THURMAN 0.\ IHK WAK. What He Minka ol iii? ll.-lnlli.tlou Ulli awl of the I'rmlilriil. "Do you anticipate a collision .vltli Can ada or Great Britain?" "Hardly. Sucb a thing is possible, but not probable. Negotiations Will eventually intervene." "What do you think of the course ot the Canadian governmentV "Waiving tlu> consideration ol -di treaty rights, stipulations and restrictions, and looking at the naked facts ns 'hey exist, Canada exhibits a vory unfriendly spirit, ami is anything but neighborly." "The Senate bill, as well as tho H0U8O bill, conferred a very wide discretion upon President Cleveland, d..*. .1 not /" "I have only read them in a general way, but the Senate bill seemed quite a> ?weep ing tn conferring discretion nud gravo re sponsibility upon the President ns the Mouse bill', except a- to the railway trans port?t lou." "Isn't it something unusual for politicians to confer such important powers upon un opponent US thc Senate bill sought to con fer upon President Cleveland?" "Il is not the usual thing, and I rather suspect that the Kepublieun Senators thought that they could use this retaliatory bill in thc Presidential campaign of 1888. "I"sc il how ?" "Well, if President Cleveland exercised his discretion and precipitated a collision, he would be held responsible; if he didn't, and the dispute lingered along in.statu quo. they would hold him responsible for that." "They proposed to catch him coining or going':" "Very likely." "What are the chances ol" catching him in the event a retaliatory measure is tinnily agreed on?" "Rather slim, indeed. The wide discre tion proposed would be wisely and safely lodged in President Cleveland's hands. Ile is a man of g real courage, and this courage is bat hed up by a level head. As great and grave as arc Hie discretionary powers embraced in either of thc mensures, the In terests of the country would be safe in the President's hands. Ile has courage, cool ness and wisdom."-Cincinnati Commercial Social, AGKICI i.ri KA i. u uro HT. Tlic Quality ol itu- Corn Crop Compara tively High-The Wheat Crop Good. WASHINGTON, March lt).-Thc March report of tho Department of Agriculture of the distribution of wheat and corn shows that .'tb per cont, of the crop of com is still in tho farmers' hands, a smaller proportion than in March, lH8,r> and lssb, but larger than in 1881. The estimated remainder is 003,000,000 bush els. Thc estimated proportion held for home consumption is 187,000,000 bush els, leaving 288,000,000 bushels for trans portation beyond county lines. Thc pro portion of merchantable com is 80 per cent., making tho quality of the crop comparatively high, 80 ticing thc average percentage of merchantable in a series of years. Thc amount of wheat on hand is 27 per cent, of thc crop, or about 122, 000,000 bushels, against 107,0(1(1,0111) last year, and 109,000,000 in March, 18S?, tho largest surplus of tho largest crop over grown, lt is 3,000,000 bushels more than in March, 1884, and 21, 000,000 bushels moro than in 1882 after tho shortest crop of recent years. The proportion held for local consumption is 104,000,000 bushels, and the proportion to bc shipped beyoi d county lines is 2(1:1,000,000 bushels. The quality of thc crop is unusually good in tho principal wheat-growing sections, tho average weight living ?8.? pounds per bushel. A ( ase M Hil II Iii.lory. The United Mates Supreme Court has just rendered a decision In the ease of the heirs of Herman Speidlo ngailist Jacob Jlcnrici, brough) Oil an appeal from thc United state? Circuit Corni for tho Western district of Pennsylvania which brings to light an Interesting story. In ism Geo, Rupp, brought to this country from Wurtcillburg about 50 fami lies and .settled on the banks of the Ohio river about 20 miles from Pittsburg. The Company were known as thc "Harmony economists" and tho town they fancied was called Economy, I tapp not only installed himself ns leader, but informed ids follow eis thal ho was their prophet and that they would jeopardize their salvation if they failed to turn all their property over to the church, he being thc sell same church. This was done and then the self-made prophet issued another edict forbidding marriage among his subjects, Everything went smoothly villi thc colony, and they llourished and were apparently happy until the year 1831, when one of their number, Herman S pied el, revolted, went to Pitts burg and married. It was to recover his portion of thc wealth of the "Economy" society that his heirs brought snit. The property involved is valued al $30,000,000 und as onl\ about 15 families remain nil aro in aflhient circumstances, I lem ici, the defendant in this suit, is now HO years old. Without going into the merits of the case, RH to whether (he society was a proper one or not, the Court held that the complain ant, Bpeidcl. having allowed his claim to sleep for 1 alf a century, the Court must hold his demand to be a stale claim, and ailinn the decision of tho Pennsylvania Court. Mr. Cleveland Talki Itualneta. The President has been talking about 1H88. It happened in this way: Thc subject ol' the inter state commerce commisBioncrsliip was under consideration, and the issue of politics was brought In, .The question was whether a certain gen tleman whom the President dcsii a to have upon the commission could alford to ac cept. Very frankly the point was made that-Mr. ( levi land might not be his own BUCCCSBOr, in which event the one accept ing the commtssloncrship for the short term would serve during the perplexing mid unsatisfactory period that the law was liebig pul in operation, and would then, in all probability, find himself thrown out. Thc gentleman wns proceeding to apolo gize for his plainness ol speech, when Air. Cleveland interrupted him. "That is nil right; speak frankly, Poll tics ure very uncertain. 