The?-Advertiser. J. {'. GA /:/./.Y<>"/ <>.Y, KDITOH Bubaorlptlou Prlco--ia Montas, $1.00 l\\ Y A lt IN VD VA NIM'?. Untes l*oi* Advertising. Ordin?r' A d vorllsouientH, poi' s?pvnre, < ino In? -r tldn, $1.Oft; eue h ?u''-'' [ii-MI m T t'l.'U. 50 e?ul -. Mbornl i-" luci ibu nuulo lor largo A -.i (lie peuple 1 li working tuon 1 t : If Nert li 1 i' .?i 1 :. themselves for 1 'loyola 1. I, because they helievi liioi in bf li:.- righi mun for iv- iden! Nb j li! .. ! len hi mi ii I la rr Ison i - bc riihnlng upon tho record ol his fd f hit r's und his friendship lor iimnnpidi.-vimd capi talist?,: but uif M Iii- merits. Le the whole people rise np in I li ot r might in the fine nf (Why lucre ami thc gidl of bitterness nml give b i - n I llb olUCO, I'".' in ' ll Ct iilg I ' ro ver ( ?ev.'lind President thoy o'ecl theinselv < ? ?. The ohjecl ol I hq young mona democratic club-';. net lb form a new Wing of Hie party or lo empha sise tl issn ti faction ?, Uh the work ing oflhcold Jcii'ersonhin denn?.-ra cy, '''hoy propuso to work v. ii bin strictly democratic Hues nml upon pure denioertttie principle . T'u hiydio.-t n . ptfti I hi illy ni i fi..--ti - : will soon fall upon (lie young men ofthe country in maintaining Hie genius of American institutions though tho administrations ?nf Ibo democratic purl \. Tho young men proud 1,1' tin- heri tage of their futliers lief iro n video in t bose pf 1 il ?ta I ulla i rs in which it is their duly am! their righi t< participate. They claim thu! rep roscntntinn should bc apportioned nmon^ political seel ions neeordino, to mem be rs. P" tinners' 111st it uti*, IO very hotly ough I to nttoud tho fiirmoi'ft' l i -iiiute which ls lo be bcbl here on the 20th and 27th inf. No mutter what a ni tm's calling or profession i . it w ill do bim good. Tho expense will bo un thing, The lectures no doubt will bo interest ing us well 10 instructive. Tho hu man mimi ls like a jar (hill ene hobt ni! Hie gases id' ?ho world ni one and the sumo I-!me as complete ly as ii <-.m Iuildpan The human mind never become Hated wli !i truth if interest in Hie instigation is kop; no. Knowledge is profit able unto nil i hingS. 11 e. as n - COM Ny sadd hy a distinguished <'? vine I ba I agriculture n a ? liol ! rici' ly a solohoU, If ned a science, il ls CO ititi n ly an ii rt, To know when to j ?laut, wini! mid how lo Cultivate, roi ( ii ires a \-.e' deal ol'inform?t iou ns well a-- practico. Agriculture is so hedged by ti;.- selene that softio k tu vt ni i ; m iiocessn.*;. (>osuccessful farmiiig. ll Is hotter to start Willi :i little knowledge (lulu to lonni hy sud experience. Agriculture Is an arl guided hy soleiliiflc Iv'liowleilgc Whether th- 1 kftou ?. tige I dei I veil Cl ppfort or a / .,>.