'-. I I I III.-Ill JVSTICK TO MAI OU coeUTKNAV. A Slat?mont of III" '???Hloil M to Public A Ifni r? in OliarlOJtOM a ut In HioSt.Oo. (Vrotu Hie Alkea UcoprUcr.) Since tho publication of tho sones of abltsivo utlvertiseitieti.s in ref. renee to Mayor Courtenay and tho etty oonuoil of 0bai'lo8ton, Mayor Courtenay luis again boon brought forward in various por tions of thu Ktato us a candidate for governor. Believing that an uuwar rautetl use was being made of Iiis uaui -, wo called eu ' tn rio . ti recent visir to Charlest on anti ns nu intimate frioud of more than thirty-turee years standing, enquired into tho truo inwardness of the matter. As .Mr. Courtouay is a man of direct methods, with OOH i td thooharno teristies tied oonstituU tho av? rage poll titian, he very promptly and emphati cally inti rmcd us timi "he wa- not a candidate for Governor er any other Ollioo." ! ie OOUtV'miod, "! long for Po eembor, what a glad release it will he when l aai hack ht my Coiiuting coom timi t'i? e from "ie worry anxieties of thisoillco." lio called our a ttent iou to his opeu ku r which wa? published just before tailing fer t'uro pc hist soring, i;i which ho stated wlt't emphasis that lc was not a candidate tor Governor or anv other olllci and that ho "vain tl the COUildoUCO, roscoe! 11111' Rood will nf the peoph- ci Bout) Carolina abovt tho State's highest place.*' Ile alluded to the pleasant personal relations existing between himself ami Governor Uicbard sou, expr?s inghis i Igh regard fi r him aa a mau autl as lite chief executive of Hie State, urn! alluded with much fooling to the au noy tinco it occasioned him to see his name nitiouod ns 11 possible candidate for governor, when Governor Itiohardson had uol 1 eu in o'Hco a year, j tte ob arnott riaod it tis a great improprie ty and expressed tho la li ' lind Governor Lochardson would make so acceptable au I executive thai he would he cntbusi ' fie I ally renominated as Ida own successor, il is whole i uiversutiou wu.- characterized by a lunniy caudor of manner and ex pression, Willoh h ll Ito dOllbt of tlte sin. cordy ol' tho ^p.'uki r. We frankly coufi -;. that lins interview was sought m Ibo dual capacity of nu old friend and ns a y .miali.-1 who de sired to give tho facta to Hie publie. Tho result was jast what we expected, and ie. accordance with ali ive have over known of William Ashniead Courtoiiay. This is ii man who hnsgivou Charles? tori, tim metropolis ot' the Stale, a clean, honest nod able municipal administra tion for nearly eight years, who has in augurated and curried to successful com pletion nine i :. 11 ?. i ; t >ut inn.n >"? monti than nay other mayor Charleston 'mts . vcr had; who returned from Kuropo immediately niter the appalling calami ty, by earthquake, restored eontldenco to every oloment i :-..<. tu Carolina journalism. Wo ul hide to thia fact with ho disposition for wuitroversy, but for the reason th;/, wo beliovo thu' the mani fest injustice of the nt tue lc ju . he. columns of tho ouly daily morning paper of the metr?polis nf tho St ito has impress! il itself upon tho people ot' the middle and up country, that to this mainly ia lue tim mention ol the tiain< of 'Wu.. A Courtouay, at this carb a l improper season, as a candidato for tho .>n?ft- of jVvti'iinr, li < ind no to tin personal pxipu^nritv of iii*'. < om i lay, for in tho sense oV tko politician ho ne'er han been Hud never will he a pooali r illari. What lie is ?nd iras booh is (lip to he nativo ability, ?tono?ty and manhood. Tho suggestion of Ins 11 imo for tho governor ditp mqLy be regarded therefore in tho light of a p-.-.>t >sl iigu'iist systoinatic per RCOUtivSu, through the advertising Col umns/ol a groat daily nowspnpor, of u patriotic aud honored oiti/.eu without rhyme or reason. The position takeii ,:>y tho managing editor ot tho ?Cows and Courier, thc 1 rfnin f.piiee being hired by au advertiser, he, the advi rtisor, bas a right ito dump whatever rubbish lie piooscs int i his coln urns, is both uuhiuti and amusing, tirpeeiully -n as he do parted from thu ? ?-hiv. ns soon anthe advertiser t?rm il - .. the editor. This se cn.Uod advertising contract, oauie to an end at thai vt ry instaut, justus il shouhl have ?.'ono thc uiomotil tho advertiser departed from his implied contract, which was t<> adv rt ia his jewelry wire.-. No one knows ht ttcr than tho . ditor and proprh tors nf tho Nt a's ?nd Courior that there i'i an implied coal " lOl I'CSpi Ol . ing tho purpose, ace ?nipanyiug every agreemont wit h nu advertiser, l'o main tain any other course i to throw tho conductor of a public journal into n position of irresponsibility, utterly in compatible with lutelligout and rt .