THU HIM 'I'll ( AKOI.I> A t OXI.KUK. Meelina <>l TruUi ex Lat) Night- rro*iu*iu Mc Bryde'? Healtiiatton, The Hoard of Trustees of the South Carolina College held their regular scud annual meeting hi the College library last night. There were present Governor Kick unison. Chief .lustiie Simpson, Associate Justices McGowan aud .Mciver. Judge St lUOOtOU, ex-Judge A. C. Haskell, Suporlll tondent Kit e. (hu. Brutton, BoprescuUUlvo llutson aud Col. Llpsbomb. President Me linde Borvcd tho Hoard with tho retiulrcd six mouths' UOtlco ot his intention to rc sign. There vas au animated discussion uti this subject, and tho following r?solu lion was ill i:.s! adopted: Resolved, That this Board has heard willi regret the UOtlco given bj President .Me iji vile, (tinier Subdivision A, ot' Chapter 2, of tho By-Laws, as wo reel satisfied Hint his resignation will prove to be au Incalcu lable loss lo UlO College. Wo therefore earnestly hope that soino arrnngeiuout maj he made hy wind. l>r. McBrydc maj' be Induced to reconsider his proposed resigna tion. Subsequently Gen, Bretton, Judge Has kell ami Supcrlutcutl" nt Klee wore ap pointed a committee to ascertain if any steps ? an bc taken i > u tain tho services ol I'residen I Mcllrydo. Thc reports of UK Pu -.iden! and professors as the work of thc College ?vere ten i ved and considered. Tilt iccoinmoiulatious contained In the Presi dent's report were adopted. They con aisled ol recommendations of changes it the curriculum; lis '<> the requirements foi the admission of students, ?ind 08 to Ult granttilg Of degrees. The Board next considered thc admission of benellclorles, a matter committed loll hy ihe recent Acl of Assembly. A r?solu (iou was adopted iu substance stilting thal no student shall bo admitted free without v certificate, signed hy himself and parents (if he have any i. to tin ell'cCI thal he ?sun able to pay th- tuition foo prescribed by th? Legislature, accompanied by 'a statement ol opt ii lou, signed either by thc Board ol County Commit ?ont rs, Clerk ol' Court, 01 Judge ol' Probate of his county. Hint Un declaration or poverty is true. Mr. .lohn 15. Barnwell was elected I.i bia.?un ami Treasurer, without opposition lie already held tito olllco ol' Secretary o tin- Faculty. Some linn.- ago it was determined, ii view of the fact that tin- expenses of Ciel lin College were too grout, lo vocale th professorship!) this time in orderte olloi tho re-election of professors at redite sal arie--. Professors W. J. DcTrevllle, M?i tinier Glover and J mes Iloywurd wer re-elect, d cl salaries of $1,000 histond 6 $1,200 thal tiny have heretofore received The Board gnni ted permission to th students t>> usc Hie library hall for the con monccmcnt ball. Shortly before midnight the Board ttl jouriicd.-Columbia Daily liecord. The Collen Movement. Tho Xe-vv link i 'mancini Chronicle, i itu weekly (.ott?-H 1'OV?OW, says that f< the week eucliug Friday evening, tho J'.'t ult., the total receipts have reached 15 I ll halos, against ! 1,2*22 bolos last wed 21,027 bales thc previous week, and J'.' 808 bales three weeks since; making th total receipts since tho 1st of Soptomboi 1886, 5,122,15-! bales, against 5,0.30,19 bales for tko same period of 1885 8( showing au increase sinco September I 1880, of 82,05(1 bales. The oxports for tho week roooh a te>ti of 87,S81 bah-.-, ol which 22,010 were t Oreel Britain, 885 to Franco, au 15,483 to thc rest of tho continent. TU letal sali s for forward'delivery for th week ave 199,000 bales, t-'or imm?diat delivery tho total soles foot up 2,l?) bales, including 500 for oxporl ami l,cc lor consumption. Tho imports into continental pori for the same period have been 95,0C bales. There was au incense in tho co ton in sight, Friday night, of 15,3:1 ludes as com par. il With fl ie sumo dale ? 1880, an increase of sr,7J:'i bales as con pared with tho corresponding date i ISS?, ond a dcoreaso of 272,015 bales ? compared with IS8-1-. Tho old interior stocks have elocrcose during tho weeli 9,200 bales, and wei Friday nigh I I ! 1,019 bal is !< ss than i tho samo period i ;st year. Thc receipt nt the same lowe:, hovobeen 12,778 bait less than the samo week last your, an since September I tho receipts at ell th towns arc 21,.">>:'. batos more than for th sanie time i-i 1883 30. Tho decrease i amount in Bight Friday night, us con pared with las' year, is 5,030 bales, tl increase as compared with 1881 85 081,858 bales and tho increase ovi 1888 S I is 085,470 boles, The total rece i ?if s ?'rom tho plontntioi since September !, 1885, oro 5,171,0' bahs; in 1888 80 were 5,205,101 ball in 18s! 85 wero 4,740,035 bales. Alt hon the receipts at the on (ports tho past we< were ir?,i il boles, tho actual movomoi from plantations was only 5,010 bal? the balance bi ing taken from tho stool at tho interior towus. kost year tho ri eeipt.s from tho plantations for the sun week were i 1,080 bales. -.- .. -* -?a? _ " J lillee ? oolev Ktulaln*. In opening the proeecditigs of the lute state Railroad < lomuiission in New Orloan Judge Cooley - poke ns follow.