The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 08, 1886, Image 7

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Dt MMMiffS SERMON, A??AINST ALL ODDS. Y*xt: "I hnvn finished Uni work which thou est uio to <lo.-John xvii, 4. There la a profound -impaction in th? corni.lonou of ?ey uodei taMng. Wo put up the ia.p-.tono ?uh exhortation, while on the bund lhere is nothing niora dis heartening than to toil on in some direction ami lind it la a :a lure, or t" make a proJt lons Investment Cb ist cain? io budd n highway on wi.M, t:,. "|",|0 human race DilKtit, If H es cboso, into heaven. Ho did it. All too loni mouthed crew who trod on Him eon ld nut bude: him from tho Brill.m? Ba ti.fae: lou expressed in tho toxi: ' 1 ? .-" ??.shed Hf work which thou caveat ino U do. 1 Alexander tbeOi-ent was wounded, ant) it wa? nu;? . s,. | tbnt le. sxai dying, and tb? physic u . iT.To |>o wer loss. But In h.? dream AJevaudei thought ba aw a ce. tam plant With a v..ry ;.ii;,, flower, Olid thal Ibo Qo v.i ? > l.ioogi.i mi I put upon his wound and lt ennuin ... , i bun. A wa , lux from '?issi k dream lia told in- <lo(-(,,r, and tho , \yu wm ?etd out t.. Hud tu,- flower th ut Alexander had des'ribed, and bo found the Cseu bar plain ?nd t:.i- peculiar ?.'?> . .., : .) e brought thom ie a..i ?tn . .. , ... mu.o upon tb? -.v .un i. nud A .....imb i rccoveted, Well, tho i . .? sulforini willi tim worst of nil wounds, tie. ghastliest of uti w und- b- wound ol MU. i lu 1st come* to brui;; a bai am lot di m- resU'riit on I'" brou, ht . ' n ol it, on, li ....... . .! >i.i its ile found how much r?sistai., e. iv ii ai bu tel hostilities; what tl 0 nieudous o|>|K>siilou, Now. ?lien tvehavo a great enterpriso, w? eal om I neilds around Us? And they le ip us draw out H.? -kel. b. and perhaps ile \ help tts m tho OVecutioU. Christ all a.?. ne united out on Ills mission with all Ibo forces ol Hu- -vor! I against Hun, and 1 propose this m-irnin ;, if Ilia Lord wdl help Ute. to tel! you s .nie of tho Ot st re los that Ohrl-t lind to over? onie before I > could in triumph utlet tb words ol tu? :e\t "1 havu finish.d ibo work which thou gavest moto do." Vir.A ot nil, there wa- Ilia worldly ocou;.n tion. ll- hud to earu bis living by carpentry, a lra<le always rca] < cte i un i always houoi od for its il?ol iluess b.t you knott . o? y well tb ot in oi dei lo'ucco.diu any trade, occu pation, oi pr I>. sion, there must be entne coll eut i,i*. ll U| o l .at ore thing, and these fatigues of -ur entry were a hindrance, must have t e. a bin na:: o 1.1 tins ivoi i, o. Cb. ist, I kuott wu ri ningi nt deal about what tuen havo achieved in intellectual dire tiona .md in llloial reform, who al thu tame tine-wei o compeled lo any on mo worldly occupa tion. Mut yoi kuow ii-. will es I do that a fatigued body ht n poor ad juliet lo u liili g m i nd. Itero carno Cbrbt forth to do, wini ti To upbuil t a kingdom, to lutrodii eu new- rodo ol morals, to sta-1 a religion which ?a. lo revolutionize all na tious. Yen know as well as j know thal if wo ato gm ir.* to u o lipbsh uuytlung in tho . woil.l Wi IllUSt Cen -Uti. to upon one ob.cet. Yet hero Christ lind all the I uti inion .if car pentry, while nt the s mic time He had thin tremendous m isioii,and tho in ttlini ho ba l KO mn b w. ? ; lly wo k t > do must have bcoti a hindi a ti o, In His tilth r's carpenter shop tte had only to talk ?v?lh men wh ? bio ight Ulinga lo ne ild, or who wanted sou? aiticlo for ngri ulturo manu a lure I, und lt was a worldly conversation: and right out from HUH earwoutor's shop Christ Ucadod to bo n pub ic spoakor, lo stand in ibo taco ot tho mobs while some blasphemed mid sumo li ok Hie r ll -ts. at Him. To address nu ord r.y and respe Ifni assoie bl ig? is not us . n-v as s .mo itugltt MIJ> poSOfbut io peak '.o au o.