1 may be renomi .?mied und 1 may not. If I um renominated the election is not sure. J f the Republicans Dominate Allison and Hawley, Allison will evidently carry Indiana. Hawley will carry Connecticut and New Jersey. 1 would expect to carry Oregon and Califor nia, but how is it about Virginia and North Carolina?" This ?8 the frankest expression that has come from the President on the subject of tho next Presidential campaign. Stranger limn Union Arc thc records of some of the cures of consumption effected by thal most wonder ful remedy-Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." Thousands of grateful men and women, who linve been snatched al most from tin; very jaws of death, cnn tes tify that consumption, in its early stages, is no longer hicur iblc. The discovery Jins no equal ns a pectoral and alterative, and the most obstinate affections of the throat and lungs yield to Us power. All druggists. The Paris Tempt asserts that the political ?irlftoaori arrested la Sofia for participation 11 thn recent revolt wore whipj>od with knouts during thc entire night following their arrest, that KaravolojY ls now dying from tlic e/Tecta of the knouting he received, and that five Om eera havo already died from tho effect* of their punishment. OKNKRAL NKWN IXOTKH. linn* ol lui. r. .i Ualhered from Varloua Unart?-T. Tho session of thc Indiana Gouerul As sembly hus expired by limitation. Secretary Manning has arranged to make a triplo Europe for the benelUof his health. Tho German Relch&tng has passed the Septen nate hill hy a vote of 839 to 88. Tlie proCOSS of melting trade dollars has begun at the assay office in Hew York. Fitly seven miners who were entombed in the Quaxognou colliery in Belgium have I M aped. A fleet of seven steamers has just arrived at New York, bringing between 2,000 and ii,500 steerage passengers. Thc striking printers of Milwaukee have returned to work on thc employer's terms, I and promising not to remain in the union. The Massachusetts Legislature, hy a vote of 77 to 0, defeated thc woman BUffrage resolution. Representatives of all New Kurland tail mads met in convention Thursday lo con fider tlie inter State commerce law. Samuel Bonser, of Springfield, Ohio, Tuesday night shot ami killed Dora .1 mid and then killed himself. CatlSC-unrequit ed love. Charles West, 48 Maiden Lane. Now York, has bcou arrested for swindling per sons through the mail. Ile was known as thc Victor Watch Company. Mrs. .Mary M. Yates, granddaughter 0? chief Justico Marshall, was married to Count Eugcno Mitktowlcz in Washington, I). c. The strike in the niarhle yard of Bowker, Torry A Co., Of Boston, has ended hv tho complete surrender of the firm, und !100 lahorers have resumed work. Randall, QUI ?.V Shollies, hoot and shoe dealers, Boston, have failed. Liabilities (80,000; assets unknown. The failure is attributed to losses in thc Southern trade. Both branches of tho Maine Legislature have failed to give the necessary two-thi .s vote on the passage of the amendment the Constitution providing for female sui frage. l p to last Friday night there had lieen tiled ic the pension office 7.710 applications lor pensions under thc Mexican pension I iw passed late in thc last session of Con gress. Judge Medic, solicitor of the treasury, will visit Charleston shortly under instruc tions from Acting Secretary Fairchild, with a view of selecting a site for the new pub lic building. Thc last Alabama Legislature enacted a law allowing women to hold the ellice of Notary Public. The Governor lias made his first appointment under this law in thc person of thc wile of State Senator Long. The dynamite works of Mrs. Mary A. Dilmar, at Bay Chester, on the Sound, near New York, blew up for the fifth time Mon day, killing one man and levelling the buildings to the ground. A Berlin dispatch says: Trade returns for January were better than those for the -one month last year. Imports of Ameri can cotton rose from 17<>,t)S'J Gh-rmau quin tals to 320,041. A Los Angeles, Cal., dispatch says that Tracy Titus, a well-known theatrical man ager, died on Saturday night at Sierra Madre N illa. He was at oner time husband of Alice Oates, who died recently. Lucy B. Parsons, lecturing negro An archist, was refused the use ol n hall in Columbus,Ohio. She called on the Mayor lo protest against such action, and became so abusivo licit she was ?O? ked up. Inman and Mead Case, young sons of a Baptist minister al Hawley, l'a., quarreled at their home and drew revolvers, and In man shot Iiis brother Mead, Indicting a mortal wound, inman is wild with grief. An effort was made to induce the Presi dent to sign the river and harbor hill alter