-: ?.Our investigation!: are liol for any pu pose of questioning the propriety, justh or expedion?y of inc recent legislation . Congress. All thal lias been se tiled for ? and WO are herc Simply for tho purpo.* i t determining tho question whether", In pu suoncoof thai legislation, we shall in ce tain specified cai es which have been brougl to our ottenti II moko exceptional order which shall give relief in these i ases fro) tho ordinary op?rations of the law. Tin is nil WC propose lo do, and all wo hm any mit len it v lo do. Therefore any tesl mony that wight hootyered on behalf i parties that should go beyond that, < which Should seem lo question tho proprii ty or just tee ol legislation, would ho out < placo altogether, and wo Irusl will not 1 offered. Tia- part? i applying for exec* tiona! orders are railway companies. The have put in petitions and we s?mil hoar tl: evidence O?fl red <>." thoirbcli ?lt' and abo o behalf ?d' oilier parties v. ?io uni v thin they are oggrioved, or In tho mit re-ts < COmmUllitlOS willoi) may ho subserved h granting tho petition. \V? will also ncce| evidence (iii behalf of parlies or commun ties tending to disprove applications wine Juive been made. Wc shall take up lin the evidence la supper I of petitions an after that the evidence in < pposltlon." --, ? a Wnr Arsons Itepnblleanii. W*. J. Whipper, Probate Judge o' till county, was arrested this wick, brough before Trial Justice T. Gk White, of Beau fort, oil H cbargo of olllclal misconduci corruption In olllco, fraud, oppression ii Office, preferred bj ono Thomas C. Scott of his own color, who claims timi Whippet hos, oflleliiJly and individuall}', ?lc frauded him. liol erl Small . S. J. Bninp Meld, and it number of other prominent colored citizens ure material witnesses. "Whipper was bound over in Ibo sum of J* 1.000 to Oppenr, Messrs. ./. F. Huchtings, JO. A, Scheper and Sammy (been going his spell ri ty. It is due to Whipper to say that he lins been tho at 1011103 for Smalls in tho contest against Congressman Kl Hot 1 and claims that Smalls owes him $l.!H for services in such capacity and rd'um-s pay * mont.-Port Itoynl /W. Among other receipts ls one for making on "Oyster Ijoaf. " Now w hy should idle ness, even In an oyster, bo encouraged. UKNBKAL. NKW8 KOTBH. I'cnn ot Interest Gathered Irum V arion* Ounrterit. Tho Marquis ot* Salisbury is soou to i>c made a Duke. Carruthers & ('<>.. groin brokers, Now Voil;, Biispemlod Thursday. The Southern Baptist Convention hus be gun its session nt Louisville. The Inter state Commission has conclu ded its labors at Memphis. Thc Florida Legislature is still tn a dead lock over the balloting tor Senator. The shoe bisters aud titters of Cincinnati have surrendered after one day's lockian. A disease called the pink eye is sahl lo ho prevailing among horses in Edgclield. Mrs. Langtry will pass the summer in tho Yosemite Valley. Mrs. Cleveland is a member o? thc Albany indian Association. Queen ICaplolani, ot' Hawaii, and her suit have arrived at Washington. Dion BoilCicault is laid up with billum ni uory rheumatism. In Chicago about 11,000 bod carriers have gone out on a strike. George Gould has just lu i ii elected Presl deni ot three ol' his papa's Southwestern I railways. The* First National Bank of Shirkvillc, Miss., has been uuthoii/.cd lo begin busl ?uss with a capital ol' $50,000. ( harlie and Ellis baily fought in Gaines . ville. Fla., on Saturday night. Charlie was , killi.I and Ellis badly wounded. ii is officially slated in Berlin that Ger i many has no InlCUtiou of proclaiming a ?cit;-of siege in Alsace-Lorraine. The Prattville, Ala., cotton factory has been sold tit auction for ?24,500. If will bo repaired and pul in operation at once. das, B. Riley, wholesale boot and shoe merchant of Louisville, bas assigned. Lill : billties $50,000; assets unknown. One number of a party of regulators. , -.vii., a; lacked a brothel ut Wi liehest er, <>.. on Friday night last, was killed. Mr. Parnell's cold is more serious than - was expected, and will probably keep him . in Ireland for several days lo conic. 1 The danger of mob violence in Hu east! of the two Louisville negroes, who assaulted 1 Jennie I low niau, is thought tobe over. Thc committee of the German ltclc ?st.iv !. has approved Bismarck's budget with bm I ono exception, the estimate for artillery. Too Legislature ol' West Virginia i.*: ne (. nearer electing a United States Senator (Jinn f al the last session. Tho Empress of Russia is lill illdcflltigfl c ble dancer and possesses un enormous apjie i tile. , .Mind reader Bishop's wile has filed her petition for divorce iu the Supreme ( ourl I of Massachusetts, President Cleveland will go io hear Patti s'llg !hi> week timi afterwards look at IViv n p itigh's circus. H- Lftdy Randolph Churchill Isoneof Hie h most active canvassers in London for lin . Queen's .Jubilee contributions. i, lil New Haven, Conn., building opera tiens an ni most totally suspended oh ac Q count of a strike of the carpenters. -, A. A: II. Straus, furnituredeiiicis of Chi 8 chltmtt, have failed, assets $'10,000; iitlbili lies $50,000; preferences $57,000. ? .!. W. Boughton & Co.'s screen and wood carpet factory, Philadelphia, was bur led il Wednesday night. Less about $75,000. 