The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 21, 1887, Image 3

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The Advertiser. ?aaa11 i ? . . LOCAL, Mr.S. lt. Todd IM having Iiis residence co vor od with tin. \iiss litllifl VVIdto, of Urccuvillo, hus tukon ohargo of thc school ul Chestnut Kid go. Tin? littest definition of u churn-dasher an given hy :i little gb i of liv? Hummer ? is, u "milk shake." A Huming Ibig ls llouting over Hie (.'null Cw i ta pu ia v's ittiltillliotll dry*goodt*, shoo unit clothing house. J?r J, Ti Pool, has plttoed a neal lenee Of iron, Iront tho I.aunuis I ron Koli miry, around ins residence on .Mainstreet. The reMldoiiee of Mri Harrison Scott, near Mt ti ul higher, was nocido itally d.. Ntroyeti bv lire on .Monday night, Cotton con tl nu ott lo como lu mid tho prtco though u ltttlooll', continues high er Hum tho neighboring markers. \\ e puote to day nine cunts, On onr outside w ill be found au hitor rat I ng account otu fort u nu left to tho Child roil of Otorgo NV. Hillard, who now renldc in this uouilty, w ith Hu n grand inother. t>,i Sunday last as the passenger train from Augusta was neuriug the station Waterloo, it crowd of negro hoys throw rocks nt tho train, break lug a iv i nth)-* in the t'OUOh, Hov Ki Spinn? r l>. H., of Ohio, pre ached In Ihn baptist chttridi ?I i ids pla?? Oil Sunday. ile is a ma II O' raie attain ment, and preached most excothmt ser mons, morning ami evening, Wilke** bros., "Sam" and ?.Octile" are running a Hacket Store, and a ''nickol" they ate m uk i n u;. Anything yon iviiul 1 fora mere Hong, lion'l :all to cull on timm, lor I hoy w ill surely treat you well. Tho now sched u lo on t he J ,an rous road is highly nppreeititod. Tho tired and oier-worked elti'/.on ol this place CHU con von ion t ly tuite in tho I ii Mirv of u qui* ?it dal' in the country, either al Co) ll in ubi, Nowbrrry or flinton, and return all tho same day? Sourly all our merchttriiM have return lout haine frOIII Uiorket, and the ulules in consequence pres.-nt beautit'ul array of Pall Hoods, for Pest bargains con sult our advertising columns, J.iv mer < hauts who are anxious to sell guilds, always lld vor lise. On mid after ScptOlltboi 83, another train will be mw, direct to Columbia from litis ?l acc. in u'iditi* ti to tin- local I'roigltt which narrien pussongers. Tho ! Belied tl lo will bo as loi lo wa: Leave Laurens, 0.42 a III Arrive Columbia, lu..'liam Leave Columbia, ?V.I3 |i m I Arrive bann ns, 11.48 p m | 'i'hi.s gives four trains daily into < ol- I unibiH over Hi? < '. A .?. NVvv V<-ar. On Sunday lust ul sunset, the I s nail- ' ?tu* began t<? reckon tho new ycart f.OIx, j Httiee the creation of th-? world, ii is; strictly observed by all Jews, who close their sioi.-s amt Kuspoutl business for forty-eight hours. Dont hs. tin i-'riday, September lt), Mus Lilla, tlangh t er of ?I. W. Peterson, ol' tala plaei> died, lifter u lingering illness .md wu* buried ut Langston's church on Satin day. The heroavotl family have ibo synipathy of (his eommunity. An infant s.,ii of Mr ami Mis .1. M. Hampton, died on Hie 11th, Inst. .\g??il two months. I'.v prr-NS Delivers . Why ill it that other plat* -s coi hull a fri e Express ?loll very, while ie. such e.>nsi t.-ration ia shovn to Laurens, the livest town l>v " t is, in i he state. This ls n lintier that deserves attention. The exponen out ulled wotilil bo alight, while Ibo couvoulnneo to our eiti/.ons would lu- greal and linly apprtieiated. Our Pe?nale < tollo/go. This school opened up brigid and car ly ??il Monda v morning, wit h an i nereus ed attendance ?nd renewed life. Lvorv thing indicates Hu- return of all the ry that Ita? attended this llme-honore<l Institution of loaming, even In hor pal? tob st days. In music, this school odor i unequalled advantage, for thorough training, having an Instructor in vocal as well ?is Inst rumen.