-?poet able journalism, What tro have written lies been sug gested by a desire to do justice in a fib be mininer to ail in non ti citizen, tho r.oKipnuion of Olli youth, who deserve:; ..veil of ttl-' pooph td Iiis natue city and State. yVo protest as a citizen and journalist against tho unfair treatment lie Jia'i received while occupying un offloial position v.iucii precluded a reply, ami wc hope novO? te seo the bad prece tient followed hy arly paper in South Carolina. With malice towards none nod charity towards all t ue parties in volved, wc protest against the degrada tion of a pnolio journal to a vehicle of abuse at so niuclH-cr line <>r int ii. Jt i 1 at variance with tho best sentiment o? the State and the high mission of Amer ican journalism. The steamships City . f Columbia nod City of Atlanta \V< rc - dd al auction ill New Yoj k m.der judgment of foreclosure tn Chaile? M. English tho first named for $100,000 mid tho Inlier f >r $80,000. Tho steamers will probably run between New York and Charleston during tho .season. President Ol ivcltintl, a 1 Thursday after noon, received bishop Jr?I,ind oud Rev, James A. Steven nf Humen Catholic Missit 11 School. Indian it?*?rs wt ri the Subject ?if fhcj hitcrvli Later In thc duj. hy appointment, members of Ute Irish j 'Catholic Beneficial Association, lo tho num ber ?.f 135, called nt the While Hoilifl and were proctibd to tho President. Nicuwt nhliis, tho Socialistic ilgltaU r. was londored a reception Wc Incsday night hythe Socialists of Jtotiordam. Aerowd stoned tho luilldlng In which tho reception wns held and torc down sod bun tl tho Socialists' flag. Sevoral men fo . 1 l an cn 'Mince Into Ino holtio anti smashed th? 3o ?ciullst emblems, and mcdo n general wn . fa o? tho furnituve. The Socialists fled :hrou d? the back doer. The police charged She mob anti succeeded ll] dispersing it. (^uiet w?. not festered until after mid? night. * ? * * piles, fistula. rupture and stricture radically cured, gook of patt icu irs IO cents In stumps. World's ]>,'sncn *ary Medical Association, B?llalo, N. X ? At* TIS ll A Kl HUA NU. A I'/tlUnort' IVfdoiv't K\|>lulit So br linnie.! l.ntrr On. A Salisbury, Delaware special lo tho Haltlllioro Ann rican says: '"'rho Steamer lient, now plying between hore and Uulti nu te in placo of tho disabled Pratt,wits ii.? scout! t,, lay ol another matrimonial sui dion. Scarcely luv I tho steam or lied io tho ivharf befotoltwus known that n ?a li pnssctigci was aboard who liad made t!u>.lint.? Salisbury-with tho expeolnllou o? i inking sonia impune- in regard to one Ol \ v :;;!.. > s ciii>'..:i|; Hld ol ItOCOIliillg lils wife il all went wi !l. Tia American corrospondoul was earl*, on I he scone, and gleaned the following fiicta; A bon I one y. ar ago there it| penrod in the tolmans of a sensation td paper published in Chicago un ndvcrliscuicut fur u husband, signed by a i lal ti moro widow, To this advertise mem a well known funner living in this count} responded. Tho coi resiKyidenco lind cont!.med io ibis title. Photographs wt va oxchauged and other mutters con ne. : d w Ith u courtship arranged t?y h it?is. lt h." not sidled tho larmer minaki lin Intended lui.le a visit, ami -bc. getting illixio'.l ; lo consummate thc inania: e. stall hiiu a letter M iling she would he down to Salisbury ou Prlduy next. After scudluj* the letter sic concluded to conti Wc luci t!a_\ instead, so tis to give her intended rt pk isa u I surprise, In const tpieiicc of tho change she maile tho funnel* dill not moil lu i ut the boiitj she look ndvunl igo of his absence by calling in two or three t iii'.ens and asking lorn ?nil dc t in li ai ol Un man she expected to mar y on light. This (lotte, u messenger was dispatched for birt ul HUCO. He was soon round and In .tig >: to lite I toa l, wh< rt: an Interview was hud, tho re uli el ii hiv h was thc rcfiu.il of tho lady i i marry him, tm account ot' Ibo crowd present mid the ptcvudiug excitement. During t':-' dpy tho ItushntiO-i |eet called to - i lier three : ines, hui could yoi pb vail upon her to iiiufry luin. She promised to liitiirj ?lint, however, if bo would ?s> to ll mor?, Whieb i.'- '.uti bo Would da ss soon lu;could disp se of bia fiUtniug hu pl ince: -. 'Hie larmer is a widower, aboiil nilly yt i rs old, and hus lour cuildrcu. Ile ts well known and highly nspooled. The wkl i is tptite Hue looking ami nt tractive in i iincr ?in I conversation. She left on Un Kelli for lillltimore this afternoon, ac Companied by a Icily t i it nd who caine with lier io witness thc marriage. l*.-t nins Oil u l.iifl.v t'oej'lo. Sc it ANTON, September 4.- -At the Lucka Wanna county Agricultural Society's Pair hei'o this tnonih lhere will bes?me lovel iitlriK.'tl ?0?. Oil tin afternoon i i Ihesecoud du*, ibo Kev. 'livid Spencer, l>. I> . pastor O? ill? !'. I1U8J IVlU lil Aleone baptist l lunch will murry a cou plo in tho judges'simd, llgl i in sight bf till Ice ? copio on lilt gt'iltl ? stand, Tiie happj couple-il i- not yet lUiuounced who they ure to be-^wlll sturt m." vi .ih a go? 1 supply of both usi lui md urn .inoiilul articles Ono of tho society's nil i is lian h night a $'?0 dress pattern jot ibo britlc, oed thu citizens will give I hem :: ru .jiifi Mast og in thu siripi ol il l?05 bilby e.: .. isvo barrels til (lour, a parlor ear pt:, i tlo/.eu cubhiet photographs, li vt 1 s ..1 polut o.