0 Senator Camden has withdrawn l rom du d contest before the West. Virginia Legisla e lure. "' 'i'he Chinese portion of San Jose, Ca', ? was iii-;.;roved liv lire Wednesday alto . nowa. Loss $75,000. '.' I-'. M. White, ior Hf teen years Presiden; of tho .Mississippi and TellUCSSCC railroad. s died Thursday night. ?J Judge C, J. Faulkner^ Democrat, luu .j been elected United Slates Senator by ila West Virginia Legislature. " The First National Hank of Dee::!ur. l'f Alabama, capital $100,000, is niltllOlI/.ed lc ?? commence business, l' Congressman Randall ls about again in , Washington, and will soon start for lils old country home noni Paoli. . Senator Cameron will accompany Gen eral Sheridan On his annual lour through ?jj thc \ irginlas dds month. d The Intir-Siate commerce commission t. completed its .Mobile session on Saturday, f> ?uni will begiu it-- New Orleans session to il ,1;i.v i- General Saletta, the new Italian com? u. ni iudi r at Mnssownh, has proclaimed a ?s slate of war in Massowah and its depend .,. eiieles. special telegrams to ihwinlred'a from is loading trade centres Indicate a moderate .g bunn \euii-nt in tho movement of general o. merchandise. lb Boswell P. Flower lias added a million .k or more to his already largo fortune during ?I tho past twelve mouths hy shrewd Invest g in Indiana real estille and stocks, cs The Criminal Court of St. Loni- decided Q. yesterday that it has no jurisdiction over 10 the case of Fotheringham, the express mes songer. I delia rd Preston, woollens and tailors i : ii.linings, of Boston, has tiled II vohui fury petition in insolvency. Ile owes r s Hu, lill). On Monday evening, at Nieholvillc, neal Watertown, X. V., Charles Morrow, in : 1 lil Of drtinkcu rage, killed li!? wife ano :<- himself. I Cadet Itobert Linn Matthews, of Bir ,j mingham, u .student In tho Alabama Statt r l Diversity ut Tuscaloosa, was drowned in ,.. the Warrior river Tuesday while bathing, a On Monday night a young tanner's dis s, contented wife nour Grund Kapids, Mich., m d.-eil horse] and two children with "rough it on tais'with fatal results. '<. Thc big bridge between Now York and I- Brooklyn ls being treated toa new coat ol ?f paint, and il will take about 20 toil?of paint ?r io covi r lt. ,i Albany, N. \ ., isoneof the three great "'. telegraphic centres in this country, having , over 200 wires. New York, which stands y Hrs!. has 000 wire-. e Miss .Mary Garrett, sister of Kotiert Gar a reit, has mudo a proposition to ibo trustees k of Johns Hopkl us I Diversity t0 settle on if tho institution. y Scmi-ofllciol denial Is given tho report In ?I st. Petersburg that tho negotiations of tho I- English aud Russian Commissions On the 11 Afghan boundary question had failed. ! The New York Mail und J'lrprtMt snys: "Miss Bose Cleveland Will soon become 0 teacher in a prominent private school for young ladies in this c ity." I The storekeeper of tho warehouses, g J known as Almuec?n s de Dep?sitos, al l?a I vuna, his disappeared, and is said to bea defaulter in the sum of $400,000. Thc Sloss Shel and Iron Company, of i Birmingham, has closed n contract for thc election on North Birmingham of two 125 ton iron furnaces, A statement is made that the "crib" in Lake Michigan is ian dangerous condition, and liable al 11113' moment to collapse and etil off the water supply of Chicago. I). E. Keilli, cashier of thc Hank of Elk IOU, Dakota, is under arrest lhere on the nhargo of robbery. Thu bank is closed and (is fixtures are being attached for luxes. P?tor Smith, thc condemned murderer of John Hannan, a night Watchman, WAS hanged In ?10 Tombs prison, al New York, Thursday. Ile had nothing to say and no requests to make. .1 ihn M. Lewis, colored, of Cincinnati, W|iO hus been a trusted hitler carrier for 12 U MS. was detected in stealing two letters .??MI . ^irt* which bad been placed in a decoy letter. Ho confessed bis guilt. Monday night whllo riding in a buggy Mr. and Mrs John Carnell, of Vienna, Wis. i were shot by some unknown person sneaking behind. Carooil died, instantly :uul ills wife Will not ri cover. Ou Monday night two men named Brown and O'Hara, who were -?tung on Ibo Haiti more and Ohio track, near Snowden Sta tion. Penn., were struck by a shifting engine and instantly killed. Tko olHccrs of tho i nion Trust Com puny, of Philadelphia, announce that tko approximate etnbcz/.lenn nt of Janies N. taggart, lately teller of that company, is $'?0,000. Tho boilers of Ike towboat J. c. Itishov burst Monday at Wood Hun, a fow miles below Pittsburg, l'a. Ouo man was in killed and two others fatally ki Jurcd. W. .1. Whipper, now Probate .lu.Le of Hean fort county, ls bi jail ou tho charge of malfeasance in olllco, Hu tried to pet out by habeas corpus, but JudgO Aldrich rc fused bis petitioti. The Pop.