&I musi?, Instru ments of the lineal makes an- also prov) ?Itel fo? the uso of pupila. The Lord's Prayer. Tlds is the titln of n lilt!.* vol ll 111 * w lit - ten by Hov M. ?>. I'Vlerson, ni this place willoh should lu-road by every ?'hrlHlian and Hubbath school lonelier and pupil. 11 sots fort h fully tint rich import and varied topics cmhrticitd in this celebra' ted prayer, which is so oftou rep,' di d In a Vague and menu tu glenn manner. Coplea eau bo. had ?d thi' author, al Wilkes' Book Store, or at Todd, Simp son ,V I !t>, 11 ced y Hiver .Insocial lon . Thin association met at Huton church in this county, on Tuesday, September, bl, Hov A. c stopp, Moderator and b. S. Fulier und J. ll. Parrot! Clerks. Kitst in order, was tho introductory sermon by ItcvC P, Scott, of Jfiowbarry and after tho enrolling Of deb-gates, Ibo usual routine business was transacted, Ninety-six delegates rcApouded t" the roil cali. Tho sentiment nf ihn associa llotl was ngamal tho use or sabi of wilta* kry by members of Hm church. This body un ornees the nhurehos of Lau ron s ?nd Newberry counties. Newberry C. If. WAS seleclod as tho next phi.| mooting Thc crow d in nltendaurti tvus unusually large. I?'rr?? Trail e. Tb?* reduction of internal roven ne .> mi I '?I taking off of ll roveniU stamps from J .aprieliiry Medicines, no doubt has lnrgelv benoit I tod the consumen?, as w oil us relieving th? burden ol horno mannfn tur?is. Especially ls this Hie c?s?- with Greens Alignai Klowor mid Hoshee's ticrmaii Syrup, as (ho rodllOl ion of t hirl urffti \ caril s per dozen has been add rsl to Inwoase ibo nl/.o of thc bottles containing those remedies, I hen ey riv lng one-ftftb ni' re medicine In tho 1 . Pla siro. The August flower for Dyspepsia nnd liver complaint, und the Herman Syrup for C<mgh and laing troubles, have perhaps Hm largest sale ?*f any medidnos lu tho world. Tho advantage of Increased ..!/. nf tho bottles will ho ?rea*Iv appreciated bv lin* sick and nf tlleied, lu every tow ii and vi lingi* in tho clvallfiod countries. Haninlolxmloa for 10 ionia , enron the same Size. Rubber ?nd leather Hulling at all prl <.<?* nnd widths, nod Kuhlter Mose, Paint Oils, Y?rnishcit nod painters good o. I . ".". Personal. I M r .1. M. Vlstinsku, la quitt? Hick. Delegates to tho Rnorco Krosbylory at Cition, s. huvu roturm <t homo. Miss Mary Dorroli, of Newberry ia J VI -il in<? retal ? ves boro. Misa ll allic .Iones, hus rot lt mid linn , ti visit t., Condici?n. Mr. J. bee Langston is ogugcil willi ! Messrs Orr, O wings ?V Hobo. Mrs?'. W, Tune, lias returned from a j visit to Vaginla ami North Carolina. Mil.-; Ann iia Kuiiuerly, of Newberry, Who has been visiting Uer sister, Mrs. Di*. Todd, lias returned home. Kev. linnie- lt. Illukeloy, who baa re cently booti in Tu i nea seo has boen I elected pastor of a church In Kairllohl, I I.. NV. ['orrin, l?*?p, of tho Abbeville I bar, \v:is m tow i, \?\x[ week, oil btlslllOKH beft,re Ide Masterin Ibm'it y . ? ( and Mrs NV. it. rt mit, of Now berry soent si verni days hore last week, vis it inj? at in. Ilurkadulo's. Mis.< Lulu Pitts, a charming young , Indy of this place, la now ul Hollins In I , slitnte, vu., w here she ia tnkiug post I gratluute course. Mr I.simpson, has gone lo llreeu wood for the season, where ho is engag in i ho ogitou business. I Joseph T. Johnson, has returi od ('rom j to bia brother in Nova Scotia, ; amt Isgreallv improved in looks. P.?t ! ".Ino" was alwavs tine looking, I . CLINTON ? "UN loN < lI'I K i: ol' i Tnt-. I.APUKNS A nv KUTI SK II. j A pllSSOIIgor Oil Ult' train a few ?lays ago, speaking of tin* Orphan age Campus, said io a friend, "I w ish yon could see it, it is perfect- ' ly magnificent." Wo heartily con cur With the opinion ol' tim strati ger. Tue beauties ul" our little town cannot bo .