The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 17, 1887, Image 4

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MU 111 VAUOMIVVH l l I "Yet it wm cu?n/). '' M? DISASTER! 52? Fates." ONU IIVKOltKO ni I.Mil? AMD III KUH BU ?Ol KUKU. An Kirurslou Tralu urinw Through a Uurulug llrlil?c Cur* Trimed""' BUd l?U*?l ?>"?. l'pon Aoolhcr ll? Dlanttler llollcved io Hat? Ur eu UflHuraifls |*rvj?tf rd. CUICAOO, Augusl |?c< iiil to Hit Chicago Time?, from I . I \v': "Lust ulghl till I'M "hi < !l IU0 Toledo, I*?.. ni.i nud W< iveut dowu whh H burnie lr ?; oui Ibrcc miles eas? of OUatlswoilli and uver 100 excursionists ktlloil i n<l ' i lore bi illy injured. Thc Hain > I of tlx al op ors, six day coach? . nm! ? . . cars and Und vu board OOO excursion!' I . und loi ara Fulls. Thc passe . I from vu rlous points in ccu i ral ll lui ls, itu majority, however. COlulug Crom Fi : i. Tho train was so heavy that I .> ? ciaos were eui ployed, and was au I I hall behind limo when il pn >?( Ohattswortu, Hu ncxi i utiou " o? bore, is six miles ol?. un i i m thciowns made in seven mil Three miles fron . . ? tth ts a little slough, and whore ila . ? .> crosses ii dry runabout leu t ? i 1 nod ftecn feel wide. Over this w as .. nu ordinary rallroud trestle, ?uti tu inti 11 caine limn ilciing down on it. wli tilt horror < ? tho engined on Hie n : jihie when he discovered the bridge v urning There was no chunco lo stop, in d Hi Instant ho was on lt. Hut ho v ? nt o. -1 sufi ly, lin lirst eugine keeping the rails. As it passed over thc structure (ell, nud Ibo 1 ?xl 1 nginc went down. Car crashc ! into eur, ? ouches piled upon each other, mid ?11 lessllinu two miuutcs ucarly one huudrcd were 1 1 ished to death and many moro di d shortly ftflcr. Thc wounded were to ho seen lu every di rcction. Only ibo sleeping couche escaped, and as the startled mid halt dressed pu&SCU gora caine tumbling out of them Hay found such a scene of licit th ;>-U ran; ly w ItllCSSCil, and such work to do that il si ouicd as hu man hands were utterly Incapable, lt was five minutes ol midnight. Down in Un ditch lay Second Engineer Mcclintock dead timi Fireman Applcgato bailly injured. On lop v, ere piled three baggage curs, ono on top of another. Then carno -ix day coaches. Tiny were telescoped us cats never were boloro, and three ol thetll were pressed into thc space of one. Thc second car bad mounted off Its trucks, crushed through thc car head, crushing the wood aside lil.e tinder, and lay tlicie, resting ol) top of tho SClllS, where every piis-i ager ia tho front cur was lying dead or dying un denicull Out of thal ear hut lour pc, pit caine ali j. Cut p of the second eur In; tho third, smeared with thc blood ol n victims. The other ti rec e us were broken and twisted in every conceivable way, and every crushed limber und beam represented a crushed human frame and broken hone. Thc air was Ulled with cries and shrieks of agony, ai d above all could bo heard the agonizing eries ' d' lillie children i a.-> in some instances they lay pinned in side their dead parents, Tue bridge was still burning, and Ibo cars were ,lying oil and lU'Otliid Hie fiercely burning embers, lOvotywbcro In tho wreck w ere wouicu mid children whose lives could he saved if tiny ion li I be got ten out, hut wllotc death ni a most horrible form was oct lain if Hie twisted wood ol tho wreck i 11 Iglit. There was not a drop of water with which to light the tire. Only soiUO lilly uhli bodied tuen, who still had presen< .. of mind tu il nerve enough lo do their duty. Tho oiily light was Unit ol the binning bridge, and wini ?ls aid ll)CSC bravo nan fought willi desperation for lour hours. Etti th was thc only weapon with which to light, and au elfort was made tn smother it, Thole was no pick or Shovel lo be had, and not liing to curry the din willi, but in 1!. ?ir dcsiieration ihey dug their lingers hilo the bani, dry earth, built earthworks, handful by houdini, and Ililli kept hack Un: I'ec. Whllo tin's was going on other courageous men inept under thc wreck beneath the 'nv ! w m, 1. liars which held ns pi bo y avelon* lives, anil w iib pieces " lunl s. ?in tunes Hair hui ls beat. ! nc! mi s, Ali unfortunate | oin.?. 1 1 . pinned down hy a heavy beam, I ly whllo it scenn d as ii* hi >y (ho wa certain. While ii. I li . guim on the ears,ii Ute ivoi . ? ... lied svilh tho groans of dy tn ...'?nu. entreaties ol thu ?<. ? 'li ... clued UT tain unless th? teri i bl could bo ex tiuguishctl. S.e. >i il rt-.umtos dug up tho earth willi Un - . tu :. n li!. bf tho blood st iva mi i m tho cuds of their Angora, uni! .. in mounds, to help subdue tho lin lc all ihcjiimc could ho heard ll cn erl s. "For Cod's sake, lion I Iel u : den I ii!" Finally, about il ; ,iro wu CN linguislicd. Help 1. lt. wort li, Forest and Pi|icr ci dead were laid alongside of cat ii . 1 A cort! Held, tlioro wore rvadj I 1 take them into Cliattsworth, 0 ol' I lie woundep were carried cit,' tua hundred and eight cn . n nw'i'ul poll ol' tho dead, widle tho idod number four linu s as many, When new.; oi tho di flrsl SCIll ovor the wires prompt was Lonce sent. Before 8 o'clock In liicnn ruing inoro were plenty of people to do Un work dial needed such prompt attention. The town h ill w as Improvised into a hos pital. 