- has summoucd tho c i aird innis to confer with hun upon tho question of a reconciliation with the Italian government and to arrange conditions upon which tho \ at tea u will consent to negotiate. P. Tenney and W. H. C'rosb* have hieda lill in equity against Dwight Doolittle lo dissolve purinorohip und restrain tho de fendant from interfering willi tho ni in ige mont of tho National Hotel, Washington. Tho le v. Sail! .loin s Illl3 been calleil home by a telegram announcing tko serious binons of his wife. Titi, leaves Hie revival services in Minneapolis lu charge of tin Dev. S.iin Sinai!. W. li. Ditismore, who bought Hie Kew York Academy i thc Geoi p la 1 an I : I H . rtiiiil were hil.- I Weil nos ! y hy Hi pi mature explosion <.! 11 lila Thu bli v liito niau present 1 .. ip di Miss N. H. Cimnhhurs, 11 tl .. Libriir?ti nf tho Department of J ust ii i al " ;. Um ? the Supreme i ?oil ri bf Penn v I vi ubi and i regarded as ono ol ibo b< it iii ::. rides h In.- book in lue ? >unti;y. .ii'/hty new month, rs Wet . re? ii ed int Hie foliOxvsliip ol' Pl; nu nih ( bundi 0 Sunday,-and evett Mr, Ho 'tier's friends ni beginning loudmli I hal Khicfsoii wusirigli when bc said: " ry man is Wlt?l?i ll lilli no mun is wan li d much." The Chinese government ??as crib r? timi every foreign mis lunary In Gltlii must bo|d a passport froln Ids own ivei i men!, in order that his nationality mtij h i shown. All other passports ore deolan invalid. The Comptroller Of th?; Currency li.'i declared a third dividend of toil per'cen! Iii favor of t lie credit ors of llic Lxchnim National Hank of Norfolk, Vu. Till iniikes in all forty ncr cent, on claim proved; amounting to $2,888,1) tl. At Dunville, Yu., thc leaf tobacco sai, for April were 2,2510,i 1 ? pounds, nt ?.. ' average of $H per hundrcdi Sales to.ilat shico October last year have been M,!l(> i 018 pounds, nt tin average of $8.-0.1 pi biindri d. Kev. ('naries ?\ ard. Hie IO11 :U wood, .'. 1 .!.. rector, rcconllj accused ?>! iiUompth i lo murdor lils wife, was found dei.d at Iii homo of .fudge Drew, his counsel ol ? land Lake, Wednesday afternoon, li . supposed tiltil lie look on overdi te 1 i (??oral. Tko Pope bas roi olvcd ii letter from Kii ?leror William In ft ?? di I he limp, ror Minni the Pope for bis wise omi 0011cll.iato.rj e operation in .settling thc ecclesiastical bil omi expresses tho hope thal the preacnt r I igloos peace will nev- .. he disturbed. A lire Wediicsdn, morning ritt juli . street, Now Orleans, I iel ween Mngu/.inciin Camp streets, destroyed much property O'Connor A Son aro heiiyy losers, Langi lin Lyons, a paralytic, and his Hi co ves Old grandchild perished In thc llames, Ti 1 hil loss $100,000. The Kentucky Democratic c..1.M.nie nominated Gen. Huck 11011 for Governor li acclamation, Thc platform endors il levi land's integrity and devotion io prlncipli ind favors "honest civil service reform. Thc platform ls Hie joint production ? II nry Walterson und .lohn (?. Carlisle. Monday afternoon Ike steam saw un planing mill of .'.ir. Ilicliiirdson, near VVnl haba, was accidentally burned1, logctbo with 20,000 f< o of lumber, bi nb ?11 $2,000. Mr, Lee, living neat the mill, lo: bis house, and contents, loge! ber Wit li hi barns, Stahles and a year's supplies. A Hamburg paper roports thal coir plaints aro being m ado of the failure of Hi system of government subsidies lo steam snli>companies. Tho Vulcan iiiid .No?:, Gcrninu Lloyd coin panics complain 0 great losses, the advantages expected nc ha\ lng been gained. Editor McGuire, Of ibo Quebec Mercury was sentenced to six months' imprisonmon uml .Y'3l'<> line for charging Mayor Lang': Uer and his brother with having receive 1 : large sum Of uioiiev from ll contractor fo securing the contine! hi connection will City work. It If reported ih n in consequence of tin refusal of the powers to tajti part In the Paris exhibition the Frenck gov ommoul contemplate postpodl|i| the open lng until ls;i)(), in order to dissO?lotO tili oxlilbition from tko celebration of thc hun dredlb anniversary of tho reVoJ'ltlon. Miss Ada Leigh, of Paris, requests Hu press to contradict the statement that sin ai?im??m??m?ttmmtmmimaumii^?mmmm?i^fn???m?^u^mu^Ki hos collected tho whole of the $00,000 Deeded for the laud of the British and American Young Men's Homo lu Parts. She baa just Bent on tho first payment of !0 OOO, which secures tho house, and hus still $40,000 to timi. The Cauuadian minister of fisheries has brought to Ottawa the fishery correspond unco, tl is n bulky volume, covering the ? period from ISSI down to a very recent date. Much of tho correspondence has already appeared, und il ?sonly the Inter dispatches which are of public Interest at this time. Tho Atienta Opera House was packed v ?th distinguished Georgians, who ussom* bled in nee- meeting to protest against tho e icrciou hill now before the British Par* ' ment. Governor Gordon loft abed of sickness tn preside over the meeting, mid ivas SM [ll bc had to return home before it a Ijournod. Speaker Carlisle 1ms just been later* viewed In Louisville, Ky. Ho says that ho no! a candidate for United States Sena i -, bul ho would not decline to serve. He ks a tariff reform hill must bo framed thc next ??ouse, that Ute tobacco tax is ly .