// , A good deni is Bald ftft'OUi candi dates these days that i-; not n- peel fill or ju-1, A man w in? offers for public O?IICO ?8 UO( for that ("OOSOH In nocdy .circumstances nor ls lc necessarily corrupt, All men who have a right Lo Vote uro olllgiblo do office except in special cuses, it ? thodrtt v of good clti/ons to run for public ellice. These ofttCOS mu- ( bc (Hied hjy tonio!) aly rtnd (lc- hot tor the men, I he ffV?ntor tint SOCIO rlty to public rights. ??Thc time hui eome when 11 good .ind competent mun cannot be elected unless bc canvuHS his coed ?I uenls. Ii i> in noenrdnnce with (nie democratic principles (lint (ho en nd ida te slum ul meet (be people face (o face, so that they may exofclso|hcelect 0 franchise intelligently nod satlsi'UC toiily. Mon who lisle f ir the voles of (he people for public olllee ari' only asking lor what is legitim?le and right. | WASHINGTON LETTER. Kioto our Ungular Corresponden 1 Washington .Inly edi. 1888. Titi' Kopublicuns of thu Senate .1 tu liri u ry (,'oininlt leo iltil n cown Til ly (liing when winn I hoy reported Mr. i'll I lei" ;i> Chief Justice of Hie United States without recom mendation, to tho Sonnie. Tlr\v acknowledge, vvlion spoken (.? Indi vidually, thill ?ill th<- ehnrgct ?i y a i nst Mr. Kullcr were entirely with'.lil fbuntluliotl, alfi vet for political rousons, (hoy refuse (.> join th.1 democrats of tin- commit tee in hulking n fuvornblo rbporl upon hi s noiitlnullon. Ii" tin- republican SOnuior.s cnn however, a I ford lo take such it po sition bi foro Ike ?nu nt ry t bc don IO clubs need not complain. Mr. Kui- i 1er \\ ill lu' c.eui: WilitOltl M doubt, ni rein ly four republican 1 Se na I ors-Mc -? Kn rowell, Cul lom s KryO und Spooner-.nv known lo ..i- willing bi vote for hi coflriviu I ?MU. I'osl i:;-;- i" Dickinson hr- wrlt toit n lot ..or in chuiriiiau Bimini nf i ii.- I !. ni"- l'ntninll lo?i ?>!i I'osl olU CO.H ii; >vfili !. lo- vigoroihsly opposes iii.? Senate amendment (o' tin- I'osl ! office nppropi'iilion bill known ns Hie "HUbs'.lily nniesulntonl", w hich vicio itt ?re diUidch,! nmit service ll ! i'lii . ' . . ; Hie J i.'i-in rsl says tills legislatiib :. ubi. i her ?I.'in ti?ile I mn- rei pi i red, mil ! ital tic re a cn es and 5 ti\\ ors nf tic !'?. '. a l?leo ? iii) i rt cent IIJIV ? proved nib'<|iitite to tilford citizens ? ?I' Hi.- Uni i 011 .-Mili-- a mail Service ? no dny was wrt (od in (lo House (his wi ck by (llihusioring against tim I'uclllc railroads hill, and the f||oiirtli wama holiday, .-n Ibnl ont! . I third of tho Week w as lost. Still l| considerable progress Was made . i with lim M ills bill, am! ;'. i now predicted by tho members of tin Wnys und Menus Corcimitteo that lim tariff' bill Will lit! pit hy lim ; 11 . >u8e inside ?d' thirty 1 lay--. Senator Voa th nd Itepreseutailvi I Mills, Kord, Hooker. Ni ct'rea ry, Shi vol ly, Mnish find < nminings ; wont tn New Vork ?m tim Fourth I lo take purl in Tnminnuy's ?(rand ! jubilee and ratWlcaf ion meeting. The?'rosidenl spenl tim Kourlli ; at hi-, desk working ai the h?ls I which have lihou sent li;.- Congres? j for iippr?vji!. Tho Heimle nddo 1 012,000 tn iii. I ri vcr and harbor bill in (ho dntpe of amendment.- and then pa--ai it. Tito totnl tiniotinl npproprhtlctl by ; it is .'.Mi, ?7 l,78d,77. ! Tim letter currier's la\v cduhol be pul intn cll'ecl Until Cnn 1 e fpasse.H an appropriation lo pity tho cst ra tuen it will itijiko 11 occam c. i A hon I live hundred employes ol ?tim Navy Department 'jami thc I Coiirlh ol'July Willi (heir families: at tiru.?s I ri lids, tim cou II I ry ri .