<cs etat d mob, what coin ago. wbai concentration were do mautled ol I hii-i. While tho villagers ot Na ate'.li heard h tb mi. in; bf Ills bum mer, all nations were to he ir ibo stroku of Elia spun,"al upbuilding Mighty meu in those titiles a ways hal some thing in the,r apparel to ino uto that they were distinguished - si mo epaulet, something in their robe, sonia adornment ..: (,:. nrol, so those |iojplo see ing ?u h nit ono eulin ug would -a.: ''Miiio way for bun; boto COURS U dignitary, or an o ti'cr ol tho goveripuoilt ' Nonu of ho Cesar- would hmo dared lo appear in ordi nary cltl m. s die ll t Inn oe ines Christ in a plain o nt. lt .ni-far rom sbnb >.\ bis ctiusv I tin I that litter Ho had worn itu groat while c' . ii th a tho gain loi s thutig.u it worti? in lug nboiit, tho ipiostion lem; Whose shill I I". Hilt still it witta pinn '.out, ju-', ns j >ii ii id I ml ht wear, an I Ho went Old Iii n i i r un ny nail, Ofttimes, ?.n what -e ni d i.n "?-.lina v :i.iasimi Then In- diet wa, a nins! Him No cupb mei lu.?a ht, in a p ld n chalico, tho wino tor Him to drink Ii l> e ...i i> - d ? ti the soi.shore, i i i I II vin ; biol id tho ll-h. Ho went ,. t 110,1 oiltOi'tnilied. 1 now of only . Ile ian. wi) .e Ile iva, a a nail'l e .. nud thai wa- a ;:. in Mini] liions, lieettuto, to rel eve tho uwKwai k . f Ibo host, ono of tho gues s had to provl Io aotno wiuo lot* tho comptiu'- Other kimrs r -I Ho Others bal b .d nbend nud unplnuding kUbJott-. 1 Ho wont innoiig tho-o who Wero not tn thieu tin!. Other kuus slept un der un iel nd lerod ? aie py; He ona sh ber le- ' Hu roilo but one.-on a cid, and thal borrowe 1 Aye, His |>ovorty was agniust tu ii, li tokes money to at tublish Institutions; i hikos money to forward revolutions, whether f r good or for I ad. He a iKHi.s bust \\ ben H.stax wusdue Ho had lo perform a mirado la ordert > pn\ tie tar. Tho pie o ot money found n the tish Men i i ni? an- ure nt raid of H o. o ile s proji t< r los! a i<?"> 's- do num.let ol them Hero comes Christ with out n dollar .a Ibo world, a Christ who w.i bornlnnii th r inn n's bm i, and to bo buried In ?nother muirs *o ul lire. And I suppose roupie said "Who ls to pay for this r.s. ilgiou- Who i- t" chartor tbo sb i ni that nie to arr. tho misal nar.esl Wno i, rn liny tho salaries . I thc tea. b, :- * hat pull down an estiMi h -d rolla Olli Cn i it be d. by ? |nmnilesa |i <> lector Mo o than that 1 "ant you tc notice tho tad ' i n th? ou .h ration thai Ho had nov. rn Hint I r m au) s. hool was aunt Him. li a maa has como willi adit.a norna . Ile . r aoertdhnto from a semi, ar, i I h .- tra-. Ld through '?>...;.?" lands wo sa\ t , om olvas: "Ho ondit tc kn w a anal di il.attyl ow;hoou ht to have some Inf. : ai. ' But berti was ( luid, wno ba , in di? ..? a Hu had., t at ?eil. ed ?uv a a le ns where ho lOUld eave lem tied the nbhallet of tl, . lan .mi ,e Ho SJKt-O. I ht Jow . wer >tei niblo ?vb? n they cried out ..How hath ll s mau lot urs, hann,; ne v or learned;' And ?el Itero with DU phi osm.hy b.......n; at a b oj"" v<7lw,?"^nt'"v oxp.Hti thoo wno haired tltoso gray bear e?l m.-.. nhu Bt-rd ed thoologv all ill. i. Ilvis b.n..' b.wlH-f re lem. WollOsfl Hud lu otu dn Ihnt a mau may boa* bj nora... Arith n I p ma nt *V.'?u? JVnto . tba. acollege nutm I una -lu - a.?l m o a phil ioph r, an i i ni <> ?oni?iiai - iain ot U balwltopr - h. An.m.-.iv ;. alaf er tho laying' n ... Hie hull lt C'" ' . ".'' J seii'ts ft ll, uti? Imkod al Ilia ar ju di ?"'o? t.. eo,. . In old i limos that e u na withoul nu ^ h ?laude " P? " JfJ ihould ionio forth to tea h a new tl.culoij and a ? ow re i ? ?n, un I by it rovo) i i m. cm iai?us. n.lo ital ....?'??.?:?'..;\V?ww" t. nonce H a' tho brevity of His fe ttal again-t ll m. V I must leiltotll Ol t t IM di, nut I. ? what - nil mid If? At th atv tine., youri of a e he .< I M Well, "ow, bat very fuw men occompIUl mu b f r tho chur hot for Ino world boforj tbn.v tlc e.. years ol age 'ho I .