't'iie entire capacity ol thc little vii Iago was taxed, and kind hearted women drove in from miles around u> givo their gentle ministrations lo tho sulTcrurs. No sooner kn ! tho wreck occurred than ascetic of robbery commenced. Misere ants were on hand who plundered thc dead, taking even tho shoes which covered their feel. Who these wretches arc ls not know n. Whether they were a hniidof pick pockets who accompanied thc train or a robber gang who was lurking in the vieilli ty cannot bc said. A horrible suspicion exists that thc accident was a deliberately planned case of train wrecking; thal thc bridge was set on tire by miscreants who he pei I to seize tho opportunity offered. The robbers went into thc cars when tho lire was buming fiercely undei neath, and when thc poor creatures who were pinned there begged them for Help, stripped li em of their watches and jewelry and searched their pockets for money. When the dca : bodies were laid in the corn field tho rob bers turned them over in search Of vahin hies. Thal plunder was done byan organ ized gang was proven by tho fact that six teen purses, all empty, were found in aheap in thc field. Had thc plunderers been caught they would have bei n lyin lad. A Mathematical Won,:, r, Higginsville, Alo., basa mathematical wonder who doesn't know a lotter of thc alphabet or ono printed iiguro from unother, but who is wonderfully strong on mental calculations, making them off-hand. His name is Reuben Fields, and ho ls 80 years of age. Me claims that bis gift was given from Heaven, and says it carno to him suddenly win n eight yours old. Ho says the bord made but ono .Samson, one Solomon, and one ilenb Fields. To tho ono ho gave strength, tho other wisdom, and to him self mathematical instinct, ile guard this instinct with tho utmost, care, and will not answor questions unltss bo is {mid, fearing that it will bo taken from lim should he uso it tc; satisfy idle curi osity.-New York Hun. Dr. 1'iorec's "Favorite Proscription" per fee U y ano permanently cue- liioSO diseases peculiar lo females. It h tonie and nor vino, effectually allaying and curing UlOSO sickening sensations Mud . f?eol thc l (omni li and heart, through ii ?l. x notion, The backncho anil "dragging dov 11 .-?cuanti?os nil disappear under tho strengt l-.eir.uff ??Tech of this great restorative, by druggists. ti KN KU A I. KKW? NOTBV. liewa vi lutflrMl Unllifred from \arlou? (tuarn* r*. Tlio Mormons are looking around for a now 1'resident. Thora is a prohibition war at Alliance, < ?kl ?, Tho sculler should bo like thc oyster, quito at home lu his sholl. Koo rt cou ni w cases of cholera and six d< ishnvi boon reported at Malta. Tho village of Sandusky, Mich., was nearly wiped out by a lire yesterday. Thom as . I. Mooney who set lire to thc National Lino sicamor tineen has becu do clurctl to ho insano. "A wltmlugplatform" is what tho Rich mond l)is? 't. i tej?is tho recent declaration of Un- Vii dula Democrats. Prom nearly a million members a fe? months ago, tho Klents ol Labor bavc de creased to about s;\ hundred thousand. A A ow York hoy six years old drank a : pint of brandy tho oilier day. lt burnt out Iiis little lifo in a few hours. Judge Bout! basngalu decided ngntust Hie North Carolina ttt.N OU non resident druin mers. A Havana dispatch says that slnco Wed uoallay lhere have hoon hulicutioui of a cy clone southwest of tlint city. Tiie disaster to thc rico crop Oil the Sa vat nali river seems uluiOSlcompleto. < bi ly a few hundred acres escaped destruction. ll ros have ! cen general in Iowa. Illinois and Michigan, and tho crops which, a few Unys ngo, scorned lost, are now saved. Tho Savannah river is up again at Au gusta, und it is feared thal, tho rise will equal that which visited tho eily some days ago. Small pox nod yellow fever are raging in Ibu ana. Cut?a. Por July there were KU deaths from yellow lever and 112 from smell pox Mr.*. Cleveland is making a collection of Ne Kllglimd mosses and ferns tor tho adornment of the While llou.-o library ni ter lier i cl uro. Clouerai Neal Dow, who is now 111 Mai ic. thinks it morally certain that the Prohibitionists will nominate a national Heitel next year. ! lias visited tho .Milwaukee section ol OOS til, ending a sixty days' drouth wi- li has caused a loss of thousands of ' Uni irs lo the f umers. I .buy PilgclCS, murderer ol' Samuel i Iv-:,n. ?uni tenlcnccd to bo hanged on the . ?Ulh ..e ., at St. Louis, committed suicide I in bis cell Monday night. ? A lire occurred 111 a largo w arehouse in Concord, N. H., yesterday. Hight men in lin fourth story hud lo jump from tho windows, anti nil received sovorc Injuries. p du S. S. Drown, of Pittsburg, hay itu undo $100,000 on Troubadour, thinks it i- about tiiiu to -jive the great race horse a re i. Now thal Hie wall paper pool luis pitts len ' the country over with Japanese de signs, it a n non noes that these must give way to "oriental'' patterns. During n tire in St. bonis on Wednesday non nitii; linee li remen were killed and four hljurod by tin' tail of a wall. Oui; td' Ibu injured w ?ll die. l iiey must have plenty of money uti in Coi iic tient. Twenty one thousand dollars has lain unclaimed in a Hartford sa vi uga lian., tor twenty yeats. The employes of Pulk Dios. A: Co.. of Pittsburg, recently struck, After they hail lost $110,000 in" wages tboy went back lo v.erk just whore tiny let; elf. Thc beal paid Wi man journalist in the world i< Al iv. Crawford, tho well known Pan. correspondent ?lte earns 10,000 il yea1-. A i amp meeting at Ncshnminy s Qr ,i nour Philadclyhlu, on Tuesday drcu i< gother I tilly 11,000 poisons. Twelve trains, lifb en budd red wagons .eui forty-one hy eye os carried Hie excursionists. [.'?rc in tho packing house <?!' T M. Sin ela:.- A Co., ol Rapids, Iowa, ile -M e.! ?in slaughteihig department ?md tun room. Loss is $1)0,000; insurance $80,000. t liarlos Williams, who ?VHS eon lin cd in bte ?