(lenee nea r I h is ci I y, of Send:'ty W hittle;/. They Word furnished j with I ran-?'nit at inn" .uni lum ii a! Hp hy their lins! whoso m ti ni (leen I i liOMpllality fia-' ?.a c l into a prov ? erl? la rc Dints Township l ? .mocrullc ( Illili w ill meei at Din!-- church on Siilurday, the I llb in d., in t h c; nine delegates to the .outils r m-, cut hm which meei-, al Laurens Ci 11 cn .Inly Ililli, .1. s. SVOIJI'M-', ( hail 'ti m* i. Sbai;i spi a ta' informs tl- that Uno* h?r "twice rcfusuokn kingly crown,** What biddi .1 ind ive Im had for I thus rcnoillicing tim pro i fe red.'- re ward ol glorious service for lim . slate, hi-.Wiry, reveals not; bul WC ina;,' flill'ly presume be did not Wish I" llU?ortnko .the continuai 1 weal- cf. a hal that would nm stretch in ni his head on n morn? ing nftor Ic had boen out with Ibo boy-. .Jule was n foresighted fel low.-Tic Idea. "I'a( rick, yon were on 11 bad spree yesterday,"' "Vis, Mr. Ullis, I was. Ri OSS me if I weren't a-laying in a gutter wid :i pig? Kit tlvOf tty ll ft cuine ulong, looked nt me, an' says, srvys. be, .One is known by tue company the': kapc' "And did you get up Prtffjfik .*" "No,-.hut tho pig did.''-Tid Hits. vin- Nublo od. Roma ii. ? Mr Tbununn in public llfu stands foi ? sterling Integrity throughout la ti lonp I corcor uobouy ovoi questioned lila sin j emit y 01 bis honesty His natue menin i i principios ami Ulcus Although sovciily | ; lour y wu's of ugo ami although relegated j j lo obscurity live years ogOj bo ls lodu) '. ; tho very hopo omi inspiration of Ibe lieni j ! ocutlio nmasca Twice bat ibo puny or I j JJ ii.tAMi >:? In Ititi Binti ci' Ohio ulsetu'dcd j j iiini XVJK?II cboosii g u I'nltcd stales BCII , alni I li : .-i yearn ll?O, ?lien ibo ROW j I Ivtuoeriitio nilniliuRtratloii woo bein;, j i ituiilc up, bo un ;. ought to bo loootd foi j . u cn bl uot posl : H o? oven a loreign nils i sion Ni'. loi|p ugo bo described lil instil . ? nllroly mit ?I politics--a? UTI old man '? idnndlng ob tho shores of tin' liver ?Sty.\ wniiln^ ?o? tho forrymnn Today we I nive Ibo Democrats lighting Lia'Iii ea ou tho i. I ? l topa throughout tin , j lum) hi tr ; nanto In len days I e luis boen 1 rein venal cd mid brought to ti.-: Iront His i..! Iianilkerehlof ks thc bl mulari) lc uliii lilli, elana rally lits nnni6 Is used I j lo conjure with and lo cali I ho gray bon rdi | Iront \!.o caves Ami why? Hccuust | lu'erybody known timi Allon 0 Tburmnn lann luton ti pt I bio nan, that bc luis ron I I dcred publiu uiTvlec for tluvltonoi thal 1 t-uuic lt >i il> publicly per formed, lind In j hovot .v. r. -i.l his principios, niid llinh 1 i partitif!!! Q<\ ij iho otu bo trusted nt nb t lllmvi le I fi . i\ til" rights of lite people lir-.o i? Hie itu wei ol un unstained linnie in itiblii'tinu privnio lifo. Our cou eral iihitlotu., viii h I lioso pf 6,000.000 I ?em t .. . v tho bluff, tough, lincoln proiuishlj! I 'IHlillttcd el l KltliOKIItail pf Ohlot- Ni w S mk World. All .'.lo': ; tito tine. '?'Lc- If?j ubllcan managers Will not be ' poi milted lo put nil ' ' ? lr energies, nil ', I li ti i money Mid iii their campaigners 1 hito New Veri;1! r?to (lils pill Thin, will hilve serious hu si tiena demanding their i alI ou t inn elsewhere Their utmost eil ; dca vor will be hooded lo keep Illinois fpotn tdipplun imd ibo Democratic eel , limn, ai:11 ii i ?'