< ; . year a 0 (H en to th.'nursery and u ; - h ot (bel. |eC'"- ,i51 y?,in ' ' a h',, brilllU i. -i -soi o < ai ai ..a, innt nringi ?S'?? twe.t. m Then after that If in tot years yo..., ie, al yotiroa Iv m.-tak Ut thurun ?bl . ; y?" n'? '? KT,! , T who ure thorouffhly a* SK ,1, -d.nb - . o-T^TA?th? or trade, atti, rtydbr JJ^fi^SSi .x coi alon, and ' itu w?e l." wftJ never bear o n ' . . ,,rol..n?e4 throe or ????'ft^^ Oiimrieni \ Ai-".""?* " ,,v .o "",,.","1,1 r.:! tb? irreat legiMatore old, PMIO I I rjh i-t wv young. &,?."? Tho-e-wor.<M las He? ?? com?. Ave, tho fad th it I ri v >||0 world's mailing 1B?*'nli* , , ,,n| who UHOryWldj ' Ul..1 ? ? . the la . .wa/a cast o ?lown on th? o <? nable?." CbrI ; ud. '0'f;*? Slash. poor.- W^J^?&u?T^ man who has all mit" ? '.v, ftlVt Uatuarjr. end amid ?ll thef reKna* Cb M -nil "H."-' ..|?i^,M that mourn " PublJ ? theory ?????ai mfiv? ,- tho Uonein oat* ^POf ^J ^ .ta.ties all nat. ..H. and w; "*Uo wp. beak InUicU crudity uj?on all wuo v\r po-*. Christ cai J: "Blewed are thr ? cner ifni." Tub ic theorv aaid: "An eye ' , r?' *') ?>-? a tooth for ? tooth: lr a mau ! Knock? your eye out, you kuo"k bl* out. If be brenki your tooth, you break bl* to th; ! ?aroa-.'n fur sarcasm personation for j>orKo- ? jut ot?; pay a mau In bb own coin, wound for wound " Christ saul : "Pray for them tvlm iles-ntofiiil v wo ami torment you " Waa Iboreanythiug rovolullouoTl Waather? injrthlng ?bat struck the throne? of the world to sttofcrntly I ac They bolt tho BOhU earth loder them; but Ch isl said: ''?uphold th? .ail In rs of tho earth.?' Tbov looked at the HOCO. Christ said: "1 will turn it Into blood." They 1 okoil at the star? He sahl: 'I will shako thom down like untimely Asm." Do you won.lor (lint tho world was startled ind overwhelmed* Won? n >t nil those 'dungs against bimi After th? bat tle of Antiotam, when tho soldiers were iring down, thor ughly ox haust od, aaa OM 3i thou t. bl nw he .ua "..,? think ho enid have jftcd his band to save his lifo, it was told that a favorito general ?as comino' Moog tho line, and ho wild ihoyoll got un BIMI they novo tbroo r asing ch. ors UU7.Z0, !i htl/nn." Although a few momeuts I of oro thoy folt tUoy could hardly lut n batid to save fhoir lifo. Kb groat was the magnetism of somo mon. Napoleon after his first cap tivity put bis foot on tb? earth ami it shook all klug., ... ? 1 Li i'nndard. Il.n. t mast bud u moro v a nil magnetism than that Napoleon had iv : i on nd hun thc inomorioaof Marengo .nd >;< " lit and Jenn, i lore comes a man with no parade, no brandished ?word, no peculiarity of apparel, and compara n re illation. I do not now think ? i ! re . mikoolu person < ?mn? ted wi i, il ? ??an.? . m i her, und sh" so poor that lu Um w s ? ii hour that over comea t> a woman's oui sba mus! I o down among tho amel .h ivon grootuiug their boasts of bur don. Ah: notwithstanding all this, what do von sow A man moo's Him ou tho street ?onto day und sa;, s: "My lather was in gov e nment, and my graudfatbor and great grandfather. Who was your father1'' Minn says: "My earthly tnther was Jo Mob, tho carpenter ' Another man moots Christ uud ho unrolls his scroll and says: "lloro ia a diploma from tho liest sch-M tn Athena Where did you jrnduatef' Christ viv-: "I novcr graduated." lt was as though m me llttlo fishing villa te cn I/ong Island hon ld arraign New York. Oh, what astir Ho mnkos! If you bava am nd to call it mn notism of porsou call lt that, but what a .t r ho makes. I lo comes Into a villa :onnd then Uu Steps out Int'. tho Hold- and all tho people 4 * aftor Hi H.and though thoy had talton only sn un h f.I lo 'a-' a day, they aro ~o fns inalod with CbrlM thoy follow right eteai nut into tho wilderness, and in danger of tarvatiou. A man lalla Mat on thu ground u>to o Chi i t. and Rays: "My daughter ls dead, my da ghter ia dead." A blind man tries to rub the dimness out of bis eyes, and ho says: M.. rd, that my eyes might be opened." Tho light of day pours through gate-, that, has ne or before boen Oponed. And boru oom a a .sick au I fainting woman. Sh?j nys! "If I ould ,ust. t ?uch tho hom of his ti rt non t -that is all." And (ho little Iron \vh i alway- likod th -ir mothers bo foro sti usgled to getont of their mothers' arms. Thoy wanted to g > to Christ's arms and they wa it d t.