<. be abolished as o compromiso and that lilah's bill is a job to deplete thc Treas ury. After a recess ol one week the Florida . iiatorial camus mot and resumed balloting. Thc (hst ballot resulted: Ferry 30, liloxham 31, Pasco ls. Four ballots wore taken without decisive result. Senator ill, a supporter of Uloxltain, moved that ibo Blab executive committee calla con vention to s-lcd n Senator. The motion i\ as laid on tho labio by a vote of 52 to 83. I Miss Helene do Rothschild, only daugh ter of Hie Inte liaron Solomon dc Roths child. of I'aris. will soon marry Cnnhiln Vi H Smessolr. n young ofllccrof tb/f* 1 iel glan army. Milo. Helene will Umiuintclj I m M S -ihnul ??130,000,000, amV has td ready ; arch ised tho splendid mansion of the lat< liaron Lucien Hirsch, near the Champ! Kl} -u:>, fis the future residence for hersch "ililli ber husband. j While Thomas A. Edison and a numbai ? f friends were standing on a pier at Ids mee Springs, Florida, tho other day th. structure collapsed and allot tho porty . ... <-p; Mr. Fdlsoti and Mrs. Giltland, tel Into tho water. A number of resident! . ?io saw tho tn cident rushed toiid by. The artist beggci v thc I'residonl to remnlu ipilct, mid Ibo plc e ture was taken." ' Thc lion. George C. Gorham. ox-Secrc lory of the II* publican National Committci \ Secretary of Ibo United Stales Sen ale, Is one of tho shcwdesl political obscrv i country. Ile thinks that if blain . renomhia'cd hythe llepublicans in issi an carry bill seven stales. The state conceded to lilnbie arc .Maine, Vermont N w Hampshire, Pennsvlvanin, Iowa IUKI Minnesota. Mr, Gorham 1st '. wurm friend of Mr, Conk ling, and is IK . il io h" deeply hi his coundon co. Hi prediction concerning blaine's strength i ugnillcnut. itosiuui o.\ ?nciun w -Kilon ihn) tli<- hinter Hide l!|i Hie Wie n II ii iti-nli \ n 11 e y lu Pence, loi i ?1,1 lui i lie ( row i ... i i UN l*ru\I?IIIII*I \\tt!i liiin. The Winchester (Va.) Timck prints Hu foll iwb . etti r from G euclid bosser: . "I'M Kit: ri \ OK V.l., Muy 3, 'S7. '/'.' Ma}oi' Holme? Conrad, l)i MIMA.IOII I have seen lt reportci j recently in tho newspapers that Gen. P. II :. U, S. A., contemplates, ?it ai rb day, another ride un the Shennndoal falley, I lind Imped that our bcautlfu li mid never again he desecrated bj Ills 1 mt print-. Cold, Cruel ?iud bruta b Hie character of this soldier win idly eli fishes memories of tho wild nw . > and devolution which his har ?nu m lorii . spread through the valley ashes Hu- beautiful and happy II - of Innocent women, yoting am ? hildion and need men, and win . thi'fio ruins boasted that nowa crow . Hy over this valley without enrryhnj : iili General Sheridan has dom i : ting sim c ibo uar lo atom- for Iiis bar kurlstn during Ibo war. We have not for ttl n thal during bis rolgn in New Or lean Ito aski i llial our fcllowcili/.cns ot nisi na might lie proclaimed banditti h . li r iluil be miglil set tho dogs of war on ? li ive forgiven tho brave men ol : I nioii tinnies whom 1 met in honora bl ? wm and who finally triumphed over ut in the i-i' struggle Among thom I car ,. v linnie many of my wannest and truest * and most prized friends: they are good and . inn : mi and think none tho loss of us foi having fought thom. Indeed, they est ccu ii . ' bi ;. st amongst ns who fought then ? thc bardi t Sheridan ls not one of tilt! .kiel he bas never accorded that pcae< .. licit Grant proclaimed. I now siv t< li you, .. . dear Major, mid lo our gallant < m radi ; who aro now in the valley, that 1 hope you v ?il allow this man lo make bli lil IllpbiUlt ride np the valley in peace, bu have him go like ibo miserable crows, car i \ lng bis rations with bim. i Sigtn il) Yours, truly, Taos. ii. ItossEit. >lm Cleveland'*! Photograph!. 'flic demand tor.Mrs. Cleveland's photo pbs Isas .active ns \i was at th.-tine lady first entered tho White House a il mistress. Tho photographer who per iud il her to give bim sittings for twenty ?? five tn ??dives Inst summer has sold ovc ?0,01 ' ::,ois still printing them nt tho rat tl 200 II day. Ile thinks that when tb in full your ol sales Islip, 100,000 of his plc .1 tines will bc Bold. The not profit for (h llrsl cl bl months nffor the negatives wer? ken wai $7,000, almost as much ns th r President recolvcd fora year's service a i Governor of Now York. What portion o Ibis :?