TUM KKW I'Oi.ilM AI, run*. \n Oflli'ial < nil i-HH.-.i tor a National Conven timi. Pilli \l>i;t.?'Ill\, A Hiv ust *.*.?. - TllOt'XCCll live committee <>t tim new political part} recently ortranlzed In this city under thc name ol "Thc American Party" to-day Is ?mil an oillciul cad for a national coa ven lion to meet 111 this city Friday ami Satur day, nilli and l?th of September, .iud they rall upon all American citizens ot' what ever parly or special alUtintton, who tty in pathtze with the < iitlmeni . and arc In favor of tim political ohjci i - ol' ila- now parly to alien.I tor (hu pinpi ?se of complet hm or.?un Izatlon and promoting, among oilier Hu follow lng sjii ? ?tlc obj els: 1. To emphasize mu? perpetuate tia son tintent "America for Amciicui -. 2. Thc restriction Immigration. :.. Thorough revision ol thc iiiitioiuil taritl law . 1. Ucsbrvlug Amcricati lands for Anioii can cittzeus only. ">. Tia; protection of ?iiK-riciius III lill their rlj lits on land m sea in all purls of tho world. n. To restrict and guard thc right ol ein live franchise, 1, To abolish polygamy In the Culled State; ittnilcditlti ly and cn luci J 8. To cutlet nod enforce such laws ns will tend t" eradicate Intemperance. ' !?. To develop the r< sonni - of Ibo Ci Uti try by u >vlso system of internal improve ment. IQ. To ploted and promote tho Ann i; can system ol five common schools. li. To adjust the relations between (abor and capital, ona |Hjrmtinelil Inisis df eipiily and justiee, and especially do we invite Ila representatives lind nh inners) of the follow lug organizations lo meet und co-operate willi us in said convention, viz : Pat vi ,;' order Solis t t America, order of t'Ulled American Mechanics, junie: order of ila Pulled Aincn'cati Mechanics, order of dep uiy. Sons et Revolutionary sins, poliicul alliance, Pulled .Minute .Men, various granges, and till other orders and organiza lions whose principles' and sentiments will entibie thom to work in the American putty on the foregoing basis. nw. puoi li \t >.r.n t.t:\;a ?:. 'j'lio (?overiiinriii'H \ctluii 1. ajlv Iii noum-eil. l.ONnON, AtlgUSl A Ult ititi lilli: nomico the ... :!:,,? ni's , i.e.; - whs 1 iii die rotunda tins liycnliigi \. iiiim crowd '.v.i. pr?seul und Jr? t i in lui ??sin was manifested, 't he hon) Mayor prc sided, 'flu re were nls<> I Wo overlie w nu et Ines, at which r. humid Loamy and T. P. edil. M. I'., j ile.-?led. There Wile pfCSC lt several Daglish ami Scotch members of Tarli aillent. Including .booh Urigld, Cobb, Sutherland l'eswick a'1..i Haldane. 'I he building was tail an hour before tho meet big was oponed, ?ilnii) persons gol in through tin- windows. Prof. linlhrailli, Prolcsliuil, m.Aid tile reis lindon denounc big the edlCI ugnlhsl the League, which was unanimously carlie.1. boni Hartington.i.llil not know Hint the government intended to proel ii ni nu-1. iguc until after ?h.- decision had It?eii ivaclied As soon as he li ann .1 ? ?!' I lie go vd nu i. ai l's intention he seil a slron o iiionsttnnee to Lord Salisbury, bind Ibuiinglbn bollev?? I he proclamation :!l ail vf Ved and ll li ned s sary. In thc House of Conunons this evening, Uoherisoii, i.iiiei..; mein her for Hondee, refer? im: to tin- proclatuntii a td tlc- Irish National teague, si id h hu I ex Uiiined the returns npiilt Whlcli the pioclhiliuiiou was issued and lu I died hi lied any mention of the League. Ile askct if ?he novei'inc.ut would - tlbinli e. i .i ::<... te oil i hielt ll,. House w oui'i I duty under lin 'Ulule, idhi d?cide w le liier the prlediimraiiui eec urine ?he Longue dangerous on spcolliod ground ol' . tihiiutil ity slioukl he ?ntl ni di Mr. Stnit?i, government leader, said that il was not the government's intentional [lapels. I Parin lille i ; ie- ot "<>h, oh," tihd ministerial iiioci - ? LONDON, August iM. -'nie A'< fa tai morning says the meei lug ai die l?otuuda in Dublin Inst nigh! murk; iii epoch hi thc history of Kngliiiul tiinl ll ituld. Tin ai i em lance i f ICt . is , m .,. : is ol Purl latin til is emphatic li dint iny thai ii ... I uni at hus at length heen achieved by ike most 'lins trions of Kurdish ; ; itesntcii. v> i ? ? poller niel ... ..otipoi colored men, women and lillikhctl at ar tia ea: sin d. ': ai cu.. stilulc tl pari, ol a gang ol emigrants that left Fairfield hud Laurens counties; S, c.. about eight months since, try i!.