JOTjg Advertiser J. i '. OA K l< / ?V ( ?11 > ?Vi /; /> / V'O B. Subscription Prico--12 Months, SI.00 PA YA li 1,1". IX AS) VANCE. Untos lor Advertising.- Ordinary Ad vorttsomonts, por square, One Inser tion, $1.00: oaoh subsequent Inscr I ion. 50 (.outs. Liberal roOiuetlon made for largo Ad vertisements. LACHENS, S.e., Keb. 1,1888. DOWN ANO OC'?'. Mr. li. U. Tillman bas written a. letter, which, bul for ?is length, would certainly bc published in this paper, li is in thc main a re hash of former articles, spiced with such new denunciatory gall as tho author could lind. 'Hm great load er proposes to withdraw from com mand, but promise- to aid the forces in the rank while marching "ii to ?.Philippi." Asa citizen, we give Mr. 'i'iil mau praise, but not as loader of any great reform movement, As to many suggestions we think he hos been right, notably when ho says! "I desire to suv thal weean novor hopo for reform or a proper renn rd bo in jr paid I to om wlshos so long ns i\ . send polit leal harlots and Dow-dyo-do stnibsmcn lol moko our laws." Ir. this bo expresse:! Ute truth forcibly, und il was ono of tho grounds upon which many based objection to bis movement, that un worthy men would espouse tho Causo from policy, who were untit led for ofileo. Mr. Tillman doubtless sees now that abuse of persons and classes, und revengo for :i snub nt Ben nottsN ille, do not constitute) good grounds For a farmers' movement-, tho result of which would bo a $200,000 ttxpcrimontal College. Ile has acknowledged that he ha \ been thwarted ut eve: ;.- turn, but in tliis, his narrow view excludes every hypothesis e.vcopt (hat such a course was antagonistic to tho farmers, Ho will not "joe that thc people, through their representa tives, thought best not to indulge in the costly experiment of n sepa rate college, u new constitution, and oilier measure - which ho liked. But wo are glad thal < uptnin Tillman has seen ai last Iiis unlit ness tobe a loader of Ibo farmers, natl bus chosen to "retire to tho shades of private lite." As an agi tator he was i\ groat success, but not a statesman. Wen- proofs of this wanting heretofore,,we lind it in his latest letter, when ho says: "Our beloved constitution * - will yet be Ibo death of I homoerotic unity and white supremacy In South Carolina." Not even Till man's "valedictory," which ho styles "message from tho grave," can convince tho people of this State that our "imbecility shall cause us to relapse under negro control." That Mr. Tillman hits been thc moans of doing good, no one Will deny; and thai ho lias dom; more harm by st irr! tig up strife-poison ing tho miuds of classes against their fellows-than any man in this J?late since '7'">, ls our ililli belief. His object was revolutionary, bul it missed lire; and now, hy hiving aside onvy, strife und malice, what ever is best for tho good farmers of the Stale cm ard will bo done. Let tho farmers choose sound men to load, them j men who will repre sent diem and nil others faithfully, fearlessly, intelligently. A COTTON CACTO RY. OilCO more WO bring" the quest ion of fl factory for Laurens before Ibo Lauren?, people, lt is ;i question thnt will not "down," an I tho citi zens limy as well decide it once for all. Shall we h.ive n cotton fac tory or not ? Thal ls tho question, and certainly upon lh^ answer bangs tho (ate Of Laurens. Our renders will remember tho strong and sensible let tor of?Col. ll. P. Hammett to the business men of this pince, which wo published last slimmer. Were his words wild sp?culative*dreams of nu enthusi ast, or woro* they from a practical millman who know whereof ho spoke? Lot the Stockholder's of Piedmont nnswor, At Hie Inst mooting of the Direc tors of the Piedmont mills it was decided to erect ii ne w factory rm the Anderson .side, Which, when completed, will make tho Company worth one million dollars, with a CAplt?l stock ol only six hundred thousand. The new mill will Lo of fourteen thousand spindles and four hundred looms, und built with thc surplus flint bus accumulated under the