- i: ol' Logan comity, W Va., for thc minder t f Juntos Aldrich, surveyor of lite county, a ft . dav s ugo, was taken from Hie jail .M. inlay by citizens and banged. Mr .D?stico Groy is thc only bachelor on tho Supremo Coull hench. Tin- justice is a bail man lo f K>I with. It i < saki li.ICC Buctl i coquettish damsel for breach ol promise, The Ors! Polish newspaper ovor printed in America lins i- -cn started in Buffalo. Il ist ,n d tho Ojcxi/zna A year's subscrip tion will lie given to any American who can pronounce tho namo ol tho new journal. Tilo deb?and for President Cleveland is becoming universal, Kvon lillie Joe, Porn ker wiio L nw fini tus over tin- ling order, has cooled down sufllclontly to beg tho president to take In Ohio on his Weston] trip. Congressman Pat Collins, nf Boston, having safely passed tho impertinent tory spic- at (ii isgow, ?s now having a high old liiiu in Ini tial. Patrick is a gallant Irish man ami a trite Democrat. He deserves tin- ovation lie is receiving. Tin- removal of tho iron bridge on tho Pennsylvania Railroad across Cont-toga Crook to temporary timber supports forlt. five feet dist in;, was made in ?Ifteen min utcs. anti in au hour and twenty minutes trafile was resumed. J migo Bengali was a member of the Ural DcmocrulSC Convention ever assembled in Tc-is lt was held in \<?. Tho G ul ves ton Naen is unkind enough to remark that he lins hecn holding OlllCO ever since. A' WtnOllO, Minn., the loni in which thc Kev. Messrs. Hosier mid Schul/, Seven Du- , I ventists from Nebraska, wore hold in-: revivid services, was attacked by a molt of .'o.. Gormans and Polos Sunday night mid pulled 'tow n T roof of Chattertons Opera House a< Splhi] Hold, lil., fell in on Monthly, pro eipitntim' si\ men to Hie ground The loss is $50,000. Architects say tho fall was n- lo shrinkago of limbers, caused by heal and dry weather. AI, Matchovltchj Bulgarian foreign min Istcr, accompanied by Pi Ince Ferdinand of Baxc-C burg Gotha and retinue, has started for I lui garla. Ii ls olUclnry announced that Prince Ferdinand has boon permitted to redro front the Austrian army. Galiganls' messenger advises Mr. Blaine that he i an win tho respect of Scotchmen more readily by ceasing lo slander tho Southern States than by making cheap alter dinner speeches, and paying pretty compliments to ila- Scoh h llicmsi Ives. Thc Virginia Republican Committee bold a conference with Mnhona at Petersburg on Wed008(1ny, and discussed tho situation in general. The committee authorized Maheno to propon?an address to thc pooplo of iho State Pollllons aro being generally circulated throughout tho StatO of Virginia calling for II Stale Convention of the Prohibition party. Staunton will probably lie selected OS the place Of meeting, and tho conven lion will bo held curly in September. The westbound express train wa? robbed Wednesday night, thirty miles east, of Tuc son, Arl/ona, The train was ditched and tho OXpresa ear robbed by four men. Tho sherill's posse are on the trail, which loads lo tin: R?hecn Mountains. They have some very considerate burglars in Louisville. A few nights ago ono entered a residence and stoic a tiru; suit of clothes; but lie ?eft a note in a new plug hat stating Urti (he hal tlid not suit his complexion, therefore ho would Icavo lt. Dakota olalras a population of 600,000. Claims Of populatlou ?vc always subj> '-t lo suspicion, and winn they como from a tor ritory windi is trying to bluff its way hilo tho union, il ts a safo rulo to make a dis 1 count ot from thirty to fort\ per COI I. A collision occui toil yesterday between two freight trains on tho Jeron Central road, occasioned by thc neglect ol' tho. tu.- 1 graph operator, who was asleep at lils t> st. OHO ol' the dromon was killed and both tho ouglucers and a brakemau vere seriously injured. Tho birmingham Northwestern Mullroo 1 Company was organized :<i Birmingham by the eli ellon of T. M. lt. Taloon, ol Mo bile, us President. A. TuCOU, of Mobile, ie Scercl try and 'rreastircr, and Tom loge, ol Coi huh, Miss., as general counsellor. The road ls projected to Corinth and hu 11 lr? tl; becu Biiwoycd. Pi ed Hold was shot to death at Ball f ik< Thursday, tot a murder committed several ven?anlo. He was four timos convluled. Three times tho fulled Stales Satin n? Court granted him a new trial 1 ti ti eh il< al grouuds, hui tho fourth time tho judgment bf tho lower court was nfhrmcd. Tho first Republican campaign Ile In Ohl ) id that Mr. Powell, tho Domoci ii nominee i>>r Governor, has been 'i Hug on a lu newed lailread pass. When thc Kc publicans can't invent 11 better ono lhau this it is evidence that the;, are t icklhi j n man with a mighty while chtuuclor. The reports submitted by the Hoard of Examiners for promotion In the War Di parlaient show thai all Ibo clerks exam med in tho Paymaster General's nlttoc, twet ty-lhrco in number, passeil succe fully, and thal hut one clerk out of twonly bair oxamlix i hi tho olllco of Ibo Chief of Engineers fv.ll ? to poss a successful cxani inal ion. A serious rupture In the (hand Arni) is threatened by tho rapid Incrcnso in thc membership of tho National V?lerai - A . socinlioti, Tho now ordor was founded In Iowa by men who an not willing lobe rop'cscntcd by sm li creatures ns Tuttle. Loti ?cs havebcou established nil over Iowa and die organization '.. ill so.- n spread to other Stales. Mayor Stilton, of Wilkcsbniro, Penn., nine) cn Councilmen mid thc Si rec! Com missioner were arrested on n complaint of citizens for failing lo keep the streets in order, und for allowing stagnant water to nccuinulate, from which foul smells ari-.', dan. orous to tho health of the community in Hint part of the city, and hnrniful to property Interests, vr. li. Dill, of Somers ;. Pa., died tho olin r day from th. elici ts of clhcr adinhi ? stored by tho distinguished surgeon, Dr. Aclu w. Thc brother of the dead man is incl i ned lo blame the doctor, hut he is ex one "tit ed by tho unanimous volea Of Hie nu .'