Congress had adjourned, hut he declined, , as such a course would have been uncoil . slitutional. The wheel harrow factory of .1. (J. Drey fus, of New York eily, was destroyed hy lire on Saturday. Loss $100,000. Thc ol'iieo of the New York Weekly was much damaged hy the water. Loss ^40,000. Last wick's issue of the Farmers' Itt cn says: Thus far reports from (he winter wheat holt indicate that the crop is emerg ing from winter in a bettor Shape than last year. .1. Moreland, while working at a saw mill eight milos from Kufaula Ala., fell in front of tho circular saw. One log was sawn oil' clean, the other badly mangled and his hedy horribly lacerated. Ho died in tinily minutos, Frank C. Budd, broker, of Now Vork, who was brought back from Canalla, charged with defrauding H. H. Mallory, publisher of the Churchman, of a largo sum of money, is confined at police head ?platters. The public printer has discharged 100 employees, ninny of them regular hands. Tho discharged employees include men and women, and aro distributed among various branches of thc office. At Gloucester, Mass., on Sunday, tho effigy of Capt. (?uigley, of the Canadian cruiser Terror, was found suspended in In dependent Hall, with tho British union down. The eily marshal cut it down as soon as he discovered it. Representatives Ilemphill and Dibble are looking after the interest t of their constitu ents. Ilemphill has ? ailed at the postoffice department, and recommended tho estab lishment of a mail route from Hock Hill to < ?astenia. The overflow of the Mississippi has inun dated the track of the Memphis and Little Hock road from Hopefield, opposite this city, to Madison, Ark., a distance of forty miles, making travel impracticable. There is great excitement at St. John, Neb , in financial and commercial circles over tho suspension of the Maritime Bank. No part icu'.-rs can bo obtained at present as everybody seems to have been laken by surprise. A special from Vicksburg, Miss., says: While a freight train on the Louisville, Now Orleans and Texas railroad was going so,)th through a tunnel Sunday night, two carloads of cotton caught fire and about 100 bales were burned. The situation along the Pittsburg division of the Baltimore and Ohio road is practi cally unchanged. Both sides maintain a linn front and there is no indication of an early settlement of tho trouble. No at ti nipt is being neide to move freight. A dispatch from Mons, Belgium, says timi ?l) dead bodies, all terribly burned, have been brought to tho surface at Qua regnon colliery, in which the explosion of fire damp occured. The King has sent the suin of 2,DCM) to IM; distributed among thc families of thc victims. Secretary Manning lins left Washington for a short visit to New York and Albany prior to his departure for Europe, Hols Buffering from a severe cold, bm otherwise his health shows no impairment since his return to duty. The Itev. Dr. Joseph Parker, pastor of the City Temple, whose guest tho Itev. Henry Ward Beecher WAS during his recent vi i! to London, publishes a tribute to I i f lier's memory and pronounces him the greatest preacher that over lived. Representatives Dibble and Willis pre pared an elaborate brief to show that Hie President has tho constitutional right to sion tho river and Inn hoi bill, providing bc approves its contents. The brief was pre sented to the President, but It is not proba ble that lie will change his mind. Tlie Jacksonville (Fla.) Time?- Union an nounces that Southern railroad lines lead ing into Florida have decided to run cheap excursions iuto Florida from oil Important points In the South on tho 15th, 22d and 29th iustauts. Tho fare will bc a little over one cent per milo. The Parni'llito members of Parliament propose to raise a debate on tho blue hook moditlcattou of Gen. Huller's ovldcuco be fore tho Laud Commission. lt iv asserted that Comm' stoner Kaine's version cont ?Ins several Important passuges, chtelly ooo detuning coercion, wlitch wore elluuuulcd in tho < molal ve..sion. The steamer Y. /. . t<> the water's edge near Grand the Ked river. The boat and ... rg< are u total loss. The tire spread so rapidly that I there was not titnetosavo anything, even the books being destroyed, l inee colored deck bauds were drowned. Tuesday tl i uing, at Carr Br OS.' shingle mill, li} mik north ol'Alpena, Mich., tho boiler blew up. Uuicry (.'arr was killed instantly and Walde Carr fatally scalded. Eugene Carr was also badly scalded. Thc cause of tlc explosion is unknown. The mill was blown to pieces. The sentences of some of the Bulgarian rebels who were condemned to death have been commuted to 13 years' imprisonment. ( apt. Hollinan, who sought German pro tection, was not shot. He will be handed over to the German Consul. This disposi tion of his case has caused indignation among the people. The Longfellow Statue Association, at Portland, Michigan, lias decided to place the proposed statue nf thc poet, executed hy Simmons, on a red granite pedestal ten Ucl high and ten by 111 ir teen feet in area. The cost of the statue and pedestal will be fully $11,000, of which thc association has yet secured only about $8,800. Willis & Smith, proprietors of the Cil bert tobacco warehouses, Louisville. Ky., made a general