< h- link in Arkansas. A lev,. Darby and .h.hu Lykos, toe lenders of (ho party, talked freely about their experience. Saki Darby: .'Wo went \\ e.-l VVitll the i lea that WO w'ould belter our condition, i .va- prom ?sod two dollars a .1 ty ?o do railroad wauk. When I got to Little' Hock I found that I would get only one dollar a day. I soon fbund lim: things wt re nun a liighci in Ar ki.'ti.sas than ia Suma Carolina, Ililli lue folks inm li meaner. Tile : lilnigianl agent .'hut made iiticli bi ash promises '.. us didii'i keep hts promises. We found tiuti thc sit uation was gloomier limn thc otu wc left behind us, and I I - ino of m . old friends together hud Induced thctn'to ri turn to their .'.ome in old Sethi* Gurolina." Durliy went on io te'i uboiil tin; hardships to which his party had been subjected, and told abdul a .disease w hich had decimated their ranks. Ile ia heartily .-ii k of I he '?.Vest, and declares thai for tin. remainder of his life lie will bu satisfied to dwell in South Carolina, whets ho WHS born and raised. Man;, others who weill to Ark i isas arc anxious to LTI (mell, Darby say-, hut they haven't thc menus. Ho believes that the exodus ol negroes Westward will liol again assn mo lane proportions.- Atfuutu Constitution, '. A Mexil'AII . lilt rr. O.M.\ I.st oN, Tli.NAS, AllgllSl -li fdr inatioii was received here lodi, from an entirely authenticated source th Ul fSuownrt, living in the Stale of ( ll ihunluui, Mc.vJco, and having large inlcresi m Mox leo and Texas, has tu en ?mini.ted during tho pa.sl /our months ill a dungeon ?a 11|i leia upon u trumped charge .of fraud. Dur ing that time he ha- heen mi l lib- lo Clim mu?iente willi ho, 11?ends or thc olli tlsi i this government, bul within tho p isl len days, it appears, lie smuggled old letters, flo Isa brother ol Assistant L'ni ted SlatcN ;')Lslrict Attorney Soh.n S'ew ul, cousin ol Oolotici JoSOpll li Stewart, oi Ail Still, HIS properly ls going to ruin In ri*?- hands ol Mexicans, mid ho sccs n I hope of obtain ?UK a fair trial from Mexican courts, it ls believed thal tho object of his Incarc?ra lion was ti. obtain lils properly. Ile np peals for government protection Irt \\\< ho naif, representing lils condition ns deplor? bio in Ino extremo, Plan 'm mu? Organs. All of tho best, muk?s. .SJ? cash and balance November I, al Spot COsh prices on a Piano. $10 cash and balun co No vember i, td spot cash prices on an Organ. Dolivetcd, froighl free, al your nearest depot. Fifteen days tesl trial and freight both ways if not satisfactory. Write for oironlars. v. w. Till MP, * Columbia, S. C. -. ***? - -> - An Insurance man happened Into iho house of a new ly married couple, n few days since, and during tho conversation urged tho husband lo tako oui n policy. Hut when he heud thc fresh unit fuir young wife WV 10 her litisimnd, " Ves. do so, YValtcr, and I'll bako you some nico biscuits for your supper, he closed hts book and lied. Thc risks were becoming tl ti/ard?ais, A bUI.II? Wl?. An i.ii. i-womi Laborer Drinks from n Hollow llurk mu? Gradually Tutu? Imo a blotto. EDUKWOOD, ci A . August 81, 1887. Tliiu coimmuitty is uow being agitated over well substantiated reports from thc section knowu a< "Moll's Annex," <>i ti man turning into a stouo. From lim stale monts made by Dr. Fetor I'kldlcmnu, who was called In lo ronlier meilietil aid. ii up pour thal tho unfottutiuto man, Josephus Smith, was engaged In working tho road nein ibo r< sldenco of 'Squire lb ad. and in picking up tho ground dug up u reek re sen . .. .. in shape und fti/.o lui upplc ihtni|i lim:. Attracted b) Its tippt .nat ci bel?? ??..iii lo examino it more closely ural discov c-red tl ti! it win lit I low, Taking a liam mer lie carefully broke ol? ii |?irl ol tko uppi r erlitt, and found thal the cavil) was li lied with ti while liquid resembling water. Smith is o niau that i- fond <>i ; isling lui) Illing ?a tho -hap - of drink, and ho accord? lng!) drunk some ol' tho liquid. Thc taste being pleasant, Itu drunk .-itlok to tho general j.y of lin Dene l i itie patty, 'hi llic other hand, this address declares lind ibo Republic in pari' ls ii'O practically united In I'uvbi ... thc repeal ol thc lax on iobttoo und I'riiii (I Isl i lal ions; und thai h reston I lop Wei ll will icuiovi iii? ? litli'i) w'hiell tiioe do io. n: nd td (lu? tiirill'pltilioriii ot !,>.. I; ., .?..