.ieal profession. Killer ls fatal in cue case oui ol in,end and Dill happened to ho tho len thousandth limn. Tho following from a Georgia paper, ls n ii 1 story; A gentleman ol' Amerton*} sat ; Fin i tiver was so low I ; week I hui lite cat-fish left tho Water and invaded tho wo. d ? and Holds, fla y ne illy d< instated a :": ! I of coi n for Lucius ITtiiitlsoti, living sovi ral miles from the river ll I Ral I that the n o Iso Ihey made hi pulling Iii 1 (rom was equal to a hundred head of hungry catii?. 'J hey have a I'nlte i SI th s dist rici judge in Lulltiiinppolls by the of Woods, for whom the does not cherish the highest regard. Of him ft say? ''Is Judge Wood* totally demented; Are his perci ji lioi - so blunted thal he !v unable. 1 ><? ; . i ?? the line, vivid as lighthing th ! ill ? .? giddies helweon a judge tuul ju . jl< i"i I ? .. and legerdemain*/' Bx-Governor Moses, who kit . ?li it is himself, has wi iden a l,-K'0-p'i#e hi k on I reform it] prisons. I ti ll lil ai.mic-to thu opium lallat, to which in ! diner yeii was a .slave, but which hoi. now free froth', ? and rehiles his own pri n expirion1 In order, as he says, "thal 1 mil lil nih! . ! ; div; lu d efforts lo those which others . making toward explaining (he subject . pris m rei orin.' , Il : r drinking, according to Ititern tl 1 . cuni tl g tir?s, ls growing hi popular I" ?ivor I nt tho expense of whiskey, ie taxes nu dist lied spirits for tin litsi ilscal ye ti show a In Ung oil' i I nearly $,"i tit i) tidO, 1 hi . tho;;*1 ".i midi liquors have lin ? a ed ?on! . i;.-. I! eel pt 3 lr ni i b i co coiiii ere;, o and not ll little i l tho ila :e ?I . i to 11 ii treltCS, The total hil?i i l i ir? n . : reei ii. v. ill sllOW a I .ii:;-.' nil bi ..... ul ;??\? 11,000. . M. rried women at ('iiiifuinu, Tex . are | said t.. frequently lake Iii th i i lu in mule attire, A young cul ni Did hts > nm! home lu : ?ie polie.' while masquer ; tug in innle alli <.. Wilco J ri was 1 : togrnphed hi her brother's sptini still l'or' l'un, and the picture has rubed a prellj scandal. Minion I?i( ?ass county farm hoy, has turned .-ut t.. bo a burn girl. She wore trousers for a yen discov ered. _ I..numerable lires are lacie ! Ill tho | rle.-- ned woods bf the drouth stricken - 0 tioi 10I Northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. No loss 1 ! lifo has laen n ported, nor very heavy lo-s of property in any particular locality, bul the a ,1. . .v h? . are hinnon80, and the gravity of the .situation In s In the condition of tho conn try. in several Instances inhabitants ol towns and villages have been oliHgcd lo fight tho liam? ?11 the woods upon tho very linn's oi their settlements. The statement pr. pared nt tho Interior Department, Washington, shov s that from January 10, 18S?, lo Inly, 1880, lhere were 205 civil service appointments made hi Hint department, exclusive of 27 transfers and one reinstatement, Of this mimbi r2d wen rroni Pennsylvania, 22 from New York, 21 from Illinois, lil from Indiana, 17 from ohio, 11 from Tennessee, lo from Mai \ I nd and 10 from the District of Columbia; ? each Hom Massachusetts, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Miss.mii. Virginia, Wisconsin, and ii each from Mississippi, Michigan, Alabama and Texas. Mrs. Langtry indignantly denies that her hair is variegated and that du; enamels her face. To convince n reporter she knelt nu der the BOfl light Of Six Wa.X tapers ? nd un loosed tho snood which imprisoned hir luxuriant chestnut locks. They fi ll In a Hood over her beautiful neck and bathed her plump, warm shoulders willi their waves of unbroken brown, which rippled down lo her silver girdle Then she brought her beautiful face Into delicious proximity to tho blushing reporter and asked hun if he cou ld see the slightest trace of enamel. Ho Wits thoroughly COU vlnced thal tho Lily had laen slandered. Thc President will leave W i hlllgtoil tho last week in September, going lo Si Louis, by way of I nd lana polls, ile will spent! two days at St. Louis and go from tin re lo Chicago, Milwaukee, Mallison, st. Paul, .Minneapolis. Kansas City, M in pl ils, Nash' ville and Atlanta, n.hhlg tho hiller 1 lace In time to meet hi : emt igomoni for ( tetohur is. Ho will go by ordinary lino of travel between the places nnuiCU, and his fixed appointment will preclude anv diver fOIICC from the route lo visit Other rd hs. All in vitations outside Of il will have to be dc [?lined. "The leprous dlslilmont, whose . H oc t Holds such an enmity with bleed of moil, Thai,swift as quicksilver, lt com sea t hrough Tho natural gates and alloys - ?f tho liody, und causes thc skin to become "harki : ?bout, most lazar like, with vile and loath ?onie crust." Such arc tho effects 1 I li used and morbid hilo, tho only ftfitM ror which is to cleanse and regulate thq ?vcr-an olllco admirably performed bv Or. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dlscovory,^' --- i Hobt Lee, son of Mr. John A. BowetS, 1 if Plcnsunt HUI, Lancaster conntyj was brown from a horse Just Sunday was a veek ngo, and falling iigalnst a wagon 1 ipoke broke his right arin. 1 , ! n m, ? .' v> ll\ nm\AI>OKH8l?AUK L.A.HUKCITIK8. A few yours ago un oxport otuployod by tho United States Sigual Servico do olan d tbivt there was uo oonooivablo roa non why a tornado should aparo a largo oifcy. Uo oven wont so far os to say that Ll was possible that a funnel-shaped oloud would ono day atriko Now York, .. r< ul ;. g tho city and twisting tho groat yu bridge into a corkscrew. Tho gu Inter-Ocean hikes a different ? ? starting out with tho assumption immunity enjoyed by largo cities in tho pn ii ia Bohd ground for tho boliof ie is no danger to bo apprehend ed. Ll ts, nevertheless, admitted that a aerial shaft having n diameter of feet, and moving ut tho ruto of 81 mil? s au hour would crush tho most ?ul tautial buildings liko BO many