The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, June 13, 1888, Image 1

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EMPSON MILUS. ?Htcr Hipp Lo YOL. ?. LAI KENS C. LIM S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1886. big job of Clothing _Baltimore Fir?. CLEVELAND-THURMAN UNANIMOUSLY NOMINATED BY THE CONVENTION. - A Full Ktvjort o? tin; Moat Harmonious nnd ' EuthusiaBtic Convention!? Ever Holt! Tho TeoplVB ch)lco "Destiny ic "Ban dana" ST. Louis, Juno ti*.-Tho Demo-j orftth national convention to-day j bioko tho record for tbo Kr?ntest diaplny of enthusiasm over wit nos sod in a similar body. For over twenty consecutivo minutes 12,000 people Ulled the air of tho great convent len ball with a volition of undimhiishing applause, compara ble with nothing on earth, perhaps, save the roar of the falls of Niagara. It followed the utterance of these words: "I give you a name en twined with victory. 1 nominate (Hover Cleveland, ol' New York." The speaker was Daniel Dougher ty, of Tammany ball. With bead proudly erect, every libro ol bis features quivering, every nervo ol his nobly ligure tense, Ibo m agu if Iceilt-voieed orator was alternately thrilling the vast audience and holding them spell-bound, when, at the climax of his eloquence, he named for tho Hrs! time the mau who was uppermost in the i houghts of nil. Il was needless to utter an other word. Dougherty paused for a moment to ga/.e over the hun dreds of frantic cheering delegates and nt ibo even more frantic thou sands of spectator-; beyond. High i above tbt' fores! ol bends wits thc waving of innumerable roil hornill mis. Hats and cane.' were being pitched Into the air, while the cheer ing was becoming so terrille that no single enthusiast could hear his screech in the one overpowing gen eral yell, Al this moment in the mammoth picture of the capitol at Washington covering the wall fur above the platform ami in | hun view of the whole con vent ion, doors were seen lo swing back, ami tho smiling face of President Cleveland beamed out on bis admirers, livery body in the hall scorned fairly be sides himself willi excit emeu t. The stone bust ol (he President near the speaker's stand was crow neil wit li a wreath of green, snatched hy ut most frenzied hands from among the decora lions of the platform. 'Tho long poled state hu nr. ors among lologutos wore being whirl ?ed wildly in the air, when the con vention willi a mighty : Inuit dis -covered Daniel Dougherty climb ing OU the chair in the middle ol tho New Yorkers on the ll ?or. Ile was waving alofi an American Hug. As if moved by a common Impulse the stamin rd hearers ortho differ* cut st ut cs nil passed toward .New York, euch seeking to reach Dough erty's emblem with their tull stub's and toss it to the roof, At Ibis mo ment the hundred A mei lean ea gles ornamenting (he railings of tho gallery were being torn off, and their outstretched mimic wings, si x feet from Hp to tip, w ere (lap ping with tho assistance ol' the near est spectators-men ami women alike. lu sheer mercy lo the peo ple, Chairman Collins ul length in terposed, and. after repented efforts, directed their attention to the tall { Kentuckian who stood beside bim. Tlds gentleman, Delegate Macken zie, wits t > second the nomination ! . of Cleveland, ami aroused llio con .vention toa renewed outburst ul-1 rowet at tho llrst word by declaring | that there "wits hut one Democrat in the country more popular tbuii Cleveland-thc queenly woman ho has made bis wife." Again tho convention was in un uproar when the speaker gave fl brand new litio to Ibo lender of the Republicans the "Florentine Muutie from Maim-. Mackenzie moved to now sus pend tho rules, and made the nom ination of Clevoland absolutely un animous. Hut everybody wu* giv en A Chance, Then the thing was ?done with ono extraordinary bur rub. The other great feature of the .day Indite convention was Hie four .concerned struggle between tho Tburirnn men, the (?ruy men, the tariff reformers and the protective tariff element. Tho Thurman dole? gate? wen; eager to have Hw moni nation for Viet' President made ill once, while tho enthusiasm Was al fever lieut. They were reinforced * by tho tnrlff reformers, who were Incensed st tho delny of thc coin? milter on pint form, and eager to administer a rebuke. The dray men were using Fabian tactics, mid had nide nllies in the