administration of Col. Hammett. When wo remember the handsome dividends, ranging as high us 18 and 20 per cent., then to have this immense factory Iron) tho surplus show the money the factory bus made. Moreover, a great part of the year this factory is run exclusively by steam, w hich also proves that Col. Hammett is justified in saying that want of wa titfr ? ; ol an obstacle. r~T~' ?AOclouMjthat a cotton factory pays? Then take not only Piedmont, hut OVOl'y cotton factory tn South Carolina, and SOO for your self. ; Just now, moro that! over before in tho history of our government, tho money of tho North is socking invest monts boro. Capitalists ure realizing that tho South-tho col ton field-is Ibo place to manufac turo cotton. Shall we of Laurens .allow thom to como nod enrich our neighbors and develop every town around while we ure loo indolent loo cari, less to invite thom to Join us nlsoV No man of experience will invest i ti n town when tho citi zens of that town show by their conduct thal tho money is not wanted, nod that they uro afraid to invest themselves*. What we need isa start. Lot us have a cotton fac tory ovon though it be small, il Will touch men tn havo confidence io borne industries, and will surely bo tho l eginuing of n brighter day for this community. 1 .am ens sonds greeting lo Green ville and 11 ; ?. i 1 s with rupture tho od-1 vent ol n big- morning newspaper with press dispatches, in lite Moun tain city. Naturally wo fool much Interest In Greenville for she ls nil interesting little elly, but chiefly because of thc Intimate relations in commercial matters, that luis heretofore bon id tho people of t lie? two counties together. Greenville i ; ur eldest daughter, and in days gone by wo lu;ve given her always the first bale of cotton. lt makes onreitiz es proud to seo this love-1 ly dalli "?' l)!,i en n few innocent ! city ai , nor do Ihoy fool aught i bul kindness when s!n> presumes I to botist. Tho f*vess and Hun nev prefers j tho cantata or other well regulated i theatrical performance to thc festi ? val for church purposes. Our neighbor is of tho opinion that no I man should be JO regardless <>f ugly I dreams ns to eat :i turkey in Hie middle ol' the night, nm! that it is ; imprudent for n lovely young lady ? lo eat :i gallon of oysters, although : doing so will help carpet thc church. Mon over, Ibo paper thinks outing matches neither promote murals I nor elevate souls, ... -._ The prospect for securing gov ernment aid in improving tho Sa vanna h Uiver, is bright. The poo? ; plo along the line ure interested ; and Will placo before Congress the , great need for aid, and tho work ne cessary to be (bute, A permanent organization with Hon Pot Wals! of Augusta nt tho hoad, lins been effected. liven Laurens will feel tho oiled of Ibis step, if success Is attained, for wo will thou havo fl close and difect out let to tho coast. Just think of it, Poissei' Factory runted fifty per cent of the capital stock of tho company last year, Pe sido this, stock ls worth to-day $188 Can :? more' powerful argument ir favor of Southern cotton mills la j presented. What aro tho bust nest men of Laurens to do? Will thoy ; still remain quiet, willie they set t he opportunities gliding away. Knoxville Tennessee, a strong Republican city, hos selected ? Democratic Mayor by 1000 major ; ?ty, and as soon ns tho Groonvil le ?A 1 Knoxville railroad is completed 1 and Fal i tor Williams has discover 0%'l how t b?I Elliott was elected from tho "Black District," be cai slop over to show up this mystery ?Iso. .Judge Norton on Lynch Law Tho Picketts ?Sentinel prints th< full loxt of Judge Norton's ohnrgt to tho grand jury at Diekens lasl week, in which occurred the fol lowing: Hy our constitution 1 ito pooph surrendered their natural right t? govern themselves, according to bis own will, and agroud not t< avenge t be nisei ves for injuries dot H ihem by others. They agrood ti elect legislators to make laws bi which ntl should bo governed, nm to have judges and juries and ox i rtltivo Officers chosen