in the world. Several recent cases of thc grip in italy havo boen followed hy a lethargic lleep which tho doctors are unable to overcome, and thc patiouis* lives are in danger. The wettest place In the world is Cher rapongee, in Assam. The avorage an nual rainfall there is 610 inches. Tho average annual rainfall of tho world is thirty-six inches. At La Harpe, III., two lads, Clarence Baintcr and Sammy Matthews, engaged in "a ba?ana-cating contest." Clarence ate sixteen, Sammy sixteen and a-half. Thea tho doctor was sent for. 1 Thc theme of the Japanese national anthem as recently rendered' into Eng lish ia: "Oh, that the reign of our Em pei-or might continue for thousands and thousands of years-until oystor sholls become rocks." Near Cold Springs, N. C., lives a re markable old lady. Her name is Mrs. Phoebe "Wilson, but far and wide sho is known as "Granny Wilson." She is one hundred and nino years old and has been twice marriod. There is in the Paris hospital called the Hotel Dieu a woman who can sec two difforcnt sots of objects at onco and thc same time. While one eye is gazing ata given point tho other remains perfe?/'^* still, and vice versa. >?r A nest of mice was 'y?nd ?n a Penob scot County (Mfman's overcoat after ho hadhunjat Vi up in a Bangor hotel. Whoo called on to explain tho man said he hadn't put on the ovcrcont for two years till he took it down to wear to Bangor that morning. In tho Government of Ivied, Kassia, there exist 12,000 burial mounds, of which only 566 have been investigated. These mounds arc of three separat? types: the first kind belongs to thc stone, agc, tho second to tho Scythian, and thc third to tho Slavonic. A kind-hearted woman at La Crosse, Wis., bought five cords of wood and three buck-saws and gave all tramps a chance to carn a meal. They stole thc saws and boys stoic thc wood, and one day a tramp entered her house, scared her almost to death and stole her watch. Hibernating Alligators. The other day Mr. Sim Howlei, who li ve - in Mitchell County, Ga., wv walk ing around his mill-pond, which is sit uated at thc forks of two creeks. In his percgeriations he came across a cave. Leading from it through the earth wa? apparently a large burrow. Ho obtained a pole nnd began investigating. The cave and burrow extended somo twenty feet. He dug into it, and between five or six feet beneath the surface he, came to seven alligators. They were large, old rusty fellows, ranging from four to ten feet in length. They were sound asleep, enjoying their winter nap in accordance, with the queer habit of t lie ie hibernating saurians. They were promptly dispatched. There is an old belief, that when the alligators find tho winter approaching they gobble down a number of plue knots to fill, up their aching void-., and then take their lengthy siesta. Mr. Bowles thought this would be a good opportunity to teat thia belief, and accordingly on? of the reptiles waa out open. Within it wa* several lightwood knots, and now Mr. Bowles la ready to testily to the truth of thia theory as to the capacity of. the alli gator for digesting tho knots of the pine while slumbering through the winter months.-Atlanta Comtitution. The poor potato has ita ups and dowds like everything elso. A ?hort timo agc tho distinguished doctors of Europe were condemning it M productive of throat diseases, and now they have gone wild in recommending an exclusive diet of 'potatoes and milk for stomach troubles. Tho potato ir a good thing in ita propet DUCO. fahrt' KawioWi? ?'f? WISE WORDS. A sharp point is whoro the sonso of seeing and fooling moot. Imagination will do for a change, but only lun?tica depend upon it. Shabby originality is better than a brilliant display of borrowed ideas. Tho only thing that still astonishes one is that pooplo are still astonished at anything. No ono neod to hesitate about what to bo when honesty is always ready to be embraced. People who discover they are reading something very simple should realize that vanity is displayed by critical talent. Happiness is moro frequently found among peoplo who havo tact than among I those who havo good hearts and mean well. Ask a favor from your enemy and you make him your friend; ask a favor from your frieud and you make him your onemy. The man who VT?II not tell the truth for fear of losing his "respectability," or social standing.i? too. wicked to onjoy his position. Tho worlu is a paradise to those who do not except thomsolvcs in their feel ings of pity for tho