ogg? ?hell?. The Intor-Ocoun says: ..Tho reason is very plain, and may bo easily understood, even by people un v, ri ed iu . oi< antic lore. Tho tornado at tlu outset Ls a simple, whirling shaft of ?ur, caused, as we believe, by tho wind euri outs from nearly opposite directions, of um (pml temperature and different v (greca of humidity. When it is fairly blurted on it.; course it generates im quantitics of electric iluid. In net b eon.ea a ?swiftly moving dynamo, generating enough electricity to make it Luminous, and leaving ovidenoe of tho burning Huid in its pathway, lt is tho theory of soino who uavo written on tho Nubjecl thal tho tornado is primarily caused by electric action, but this wo think is au error. Thc mistake is in placing thc effect for tho cause. Jiut it i , certain that alter its inception clectri isi . ia ; ? norated, and that tho subtle ll ml b< comos one of tho most important fi otors of its destructive forco. 1 . i '.r sing over the country, tho tornado follows tho general trend of tho larger '. nie storm, or area of low pressure, i II ya tho natural law of all bodies in oil, moving in the direction of tho I a t resistance. A mountain, or other c .nsidorablu elevation of land, will break il up or turn it aside. A city like Chi cago presents an obstado sufficient to repel tho electrified meteorito und turn it to right or left. Tho city bristles with rods and spires, and is covered by a net ting ot olootrie wires. These, together w it h the vast aggregation ot motulicstruc tures, disarm thunder clouds of their destructive force, and at tho samo time ( viileutly tend to repel tho moro highly t IcotriQcd tornado. It is well known II il death or damage hy lightning is of very r ue occurrence in the centre of any considerable city. Thc bolts may striko in tho .suburbs, but if they descend in lin -it v tin y aro arrested by much more swill ness and certainty than a depredator \ caught by 'tho best.' " However consoling all this may be U) tho dwi lit rs m largo cities, und however atroug the temptation to swallow thc theory u hole, there still remoins u very interesting question-how largo must a cit} bo to turn libido a woll-dcvoloped tornado'/ < lue thing, at least, seems to bo OStab lu il, In tho smaller towns it has been ind that buildings constructed of solid masonry and good brick, put together in n ivorkmanliko tnanuor, resisted tho I : ol thu most violent ?torios. (?ood dings, tliereforo, alford some proteo J lie tact that no structure will ro is! < : mm ol air whirling along nt the to ol . ' io.l.s au hear .should not ih ter people from building their houses I '. per manner. A tornado that ... il troy a well-built house is no moro thc probabilities iu this latitude II .. i a destructivo earthquake. liuC'wttun Movement. N w 1 m k Financial Chronicle, in I ol tlu atovomont of tho cotton crop foi i week ending on tho night >. iys that tho total receipts ' . IO!) hales, against 2.?S1 t, 3,205 bales the pro : i 1,000 hides throe weeks tho total receipts siuco : tomb r, 1880, 5,21 n '., 178 bales, i00,20(i hales for tho sumo 0, I .owing a decreasesiuco I, 1880, of lui?,UH balee, qiorts for tho week reach a total bales, of which lT.ti?u were tc Lin . i itain, 87 to France, and '2,'Jot; to tho i rt of the continent. Tho t ihd foi t< rward delivery for tho week !i?,!)00 bales. For immediate do ivory lin total Miles foot np 10,'?lo .deluding 0,217 for export and II for home consumption. L'l o imports into continental ports ! .: till Week have been 20,000 bales. an s indicate au increase in thi . itton in sight of 7;t,t)t)() bales as ?pared with the samo iluto of 18bt?, ol 10,810 bales as compared wil . tho corresponding dato of 18M5, aud tl di crease of 357,010 bales us com pared with issi. 1 ho ld interior stocka have decreased dining tho week 710 l?ales, nial were, Friday night, 23,509 bales less than at the enmo period last year. The receipts at tin sanio towns have been 2,893 bules I limn the same week last year, und si:;.-. September 1 tho receipts at all the ivu aro 1*3,700 balea less than for the same time in 1885- 0. total receipts from the plunhi ti sinoo 1st September, issn, uro 5,181,180 bales; in 1885 0 were 5,840,208 bul. .-; it? 1881 ? w?re 1,710,571 bales. Aldo ugh tho receipts ut tho outnorts for tho past week wore 1,109 huies, tho actual movement from the plantations was only hales, tho balanoe being token from the ..locks at the interior towns, Ijost year the receipts from tho plantations for the same week wero - bales, aud for 1885 they were 2,710 bales. Tho da cron < in amount in sight Friday night, as compared with lust year, ia 106,37J bales, the Increase as compared with L88J 5 is M9.882 bales, and tho increase over 1883 1 i? 716,009 bules. 'i he Chronicle says that tho sp?cula tion in cotton for futuro dolivery at Now "i oi k has been fairly active for tho woek under review, and the course of prices iias lluotuatod so f hurply and widely as OS to afford the regular room traders full . po tor the employment of their peca liar tactics, There was a considerable deonne on Saturday, as tho adverse ro L>orts fron? Hie growing crop lucked con tinuation; but mi Monday tho reports from Georgia and tho Carolinas that ht n v y rams had caused Hoods, with con nu.od dry weather in parts of Texas, caused a buoyant market. Cu Tuesday tho failure of Liverpool to respond to our advanco was attended by a decline, and u further yielding of vuluon on vVodnosday morning was followed by u quick and full recovery on reports of u re li ?ral of heavy rains in tho sections e ?ve named. On Thursday tho market \ unsettled, without important change, but made some ad vance in tho hitor doal wheu tho speculation was quite strong. Friday the market was variable lind without