-eon by n casual j glance from thc train window--, but j a day spent, will never bo forgot ten. A glauco northwards (rom the tower of the Seminary, will un close many things pleasing to the eye of Hie rarest critic. Far oil' lo tho Xorlh-F.asl, Hm Presbyterian Church raises its beautiful white spiro six stories In the air and scorns as a giant watchman over looking und protecting the interest of our Hub* villiage. Then chang lng tho eye, we catch n glimpse of the Ila plis t ami Methodist ('bur- li es, assisting their larger brother, adding inure lo Hie magnificent beauty of the town of ('linton. We could lill column after column in showing to tho world thc many thing.- nfinterusl (hal even Hie ca sual observer cnn seo, but the space ! of Till-! A DVKUTISKR is too pr ?ad ons j and limited lo allow full sway. Hut perhaps we may indulge in a ?.iniipieio description ul some fti t ure day. (?linton ls becoming cpiito busy, caused hy lim appearance nf tho Hooey staple, which is beginning t?> j make things "june round," sn to I speak. Tile cotton buyer- offering : good prices, and the fal mers -oom- i 10 apprecl ito ii, from tho w ay the col ton comes io. The "ol I reliable" ba- pul mi it busy air nf lalo, running four trains 11 day, evidently understanding that !t will soon have n minister rival tn compete willi (he shape of I he Georgia, Carolina a lid Nert li era railroad, which ls moving slow - ly bat surely ulong, ii having iloel rlod In "got boro KU" by thu fall nf I sss. The I?, ?. X, "Llght-runlng Kx piess" is bringing 111 fall goods, livery day cns ?ire side-tracked at the depot, atul -OOH the drays arc busy carrying boxes and barrels to Vhelr re ipectivo places. The Orphanage children bogan their sldiolastic lorin this week, with Mr- M. W. Liddell, Mrs A. R. Kuli -, ami Mi-- Kloreiicu L. Jacobs as teachers. I'linton College w ill Open on thc .22 tl tl Inst, will a lull and olllolotll ; faculty, of seven Instnictors, Tho Cullege building has been improv ed during vacation by w hite-wash-I lng and painting the inner walls and collings. The prospects for | (lie college are very bright, as it will probably have a mindi largor ] attendance, the ensuing year than ever before. The Clinton Academy, wo un derstand, will also have a larger attendance! than usual. The protracted meeting at tim Proibyterian Church was ti success, caused perhaps by tho emeiont preaching of Hov. Sir Lowry, for merly of Clinton, but now pastor of lu* Second Presbyterian (/burch of Augusta Cit., Who ass ?.-ted tho pas tor. Misses Hallie and Lucy Wright, of Newbery, have been visiting Mr j i .las Wright during the past few Wonk.-. I Messrs ll. Wright A lt, lt. I j Blakeley have returned from tholr business t rips north. Miss Annie Cook, of Cro-- HIM, , ? bas been visiting Mr W. ll. Watts, j during this week, 'Bliss Minnie Godbold ls willi Mr lt. H. Mot'rury. .Mr Chas. IC. Llpford, of Ki ii ards, ls now with Huminorol Uro-. Kev. ll. J?. Smith, Wm. K. Jacobs and Milner, mid Mr J. IT, OwlngS, attended Prefbyte-y at I nion Inst Week? Hov. J. I?. Marlin, lias returned from the lluptisi Convention, in Upper Lauren-. it is reported thal Bovortil parties Will cross thc Rubicon at no dis tant day. Such is Hf?'. A little child of Mr ami Mrs J, M. Hampton, of Laurens, was bur-' ried here on Wednesday lust, tho presbyterian Cemetery. Our sym pathy ls most heartily extended to j tho bereaved parents. Messrs Thos. C. Hcott and Win. S Jacob-; are visit inj? in Spartan bu rg county. A parly of Surveyors on the Cf? 0 d- X. It. H. passed through town some ?lays ?go, und aro now some where between clinton and Green wood. ?dom.? Hick DOM in town, Mr Al fred I> >rrob ?if Oreon ville, U vlsit 11 '. "'J.1. ?311.!. lng friends and relatives noni* town j IO very tiling in covered with dus to-day, caused by wagons and lou ses bringing in cotton etc. ( utton is sidling ?it 8-85. ; Laurens of 1887, A REVIEW OF DUH ISTSINKSS FIRMS. [TO 111. CONTI S U Kl), j I n beginning Ibis sketch of tho town, from u business standpoint, it is proper to begin at TODD'S ' DUN mt, win re that distinguished merchant, S. lt. Todd, began bis career und re-, celved Iiis Hrst lesson in thu sebead of experience. In.Iniiuary 1820. Mr! Todd opened out a stock ol'goods i j at the same place, whore for oO years he lins been actively eil gag? edin merchandising. Retiring fruin the ear?