who Rhoub condemn and punish criminals ant clo justice between lotti) and man according to tho laws enacted, nm tborcl y they further agrood thu no l.?ws contrary to these shoub bo enacted, and punishment! should not bo otherwise inflicted Ho w ho violates tltis compact Ifl whether ho knows it or not, an ail nrchist, whether such vlolatioi consist in tho attempt by rldlcub to dissuado from tho onforcemon of tho least Important of tho law fully enacted rules ol' court or it murder by lynching one suppose? to bo guilty of crime. If any law groat Ol' small, fairly Ollforcet provo obnoxious, tho people will through the proper channel, seo U its repeal. If we full to enfoic. tho law, instead of peace and or der, tu mult and iinnreby will ju c Villi, Ihr? strong will oppress HM weak, tho crafty will circumvent the honest,.the mob will run rlol with Hie (piiot, inoffensive citizens Whoro two races live In the HIIIIK territory, race prejudice always ox isis, one circle it never should en ter; lt ls beru. No! Lot everji citizen stand equal before tho law and in our courts lot bis life, bb liberty and bis property depend nlone Upon tho justice ot Iii i CUU80 if the dominant race be wise il will treat tho other with Justice and equity. |BMttf4^ 11.MUSJSJ-I Give Thrill A Chalice I That ia io aay, your lungs. Also all voiir broat hh''4 lOiu lnuory. Very WOU ilerful machinery lt is. "Not only tho larger ttlr-pussngcs, but the thousands >t little tube? ant. cnyltloa hailing from I bom. When those aro clogged and oboked with mutter Which OUgnt net to tx; there, your lungs cannot halt do their work. And what they do, tiny cannot ?io w. ll. Call it cold, edllgll, croup, pilOUIllOllIu, catarrh i consumption or any o/ tho fam ily ol' throat mid nose and hoad and lung abslruetlona, ult aro bail. All ought to bo got lld ol'. There is ?nsf ono sure way lo got rill ol'them. Timi is io take Uosehees Connan Syrup, which nov druggist will soil you ilt75eoiltS a bottle. Kvon If everything oleo lins lulled you, you univ depend upon this tor certain. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. (From <>ur Regular Correspondent.) Washington, .lan. 27. I>s8. Politicians ns well us Republics ne ungrateful. If evidence of this wore needed, it is shown by tile contemptible course of the Repub lieinns in both Houses ot tho pres ent Congress In their cowardly und t ronchoYous trontmout of two of tho most conservative and fair-minded men in public lifo-.J ustiee Lamar and Speaker Carlisle. If possible} Mr. Carlisle bus been treated more basely Ullin Mr by Hie bil l?melos? demagogues who hold sway in the councils ol tho domorall/.ed Republican party. While they privately admitted the justice of the Speaker's claim to his seat, in public they used nil their ofl'orts to prevent consid?rai iou of thu ease, even resorting" to filibus tering, Which lins never been (lone before, except when it was appar ent that the minority was being' de prived of its just rights by tyrani cal majority, in this instance, no such provocation was available. The Republicans uro fail ly char geable with uselessly wasting two days ?d' the valuable lime of Con gress, though candor compels the admission that tho thirty-five Dem ocratic absentees wero nol entirely blameless. Ila?! they hoon in their seats, the Republicans could not have, prevented n quorum by de clining to vote. Alt bongil tho valid I ty of Mr. Car lisle's claim is nt lad established, the friends of Mr. Thoebo declare that tho ond is not yet: that tho matter must bo reconsidered hy? Co n g ross, uni thal thc people will be appealed to for tho vindication of their man. In the Ways and Means Commit tee the turill' question bas not yet been openly discussed, oxcopt very briefly, when Mr .McKinley, of Ohio, proposed til present bis bili, repealing the tobacco tax. i Io was summarily suppressed on tho pion that specific tur I fT legislation was not In order until ?1 bill of n gener al character could be framed. I'Yom Ibo outset it was plain that there could bo 110 harmony Of views