important chango. Cotton on the spot mot with a modorato de rnand for homo consumption. There D declino of 8-lflo. on Saturday last. 1 ridi > tl ? io was a fair business for home i r In n on tho basis of 10c. for middling uplands. ??sngo of beef b only ten cent? . ubeno, anti Is the most sHitofaotory thing wi i a. tl] to give boys going tUhlog. Torry's Lucky Wittow. Thero is a long and curious story bo bind tho announcement mado, with a good deal of sensational flourish, that a fortuno of $7,000.000 oas boon left to Mrs. Kate LoulSO Torry hy her Into hits? band, Ivau Potro Torry, who died in Paris, wlioro tho lucky widow is still living. Tho $7,000.01)0 will probably ho out dowu a good deal, hut if Ibo for tune roaches half that sum Mrs. Terry is an extraordinarily fortunato woman. Of tho lady tho Hartford Times says: Hor lifo up to tho prosont time, if ac curately dopictod in a novel, would ma ki- interesting randing. Kate Louise, Norman (lier maldon name) carno hillier from Eugland in childhood with hor father, who Bottled in Brooklyn, and ovontually booamo a jU<lg0 there. Sho is uow about 82 years of age, hand some, ot good figure, and a stylo that has a good doal of dash in it. lt was to her good looks and hor stylo thal sin; owed hor court-room marriage to Ivan P. Torry, Boforo that sho had hoon tho wifo of tho notorious bank burglar. Charley Bullard, who is now sahl to bo serving a longterm of imprisonment in Bolgiuin. Tho marriage to Bullard took plsoo in England, whore she was visit ing, when sho was about 1G years old Billiard then wont by tho name ol Charles Wells. Ho was a smart follow. With a lino address and plenty of sui lid ing money, and tho girl ho mar rh il knew nothing about his rottl character. Ho took her to Paris, where ho opened a sort of American bar-room on a showy scalo, and installed his pretty young wife ns cashier. Sho naturally attracted a good deal of notice, and tho. ventura prospered for a while. Hilliard gavo it up, however, and brought his wife to Now York, lt was then sho found out who ami what ho was. Anothor wife soon turned up, and the couple separated, never to meet again. Thc second wifo took her two children and wont off on her own account. How sho lived till she mot Terry does not appear to bo known. Ho was tho son ol a millionaire sugar-planter in Culm, and had ninda some money himself. Thoy wore married without any loss of timo, hut tho subsequent proceedings wero not entirely harmonious, A num ber of little unpleasantnesses ooctirrod, and lcd up tinnily to a polico-court sen sation. Mrs. Torry was of a decidedly jealous turn, and once oil going through hor husband's pockots, niter tho manner of wideawake wives, she found u gush ing letter from a young woman explain ing why a certain appointment was not kept. It is needless to say that tho let ter did not linprovo Mrs. Terry's state of mind. After thinking a while she set n trap for tho young woman, aud (aught her in it. Thou she called on her at her homo to givo her a talking to, and got turned out for la t pains. That warmed her up still more, and her next step was to niako a charge against tin; young woman of appropriating cer tain money that she said sho missed. Thon caine tho polico-court sensation, in which tho two women played prom inent parts, and which tho roporlors had a tino timo writing up. After a great deal of wrangling die charge was dismissed, and tho second woman, a Miss Alwood, soon u.'icr retaliated by suing Mrs. Terry for slander. Sho claimed $25,000 damages, and a jury awarded her $300, but as Mrs. Terry had no property in her name to levy tin tho judgment is still unpaid. Miss Al wood will try pretty hurd lo collect it when Mrs. Torry returns to Now York ns a millionaire widow, if she docs re turn, lier husband's will has booti ie ceived there for probate, and sha will probably follow it. Tho unborn child is expected next month. .\ 1'orrrcllon. Mr, E. H. Mallock, agen! foi tho 1 >r Harter Medicine Company, ol Mt. Louis, to whom attention has been < ulled hy tho Orangcburg Times and Demoemi, which piece we published in our last Issue, warn lng tho people against bini : un ? uomy 1 1 the South, visited our lowii last k Mr. Mallock appears to bc 11 mun of ::i lc isl fifty years, ls quiet, unassuming mal mild in lila manners, and his conduct io Malian was in every respect perfectly in kecpinu with that of a gentleman. Mo i- 11 nativo of Pennsylvania, lived for ycuisin Iowa, but had resided Willi his failli Greenville, Tennessee, ever since tho war, is a Democrat and always lins been. 'I ho explanation he gives ol the attack satisfies us that it was a picea of sj.?te on ti;.' nari . : a debtor, with w hom ho had sonic diillcnliy about money matters The worst thing wu hoard bim say on politics and men was that wo of tho South would lin vo n bet lei opinionio .John Sherman if wc knew him bolter. Wo behove 1 tun the genera) heat' lng of .Mr. Mallock, Hint lils story h tho true one, and WC uro not alone .ii our bel lof, in Marion-Marion Ind Living on t urill' ? llloo I, Thc sloop .Sarah, owned and ci inionildcd by Abraham Ba jar im, V ft M uk? j 1, S i:. July %fi, The vessel had oil hon I ll tho I up tain, his wile and children and nie . nilli Superintendent Hale, of the Balthnon Copper Mill nt Santa Mosa, und n crew ol live men. While between San Pi dm ru : Marline/ tho vessel was struck hy n h aw surf mid capsized. All on hoard polished excepting the captain, three sailors mid 11 boy. who Bayed themselves hy cl lill hi ll ; oil tho bottom of the sloop. On July Ot) two of the sailors became crazy and Said llicj wore going ashore and Immediately plunged ovorbonrd They had no sooner struck the water than the sharks devoured thc in Tho captain, one sailor and thc