protection Ists, Roswell I?. Fowler, of Now York, mid Daniel NV. Voorhees, of Indiana, were the opposing leaders, the b/tler being regarded as the spokesman of ?Jray. Though out* numbered many times over, the phalanx under Voorheos was muk* ! lng a most determined light, con ti-a*ing every inch in tl way thal ? threatened to develop ugly feelings. \ .lust when things had a particular ly squally aspect, White, orCnli fern bl, in tho interest of the obi Kommt, poured oil on tho troubled \\ aters. The postponement asked for hy Voorheos was advocated by White on broad grounds lu a mun* uer as magnanimous as it was ex pected. Tho adjourn men I was in peace. Many left tho hall willi ?lark forebodings regarding what might luke place in (ho platform committee before Hie convention reassembled, hut the great majori ty of delegates fell to discussing on their way out from the bull tho e.\ elting details of their own proceed- ' lugs. 'I he pint form committee adjourn- j ed to-night et il, having agreed on ; the platform of '81 willi tho asset'- ' (ion Hutt the President's mcssiigo Is the proper Interpretation of the I ii ri ir plunk thereof. The suo-com millee w:i< in session from 8 last, night lo :: this morning, being una ble al any time to get a vote. Tho sub-eomniltleo reported to the full committee al '.? ibis morning, which remained in session till the after noon, when ii adjourned for dinner to meet nguiu nt ."?. When lim com mittee wits culled for report to-day in I he eon von. ?on the response wu? ? thal tho committee would not ku really to report till s to-night. ru i: KI HST TUST vo n;. Tho li rt important vote taken | in the rommmitleo to-day was on j Mr. Watterson's motion to strike out all tito reports ns (hen prepar ed referring in any way lo tho pint form of '84. but this was beut en by the (iormtinites by a vote of 2? to lil, After this signal victory tho fr.I milers were ready for it compromise. (Jorunu), who wished harmony agreed to uceepl nu nmendmonl lo the tdl'eci that tho President's message bo declared Ibo proper interpretation ol 'Hie lurid' plank ot the platform of '81. '('bis being agreed lo, Hie platform was adopted by the committee tts abotio, Hie only dissenter being ex Mayor (looper, of Now York, who showed some asperity at what bo en i bal "ti free trade platform." W'A TT K Uso N I N SM I I.KS. When Hie committee adjourned j Watterson made a lillie speech lo I the reporters, saying Hie platform | was entirely snlisfaclory lo him and to all tho commit I ec. 1 re - menthol' Watterson sahl Ibo satin? thing when I he pla! lorin of '81 was ndoptcd al Chicago, Dullignon, v. bo voted lorine omission (d'r?f ?rence t<? the platform of '81 when dorman curried (lu- committee, mys ho i- entirely saiislled willi the result, ll?' says it is a victory for the Watterson element of tho party, in which opinion Humor, ol' r'orsytho, concurred. As tho plat form Ol '81 was all that (?orinan VVilH working for, he lilies liol t aro a thing about Ibo addendum about ('loveland's message as lo Ibo tar nr. lill. I NTT. KN A I. UKVKXl'K, The President's views ns lo Hie Internal revenue were liol adopted. Senator Turpie, of Indiana, voled with < lormail. .Morrison, therefore, served notice upon Hie indianians Hitit if 'Purple persisted In that cour se (tray would iud gel Hie Western vote. A committee of fl ve waited on Turpin and notified bim to appear before Hie I udialla delegation in Hie morning io show entise, cte,, \\ by lie should not he bonged, I suppose. It i- very probable now that (?ray will withdraw before the nomination to-morrow. However, it i- certainly true that there are a large number of delegates u bo do not favor 'rinn man. Who Will be our Congressmen? I. 'rhere ls tm indication of any opposition to (he re-nomination of t lou. Samuel hi bolo of the Isl DIs triet. II. in (he 2d District th report ls that M r.'t illman will bc oppos ed by Mr. I>. H, Henderson, of Ai ken.'and Col, llob. rt Ahlrieb, of llitrnwcll, both of whom are strong men, III. In the Uti District Congress man Colli ra n will liol have any op? posil ion. Iv. In thc Ith Matriel Mr. W. II. Perry will opposod by Col. l>. ft, Duncan, of Hpartniihurg, and (len, John liratton, of Ka lr Held. V. In Hie ftll Dial rid lhere IH 110 sign of any opposition to Congress man Hemphlll, ami ho will proba bly have "a walk over." Vi. I ll Iho ?"'til District Mr. deo. W. Dargan, Hm sitting member, will be oppose" by Mr. II. If, New ton, of Heimetl-ville, who is the Solieilor Of the Uh Circuit, and who declinen re-election to that po sition, mid by Col. J. Bluo, of Marien, VII. 