be tween the Democrats and the He publican members of this commit tee} therefore thc majority have wisely concluded.toforinulatc ubill of their own before submitting it to the consideration ol tho minor ity, who Will also present u bill. Kach evening members of tho ma jority, are holding secret confer ence ami the work is making sub stantial progress--rou I ly it ls much further advanced than usual this early in the session, The main object ls to largely re duce thc revenue,and the next end in view is to bring thc matter homo to tho people by including in tho list ns many articles nod commo dities (d' commun consumption us possible. All interests-manufact uring as well tis commercial and agricultural, will he conserved, and :t liberal compromise measure is ns inlicit need In-expected under pres ent circumstances. Tho Illnir Educational bill which is some of tho unfinished business on tho Sonnie calendar,' has receiv ed a blow from mi unexpected qua rter. It ta from an authority car rying much weight ?iud of special significance, inasmuch ns it pro ceeds from one who, until recently, was on tho United States Supreme Deneb. Tho allusion is to ICx-Jus tice Strong, whocxprcssos tho opin ion that the bill in question is un constitutional. lie olso stated it ns bis belief that the present mout hers of that Court bold tho same view. No one lias so good un op portunity ns J inigo Strong ol'be ing in their confldoncc. Senator Crockroll's report of thc condition and methods of conduct ing business in tho Executive De partments of Washington is about ready for submission to tho Senate. It i-- the result of un investigation conducted by himself und colleag ues of tlie special committee last summer. It is reported that sovo ral bureaux will bo unsparingly criticised, and many important changes recommended, lt is said tho report in reference to the Land Ofllce will likely causo n sensation. The new cabinet 'offleord* have not yet made .my changes, but around both Departments it is whispered that Mr. Vilas und .Mr. Dickinson Will soon begin to make tholr authority foll lu n way deci dedly unpleasant to many Repub licans wiro have been spared too long. liva, r>. CHvoway, ofTonnossee l', Colo., gavo birth to flvo botinclug boy babies re cently. Tho proprlotor of tho Florida house at St. August ino is serving on Ids tahiti wnter melon*, cucumbers anti Jamaica ginger. A citizen of Brunswick, (la., proposes to paint hi.? house black nud ornament tho roof with representa! ions ?f colline painted white. ? Oro in tho lioartkof n house al Danbury, N, C., has not boon oui la forty-five years. Tho lunn who occupies tit* hoilSO built it and ho hus cover tpont a night away from homo. Frank Origgoj 12 VCUM Old, was drowned Tuewlla) , Jun- :>, nt Winchendon. Mass., mid tko body waa found*Wednesday evening hy uso of nu electric light/which was put under water on n j silo. A Birmingham, Al?., man find n revolver point blank at a negro'* brad, but tho buiiot glanced ofT, pawed through n Hook wall and Ml to the floor in nn adjoining room. Tho no^ro esonjiod with a Flight scratch. Augustus Arthur Percival, keeper of tho town hall of Chelsea, Ixmrlon, was urr? st< ?p tho hall from hoing destroyed. Tho floor, lt woo testified, was half nh Inch deep with water before the stream from the Loee drovo tbe crowd out?. voil SALIS. FOR SAM: -A valuable-lot or?Brook lyn siilo, partially Improved, FOR SALI-; A noat roaldoueoon Jer sey nido, containing aix rooms. Splen did wei; of water. Two aeres. Flue lund attaohod. FOR BALE TWO Hundred and Fifty Aerosol' land just outside the Inoorpo roto limits of tuc town ol' Laurens, An elegant homo and all necessary out buildings. FOR S A Td-] A two-story Hrlek Store house In the town of Laurens. Also tl half interest in a good warehouse. FOR SAL;-: A number ol farms lu ditToront portion? Ot' Laurens County. A val?ale lot Of Aeres partially Im proved, OHO milo west of Laurens. A bargain oll'ercd. A second band two horse wagon and I ?pie mild ?el double Harness -hand made, Also one pair Lair