-, u ?IO eranie, ll .-S-'i o:> ?..' '.vine, a ? silk umbrella, I .ooo tout el Iii inloek bimi er. ?:'> wm ii i I" dicoi !UU ie, in vs miner. IWO tons ot coal, a i' ?fits ranee, dices for bride h >u i, a vt! pt mai ii ii of soap, uno it! "i bottles Ol wino, u vtu nug. a ?i . ; . .uro. u toilet set wort ll ..."?. KIO wt a i .i wedding curds und a $15 robe, j.-., iii, liaili newspapers iii Hie city hiiyi1 \ .'Od io st ud lilli couple lin :r jour :, ib i'm* ? yetti* free, a dentist has pron isod 10 vi j thom $15 worth of dei ai W ork al un lime A'ilUltl ll Vb yedra uiid rt lhirdwurt than will bund liver $ 18 worth ?>!' cooking Utensils HS soon -,s Ute I.in t is Ped. .Mani 011 '. less valuable ?rdeles will ho presented lu he couple after thu trying ordeal of t? pu' lie! :t inari luge. 'i inn ibero ia lo bo n liaby show iii lb iii ?ii kuHdih'9. Tjie babies arc I?? drcsst?< in white, .liiii ei'Jici lil?ioor red ilhbotri! I illi und their nVckS. i'i I of .sp.* und isp . J lu);,\lest i in flint s hoi over cue year (dd. Th i. <...' M . 'ghi bel '.vi :I nitai an twe'vii M mt hs old will lie. rewarded' willi 1 pl! '. ? ot' :V>. O KN KU AL IKU'H *l Ot'KM. li ..>.? ,1 liitwrtntii or.iiieffd trout Vnrlom Uita/lcoi. !. iU)iichrc, I Miloo anti oil.er members ol Parliament luivegoiiolo Mitchel town. '1 lui Deciiiu1', Ala., pint olllce becomes 1 IVisiilentlui ellice of 'die lb.nit!?:- Uelo bil l-i. Ayoub Khaii lau lied tow uni Kluif. Per ii iy nd es to westwnrd . ! tho Afghan li tu frontier. I: standing collars get much higher soii ' of lite yoting m ai Will - I collie biird I'. ipli Who intend to put down urfcsilll wells ?liould llrst provide themselves will' a si ikhlg fund, Aral KOW ibo doctors eoiidcnin 'ced "j, silj rr lied i' produces ulmtiriii.il pul ?ita lion nf the heart. . \ i," -aid an . 'd mold, "1 don't mis- ? hu rind very inueli I have ti ?tined nr. tlc to uren : ovory time I teed him.'! .* woman, being asked why husband) qui conning their wives, wild '! Wtusbii cauco ot hoi Inen tb.'. i' so much nicer, S? innt'bek I li? bei o of tia rc?cnl ijl?olr on lite German frontier, has * . ? * ? appointee Gel mun iunsici'tit !!.?.'.. Professionelle d< General Ru I hu' csigncd i.!< p>>-' ii ir tanti and will return to tho war olllce ir October. Hu Insists mu thc govornmcu' appoinl his successor without tlelny Thoa. S. J^lournoy, Jr., tobacconist, ol Kit hmo:.il. Va., Ima assigned for Hie bene iii i f hi- creditors. Assen $?15,000, liabll ?tics ?50,000, preferred debts $*38,O0O. Thon-ure tw > things to ho drawn frdti w mei! only with greal difficulty tho s( orel ot lier affections alni tho Address ol tin.*- maker. Wh?ll a young man (lote?is life lirs. evl doh . . ' hair ou his upper Hp lui f> 1 ls ? !e V .?i I, When In reality it Is soil of a cannu dov. ll ;. .val academic:- nial fetlool ships tun out some pretty good skippers, hui 0)1 ciicisfj can double discount gi an w;hen ; comes to qiinntily, WJ m i policeman breaks ono of the nih of di-, ipiine he ls promptly discharged \V'*?n ho bn aks somebody a head Ito ; lioid h 1 exainlunlloll. .*-, v..... - ;) corps have begun a sel it's <> manu .*. ' ca nvpun/J ?C'ono?issonnc fCrnnco Tin . '?ero aovcral slinrfi lights Tlittrsdny M "' e\pc: t- juai-' Hie | voblllolis o tia lroo| .j ||< Riutcol slege'ftl 81 Hs lins been rolsvd pr'; |.", i.'in..nd I.ns cont, md upon ox , V?', Mtumbuloti. M. Kitloft nm i nui MntkurolT thu detorulioii of Un Oitier of Bravery. ti neral Sheridan b?5 ilssumcd comnmni o' ivoops thal tuc uur?clpsto In th millUiry (Iwpioy ^Ptetobvr 17th lu bono of tho Ceiltcnnw of tho promulgation 0 the Constitution. Freight r iles frmn ."?OA- Vork, na th Ocean, ( lydt?aiid Mallory slefthisrifp lines have liecn nairn od to jTlcksonvlllS, Kia Shout HO pur conl. on nearly all'?laSflOS 0 freida. 'I'lio selioon?-f Marcara foundered si: mile-, rortii of Whit?* i'.vdi Point, I.ftko Su potior, in yesterday's ??lo. Jlor ? row o lt u men and her captain and his fumlh weie lost. A bank examiner. Invi Rtlgflllng tho Affair of the Biddoford Sa zings Insdtu'ion 0 8nco .Maine, which was robbed by younj McMeiliy, Btalcs that iii..- biak will haveft surplus ol half ii million dollin*. . ( Ardtbhbop Walsh saya tlic lr! h "toto qili'i lion I? ii ivpiim reinl and rlol M political mat toi*. Iii- doclarcil hoi 1 Asl bourne's purchase schemo m iv thu moat suitable ono lliul luis yoi been passed. "In ibo M< sloan clmroli chub* U.0 woman IA allowed losing," says ii correspondent. There uro a great immy eliureli chiba |n lids country wliero women dou'l sing. UM' iinfortuunh ly thoy Iry. TU? hlrgo bollol pl T N, fa... n's MY mill bl '.lu-' Jae's so; vt; lc, 'h-.. .?. 