< to Mrs. Cleveland, Il any, lin photographer omita to mention, bul a mai II shrewd < m ugh to scenic the sittings wonk J Hot ? upi lo overlook Ibo matter of carin; for most of (hu profits himself. \ frillier'* Krror. ,1 - Sweet nro Ibo uses of adwtHu, tho print ,| or's copy said, bul beset lt up, sweet an |. Ibo .1803 Of advertising. Sweet, indeed, U ; llioso who 111 sickness and suffering hnVI ii sci a thc advertisement of some sovoroigi ll remedy, Which upon trial has brought then from death's door. "Tho best thing I ovci ia in my paper was tho advertisement ol ; Dr. ['loree's 'Golden Medical Discovery" .in and again the testimony of (hos? M ho ha*, i ! > on healed by it of lung disease, I bronchial affections, tumors, ulcers, iivet ? < mplnlutS mid the ills to which llcsh || , heb. - - ?Ul? ? MAYOK HEWITT'S ADMINISTRATION is a j reign of terror to the "dives" of Now Voi l . Seores of the most disreputable dens in that city have bien broken up, r and immy others have been compelled to , become comparatively decont. Tom ( lould, tho proprietor of ono of tho worst " of tho places, defied tho authorities. He ? hus just been sentenced to pay a lino ol 910,000, Ruskin says that Athene, the Goddess of Wi dom, woro bangs. Wo shall lilli enter tain Fl favorable opinion of tho womnn un t i onie Inquisitive person disnovers Hint ? she chowed ginn and wore four gold rings . on one finger. v SALVATION ?RMY. "Hnrpiiy Hob," I udor Kentem-*- ol llalli, (Jives III < u|ilnton of ll. Robort Vau Brum, lately u promhienl member of the ?alvattou Army, ls i sentence of death at Rochester ror the mur der of y ouug Roy. Prom un interview li a reporter ot tho Democrat this extinct was made: "Van Btunt, you scout t<> place little reit ance upon the final result ol this liopcd-for appeal to Hie higher court-, and voil (sc m to clearly realize that your Ufo la nearly ended, and that tho dreadful event eau al most he postponed hut little, Now. with these grave convictions lu your miad, i wish you would tell me something ah Ul the true inwnrdncssof 'ins Salvation Army to which you belonged." Van Brunt who ts only twenty three you of age, meditated a moment eyed lils quos ttoner curiously, and then laughed it ' h i'' a porculiar maiiLcr lo himself. .T think." ho said, after a little, "I think there arc ii lew good people yet in tho ai II . lmeai: people that really want lo henelil mankind, hut 1 toll you mosl ol Un and ollleers particularly, are Dunkin i of womankind, ' and tho face ol the man, who in due course of Hie law had less ten days before his death on thu gulle took on a wicked lier, which blurt Iel i i the experienced interviewer, who was men tully, bul none the less unerringly under* standing tho testimony ol one win that ho was facing almost certain il not Inj mediate death. ? "I ought to know tIii.? %:.5.?V-';?'.;> Anny, continutHlthoc^iVvVo,nuc(l nuirdi ivr, lust I tale lace ay.?ing -1 rungo emphasis to his cnn did wow is, "1 ought to know Hiern; i have b?e? lhere myself and thc ollleers hui Talked with mo about lt." "Thoro ls a class of yoting girl tlrawnin ? to tho meetings," he went on, "who un easily enough inllucuccd by tin i lllei : and arc controlled hythe ollleers and men i for their own purposes mid for hud purpos r and those are girls they ure after. I du i'l know as 1 eau jus!, ex:'? : ly describe Hie in . (luoncc they havo over them, but it just con trols them, and lots of Hiern have this in lluoncc." "Perhaps they mesini rix din tn,' (pilolly suggested tho nowspapi r mau. j "Yes said thc slayer of Roy and tb nit : , of his sister, "1 put il all do1 'li ; - tiling like" "You know tin- is the general einmiete.! of these soldiers yon USS? lOliltCll ". lill, lill 111 persisted the newspaper man. ? "Yes; 1 know it trout my own exp euee, and I have talked it nil Over willi 111 ' ollleers." ? "l Imagine you mean yourobsen Jr not your personal experience." "Yes. 1 mein my observation ai again thc uncanny, malicious cxprcssioi stole over thc features of thc mail, ai u visitor did not regre t thal his disngn .' "r task was nearly cudal. "Van Brunt," said lie, "from what yit know of this army, tuid from the posit! . hi which y on ibid yourself, what o i yi think of the general effect of thc pra< Iii B of this Salvation Army Tho witness was a compelen! one, n tl i was tho last question tho Interviewer ovot U expected tO address to Roboi'l Villi Britni s and Hie answer cana- with a ru pl Illy Um 14 carried conviction willi ii "I told you some good people ucl il . the Salvation Anny, but the Clltlin instil t wears oil' in tWO or tim o weeks Illili iiiev . gel to bo as bad as Hie resl. li (lie Suivit s lion Army altogether was swepl from Un s earth lt WOUld 1)0 bi tter: better for even body." lill ll - V.llll v ' 1'ol i si ic 11 iel i vi ry - - ( luffs anti 11 liar? fr* n thc lauudiy. Where iipriglitucss is desirable-li) Hu , skating' rink. Potatoes never grow larger than marl in ( 1 reen land. The forests of Scotland furnish li.. :... .. I sand deer annually. A society for the suppl, ?lol < f s 1 for the prevention of things is talked i j When is a man like a brick V When ! is hard pressed. I Crushed watermelon is Un popular shade , among colored |>eople. Tho turn of thc "tied" Starting home ward after Ute wedding trip. Australia lias over 10,000 distinct spccii ? j ol Howers. . No sea captains ovor il reamed of fob cn lies in Hie air. r A promising young mail--Thc fellow . who ni way s says "I will sci! you later. . No, slr; I don't hire out io that farmer, His fences are barbed win and I can a minute's ri st on ein." The hurrying man who |o809 Iii- lib 1 jumping from a ferry boni before It I ... 