.a?? ill it' ? cen ti'.:: ?.: i I ure un of Ihetg j iv ill ). ?mil ?i thou . 'i'wo louenp', iv tigbii pi ?nial. T\VO 1 :i' ll? :. I i Ighs one punid. Two lonou j) i tdghai M !. I bli) bible poon, i- Wei;;!; i OHO eli : ?no l'wo en.I Uirco-I iiiHbs lo.ieu|?, lovel, of p iwdcrotl i ... ir wi imd, (Ino i iblc : infill, well botvp ilvgrntiuinted oolfeo A, o?- beat brown migar, equals otiu j Teaspoons vary bi siito, mid t ho now ones ! li. M tiboni -. leons nnioli nstho old fni blow .1 I sponitsnf ! ii y yon ra ti .. A mallum ?lssod i toaiin?on i st ains about ii drain, M :' ?? ly? olio goiierUtn pint of liquid j br onej phi I' llnely chopped mi it, picked . I Idly, o i i ono |klund, wbiob lt would bo v< ry e . lient i> icnionih?!'.-Pittsburg j ACTORS AND ACTRIIGSES. . Ilubirwtoiu lo neilin IO|>OI'IM.I on riged for a , lotir oft li ??i country fir i 100,0 . ?. ! Ada llohnn i - s lld ( .> loni .di thu f/uidoii ; proipennd? eu .inna.: o? tho Prhieoss ol I Milo. Mmio Viin Knndt ban rot timed to I 'mis o HIT ix brilliantongngentuiitht MoM-ow. I She la n great social favorito ol Uni lY.-neh i ? l?bil, bm will not ul ii ? i ii bl lol j Micro. Tho inti t.!. mil Ifni Am l iena primo dohiift I ol?' ind. In IVt i ' ('bunill J'amos, iv bolto uoloii j ci, .i.i. I"i ii I: >l| . I tdoioj I v li it inp, dei- p ,r j ttait pnitiUid un I inulg m tho Paria Sn Ion. j Atnon-t tl'- eol/ibla denllH of thoironson ; woro tlioso of Mauiioo ? .n-.|.-i>. Jenny i hind, Ai rt ion B. i tillivnii, Wi i.|in, l> Il i liOCkO, II' arv Dfil'gli, fri ?lei ici. il. ! lioOrOS ntouit, Mrs. \V. .a l: uni hold wcOlcly intitbiOoilhere 1/iviia i Hello, whiner ot tito Unlonla Quia I flt hiltonia, hon-s avery closo leseinblauoc i a? her lull brother, Prodlnnd, baviuy u<' . ?trip?,I whitedOltll luv faco, mid thc : S.-U1I?: gonci'til conforinallon. Tho Amoricnn Trotting ns c-clAtloti hn.-i ?-lo ?.iii I to incot tho nuienduiont to lluloO. ftoo '. tum I, bindo nt tho Kobi nary oongl'CSH of llifl MittiOnol Trottina nisioclfttlon, by oUowbig horsed thnt luv?! nev or Started in o |ial>li rnc? toeliatigo nanto without piyhtg u ro : cording foo ?f |60, SUMMER RF. SORT tlOTCT?. lt le >r; . if (bo Law mid Ordi r I >ngUo ni I lx?ng ia iiii.-ii mouna biislne tt. Tho nliolitlon of foes for sl^hb sColnpt ?t i Ninj,.aa la now complote, nial no ono who lu not an Idiot neel I .- vit?tled by, tho tinok ' laen. I Sotlrni chairs uro U? bo Introduced nt liar 1 Inri>o; IOCOllVoy tho women from tho battl ing llOllfiCa ti) tho tatt "mid relnrn." Tl,t expCctallohQ uro they win fin n long it-it wmnt. A very busy bustling viiinpo just now li Saratoga, whero the pre?ara lion* nro on n Ki. nt si-alo. l?ach mu? ovory roSldsnt nnil hotel propriotor ?H readyto wdgsr bogs tmin on thc BUCO0S9 of tho sonr>on. A Hroriltlj-n woman I.i tiiulertokor and oin bnhnor. lt wits her hllfthond'l Ijiistncss, ntui ibo tooklt np after lilt ?loath and ls making money ot lu Kho says (hat many fnmill?* lila> Letter to have her oromid than n inuit eijioonilly if tho poifOtl to l?o hi A woman or a child. Tho window* of lie/ ostuhlishniont ?io not dknliiy tho ii ital mor tuary omhloms, but :"t lull ol Uowoi?lji plaiiU iiuttoad. r well hacked . . .SE?TLEllEKT AND ! ?SAL. ?. DISCHARGE. -: HY |>!?rnil?