'lhere will he noopposi I ion to Congressman William Rlllotl In the 7th District. Mr. Lawton, the United States minister to Austria, arrived lit New York. He staled that in nu interview with Mr. Ulallie, while in Rome, bo Inferred that the Maine statesman would neeept the nomination if tendered him. PARTY I'RINCIPLliS. A DOCUMENT UPON WHICH TH! DEMOCRATS WILL AGAIN WIN. IM Plattorm ol '84 Rndorsed und tho i'rcn Iden Ca McBsagu tho Key Thereto. Lox Tariff tho Issue. Tho Democratic party <>f (lu United Slates, In national conven lion assembled, renews tho plcdgi of Itu Ihlcliiy lo ihe I Icmocrnlii faith MIK! rc-aiilrniH tho plat furn adopted hy UH representatives ?1 tho convention ol is. I, ami entlor ses tho views ex presset I hy L'rcsi dent Cleveland in his las! eurnesi mess.ige lo Congress ns the correct interpretation ol'thal platform up on thc question of turill'reduction and nisu end ?rses the eirorls of on I )en i oe ml ir repr?sent?t i vow in Con gross to sec u i'e u reduction ?d' ex cessive taxation. Among lt?; principles nf pail*, faith are, the niniotunee of Hie in dissoluble union of free and Inde structible slates now about to en ter upon ?ts second century of un exampled progress ami renown devotion to the plan of j^ovonitnuiil regulntod by 11 written constitution strictly specifying every granlei pow. r and expressly reserving lt the States or the people the entire llilgl'Ulllcd residue of power; tin encouragement nf jon lou.i popubii Vlgilanee directed to nil who IlllVt been chosen for brief terms lo enuc ami executed the laws ?ind ?un charged willi Ibo dut.\ of preset*? ving peace, ensuring equality tun (.stabling bis justice. The Democratic party welcome thu exuel sertit iny of I be nilminis l ra t ii ?:i nf Ibo exeeut i ve poi* e which four year ago wes eoinmil led to Hs I nisi lu the elect ?011 1. < '. rover ( llcvclnn I UH I'resld nt ?. the United State . and it challen gos I be most -eur 'liing i m | u i rv eon corning il- Ihlolilv ;tn<l devot i m t. Hie pledges willen Iben invited Hu su (Wages of the people. I>nriiq 1 be most erl ? loni pei ?,..1 of ou li n a nein I a Ifni rs resp'ting from ? ? ?s < ? la Nation, nu tiiiomaloiis eomlt'tioi of our i III nu y ninl t be publh debt u n nuil ure il bus by Hu adopt iou ol'n wise und conserva live foiirse m>i only uvobled dlsas tors bul greatly promoted the pro.? peri ty nf our people, ll hus revers ed the illipro ,'idei) t niel ll ll w i -I policy ni Hie Itopulilicnn pnrt,\ i ? > 111 . 11 i 11 g Ibo public domain ; 1111 bas reclaimed frmi corporation.? und syndicates, alien nml ilomc.sth .uni restored lo the people nearly one hundred millions id' acres 01 bimi to he sacredly held as home st ea. ls for our citizens. While cure fully guarding the inter! sis ;>i Hu principles of justice mid equity, i. bas paid oui inure lor pensions ililli bounties to the soldiers timi ?nil r ol the Itcpuhlic (bun was evt r paid befnre during tin 1 <|tial period. 11 bus titlopted and nm-i deni ly pur sued ti linn und prudent foreign policy, preserving peace with ?ill mitions, while scrupulously main taining nil the rights timi inter, sis of uir own government und peoph ni home anil ahmad. Tho exclu -i in from our shores of Chinese I < hi r bas been elieet uni ly secured iiiub-r tb(> provision of the (realy, the neraii m of which li - been post .ned by the net ion of l he Ile publican majority in the Semite. lu every branch und department of thc go vern mon I under Demo cratic control, thc rights und wel fare of nil the heople have been guarded ami defended; every pub lic interest bus been protected und Ibo eqiinlil v of nil our cit /.ens he fore tlie law vvitnoul regard to rac? or color bus bee. ) demi fust ly main* (nilled. Upon Ks r. rni I thus exhibited un I upon (he pledge of die con til'. mince to (he people of lim hcncllb of Democracy, Hie Democratic pur? ty invokes tb renewal of I lie popu lar trust by the re el eel ion of tin chief magistrate w ho bas been fuithul, uhlo and prudent; niel it invokes in addition to (hut trust the transfer also to ILo Democracy nf the entire legisla I i % e power. Tin Republican party cor trolling Hu