The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, October 19, 1887, Image 5

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Advertiser L O O A L , forget tho Fair. Como and you .rot it. Utrillo Ima a now savings Hank In to u Mutta Hunk und u National .ekotoh oftlio town will ho defer -Hovornl week?, but will bo com d ut a futuro ?Into. lober Hoof Paint a Specialty nt ra Hardware storo\ miotleo by tho Are department on frilay, aerrod the oxocllant purposo itorlng tba atroats. will bo anon elaowherolll this Issue. Ihr Snhonla will bo opon In thia ny III a few daya. tr Sugar and ColTeof Canned (?oods, u j. ii. Jntnca. Wal? Bobo, of Greenville waa oiec ?II tbi oolloo force boro on Friday ti, at theroicular mooting o' Connell, tinta and Olia of avery kind ut W. I.. Boyd'a. |t?s llattlo Frlorson loft on Katu rd tl y dir Nashville, Tenn.. where sito will pd aOveral montlia visiting her elster. !i<iioo, ('ronni CllOOao nt J. II. Juntos. lt, Dial, Raq., bas niovod his omeo Li tho Traynham A DUI IMock to tho |m In rear of tho Pooplo'a Loan und titanga nuuk. jaggy and Wagon Harness ?t tho (rdware atore of W. h. boyd. frosh arrival of Bacon, Flour and |rd ut J II .Tames. fr. Nelson, who bas for sumo time t hoon a tn'.lor In Patton's Clothing tahlialtinonl nt tilla place, died on inlay lust after ti lingering I ll noss. Ito frlendt?) ot Mr Soott Knight, eau I him at t'ao atoro of J, H. Jamos. Meet rte Shoara, 31ssora and Raaora, warranted by \v. I,, lloyd. Irs Kato lb Wright, and her daughter, ns Holland and Miss thuda, lott last ok for their homo in JaOkaoil Miss. )r* ll. F. Hallow und Mrs W. N. Wright companied thom. Inst reoloved a big lol of oakes, crack i nod enndiea nt J. II. Jnines. 'An esteemed friomt, wdio is a charter amtier of tba Method lat ('horeb nt i? pi teo, lina bunded ns un article for ihlloniion. willoh will appear in con ?ellon without' "Sketch ot tho Town." Tattle anti Pocket Cutloty nt W. Ii. lloyd*. The Sullivan ease. In (?menvillo, h?s . ?n doelded In fayor of tho *xaoiitors f Howlett Sullivan anil tho temporary rijnnetlon dlsnlvod. A furthor huurlnii ITHS cjlvon on Monday. Ball A: Watts of lils pine? nro attoruovs m tho ease. Antony tho f ow article* exhibited nt L Piedmont Exposition of Atlanta, ls rurloalty in the shape of a nullt hy ita Dial of thia County, end contains pieces. Mrs Iiial is 74 years obi lias worked on tho quilt at various Ino M for thirty years. The trade of T.mrons lins novar been Bettor than thia a ?nanti. Wehavaa live it of merchants, and TIIK AnVKiiTisKtt hin week ahowa tint Dior uro anxious o sell t/oods. A merchant who koops is name eonatautly In tho nowapaper* f his County may bo dopondod upon br bargains. Just received, a eur loud 1/vjc fabln nd "Ono Fur" Soap Rtnporlntn of J. II, J unes. A fow dav? igo, a gentleman auld ho believed tl at theCreatnr bad so arrana? fd that SetlUffletown Township, In thia County, would alway? bo on tho ria-lit ?hin when public qniMtion wore before Hie people. Ho addon hy way of paran* thesis that SouMotawn was hacking drover Cloveland for a Second Term. Seed Rye Burley ?nd H its nt (dooper ? Burnable Bros. Special attention ls Ptlllad to a boanti ful lot of 1?; ?eros on tho "Brooklyn ?Ide." Tin? lot will bu nold cheap for rash lt la partially Improved and has superior advantages. For particulars nee J. M. HAMPTON, Manager. Waeall the attention of our reader* to theonrdofM. \, Kl nerd tho Clothing and Hat Merchant of Columbia. Mis Immense establishment la the most at tractive place for bargain seekers in tho '.Capital City," and a visit will amply eoinponsato titos? who may holli tba city. Ho la a rebablo man