> kiss bli cheek, and thoy wanted to run their fingoi-s ' brough ld i I thov put Kin so In loro with ? hildro i thal t hero I . hardly a bom i on earth from which Christ bas not taken ono " ?li," ho says, I must have thom, I am .jo ni . to ina -:o Mea Oil of those, To one collat thal l plant in Heaven, I plant fifty white h os. Tho children loved mo on oaith, and now I have como to nthrono, ?m^ht not 1 lo love thotnf Ob, wee in < mother, hold aol h.i lc that child, Lav lt on mv loving and sy imathotic boiom. Of . u ;b is tho Kingdom of I loa\ on." l'n to nore I romark, lank of orcvii/atiou waa against Him. If men oro going to carry (.ni nny grca! pro oct. lliov ban.I together, ann their suecos? ls gouorally in proportion to tho of tho orgautiatloa, Wno can tell h >w tn ich can bo a oom pl Ulled by u ?ar ;e number ot mon bawled togothor for a rl_rht object. Christ bat no MI h association, no ono lo back bin ".>. If po>p!o carno into Hit COiniHUiy, all right- i. they went awnv. al ?Ml Wh n t ioy caine, uo loud salutation. When they went away, no following o anathema, Peter left Him, ami what did ('hrist d >' The bible sr. - Uo lo ?ked at him T ,:it is idL ? )h, my ir ends tl I anyone o ci s: arl through su h obstacles and run through such obsta les to neblevo sucu* success! Not wilbstauding his worldly occup?t lot. was a ;uinst Ltira an I His trude an I His diet wore against Hint, -nu I Iii. |x>vorty wasaga list Hun, mid llislack of s hool i n i 'vas a oin st Him, nul the bro? tty of His Ino wa-, against Him, and thc :e ersal of public ma\iuis waa against Him, aud liol; of organization was avcniiiit Ulm. yoi you hoar 111-. voice th s m 'ruing ringing through the ngea in everlasting cadences "I have Qutahed the work which thoi gavost no io do!" Oh voa, Christ is u uon(|uoror. Seo how Ho con pi orod nil tb* fores of natu ro. Tao Atlantic i (coan-what a terr.Ide shing it is in its wrath. How tho ocean will takodown the Spanish Armala, pr the Pro?idont. or Hoi Control America ot eas ly a? it coul I swallow a i!y. Hut I have been told by thoo who havo visito) Asia M nor* that a storm on those inland lakes ts worse. And yoi Christ came and Ho looked at ono of tho c grca inland In c. cono and tho soa ( rou hod Iwfore Him and ii-???si lbs feet Ilokmwa.l 'ho winds n :.! tho waves. Ht book. i and they .ano Ho frowned and they ll,st 'fen hool of His foot mad o no Indontail ?ii on tho aolidlrled water u* He vval'ied lt, in tin? bark part of tho I en* H mu I asleep. "Uh,' yoi sty. "poor man iioor Christ, to tired, sounc asleop in tho I u apar of tho boat." Hut It? rouses "i?. M . comos to the prow of tbi bott Ho looks out. He has two words, otu f ' . ibo winds and tho . tuer for tho aaa, noe r.o sav-. "?'ea ?, lt? Still." aud tb ) wnvo croie h lil<c WllippOl s a nols at his biet /?o.? Ho ne! heve I.' if-.' behold tho man Behold tho (?o i; Medica s lenee has done much f. r tho al lev.nt o t of I'houmnti nihnouts aud io euri diseased blood ; but when the muscles aro al withe el up uo hiiuan power eau ever re store thuin, lA'hci the hand and tho arm ar doud they aro ?lend, tint buie Iso paraiytl in tho presence ot Chi I t. Arm iH-rfoctl; u-elou, helpless Christ sees it. lie n ub noi seo any bing of th u k>nl without pity mg it. lio tay.-, to thia man ?nh th paralytic arm, "stretch toitb thy i.n"d. Ho Btret bod it forin whole ns tito other ?ieee Da '-' Itohold theOodl And there i the Qshof tiio sea. No human voice ovo comuiumlud o school of fish, but I .ref voi e marshals tho finny tribe, sud the; oouio io a place wb?ru a littlo whlk Uifore people won? tishing nt.l haul tug ni nothing: nw tue !??