'I In I iy ii flt moon. Sam .?'iii ' . ?il ti" iliciiiau, who wussbiiidlugoli tb? I aler, was b ully scalded mid will cl lo Damage ?S.llO?. .1 ? ?inpaled that ti.e ??fcli rate ot Jibe world ia sixty-seven a ndiiul . and the biitii rat? evenly a niinutc. and thu sycuiiogly light peicctitti'io ?o' gnni is milli ieiil t.. : ive ll Ucl ?ni lease ot* population CtK'll year ol' al most 1,200,000 souls. joseph Worts shot ti tal killed Junic? Smi ler a? Jolly Street, s. c., yesterday ni ?rn lugi Sudler assaulted We 11 v iib';! I:nib nod sdck, whereupon tho latter ilr< . pis m! und shot bis assailant doWU. Sadler's repi talion was bad. li!. , lions??n thc question . f i"<-.l option w . belli lu niue ooiint?o?'df Mb sou i on Wcdiirjailay, .even o'' which voled in favor of ii. rill*, mukes thirty prohibit! ii coun ties in Heit State, and iii:.' :.< ollie's will ?. ?I .. er h i tl op! ion SOi iii. i r yo i ?c.p;'?i! oii your bundi and ho might ns well haye i bei u OJ co he'ii bc gratulad lo read tec wi. ni a ** itu ?. t it yu tn ki. in saVliir? y?t r micka fr im lu tho' crail ol ii?" Ou m IV-no] 1 MOidrcnl, lim -rend inn fui'ihd a tine, bill ngnhtst 'A illiiim .'. M?- huh, ?e. \\ iii; un ?.lluu Pinkerton and Miohti I Hickey J ? msptri n.it ngninsi Hit .tier ol Mon ufol, lr havine. Ins photograph placed hi the roj ut cd'tav of thc ccutrtd polio Binti* . Iii Chltngo. President King f mural dd I ex l i country, wad ii e (leif, willied v.. . ??dy, pa bi md tem i : e-J Wal vi ' 'ch ef ! < ibo lin .: .? .a Mufti an I last .).? p coree anil a i so'.:.. .'.;.!. yul ,?u! bv whe i tlnd t.. aipiu;/ .' gre fit, flow n..;.;. i y. .i. ..f .;!.en. Kiwi h.fr.l Itu i.. . . epped ?aa w . ii :.'o?.. hp td '?*? ooo bil I.s. lilied ?ti willi oaf i ? hud cl?s'ly . ' willi ... brick .tho rn nipa ns high und thick and casi- Ilutad for ibo ilsa of :.:... . llalla and loft tho great Wl'.ll sera.' ; .a. up thu moon tu ?ti side now sim li . now curved, lo meei tho mdutitiiiii ridge, turreted each th reo hundred f i --a frowning blass ot masonry. No IV" I to I'. ll YOU of tiiis v ?Hi; ian hoolii will tell you bow lt was built to ...vp th" v.-.iriil.c Ta rta'i'd Out ,voni\ feel hlgl) by f r'y thick, twelve lurer .?*: H,i! s I cor. with vonni on lop lei six In?! a s to bo driv'on abreast. Npr need 1 it'll you (hat for foiifte^n.jhunilred yoafd il kopi tuo-e ItOliitiS rt btv nof ina;, ?ti tin; main, tho matefitit us.)i| Upon it is just ns ooo! uud lirai . id Strong as when pu' ia place. Twelve luufdrod milos of iUU til'/untic ,\ ?pu bulli on tito rugged, erto/py monrii?dn top-?,-VHUh?ng our g ?' ?POI'jdhg Widostryapis.h ni*.g ti", rjyot' tpjuh Ways with ii ii : o liiird bili's 'ol rjopjihi', willi doubl? g?iies. willi swinging doon und bars sut Ihiok willi i roil nfOiOr- -:i wonder lu tho world before which 'i. oid .i.?..: cia..ic scveh whi d .!.', ni! goil? now save thc gnaw pyrni ii !. were toys; Thii -.real iiyraiiiiil hui ^5.000,000 (iubio foot, Um'grunt'wall ti.???lJ.O o vi Ciiblu fceti An en," ncr Iii Seward's part^ here some yean ago gav? : rs hi ; opin ion that tho cist ol luis wull. limit ing labor al thc same rate, v. ml I moro lliau oqlial that of nil tito 100.000 ur cs of railroad in lite 1 ulled States. Ta. material ii contains would build a wail six fuel high ami two feel thick rigid straight around ti., globo, Vet Uris was done in only twee.y VOU'rS WltliotiJ a traen of ?leb; or bond, ii is the gVcht Cfll individual labor tllii world luis cc: know n. Tho Orlokot's Excban^o. I have a bicycle in goo,i running ardor which I would Uko l" ''. hange ,ror a pair of winter clothes; i iigthof log, thirty-six; and a heavy . . .coal. --Ct-r ald Dt TA li ckiebot?fim, I would like to cxi hamre a irood "A" tont, with complota camping outfit, for a month's board in n private family. No objection t0 children or only two monis Sunday.--Cht*\er A. Dc llontfackt. Any person having anything useful that bc would like to exchange for two or three pairs of long Stockings', fl Nor folk jacket, pair knickerbockers, and Air ustock. can lind ti i Homer by .ad dressing thc undorsignod, Bomothlng heavy or fur-lined preferred.-AuyuttiU Hummerbird. I have a good straw, hat willi a bron i ribbon, only worn one si a. This a rnre chanco for the right I?iud of a mau With SOmCth'.lg tO ea,. AftCf to-mor row this offer will be withdraw ii.- M. '/'. Ker op. I have a vahinble Slin-umbrellfl, witch as nevnw benn out of thc fatnljy befuv/, but witch t hfive consented to pftWtWltll fnw s?nllary roanon?. Genthmcn wtih unaccaptionablo roferoncc?, nivlpg ans tnur.int ticket and fl cap? hoyftUOdat, very lonn-, to disposa Off will bc na Q moilated lu- calling fm ori;d*lr? ssing. -,/. Ohumlty'Bcti? Harrow- Jiu rr-nu, J-J i aifif 0litb-Ouss, Two good bathing suits nndfttcan'i racr.et for three Squafo mofl?s. Addros?, in OOhpdonCO,-Harold j'ri ?.'boy. I will exchange a Village car., nearly new, for n ton of Lackawanna s?a?o, ogg size.