and gunran tsas satisfaction. Frosh arrivals of fresh family and fancy groceries every day nt Cooper ?i llurnnldo Bro?. Attention Owner? of tin roof* should seo ?am ple* of roof paint ut W. h. lloyd'*. Coming: The flnoat nickle elgar In town, eau soon ho found at ?tore of J, ll. James. Oono to tho Weat. On Munday afternoon Mr Oliy S. (Ur r?tt, ono of our must popular voting raen bode bia friend? unod bye and ular tedtoaock bl* fortun?lo tbo"?ar Wo*t." He went tv Atlanta, where for a f?w .lay? be took In the algliti of tho Pied mont Imposition, ami thenoo straight to l'arla, Tex aa, whore bo will ?ook em ployment. Fow young mon would ba missed moro by thia community, than Mr (Jarrott. With good habits, indus trien?, and np-rlght. he In a general fa vorite. Tn? AnvKtiTisK.a extend? tba hep? that abundant ?ueeos? may attend him In lil? new home. Mr ti A. l/ookwood, of I.auren??C. II., carno down to tho city la?t night to spend a few day? alght-aeelug, etc. Tula I" Mr laiekwood'a ll rat visit Mince PW when there woro no railroads runnln Into theclty oxcept the South Carolina when tho city waa only a ?mini barf nt?* compared with Ita -.inmenso territory ?I to-day. The old gentleman rotnarko a? ho neared (bo Union depot, that ll? did not ooliove '?ho could seo tho place new for the honaea, and that lt muai be sovoral milo* long." .1 .??/IM/O CHronictt. He Threw Away His Life. John Olenu Little, formerly of Laurens County, Killed by a Train in Atlanta monti Little, ns ito was familiarly call ed, Whs ?i nativo Of tilla edlin ty and ro UlOVCtl to Atlanta tin., several years ago, to accept a position in Robinson's box factory. Kroll! Atlanta ho went to Tix as, anti afterwards to Columbus lia., where lid worked III the Laglo tv Pheonix Mills. l'util about three months ago, however, he was employed in the Hug uenot Mills of Groonvillo s.e. (Mi Friday morning dispatches from Atlanta announced the sad Intolllglnoo of his death, of which event tho papers give the following account. Tho Consti tution says : Prom all that can ho ascertained Lit tle's death appmu s to havo hoon due hirgo'y to his own carelessness, Or to a disregard for Ufo. Ho was oil the railroad, tal Kurz to tho Watchman, when tho < loorglfl t rain mino lu night. Ito sahl he could ride in to tho main station on tho calmoso. A? ho said this to Mr Allon tho Watchman, billie Blopped across tho track, and upon the end oftho nroaatloa of another track runniuir parallel with tho ono upon Which I ho door gi a freight was moving. The edge of tho track upon which ho stood was tho ono used by the Rich mond tV Danville trains and upon it the Air IJI'10 belle was then moving back- j ward, being pushed front tno passenger depot lo tho shops. When Little got up- I on tho Air bine ti ?ok ho stood facintr the Georgia train, with his back towards tho Air bine balle, which was then near er to him than tho freight. Tho watch? man had seed I ho hollo, and presumed, of course, that Little bad noni it too, but as he made to got ofT the ends of tho ties aa tho train carno closer to him, Allon cnllod out : "Take caro there! Thore comes that Air Lim* train." "Relieving that Little had bearii tho warning anti would leave tho croaallea lieforo tho train roached him. Allon turn ed his attention to the freight, which was drawing nearer. In a minute, How ever, ho glanced toward tho Air Line track again. Little had not changed his position, and tho rear end of tho train j wan within a few yardsof him Tils eyes wero appoarontly rivi tod upon th?? I freight train, ami fearing that tho man did not roab/.e his danger. Allon raised bis liai; and airain yelled: "hook out, there; that