boy tc mainod on the bottom of tho vessel eight days, sustaining lifo by catch in ii mn!, s that would come m ar and sui king lue blood. They w ere rex ned io a most ; ; able condition by the sloop lb fug? e. The ?VAM lt ttl cn About Coll?n Wright?, OwlOg to a now regulation of the N'en York cotton exchange on and after Sop (ember I, ins:, cotton huyors in all Inti dor towns will deduct from hales weighing under Ino pounds i cent |>er pound; under ???"id pounds I per pound; and packages loss than 800 pounds are not considered hale* and uro therefore unmerchantable, Tho glenora and formers w ill do well to note this fact In putting up their cotton. They will also lind il to their interest to hu i, { , tho general nvoragO of their bales, nfl tho heavy weight of indes frdm Ibo Son'h v.. st, ia In addition to tho Superior staple, an ad dltlonal inducement tor Northern and Klimpe an spinners to give th. ir orders to that .section. Thia ls an Importna! malte IO tho ginncra and farmers, and should r< Celvo their attention. - 4?? - \ Daughter nm* Uer Motin r. A special from Lawrence. Kansai jayi Saturday Mn. .Mary Paulin oil, a l . arrived m OswegO from AllgUtta, Kai - . intending to take up her K si ICM , wi li in 1 daughter, .Mrs. Harvey Willis. Al ul day or two the old holy quarreled willi III . daugbtoi who wanted to got possofslon ' I her mother's money, n considerable MUH Monday morning tho two women h disgraceful quarrel, la which Mrs Willis ? ^robbed her mother hy tho hair, I bro? lu violently to tho floor and h -at und ki k her until sho became unconscious. (1 lew hours tho injured woman died fri tn tho effects of her Injin io?. She died w h Ic Helming a will to exclude her unnatural laughter from receiving any of her pron ?rty. Mrs. Willis was arrested. An Awkward [UIHIMHC. The other day a young lady I? ibis eily, while en.jed In giving a pig hu? twlsl to nor luxuriuul tretacs, created coosldorablo oxctictnoul lo Ino family olrolo by dropping a rod hot pIpc-?tcni down lier li?cki Foi) eomo momcalstho victim waa ?s lively aa if ?bo had swallowed ? pickle wlthou.1 blooping to bite off il" stem, and ?a first ibero wore serious thoughts of turning out tko Aro de ' purtmontauu starling tho steam pump nt j tho Station. Gradually, however, the lieut BU balded. :.nd the young holy wos tenderly laid on i< e . nd pronounced out of danger by ooinpctcul judges, lllxlOUl lor ti I'lght, A Purls dispatch saya Print e Krupotkhio has v. t iti'u un iud'gntiut letter to Roche-1 fort, protesting sguinsl llioeMliui'ltism of Republican Franco f ir Kiitkoir. Ito 1? fort H I U ios lo publish tho leltei',which hu boga lo bo excused from endorsing, though ho says thal us i Socialist ho agrees willi Ita contentai He concludes nb rofcrcueo to tho lotter willi this comment: ''Who sholl any Hud wo will u<'t ho compelled Ui tulk Oermltn In our old divs .' Anybody who will savo US from (hut sllllltlO will ho worthy of 'ftllludc." A NAMELESS CASK. My caso lins boen a vory curious ono for about thirteen year". At intends ot about ? no wet k I would bo ottaoked with spells of Bovoro and moat excruciating pain, always commencing in tho region ol' my kiduovs. 'Thc pain would, then go upwards and nfieot my body and head, and scorned lo ponotrato my very eye? bulb, ovating the most intense suli. ruifr, lasting about oigkl hours each spell. I resorted to all kinds of medicine without beni lit. Several dootolStreated my ouse, but nono gave relief. 1 dually used 13. P. P. ns au experiment, and lo my utter astonish mont all pun and suf forlllg vanished utter using three doses. To tho pri rent time I haVO used three bottles, and not a pain has ever return ed. I do not Unow w hat was the matti r, neither coul l my physician name tho oomplaint. Tho l>. li, li. acted liuoly and powerfully upon my kidneys; my appetite Ii is bi en splendid and my con stitution built up rapidly, lt, THOMAS, Constitution, Qa., May .;, 1800. Unimpeached Integrity, I am BC, Uroko down twelve yon rs ago, and have not been able to work sinei. llave lost proper action of my hips and logs, for llvo ye n.! scrofulous sores havo appeared on my sculp and; nose, and at sumo timi my eyesight bo- ? gan to fall, and for three youri have boon comparatively blind, liavo been trcatc ll by eminent physicians of dillon ni s di. ol.-, without a cu: -'. 1 bavo lukcij Ive boltli of l'. I), li. (made at Atlanta, Cia.) and all scr nions sores tn- giadu illy healing, lnllammalioii about ny eyes has disappeared and lhere ia ?omi improvement in my vision. Am very much benditi land rolioved and bo inj to feel like a boy again --foci good. M\ Kin ngth and activity aro roturniiig in my legs and hips. Tho li, ll. li, ucla vij i otisly upon my kidneys, ami tho grcal t] um i ti ty Ol matte) Ulai hits been forced out through the skin ia ntl ri;,* incredi ble, oft ii so Olli hsiv? ?ti odor as to j ro? ' lice nausea. I efer to all business men : CnO runge, ? ia. I*. IhuiiMni.b. LiCIrange, ii..., .hu;-;. y j.:, !iii, Mi wi; ile .>e uni Information lU-o'it tho .Uso (out our? Of Dlood Colson* pcibfitlu i i K-rofutO <HWl ||||lgs I leeiH sot,.,, I ?.email 1 t e, ? l in y i oinplulut ii < atnrr . eto.eau | BOCO ula undi fit o, a copy our W pao Uh.r lt . Hool? ol woiub'ls, illicit Willi ino mud \M?II.t.? mi not Bturtlhig emu ever huton ?.no iii. Allin- s.. bb "i, v, . a.. Atlanta, on III- \. ..! e II OIIUI-. Health MUM a .' ? Wi?j?4?Y?iii . I '.wi; \ COUNTY, Vt. c. ... . ' ? : io ?Co ah Ho u- old :M,| ," r i ho im i proporth I Ni .! lo lr 'ivo s Cn ho ; .Miali < ool, Air ?lld ami nil lou Chu if lOCollun ii IA VHS "Ct I.MPM?T13, ? or \ '. m amt Hoi i Minim;, i?. v ..!? i ?Oin iii- limul ,,| v.iei nu ula ii. p< i o rsi ( i es \\ un i is, W|lu io. i ?i mn m>. Du. 13, ?. ELLIOTT A HON, Propriotors. ON Ii Ol lill: I INKS'I KKSOIWS IN i in; NU ru, tho All-Heiling ?feral Spring*, | GASTON COUNTY, N. c. >J Tl i.