Senate, and resisting 11 both IIOUH es of Congress the reloriiiution ol the unjust ami uncqut'l lux law* which hilve outlasted the necessi ties of war and are now umlcrmin lng the abundance of a long peace deny td the people the ei|ll:tlit> be fore law and Hie Inirncss mid jus tice which are (heir right. Theil the cry of American Libur for : helter share in the rewards ol in dustry is stilled willi n fa IMO pre tence: enterprise In fettered nuil h unid dow n to Imme markets, Tho Democratic party will con tinue with Hil lim power coiltldci toit to struggle io reform tho ( laws in accordance willi the pied ges of ils last platform endorsed al the Inst ballal box by Ibo aufTrugei of t be people. Of all the illustrious freemon o our laml nu immense majority In td nd i l'g every I ??1er of t he soil, gail m> nd van Inge from Ibu cxecsslvi lax laws but the price of lion ri} everything that they buy is in creased by thc favoritism of Hu unequal law system ?1 tux legisla Hon. All liltuecossary taxation is un just taxation, lt is repugnant (1 the creed of I he I lenioc rn cy that bj SUCll lUXatlOn the cost of till' Heres sal ies of lite should be unjti-dilia hiv increased te tho pt opie. Judff ed* by Democratic principles, Hu interests of the people ure betray ed. when by Unnecessary tnxatioi huais and combinations uro per- ' mi Kfd to exist, wi I ich, while undu- ' ly enriching the few, combine for ! he robbery of out' citizens hy depri ving ( hnn of the be m di ls of nut lon ni competition, Wim I NV ns K? Kui' 'i'll K A OVHIl'l I -ti; i:. A mouth Ugo. linn e er loss, Five school giris, and their school-m is t VISS, With pole and line and dainty bail, hid sally lorin io recreate Youth, beauty, health and joyous glee Shone on theil" brow s; end jos fully They started <>ui. all rivaling Six randiaul How ors ol eat l.v Kprb g. Ilei'ore they wont, ?nal lei me state, 'rin se six young girls did legislate; Willi wise I'ore-siglil otc law Ihey made, '.'l'a Ililli- I hr lnn/s ill /miiir" -Uley stayed. These lair young legislating girls. I ' ni i he our ina le law-giving churls. Made one m o re law , I hat w as all : '.Enrli ;iirl shall (aid' liri />?rmM>//'' Croll "led lillis from sun and beaux, The startling fact was now discloiod, Tho' armed willi polo lind lineal.d honk, wa-- no river scarce a brook! but t ho obis) ie dm >\ anl mind. Which in school-girls wo always: lind, hid tail not now in this distress; II s. i v e. I I hem will, a nd Unir m ist ress. They went alon:: beyond Ibo hill. Ami (here lin y found a lillie till Which i m i .ble. I ..ut i h.- hill-side flowed idowdy on sea ree throe biol W ide! ll bubbled through a swamp, A pince unfit Lu girla io romp. Al las: . aloe oui ?ni., i lu- liulil, And hiv in sunshine hut ami I righi. Two hours Ol' moro Ihey wandered round, O'er rocks and ri" O ami rough plowed Viol!!:.I. The scorching sun sank slow ly dow n. And .v.--; I hough brigid glai.d sadly 'rou e..I. When suddenly was heard a cry: "h.. run hore ? iii-. I (hink iInn I ; Have booked a llsh Hint's nul.mall, Ito lake UIN dal ami parnsul : Ami I w ill My t.. bind litis tish, lloro; help me -.-ii I . Ol lee/. I w i- h I lia! i wastell ie- ... le r -ide I . u' this grand sin um." (.'Twas (breo I foci vv Ido ! i j l'|l Weill I ll" p-'le W .ld V I gO mils ll If" ll. One girl sahl, "ann l,\ I hal's ti porch!" ? Anni liol sahl, "il cini'l ho I hal. I I think nix -elf. b is eal ." Some oilier girl, "upon my si ul, I I du belie?, < "li> a lad pole." , i I "No, No, 'hs not," (lu .n e sal I. "Why can't you see iihorny bead?" 1 .lust st i I ho guessing went around, M eau xv hid- i he tish unlit i'.litia iloii'ii 1 hilo I he v. ai. r v> hence ii cunio, * Now loll na ri ador, what's in name? I Ix, M. 1 A Kow French tillie. The arming of tho French Infantry ? witli the Lelnl rill . ii now going oil , rapidly. St. Etienne and Tulle arc lite ( chief contera of Ibo manufacturo, mid . tho government worlcs nt tho former t place have of Into liceil nearly doubled in size, l'or son io wooka past tb weapons have been Unbilled and delivered nt tho : rate of "HIM u day. und 00,00 I nroll I rend;.' . in Ibo hands of thu troops, ! The anxiety of tho French governmer . i to keep Beeret tho dotnilsof (he luvcnlioi I j is still extraordinary. Soldions are not I allowed lo touch their rillossavo in Hit t pr?