>?,.. *<a?l2 i pull tho not. aud tuey pull uu il tho net j hr'ilks, I'ho.o is th i gr .i.e. Tue hinges ot 1 thu a niiy va dt <et vory ru .ty lona.'tie ijooi is s'. sol lom opjnol lt Isoiily wnan s,.,,o of m go in to st iv thro "?. tholisi j ?loop A knob on tho on tabb of tho door or tho family vault, bat no kuobwitnlJ. ino knob on ibo out ide wo ooon to na-w In, on? DO knob on Th-y wm piss ia suv iln ie until th? r >s irn? t.on. (;i.n?t uno Ihr nigh ill tint real un id Ho vii t: "UaUZb t..i of .laims, riso up" Hhe r >-<o np. Ho iail< "La ari?, com" forth," uni ho en no forth. Ant He-nd to tho wi h ivs son: "(let off tl it bier nod g ? h ?me with thy mother." Tb", ?on arose and went b >*ii"? with bi. mo ho . Thon Curial pl 'ked un Un aoyi ?,. i alb and fnu.I thom t.. His girdle, iud utter.).! a voi o whi b still r ?ininds thro igb ail .hu graveyard! of t... oarth: Oh, d ?itu, I will U Hiv plnguo! Ob, grave I will Ito thv lo ira t.on'" I do not know itiiv bo'tor illustration or tho vicarious su Tonng and work of Christ than I could lind In th'? llrotbei h-vnl tin? nay boro pi.'? ?1 an I hero welcomed with all our hean-. Vi arion* Buffering. >>o KO ne ti mos ta k as th ?Ugh it wore an slat root word, mil wo try to iliu-t ate lt this way and that way. Hut it hal t*>eii illustrated lo the iivoi or timt profession uni occupation iiorbapg as In no ol ie -. Tlwre is not a railroad la tho United Btnteethat hi - not boen tho? one of bonne endurance on tho part of ral!mod ongineers-a ?ceno worthy of poati . unto and pal tor's peh ll. uni s<mli^.rs eh s d au i legislator'?anpropriotjoa ibero ne w, pacing alon; rapidly. Ho is at his j?ost There Ins bom ??me wrong or dor elven or there has l>e,.ii s ?mo io kb* ness, ?unowheie. and thor.? i OUIOS tho tm n d ovn on thenametraik again t n n at tho rm'? nt ll I t ia sa ne i a ? < n , >'.' 1 ?.- . ty,,,!.' the hour, BtAivllngatbtap.wthe vs: "Wim sholl I d .r fe hnrma ba an can think in a se^on I. ''Shal I .ump , ,d ?ove my ii o and i? the MO >ort of I v b lplo?? family, or sha I I ?tani " and sa e .nv three bun bo I pa* ". /. "r Oh Oed, hoiIIf<?'iM>?<lM S Ul . .. and he -..?. nits to tb .. awf I ??i> patting Into A poem a bountiful sceno enacted on one of the Western prairies. An engin cr passing along ?lay aftor day <-n<v a li tio ^trl como out in front of her father's cabin and ?wave to him and he waved ba >k, anti every day that wa? tho joy of the old en;iueer's honrt, as passing ulong in bis loo ?motive over tho prairies tho child arno ami wavo 1 to bim and ho waved back. Butonoovonin:: tho train was belated nud lt was belated until tho darkness came on, and by tho hoadll 'ht of tho locomotivo, tho old emrlnoor ?aw thit littlo chi'd on tho track. 8h>? bad <-oino out looking for the old engineer. Hho won dered why 6o lons; no tarried. She know not hor pe-il. Whou tho old engineer saw the littlo girl on the track a groat horror fro/o bis soul. He reversed tho encino and leaped over on tho c owcatcher, and though tho train was slowing u > and slowing un very much, lt did seem to the old engiueur as it ic woro gaining la velocity. Bat standing thore and walfr in;; for tho rigbe momou?, with almost supernatural chi- h ho sot od bor and foll back ou the cowcatcher. Tho train hnltod, tho i asst n*o.-s ci ao around to sea what wai the matter, and tho o lay tho obi engineer fainted dead away, with tho littlo child all unhurt In bis amis. Ho bad raved hor. Bravo I * ou *ay, bravo' for tho o d engineer. But last old my Christ tho KOO o' God, Whoa i>ni trains of disaster were c ming 1 ..?? ?be n-?t?