assignment for the benefit of their creditors. Liabilities aro estimated al $75,000, due to Hie banks in Ilia! city. Assets placed at $110,000, The cause of thc assignment, it ls claimed, is dullness in trade. Gen. Miles has received a telegram from Capt. LnWSOll, Stating that troops were en camped near Nogales, but that he antici pated no trouble. The Mexican authorities regret the outrage committed by Lieut. Quitterez and four Mexican soldiers, ami have arrested all Hie offenders hut one and turned them over lo thc American civil mi llionth s. Willie l.anih, a thirteen-year-old Ken tucky boy, found that a big rock had fallen on the railroad track in a narrow cut near Scottsburg. Ile waited an hour and then Hagged and Stopped a coming passen ger train. The passengers made up a purse for him. "1 didn't expect nothing,'' Bald Willie. "I just didn't like to see Ibo train busted up." Thc Dublin Municipal Council havt adopted a resolution lu appeal to thc fie? people Of the world lo prevent the British government from carrying out Muir threat' ol' outrage against tho Irish people. Lon Mayor Sullivan ?ind others spoke during tho meeting at which the resolution WO! adopted, and nil violently denounced tin government. John ll. Kaia' and Giles H. Hieb wen arrested in Boston upon a charge of listnf the mails lo defraud thc public, under tin title of tlio "Massachusetts Watch Com pally." Their "elegant gold watch for om dollar," was a cheap lirais hunting casi containing a paper face on which wen painted the figures of ?i sun dial. ll is stated in Washington that Gen Y das may promote Col. L. t'. MeLure, o South Carolina, present appointment dorl in Washington, lo thc position of siiperiu tondent of tho railway service, Co;. Mc Lure has made an excellent i . ince lu entered tue po- ,:?l - prom ti >n would he niel.;?.ibo gi > general satisfaction. Among the last ac inf I' . 1 ital in connection wit 1 congressional session was .'..... joint resolution providing thal nil ? nih ?.?ates 0;11 ploy CCS shall lie allowed i : pa; for national holidays, thc Fou rh ? ... Washington's birthday ?md Decoration I iy upon which they are not expected to do an.' work. The London Dittltf Netti, tl) ( liniment lng on tho death of Henry Ward Beecher says; ,,He leaves no system either of the ology or of church government. Il-s in llitcnco, except in a personal recollection (mis with his life. Ile wa-* for American the great expositor ol' Iiis lime. He was : creal pren? her, and nothing hut ll preacher. The Illinois Central Railroad Compati; has given notice of its withdrawal from ai pools. This action directs all Western South western and Northwestern pools, am is supposed to mean thc Inn ried collapse o i ll combinations, and that (lie roads will h compelled to lake Independent action ii reference to an observance ?d' the indi Stale railway law. A lire in the llowrry. New York eily blocked the elevated railroad ears. Th passengers got out ol' the coaches and weil strolling along the sides of UK tracks whei thc bim kaile was relieved. The movinj eats caused such commotion that SOVCIt) passengers fell to the ground. Three wer ie. -tautly killed and several others wounded In thc Reichstag the budget hill passel its first reading, ufter a debate lasting on hour and a half. Some of the clauses " the bill were referred to tho committee Herr Jacobi, Secretary of State for the lin perin) Treasury, announcing that tho gov emment was not in a position to state it proposals for an increase Of the revenue o the ompiro. A sensation was caused in Austin, Tex by the arrest of P. II. Ilcnnesey, Sergeant at-Arms of the Texas Senate, charged will raising a $100 warrant on the Treasury ti $100 Tlic warrant WM for postage fo the Senate. Ile says he Increased the war rant, but charged himself willi $.')U. Hi contends that the Senate owes liim foi money advanced for supplies. Sir .James Ferguson, Parliamentary See rotary for thc colonial offices, told in tin House of Commons that the railway beio/j constructed by the Ihissian governinen from thc eastern shore of thc Caspian Sci iiad . ached Char ?ni, on the river Oxus sii James added that the British govern ment had no reason to believe that Ku i was massing troops thcro. Alexander Crawford, a negro murderer was taken from the jail, at Winona, Min ley an Immense crowd of enraged citizen und was hanged from a trestle on the rail road near town. He made a desperat? fight in lils cell against the crowd, heim armed with a broomstick, which he wield ed with effect, hut was fluidly overpowered His victim was Vic Loggan s a prominen merchant of Winona, whom lie killed 01 the evening of February '?H. Tho United States Supreme Court ha rendered a decision in brought Iron Tennessee, which involves the right nf om state or municipality to impose a llconst bix upon drummers or traveling salesoioi from another Stale seeking to sell goods bj sample or Otherwise. Tho decision is tim snell taxation is an Interference with inter State commerce, and Is, th rel nucou tlllutlonal. At Ellsworth, ills., on Saturday, a ba..