-.cece of a commissioned olltccr, and | Ute cartridge;! that aro h om limo to limo ? , set veil out uro counted, receipts aro given . 1 tor them, mid those which ..te not ex- t pended have te be inspected every three hollis during the |>er?ud that elapses be fore tiley can be returned into store, lt. is saitl timi the regulations have been so 1 . trictlyenforced thal not tl private in tho ' French anny kiiowseven (ho ci lor of (ho ' powder which he uses.-St. James'Ga- 1 ret?*. I rm: KOAH NOT COLI;?J I> No Trill li i ll (be liv 'I'Lul <<>] < lapse ol ( lie ( ieoig in, < ,i roi i nu mid Northern Ituill'oild. .< I 'harlotlo ' ihrotih lo | I The (ulk ti bon I Hie collapse i f" > thc Ccorgin,Carolina and Norther.i I rend ls claimed by the Men bord Air I Line ollieinls tn he nil bosh. How : . it originated or w in? started il, ls i nol known, bul Hie olllcials of Hie v company say thal of one thing they 1 ure certain, and (hal i-, thal there is no truth iii it whatever. ( (lionel h. C. .lout s, superinten dent ol'1 be ('ar.dina Central, w as in the city yederday, bul left ?n i his special car in the afternoon for i ii (our over the newly completed i portion of th t) rood. Winn asked i about Hie col hi lise of the (leorgla, I Carolina ami Nor! bern railroad, be i laughed ami said (hal there wa? ; not bing of it i thal I lie < Icorgiu, I Carolina and Nol l hern was as sol id I to-day ns ever, und w as pushing steadily ?.ii to Atlanta. i (louerai ll. I'. Hoke, w ho is so < prominently con nee tu* I willi tho I nm hiing of this road, was tillite in dignant over Hie rep u l Ililli ||tld . been circulated. ''There ls liol ono. i word of (ruth lu it," said ili <!olo? I ned, I lo went on Li say flint he i bad only yesterday bu nted the de? i pot for Iiis rom! in Chester, The i (icorgiu,Carolina and Northern, lie i said, is as sound ns ever, and per? I feet ly able lo lake care of itself. Ii i has all the mo icy il wants, nild l does md Intend io stop short of ?j Atlanta, lt w ill haul Chester's| j cotton Ibis fall, lt ls perfectly Ita- j' dependent and cannot be bought i I i.p by the Itu dimond and Danville j i or any < ther road. When Colonel 11 .Iones nod < ?e.,ci ni 1 Like bot li say I ' j lhere is nothing in the report, the i peuple may be satisfied upon that i i I score. i MK. WILLIAM ARK THE GEORGIA PHILOSOPHER ON , STOLEN FRUIT. Stolon Sweets Are Sweetest to a Hoy. ' Tho Sin ol Robbing Birds Nt Ni in -r- j ' onsiy Illustrated. I visited :i Indy hi my travel u lm 1 wns tint C?IIIII mid sonnie, for some boys had slipped up and stolon the 1 young mookine; birds from Hie nest ' sin- hud boon wu (edi lng so long. "And only lo think," she sn id, "two 1 of (hu boy-; woe preachers' run s and I told t bom ono tiny liol to . ; take tho birds, nod thc next day i ' Ihey caine while I was gone mid ' tonk I hem." Well,a bird's nest isa very living ' tiling lo n boy. \\ lud bor ho is II preacher's son or not. li strains It I itt. 11 - i i ?i I nu isl obliged to have ; it. Ii is as bul n< a watermelon to a darky. There has been many a chapter written about the ?in of I robbing hird nests, bul thu lobbing' goes on nbent tho sume, The nest is so cunningly mnde and the eggs uro so pretty. ll i- a prize for n j boy, ?ind Iben I here is ;i fooling of triumph in having found what was bidden. The sn i nt* feeling i iud ines ! a niau lo go lisliing-not for tho love of Ibo ii di, but (he 1"\ e of the ! Sport. IL loV( . b> beal (he llsh nt I their own game. Mo loves lo caleb ; them been use t bey don't waul lo be. .uttight. Somebody soul Mr, (.-love land .?' line salmon Ihn idle r day, ' ' and ho said heoiivh d Ibo man v bo . uuglil ll. li loot liken vi r,\ small business for ;i large mau lo lake pleasure in, bul ii i- nature, and we j ; tin'l help it. I ).iiiiil Websli r sn h I ' Unit nobody liked t.. tish except . genUetnen mid vagabonds. Ile 1 WHS mi lui.en. All chl> o - like lo tish, bul nobody bul gentlemen am! 1 ' vagabond have limy. The gund 1 book says: "I will give ! bee do minion over the bensb <.l [he Held ami lite llsh of (he -en mid Ibo fowls i : I lie ni r.*' And -u wo want ' it, nuil 1 <. more Ihey lesisl us ibo more we want i?. Nobody wnnts lo -bon a chi. !>.'ii or !" flitch one 1 il) il ti up, bul w e w ill ll -ol till ii: \ for ? i ii ti i Ls or - qiilrrols or baw i s, j ?u-t because t bey ure w itel timi I won't submit In :i . I saw hundreds ? : if squirrels lu n park at Menipbi . 