train wit strike you." Little turned his hoad to\-ard tho Air Lino train, and at thc same time stopped across tho rail upon tho track immedi ately in front of the coach. In a second tho end of tho car struck him. The train was nio\ log with a lair Hpood, and the force was si lUciOIlt to knock tho limn down. In tho tall Little's body cleared the rall, hut his lejts foll ser?s? it mid tho wheels passed over them In some w ay lils coat became entsnglcd in tito brake, und as Ion? as tin- train mov ed tho unfortllliat young mun was drag ged along the ground, his head and faco thumping against tho ends oftho tics Tho train was slopped as quickly as possible and till man taken out. His face was bloody sud bruised and his feet hanging by a shred. Almost Immedi ately after he was removed from under UKI train he lnokod about him, remark lng: "1 guess tho roi d will have to pay for this." Tho tudu mon about Little ni ado him as com fort able as possible, and sent for a physician, but before anything could be donn ho bogan sinking rapidly, and within a few minutes after tho ace bio ul brent hod his last. All inquest waa hold and the body was then shipped to this place for Interment. Our County Fair. As previously announced our annual Fair will take place on the ?"i, and 2D, nf this month. Wo have ovory Indication of a most Hiteeess'ul occasion and with the proper Interest manifested by th?) altitona at large, it cannot fall A l iri ? ti dd with ample grounds for tho exhibition of steele and horses, and seats tor spectator*", and everything that will len I to aecomodato Tistorn, and m ike tho occasion ploasant, is now ho ing prepared. Wo glvo a tain th?* Hst of Dlreolors end Snper?>ntondants: Field Crop Department -J. Wade An dersen, Director; S. D. darlington, Su perintendent . Household Department -Win. Mcclin tock, DIrootor' W. K Henderson, Su perintendent. Fruit Department Capt. James Hud* gens, Director; Dr D. L. .Viulflfon, Su perintendent. Mechanical Department-J, IL Whar ton, Directors R. IL ITudgens, Superin tendent. Loather and Harneas Department -Jo el F. Goodjrlon, Dlreotor; Dr J A llarks ?lale, Superintendent. Floriculture Department -Trank Ev ans, Director; Dr J . P. Simpson, Super intendent. Thoroughbred Cattle Department Cal. J. Wash Watts, Diroetor: J. D. M. Shaw, Superintendent lirado Cattle Department- Collen Lark, Director; W. I*. Harris, Superin tendent. Horse Department Capt. James Moll, Direotor: J. A. .Innes, Rnparintondont. Muh* Denartinen!-XV. D. Fuller, Direc tor; L. F. Irby, Superintendent. lioat Sheep and Swine Department - R.C. Da\ls, Director - Dr F. M. Setr.lor, Superintendant. Poultry Department--W. V. Whar ton, Director ; lb F. Terrv, Supo Inton dent. Laurens County Conference. Th-? next mooting of this Coniorenco will bo held with tho Church nt Dorroh on Saturday before the5th Sabbath lu this month, with tho following pro gramme) 1st A sermon by tho Rev. XV. P. Ja cobs. 2d. An essay on tho Dulles of Ruling Fblors, hy tho Rev. M. C. Itrllt. 3d. Tho Importance of au hscrlhlng for our church papers, especially rfor tho .'Missionary." 4th. What i*? tho true Interpretation of tbs word Neighbor," as employed bv tho Gospel of Luker 5tb. An addrvs? on Homo Missions hy tho Hov. R. XV. Milner. nth. Tho necessity of a truer conse cration on the part of Christians lo | In service of Chn,,., 7th. Whnt is ibo dutv of Ministers in day t*"60 l? 1,10 P0*'*'**' questions of the I). A. TODD, Chairman? Orango itio- som .. On ThursdayOctober 13th, ?amos T. Crew?and Miss Ilostcnse Wolff war?! unltod in tin! holy bonds of matrimony, at tho residence of Dr J. F, Wolff, tho j brides rnthor, near