*f?|ini -i, \. \v. Kurnshlc, Piulado .lu.I-.-. I w ill s iiic lim K ililli' i if I anjo /a . Un?, ilatii.UI ?' I. Ul Iiis ofilce ai I /um in < '. 11., ott tho tUlh tiny ol' .1 HIV isss, n| |n o'clock, \. M., anti at (ho ...nil' linn- will apply lor a IlirU ?lis chnruo. .\ii rsons having ilonuunh* Against .al sahl iiiuc. ii. \V. SUKI.H. lt. C. e. e. Administrator. ANNO! iNCliMRNTS. Fm* Senti i ?'. I on ii eiindldate for the ulllccol Soil? I >r for I .ann its I 'oiltll,V . |r th.' p isllioii nial will mal." a yaluahle member If I e( ,1, V? >TKKtt', W e -ni' milhorl/.od o? nnuoMiieo Col. .lt ill.N ll WI I \ KTON n o-indhhilo for n . loot lon lo the 11. mao ?>l Kopie .uta liv. . - ii??;. . i lo the n snit oft In' I'rliiiui v \\ ?Miro authorized lo ntiiiotinco Mil. I A UKI) I ?. SI |,|,| s A \ a eau.lid.ii.' for tho House pf Hi inesimlutivos siihr . - 'to in- resiill-ol lim l'ilmaiv oleo. .,'c. i h'' 1'rielid ..I MA.I. ll. N. ri N . ' .' i ! '. M. res i ... : full) pYcsc.ul ld? u url lie \. .(< rs rcpresonl Um uni \ iii:l..' tow er I louse; I'.n 3 ' pol?n I e udp; ("pi. A. W. itt KNSI id: ls respect fully li nott to . ?I a? a On tu I?I ti le for ro-< !. ? i hui to tip.uiileo iif I'rohnto .(mtge, subject i" thoresit 11 ul live Kriuinry clcctUm. I wuuml r * pceifnlly aiumiiucC to |he I' "I |>ao '.ns l '..uni v I hal I am a . Hilldale foi . o| Pi..o.iio .1 liijgi . ? .1 i. .< i I ? . iii" I ?el poe ra I ie I 'ri i mi r\ . .lt ill ,|, I ;i a i/.KU, I ri - j u"! I ally a n ie lillee myself a etlll* ? Udale fur iii.- ;.i)i.i ProhiUo .Helge sui |oe| s. ibo i .. adi ol i le-1': hilary Kloo? .!<>'! N M. lj};A jil) Y l'< I- < leih ol' < Hil el . I won ld )'< p ?ol fully ilnhniiooo niVsoll I a eimdhillie for tho ollie ol' tMerk of (he . 'oil ri for Laurens Conni v, sanded tollu 1*1*1 tim i y Klee! I ni. ? L WASH I N't J Ttl N WA I I'S I resji rflhilly announce hiVsolf a- a ?an Udale foi* re-i . . lion lor the olllee ol Cl erk of C< url, Hidueel lol ho resit 11 ?> .ii- lY mai.x election; i W. SH Kid,. I '..e Auditor, I respectfully iiniioiitn-0 myself nil a eopilldiile |..r lim olllee ?if County Audit or ai tho itpproaehliigeleetlon, siihjoi i lo the result ol I ho ITiinarv. if, .M. KILN X KS. ii. M Langston is ititnuiiccd us a eau dhlide lori re-election lo tl:.- Oltlco ol' I'miidy .vttdiior lor I.aim us t minty sit hit et lo tho act ion of I he I'ri in ii ry. l-'nr Ireusu roc, W, < i r r K S Klirr ??. ipei . mu-, pun I ie lu re tho Voters >.i Linn out County asa eaitdidaie for Kio olllee -.i i ninty Treasur, snhjecl lolhe I'riiuurv eh niioii, I w ould respectful l.\ nnnoiMieo inysrll a i 'illili hint tl fi 11" Hie Olllee ol' Conni-, 'I'roiisttror, suhjeel lo the primar v. ,1. \\ A jlK A N Dl'.'Ksi IN, I would rospooifully piesenl inyseli for reek ellon tn th.- olllee of < Uni \ I'rensiirer, Hiili|oel lo tho Priunirv. .'IUIIN II. I.'OPKL? N tl. l'or Selfool C'o ni ni i KS i o ii e i'< i respect Killy an nott noe pt vseit a (inn didah' for Ute olllee nf School Commis sion! r Mildool t.. MK- I'rinilli'V. N. I.. II \ IlKMIiA LK. I respeoifully announce myself as a candidate tor s.