1 Inti nobody wanted them, for Ihey I were lame, mid u otild eal mil from your hnttd. We prefer a w ild rut lo a lame squirrel. NOW, I ?lin mil evening :i buy for roi lung a bird'- neal, lor it i- ci iud - i.mi e cruel (hun t" cnteli ii Itsh, for i ii.-ii i- a low er order <.! living .rei lures, ?ind does II d enjoy life ?ki II bird. A li -li lei - net gol much nore sense nur feeling Ilia!) a moll- ? coy wrench, ??ut r does distress the ; dd hirds very much lo take their, voting away erin bunk np their tests. Then, again, Um boys don't ; imlci'stnud tin niccdistiuclhuis be ween ".neilin mid Ilium," mine mid : hine, I hey dm'i know where the lue i- between wild thing-- (hat be cmg lo everybody and those that ire near the house und belong tu uimchody. Why, one tiny Hie lin union!, ill in nu no roi I rascals came II my meadow mid killed Ibo squir .els we bad been raising for years, I complained lo some hoys once be muse they ii bb.ul my mocking drd's nest, and (hey said, why, thal i os I was on the oilier sid. .vf Ibo .ond. Son:.- folks (nivelo pi st (heir amis io koop intruders oil', I ut that lon't koop them dir very much, um! be hunters set bim down as a slln ry,Hellish cuss', They tramp down ny corn nvcrj year to catch a few lah in (ho creek, ami as fol* water* iielous, we lia \ e . i ti it planting them ?ir away I rom the I ouse, A whit" ?oy about ?ix cen yours old wi.'l deal ;i ii ohm as i|uick ns a negro, md be will b . mcuticr about lt, for ie will ping :i do/en lo lind a ripe me. A w hite mau who will steal it ?ill w ill steal anything, und he ul Aiiys earrie- some envy or malice Hong with bim, hui n negro just likes little things Hull bu think ,'ou doii'l need and won't mis-, and ie i- really intieh obliged lo you for laving a surplus. Hu luis no malice .ml no envy. Unis glad you aro | 'Icli. I bud ?in nhl ax, anil one day . vlieii I wanted ti I eouldn'l lind it. made such a fuss about il (bat one if the darkb H brollghl il nonie ami ' ?lid he was Jes koopiu' ii for mo lill ' Wllllled ii. Hut a white man .ame along one day and stdio.tho mw ono, and when my nahor win , mule (he ha milo saw lt at bis w.I die und asked him w here be gol ll, ie said he found ll in Hie big load. lt? luis gol it yet, I reckon, for 1 lever troubled him aboul it. i hud .ather a negn would Hleal from me ban a while mau - he does it so enderly and HO iniidcontly. "Uncle Jack, Ihey ny Heil you lark les are stealing coal from the .ars every Saturday night when hov stop over for Munday?" Now, ii ?ss, you know dal ain't no Hielt a (bing. I Hebbel* llllS techa dt ol'dat coal. Maybe de chillan uko 11 little now ami dell, but de 'll 11 road neber miss what dey lake. Dem big long ky ii rs jos so lull doy .mined over," und lu* laughed a igbt honest good mi tu red laugh. lt.ilnb lost bi- knife ?ind Ned found t und swapped il off quick, lind Abeu il WHS found Oil! betook high ;rouml and said lie "bum dal knife iwny dow n yonder hy de tilg guie." There ure lots of bilks w ho think but finding a thing gives tin m a .igbt to lt. Some boys limi muf lios nod balls ami pencils, mid keep bom-most all boys do some lillie nenn (hings on t he sly, t hlngs they ire ashamed df afterw ards. I help .ii some boys steal wntcriufjons. 0 once nml was cattghl Ul ?I, and foll mci n a long i i mo? I um piad I was caught* lor it cured mo i-a?dy, Tho owner ca nm righi upon UH in the corner of the fonoo ?in dsnld: "Why. boys, you don't know how [o tell ll ripe UielOll froill a irrcon ?inc. Let mo gel you <onie ri].ue.s'.'" And hu thump L?d around and found une ind sal down willi us and Iud ped ns ont (hem, but every mouthful 'hoked me und stuck io my throat. Ile wa-a good man ?111(1 never told in us. The good boys we rend ibout i n t bo Sunda s' School books ure very weare? - I he boys who nev? T (old a story or took a cake or a lump oi" sugar on Ibo sly-who never copied a. sum from ati ?ther boy's sla(e-who never went in n wnsblng, ur kepi secret* fioni their mother-w ho never bud i li^ht und didn't tell ii-or novel -aid dev il and durn ililli dog OU il away from home. When I \vn iihout thirteen I was t lie mill boy and 1 bud lo po two milos to tin mill, and I alway.