-?y. K. Ahaiue. Ilion (lilli Kcoiiomj. Every change of season bringa HOT? pleasures mid now cares. As autumn drops hor royal robes of crimson and ...;oli!. SO we lay aside thu eau monts and customs that tended to out-door lifo, ?iud draw in om* forces from communion willi oxtornal nature. With many a sigh over tho pleasant associations of tho summ.tr, tho housokoopor packs il? \ hor muslins, and shakes outlier iV(>oions ready for tho biting blasts of wi . Tu lok curtains shut oui, tho Will try cold; warm rugs are spread bo tero tho glowiug grate, and bits of bright hnugihgs, nero and there, make ono forgot the brown earth and gray I ky willoh accompany tho shortening days. Tho thrifty matron adapts hor old vannen ts to new stylos, and frequently thu I isl state of suit or (doak is ibettcr than me lir*t, Thu addition of a plain o lehman's capo to outside tight-fitting .."?i moll ts, is universal. When mado of pl ?h willi cu HTS to match, they give au II r of distinction to a Now mar ko t or ?HIV long, light-tilling cloak. Tho cape v. iil be useful for spring wear, detached from the cloak, ol I h er made of plush or iito material of tho dross. Hut few liooihi are seen eva pl on children's gar mon ls. New wraps and cloaks are generally ih hu . i 'Imped with a tight-fitting back . . I underneath, in front. Tho back maj bo cilhor longer or shortor than . oso hanging front. Many aro litcd down with jet. which, in somo i; es, covers tho Uppor portion and li1 ? a cont of mail, and is about . heavy. Huttons oil everything aro 'ai -1 an pronounced; those oil dress Ul arly as larg.: as a silver dollar, v. : ' mailor om s ot) the basque and sh xv. c s. Jerseys aro worn more than ever, bul j 'i cys so thick and close woven ?uni so richly trimmed that I hoy have their slouchy appearance. Ire illy covered with iridescent beads . ' il braiding, they oro generally Knish ed with il highly I rimmed vost of the ?ainu material. This vest may consist of brigid colored silk or braid arranged hoi ' nitally or in lengthwise stripes, v h joifoys aro convenient for home wein*, willi a skirt of siik or wool willoh liai out laslud its basque Tho Souvarofl jacket is used in the same in au uer. lt i nie of any harmonizing or contrast* . - material, fastens with ono hulton at neck, opens over a full front of sill;, lld ? rounded bil' at tho hips, with a ' . bil ll may be edged with ing, embroidery or galloon, and is lo for young gul-* and slender ''.dress materials there were never i ..> utor varieties. Almost everything is ; "i ?'. or in diagonals, tufts, cords, li '.ir.vs or stripes, tho latter varying fr i hair hues lo two inches in width. Tito alternate snipe has frequently a lough or plush surfaoo, and a oonslcast ing i ilor, .is dai le blue with old gold or dull y ?How, red or wino and col,?en br v u. Tin ro was never a better time lo i milbillo utility willi beauty thai) tho ul. Thu carotid mot her can take ! aif'Worn skirts of Nellie and Jon? ii io ad make thuin into pretty short j nos or jackets, willi plaits in ll e bacs with au) suitable trimming from diotiidor down thu sleeve and around the wrist. Tho striped skirl, made perfectly plain or willi side plastrons of ibo luuqilo material, finishes thc cos llli io al ; I Ililli of tho expense of a new dr . . This oe iiiOinical fashion is not c mil : ?il lo mi-. bul is often usod by lin ir i u o t h i rs as well. Ucster M. I'oolc, ?>; Hood Housekeeping, Holyoke, Muss, Au <>?ld rober Story. Tl ni i?5 1!. Davis for many years was uno if Barn inn's foreign agents, and his . call al hiin to all paris ol the . r V. ?ti rd ay Mr. Davis leaned . 'n a chair and in a quiet voice Itt? ': "Did von ever hoar the story 1 : ' poker game played between 1 Gaylord and myself?'' Nobody lind, ai il so Mr. Davis proceeded lo loll tho den v: " rt ii. Gaylord and I, who wero at 111 ' time in Barnum's omploy, woroon route from Sue/., Egypt, lo Bombay, il i Wc were passengers on the steamer Kohilla. Hoing unacquainted wi i. nay of our follow-pnssongors, wo wi ru ni sea as 10 how to pass away the, tim . Ki hally wo lill it- Quietly soat in * our-. Ivis ?it a bible and drawing a ii. e . or -ards wo commenced to play ker. No ono noticed us for a limo, hill wi:, ii they hoard ibo belling -'I'll >i>u ilfty and ra i so you a hundred' pass t .'. ts, mostly Kuglishmoii, gathered about thu table. I was np. . ar ith ns cool as a sherry cobbler in U Ilil'Uor, and dealt the cards from tho op and bottom so boldly that some ol ll?i i y sh tudors took ph) on Gaylord, raul, faking In'm one side, gnvo Ililli a I min i or. Gaylord let thom have, their riv. bul vouhl not bO convinced but ti: - his pai'tnOr was ';i dead square " 'Do sou know hun?' they queried of Gaylord. " Never nv t him before in my lifo.' v a-: tho reply, and then resuming his 1 '. pr? ponded tobo robbed as openly OS ''Vol > a n was. Tho gamo ended by < bi) ?ord being $10,000 loser. ..wm o tho ol hor passengers wero not about I would return Gaylord his losin ?