-.? of business ut an ad vanced age on January Ist 188?, ; ho was succeeded b.v hissons, .1. NV. and Dr T. K. Totiti and I*. A. ; imp son, who, under the linn name j Todd, Simpson A- Co, ari- now do? i inga solid business in dry-goods ! groceries and general merchandise, \V. II. ii 1 M< l-'.USON, I ?it the Kan pori um of Fashion is I next in line on M:iin Street. In I the tall '8ri, Mr flilkei'soii moved from Cokeshury to this place and began in the dry goods, notions, and millinery business, w ith NV, /, i Medico of Cokcshurg as partner. This (inn opened in the Trnynhum [ ami Dial Block, and lost their! stock ol' goods in tlie Continental Hotel tire, in iss:,, ihe entire bu inoss was assumed by Mr (Hiker son, who hus now on hand a Ililli j line ol' ladies good?, shoes, hats ??fcc. I i.nWA un SITGKK.WHS, successor ti. I Imiter and Sltgreaves, basa well Ulled store of Dry-goods, notinn<, millcncry, shoes, hats,1 clothing, and begun Itere as clerk, ll rsl with .1. NV. Kowter, und itfter wards with Minter ,v Jamieson, where he reniai ned until 7th ol' Sept mber 1880, '..hon with NV. .1. li unter, he engaged in his present business in t lu- Red Block, Main Street. In .lune '87, he purchased the entire stock and is now success fully conducting Ihe business of I the linn at the old stand. J. II. IU-.WI.UY, { is ne\t in older, ami is engaged i?: selling st o ves and lin wa re, gins, etc., which business he began with hi-' brother, when they moved hore, from Auder am S. ('. .lum* J?th 's:;. Two years ugo NV. I). Hew ley mov ed tu l * i ? i i ? : i s. c., -oiling hi- Inte rest tu.I. If, Bewley. Bewley Bros.; were also engaged in drayuge and the livery business for some time,j J.II, Ilewley, in midition to stoves and tinware, ls now on T., (?d iu buying cotton. .vu;: \ ic i 'ST \ I'A -11 ru. This house dates buk to Septem ber '-;t. when Reedy A Blukuly opened a general dry-goods house in Trayuham A Dials block. They were burnell nul in Ihe great hotel lire, hut opened up again Imillcdi a I ely. lu .laiiutiry following Roo dy withdrew and lite linn was A. Bhiko?y until Juntinry ISK?, when the present style of the firm wits adopted ?tnt! NV. J, Purks became manager. In May nf the same year, Tim Morph was put i ll id mr ge ami hus Continued to lin a tim- bus? i i --. They carry a large stock of good-uml being backed by tho.I. lt. White ("o. ot Augusta, who knows the value ot' printers ink, and the way to advertise, they have been very StICCO'-'Sful, Next door we lind M sw A n rxnt'in who hails from Charleston and opened up a branch ul' lils Charles ton store at Ibis place on AllgUSl t-t issy. Clothing, boots, shoes und gentlemen's furnishing goods, in profusion are found here. s. K, TA VI.OR, who is one of Hie oldesl residents of I,aureus i- next reached. Mr Taylor moved here in 1830, hut be gun his present business, saddle-, burnes-and repairing, in 1800. Ile bus done n large n in i successful business in this line. W. A. WATTS, in the sanio store, is successor t< Moseley & Watts and bus a stock ol'g roce ri es, plan t at i on supplies Ac. which, since lu hus assumed tin position of cusliier in Hie Natlonti Hank ol" Laurens, is managed bj M r Taylor. (JUA V A sll.I.IVAN, one of flu? largest grocery house) in the place, began here 111 1882 with NV. \J. Clrny, J. If. Huliivni and Rev. J. I), Pitts ns partner? under the firm liailio of (Hay, Sui rt Co. hi 1881 Rev .1. 