-hool ( 'ouiinisHlnnnr suh le.-I |.| lu- prima i v, T, I', i: v n I.. The Monds of M. I.. Ililli (ck hoing lui Iv s:it is ii., I wilh lu m Mi ii-.-hai'Mnr I lie duties ul He. lillico of Hehuol Cominis sinner lor Laitroua County respnoifully lioniinnle him foi re i I. i-tnm, Hllhjecl iii the iVhiiiirv. l.'Or Sheriff. I i'e*.peelfully iinii()tiiieo mvsolf a ? an ilhlnlii for tho olllee of S oriiVKiibjeol to Hie 11 ult ol' i ho I *i 11 u ar v nlccHoi', i i>\\ I .v c. si M I'SON. I i . K|)0( ? I u I ly myself asa ' ll llilhlle foi" lo "li'.'l ion lo lil" olin o ol Sherill', Kiilijeel to tho result of tho 1'ri iii ny. lt. r. HALLKW. I i ? s|iia| I'u 11 \ announce luv soll ns a ea nd n lal i- for ?flO (?uno ol Sherill. .). W . I.A M i ?UH. I would respectfully niiiioinieo my Heh'as a candidalh for the (lillee of Slier? ill' tor hall rms ('omit', hllhjecl tu the FVhiiai'V Klee! hui. ( ross Hill, s. i . W. I. Tl Ki' We ni e nu i hoi i/rd loUlll.tii'i" ('apt. Tl KIM \S .1. Ul CK i ; T l' a eaielidal . fol Hie Milloo ?.f Sherill', suhjeel o. the resid? of the Primar) . loctloti. April ii. I-'-'-. " Lor (lonni) <'oiiioiissioner. I n" p.a 11 eily minot) ooo nly tolf a eau? delate for ih" otil? . o,' . miiii.', .ind - sinner suhjeel lo (he I'ri ina rv. \\ 11,1.1 A MS W IlltJlIT Many liYlOltdH, I res|M)ctfullv annonncd inysolf ns a . amildato fur ' ?oiinly < 'oininl?slonor dub? lei n to tho primary ole? lion. i; n. MrrciiKL. i respectfully annoimoo invaolf a oAn ? ?date lor ro-ele.-t inn lo the oli'ne o County Coiiiir.issinner foi' Lanrens ('oiiniv, mthjoel io tho erl mary oleellon. .I AS. 1 '.K L11. I respecllully niinnuneo myself ja cnn ilhlatO for l'O-elecHim lo Hie ofllOO of County i 'i,mmlsshmer lor I,mirons foiinlv snlil(,( t t'> Uio Hrlmarv eloetion. 4 W. IL imiJMMONH, I roRpoetfnlly annotirtco mvseif n < nn dldato fm- rcoleetlon t?? Hm omeo <>i Coiinlv Cniniiiisluiur fer Lnurons ?linty sulij?cL lo thu 1'iiiiiary ch i timi. JAS. DOWNKV. ? UNTERR1F1ED BY THE _a THREATS OF FEEBLE E1VALS, " -A. m ci TXnewerving; in our Unwaverin g .TPolioy oi Gi i Ving t o Lb ? Pul ^ i Lo th? r./i.vv'h.t or ?FUnstnoi?tl in forma, ti oil sundi ? y "We Siip-plenietit theXJ?? rb OL outr IELSL "W eek's Dm ves in th? Co n*vJ -not ? i Ova I -f?, ; LB follows r.O(M) yds. chock Nainsook ftc. ?1000 yds. white India Lawns He. (?cnlleinoiifi Otxnza Shirt* 25.-. 4000 yd i. wldlc Lawn .">.?. Ucht?Viiicn'H unlauudried Shirts*?(>o. ." !". SOrhn Curtain* '/Ac. per yd, Ucnll/hifj; iii?' Mme honored policy ol' SKI.1.1 NM : in ile .il rd' ( ' \ lilH I N< !, we oHVsr ll?.' following lota of spring mid summer stylos ul prions thal show wo' mean TO X..set Tb.em GO u ii 12 J yds. Kruil of the i ,o,ii|i Mcneil lug for S*l,o0. 1 G yd ;. of < lieokod Homespun - I.'1 :.' eases lil' Prone . I \ !U*0. I .SOO vd i. r?f ( 'ol !>00 \ lis. Quill Lining at 3Ao I lcd li. king Cl lo 2fte, toes .ort? theEJffo:. ts oi'o i ir to keep aJoreetst I of VLB :i rx th? March ot .tPr ;s- i . LC! Tatter .f?iilnr? to j (Jope "with Lie in SVtyl?s siricl X-^rioee- -we throw down th? Q-a/u.ntl?? et.n e "v r. 100 doz. pr. La li.- I lost- ftc per- ju*, /ft lin/,, pr. Ladic i Hose . Ut pr, I f>0 'In/, f?enla Iii noli Lollars td .>?. 