< of ,'IM women marched to the "i of J MeCrovy and asked lil tn to ol saloon and leave the pince. This ho rel to do, when they charged on the place Mc.Crevy met them at thc door with i hatchet but was promptly knocked dow. hy OeO, Whittaker. Tho women raldet the place, rolled out all the liquors am milled them in the mini, The Women de 2lare that they will clear out all gallo: IIOIIRCS that may come. Almut midnight Monday Mrs. Smith, i widow, who lives six miles south of In Uanapolls, Ind., 00 Bluff road, ?villi he: rrnndson, Cornelius E. Sutton, a youno my, was awakened by lome one demand Z? lug admtttanoo. Sutton waa also awakened and warued tho Intruder away. Inst md of leaving, however, tho man attempted to gato au entrance through the window. Hutton tired through the glass and tho fel low went away. Next morning his dead body was found near the gate with a bullet through his heart, lils Identity is un known, Wilson Driver, a deputy constable, went lo dill ireburg, ind., from Switzerland unty to arrest William Sleet, who had .1 f 'om the ofilcrrs while, under arrest ... uud f ?und him Ino skiff going . wards Ike Kentucky shore, lie called to Sleet to reit.rn. Sleet's SOU, a lad 14 years of agc. who waa also in ft skiff at the In diana shore, (abed to his father not to ie turu. Driver then tired at tue elder Sleet. The boy begged thc constable not to kill his father, whereupon Driver deliberately shot the boy, inflicting a fatal wound. A war rant, was issued for the arrest of Driver. On Cat's Fork, Laurence county, Ohio, Samuel Smith, aged 13, who had had some difficulty with a neighbor, Stephen Ham mond, araiel himself with a revolver and went over to Hammond's, following him into thc house. Hammond then reached for his ritle, but Smith tired and killed him. Hammond's wife and children, a hoy and girl, attacked the murderer, but he soon fatally wounded Mrs. Hammond, and as thc children attempted to escape, he felled them both with balls. He fled to the moun tains and has not been caught. Mrs. Ham mond was mortally and the children se riously hurt. Keporli on the Labor Ourmlon. Two interesting reports of legislative committees appointed to investigate phases of the labor question have been lately made public. One is thc report of the commit tee of tho House of Representatives ap pointed to inquire into the cause of the Western railroad strikes; the other is the report of the committee of the New York Assembly, which has been investigating the recent coal strike at New York. Both committees devote some space to a consid eration of the rights and thc limits of action of organized lubor, and both agree in taking asonad view of the matter. Their conclusion is in effect that, while thc right of a man or of bodies of men to refuse to labor for what they regard as unjust re muneration is unquestionable, the right of employers to determine what wages they shall pay is equally unquestionable, as is thc right of workmen who desire to keep aloof from labor associations or combina tions lo dispose of their labor as they please and at what rates they please, and that any constraint or intimidation intended torestrii t this freedom of employers and unassoci ated laborers is improper aud unlawful. The congressional committee apparently has no great confidence In the ctllcacy of arbitration, while the New York commit Icc thinks that thc board of arbitration in that Slate has too little power, anti suggests an increase of thc same.-lii'adxtreed at tho Charleston lie tel, mid after breakfast visited Fort Slim ier and Fort Moultrie. On returning to tho city they strolled on thc Battery and Inspected thc earthquake ruins. On ac count of their brief stay, no public recep tion was tendered to tho psrty. Senator Sherman expressed great pleasure at thc rapid recovery of Charleston from thc .arthquake disaster. The bronze equestrian statue of Albert Sydney Johnston, which Is to stand upon lie summit of tho mausoleum which hai icen erected tn Now Orleans, ls to IKS un veiled on the (Uh of April next, The statue s (ho work of the Sculptor Alcxsudcr mylo and Hie day for the unveiling will he h anniversary or tho death of tho i red?rale chioftain, <>n t(i,- baiile-flold of ob, al which General .Johnston fell. "'. hal v. ham willi i >!( muire wo nc vor orget. - Alfrtd Mercier. Tho following a a case in point, "i paid out hundreds if dollars Without recelvlnto any benofit," ays Mn. Kmiiy Rh; ?ds, 0f McBridcs, ?lch, "J had female complaint!, especially dragging-down,' for over six years. Dr. t. V. Pierce's Favorite Prescription' did ne more good than any medicino I ever ook. I advise every sick lady to take it " Ind so do we. lt never disappoints its tairons. Druggists sell it, 1 Br ware of dried apples. They love not dwly, hut do swell. I'M I i'll WILL. OUT. Kudu In llegard to the Holl?n ?? KvangelliU, Recently Compelled lo ?lull ibis Clly-They Prove to be Fan?tica ?nd Libertine*. (Columbio Dally Hccord, Mulch ll ) Tho following letter from u Toledo. Ohio, clergyman was received yesterday by Postinastor Gibbes, lt dearly shows the truo churaeter of the so called "Holiness Evangelists," who came to this eily mid endeavored hy lying words, assumed eur .. j eatuess ju religion and wild iinrruugucl lo stir un tho negroes and incite reboil i< ? among them. Tad lotter hus avery pi unce of trill?, and theo ls no rc.1i tl toil li, Hov * it? COUlOlltS, A.O?OI .M. llUi'OV lt oviiloudj Hu eau it mau whose lying ult? onces ami ; i dous assertions were si verely rouuk< il lu tho columns ol ono. Ho was tho primo mover raid gator of the "gung," " l ime makes things even," ss wo said before: TOLEDO, Onto, Mareil 4, . Postmaster, Columbio, S O, DHAN Bin: l saw notices in thc papers recently of the mobbing and ox pulsion from your villago, or city, of a hand of five men and women preachers of holiness. It Was published in our papers as an out rage of Southern intolerance. But 1 have just benni that one of this holiness parly was Ansel M. Raper. If that is the man. 1 know him to he,a wild fanatic, living in adultery.