1 gains nothing in the long run, "Are you a Home Killer?" was a l.ul ol , :t candidate at thc last election. A volet i answered, "No, bul bis wife is The chap who left bi? landlady ia lin I larch being asked why bu changed Iii b . ing place, said it was on account ol Un i slr mg "owed ber. " I I >e narrer mindi d man toll - a sholl String . by which Ito measures dc good finalities ? ' de men w hut he meets; bul his own |JOO< ? p ints he measures wid or cloze lino. ! We agree with a recent writer Unit "If all nonsense to say thal cathi f pies ' healthy." lt is trying to digest them lim raises the inlsclliel with one - health. "What can ever be a substitute, .lohn ior ibo affection of a sister?" "Well, sis Uiat depends a unod deal oil whose bbl? it h." "Johnny, do you know the tenth com mandaient'." "YCS'lll." "Sayit." "Can't, "But yon ?ust said you know it, Johnny, "Ves m. I kow it when I sec it." s Thc fact that lhere are twenty si vi n lim (Ired languages is no con-. ?Intlon lo II II whoo bo Ts spattered with mud from ken ? to foot by a passing wagon B An exchange w ants a definition of III B phrase "hopping mad." A man, WC wooli say, Is hopping mad after StCppili i n ih u point ol a tack. B An Irishman, watching a game of bun B ball, was sent lo gross by a foul, willoi 8 struck bim under the ll fib rib. 1 A fowl r was ll? Ooh, sure, I thought il was a mille. . A corrcs|)ondent wishes us to give th I Humber Of people who would bo living i , none of them hud ever died. We 8hnl take our next vacation to figure it out, "Ii il true that when a wild gOOSO'fl mali dh - il never take-- another! HSkSUyoiitlj widow. Sfcs; but don't worry about t liai The reason lt RCtfl (hat way Is been USO il i ' a goose. ' Health journal - Icslsi upon people repos . lng on the right side only, and ( labu that i is Injurious to Ho on both sides; bul wi ; don't know where they will bud (lealtble men than lawyers. De insccks is sometimes got moro sen , dan a man. When you sees a pusson foolin 'roun' cr bo'nots nest, yor nins know dat di . pusson, 'stead o' do ho'net, is cr makin i mistake. "1)1(1 you bunk your father's will?' "Ves." "1 suppose, then, you ure quill , rich now ?" "No; poorer than ever bel.' "Howls that?" "You see, I broke tito will hut Uar lawyer! broke nu ..Nlp'i m th? Hutt! Sud lu say, immy a flood thing attain- l< ? nothing more thin alair licginiun . Ol , tho other band lt is a mattet for congi a'n latlou that the growth of ?onie evil thing! may Ito also prompny frustrated. A hug. . proportion ol Ibo coses of the most wld< spread and fatal of discuses-coiietunpth i have their inception In nanni cat arrh. Hr Sage's Catarrh Itemedv ls pleasant, sooth ! ing and ell'eetual. Try it. lt I as cuni] thousands. All druggists, Tirana aro some laureating namea found in tho lint of tho Fiftieth Con -rrw. Curious baptianuu namoa abound. Among thom oro -lohn, Hilary, Adom-i ram, Knuto, Okorttbusco. .Bcvifih rind Well v. in surnames tho t .cades aro Well i represented. Thor? U a Baker, a Fisher, n Weaver, o Cooper, a Mason, iv Glover, a Hunter, a Miller, u Browor, a Granger, a Turnor, a Taylor nnd a Sawyer, lor tho Urst timo in yoara thor? is uo Bobin son in Congress. Theodora roprcBOnted m o White, Cray ami Brown. Thoro only ono [Jogg awong tho nioinbers, Tho so-cnllcd deserts of AriBonu oro covered with grass timi Howers. I "Sm From tho A Hoifm ist wk *s. Photograph, thc konv, N. c. I send you to-day half dozen photo grapha Of <.. G. 11< il fut*, ol ( hover, Ni c.. ami C lintot say that y< nrniedioiiio has dono woiid?rii for Mr. Bol?uiao. !t incois likelaising tito dead life; ii": look? fat and hearty how, an 1 they bl! mo when ho commenced your medicino ho waa nothing i ut ?kin nod bum:.. Tho ! Boro on Ilia breast ia healed ovor, and you cnn seo tho mic on tho forehand is heal ing up from i he- b>p. I wish it had been so that [could have taken it when ho waa at bia worst, but l could not ioiivo M Y ollie land ho lives some di '..mee from boco. You rn respectfully, A. MoLvrosii. This mau, tb C. iloffuiau, lins risen by tho uso of Bothnie Blood Balm (B. !'.. lt. -, tn htnpresi hi Wonderful iniproved condition. In n short timo his boneless : ?rchend will ho fully healed, und lio will stand a monument of humanity raised from tho verge ol death, Few o isons over recover froni auch a low et ito, being on a dj big bed from ii::tt fell d< ()] ?Od |>:.iv. >U, Vi it il lltO "ir,, f)f !.i ..! mt .i i. nail li ? "ii '.. liv I t? eyer. !.. fore iuoho? lo . dee: Ira, un " .. u Fi oin skin and bon ?, wr ol d by bli od poihou, to health and .mud llcsh is tito work of B? lb l>. Not many snob desperate ca?cs moy bl) found, but will ll Pe y are lin y should not despair of recovery, cs B. B. B, will eur:- them, When this medicine eau cure auch i s trctiio casca, ia it not reasonable thal il viii! euro nil cases of bli.ed poisoii ol less violence, ns ii has dunc iii thousuuda of instances? will verity which Mr, 11 sod, B. B C -,- C'?'-"I;::.-, . 'ia 'V 'F?R Otu.i TRUE v. ill t uri! ri OOO . .iii'. . ti > LIVER nm! KIDNEYS ^ i m in tin. iri?Ai/rii. niTvxa. Oil Ol YOU! I? 1> -i . : ? lu.V II.I \. |.< ; it-. 