12 ft white Spn n'dn at '..'.<.. ?ft do/,, tpeciiiij Ladies l'a I lllaek Ho .? regular ftOe I lose for .. 5 i Kniluoid?re'd while Unties ?il ?i di' price, ft.? new t>'auya i ('loth i niL Unlike: tho rtUilting soinersaiiltisl of coiuiiiercial ai I pri?e and p i foriuuuros like Thu peiToei ring genius. V in thu uenernl aeci ? I thal lui ?II 10 ytl . I adi. .<,-. M i Mm.- ?.I ide 11 * yd . lunion < 'aldunen ; all col ? yds; I Vi ian Sud in- at U>.\ ll yd Salhi hair lined Plaids . t ';. Innere i ri doced lo I fte, ?. 1 lem letta fodu < d lo ?>' le. laud in fl 1 of tim ring and cmnranud puhli d ion . look unto our manner nf doing . nine trad mil) Ll". A I >LLs, A U G li STA G h S1 ? 0 0 M PAH Y, 3L? a nu re ii s, S C !'!<. " S iiiot.v-si.N I -H " tlroon'wooil 22? Abbeville ::.. .* p.. lion, :: .'.o l.v Uollon In :n : Ar William i"H I" '?'I i 17 .. Pulsier 11 lill I .-I " I ?lt ?lin. ni I I IT .? Iii (.ri . n\ lilt) I ' (Ci ii ?Ml .. Aul. i - on I S, " Sonoon .'. l? *. Walhalla (i I > " Allan::. Ill III ?SOUTH nor NI?, .so. r>.r>.| NO. ld.i V-> . l.\ W a ! 11 a 11 a 7 "? ll III i iv :?>< noon, s IM I ,v Viii Ita M>II '.? ?I ?> Ly Abliovilln IO'HI l.v (Iroonvillo H ?" '.: hi l.v Piedmont !. ?Cl 2 ">1 l.v Pelzor, ll .'it) :- Ul l.v WJIIianiHlon li 7 i. ?JV Holton m l.v (inionwood 11 l.v Ninolv si\ 1220 l.\ Lani, ns ?ii"i l.v (/'linton U W) |,v (loldvlllo 7 Oil Lv NOM III n v 2 m H . liV IV.?'. s '"' AV Alston fl I . " l*i i.v Albion ? . " i.v iiot KiningMi.." l.v A ali ci illo ' : . I.\ IloitdorHOiivillo l.v I Iel Ito I. lo Saluda l.v Tryon \,\ Spit) (anbinII... l.v 1.1 nioii I I : Ar A la to ii -i lo li 11 " ?olinnliia I J . I" io ' ? A iii'ii ita O l<) ! haily. ; Hail . OMS pl MllUOliV Sol. I Ians,'I radi.- M.,na.-, f, Ii. ( '.mho li. Dh . I'. Agon I. Ja- . I ,. I' i'. ||>l', ' Int). !'.: ->. Toi l ICo.v ul ?>t Wost ern 1 ?i roi i II RllilWU.*! < OllilUtll.'. . I II i o c t A pl .1 fi, |SS$, 'I'lmO 7 nh Meridian, san.?' na K. ?V D. H. Il, Hmo. (?.i Mg Solll |l, I. "!i\<. Alld i -on 'ii ilpili |7 00 ll tu !.. an- Kpartdnhiirg 1 .?? p ni I. avo Oreen vi Ho Iii 'V> p ni I IO 00 ft lil Leave I .aurons l IV! p in I ,oavo i ? roi u .\ ooiI . p m Leave Md "t mick ; ir* p m ? I flii p m Ar'vo Atlftin tn o i? In I fi I > p m t lol tig North. LonVfl Augusta '7 .'. a ni LonvotMi'i ormloh '.'ioni an.) 112 18pm Lonve H rooiiM m u I ll 11 a in \ r'vi> ?in Km illo III mi u m A r've spat taul.iirg 2 IO p in Ar'vo Aiiii'V'ii '1 iipui I lu 20 jim Dinly. I Ililli) o ? ' ?'i Siindny. ?sun ila y only. ety? Sunday tr dil loftVoa .'. mh-rsoii nt 7 a ni and n t m UH at I lu p m. Hon noels willi Hain io anti froin Orooit Wood, I,ama II- and Spill tanlmrg. f'ounoctlons nt Augusta with flcorgln, NouHi.l'ai'ojina nod l'outrai Railroad*. AI Mpar tan burg wu h A A (I Air I ino and Aaliov|lla A Spnrtanbtirg lt. lt. Tii kc's II salo o. all points at through rules. (1nggllUO Chook0(1 lo destination, W, .1 ( KAIL, Arti. P. A, WW STA Kit, Supt. Augusta (ll NOTICE The Int iii I i of a liridgo across Kahlin ('reek at ( ! "odglon's Factory w ill ho lot io (he low, st, liidih-r nullo. 