_ v. "The following day I was eyed sinpi cioualy and Gaylord pitied as the poor Victim. Wo continued to act As strangors toward each other, and casu? til!j mooting 111 front of thu table where i ml ll . nigh! before, politely bowed, : I ! willi a wave of our lianna toward tito chairs, took our seals. Again did ( no stakes run high, and I kept client? lng* ftrOl raking in tho money. Thf ppqctattH's. boen mo. excited, and mur mura of disfavor lilied tho air. .. Ten thousand te a call,'said Gay lord. .. 'i'll visit you,' was my rejoinder, and, showing down a straight lindi, ; ro c? ded lo take in tho cash. "Thou Gaylord was again taken tl lue, slid Ibid ho was being literally r< bbed by c. Bharpor. " '1 don't gqttoal,' said Gaylord; 'I o n aflord Jo los . tun thousand or so a dnV jttSt'for ino amusement the follow RIVI'S mt, . Pm out ubout n quartor of a tl now, but. that's merely a baga te. ie. I'm looking for Wlllte elephants ' i mil, and diese trilling incidents . . i . ti 'a : count. 'Il vis -Mvcial days before tho trip Wi . t'riucd, added Ibo agent, "and I '. .- looked upon by tho passengers ss th. millionaire gambler of the world." - / /. Louis IlenubUoun. Tho, Quoen of Holland and thu young princess, her daughter, had a narrow o-tenpe the other day. A lustro chan delier inthe rosliblo of the Chotean of Cocsdy);. wie rc ila: royal family have bison staying, nil witl, t (taming fi'oni tho coiling and unlashed into a thousand atoms at Ihn royal Indies' very foot. Happily, tho queen and pHiiOOM sn te rod nothing moro than tbs .hock lo their uorvos. Tho Cotton Movement. Tho Now York Finauoitd Chronicle, in ita roviow of tho movement Of the cotton crop for tho wook ending September '2, says that tho total receipts reached 80, 809 balcH, against 1.9,270 bales laid week, 9,0-10 bales tho previous neck, and 7/270 1,490 halos three week? since; making tho total receipts since September I, 1887.15,510 bales, against 11,708 baloi for tho Mime period of 1880, showing ?ii increase nineo Soptcmbor I, 1887, "! :?,7r>(i bales. The exports for tho week reach a I !:?; of 82,235 bales, of whioh :>0. ?TH .vere lo Great Britain,-lo Franco, mai i, i> ? > to tlio rest of the continent. The total visible BUpplj ol' colton, as made up by cable and telegraph, for tho week is as fellows: Total of Urea! Britain stook 578,000 bales, total of Continental slocks 831,200 bales-making a total of Kuropcau stocks of 024,200 bales. The total visible -ap ply for the world is 1,218,007 balee; of this number 015,407 aro American and 008,200 East Indian, .Vc. Tho importa into Continental port for the week have been 30,000 bales. There is an incrcufiO in thu cotton in sight of 121,870 bales as compared with the santo dato of 1880, and au increase of 80,425 bales ns compared, with thc corresponding dato of 1885. Tho recoil ?ts at interior towns for tin week have bien 25,037 halos. Tin o .i inferior stocks have decreased during thc week 000 bales, and were, Friday Ul flit, 19,142 bales less iban at the saun? jr. riotl last year. The receipts from thc plantati m . being the actual movement, not inehid ing tho overland rwcipis nor Southon oonsiuuptiou, of cotton that reaohctl tin market through the outports for li" past week wore 80,810 halos. of future speculation, tho Finaucui Chronicle says: Kxcopt for ?ni irrugtilai episode on Tuesday, connected wilb tl. closing np of August contracts, tho ton dene) of prices of cotton f >r future do livery at this marlo t has been tipwan for the week under review. L'llfavi ral 1. crop accounts have been ass. ried un, reiterated with muoh pertinacity, and tin very small stocks in American inarki ', i together with the full figures at wini 1 prices and transactions in cotton on thi spot have been maintained, gave orcdonc to a rcpoit Hint an offorl v is hoing mad< to "coruer" Soptombor contra?is. Ti; day au irregular opening was to]l,>\>" by an advance on the repetition of uni;, vorable crop accounts, but a declil fi caused by tho free crop movement. < 'ol ton on the spot has been ipiiot. i'll, i ings were on a very limited scale, i ;CC| of low grades, and odd., and ends, f< which there was very little demand Quotations were advanced l-10o. . Monday and e. Thursday, willi mor doing for home COOStimptii tl. I ho tl) . ket friday closed quiet, at iOc. tor mic diing uplands. ,1 Pastor ('barged willi Voodooism.', Thc members of the Mount Zion Bi pli< church of Wnshlugton have brough! unhjii charges against tia ir pastor, arrangninu, lui for tut?nalng superstition nud believing I voodooism Deacon Preston wan p a by tho church tho other nigh I when hosie Pastor Dillard cuter Ibo buildli . Wo: dering w hat mission brought tho pastor I tho church at such an unseemly hour, il deacon slipped Into Hie church and hldin behind tho orean began n walch. Pasti Dillard lighted a can Ho and widkcd slow . dow n Hie aisle and around tho nllnr. li vol few steps Pastor Dillard was st cn to bi something line and white in front Ul, around him. Deacon Preston loft lils pori and crept softly up the aisle until ho < III lo some of the stuff Dillard had sprhikli around. He found out licit it wa bill landslid under a pew. Winn hopi ll from his hiding place die pastor hail stui tho cainlli: on tho altar and .