- managed lo gi with -onie other i, y-, so ns lo run horse race - coming. Some lime. I could have gol the noa hy waiting a little while hut tho t cmptttthtu wm tun ?..rea' and s i I bad lo tell a little -tory -. ns lo ....vt to race coming home nm Iben race au.un going aller ;h. [rrist. I toys have their tempi niton lust ; like men, and I bu nu n i d a bon I us otton ns t be boys. I li di (fe re nee i- (ho men cover up (hoi ; rucks lad 1er than I be boys, Tb men don'l steal nor tedi Iles, bu [hoy cheal mid trick and schein ind ia ? nea I thc I rut li. Sou ie (i them do. Some very respect nhl .rd n I lomen. \ I rad i tig luau cai lui rd ly bc n ? undid niau. S dono i odd s "A Ile < in I be joint bel ween I lu buyer and ! oller," tim lie said, 11 i- naught, ii is uaugbl -ai i h (he buyer; i>Hi lifter bc buy .ih be goidb bis wavniel ia j..i--. (li. And so, alter ail. i belli v !< I bm rather risk Hie boysj even lliou;..! ;bey rob the turd nests. If n bo, .viii just feel lin un after lie does tooan I liing I have hope.J .. hil) Mime I i mes boys \\ ?ll do bad I bing inst foi the peril ol IL-the ri d< -lb ia/.ard of being caught. There I III ad voil uro a bon I ii I Iud t ito lk( . ju-1 like I bei e b nboul smuij j?ilng or mnking moousidue whi key. Tho moro boys j lid more the l>bd mischief, line dog won't - di'by himself abd Ivlll sheep, lin . o ono hov \voii'| rob ul) ap; le oi ?hurd. Ile inus( have coui|uiuy. utve known school hoys lo wnl wo milos I os ten I apple- when tho III?! apple- al home. < ?no dal lipid s Onie of ile- boy - went t-. i > V ION Hillier's, a milo a way, und stol i lie-' gnni and carri, d ii to the ii t ii ute wrapped up lu a (pilli ail rot st ung nil over, though I hoy lui unley every day nt lim hi ia rd iii ion-e. Yon seo I be old devil tel hem I here i - fun in il, hut lier.' mt. I Ie is au old liar. .1 i m Li. . ai and Ned t building and Thu I loll went ".it on a lat I? one ni ?j I ind thu three geese stole a gundi rom old I -am W ?'liam- and lin tarried him home um! shut bim i n t lie closet. Tb .>' bud mi use fi lim in thc World, and just stn i i in lu ea ii -e I lo-re wa- Hot bil?" ".' ?amiy. '.< lld Pal," I bc 11 aclu .a me ion in I Ibo n ext ni fib! ns u mi to see if i be li lys w orb in I bo '(toms, mid sure enough Hie o! rando* squalled us ho was talki! o i hem. mid that Iel (be cal ont he ling and i bc guilder oui of il ?toset, I he boys lind lo carry bi .ack to Kulde I sa ni's and liked ?ave hecti expelled besides. Ni building w a- (he best laid boy . ver saw. I le Was lovable ai ind kind and we Slim 11 ooy |< i. ?d upon him ns a friend, fi ir I lever won ld Iel a Idg boy i ni po ni ll-. Ile W .;- tl braVC colonel lie war and ids -oh lier boys lo Vi lim. I le was a brother to Krau vim wrote t be Young nrooti er.? took every hoy und girl in t and ought lo ha ve. The lust (!( ?..ii is Just splendid, Well, it doe- look like lhere is aire woy to raise tin- boys. Ho \ ?il be bo,\ . There ls no palo m Hu business. Tho preach. .ons afc HO helter (lulu other pi (Io's and th" other people are pr y generally piad of it, for il bel o koop down (he equilibrium. < ! [trencher i- (ho son of a proud md (he grandson of a pn neb ind not long Ugo lie preached nix turning tlie left cheek If a m u??te you on the right, but nt t -anio t imo he said he did liol I. n a Iud her he could do it or not If .ame all ol'a-uddeii. My Opill is that he i- ii good (leal Uko s lone- nbout thal, and Sam wot pop n feller so quick il would nu ills bend swim. I luman nature Ibo same (ho world over and m if us ha Ve got our share. Some [be women may lie sanctified ' Hie men ure liol, I know .-one' w :otim lo he hilt 1 hey ure not piv iWtiy their cloak- to thom foll abo wan! (heir couts, Won niven fall' eh.ince lo 1)0 snnclil "or they never evolllliso. She *, lover a frog, nor a monk Whether mau was or not. I d< ?rnowj bul I suppose il will ho i led soon nt Haltiniore, in Woodrow's ease. ( Ino I bing is i ?lin. Some of Illowa proaeli lidtl'lOVollltO from tho angels hoy would show more charity? ma rd ii preacher - ty In A rknn bat (heybad gol Dr. Woodrow if tho ?om I un ry. ami "ir ho iii' nlnd. they would gel him Olid lie Church? W ell, I hope l .von't try to keep bim out of lu DP. Ul I.I. Alt i;Y MAIL AM) WIRK. MEWS OF THE WEEK CONDENSED FOR THE ADVERTISER. Ashville, N. ('., lias voted the wei ticket. Anti-prohibition was carried in Charlotte, N.e., hy ti majority ol' seventy. rapt Dawson has been re-elected a mendier of Hie national Demo cratic committee from South Caro lina. Tho bord Mayor, of London and of Dublin opened Hie Irish exhibi tion yesterday ul Kee Inglon, lang land, A shooting ( rape occurred at Lungley, s. t'., bel .".cen two white men employed tit thc mills, in Which one was killed. Tho agricultural department con tinues to receive Inquiries about Son I li Carolina from all parts of Norlli and West. i ii" State of Louisiana hus made arrangements for the payment of ill coupons ol'Stnte bomb:, up to Ju ly issn)ut I per cent, interest per annum. Auofllcial circular lets been sent enera I order No. -J fro in the ad jutant ami inspector general's of llco concerning the U reenvido en campment. 