\e . on . . . ? . int pur!;.. t' - reconnut mint loo Of ii > :'i ? -, ..? and die propositions i f liM e. ..'i. hi..; fae tion i.. Congress. Thc lioiiu' i.e pliiifort*i oi' . hi favornf rcVcndo derived frO?n !:.. i .' -a. imports und ia favor of tho rcji 'al ei ihe internal revenue system, tyli?e thc record of llic Di ni" ni i' |)idl) of ?'II i I. ' . rr '.etica! i *: ? tended io unsettle and undo What was comp! -hod hy tlc l? publicans and the it-Mill t* ? ;t Ibo li nonces of tho Stale uro m a hopeless iiiuddlc, i' ho ehltrtresHie Di'iiiocr.u-y wch ex riivaguneo und mis m... yemeni in Ric administration Ol gen oral di' m ? 1' throws cbl.ll water upon ike SH :;: slion ot fed.'fal lilli in thc del I. Settle nu ii'. A -1 . lint promised ..?1 for di illili.. Soldiers and theil'widows, i: siiy s the Re publican purl v \y i 11 Cheerfully unite in eve)) such i Hort in ?in- future, ns ii hus in thc i isl, bili it warn- thr people ol' Virginia that.-' (ho parly now hi power is allowed to rt |)).'ilil 111 c int roi its iucompcvii y and mismanagement will leave no revenue to he appropriated foi- the roi ie I ol hdldiCrs and na ir widows. Touching iiie di niiiiciationof thc snip] t; iu tl, I ti a-1 i ry, the people of Virginia uro reminded thal mi tiectumihttion ol lilli -ur pia- was tin lending t emt in the Denne ra< v M Indict mont of the Republican* ia the eme nigh ol' 188b inti some furihi r nj-oln gics md explanations, it pays, will doubl us- ie dilled ?or from the D?mocratie lenders tis to why ?his surplus i? so much larger now under a Democratic ndininl lim lion limn it wa- I h rei yours ugo. A sur casi ii enhnii rutloti is made of the bli . ngs enjoyed under DomOcriillo rule. Ilofoi once i- title ?o tui.- resid?s ot |t'niocralic olllco holder- wc rcsncctfiilly 811 hm 11 this ad die.--, lo thc people o? Virginia, in the hopo ? ' f thal before they resolve lo vote . ,i ll ll a tin- I lelia nu id ie malingers of this Shtlo, ikey will |>onder these slrttenietiUi, mid, n' uninc; to the pas', contrast our present condition with the prosperity and contint whi'h covoicd oitr lund nuder the iidiiiiuistraiion of thc licpilblicnii paily." ? i ?ii - lien.: ot n Tr.l<*i*,rM|>ii I'blp. A Special from Valcnlit.c. Neb . dated .-.u.. isl says; Ferry White, die negro who bri]tall)' assaiilled Mrs. liolTmaii, tin aged Jadv. on VVediiesdny night, was cap luiii! at ??Oiig Pine yesfordity and brough I to V'aleutlno. Thl-i inornhig at l o'clock sixty determined men, armed and musked, matched in a body ta thc jail and broke the ?iii door with a slctlgo hammer and a'cs Tho locks ol' the steel cilgo were (heheui froiii their fastciilngs, the prisonci takoi) out !<; a telegraph pole and a rope w.i- swung froni thc crossbar and lied ar1 u'. I III') nee!,. \\'h?!" was given live iiiimm . for confession and prayer li' lid not (leny his guilt, ll:: wai tia " hauled np anil loft swinging. ?Inst us lite pally was |. vin:. Sheriff Connelly, who lind been ?wakened h) his brother, arrived with a po 40, hilt tOO Minali to cope wltll thc mask d party, ss ho -t once dlmieriied, after having stood the sherill' s crowd oil long enough to perm|t White lo die a' thc rope's end. Den t hawk, ?md blow, and spit, hut , -i Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, All cooking utensils, including iron pels? should he rinsed after washing, and care fully Wiped on the outside with a clean, dry cloth A soapy or greasy disli cloth should never bo used for thc purpose. U KN IS HAL XKHN MUK*. lien? ol lul?r*al Uniin-red from Vnrltiua u uarit**?. Grovcslccu A Poll, of tho New York stork excito ugo have fulled Liabilities $1,500,000. Assets 2,000,000. Samuel Fabynu, of New York, lins skippetl willi $10.000 belonging lo Iiis fut lier, Ur. Joseph Fnbytui. Charles A- Dana ami Benjamin T. Huller will bu known In history us the "Two lirondos" ol Ana rican politics. A tin ubi ts to have n new dully-morning Uew^puner. tl will lie known ns thu Herta ami will he owned by i!. K. Woodwind. A special etihle le ti.?' New Volk iHifh from Loudon Buys Hud -'"Im Itu kin, the lunn us ttuihor mid url cilctlc, i- imane. ,. .rel Fred Grout luis gone,to Kuro|H - eouio * ay io escort lil? sister, Mrs. Sui loris, i ? this country on her promised visit. There isbn! little chango ht 12 x-Scc robin Manning : condition, whnt litiic ihcn la bein; in die direction <'t Improvement. A report From Dublin saysllint v'lscotiill D.ni: eraiie. who was billen bj ti fox Issi ?binuary, hus buen attacked willi by,lr phobia. Turkey hus declined Bus ia's proposals tor i rore.ivc action towards Bulgaria, tiuil Will await the conceited action ol tho powers Interested. Justice field, of the I'ltltcd Stoles Sn pion ? Court thinks the division of (ci i'orui i Into two Stilles is certain to Occur he l oi o long; Among thc pit^oiigers on tho stinmcr linliia. which lof I Liverpool for Ibis coi.