Qootlg?ons Factory,] in this County. Hoy. J. M. Carlisle of t ola tod. A largo cholo of tho imiiiedl ato fHonda and relatives of tho young] couple woro prosont at tho ceremony, nun hearty congrutiilnttoiia and heart* felt honen lotions woro showered upon thom. Tho hrido is well known hero, whore foi- several years she has resided, and by her true worth and sweet dispo sition won hosts of admiring friends. Hr Crows is deservedly ono ol'tho niosl | popular young mon or this placo a uni versal favorite, and bis many friends includion TUM ADVMHTIMHR, extend tho wish thut tho 11 VOS of whoso young poople, so rich in promise, may boor unalloyed happiness and prosporlty. Tito Ladies of tho Presbyterian Cliuroll will sell rofroMlimonts, at a pince conve n'ent toidi during tho Fair ou tho 'i?tli and -JUIIi inst. Tho prices of everytbing will bc moderato. \ gooil cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich for ll) couts. Fresh oysters for 25 couta pm-plate. A good dinner will bo served for a very leiiaonahlo pri?e. Tho money ls for II good purpose and tho patronago of tho public is respectfully solicited. Wo think this will supply a dotloioticy felt by ninny at our previous Fuira. COM M I 'rr K r. 1ST D A Y . Mrs T K. Todd, Chairman. " T F Simpson, Mrs (.' I> llarksdale. I. N lloyd, K <> Fr 1er son, N .1 Ilolmos, N C Jordan, J li Wilkes, lt W Itali, " A W Anderson " I. A Tu ne, Miss l<!a Holmes, " ll Simpson, CtiMMlTTKK 'in DAY. Mrs W I. lloyd, Chah niau. Porgiison, Mrs |* li Pilts, J w J .1 l'luss. .1 I* Slmixnn, W W Julius, McKinley, W A J n in I eson W Mot .asian, ,1 NV To.ld, ti lt Anderson, n r rjoganna, ll A Hurgeaa, " J C (jiarlluKton Miss LC Fluming. Canned good* of every descrip tion frosh from the manufactories ut Cooper ot Burnside Bros. Family Hour rrom fdno to $<!<><> ul Cooper & Burnside Uros. A young fellow once offered to kiss it Quakeress. ..Friend," stthi "she, "theo must not do it." "Cb, by Jove! but I must," said the youth. MWoll| friend as thou bast sworn, theo may do it: but thee must liol make u practice of it." POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never Viiircs.A marvel of purity sr tongi h and wholesomeness Mote economical than the ord I miry kinda, and cannot ho sold in compet? ti m with tho multitu d' ol' low lest short weiuht alum or tdiosphato now tiers Hold only lu ev NM, ItovAi, IUK INO .Pow UK I? Cu., IOU Wall Street. X.V NOTICE. All persons indebted to me know that their accounts are due, lind that in the past I have boen lincrt, but I um now going out of business, mid um compelled to push collec tion. All accounts not paid in len days will be put In Judgement, par tios will please nott; tills a:?d save cast. 1). M. Patton. October 19th, 1887. NOTICE. The Poor House Paupers anti tho possession tif the farm will bo lot to thu lowest seul bidder to -ny pro per person us stewart for the year 1888. Haid sealed bids ahull bepre nentod to the Hoard of County Com missioners by the 22d doy of Octo ber, 1887, by 12 o'clock M. JAMES BELL, Cliin'u. B.C. C. L C October 12th, 4t Settlemont mid FINAL DISCHARGE. Ily permission of A. W. Iluriisblo, Probate Judge, I Will Settle the lis?ate of Nancy Parka, deceased, nt thia Omeo nt LaurensC ll.on tho lath dav of Nov , ?HST, nt IO o'clock. A. M., mid at the same Hmo will apply tor a litial di- eh.o e. . All persons having fl ema lld 8 a^iiinst sahl estate aro hereby untitled to present the sumo, in due form, on or hefore sahl dav. Of bo forever barred, And all in debted uro required to make payment by said time. J F PA HKS, Administrator Stat?'