11 Pitts withdrew and tho business o the Drill hus been continued by Hu remaining partners, Tlioy deni ii heavy groceries and phi nt at ion sup plies and do an extensive credi I business, averaging ?100.000 n year JOHN I?. Hil KA II A N A CO. Iii November lss| .Ino. |), Sima hun of Augusts On, opened a dry i goods house boro und soon there lifter .ulded groceries and supplie in Hie Fowler Block. Ho is ;i Hiv business man and a successful Mei chant. In January 1887, the pre cut linn was formed, by I). P. < Connor becoming a partner, rhoj carried a largo stock of goods, bu are now closing out their dry-good depart mont. nr. .1. p. SIMPSON. who was a member of tho lim McCoy, Simpson A Todd, luis bee cn ga geri in the drug business her since 1874. He is now closing ott his drug-store, ami will devote hi whole I imo to the practice of hi profession. psoc ir WRST began as jeweler and watch-make here, in I WO, aud with a fnw yent intervening has continued ovi j since, His shop at present is loci d in the drug-store of Dr ?lmpaoi ORO. lt ANDERSON, 1884, moved to this phire from Spnr t tu i hu rp County und cngugcd in thc grocery business. begining on n limited stock, Mr Anderson lins extended his trude, until now he carnes nil average stock of * 1,00(1, und I?foremost muong the heavy groceries, and supply houses ol this place. J lo also sells machinery of all kind-, lil willett line he has also and extensive trude, w. li. HON n, is tho surviving partner of lloyd Uros, who pm chased the stock of hardware ol' the late John Kyle, corner Main and Harper streets They began business in 1872, and in 'TU J. M. Boyd one of tho linn died. [n '78 \\ , 1.. lloyd became owner of tho store and continued until 18811 when lie formed a part nership with li. c. Dor rob, which lasted until Mr Dorroh moved from this pince in '85. Mr Boyd carries a\ailed assortment of hardware, and has beeil very successful in business, I"I,CSS A IT. in ; I SON, aro successors to lloyd, Pl USS ,V Co, who begun with NV L. lloyd, .1. .1. I'luss and J. h. Anderson,Supt, '82. ? The new H rm, composed of J, ?I, I'luss and .lohn NV. ferguson, wa? formed January lilli issi;. They deni in heavy groceries, .md have alway.- been uiuotig the foremost in tills lille, paying in one y< ?tr $98. nun for goods. They also dotti in fertilizers and col lon. Happenings Around Power. ?Vhat has U.^cn Gathered by Our Faithful As we have not heard anything ipeciul for a few weeks, wo delny ivriting until now, hut have no lews yet. Some sick lt USS ill this IcigllborllOOCl mos!! typhoid fever, vhioh is very slow. We lind a nice shower ol" rain 'ostorduy, which was very neeep able, us tho weather was so hot md dry. 'The people ure in a 'real hurry lo get mu their cot on, und lo have lt ginned so they an sell il while tue price ls np a it ile. Those who rai<ed moltlSSOS catie ire having il ground up, and are upping powerful big, they say they ike it Ind ter I han syrup. A tlag station wa- established at his place a few days ago, ami tin' rain has been stopping here every lay silloth ll is a l?rotlt m entumo- | Intimi to ?ill ibu people around tere, they eun sturt their wagons I o fireenvilleor I.aureus and then ' hoy cnn como down on tho train, I uni slay longer than If they were; 0 go along with the wagon. Pas .engel's are get t i tig OU Olid oh" every lay. Kev .1. T. (twill ami Mr .lohn Power, from this pince, attended he Association ut I nion church, ind returned giving uglo\v|ng ae .ount ol' it. Tho I.ody w ill meet at New berry next year. WATERLOO. Mr I., v. Henderson and Mr.I. T. 1 larris, \ (sited Augusta on business asl weld?. Mr- KOSH F.I ?ott, of Laurens is L'isitiug relatives hole. Mr Tom Cartel- of Triangle, was n town soinet imo since,* visit lng "neilds und relative-. Mlt.H Annie Co.di of Cross Hill, ??pent .sometime w ith friends hore ns! week. Miss Ida Kouohoo of Coron nu*, who ha- been Visiting the family td' Mr I'. H. A'ileutt, has returned home. I>r Wol?ord,of Clinton, has buen in town on professionnl business for ?evortll days. Kev A. W. Mooro and Maj. It. N. i'uniiighnm, visited Lauron one lay last week. Miss