banka Scales. A small tract of land near Hopewell I church, One and one-half miles wost of Uoldvillo. Said tract contains about 7o aeres, about 80 acres cleared and III good state of cultivai lou balance In mixed forest Price tow. J. M. Hampton. TO KENT, A splendid residence on "brooklyn aide," good garden orchard all. ne cessary out buildings- In fast ono of tho most desirable residence; in tho Town. A commodntloiiH House and livo or six Aercsoi landon''brooklyn side:'' Terms moderate. A number of cottages on Jcrsoyslde. FOR UKNT A desirable bouse and lol on brook ly ll .ide. FOR RUNT -V five room Cottage Oil Jersey side. FOR RENT Throoor four good store rooms in thc town ol' Laurens. A noni Collabo on Main Street, nortr FoillldO ( 'olle-e. Apply to J. M. HAM PTON, M minger. Emporium Ol' Fashion. I nm now prepared t<> meet vour do? UiilliilH for Fall and Winter Clotting. 1 i have I lie best selected S tock ol clothing Tor men. youl bil und boys, that you can lind bi tho elly. Tho (I ?o?ls aro conoc? In stvlo. make and fun Uh, and til ?io per iod in lit and will hold their shape ns long as tho garment lusts. Thia slock consist ol' Sack and Cutaway Subs in fusioniere, eh?, mis and Silk mixture, also Diagonals Worsted, Whip-COI'd, The lending novelty ls tho Stripe-Chevi ots In Suck and L'utaways. Diesi Suits of Elegant material and cutrin i ho most fastom hie and perfect Utting BtyloH, In whip-eord and cork screw H Ot' imported good-). I Full Dress suits with Dyke coats and ! vest. A full lino of those ?roods always ; on band, and I glinrantOO :i pei feel lit in j every instance. A full line of Cents furnishing floods ?d' ?vcr v description, under wear, ii loves Half-hose, Ci il lars and cull's otc. A beau tiful linc if Nock Wear of all colors sud 1 st vies. In tlx: Kat Stock von will find all tho I leading st vies. Thc DUN LA 1* S'.lk and i Stitr-luils also Un- Ruston sdi' eon form lng StiiV Hat, theso makes 1 nm solo Au'' nt for, and eau only ho lind at the emporium. besides these oilier mak es ol hats in a great variety of stvlos, silk, Cassi mere, still and soft Iuds in all grades and price.-,. 'Phis is the hilliest stock ol bats 1 have ever bad, tho pions lioyshowing to my patrons, at this dot liing stock is very al t rael i ve knees time, the assortment ls beautiful, long pants snits troin 4 to 15yours, ami ?ties i ant nits from li lo |s years. Qual ities are good, and prices arc low, (?cois Fino Shoes in ?di the balding sty les and makes, among thom you will lind Hie Celebrated Runuiatoi Shoe in Congress, Lase and Hulton, you will seo the Douglass Shoe lor men at $3.00 nilli Bov.H at $2.00, every pair guaranteed. When von visit the citv I WOUld hu I pleased to hayo you tn call inspoct this immense stock." Thia is tho only place where von can see the corrocl st vies. . Respectfully, ; Columbia S, c M. L. KIN A lt I?, < My new fail stock is now ready for , your Inspection, w here you w ill lind tho corred styles, and class of goods as you will lind tit tho emporium of Fushlou, 1 you will lind this stock i.I plc te in 'every roapoot, ?uni for lit and make those garments cannot be oxcollcd as I they are manufactured expressly for me." Yon wdl Hud a complete linn of Cents furnishing, and Hats ol' all style* and 1 (pialitles, also ?i han ?-.onie lim- of Shoes, ' in all the Intosi styles. I tun milch pleased with my success i for the pa it vcar with lids Store, and for ! tho conn-tonne of i he eil ?zens nfSpartan I burg and tho up-country in my endea vors to place before them n strictly li rsi class clothing house and al pri?es thal I cannot bo oxeolloiLby anyone You will Ibid no mixed stoek"boro, ll have plac ed Mr Kevin Twitty In nhargo ol thin ? house, where ho will bc ploused to seo all hi ( friends, and w bl take pleasure tn ' showing tho new ?lock. ' Respectfully, M. L. KIN ARD, K RV IN TWITTY, Manager, Spartnnhurg s. c HUN J. D. CUNINGHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., - - - H. O. DIR,- "W H- BALL, DENTIST. ftl?leo over National Itnnk. Oflleo days Mondays and