<>f South Carolin.., LA li KENS COUNTY, IN Piton ATE COURT. Whereas, It, A..Tones hus applied tome for Let tor? of Administration on the Estate of lt. A, Janes, de censed. TheftOurothoroforo'to cite and admonish nil und singular tho kin dred and creditors of ?Aid deceased , to be und appear nefore me uta Court of Probate: to bo hold al ruy office nt Laurens C. IL. mi 20th day of October IK87,nt lOoVlook, A. Al. to show cause, if any they can, why letters .should md be grunted (liven mwlcr my bund nnd sonl this, tho otb tiny of OctObOT 1H87, A. \V. HI KNSIOK. ?n j. p. L. 0? WH Some Peo] And ttu>y have tho ii ne? i st Our stock is comploto in every res ??he big discounts ofTorcd to those > who buys at retail. Minter & Jamieson'* Dress Qoods Department crowded with patron? ugo. All coiners made happy. Wo ? have n beautiful .selection, consist* li g ol Ca hi?eres, all cottons, from 10c to $1.20 per yard. Also ii love ly line of Fall WorstCWds, all shades, from G to IS cunts per yard. Wo koop ?constantly In stock tho la Min? woods. Just think of it: All-WJ Parlor Suits from $:il.5U to $00.00. A Cu rr inges, now stylos and handsome Come to sou us. Wo have ovory c make it pleasant for von. Messrs D A Davis,' D A McCord, T will Lo pleased to see their friends. BELIE1 Will bo onu <>! thc lui And went into the Mig Markets with A ml our selections are UUCip < iriglnulit v and pru* GHAN!) AG ii ii Vi 08 e I.". tr.) c In the ring, wit wins; on thc rust ru Motors. Large capital, \o\l}? phlCC in tbe front raul in large numbers IM h l<? > c en ts A I cents Do not take for granted every thing unhesitatingly, that such facts as w ST Ul M< i Cli M NV Wo use no bail to catch I be unwary prices printed. This is why 01 give the public full valu THE AUGUSTA Headqi K i s ns or STA ni BACON, SUGAR, FLOUR, lMCKI.F.S, MOLA AS RS, 1? FF P Kl CO FF UK, s I'D Carload of Flour just Kc . ( ar-l oa ?w^.c3i-oisrs .A.: All of which we sell nt BOTTO T__,a/u.r?ris nugi!In x o, ISH7. WOT ICE. 'I bo chairman of each Hoard of Trustee* ls hereby directed to open thc Public Schools on Tuesday 1st day of November next. M. h. Bullock, Frank V)vans, V. P. Mcdowall, Hoard of oxnminors lor Laurens County, SC. October 8th 1887, BTAIL pie Advertise Tc 3 -A^civertis? Mer aders of ' flection of Dry Goods, Dress (?ot FURNITURE, &c. Eve poet, and as wo buy in extra large qt vho buy in Ruell quantities, it of co ><>ur Clonk.Department away be low competition. Every stylo tho fair ladies can wish, consisting of Ladies' (Uotli Jackets, Cloth New markets, Boucle Jackets, Motton ? Jackets, Plush Jackets, Plush Itag lans, Short WrilpS, Misses' New markets, &c. rgest lino of Furnlturo carried in th limit Snits tor only 2S).5'), worth in Iways on hand a lur^e tine ol" Mod S ly ornamented. Prices guaranteed onveiiience lor our friends. A large ll Nelson, John II Odell, K Ii Wilki sictit for many years, and kltowi " XjQ-t Slirp t.lro JD Sleilge-hammer blows for the Solid uuled. No pains or money have spai e have never leen excelled. Look : GREGATION O yards Calico lor i)!l cent-, yards Bleached Shirting for $1. yards all wool Dress (louds for ruts. yai ds Checked Homespun for cuts. ni, eloquence captivates; hut in the : experience, and a close and careful cas LEA DEKS and M A ST Kits of o such bargains as til OSO, which no HEAD THE S s, '2 papers for .'? cents, 'ards Canton Flannel for OS ino honey comb Spread for 70 you set? in print, but let your judgnie .e submit are substantiated by the int 1YING THE FOL ?n's Brogans 83 cents. ' " 6, 7 und K, fi? cts. i i ld ron's Boots, Or? cts. en's Boots, $1.63. Oman's Polkas, GO cts. , for the most simple person eau sev ur goods move nit ill good shape and e we cannot romain in the Lead and carters UY, noons, seen A.