wickedness, which keeps the wheels of progress turning. ti . Audacity of a Rat. Pittsburg, like other cities, has it? rats. Whether Pittsburg has more than ita share in proportion to population and territory is a question for social statisti cians to determine. Whether, too, tho rata of the Oas City differ from tho rod ente of other villages is not known, but ono was discovered tho other day that had the courage of its convictions. A man was wending his way thc other night through tho court yard in tho rear of tho Sovonth Avenue Hotel toward Smithfield street. Ho felt something dart at him and catch hold of tho end of his trousers about the heels. Whatcvei it was it clung to him with a tight grip, and looking down he saw it was a large rat. With a violent kick ho slammed tho animal across thc court yard against an ash barrel. It rolled over apparontlv lifeless, but it soon recovered and rc; newed tho attack. The audacity of. the rodent U'C^t'f'r: ?ts opponent, and tin ve? to ?nc case beat a hasty retreat. Pittsburg Dispatch. Acquiring: Personal Grace. Ono of tho best-known teachers ol physical culture and oratory in tho city tells of a certain prominent divine who recently carno to him for instruction in thc art of prayer. Tho prayers wore carefully discussed from tin: oratorical and dramatic standpoint, nod tho clergy man asked for frequent rehearsals until he was satisfied that each phraso waa mado to carry its utmost weight of elo quence. Lesions wero then takon up in the art of posturing, of genuflection and, above all, tho divino asked that special I atteution be given to tho art of making thc sign of the cross in tho most graceful j manner possible. "Nor was this a novitiate in orders," said the teacher, "but a middle-aged and successful clergyman, who had simply como tn the conclusion that personal grace and eflcctive oratory aro more es sential to-day than simple devotion." ito ? York Huu. The Emperor's Decoration. A romantic story attaches to the new decoration announced by the Emperor of .hipan in commemoration of Emperor Jimmu's coronation, 2f?50 years ago. Thc distinguishing feature of the decoration is a golden tish hawk. Thc legend is that dui in ; Jimtnu's conquest of eastern Japan thc aky mu day became suddenly dark, and r. fish hawk of golden hue settled on thc Emperor's crossbow. The bird threw off a brilliant light, by which the enemy were dazzled and thc Emperor'a forces wero victorious. To make the bridge across the Channel will cost ?84 J.00.000. Spring JR I* a. necessity wira aearly ?"?prybod,. rh? run down, tired condition ?t thu ?ea?>o* U dun to Im purities In the blood whlcb bar? accumulated dur ing tbfi winter, and whlcb mu*l DA expoUed If you willi to feel well. Hood'* .Sarsaparilla thoroughly purines and vitalise* Ihn btootf, CMAtM a good app? tit.?, our?? bUtousnea* and headache, give* healthy action to tho lian -, . and li..-, and Impart* to Ula whola body a r?citait of tn-?Ito and strength. Try lt thia spring. "I laka Hood'* Sarsaparilla every year a? a spring tonic, wHb moat ?at??ractory result*."-C. I**RMSLSB, : l i Bridge Street, Brooklyn. Purifies ?ha Blood "Hood's KartaparllIA purified ray blood, gara me itrength and overcame the headaohe and din.Inf**, so that I am able to work again. I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to other? who** blood I* thin or Impure, and who feel worn out or run down." - .iiTintn NASOS, T/>well, Haas. '-We have ?sed Hood'* Sarsaparilla for years, and recommend lt a* tho best spring medicine or blood purl AW. our boy ls nra] years old and ba* enjoyed good health ever ?lace we began giving Itt? Ulm.' -9. r. ci: >. rc. Rochester, N. H. Hood's Sarsaparilla Kold by all druggists. #t? ?Iir. for S3- Prepared only by C. r. HOOD a CO., LowoU, Maas. IOO Doses On? Dollar " Funeral of n Burmese Queen. The Rangoon (India) Gazette reports tho burial reccutly of the Mcebya Queen, ; ono of tho wives of Kiug Mindona Miu, whoso body had been lying some time in state at thc residence of her daughter, near Raugoon. About 9 o'clock the pro cession, which was nearly a mile long, started. White umbrellas, tho special j symbol of Burmese royalty, were numer ous, and tho priests mustered in strong | force. The shrines and other ornamental structures were ablaze with gold leaf, thc | bands of music numerous, and tho cart- j loads of presents for tho priests would have sufficed to stock a bazaar with al most every conceivable article of food and wearing apparel, beside