^nml who ought to he driven out of any community where they undertake to teach. I write to ask you, or any one to whom you may refer lids, for information as the facts in the case. 1 should be sorry to have prejudice created here at the North against your society on un hist grounds. If the mali's nonie who lends that holiness party is Ansel M. Raper, then it is all explained, for 1 know that man to bo unfit to live out of Jail. I have no object in writing, except to get the facts and vindi cate your people from nil blame, us 1 shall do through our papers. Yours, truly, LYMAN ll. JOHNSON, Pastor Free Chapel, '?05 Tenth street, To ledo, Ohio. THU Mi Ci HO l,\ POLITIC*. Some Hagariom Advice lo I he 1 olorcd People Of IhC 'nulli. To the Editor pf the Heirs and Courier: Permit mo to thank you for the kind sug gestion made to President Cleveland to ap point me to the ellice of RegiStOr Of Deeds for the District of Columbia, should tho Senate reject the noclnation of Mr. Trotter, as appealed in your issiisc of the ?lil inst. I rejoice to sec the time coming when Inci dents In the administration of political par tics will show to the colored mun, of thc South especially, that ho must regulate bis politics as white men do, to wit. according to his lx\st Interests and the highest welfare of the government. I do not endorse much that tho Demo eratic party hus done toward tho negro, bul I recognize thc folly of dwelling upan it, in thc face of changed relationships and a new era in the South. The negro must se lcet in thc South that line of polities which will give him protection In his rights. To sa}' to him that he cannot he protected isas bad as to deny him protection. Fearing that some may say thal this ls written to favor my nomination lo tho office, let me say that I know while 1 write of Mr. Trotter's confirmation, and am glad of it. Why should a negro Democrat he objected to by Republicans and II white accepted I cannot understand. The' Ropilb publican has done much good fer tho nc pro; let it continue in well doing if it will, but let it remember that its ward is a man. a citizen, a thinker and a politician, like its other members. In the Soutli it is of especial necessity that the colored voter should ho in CO Oper ation and harmony with bh white fellow citizen, to thc end of pcaee and pr IS| i lilt politically and industrially. Very liulj yours, D. A VJ ci i RT u s STHAKIUI. <-..;>? ; beni i j. for Hep irtcrs. f, closing ii pi yoi: kith n word for tho newspaper mun. l?o saidi "And now, dour Loni, ble? tho reporto) , ? nimble pons catch our everj word il before it is illicit d. Like thj si if, aro omnipresent and almost omtiipo i li wo take the wings o? the morning and fly to tho utmost purls of the earth they j aro there. They meet us in tho jungle* of Africa; they waylay us in thc solitary canons of Colorado, and when nt length wo lind tho latitude of the magnetic polo behold they aro there. May their light and goodness bo equal to their power, and when tho general assembly of heaven convenes let no reporter bo excluded. Arnon!"-St. Paul Lotter in Chicago Timos. Paylug for (hr Olniiem. There is a mi.-taken notion that a largo share of thc official entertaining nt lue White House is paid for out of a contin gent fund voted for tho purpose. Only the "Steward of the Household,'' the llorist, doorkeepers, USbOTS, wailers, laborers and Metropolitans, the furnishing, heating and lighting of thc Mansion and maintcnancoof the conservatories ure paid for out of funds appropriated. Out of his salary of $50, 000 a year the President pays for his chief und assistants, for all his official dinners ns well as his private living, the waiters ut his ofllclal or unoflleiul table and the female domestics in thc private parts of tho -Man sion. He also pays out of his own pocket for his private coachman, footmen and sta hlcmcn and the care of his private horses, It ls a small business for a great nation, but such arr thc drains ujion thc annual sti pend allowed thc President out the public treasury. The Panel? for Oarllrld'a Tomi?. Casper Buber], the sculptor, has finished tho Hf th and last model of the panels which aro to he cast and placed on Garfield's lomb. This last panel represents Garfield lying in stato and tho people passing by his body. There arc 21 figures, and alf aro life size. At either end of tho bier stands ii soldier and a Knight Templar. A young pdrl stands In the foreground with a Wreath In her hand. The tlrst of thc panels rep resents Gartleld as a school teacher, the second as a soldier nt Chloamaugi. thc third as an orator, and the fourth taking tho Mtli us President. The nu nels have int vol boen sent to thc silo of the monument, but arc nt thc tcrrn-eotta works ut Perth A. m boy where the last model will lio sent ind east.