-- ologant Sunni . r Iteaorl ia nov open. Accommodation equal to tin 1 it Elevation 'J,000 f<. t abovo sea i . I, Hates $?.00 per day, $10.()0 and $12.01 por week. For circulars or informatioi addrosa th. propi ii tors. COZ/CN s A THOMAS, Alt-Healing P, O. PEACE INSTITUTE. H-n loigli, 1ST. O. Toe Pail ?esslon com meneos on tho rli ?*i tn. I't.-miit-i- (. i o day;, und ? ml i i.o m ? nolnoAtlnv m Juno, i -s.i i.s. iv ilepaninontnf Infuriation nilcd iv oxporloie.. ,, ,? nrooiniMlAlied toichom * uuiiiiiiig thu laruoiil ?o .1 ines- tiio-oiiMiiiv ?lUjPpetllotj . -tue. Ilcatod by ? o? ? ? tudj null ll [btod by - ie. irloliy rajuny."1 '"" 8 f01 ,w" " nooro . ~i,u" Km i irotilara mid i alalogiio. AddresSi Kev. a. BURWELL & SON, J'dya wm tULKitiit, s, u J?ESBEf?S THE FAQH ff BANGER ^?IxIFIi IZA LINIMENT PCRFICTIY rmWMONTHS.OSf O?c coHnne??t m setvn r on HOOK TO MOT HC i VJ .' jH?i ?0F3 11 T)'RE QU L?T0R Cb. fe*_AT LA Pi rA.^^T^Z? Klioerln?, me i luio'ir *. V\ l'arn!*r> and Mut Hunt i - pi. djRlii?. iron hnt '. ' ? -, 'l.>iit'l*ritrmlonur "iiinU^i f lrrln uni) tK.fni cvt. X'lrciilnr ir.-o C. CTIIIRV^I . vCTlt' i ui.s AM. iiuai.'??, r,.om ? common ?iiotcii, or irruption, . rotula.' SalT-rfieum, . ?r-nore?,? Scaly or Koukfi ?kill. JM Bliort, i'll discuses onused by Dad . ' .,b; this noworM purl ? . . ' . ici .heine. ?WM L ntiiiK Wlcom rapidly Leal under tts bo in iv o. K V v dil lia? lt lim.dlcHtcd ii? relier? HOBO KIU.II, >,":,, ICK, Sot o Iyes, ioVff Sorea mu? SwolllMfB. Ml? "i,it . s Wblto Swelling*. "., Jro, . 4.i. n Nock,and r-iilnrRcd RlniitlH. . nd ten cents lu stamps ror a huiro trontlse, wltti colored plateo, on Skin l)I8,.iv8cs or tuc .-.lin'' amount foi a treatlso ,,:?^i^:!o,KMM??>,n?s rrtt. Lint? Thoroughly oleum? lt l<v imiiiR Or. IMerec'? t.ol do ii Medlenl ?Uno vory, aud food 11?CHIlon, i? mn- "kliii ??{?>'???? ltojiiud vital .trougtI-*wHI h. established, CONSUMPTION, which ta Scrofula of tito I.iiiiRfl, ls nr I .i mid cu roil by this remedy. If TttRon bo f ,iv> thc last Btngesol tho rtteoasc nra renolied. i ni ita nuirvcloiiB |K>wor over this terribly t ,l disease, '.'n u liif-t offering this now -, ; .bruted n in ily to tho public Dr. FIBROM , ..i . niling it Ms "Con* nuiiiulloii dire,*1 i on nbimdoiied ilmt naino as too limited for ll medicine widen, i . ;,, ..... \i i ii l-ini coinlilnutloii ot tonic,or ilion tier, nh intlve, or blood-cleansing, ii,, in, i oini. mid nutritivo proper? ,, i ia uiicni P, not E ? reniwiy for , iniptinn, for lill Chronic IJIB OUHOfl of tho livor, bijei ?n? Lungs. ir ! Ml, drowsy, debilitated, nave . ||o -color ;iu, or yellowish-brown spots on fuco or bodv, Ircquerfl tieadaolio qr alni i .-H:. bad tuBlc 111 mouth, interiinl lient or i Ills, nil 'rn . In : willi I? . >i llushes, low ?puits - ,.i ? |,i inv fi ii i mihins, irregular npiietlte, mid touted tongue, you nra Buttering from EndltfCMtloil, ?>? spcpNln, und Torpid 1.1 vcr, or " Mlfloii*uio?a?M bi many i iscs only part ol tin io symptoms ure expe rienced. * As n remedy tor nil such enws. Pr. I? lorre Vi Holden medical Dis co very ls IUIHIII pu ? .< d, ter Wonk D,ti linn. Spilling of ttlood, Sbortno?H ol' Hi ? ?nil, tri on , . itlHj \ si ?? lilli, SCVOr? i ?.io; lo, nilli i ; foe lon , ll i-; un ofllclcnt remedy, ?. nv tniruoisTu. ul $1.00, or SIX P . rt.KH for 95.00, uta i:i stninpis for Dr. Pierce's . it|!( nu i un 'iniption. Address, ,. n''? k>l?ipetiRnry BI od leal A??n. chilton, QtiU .'.lain Street, ile Kl AI.O, N. Y, i $500 REWARD i-t offered hy the proprietors . ?i Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itcinedy \ "'* g foi' il ease of eal.n i li which , ' ?-JK? > thoy cannot cine. If you ? '.**> < hnvo a discharge from tho i , ffcnslvo or otherwise, partial i'>*s of > nell, taste, or healing, wonk . yes, dull pulu , : ressuro iii head, von bnvo Catarrh. Thou in! i t eases ti rmlnuto In consumption. i r Sligo's ('ATA mill ItiiMKDY cures I ho worst . neaol Cuturrli. **Cold In tho Hoad," ii ul i : i ol.o tie. 60 coats. E. VAN WINKLE & GO. COTTON Glr?S and PRESSES, Coi (ou V o l Oil Mill*. Cotton Need Lintern, Cn; ?HUI?, Sn* .'milln, Hhul'tliifr, IMlllrys, llHiiKfru, lid milts r.iui CAN lt us*, t' .l.i, ., und links. E. VAN WINKLE CO., Akanta. Qa. E. Van Winkls & Co., Holt 83, A TLANTA. OA. ( Il AHLOTTK "tit A? LU Ali i SI HON MC INS SEPT. 7, 1887. SH) INSTITUTE for YOUNO I.ADIKS l-i in tho South has advantages tune? lo those offered hom In every riopart 11 ' .(Into, Art anti Mush). Only 1 ' . ed nul accomplished tpaohers, ? lng li lighted with a , warmed ttl? hes?, wrought-iron furnaces, hal h< mu colo water hat - nn<l fust class ai , ti nt men ts ns a Hoarding * li ol hi . UM . ref peet -no M-;,, ..I lu In? i . ii, ima suporior ll duo lon for two Or moro from he s ms ' nilly or ni-lgliborltooil, eupilsrh rgeil only j'" ? ".uo.m ?, ..m i the lir.t monta ot the Rossion, " with full particulars, sd. l1' ^ il Af Kl NM ix, i hsrlotte, N. 0. H TTS ()A LiMlNATlVB! ; --i: fxt 4rV;rs AM) TI?iN? CHU 1 > K KN. An Instant relief for eolio of infants. Onrti Ih-riiicn, Diarrhon, Cholera Infantum or anv diaoaaea of the stomach and bowels. Makos tho critical period 1 thing safe and oaay. Jsnwifonnd pl mi h o, For salo hy all druggist? and for wholeaalo by HOWAUU, WOUR * Co., A nf lista. On. SHOW CASKS. DESKS, OFFICE FURNITURE ANO FIXTURES. _,_A ?U lor Jilli.(rittral I'niiiiihlr I. T?UUY Milow V.\H>: ro" Na?i.iiiI?. Tenn, wrlffhli, .-.e for en? -''fl by ?lit I nein. vi. t'uaruM'ttl lo di thUr trork ptr/tttti "l lr^ l, Kr?dtiM<v| rlrclomid polnlrrlor irndlim i?liiaio.t r?sJ ami, hy <\pt\f?. Slum; *iii","l .7*0.. Dsn with ord'-r. IhalriltUuiii, wl.h <, TUtSN,