\as dev ?ul poring over the imgcs of ibo ? ho Preston arose, mid proceeding i > : .. asked Parson Dillard why he hail spiinkli t>alt about the church, Ile raised i li hands and said, "Hush, Brother Prost I don't disturb thc solemnity ol Ibis coi 1 have sprinkled sap. liround tho chun li keep oui the devil. Von just y i iwaj ni ht mc alone to Ughl b.itnii Den Preston rushed around mid told tin bora of the congregation how h<- hud cn Dillard scattering sall along tho aislen ai around the nillir. The Parson wa? sui moiled to answer thc charge preferred I the Deacon, but refused lo do n 1 Piisli Dillard says ho will tight Ibo cohen iii Ile has outstanding notes of thc church fi $4,000, mid vow? lu will sell Hu bulldh if he is bounced. I ia-nu n;!' r uro iryii to raise lite m ?ney lo take up tho ti ?li ?, llubren llnyi ci Itonu nihraure. Tin- mouth of September \-i!l lei ii harbinger of Ibo festive season for '\ [sreuhtes nil over tho globe. fi holiday. It was contended hy doli il that 700,000 men now out of work w a Ix? nble io get employment if ihis rule we put Into force. It I* stilted M-nii officially that the Ut aiah government, not obtaining the of tho Powers lo (ho proposed m Issi m (louerai Er?rolh, will i nooavor t" . adh?sion ol lbs r?uropcau jiowei plans for iboaoltlemontor du i;, ipicstion. Thc abdication of Prince FVr< nand will be a necessary rouh of ibe a !, tlou of the Itiistlan?policy. In the opinion of the Civil Scrv!<. Cot mission (bc postmaster at Cincinnati not lawfully innove n'iy carrier Of (I, for reason Hint the currier or ?lOrk to a pol liles I party to which Hi ip is opposed-thal bo can lawfully rot no person from thc olasslflerl postal eoi at Cincinnati except for lomo 11.. i than thc employe's politics] Ophir- ns i ;?fnlialions. lAHEP U\ THIS O?VBHX0B. ile rion ilia Kool r??- ? i0Vf atui n UeaUU?. A rathol nlngulai huppouiug lu tho mairl moulai Uno tool? placo ?rest? uhy iiflernoon h? this city Slog?liir, Uviuut'?bo ol Mic coiitmethi? riles a s of llebiow origin, VIK "th? V nf thu Chiliih" faith -als ?1/1 ronsou of ihc fuel thal tho Thief Moglslralo ot tho Stute wu31 ho mo who nulled tkclrl destinies. S ?mo ?luic ?I-? > ?s Kn hnol iinvld, the ; lovely ihiu 'hier M Mr und Mei !? Dsv?d, nuil Mr. ii. A. Hurl, s h xiugtoul in uow residing la lids i tty, li ci pljgul ?il ?heh Itpth. PIP 'id ' oppy; itiou ?no tho dui . oiic ? if Hhji I it?i Intcrft ; .1 to chei 1: tho course .., Irue love,'bi ?ns Ilio 'result io\ys, did liol provo nu olfeotuid ouvrier, for, ii? . I . '?i. ilio Ihving p dc were not to bc bri oked. Yesterday iiiternoou th? couple repaired n> tho I. tcculivi mslou, ind ?? re, lu ibo pretence of ii few lu ' d guests, His. rix coHenej ?peko tho words Ihtt mudo Ihetn uuui nud wlie. This Coins' Wits resorted to froth iee fi.' llnil Ibo fulth of tho gro?m ptOvonUd thc tvlnjj ?tho ki >? hy ti Jew ?sh Hibbi. Mr. ami Mr*. Ma lh li ? ihe > :r. on tho .)..?.i tr iin for Knoxville, T< uh.", whoio il'.ey Will laki tip their rc Idonoc.--(Mum ltd Jkco ii u l id e. '. dut tor, and nr.ny butt coud ictor I put on abs. One Li vet], the Other Died. A woman formerly KUI- slavo ia now our < aok. About oigbteon mont ha. ago she bcoauiO i . lily und Incl a COUgll and n u ii eon linoel I ? beti, and if jwis thought that situ bad <>f' , : . X)>< treat moul hy plij duh .' "' '. to fe?vo relief. In J .'coomber, I PSI, ii iodo* cr ?the 107.0 of ft ROO 0 e;f? foVinotl }.;.. cured. I i> UJ I I ono bottlo of your H. H. !>. (Bindo L'l Atlai la, Ga.) ?cal gave it to her an I sho Commenced to improve, i l in a bought und gav? le r throe bottle i more, nu I ano contttiudtl to nu provo, aud ia l \ months' time her i ut ;b I * . ci', lu i Const i ta ti a. .r. llCUCl . I ppolfto Hud digo lion ..; .!...... nil J' cum ?es oats il, i i di i or knots dUappt d' tl utid,sbov,'i al t ? "? uh iipp?rout?y heult hy mid fattened up .' "oatly. TLis woman had a mtrr?cd l ister of ria.-tin' niuo 6 go vi . wafc affected in pieoiBoly tho sum? tray nutt about titi sun. '..tue. Tao hud hOdos r knots on pit of her storaao . back, oto, bho did not td."-?y U, li ?5 ni,<1 tili nod' i ! i bur htomaoh ab tlirough to tho cavity. Hbo coal inuc : . n lb . 'ii,!.m d \ia< lcd away, sud dually di id. 'V t >i wei rtwo tm' e cases of baiod l>oi- lu -ono used i>. i?. and mv spoil lily cnn tV-' ? dher did nul i?6u ii : . i . ' wondetfut l.ilooi! puHUcr. ?"?.-UT V mei lou ... ??! thin .. iv?. V? ir. irniv. A fi.'.; iJiU. For ii period ' been idlltol I v. whioil bl (lied ti JJ. ll , 1 purq? . hollies, end all have r< ot Ivi >; ii . i h nf tho lu m all ii-., ?ic i i in ogau ill I i c ? i Y fl / I ' mm ?i . - I - v '.