Iinura Coleman, un accom plish and charming young lady of l'mailmen, w ho Im been visiting Miss i d/./je A nderson, hus ret urned lioine. Mrs Maggie Heese nf Augusta, ls v isiting the family of Mr James Whitton of this place. Mrs Ifilson of Atlanta, who lins been spending sometime w ith rela tives here has returned homo. We noticed ono of the commis sioners in this section, looking .af ter the road-. This, we think a good idea IIS the load- in this section lltive been greatly neglected hy the appointment of Incompetent over seers, who du not asa gen o ra I Hiing knowhow to work them, conse quently the work is done in such n way that the road- are in a worse COIldi ion after they are worked, than if they wee Iel dione. Where the faull is we think lies w illi the commissioners in the appointment of their supervisors as a general thing to commence with, are nun who do not take any Interest in the matter, and appointed without knowing the ability of the o vrrseers, us to whether or liol hoi- capable to perform stu b work, and in a great ina".y eases the appointment is made by letter, mid the supervisor never sees I ho overseer during the time be nets AS such. This we think is tho C11U80 of so many had roads throughout the county. Tho appointment of supervisors who art? incompetent men w ho do not have tllO wefare nf their COU ll ty to heart, but happen to he a kind of favorite in their neighborhood, a nd ure appointed sim; ly on their mer its. Ltd tho supervisors and over? neera ho appointed from Comp?ti tion not from favoritolsm, und we think wo will have bettor roads, nnrl not so much cursing of our county com miss loners. TllO young men of this town aro determinad not tobe bohind in the wny of amtiHcincns, have desi ded (o haven tournament ami bar? Inicuo on thc llrst of October. A number of tho hunters of this town, went crow hunting Hie otb er tiny, and report having A goo time, Killing twenty-five, und saw about twonty thousand. These cro ws have been doing grant daui < >111- l?nt?ro I)i v.( ?i )(??!.s Stn tito entire stock, eonsistiii" <>f i Ami tin- way we tnauugc is tu i Sec thc bollol We -will sell you A nice chocked suit Former price $0 uo 5 <lu/. ( !orsots worth 3?C at 240 All Lien :'?:{ inch Towt Former price U0e. IO do/, towels at . Double Wi.Uh Dress good .Siugh? " '< ? Every article Be J,D*SB X-, .A. age lo tho corn crop- on the river, eating it i? i> entirely in some plates. Mr.T.T. I.?gun of I Ired ley, paid our town a visit ene day last week, j Quite ti number of tills town at tended tho association, and repor ted it us being tho largest they ever attended. If y< u vv?t ni a nico - et of I Tar nessi Bridles, Saddles or Blankets repair- ! inga specialty. Harness I .euther j Shoe Lent her, Whang I,eather and ! 1 lemlock Leather, go to .1. F. MAL I IN A C.. j For duns double and Single bar rel Beech Loading, at J. F. MAL TIN ? CO'S. CLOTHING CL< ITIIING at J. F. M A KTIN A Co. The nicest linc ever brought t<> Laurens, and the tiiost reasonable prices,call and he convinced. HILLLS!! BIBLF.S? Thc Laurens t'ounly lUhloXoclety luis received another lol of bibles, Testu ntcnts A c., ?n various styles - ' hindings. These are Sold at coat. Desi . norsons supplied with Ibo Scripture i ?e. 11,.poshorv :il store ol L. (I. Halli A*Co. c. I. Fl !\ l-l, Treasurer. NOTICE. All persons Indohled lo mc for House Kent, Note or Account. wi:l pienso pay san .. on or boforo N'oVKMliKIt 1st* as tho li s- must he sel tied np by Unit lime. v. . lt, KOVI>. Set ?i.s., 's7 Ul TO TE ASHERS, TIIK NHS r regular exnminntioU of Teachers for Laurens county, will be held ul Laurens Court hou au, on KUI I ? \ Y. tho 7lh of ? >c rom: it, |V?r white ap plluaulH, and SATCKDAY, iii stu of October, for colored iipphetints. I'lenao rouieniber. M L. Ill' Ll.OCIC, sciiooi Conim'r. 1 ? " "".1 i ? ^Notice sf Sale.ifr Notice is horcby given tlint on the llth day of October 1SS7, I will