liesdays L i ' ja rc vs, - - - ?. M. L. COPELAND, A T TO H N K y A T b A W , LAURENA C. IL, S. C. "*, nineo over National Wank. Probate Judge's Sales, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I* A U lt R NS COIN T Y , IN PlionATfl ?ornr. Pursuant to Judgmoiit for sale in the following slated oasoi I will sell, at pub? ?to OlltcrV, at I. lurella C. H., on Salo Lavin Fobruary next, tho proporty do scribed in said eaSO, lipOII the lenin spec'lied, to wit : III the ease of C.V. Rudd vs. C V. Kudd el al. Ali that certain tl act or piece of b nd, lying a.ul Oeing in the State and County aforoanld, containing Four Hundred and N ?net y t wo Acres, more or less, ?md Hounded liv lands ol' .lohn (I. Williams, lauds Of the estate ol' Richard Coollman, dOOOIlSOd, Dr. .b H. Miller, Ceo. II. Hail? nab and ot hers. Terms -One-half cash{ tho balance on aorodltof twelvo months, with inter eat irom day of salo, the credit portion tobo aoourotl by bond of tho purohnsor and a mortgage of tim promlsos, with loave to tho luirchniar to pay his entire hld Inoash. Pnrohaser toi? iv for papers. A. W. Itt ll NSI DE, .Fudge ot Proba to, .W*. H. Martin ATTORNEY AT LAW, , AU BENS C. II . - - - SC J. T. JOHNSON. W. ll. IUCHH T JOHNSON * KICHJsJY, ATTORN .'.YS AT LAW. OrPicK- Fleming's Corner, Northwcrt aldo of Public Square LAURELS, O. H., - - B.C. Masters Sales. State of South Carolina. ; C O U N T Y, OF [J AU ii K N ?. C O U KT <>V C <> M M O N. Pursuant to judgments for (nile In tho following stnto casos I wills.'ll ut public outcry nt Laurens (J.H., on sulesday In February next, bej j ing Monday tho Otb d?.y of lhe|? month during tho lognl hours for ; sales, tho property described in each case upon thc terms specified to wit: In tho case of Mary C. Neill ot ni j vs George A. Miller cd ul. All that tract of bind situate in tho county sind state aforesaid known us tho Duncan piuco und containing Ono Hundred and Sixty acres, moro or IONS, bounded by lands of Nathan P. VVhitmiro, Da vid Brooks and others THUMS: One-third of tho pur chase money to bo paid cash and tho balance on a credit of twelve months, with intere d from the day of sale, scoured by tho bond of tho . pur chaser and a mortgago ol thu promises. Tho purchaser to pay for papers. In the case of the Geiser Manu facturing Co. vs John A. Martinet I ul. One (peerless) Geiser I si ea m eugine : THUMS: Cash. Tho purchaser to pay for papers. In tho of I). A. Ki< hardsell vs Sa rah A. Mounce ol al. Tho following described property ? situate in thu county and state aforesaid to wit : TUA CT No -J, containing Nln?ty acres, moro or te." ;, und bounded by lands of M. M. Teague, Dr F <; bul ler, and Tracts and I, TTACT'NO, 3, containing Flighty flvo acres, more or less, and boun ded by lauds of I lr F < i Fuller, and Tracts No?, 1 and 2, Tract No. I, containing High ty four acct, in >ro os* los?, and boun ded hy lands of Dr (5 F Kuller sind j others and Tracts Nos, l and .">. TUA CT Ne, . ?, containing Fifty nine acres, more or loss, and boun ded by lands ol'Dr F i < Puller, and Tract Nos, I and I), THACT No, U, containing Forty, seven acres, moro or less, and boun ded by lands of 1 > . I?1 ( i fuller and Mathew Crisp, und Traci No, A, ! THUMS: One-half of tho '.purchase money to bo paid (rush, timi thc bal ance on ti credit ?d' I wei vc months, with interest from tho day of sale, secured by the bond ol lbw purcha ser and u mortgage ol' tho premises, The purchaser to p iv for papers, In tho caso of Thomas McCoy vs William T lloyd, a < administrator cte, and in his o\Vii right, el al, All thal tract of land, lying bel ng and situate In the county and state aforesaid in tho section known as the "Fork" of Moody and Saluda Hivers, containing Two Hundred and Ninety-live aeres, more <>r ] -, I mid bounded by lands of \V T Smith, I estate of Aaren HUI, und others, and Iteedy Uiver, THUMS : < Ino half of the purchase money to be paid cash, ami the bal ance on a credit of twelve months, with Interes! from thc day of sale, socurcd by thc bond ol'tho purcha crnnd