<stw-inp? trnius of o vor? - - .. . . >i .i'ltuwM and doom, II? wont oui lu his own Almighty strength an I Knat hod us out of the doom, and snatched us ont of darkness, Himself peri h nar in tin sacrifice. Oh, tba grandeur of tho vicar! u? BU Yerina of tho Son of (?od who laid down His li o f >r you und for mo. Oh, His g-aco lt is so ld,{h, it is so deep, it ls so long, it is so t>r<>a<l. Yes, yrs. Wo have a sviupathUar in this Christ. I know that. Voa c innot toll, my brother, you cannot toll, my sister, you cannot toll Christ anything about suffering. He hiJ b on through lt nil. You will nevor have a Cad as boavv to carry as the load Ho carried up th i tdoody mount. You will uovor bnvo any suffering woi'io tbau that whicj Christ folt whou, with tontillo hot aud pnrobed and era-ked and swollen, Ho criod out: "I thirst!" Ah, you wi 1 no vor havo nhy worse en?mioi than Christ hat Thoy hailed clown His prayers a-d they snuffed un with glee the smell of His blood This day I lay Hts crushed heart nt your feet Oh, Ho must liavo boon tremendo "sly in earnest, or all th ? obstacle! w mid havo driven Him bao'r. Bit, no, uo. llf-omos right on. aud Ho id hore moro certainly Hun you and I aro here, for U > tills a!l tho placo with His prepuce, anl I put His crushed heart at your feet. < >h, lot it not l>e told in Beaven that after all vour opportuities of accepting this Christ, and nftor all that Christ has dono for you, you dospised lbs grace and natoTthis opportunity. Mauy of you I seo for tho Ci st timo an 1 tho last timo, lt is so ovory Sabbath morning and lt is so every Sabbath night. I soo you once and thou never again until the xronf throne of judgment is lifted and thov sin como from tho North and tho South aud tl Hast and tho Wost. Wo will a'I bo the #. However deop down ia tho earth wo may be huriod wo will bmr tho blast of tho g-cat trumpot, and wo shall co:U0 un. wo shall come up. And yot I have to tell von this morning-aud it breaks my heirt to tell yon-that notwithstanding all that Christ has done because of His rej03tton, all His tnagulUcout work an 1 all tho story of cross ami crown and thoms aro for so no people a dead Helena, tho Empress wout out to (hid di fae Holy Land across! tho iMvrticnlir cross on Which Christ crucified, and tradition snyj-of course thorj was sutior.stitiou min .-Ie l with tho tra lition -tradition soys three crosse J woro ox hu mo I Thoy did not know whieb of tho th roo was tho cross of Christ, so t hoy took a dui 1 uo iy aud put it upon ono cross a:i 1 tho body moved ult Thon thoy took tho dead body and put it upju th> srtond cross, bat tho body niovod not. Thou they t-o.c th' deua body an 1 thoy put it upon th? third cross and it. sprang ino lifo-it snrang in'<> lifo. It mnv have boen-that story ma-- have b >on mere tradition or super? stition; but it is not a superstition tlmtmtbe cross of tho Son of i lod thoro is a Lifo giving power for your dead so d and mino. "Awo <o thou that Bleeped., and ariso fro n the dead and Lhriit shall irlve Hmo lifo." jefferson's Hospitality. Not until tao days of General Grant was tho English custom of giving na tiona! gratitude a pecuniary form ob served by even a part of ibo Am rican people Not a few of the leaders ol tho Kcvolution were allowed to die in poverty, verifying the spirit, if not thc letter, of tho lines : ''And bailiffs may soi/.o his last blanket to day, Whoso i all shall bo upborne by heroes to- ? morrow." Congress, in two or three cases,showed a tardy sense ot" gratitude hy purchasing j the papers and libraries of those whose j public service has caused them to dio in j solvent, thus enabling ?heir families to live in something approaching comfort. Thomas Jefferson, toward the close of his life, was so infirm and poor that ho applied to tho Legislature of Virginia for permission to dispose of his large os- ! tate by lottery. I lo Loped hy this method j to rcnli/o a sum sulllciont to pay his debts ] and to g vu bini a competence. Public duties prevented him from lot.king after