sell ?it Laurens Courthouse, Um goods and chattel: belonging to Kufus L. Uishnp, deceased, con.Histing of cigars, tobneco, rum, wines, whiskey, (?randies, bar room fixtures, lumbar, blinds, wagon, household mid kitchon fm nitore etc. Terms Cash, TOM V Kit KOKKKTSON, Administrator ' sept si, 'S7 :;t * NOTICE ts. All persons having chilies against the late Nf. I). Simmons, w ill pre sent them to me on or before tue 22ud of September 1X87. A. W. BCHNSIDE. $100 to $300 S,irMgilS na. Agents preferred ?lu? can furnish their own horses ami give their whola limo to tho buslneas, Spare momanta may he protltaldy employ? i also, A few vacancies In towns und cities. li. JOHNSON & CO., lOin Malu St., Itleti mond, N'a. ntigS-triu 1 ?i VF. CTTNTS. Q Mend I'ive cents in stamps nt once for eur elegantly illustrated Oataloguo. SOCTIIKKN J1SWKLKY ll o trun 1*. D. Johnson .v Son,, iori nm sO'j Main si., Lynchburg, v?. II Y (J K I A . A WONDERFUL DISCOV? LUV. TOBACCO AN AID TO UK A LT IL A now tobacco msnataetured hy Tim c Williams . i Richmond Va. nedor ft formula r?repiirod hy Prof. Mal tot! of thu '?. ni versify of Virginia. Anti-Molarial, Alltl-Dyapoptlc, ll good norgine and on excellent chew, Try it. No Humbug. For particulars <>f ito virtues call for certificate at tho following places where the tobacco can be had. J, M. Philpot, J. H Cooper, Todd, Simpson ?t Co. Laurens S. C. rc must bc closed nj), arni l>efoto hirst quality dress goods, white lt Auction Prices. linke a sin:?! pay foi btack.' n Drop, and Prk L SL nice suiit a,t, $8 50 .fcl.?u 14 ctn. .ls lu,; .ldc. sat 1 Ot: T, lt), I :?Ao Wc have soi which cost i we close Olli I ?ndios l'un former I.ailies eas worth iii ( Ivoreoats fr low 3?Tcw York Cos' ni IT R E N Si ?3 MARV 11 AI) A And ls absolu tel [TS FLEECE W. 'j he wool from this tittle sheep hi rios, such as dres? go d- for Indies, w -toro of I". S Pi'O H J?; AV KS, who luis "W ILD : Whose fur luis been turned into clou Birds of for decorations in Millinery. The.? along wiih the hides of BufTaloes sine Made into simo- for the Millions. V mont of Dry-floods, Clothing, Hats, i ing doods, we oller Live Bargains! Jewelry of Evei IEE- Sitsr liOsop Red HI nek, Soul h -ii Mastei' Sales. ? STATE < IV sol "i'll CAROLINA. Coif STY OP LAU URNS IN THU ('OL'UT OF 'llM.MON IM, AUS. Pursuant tojudgiuents of foreclos ure ami sale madt! in tho follow ing stated caso-, I will sell at pub lic outcry tit Laurens C. II., on sale day in October next, hoing Mon day the 3rd. tiny ot tho month, dur ing Hie legal hours for sn lei, (he i property described in euch cuse, upon the terms specified io wit. hillie case of Minerva Ida!, vs Addie ll Iii!!. All that tra.-t of land situate ly ing and being, in Hie County and State aforesaid, c llluiuing One Hundred und eighty acre-, moro or less, and bounded on tho North by lands of Col. .1 Washington Watts und Me linda Crews, on Ihe <:i-t by hinds I of Melinda Crews, on the south by lands nf Allen Dial and W LShell, on the west by lands of Allen Dial. T I*' lt MS : Ono hal fol* the purchase minley to bo paid cash, mid the re mainder on a credit of twelve I months, with interest I rom Ihe j day ?d'sale, secured by the bond of I the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises. Tito purchaser lo ' pay for pupers. In the case (if N. H. I Hill, \ - Charles I) Sullivan ami A P Sul livan. All that tract, niece ur par cel of laud situate, lying and ho ing in tho town of Laurens, in the county and stale aforesaid, con taining Twenty Live acres, moro or less, ?ind bounded on the nord) by land- of Vddi?ou Sullivan and Myers, on the east by lands of Mrs .lane Todd,on the south by lauds of William II Garrett,und <>n the west hy N li Dial, also nil that lot of hind in l'nld town county ami state, containing < Ino acre, more or lo/ts, bounded on the north by lands of Addison Mullivan, on thc east by lands of K H mid William Les lie, on the south