- : ^ WOMINA DISEASE IF i ;IILARIT?ES P?CUUAR'TO'HER'SEX. APER* V & CO OL A?GriL ANO Powr.RFU?.1 TONIC. . VA : ct: : : - t.vcrttr C H?XIG?G . XIV * UPS! -CHkAl SUFFEKIS1G-AN?' OAJ??GnwiU. f? r 4 Ol DCD. BRADF??.? k REGULA?QftCol 'r*.. ATLANTA,^ A. ..-j IUI?VATK liOAIi??ixi^ ON 'J UK PHW1 OJ? OOTOBEK, tho nndersigniKl will open a FIRST CLASS' HOARDING HOI .;K jn ?" m., for tho a?comm?dati m of hol h 'I ; in ii id H I Pi minnon! Bosrdori io ThdMi '., loi ivh d on tho northeast corm r '. Wi ' io . i od Globo street4, '. ^ ' . idly near I ia biisiuesk portion ofdviag titre*\t yet froS iro n tho uoiaa "! ' " "; 1 hlliri ?, lt ia Within easy jc?'.'.1 1 ' }uc ts ol ail ti dUToront de li" oath P.P. Tl s hen-, Una bi en lh< . iuglily iv pnind, n ,d ;.(ti ? on ih good st\In with now rori .?? ai 1 'ulan 'JV i uiii )< nscuabfo. For fur th? r 1 . : H in nddrrss - li. fl VSRLI/, or Mi v B, K; R?WA11D8, '?' t bkrlostoti, h. c. | PEAj . INS! TlTTK. rt^vXdi^l ,iij-. o. . < Si . i oli a*da) In '. PM.3 Kvoi i .> ii.uiiit nt m In. u ii ?urn ?lldd v ^i':" V. ;; ' <"?' (ICM tevliufs J i moe '.le I lui c i . iiio.-i t i , uglily ? m i ;".,. ,. ute t te. Uoaie | bj , Xt\ tun II .?I I due liv, loctrhHty fsren -1'1 lftU,? <0r lWO Ut """^ tro.i saoie for < Iron lam nnd Cnfaioifno. ,\.rir R o v. K. HU R W JJ I, Jj fi t JON , ! J"h ' l'Jm n.M.:.I..11. .v.c. VV Jj tnt l^iigilXr?%?Ai^uul ? ft t5 "!". "P'lf ?. MM ll . for \ j ^ . aliioorliiK. rm ? i nnlo.-ii, nil ?Uscns'.-a ? aa*. ?I by Ca?! . i- . ? thia powerful, purl in, mid in orntli . il clue, a rout , . iiiij Dlvoi'N rapidly lionl undo? HM bo 1 -nw. :'-'?., : ||y I il '. in tl. ! I. >| '." ; :icr? Mono ituMli, . rbituoloH, More Hyos? Scrof> Ul nm and Sui'lliiiKH, Hip. joli mia ONO, IV li Ile stvcllliiKn, . i iv, r ?.'.'. * \ lc .". rill, i;IIII| ' ulm ;.,?.,( I (?lauda. Winni loll ?.< no. iii stamps for II hu c licntlit . wi coloreo pinte?, cn skin Oin lin . or lim uinu iiinoiinl lor a treatise on S r*H'ilous A"-'i" 'ion*. ".??is: itt.OOl) is TIIF. Mir,.'? .fli -i-, eleni i> ll by "-ni: nr. I'lorce'a . i, neilUal DlHoovery,anil grooil cl i ,,r ?i ion, a fuir HU : II, bu o ? ant *pir il i liul tflroiiflO*? will 1)0estubllebwl. lt Scrofula ni tho I.uni;*. Is nr i . i mili H il by i li i j remedy, If tinten be eil pt-?; if tl . (lionise uro rcaoucd. i pinvoi' over tM.* ti rrlbly :' i n? 'Ins now I'Ublie, Dr. 1*1 EUCH li lil i "con* ' it nbniiiloncd that ! ? ii rill? Ino willen, i . . . ii ie .?m m tonio, or . r bin l-clcutislnff, v . |ii(.pcr I tl ll mi lly fer 'Kr?nte iii*? D : \ i .- 1 J P ungs. H, ni . liebllllntCii, Imvo p 'i . . lor'o ii , or J'I ilowlsli-browii snob) on nt lieiuliielio or ulai? ii Mii.-i nui lient or ; -i .. . : liuphrs, low spirits nail j lin.''.?, (rn triilnr uppotlto, a ure Biiitcrliiii front I nal Torpid ?'.'\? ., lom ' o?.1' In ninny i';' - ... in ?it outs nie OX po ly foi nil Ruell cusen, en ?Uvdlcol Ul?. >. S|>lMlllK of fl IM nth. Wron ' ? OliallH, MU,] . un i lliuieiit reiiiriiv. vi.Ol), or Six : . un- .,oo. in umps f.n in-. Picree'a luipi \li| in tin- II. .i.i," ul fl e.i .uu'Uc. GO couts. t*-Si \ \NU FACTUREOS, ATLANTA, QA. -AND D.ULAS, TEXAS. ? ' ^ or N CMS and PRESSES, '.'ell . Recd Oil Hills,Cotton riced rs, I . H Ills, SOM Mills, >i. ... lilley?, IIHUM'O-N, ". Ind I .. .. Castillas, t*umiis .'Mu? i >nkM. E. VAN .LB &. CO., Ai'anta, Cfo mm m >y ii .LC ? CO. ?A TL AN VA CAV QOI.11 Ml Dil. RwardMl nt Cotton Kxpont lion, mt i ?iii I .i i ixns, und diaries iou - . i . iv i . . aivl i orin, to v. Winkle & no., Hov J. ATLANTA, (?A. CU A li LO TT H mm INSTITUTE. ?SKSSION DKGINS SM'T. 7, 1887. v .> i Ss'l I'1*1 "i r toi yOUNU ?ADIRt? i> In thc Soulli lut? advantages supe rioi to I.red heie lu every depart ... Lo, Ait and Minno. Only ex rici 1 necompJIohad teachers, r. i ..ii ai .v'eh uss, warmed .villi tin H ' wron.'iil bon i nrrataes, hos ' . uni i o!'! ivulor hal lis, ?mi llrit clnss , ; . ilhni School in .?v. I ? . te. t -riascho?l in tia' lilith has . ll- . . ..T Kial ui lon fo> tWi -1 more (rom tin- nunn . tailv o? o i hliorlioo l. l upiin b rRiil only !.loofi nu.uni', niter tilt' :.iat nan.th of lite session, l ?.r. mtAloBfii", fe'l onrtlculnrs, u?t dress llav. A'M. U A PKINHON, Charlotte] N. C. S WOW 7 1 CASES. DESKS. OFFICE FURNITURE ANO FIXTURES. TJUklvf nilow i ASI: KI., .'lastwill?,Tono. HT?H i AK.UiNATlVK! fini IM MK t? WU , KRTH?KG CHILD K EN? Instant rollet foi eolio o( Infanta. f. I 'i.urbrea, Cholera i I a ot ai y (ilMAsM of the stomach iindbONtels, mkw the critical period o' Toothing sate . ail etoty. Is a safo and . !'c salo by nil ili usgista, lo Vi I?OWAHD, WiLt.wr . ( " , .\lii|{ tlwlr t.'i?t* f??r?n IIm. eon ? i I bu min. / u> ., '. . i ?li ) Kfxn t$, ^Momle'd n t?.> ll??r | ?fm ptrfitlly ?'tilp -I. i.f "l'in 4 ?Irrli .?n.t ,K.inti r for rr?o.- 1 ru I .nil l^rx. I, tji xtin .?, II-MH; without M f x ?MU with ord.-r. itmlriictluiic ?Uh if$MX!S^ klllkftSU. TINS, i