-- Aeir York World. John Morley's address on the study of literature, delivered in great part without nanuscrlpt, ls to be written out and pub libed. Showman Harne n snys ho cannot bo thc Prohibition candidate for President, al hough-perhaps because-he thinks ho vonni stand a better chance of election than luyone new imagine". For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shorl loM of breath, cmisiunptton, n'ght sweats ind nil IhipiThig coughs, Dr. pi ;.. 'Goldia M Iii id . ? ?cuy*. . ' i-, _? ?fimody. Superior t ? cod H**r oil. By hugg ? . , ". '.. /opartnu i * lnfor.i in | re-eel him willi n iMdsomu memento td their regard sud rlendshtp. It ls estimated that it Will < ver a thousand doll il >. Tho Martinis do Foulon. v?i"i recently lcd In bond .n at I ho ago of 92 years, wat nee drawing-master lo the Crme, ss, now hieen Victoria. His only son was in tho Irithh anny and was killed, willi his wife nd children, ot Lucknow. _.-r ' lie Accepted the Challenge. Tho young, fair-liaired wifo of a meni bor of tho New York stock exchange loft town tho other day for a short visit. Who roturned unexpectedly and found a let ter addressed to hor husband awaiting his rotura from tho street late in tho uftomoou. It was signed "Frank Smith," und said: "Now that tho old woman is gone, let's go to tho theutie ? ippor the town later." Mr. Smith [uentex of the Hotel Jirunswick vasa olmm o? tho lady's husband in vu. Tho wifo sent tlds ith: "Tho old woman . . nigh J have never < i .( (juontly heard my it. 1 shall 1)0 happy to tho theatre . Smith, not at ba for the Fifth .'. his only ro* ? rrcd to tho bright ; young rv fe < " ' . friend as "tho old j woman." Nea ?'ork Oommorolal Ad vt rtisor. EX.GOV. A. II. STEPHENS' COUSIN. i nm ll st cousin of Hid lute Rx.Goveriior Alexander ll. sn pin ns, ion! have boen posial clerk on different railroads ?Ince ltws. For 0 n years i have hoon a sufferer nom o cai?' <.< r on in.v face, will ii gu w worse until dis charge of mi? Mor hooa ne profuse mid very oituiidvo i liooaiiie I borough ly disgusted wiih ni oil purifiers ami pronounced mem luuubuii , as i iiini (ni it ninny without relief. finn hy i was Induce' n> usc it u. ii, wli oh was about ihe i*t of february.ami continued tts uso until Ibo latter part of pii. Them, femdvo discharge doorcasod al oncoand (be hardness around tba con er dlsnppi ared, it Improved my te nora! h nith and o' lb gained Mesh ami Htrength The discharge a initially decreased icuitlio oanoor became fess and loss m BIZO nut II nothing ryui'ilus ox? coptaiour to tull tho lalo of a once danger oui cancer Ml who have BOOH inoslnce ' have couiinoncud the uso of n a ll. boar tes timony to my groat Improvomont and ino Hear on my fite? shows that lt cured tho can ocr. i Un i that H it. lt. comos isquaroly "i> to what lt ls roooinmondcd, and I cannot Bay too much In praise of tins wondorful modh 1 inc I bavo iHod thom alb but lt. u it. stands at tho top as inn Kier. iho nbovo Is copied from tho Athena rta.) Panner-Watchman, hoing tho voluntary lan ?ungo ni Mr. Jamos A. Oroer, which F.dltor oanti Indorses: ??.Mr. Oroer is an limiest, upright oltlzon ol At lions, wno had a had cancer, and Ins milner, ons frlonds thought that he could not live voiy lom:, tu the e meer wa< ulalu illy s ip pln'? iboToundallou of lita constitution, nut now looks w ell ami hearty.'.1 TWO AGAINST BIGIITJBBN. Several physicians have pronounced my dis? ease hlooil poison, caused by paint ur load In the paint, out they could not oura mo. Last Bummer i used olghtocn bott len of n hrgoly aiivoitiHoil blood medicine, which aid mo no moro good than so much ?aler. 1 have U8cd only (WO hollies of ll. II. H. and am proud to say that i havo roci Ivodgrou'or hcnotii from them ttian nom the eighteen, and inn now rapidly recovorlng. lliore ls m> ipi tulon adouci ho superiority of ll a. li over ali blood remedios 315 Itoynolda stret t. W. ll. WOODY. Anglia, ??a., Apr'I 'Jtat is--';. All who desire full Information a'iu' the cause sud cure ot Mood Colson*, Scrofula und Scrofulous swellings, i leora, Bores, Khoumu tisni, Kidney complaints, Catarrh, clo. can aeon re mall, freo, a copy our 9i pago Mles \ ti lted Hook of Womlors, Bl)od with ibo most Wonderful and sturtUni; proof .vor bet?re known. Address, hu.on li\l,M?o., Atlanta, ua. CHARLOTTE mm INST?T?T??. NO INSTITUTE for YOUNO LADIES in the South luis advantaged supo* rlor to those offered boto In every depart ment-Collegiate, Art ami Minde. Only experienced and accomplished teachers 11 . building is lighted with gas, wanned with tho la ?i wrought-iron lurnacvs, han liol, and cold water h.nits, ami flrst-olasa . inls ns n Hoarding Behool tn ? t-in ehool in the benth has : lon In overvlhlng io, Including ? ?tungos, por .1100 inure from same Pupila charged Honiara, nd INSON, lotte, X. . cured: ll. -, mn*. cien nnd nrrren rcceiw' new forro. I II 11 M U - i lu i-i 11 'I k ami lappa** llrnln l'irncr. Sullrrinx (rem OOH ll ila] . ..v' t.itlinir M>I nlll timi a DR. HAH?EH'8 1HON ??ly curr (ll>r,acli LADIES TONIO:.??fe and op Oiy roinplxiion. Frequent ntl Inn only mid to Um i .?;.:.