-.- - . CANDY, CRACK KKS, [{, CANNED 00ODH MC, Ol'' ALL KINDS. jcoived. d of Bagging and Ties. tsTH) BUaaiES. .iy Flaunted.'soxi, ----so Lcd * Ast rn y. "Fornattdina, Nanami ?"<?., Kl?., Mmch Juin, issn." -.f Imvo ii ?od lu- Siimnnds Liver Ileor . 11 ot >>r noil ni ways foil nd it tn do what ls clnlmod for lt. Tho inst bot Ho nun two pack (IRON liiil me 110 ycn<u\ nod nero .vorsotlian noihlith. I soe lt ls not put np by J, II.Zollin <t <".>.. sud not i/on nine", nml :i waste of money to lui.v lt. I WOIII.I ho ?lad to ?et Ibo tiaro and gan itlno, Hond ne' some from honest hands (willi red Z und /elim ?V <'o.'H-munnin re on Wrapper.) Tho fictitious Mun" sold w ill injure soino onr bnbl v. ",,... Yours Ob'! Horv'l, UK N.T. T? KIC1I > jVCetl^L? a. Bia "BL ?ly Tor SHOW O IST Acl^r?rtis? To lot TtlG L?V Ar? TTlx? Trac xis, Notions, Hats, Cads, Hoot; *r Found inJLAURENs .lanfitics to supply our constantly ii UM ? piucos us in ti position to HttVO i ('loOiing-and Cents' Furnishing Goods Department. Wo have tho prettiest stylos, the newest and gran lost stock, and tho lowest prices. You must seo our stock to appreciate it. Wo hrtVO the host Shirts, tho prettiest Scarfs and Ties, and tho nu>st stylish Hats found in tho city. o up-country, consisting of Parlor S any market fihi.OU. AJI-Wnlnut Su arin gs ami Mattresses of every dose with any market. lot with sta>!s in tho, rear of our sto vs, C W (Jarrett, D,A Martin aud M lg the want? of tV.o buying pub)i ogs of" "Wa,r!" Money. Our bWLL OPICNINO, wi! ?ed to procuren line of goods, that, fi. it tho luminous light of Low Prices, F BUSINESS W 2*i yunis Shirting for 41. 1 yunis all wool Jeans for 85 cts Ladies' Jerseys only .><) cents. Ladies' and (lent's lioso o cent? and up. busy mart of coimuerco, ability ai study of Nie dry-goods trade, have ur business. Prostuge gi ves US pow weak and sickly competitor can e C HE D U L E: 7 yards all wool Hod Flannel f??r fl. Boys' wind hats 10 cents. Men's wo<d hats 2"> cent- and up nt pass upon it. and if your Investiga .rit of our goods and the cheapness o LOWING FIGUR See eur Ladles' hand-made Shoes at $2.35. Mon's Congress Colters, 00 ce? in. Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes, 70 cts., #1, *l.60 and *2. hat WO have on our counters, e.vaotl our sub's so satisfactory. "A o work retain tho favors so kindly extenden 3 CC -Dealers in Bongil, and I Doors, Sash and Mouldin Laths, Mantels, Newel Balusl PINE AND CYPJ Wo can lin vi? dour :it whorl no! of fancy work. If you meai GRAY & A: ..OW I Feorpi? KNOW S Shoos, Clothing Millinery icreusing w lu desate trude, nmlsnro money to any and every purchaser Shoes! Shoos.'! Shoesfft In this dopa Ttl ruo nt wo defy competition. Wo have the largest stock of Hoot? and Siioes ever brought to Laurens, and can. save you fro?. 0 to 50 cents on every pair you purchase. Como to soe us and; we will save you money. nits, Chamber Suits, etc., lr? many its, Marble Top, for only ?10.?<?. rlption. Also, a large line of Baby res free to all. Come und WO will rs llortonso Crews are with us,?ml DEES OP Pelee?? c our manager has. I excel! all our previous effort? i stylo, I'Mivismiuftlity, und ga/.** upon rONDliRS: ul *oli([ cash, are the Mighty onublud us to tako our or to grapple vi II i mit ute much lana approach Mon is thorough, you will admit four prices. Ho convinced by KS: y what wo advertise and at tho for money and unless wo 1 ll? by thc public. tee dy Prepared Lumber, Blinds, g of Every Kind, Ls, Sawed and Turned trades, ? nus SHINGLES. ice and in good stylo any kind i ?ni.sincsH cal! to ace UH. Hesptctfuiiy, NDERSON Laurens CH S. O