-, try e i Snturdtiy, au- the Duke ol M ol', v Otigli niitl Lord Dysart. The cities ol Cleveland, Dcttolt, Toledo ami tivnuhisky will cel?brate tho miniver wiry i : Commodore Perry's victor* i u Lake l'iri? ii l ho lOlli of next mont li Ch uica S. Wolfe, lab- Prohibition eundi? tittie . ". tiovi rnor niitl ila- moil u? .rc dye pi?lli'ed kicker ia tlc Slide, is rojwrtea'ati li . . i ;.; decid? d to UloVe to I ) ikOlll soon. Thc 'lennie.' Fulde, which iirrl Vrd ai Ni \\ Voil- Moitdiiy, I.ight iji'.'Otl.OOH tn giild lr m r.miami. Gold iliip?lb Hus w i ure ?.;'> i.OCO. Tin; li!' oi lite Ahieer ol ALdnni?I vi l? di'Sf? itred of. I ino Ol his feel I.e.- bi ? li amputated, ?ivhig to tangreuo, und i; is il1 ir? I v. ii! re-nil in di ill.'. Tho iliceiitig of Hie National Committee o' Hie Prohibition party, winch was Called tor .'?'u .ember till lt In t hie?' >, luis heidi p isl . :\. .lio Ni M eil ,r .lOlb. Iii spite of Mr. Mackity'.- huligtinnl tlc Iliab : I IS Still believed t lia! III! ililli KloOll lest '0 111 sr,, niio. (Min io 8,000.000 ia t hf ir r,. ci : M holli ?leal Cnn?i'ossmtiu Tom I teed, of Maine, i iib . .'. jd trust Utah its li Slate, ovej til ?uj li ii Iud an anti Mormon clause in ii -. misti tulioii. Uecd ls feOiuotiuios t ight. Gi .a ral Cicely. Of Arctic lani", W ni han I ijueicil oti Saturday hy Hi?' Ne\i licdl Board < d'Trude; und made to recount \'? ? I ex pi Hences in Hu- regions ul' perpetual I lotir- walk every das (did itel ?droiig alni ? . ? . - 1 ftiVMe by hts ree ni tall a! I\ eki.n:n- l . : I - i - j toni pat iee resulted in thc rotiltiij: Ol' Hie I Col, .lohn A. Cockorill, ..il.? Ma ? nil Kilitor, ha- decid . I lo .v. r hh ? iou ? .... ot Ha I ,/.*'. ' lc." bull' '.a l ?liC llS/'.'l' Will IM- e.,erl lieu .ta!? ?I. Tie ....\iin;cei.' <.! New Solidi Wn|iM haying offered Md, 00U nerti .?! hud lo niV iidssi mary society Hm' will umlc'iiiiUc Iii citili/c the unlives, (he Pope lins dir? en d ?.i ii limuedinU1 uttctiiion ho paid io thc oller. H miiiul Florence will ie-,i a collection nf her choicest ait Ironside* lo Hie I ??ansa City cuttle slioWi ilka. I? in ivid.nl for sune Hine llial Kia-.. CH) is di-sHin'd IO . . only b? < IlllcngO. Prominent l(i publicans elii|ih ilia; i' tv ii? He ir o; Iticneo which < irrieil Ti wis .,. ul , i prohibition, lu p:?.ot'..? this they |>bu)i io tho lad thal Un- largest inajoil'its iigniuni Hie amendment cunio from i lie drei ? it? ptihllenn ? ot)nth s, Uni le Billy Toopibs, the lifelong body -ci v i..: lin: old Georgia S.nana , died ill Washington ?ni Tuesday, nt the ndvuncc.il ugo oi's. years, i nclc Billy vi!) he re membered a- thc only African who nhso hilt'ly refused t. Governor Bnrtlclt, "t Gidhbrniu, was strielteii hy parulysis Mondaj nihill, un i lillie hopo ol his recovery ? (nteitallied. In the event of hh tlcnlh, be will bo sue < ci d' I i?y Lieutenant t Sovei nor Wau riiutiij win, is a Hepublican. .lohn M.yri U, < il?rcd, Will iva lcd in 11 duty county, Ala.. Wi Inesda* nlghl b) 100 of his ow n r ice. L i t week life ha Ililli cd a iv hid woman. After scouring thc woods a party < ! colored mon found bim, fit ni _ bim up lo a tree and riddled bi li sly with hidld . Tnlmndgc A. Lambert, a Washington lawyer, who soys he i- ihcsonol ?Mvid La in I nut, a iicwspiiper mun in tho Norlli weil years ngo, lias begun proceedings io establish hi- claim to ?uS acres of land on thc shore of Like I'lialcn. Mhpi . \;.li|ni al $1,00(1,000 A statistical crank in Washington has been figuring on Hie ninon ni ol Hie Presi (leniial salary and penpiisiics lie inukes Hie tOhll .-fl 1 I.- '."> a J e.il. 