crockery, kerosene oil, fans and furniture. The Princess, a? chief mourner, walked ir. front of thc coffin, preceded by her roth nuo of fifty white robed women walking in pairs; beforo them girls strewed tho path with roses. Tho Princess, like hei attendants, was dressed in pure white, and wore no jewels whatever. She and her maids of honor bore in their hands the white rope attached to thc coffin. . Tho latter was slung from a pole anil ? carried by bearers. Over it was thrown 1 a splendidly decorated pall, piled high with bright flowers. The scene of the cremation was on thc slope of the Shcay Dagon Pagoda, near Dalian, where an inclosuro had been erected round th* funeral pile, upon which thc gilt coffin was laid to thc sound of weird music. By desire of tho Princess tho coffin wa.? opened to enable her to tako a last look at her mother. The pile was then set fire, and after the body had been entirely consumed thc ashes were taken away to be cast on thc broad bosom oh the Irra waddy. Hew'* Tkl.t We offer One Hundred Dollarn Reward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hull'ii Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Propa, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Chen-y for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tion*, anil financially able to carry out any obligation* made by their firm. West & Trux, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, Ohio. Waiding, Kinnan Sc ?atVin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. H. Van Hosen. Cashier Toledo Nation al Bank, Toledo, Ohio. H>Ups Catarrh Cure fa taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bot tle. Sold by all Druggist-.. A man likes to have good insight ors whe be most love his neighbor ss himself. Mivi Lukins was bilious and feeble and sick, An ' it (teemed as if nothing would over rel eve h*r. Her 11 vet wss rloggal with impurities thick-. Ant her sUnnncu was vonstautly burning *A it . fever. Of th? groat O. M. P. the bought a supply, And directions for takin< pursued io thu let ter. Twa* tho Ix*: tbmp, on earth she could po-u bly try. Anl s.>.m, very soon, Misa Lorkins was t>et ter. Tho O M [> which tho took was Dr. Pler-e's Qoden Mo boil Discovery, tho great ii m -dy tor bronchial.throat and lung disease*, .ok IvaCach?, hcrofuln. dyspepsia, and all diso IM S tl a', ha* o orig n in iuipuro blood am) u disinbred liver. Th* ? loan-dug, antiseptic ami healing quail tte-) of Dr. Sligo's Catarrh Remedy are un ca un led. A sigh-Stlb. rU. Gratifying to All. Thc high !>onitlot> attained ami tb? ualversal acceptance and a|>provul of tho pleurant llipiid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, as the most excel lent laxative known, illustrate the value of the qualities! on which Its BUCCCM is IMSC? and are abundantly Kralifyiug- to the California Fig Syrup Company. A storm ti vive* !1G miles i?r hour. KITS stoppe-1 free I y Ou. KLINE'S fiitKAT NKUVK RXSTOREH. NO Kits after first day's tito. Marvoiotix euro*. Treatise and fri trial bottle free. Dr. Kline ,'.>:il ArchS"., l'hilu ,Pa, The man who ia ri,,htls seldom left. The United Statt? (l.ivernnient makes regular pu rena?' s cf "Tana!.l's Punch" lor tho army. ??perta at picking looks-wig nmkerv. fledicine The chief reason for tho marrelou? taceeta of Hood's Hares parais I* found tn the article Hgelf* It ls Merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually accomplishes what ls olalmed fsr lt, ls what has made lt tho rn ed I ol na Brit In the confidence of our countrymen, and given to Hood'* Sarsaparilla a popularity and sate greater than (fest of any other blood purlSer. "Early last sprint I was very much run down, had nervous headache, felt miserable and all tbst. I was rory much beneflted by Hood's Sarsaparilla nod recommend lt to my fslends."-Ha?. J. M. TAY LOK, 1119 Ku. in Avenue, Cleveland) O. Creates an Appetits "I wish to enroll my name as one it iii who bara dart red hesita from the use of Hood'* Sarsa parilla. For many years I have taken lt, especially In the early Hprlns, when I am troubled with d Usi n?es, dullnese, unpleasant taste In my mouth In me morning. If removes this bod taste, relieve? my headache and make? mn feel uri-.try refreshed. The two bottles I have used tho sprlug have been worth many dollars to me. I advlte all my friends to take It' -.toMS Btsss, ?S3 ?3d Strcol, Town of take, Chicago, UL Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. #1; sis for $3. Prspsrad only by O. I. HOOD * CO., bowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Said Sarah to Maru: " Pray, tell inc, dc J- cousin t'.whs Sure, a few niuntha nco > m M Now your checks, onco a/droa; Your thin, treinblinR hr?j ! i ar Your nerve? aro mi?in UK. yoi And you act and appcur Uko i Said Mary to Sandi : s " Your comment^ seem rough, t For nobody knows how acutel I am ?lok untt> death and well With female/disorders and uer I* tr? doctored and dosed till m And life hardly seems worth t Said Sarah to Mar? : " Forgive me, ray dear, ii my o Ana, pray, try a cure that is < Tis needless to suffer, to mur Andi pass half your days in st For * female disorders ' of eve Are certainly cured by Pierce' Mary" Ytoodod thin good advice, bought ? supply* of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion and it wrought a perfect cure. Tito history of her marvelous restoration to health is similar to that of thousands. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription Ls tito world-famed remedy for ull those chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to Aiuoriran women. It la a most potent, invigorating, restorative tonie., or strength giver, imparting tono and vigor SICK I Dillon? Headache, tlon, union* Attacks bowels, aro promptly relic DR. PIER Purely Vegetable ai AH a T.T ONE PELLET A D< For Fifty Years the Standard Blood-puri?er and Tonic, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no equal ne a Spring: Medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. von win HATS Bl O St KV Thur. Pata, Trouble kid will CHUB CATARRH BY UMINO ELY'S CREAM BALM. Apply Bilm Into each nostril. gt. Y ll Koa, tc Warren 8C, HT. .tVTM ?IVTWTtf?^^^ ir vt MT? MS To eure Rtllonsneee. Biak Headache. Conetlpatton, Malaria, Liver Complainte, take th? ?ai? and certain remedy. SMITH'S BILE BEANS DM the SM ALA. BIZK (40 little beana to the bot ll?). I hr ? er? th? moat convenient: suit all ?*??. i*i Ice '.f eithet elie. 'JU ce nu per bottle. If IAAIMA "l Ti 70: Phnto-ifraear?. l\IO?IUU panel eu? of tblt picture for 4 Mau (coppers or ?tamp?). J. r. SMITH A CO.. _Miter? of . 'Bil? Bean?. ' ' St. Loot*. Ma DPUCinUQ IfUtl KOR NO PAY. rCROIURa M. W mueran, AV y. Waih., o. C. DETECTIVES W.lWa HUI l-.?.ir ftkr.wl mm u Ml narr ll ?ir Sur* St..l.t. KiMrWitt itt HWr Mal? bf sll DruKiritu Prier, $1 .u? per killis. Dr. .?rhenck . M.? Hook uti Lung? Liver ?nd M..n. u h ni ul. ,I fr?? Maret?. Or. I. M. SCH?NCK ft SON. rhlladcohU. OPIUM r lt A Uli". Only C?rlala nul r CU UK lu 1(10 World, nr. i.. blfcl'i? K.\>>. Lebanon, ? 1 prescribe sad tal.y ?S> don? Bis t? sa tb* oaly apftclAc for the certain cor? ot thia disease. ?. H. INORAH AM, M. D., Amsterdam, M. Y. Wa har? sold Dlr O (Thy years, and ll has ?vt? th* bast of aalls fitloa. . D. K. DTOHE * CO.. Ohlcugo. UL . 1.00. Bold by Druggists. PATFIITQ N*> latent. Na Payl Hook irr?. m i cn i a s.w fit?g?r?ix wn?n . u e asa* mm mm m mm ?nd WHISKEY H A B ffTB 3JI ??? HM ITS cured at home wuk BAJJB elaasSsllesSI ?y??-->^a-t^ama I?. .M. ? UUldill I , M. H.. WPW ATLANTA. Qa. offl&a sou Whitabaii st. 8. N. U-10. AFTEE ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT I)K. I.UBli, Wo North I Ol?enla rtlrert, Philadelphia. Twenty yeur?' eaperleoc* atomsch. Kidney illrlghCs Disease); ooui?d?uUa?. Mr Call ur wi tte for tjuestloa Hat sud DOO?. I \r tor. winn A I litton I? V.\ OI.VKR pun-ha?? ona of tb? erl? Crated SMITH A WESSON arma. Th? fluent amall arma ever manufactured and tbs Arst choice of all ?Xpert?. Manufactured tn eallures S3, M and 44-100. Kin ila or double action. Safety Hammerless and argot modela. Constructed entirely of bent qual* Ity wrought steel, carefully Inspected for work manahln and stock, they sra unrivaled for finish, durability and accuracy. Do not be deceived by oheap malleable cast-iron Imitations which are ?flea sold for the genuine article and are not only unreliable, bat dangerous. The SMITH ft WESSON Kc vol vers are alt stamped upon th? har rel with Arm's name, address ana date of patents and aro guaranteed perfect In every detail. In sist upon having the geanlno article, and If your dealer cannot aupply you an order sent to Address below will receive prompt and careful attention. Oracrlptive catalogue and prices furnished npoa ap plication. g]|fiTH & WESSON, WWenUon this paper. Haring field, Mass. MAMU".- r.,isu .M io uv. edlate. A euro ls certain. MOT il. a small parti?le ls applied tA tho mnrjsta or sent hy mall. H. T- llA'/.Ki/riNr., Warren. Pa. mr* '?vi^rij^'5 ' " '