his c-tato during many years, and a pro fuse hospitality had exhausted ins meen*. Mr. Jefferson was thc most popular of American citi/i ns, und people caine from fur and near lo sec him, prompted by j curiosity or affection. L fe at Monti- ! cello resembled, for years, that in a hotel at a fashionable watering place. Mem bers of Congross, ollicc-holdcrs, clergy- . men, lawyers, doctors, artista, foreign? eis, and people of fashion flocked to seo thc grcut statesman, ?nd to partake of his hos) itality. lofty guests were entertained on?: ni ht, and whole families came in their carriages, and remained for months. One family of six per ons caine from Eur pe, .mel made a visit of ten months, 'lien they made a short lour through thc States, rot Ul ned to Monticello, and rn manuel six months long r. A gcntlc m>m asked Wormely, Mr. Jefferson's ' - vorito servant, pointing to the th.c car riage-houses, cadi of which would c n tain a four-horse coach: "How of ton wcio theso filled in Mr Jefferson s time:'' "Kvery night in summer, sir," an swered tho servant; "and we often had two or three carriages besides under that tree.'' "It must have taken all hands to ta!;;.' caro of your visitais.'' "Ye-, sir, and thc wholo farm to ford them," said thc slave.- Youth's Comput ion, Not That Kind. "Wc aro wedded now, my darling," Bald the husband to hi i brido, 'An boncofoi th we'll 0,0 togothrr On 1 fo n journey, Sido by side. "We mint t-car ou^h other's burdem Help each othur when we can, And to make lifo happier, brighter, Each must for tho other plan. "fat's benn this very morning To start right is my desire You just got up now, my precious, And construct the kitebon fire." Bad, nh! sad, his disappointment! Courage oo/od from ev ry por When his sweet young lind? respondedi 'SayI What do you tako me fort" -Somerville Journal. [I ."w^?^--?---H J i nj. THE HOME DOCTOR. Cold in tho Hoad. A remedy for un incipient cold in the hoad mny bo obtained by breathing thc frosh fumos of Howers of sulphur. The powder should bo sprinkled u|*m a hot niu'.nl surface, n little r.t ii thlio, tlio per ?on inhaling to stand us near as p asible, the odor is not nearly ns disagreeable as when thc smoke is inhaled after it has been some time diffused in tho air. Only i short time is required befor- n "cure'' ls ?fleeted. I .von little children find nc lifficulty in breathing tho ? innee. Whooping Cough. Whooping cough is a bigley contagion fever, affecting tho entire system, but tpccinlly manifesting itself i.i on iuilam nation of the bronchial tubes, and .1 spasm ?lie cough occurring in frequent paroxysm?. Tho whoop is duo to the rapid coughing. Thi* rendors it impos sible to draw in thc breath until tho coughing ends, whee, tho l?'Cnth enters strongly through ibo glottis, still pur tinlly contracted by thospastn. It rarely ends in loss than six weeks, tjcnorally its run is longer, sometimes many months. As a rule, too physician merely aims to palliate tho symptom-, guard against complications* and abridge iomowhat the attack. Sayti Flint : "It must bo admitted that there aro no known means by which the affection nay bo arres cd."' A writer in the Lancet foi* March, 1880, thinks that thc prevalent treatment ha-? been directed too much to t. o symptoms, instead of to the c uso. Hence tho medicine* prescribed have simpl\ hadan auti-spn-medic and sedative effect-re lieving tho cough, but not reaching the 1 scasc itself. I -uring a .vcvero epidemic of whooping-cough. ho noticed on several occasions a marked alleviation of thc pyinptons, and thou nf other timos a marked aggravation. This lo l him to ujspcet some powerful atmospherical iu ihicnccs nt. work ? 11 consultirg his charts, ho. found that th" foi mor condi tion corresponded to a high percentage af ozono in tho air, and tho latter to a very low per contagc. Ozono be g a natural antiseptic (pre vent! 