'I Iiis Still] b fu'j|j I Vlei the I ruth, bill if il Were COrrcCl the President wo imvo now would Ito cheap ul tba' prie. . Forty live Ulousiiiul IvcutuckliulS vjited flgnlnsi H.e cnnsiituiionnl convention, Tho Loiii. vilic Commercial ? >?. - that a photo erapb of thc backs ol these goulleinon would reprcieni "an Inoomprcheiisihlo desofl ?>i moss-grown idiocy " Xiii y do EIIII^ Hie lin. lish langunge m ICoiiiucky with a <.< n gciincc! Ooncrnl Phil Sheridan is not a foreigner hy hirth as sonic people supp,.,c. Me wivi born in SoniCrSCl, OIllO, lilly six year., > ro, 11?- Ima hoon in Hu- r?gula* army -ince |8o;l, and liss ten years mon-to serve befori lie must retire, Sheridan was only thirty ihrei yeal i se examination of tho battle tleld wi -i Of Mei/, and professes himself linallie lo tn '.koout thc positions which he, Moncuro 1>. (Jenway and Von Molt ku oe cup! d seventeen yenni ugo. "Inflict," lie idds, 'Mlle lines of hattie are no! what I had supposed them to oe when a s pe? lalor, ..o ilia; contempornry history may have to I io ? owr?l i< li," t ..m Jone?, loki an audience tit Hound I, ile . \ V . '1 can get along willi an old i .i. r; 1 cnn hour patiently wilka pom i?< ird? hut when u church menihcr hu gins io apologize for lila menu ness and gets ut I bcause lui ts lold of his faults, it ni ki - un su i? ai my stomach, if any ol you get mad what I ?un saying Just conn un tiki gentlemen and usk my pardon and 1 .i for; ive you." Nobody apologized. Adol|>h S Uro is to present to thc ? ?ty . >i San francisco, ror erection ia the hurboi II sht'.uo of lho Goddess of Libert) holding an electric torch in her ll pl if lei hand Thc ll juro ai d pedestal will Ito h t i high, ol stone quarried . ?lerd i) . Tin oommitlee < lah is thu ; Iii iii . si A oi : Illness of Hie depart mei indents lire res|ionsib!o for the stat ut fairs. ).' - Perry, of Michigan, who; now i vi.i heard of, was once ibo most in ' ll :?' iii l.\i.la:il in the United Stute: : ll .Vii* pr? ia al of lh?: Senate when tj| it ol' Mi Til len was disputed, Th ) . : il? i li lim I the right nf Ifs pro.sldhi lo i Iel Illino wltiCll were lin-ice; 1 i * l ui from a State. Tho eyes of tho ni (iou wore ?.ii Pe n thee. In 'issj ?". f"jM foi .-i . '. 'o.ueo. Tho next yoi j II deb at <-d for tho Senate Since tilt he I i fallen I'roiil notoriety, hill 1 li ? 1 i ked huid, and paid elf over .fl,'^00 ? i Hil .. won die honors in Otu com pet I lion id' civilized nations ns io which shoal I ohtuin |!;?. inst observations of tho lob . Iip-i of thc sun lusl Ptiday. Al! ibo el I sei\ 11 purtles nenie elaborate prcpar i ? md ? vp? tided large sums ol money i j iii vi every I bing ready for a goo? I look: Hu . I soured mn jost v of tb?; day kin/ Win i Ibo morning dawned dark an eton y I hey ?vere all hi despair--?di RIO I i; ?- i .H astronomer mimed Mc deli. M'. Ile was prepared for tiny cine ; j . \. 'i he oilier leal ned professors w? . II : . .. t hi sec Ililli i ?tr u|> a big hallo andi dmly rise above Hie clouds. Hui mai in I lip lhere several hours mid ohlniia pi . . view* i (ho eclipse. Mendel ie Oi oi'VOS lt medal. 11 ii r tie .1 lu Dolli (| in :i Hum, I Ti ci . v August'i l.-About ?k?lOo'cloi lids morning thc lunn in w hich tb?: horsi i? : juging lo Hie city police loree aro kc| w.i^ si : on (Ire lind a mail and lour bois, humed; In death. Sh,.illy after thc Hum v..H pul out (lie charred remains wc found io tie Col (J. C. Uraves, licutcnili colono) 1 (lie Scodrld h.wa Cavalry, tu bri; : lier general of lb?.- Kansas Nation (binni* under (Hick's ailmlnlstratlon. I hail i do ?i lodj bur in (he ham for tho nlgl in I v hum. tl to death. lui liprovukfil Uiir.li r. Mu.w u Killi, Augusts I. August Dual m plo) i il at thc brewer) ol .bing A. Mme ort, wan killed lust night hy ti crowd i . i- who bud ?i -i' 111 i 11 ed iii front of hon on Prat ney street, in tho cv tren northern part ol tho city, whore n Dolli wedding was being eclchratcd. Dunk, i- supp ijjed, M ns 'tun k in lite huck of ll HCl !? ll iii. a < l.d>. Un Mow killing bini i Muni y, The murderer cannot ho pince Pive young mon vho wcro lu tho crow have IK cn arri ste 1 Dank was 'JO years i cami leaves a wife nuil two children, l ..lornw ( nrnllril. I>I om, Angi.st A courier nrrlvi (hh morning nt Glenwood Springs wil Un following message from Clou. Hcardi fm ( e vernor Adams: Major Deslio has Colorow corralb wini Joo hucks; ihcywnnl lo seo big Whl mai. ivon't talk to cowboy. Thoysnytl whiles want little tiidit, und soldiers mu ?back or have little right. Kondall lu indy lifti two men. This Is positivo. A other lllforiiinlioil on Hus point is false." Another dispatch from Olonwoi i * ? cs O "vernor Adams Jo go tho Iminedlnii ly, Kiiyina thal nu emergency o .s which requireslila presence nt once ?. WOIIIIMIA Mur t. r. r Kll|>a(h'll Dralh. lb ni ; ' io\, August 'JI.