< i not experiment -?et tho Ouim. ALAND BKKT, (Or. HARTER*? _ Cure Constipation.Liver Complaint ?nd Sick Itoadaohe. Ban, plo Poi. and Dream Book walled on receipt o I tv, o cents I n postage THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY. 8t. Louis, Mo . B RADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR! Mo? happily recata tho demand of the ago for ?fS?1^ ?Ojletlon?? ? reme?y for WOMAN ONLY, and for one HI'KOIAL 0LA88 of her dlneaaea. lt la a Spcolflo for certain diseased comilitona of the womb, and ao controla tho Men strual organa an to regulate all derangements and ir.-. galurltieaof her Monthly Hle.knea*. Tho pro pra torn claim for tnt* Koruedy no othor nedi esl K?PS?il .,n* ."'?"T ? Vegetable Compound, the o mlle. I nrcacrlp'.ioii of a learned physician whose ai ccialty waa FBMAI.B I)IHIAN**,*IPI whose anio heo.ime enviable t>eoao?e of hin auoce.i in ino treatment and care of female complaints. ?ufTi-ring woman, lt will relle?e you of nearly all wrnpiainta peculiar to your ?ei. v ,Z?J.!M?, b' ^-o?rtats. Writ? for book, ?Me*> nge to Wonaan," malled free. BWDnilB KBOCLATOB CO., Atlanta, 084 ?bout twonty yonrs a?o I discovered a Ut ' .I h?v? tried a number of ph "." Ht. Al .ong the number were one ort canting Intense pain. I lu i-?-otrarsnimllarlyafflicted. 1 bow could notice ina h 1 r '.r three years-I b my broast. After I am l iu?l been for seven '?'a half dime, aral j '' s. a. ? fair tri*!. t t?V llM ****** MOOWA?OI >..i?i??k't? ?01? IS TUT. MIT..? Thorousrlilv eh ..iso it hy IIKIIIR Dr. Pl0r?0?? ??olden ?>io?iif t?io I.IIUHH, I? ar rested nial eme.I hy this roinoily. if tusen be foro tue Inst Burnes of 11?' diseaeoaro roached. From its marvelous power mor this torilhly fnlal dlseneo, wh.-n lori olTerhiK this now celebrated remedy to tho publle.m PIKIICB thought seriously ol' OHIIIIIK ll lil? "Con nu ni pt lott i'o rc," hot abandoned Hint niunu us too limited for o medicine which, from Its wonderful eonihliintlon of tonic, or Btronartlionlntr. idlcrutlvc, 01 h!nod?clcnnslnff, anti-bilious, ; . ul hutrltlvo proper ties, i-< unequaled, uol rad) II . remedy for consumption, but I : nil t .'ironic ?le? cusou of tho Liver, Bte I : \? Lungs. Tf you fool dull, dr. woy. d t.incited, havo Ballow color ol sldn, or yellow leh-brotyh spots on in?.i I ly, frequent heodneho or duutl i,.-sj, bud O' lo in month, Intermit heat or chills, alternat In " II ?iii i'..i IbiBhes, low spirits nu.I gio any foi Units, irn .-ular appetite, nml routed t oir? .. von Uro Millerin;* from Iltctlvoatloit, l)v.|M'i>vln, und Torpid 1.1v; r, or **illHoiimieKS," In ninny eua loidy part ni Hu so symptoms tue'expe rienced. -As a remedy tor nil RUCn COBOS, Dr. Clench Golden Itloclieul Dla covory ls II I urpa cl, For Wents Bui ll ff?, Spitlinff of niood, Sliortnei .>? Etrcntlij Itron ehlllM, Aatllllin, Severe Coi:*: li?, und kindred niloc) lons, 1 ls un efllctont remedy', SOLO nv Dutton 1ST?.'ni iJl.OO, or SIX DOTTI.r.H 1er $6.00. Send t> n couta in Minni's for Dr. Pierce's book en Consumption. Address, World's DlspoiiKur) medical A??o cintion, C03 Main Me i t, In n .w.o, N. Y. $500 REWARD ls offeinl l?y tho proprietors o? i ir. Sago's < 'atarrli Itemed/ lor ?i cuso of cnturrh which they cannot cure. If you havo n discharge from tho nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of 6!iieli, tusie, or hearing, weak oyen, didi nain or pressuro in lu nd. > on havo Catarrh. Thou sands of oases t< rmlnuto in ennsiiinptlon. Dr Sago's CAT?iutn KEXtKOYoun i tho worst cases ' il Cutnrrl?, '?fold In tho Head," and Catorrhnl llondaoUc. 60 cents. From the World's Best Makers, AT FACTORY PRICES. Easiest Terms of Payment Eight Grand Maker?, and Orer Three Hundred Styles to Select From. PIANOS Chicltering, Mason & Hamlin? Mathnshok, Bent and Arion. ORGANS: Mason & Hamlin, Orchestral and Bay State. Plano! .?nd Organs delivered, freight paid, to all points South. Fifteen days' trial, and.Freight Paid Both Ways, ll not satisfactory. Order, sod test the instruments la your Own Homes. COLUMBIA MUSIC HOUSE, Branch of LUDDEN A BATES? SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. FRICKS AN D TKKM8 TUB BAWL W. W. TRUMP. Manager. PITTS CA UM IN ATIVB J HUI IMWVI H WU TEETIIIN? CHILDR KN. An instant relief for colic of infante. Uurofl Dysentery. Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum or any diseuses of tho stomach md bowels. Makes tho critical poriod oj 1 nothing Bafo and easy, ls a safo and pleasant hmic. For salo hy all druggist*, rad for wholesale by llowAm>, Wran v Co., Augusta, (la. E- ? MARKS, Manufacturer of PRINTER8 ROLLER COMPOSITION COLUMBIA, s. 0. J ' ' IVinters/ Kollers cast mi tho ?hol test notice at the most reasonable rn (es. Use Marks' Dom position Hu ?or? on my chook, and th? doctor! pro r?lrlan?, i.i,i without rcceirln? any porra?, wo ?peclntnu. Th? modlclnc they applied .at? A Mat. mr i, t |n nt? ,,nr,. rH telling wliat proeorsa mme at oi.ccv, lief orv I had U?MI t my cancer WM healing up. My general ad a hacking coiia-h ami iel! Wood coalla? aSlng ils hottt?? of S. H. s. my cough l*fi it year?. Hy nancer has healed oror all but IO? mpidly dlsapr^arlng. i would advtos 1BY, Ash? Orovo, Tlppovano? Co., lad. KIO Co., I>raw?r a, AiUnia. Oa.