11 illili -1 H.H.I.m k ft t?trt nqln omi Tl roil Kiwi tun titi Bolutnly ourod: llono*. mutt. clo? mid nert rei i. et Ivo % f .r ... Bnllvi'tii tl > minti un.I Minnllc* I!: nlfi POW r. BL, A O ?? tt?S ll. DB!' IIAVTK?-?. IRON YON TC n?nfo nm] .> . it ?ly curt?. ? ll .?.??>' mr, IK-KI thy ronii.ti'vion. l r'- , u -it M'i-nii i? ul ronni, i L it Inn|.| tollu, i ..|>iili.rily of tim orljtltinl. 1'<> nutbMHirbnont-?ot Ibe OttlOINAI. A(ID In.i. Or. HARTER'? LIVEtf PILLS n oon.ittisit. in.Llvor Coi?. 1.1,1,1 nul :.lOr ' ? nm! OroAm Hook I ? cerita O' postage. . ,-v.AOtlO. ? ltintlod of leothing Bafo and oaay. la a wife end ploosant tonic, fer salo by .ill drngi mid for whob alo by IIOWAHO, WlMiWr ? Co., Augusta, (in'. Tried Sa tl Al Hint uv, n'y ,(lrH Afp I ,| , ofersd n nminc(vi lt CAiiror. 1 |mv<. Ir|,.(, ft nulll,".r "r tiot.i iK.m nt. AmongO10 norober W?M on? ti wiut'k? nr.- lo til? tor?, cauri?* Jnlahfti iMin. 8. R.hst) don? for othem simll?rly nnilctnl. tho irc-ond boum tho nclghtxini cf..n,i notfc? t hosftll liad booti bsd fur two or tl,reo yonr? nnlly. | hsd n ?av?rS pain In l?jr l.mau. Aft mc omi I ?row Htotitri I h An 1 Lad Ix-on Ut ne? n limo ?,w.t About 0,0 ?i/o ..t ? t,Air dim?, AI o?ory .mo will, oAncor |..Klv0 H.aR.n f.xlr tri Mus NA NOY J. M< I 'ON AI rob. te, 1*?. i. . 5?y."l'l sl'?-' 'fl'- ll i iiilrotT vrirolAldn ni ImpurlU*? fr.,,., thu I,.i To'nl'fell? IMt? IHK BWIKl fi tl?Q Ai.?. Hl'MOKfJ, J nu n riloteli, or Kruptloiii -il-?- wo; t Merofu?u. finit-rUoiun, r 5 , ? ! > . >' os " f*?nly or ft?,,"',? s?iiM. in short, nil dlscnticB roused i?y ima bioGa uro conquered by tilts powerful, purl . .", Invijr, mtlnn IIICM?IOIIIO. Oroat I?'t?tiiu UloorM ruph?ly heal under UH 1>O iii?rn iiiilii ?cc H pechilly luis H iiumii?'Hio(l ,"'/', !.. iiiVurliiH -av a.-i-, Boso Baak, li H... i u buac?oH, Soi e l?yo?, Sorol i-ou and SwollliiRB. Mll? OlMl B>l?C?HO, IVllIfO SlvoIlllIKS. .? ,i;sv ov'Ciiu i. M 0)1. ;nnl B.illurRorf (jInuits. Bond ten wat? lu Btnini* tor n IUIKO treatise, with colored pintos, on Skia (, . , i, ur tlie Kim" ni.?mini foi' ? troatiw il'uloiiH A tn vt ioiiM. .?...,? VJ--' it a.,?OD ?s 'i'tar: i.itr.." rpi..,," . ii.;iii80 lt by iiMiiiK ?>'. Vloroo?; < . .,? .... if ott Uni DUcoyory, und good ,Utt< ?n 111,11 rall? uk I ia? buoyant ?l?lr itKjuiid vital Htvongtkj .'? boeetaulwliecli CONSUMPTION, wliteli la Ri roCii?a ot" t??o Lungs. ls nr , [uni ?uneil I'V this n on 'ly. 'I IilKOH bo? . . .. - , i" ; ho disenso aro i-cnohejl. Prom UH nun-? lons |i >wcr over till?iterribly Lit ti I di . . '?. hi n li-.-t offering; this now il , dj to tho nubile,J)r. PncncB . ,i onllhiH ii hie "Cou. Biinipiton i lire," bul nbniidoacd tlint u t..> limited r r?Ti J, V .. . iw8V, debilitated, hnvo nnlloiv eotoi- ? nUkn. oi yellowish-brown snots ,", i act tn' hody, ii. nu ni headache qr timi? ,,, . i : . ie in mouth, Interiinl hont pr Cl,j ,'. . ; . .... .*> v ?Mi hot Hush! 8, low spirits I*. un .. m. u-ulur appetite, von aro Buffering from .:.'.p..iu, nuil Torpid ; , *. r, lllouifiiOHin" lu ninny ?y purl ' l . ' . . . ^ M l'tntm- tm? expe , ,. j ;, renn tl. ror n:i Biloh enies, w , ?i .olden medical Dis? c over y In mi'.turpiiKsed. i ? iii f -?,?>':>. Spitting of r-i .?...;, . .... ol Hrenlli, Bro at? .,(. ... in>?, Kovero COORIIH, mid I . .. i i , -..II Mu loni remedy. i> nv J SI .:>. ; ml ; :i 1.1 i ?:i ... milis tor Dr. Pierce a ii t on I 'ensuinptieii. Antin 88, w Mis pens? ry Medical Anno i tatton, i * I Main Street, HurrAi.O, N. Y. $5^0 REWARD i , iTered by tho proprietors ..: Dr.Sage's Catarrh Itomcdy > . ... se ol i-nlnrrh which I |)t>\ i li.I olli e. 1 f yoi! hilve :i iii lolnil'go from tho . oiroiislvo or otherwise, partial loss of . : ile, or lo- IIM??. weak eyes, dull nam in ||, iii, you luivo Catorrli. lliou .., r.|.. s t- riiniiato in coiiBiiinjitlon, .'SC.VI lllllll !" Ml nv eui. b li.'-' WOlft G'nfnrrii* ..Cold lu tho Hoad?" ? watarrka] Eaeaducho. CO coats. From tlio World's Best Makers, AT FACTORY PRICKS. Easiest Terms of Payment Eight Grand Makers, and Oysr Tores Hundred Stylst to Select Prom. PIANOS : Qiickering, Mason & Hamlin, ltathnshek. Bent and Arion? ORGANS: Mason & Hamlin, Orchestral and Bay State. Pianos and Organs dclWored, freight paid, to all points South. Flftesa days' trial, and Freight Paid Both Ways, il not satisfactory. Order, and test th? Instruments la your Own Homes. COLUMBIA MUSIC HOUSE, Branch of LUD DEN di BATES* SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. PHI 013 AN D TKHMB THU SAM?. W. W. TRUMP, Manager. MIDFIELD'S r TinraiHiiMwrn .J \ xpcclfltj fer n i diseases pe . ivoint n, . noll .IK PAID?, u pp i ni, i II.*, bal wltliniit i.. . i> a.fliiy i < rm.* r two niM'olallftn. Tito moillclno they Sppllsd 1 M# n ntuO mrnl lu UK- |.n|>or? lolllnc whnt I procured ?cirnr nt oin.-o. ?lofom I lind nurd hm my roncrr waa healing up. My Kenorul I hn.l n hnckliifi cotiRh and ? ? it blood m IT laking rJx Louie* of S. S. S. my cough left .ral V'ar*. Hy cancer h&* he*leil over all but id Ul* rapidly dlMppoarlug. 1 would uno. s al. tongy, Axho Qrove, Tlppeennoo Oo., lad. * nd *eem* lo oura cancer* Mr forolng mit th? I foot Skin niLnnot -Dslled free. . Si'KCIKJO CO., Orawar S, Atlanta, Oa.