-.lames S. S pdt h died in tho lockup hero today. 1 I* Hie young ?nan who in a drunken frett! recently choked lils wife, n bride of foi months, until sh?; beedina iineonselou then hurried lo ibo town wharf ni jumped into lb? tiver, from which he w finally rescued and locked up. Huh" quent ly he mndo a second desperate at tum tri end his lifo hy cutting lils throat with razor and la this design succeeded after w eek ?if tcrnhlc Suffering. -. ???? ?y-- .-. Soinothlng moa parts with every da, and yet always keeps-ills comb. '.HOLD VOl K (lltOCMl!" Th? Lust OrtlorOlveu by Geueral Stone w ?ll .1 nekitout (st. KU liol.is lor AiiKttHt.) After nightfall (Stonewall Jackson rodo oil with his stall' to reconnoiter in front of the line he hud gained, lt wai idea to stretch completely around in tho rear of Hooker and cut him off from tho river. Tho Dight was dark and .hickson .soon came upon the I nion linet*. Their in fantry drove him hack, and us ho IO? turned in tho darkness iii; own BOldiors bogan dring at their oomnuindor, of course mistaking his party for tho enemy. Jackson w as t hot in thc hand and wrist and in the upper arm al : same timo. [Iis horse turned and tho (Jenora) lost his hold of tho bridle ri iu; ins oap was brushed from his bead by the branches; bo reeled and was caught in tho arms of au ollleer. Aftor a mo ment ho was assisted to dismount, i ia wound was examined and a litter wai brought. Just then the Union arlin? ry opened again, and a murderous liri caine down upou tho party through tin woods and the darkucss. Om ol th? litter bearers stumbled and [ell, and th? other? wore friglltoucd; they laid tin littor down on the ground, the furious storm of shot and shel! sweeping ovei thom Uko hail. Jaokson attempted t< rise, but Iiis oido-do-cuntp Held him ?low: lill tho tempest of Uro was lulled. I tho wounded Clouerai waa lu (ped to ri and walked a few ? ?cps iu tho [brest but ho became faint, and was hod on the litter. Onco bo rolled i<> th? ground, when un assistant was shot-, am tho littor foll. Just thon (louerai l'entier ono of bis bllltordiuntes, pa sed, tl. stopped and said: "I hope you aro not seriously hurl Oonoral. 1 fear 1 shah have l" retiren ; troops, they arc so much brokeu." Dut Jaokson looked up at once au exclaimed : "You must hold your ground, (?on? i Pender; you must hold you: ground sir!" This wau tho lust order ho vcr gav? Ile was borne some diatanco lo tho I cst house und examined by tho burgoo) and aftor midnight his loft arm wat m putatcd at tho shoulder. When Leo was told that his mo trusted lieutenant had bc< ll wounded, ll was greatly distressed, for tho relatioi between them were almost tender. ".hickson has lost his loft ural," "a; Lee, "but 1 have lost ?nv tight arm." (JONUO ru.Aiu.s. Thc Cu ii II I io; I.I 11 pu thill* I.I vi ti** ill tl Henri <>l A n len. (Kron) tho San I'rniioiaco I'xuiiilitor.' Konzo do Leo, who traveled m.in years in Africa with l>r. Liviug loin ivas ono who almost stood out alone tho assertion that a race of dwarfs I i Vi in Central Africa. In his lecture! America bc told of a titilo people vi ?led to the clefts ol' the rocks when ti explorers approached. C. Eugene Woll who traveled many years with .stau!'' and who is now in thc city, gives son queer accounts of these dwarfs. "C tho southern branches of thc Cougo said he to au Kxaminer reporter, have seen whole villages of these tjilipi tiiuis. Tiny arc a goueroUs little poop who live in rude h?ls and clear groutii engaging in varied sort.