'I le railroad rad - for gala week at O roon ville, S. C., hu ve boon lix ed al lust al (?lie ecu! pei' lillie tor the military und two cents fur civilian I ravel. Col. J. < ?'.< 'I i uk scales, who fur the pus) lour years bas acceptnbly idled ; in ail it . f school commissioner of \udersou County, hus declined a ronomiiiiit ion. Prof I'M wu ni I', llrlllon, princi iud ul tia- lleiiuettsville tl railed Sd.I,will eomluet the Darling Ion County Normal institute which begins on Angus .! and last I wo weeks; Th-' I ?nialia I lee say- : "Three burglars br.ike into Jay (lould's hon -e, on ; le- 11 tolson, last Tuesday night. Ileing men very expert in their business they escaped willi i ail bring rob! ed." livery Democrat lc rule of gov ?rnuieiital action i- violated when through unneees>nry (iixation u vast tro of n)onoy far beyond the needs ol an economical administra i: ut i- drawn from the people und the channel- ol' trade ami accumu lated a- a di morali/.ing . urphis in tia- nut ional treasury. Tho money now lying i Ile in the Federal trea sury n -iliing from supcrll'jous taxation amounis lo more than one hundred and Iwonly-llvo millions m.'. the surplus collected is roach ing thc sum ol'more than $(?0,01)0, non anna.illy. 1 lebauelieil by this immense leiu|>tiition, the remedy of the Republican party ls to meet mid exhaust by extrayagaiii appro priations ami expenses whether cotistltutiomil or mu, tho accumu lation nf extravagant taxations, I iie l> uuocrntic policy ?s to enlorce IrUgiliity in I be public expense ami abolish unnecessary taxation, Our established domestic indus tries ami enterprises should not ami need nol he endangered by (ho reduction nnd correction of tho burdens of taxation. On Hie con trary, il fall' and careful icvisloil Of om tax law-, willi dtui allowance for the dilVeronoe between the wa il- of American nnd foreign labor must promote nnd encourage every branch of such industries and en terprises by giving them assuran ces ol' un extended market und steady and continuous operations. The interests of American labor -b nhl in no event he neglected. The revision ol' our lax Inws con templated hy the De tn ocr.. I lc par ty should promote tho advantage of -neb labor by cheapening the cost of thc necessaries (d' life in I ho homo i| every working man, ami al the sumo time securing to him steady and r?mun?rai i ve employ nient. C pon Ibis question of tn ri tr reform so closely concerning every phase of our nitllomil tile und upon every question involved in Hu* pioblem of good government, the Democra tic, nariy -uibinits its principles and professions to Hie intelligent sulTra? gos of the A incident) pooplo, I'nroiunt fiilluoiieo lu ivriii?. Dei i'!' a lheir lack of proper Rebooting, thc Persian ch i ld ron aro not taught .?ulllcicntly by Hu i.- |)nrcnt i whal Is right And ; o !. 1 allier.; w id not only not fur liil tin iv cl I ld rcn tobo cruel lo poor ont* ; nnd dog-, or to servants nnd claves, but ! they will often stand by and encourage ' (hem when torturing poor bruit's or tor? inditing |icopl Thoy nlsodo not teach thom lo bc truthful, bill on (bo contrary, rather, in- Mae tlieiu to loll lies. Those two (nings -cruelty and untruth-nie especially what ii bad about tho ehildrciv i in i\ i ia. Wolf von Sebierbrand In Cos? inopolltnn. Ti in ni i ti! uro nilli IUcetrlo Current*. i Lats ol icrvers liavo found that tho temperature of n wiro convey lng elect rio current!! varies With tho air pressured BUrreundinc it, A w iro w hich remained dull at ordinary atmospheric prcssuro l>ectunc Incandescent in a moderato vnc \nnn, w hile oil Ibo other baud, a current which would fuse a wiro nt ordinary pressure w ill t carcely redden it If tho {?.essuie ia Rufflciently increased.--Ar tansaw Trat clor.