mortgage of Foe premises, but with leave to tito purchaser to pay tho entire bbl in cash, Thc pur chaser to poy for p i pe rs, C.'l>. DAHKSDATJH Master*C I. Jan, i lili 1888. Thc Stale o? SoutH Carolina, COUNTY ol' LA ITU KN.S. t o'd, P titionor, aj/ainal William Mcndors, Ocorgo M. Meadoi'H, Martha If. Pitts, Slargarel lloyd, Oney Summers, s. I.. Corn ?ok, Mary Jones, Phenie Mondors, buln Mondors, Nora Moadors, ThonuiM Monitors and Pau line Moadors. boloudanlH. CopyS.uai? linois for Itollof,Complain) liol Served. T sill?n i thorn ni their olllco nt bau renn C. li. 8. t ., within twenty days aller tin sers leo hereof, OX elusivo of tho day of such aorvlee} and it* von rall to nnswor tho coiuplniui iv I iii? in tin- time nforosaid, tin pial n tl ll' in lids aetion will apply t'> tho Court r<>r (ho ro lief dotnaudou in tho eotnplaiut. Dated l.ltll Dec. ls ,7. [SKAt..J A. \V. liuuNftion, j, p. i., <. li ASK IOU. A hi Ai.. Potll inlier's A Homey s. To tho absent Dol'etidantn. Phenlo Moad ors, Lula Moadors, Nora Meadow*, Thomas > oiidors and Paulino Sload ors-. ' You will tako notleo tlint tho summons and petition heroin iva < tiled in ihcofheo of A. NV. liuriiHido, Judgo ol' Probato for I.aureus Counts, on tho Pith dav ol' I leen Ks?. II \SMH,|1 A Ul VL, .? Potlllonor's At lor noya. OltDKIL On honrlna tho politl?n borein, it ls or doroil that M. L. 1 'opt laud i?> and ho i< horoby appolntod Ibo ir uirdian ad Hiern to roproHonl tho Infant Defendants. I?, wit! I.ula, N<.r-., Thomas and pauline Moadors, for the purpose mentioned in .said petition, unless-,dd inilion, or Hollie one in their liolinlf, llUVO HOinu other por* son appointed to roprosonl thom within two 11 ry days nftor tho publication of thhj notice. Purthor ordorod thal this notice l?c published once in oneb wo i< for six successive wooka in TUM LAUIIRNH An? VKUTI8KII. A. tV. DURN8IDK, j, 1: 1. c. Jan. 17, isss 01 I M. VISA NS KA -?>B4tiEa IN - WATCHES Jwelry, &c L A U It E N Hf S. 0 M. j. nonMUS. |f. v. SIMPSON HOLM rcs ? SIMPSOr ATTORNK Y8 AT LAW, T.JR13N8 0. LC, - - - H c A Happy and Prosperous ro oi n FlUKNDS AND CITSTOMKHH. Wooxtond thanks to all for their kimi und Hhoral P?ir<>'"??? i*Vtf?fi??r?lS your und hope hy ti JudlolouH regard f.?- tltolr want to morita oonllnaaneeci nu sume. The Battles and dation of 1838 ave bof'-re uri. Wostop forth in (he tirona with IMovl ! n . lo rtulde us, (Velin* ?-..nil.hniI thal ;we oceupv tho mon! prominent position In I he fray, mid assure to our msloinors wat -j i ful oaro in tin- time di" Drought, Ovor-tlows and oloso Mom y i aies. WE OCCUPY THE II EIC J ITS, A position not easily ns ??ti il od hy tho blubber halls ami quivering dfirts shot forth hy. our competitors, which bu rsl uni! break oro they renell Ibo ??<> il. Our Position is Headquarters for the Army of Trad:. Wo thrust eur loads of bargains < instantly to tin.? front, and willona.* ti nue to do so. Everyone liould remember "how to nolp lower your taxes" and pull I iget lier. Wo sound forth from headquarters thlsehoer fui d?chira (ion: Prom this tinto until mir .slock <>.'" WI NTH lt DRKS8 GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES ami ?LOTHINC ls prineipnlly disposed of, wo will nell ut greatly reduced pri?e .?. Every nv In need of this idas* of goods .should r ci n 'inlier thal here they cnn ?ave IO to loper cent. We will nm on |ho Intensive plan-?llny for .'.pot cosh, buy often, buy now stylos, sell ut ei<> . p?deos, and keep now mid pretty goods. We Invito everybody to eon.-. Kind attention t.. Mnrhln toppin OJ l?.ir|or fhlitii, iMush Walltet Krames, if.ii i 7V> irl ic nil - un I fr nu h I to l '. ? '. . nbor suits In su.i.k It will pay you to eoiiiu timi see us wi,'writ.'Tot -ataloque an.I >r|co li* sent free rn ' in . ?J?rne und pri?e, wo will ho gin 1 tn show yod through FLEMING & BOWLES,' The Loaders. 3~-i3 Broad St., -A.vigu.sta. Ga. HC?sbcSLofULSti^ters ? B l li Mi:, Al li KIND ITA1 ! i lOOllS, M eil Afc BACON, RUG AH, CANDY, PLO UR, i'li;; LES, ai \( Birthday Cards. hand B. WILKIE, Under Hctidolln Hotel.