-, of agricultui Tho*) an- also skilled but)tors ??nd thi make palm wine; They arc as lithe an .apple in climbing ticosas monkey baboons, although the}- are pliysi?llllv; perfect men as ?my of thu giant trib thereabout, and they know as mue Tin: men an-not over four feet anti half high, while the women ari. a gol deal smaller. These til.y little m< li ll! bot h bravo and cunning. J hey aie . perts with tho bow cud arrow, rotuli ly bring down thc African hi > antelope and ovon elephant , will thei As trappers ot small animals they an ti surpassed. In a close pinch they iee I! lance with astonishing .?. K teri ty, rt I ordinary sling in their bambi if wieldi with wonderful skill, Tho dwarfs ??? I . ct t!u sap of the ) au ,, with they make SOUp, The mi ti nie m faced atid of a rich mahogany cob while the bair is short, kinky black as night. Tens of thousand them live un thc south branch Congo. They are an affable, kill hearted people, of simple ways ami d void of vicious tendencies to a great degree (han most somi-barbaric rae< Thc women oro industrious and amiab Very queor those people look idol the great swarthy blacks further up . tho Congo. Tho latter arc ol pro size, uncouth, rude to tho remotest J oreo ami cunnibulistically inclined, i dwarfs stand in awi ol them, but brave and cunning that, wit!. ..!! t odds of physique against I hem, t h. pi mies aro masters of tin siluatii ??." A Noted llloeknde Men limit. Charles K. Priolcau bas just England, aged sixty-one years, Priolei was a resident partner in Liverpool thc timi of Frazer, Tren holm .. Co., HI were largoly inti rested in blookadi i . tung the during war of rein llioil and w known m the frn nd of the Confcderao Karly in the war lie lifted out a steal ship and loaded it With one Vt tlit .... ruled gui?, two Dtakoly rifle t guns, ; iargott pieeo of ordnance m t?.' ?>. ; id lind time, and a lot . .1 Kiiflold i .'. and ammunition ami pu si iitcd them tlie Confed?rate government. il steamer was known as the Hum ter, ai ran through thc blockading Hoot ni the port ot Wilmington, N. C., in br .; daylight and landed her stores. J 1 Whitworth gtlll Was Used 111 t!,. i;.; battles of Virginia and did ?.reat i >.. ? lion, its range bong greater than ai guns ni tho Unit? d States, rho blake guns wore mounted in thc city Charleston luring tho sic/,. , l at ,< \ bred a shot at thobosiogers, They wc blown up at thc ovociiation, Th'- Eni < rides sent by him were thc Jjr-1 i \ used by thc Confederates. Priolt i also (?ti board tho yacht DcorllOUUd di lng tho light between tho Alabama ?ii Koarsargc, ott Cherbourg, and willi rose oed tho Alabama's crow aftt > t sinking (d' tho vessel. Now YoK. iSuu. Demi i nd Inn'H Debt*. "Tho debts of dead Indians are pa by their rel- 'ives," said an cx-im n h . on Main stro. t, Monday. "When A dotson ami Dornhardt, he continu* ''killed an indian several years ago \ owed me $845, .Since liait time - this amount has boon paid by l i s roi tives. Kentucky died tho Othci d owing mo s.v>. Aired / his rt il have approach) d me ou tuc . nhji ol it made arrangements to pay tho arnoni It is a law with thom to pay thu del of their dead relative?, and they uov break it. i am sure of getting lt money if au Indian dies owing me, i when a white man dies leaving tm pi. erty, no matter how rich In- rein ti > are, I never expect to get a coot. Tin is a great deal of good about a (li , dian, anyhow," said tim ox'tocrohnut, ho closed bis conversation and will kt away. Kout Oregonian. A squall makes pidllioats cap h . muk?s a baby's mouth ono ?\?li is on i lu- w toils uni which 'he fcqillr ids hive ulmus! ilcvtiMlutoil liming Iho present Benson 1 hiving ht! upon a pinn, lui iti>i watched iho iliilnmln ??ml round I Hen ?In n h.- nun!'' a mid they i" trcntcd i' Iho \v ! wi}t 1 ls running ulong tin: MI;. I i\ ml- tho v.- iii-. They -ne i yodi il io clearing iii? teilce, hui lyheil they feiiui lt Ha' ivoods 1 be ii i?.1 dick? liai k lo their U?A >?< badly Illili tin ? could wei k Corner owl killed mid eaptnieil liver I. ii MjiibTeis hy I is unique device. Sonic i ii! ditincr customs "-lill prevail Tue !{.>!- >. .ms. u.. a' > ? .1 thitU'i II ye-ir'. .At illteinh? ol ie a', imo ..< ck I wi ''d be attack* d willi Hpelli el Bcvtrc .uni w?bt cSeruCiuliug piiiu, id way coinu?enc tig io the region of uiy kidn j w. The pain would then go upwards im.i lilied my body nod head, und seemed to penetrate my very eye balls, creidiiig the moat iuten-.e HulVoring, hc.l'r 1; about Ciglil hour eiuh ? i ?il!. I ioHortod t > all I cd- 01' medicin? without heuelil, Several dootoiBtreatiil j :t y < :,e. ht(| uoue gdvo relief. 1 lltiully ; i. '-A li. ! !. It. un au experiment, end to my utter ii l.ouihhiuent all pam and buf fering vaniHbed iiftcr using thieu dos . 