20(11 dav ol July Ino, ai 12 o'clock M. At (JOodglOli'a Pol) tor Vi IICOOrdlllB tO tim Spool (leatious prcjtontcd on tho iottlngor aald brldgn, willi thc privallga of objecting lonny hills. .1A M KS MK LL. July 8, Uhf, pi Ot O. 0 Bros., Buy Your Gooda tor Cash and Save Money. lal! ami wo ll . . <. t1111 .. : i > I ? .. . stlliftfai tildi tn ht?i i: LA lil). UOKKKK, M KA Ii, HAMS, Mt ?LAXKKS, St ?AI?. OAT MK AL, VINEGAR CAN ODODS, ' 11 KW !.V aii'l SMOK?NO TOllAOCO, TICAS. Ac. Tryout- Von II per HI, voil will lin Riirpilsed, l?owdor und Midi., I'lou . Plow-Stocks, llames nuil Trnc?s, Salt hy Hie car-load, lb lunn ic i. :. : i . linn nm, Ku, nonna Oil and many oilier llliuus, t/x> num erous, lo 111 O III ?(lili Our Moli?: "Slitfrl Proiils^and Quick SaK" Kuy youl lan i I tn- nm ids from SI M Mt >NS MIOS., and snvo inouoy. Ti mu* aro ii , lull wo moan to meei lim cm. imamm- ol'lim finn's; by UTTING DOWN PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Mim e ; marktil price, paul for 11 ? . 1 <- ?_ Terms chsli, SIMMONS BROS,, Second dour below (ll ?IV Si Sllll?va f^-f?j OSBORNE'S Th? "9ld Reliable" S^^^^ISUIl^o JPhe Front. lol.I.Ki. I.. A ny min, Ga. Oneol themniidgnk (.Im. m o.,- ...t ie ?mool ; Kt?| .,i (ollftKo Cnn./ M?ny noun.-. In ihcxl plying Wc (.-.tend Ibanlc* to mn ?i muds- l.u piMiiKMit. Full e*ut?>,+womb*. SounfottucuUn, u,. ?,- ..,.,".,.""" .upport throiMli thu ffeU . n ! |>i. pu ,i , l.y nioka buy* m ni; -| ?III IIIIIHIIMII un nu i bb ti VIII H f M i . > ' ii nj', and li rst-ebms gOrtds lo merila cnutinuaiu.-n nf the Hame). Ot -gu vn ?A ./pk y{K ia ?j ?A-?. 11 ' "?.tb?' ha* arrow u I?wily d^ffi? ?\ Sufi 9 " 1 v 1'iopoHp bi ?.I our l?gitimai? I W I Sr\ OP U ?J 'vJ burn ofij,o (rado by -dicking ?l?l?? I-*. Lt i' i. Y 'v? HOI', I'1'' s< '' 11 I'ockot Hullo ( den bi call mi UM and gel uno of tho clo "?^ S'T^O ?'^ 1I '' Now I.Hlboll. (o paint ymir IIOIISOH. I'rloos and ipialit.v guaranteed, y.V SCi?C ;',T'Q (Iel osllinalijS Oil Ibo Ifesl and cheap . O'i'A/y) o ' '' "" 1 '"'.libel. \ v^0, ^Ci./fe^?^ : : inc lin tc and iiiuin slm'M, wlduli '" o ** wo would In? pleased in price to oar fffw? -""V 2 -*\ clent lia. 1 \ I ns good ns new and Ilia n/nv OUrfS eau I/o .A t* >w J prevunfud from over y -whig ohl,*t'h> J^WUI*' ^*?^tfif iiumluul cn a. 1 SYP GL ASLl b^' V' (?HillOn Inolioford Irriylilfl your eook PAT 'JULY r* lavr '''' .' ". ' '"' nntkfl ll to your interest. Yul;Al rn A Ml*KOIAl.TY. HWl'M. on lied nul a ,?11 him of VVo sro A gout fl for 11.ninnis j'OloJirnleUj ," th iinilllhisAna powder, ('aoHuoply .b Irv, Wal lu ?i (di ie, we nieiehhtil friends nt factory priooM. roHpeelfiiMy ?olle|l ?.? Muire of public p u -^--.-^ In lids sent?n ?nd viii b. ilil at .. ton NVIlllU.s:t,(. llM(, u..l:li, ,1 ?rdwaro Htors 1 l.v kt* I" I - Lauron? H. .cxiREPAtnifieDo .---.---?i Wc make a Sp.'cia'.tv m' l?cpaiiim?, mid 'ijr1^ ^Tf" R Hf"^ ^ gu?rante %\\ work done neut H \? '^ftW U W la?? !?* *. , ft|)d nat ial'aetory inanimr. All v. . ..i-r^-r-tzr^-- '. . : ii Work warranted I v. ., A|| >l( ,,,,,"i|"^.drttnis ??aihSl llU, Call al tim stm..."an nt W.?.(di cslite of .Lido WllllaniMoii, dee'.L, W?f hc.snn.. prpfipntthem u??hs uiidor?l?iinil on or lo, Hm .Hi m .Inly n- xt, nr IM? barred. .: 0. T. MASON'S : SON. : AH porsons inaeWod win pw?,. LAU UK NS, S.C. June lf?,is>?. at Kxoo?U>t