by new street, and on tho west by the (I reen wood, Laurens A Spar tanhurg railroads. TRUMS: Cash, the purchaser lo pay for papers. in tho case of David A Richard son as administrator vs Warren W alker, cl ul. All that tract of land lying und hoing in the county of Laurens and state aforesaid, t containing Three Hundred and 1 thirty eight ac l'es, moro or less, on i t he waters of cane creek, bounded I hy lands of I lolly Madden, (1 W I vV inns, lands formerly belonging tn the estate of Isaac Omni deceased, and Jamel Pierson, being the land upon which Solomon F Fuller re sided ?it tho Hine of Iiis dent h. TKRMS: one half of tho purchase money tobe paid cash, and the balance oil a credit of twelve months, with interest from thc dav of sale, secured by tho bond of Ibo purchaser and a lliortgngool the promises, Tho purchaser tc pay for pupers, Sept. ;ird. 1SS7. C D DA R KS DA LL Master L. C LARBER^HOP. ?. beg to inform tho public thnt I nu n ?pared O serve them M* TonvtonlrtiAi li : lum nowouiirtom, under Ibo Kol? er. H.:... -s:-' tof b Come doh.if so, wo propose to sci cootls, siiocs, hals, cloth inti. i of good*, . . . . Por instance :e Sink thus: h. Original jprio? ne elegant (1res-; robes ii .Now York,$0fiO now t nt..$? no y caiimero vests iiOc l>ri :e 50o lunero vests.70 00 oin .$3 50 to .$10 b, to Close Out. LITTLE LAMB y certain thal VS WHITE AS is boon wovon ?uto th;, 'most bib hieh muy bo soon at tbo ono-].rice also cn pt u red the BEAST iks,and bo has brought down tito PlU 1T1 ?Lg e ;e tilings arc now un exhibition, "1 All igators, ?'?. have in-took, a varied nssort Shocs and fJuntli men's Furnish. cy Description, seaves7 le Publie Sq mire. Lntiren . S. C State of Southe ar olina. COIWI V OK LAURENS. Hy virtue of inttliority in ino ves teil by n power nf ntturnev given by M M Black, V V Kyles, K J To bin, .1 M Md lowell and .1 V Mc howell, i will sell for tho purpose of partition and dovision on sales day in < le tuber ix vt nt U.M., all that tract piece or parcel of land sit uate, lyin? and being in the Coun ty of bann ns ?n snidj state con taining Two 11 und red and thir ty lineo acres moro or less, and known UH the McDowell phire and bounded by lands of .lohn C Davis, lands of Sallie Davis, lands of li S Grfttn and others, upon the fol lowing terms ti? w it, One half dish I he balance OM a credit of twelve mouths ii ?t!i lionel of tho purchaser ami mortgage of tho premises to secure I ho credit portion, with leave to tho purchaser to pay Iiis entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for papers, X li DlATirj Attorney in fact. Aug. 'll, lss;. TAKE NOTICE! I \\ ::1 .vd! my s toe ko of ^Coffins, Caskets and BURIALi Oases Al I'CllucOll price*, amt will (ic livor them at any ilepoi in the county free ol'charge. Hoarse sent when desir ed. Nihill rails promptly responded t<>. Call in ?lay lime over Martin it' Fuller's i alore;al night at my residence in ".1er G. W, CORBET, As Agent J H* JAME S -TO Til li Wo would respectfully announce Thal wo now have In store, A thou -and and one things, And ure daily receiving more. Our round stacks . of goods, In part we will mention, Hut won't use one spam* to bring hall to your attention. Suffice it to say, we have Hour, meal und meat, And sugar and coffee which ram no! bo bent. Our elegant can ned goods w ill.just make you smile As you stand and behold them - laid pile upon pile. Of tobaccos und cigars wo have quite onough, And cigaretts too for nil to take a J puff. Our now and full ?nie of plain und fancy candy, ls, t- say thc least, Inperfect "Jim Dandy." Now you'll ' give US your attention we sincerely ! hope, Vor we wi.-b tosny a word rc . I gurding our soap. Wo d^fy oom . potion and if equaled cr beat, In ? (tialtity or price, 00 lbs. of soap, ls mir treat, dust cull and gut prices you'll bo paid for your pains, And t for buying your goods from J. HER R UK UT JAM iv. Lnur'Mis, Sept. ld. .87