'lo PA I resent time I huvo Used three bottle;,, nod not a pai 11111H ever return . .1. I do not i.i.eu wi.?it was tito matter, neither oould my phj ia.m mit? Hie ("'Mi Itliut. i ic H. I'. I?. nee d hi.eh lind pjnVoifully upon my kidneys; my appetite i;ns been nplend?d und inj eon Htitiiti?n built iq- e..[tidly, iii i'm MA -, Constitution, Ga., May i's 18WJ. Uninix)oaohod Intogrity, I :.;.i .">."'. broke ?Iowa tv,, Ive yea it ago, and have not been able i" wo k .-?..c . I lave lost proper action ot my mal .1 sores I nive appeared on my iieftlp and 00. , und 11! i iiiiui timo my eyesight be gin lo fai! i ll for Hu, e vcill'.i hale I e. ll ooni?imitivelv lilnid. IhivOlieoii Ireuted 1 H I ?illy Ijcuiiiar. Itilhinimrdion nboul 11 ? ihlluoVi iheill Ul lav v,'-!ou Ai.. \t i 0 i. ivoprieit vitae? !?:?;?:? vi m. IA : I piiici >. iVrtti rnr i alni...a Uli. !.. O. Kid.H 11 I I 'ropriotor?, PKACK INSTITUTE, Xlruloi?iiJi.iM. o. I We.lin , ny ii. pl.-i.,I., i i 11, ,| ,v ' i UK- hill ?V, ilniwliu ii lune, i - - - " "' kvorv i ' :' lu . ni of In-un. H,,,, f!)i,.,| ,. exp i-e ? .' oui iiii'oni illslieil ie , horn lu' Hun Ih . linceul IIIKI 1 i..' Uioioiii/iih e.,ul, ;.. t lit 1 . H,. ! , I,, . '"' '. I ' fa?|,'Jj , ' 1 *'? 0 """'e (TO i Hillie. For 'O' 'i!:i - nul I nullo rile il .'. ll. Bli KV. . ?LL St SON, ' i. . i. . I 111 r.. ? 'My A fll?ji /-ie-sv ^ c ; I J' FOR WOMAM?ISEASE %7iLL IRREGULARITIES P?XUUAK'T?HERSEX APEHFEGT Rec?LA?arjL AND PoVVKirt UL TONIC. 6 for hui! niTm. ArrhTt" fH jrlnaajrlnti mechanln?, a 9 , ''Om/r.? nnj Mf,k*n" . ^i,,/:.1'"" ! " ."i"'""- ,r"n h?Nid .w H Qfiri^ti. ifpubUexicinilon um fl fr?'liiM?l rtrc\f HI..I p..i,,i, ^ ImlriiuiiM. ^ ime-nr tr-, ; .' i ' .< .'. . i ? i fcr.'i Al.?? ?*1 "????*?, "i >t< li, or Eruption, aluin salt - ruoII m, i I'tivrrxMorcx," Sonly or IIOIIKII . > ", Riiort, ill . u ii % ital Mi'oiiitlii, '.'.iii boestnbllsbod, i rotulo nf til0 laniKN, In nr i cured O) lins reiiicdy. If inion bc? ..ii, . .? ' the discuto oro reached, , iiiarveloiit power over i Iiis n rribly . ... win n tn ll <.". rina tills now ? . I . . ly I ;.!.. public, Dr. I'lRltOB nt ?'ililli lt Ids "('mi. nil Ol pt lo ll ( uri'," hill iil.atnl.inoil Hutt " , .,. . . | ... -niiij'* iiili, Adtlti BS, .'. . . o i*> Medical A*H?I cludoii, ''" ' Milln snoot, Uei'KAM), N. Y. ??I REWARD i hy tin- proprietors - < 'ntnrrh fteinedy .' i ! ,*i ruse ?I cul anil wilton ..,,,1 j llicy ciinnot cure If you > I : ,? :i iltHclllll'KO tl'i'lll the i ill i*l I vi or i '.. rw i-' . pill ind loss 0? en r, wens cy? dull nain iure in lieiul. um linvo Cntarrb. Thou . . e.. . iertiuiittle m consumption. uni lO.MKiiv cures (ho worst Cain rh, ..Cold In tho Head,"? i < atai rn ?'. HciidaoUo. CO cents. 1 M AN U FACTU UK RS, JU?TT^ATLANTA' GA V, iF/d -AND , iifiM HILLAS, TEXAS. E. ? DO rON GINS ai:;! PRESSES. Colton icc?! Oil Hills, Colton steed Millers, < ... Mills,Saw Milln, NI IQ ft lii| . , ;. i yo, HniiKcr**, Vl'lnd ni nt-, i.ixl CaNtingf), l'-.ini;)?. end Tanks. E. VAN WINKLE A. CO.. Ar anta. Ca. JL_rr* CTBTCtiT bt'?i T . . ?' !' & CO 'U Af j TA G>-?* PALLAS TLX. OOM? M KOA l awarded ni coon BxtM*l? ? iln- i al us, ri x i?,audi I.arnis ton, M. Write I i ju l. ci ami term-, to E. Van Winkle & Co., flo* . I. S TI,A NT A , (?A. ctiAi??rrr? PiiMAk ?liiom'i?i MU\ IJKdlNS SKPTi 7. l.Sb'T. ~ 1 1 I r YOUN? I.A DI KM tilt is adv.intiiL'oi supo. tal ' . m nvorj ilopart* ' int?', '. 11 ai d Mu-ie. t inly I '.I icm hors. ' 1 . . ' . v 1 rnied . ?1 win neill furuni'v.i, hus 1 > .?. upi !.'st-cla"rt 8 as -i -!.!.su S ' .-ol in 1 ?e -.i lint South has i' it liiioi. i . m, ( ,,"|V ,',"' .'' ' 1 ' ." . ? ?fou ihn i,,,i month full paidculnt' '.. \1 KIN.Sl ?N 5 I ' ? ^ i UtA??NAf?vjBI ' . I VF A ATS AXD ri I 1 N I N i ? li I LD li t? N, . 'si I ri liol lor eolio of Infant?. ry, I ?ian hum, Cholera .' Buy difloosos of tho stomaidi ind A, . . Muk. H tl,e critical perioil . leellu igsoio ?upi cosy, 1? u safe an?! -'Ol M.I. Ly nil druggists, ??Hoi ESKS, OF FICE FURMTUKr' ASO FIXTURES. .......v'- . U(i?< ritlpil I?,- mnklrt iKiiitv simw ? .tHi;i.<;.,\Xiii,ToDri. yiTCHING, . AND CARDEI ?. fJf*r???ft? I* i/o Yhlit "or* p/rff 'thi ' ulp.H. mdiMUiVl clrelf. ","i ,w,i"t".t f ,r rT,,iin. .liiikt.-.l r.Kj?n.l U'ci-l, Ly. mr ??? gu ," Iv. ? ,. ?T , .",, 'O,V,'"'I";,V;;:;?.',;,''|;';;'? AINING. ,. r u?. ciui r wni.ii-.l TB NM,