'c of putrefaction), ho at once < om nionood t treat his patients with atlti soptic mouioiucs, taken internally. Thc result was very 1 vorablc. Th . mot bod was confirmed hy fti 'her oxperi nco, roving satisfactory in almost every rnse.- Youth'* Companion. Priitinn at tho AadpoJo0.. I.'nglisli :inl Ainori an writers frc piont ly write asif thc whole of tho Long ish speaking na l writing world was unbraced betweon San Francisco and Dover, paying little attention to the iliiti h Provinces of North Amo.icn, nod tono at all t? tho numerous colonial viiich lie nuder tho Southern Cross, oin naring ( ape C olony, Australia and New calar.d, bosidos tho English press of ? din \ ct thc write.s, and corso ?uer.tly !:c printers, of these countries aie nu ncrous. in India nlono a largo number <>'. v<"i ks mc printed, and tho productions if ?i e p?os:> nt tho ( apo of Good Hope ire far from contemptible It is. howj iver, ill Australia and Now Zealand that he groatest development has boen made, ind it is there that business is ibo most ictivo and taste isdovelopcd tlio highest. [11 tho newspaper lino, tho daily journals if Melbourne and Sydney heir an ex ci en! comparison with those of any other ?art of thog'obo, while in hook printing hese Iowas have attained a very respect lb]c tank. These denonden ?es of- Great Britain ?annot, in tho course of tho next hali icnlury, havo lesa population Uni f>0, ? 0,00 ? of )> o?i!c, which will keep going i vns: number of o tablishmciits in nil lepnrlnu-nti of tho typographic art, In hose lards they havo developed new inculiaritios and methods <-f working, littering from those in tho Unite 1 ?-'tides ind < rod Britain, our country having, ndecd, but little inlluonce upon tho nonib rs of tho craft thoro. Biltish inst oms and habits aro followed a< far is can lie, bul I he groat hoi? and dry nos?, if tho ri im t . ( om pel different methods )f labor, both at pr. ss and case. < II the whole, however, tho vO'k ooks as if it hid ben dmo in Great Britain The wei papor, tbc lack of ;loss < n tho su. fa o, the heavy ind mtlon if the letters, thontlontion paid t 1 John ton's orthography ns moditicd by thc Li ndon booksellers, nu 1 the gnat pr? ortion of sob I mut ter mark thc .- ollimes <r tho journals tinned out thor, as in mired by English ideas . -/' >/> . ..., . Hindoo Heads. A Hindoo writes to tho Phrtnoiogtcttl Magazine ns to tho relativo i ii.; of the heads of his countrymen as compared with those of Europeans. Ile says: "AU th? Hindoo hoads I have had tho oppor tunity of measuring by tape measure como near to or about twenty-two inches, ?nd in somo cases moro, in circumfer ence." Thc writer goos on to give bi, view of tho difference betweon tl);; 1 ag tish and thc Hindoo, and the reason of tho latter's subjection. Tho native, ho considers, has less of (hos . qualifies (hat f?ivo encray, force, resistan e. enterprise, hopefulness and Caution, wi ile bo has more of thoso that 1 ad t ? pas [vi oho ' 1 enco, reverence, respect h-r n it orily, Mibmisuon to whnt appears t 1 he tho ? il i of heaven, and in general to religious in J Quencos, than his conqueror. I-1 Will not soil tim clothing nor stain Hu skin Hah s Hair Renewer. Try it. "Ayers Pills cure 1 mo of stomach an 1 liv or troubles."--I>. W. Haine. Now Berne, S C netter lose n fest than a friend. Hi xi t, iii Year., The YOI TH'S COMPANION coleVntes thin year Ita elxttetu annlv- rinrv. It mt/ht well bo a ned ibo "Univ rsal Co i pinion," ebie? Its reader* are 'o ind nloOtOO nundle-. It ll so .vilely ed ted t ai Itt pages ara ns in ?rest lng <n adults as lo tue youn . people, lt -, de. tho best Snort ?nd Nerlai sio le-? t Contains r preat ar.ely of pr>|>ul ?r and m-o'ul info ma I lon ni Nut rd Histor/. BolCnCO, Ho no Alls (Jamos and Koort", and is fui y Idu-trale I. I oostn but $1.75 a rear, and a ? il sript.on iftnl now is credited lo January, 1889. THE COCAINE HABIT. Th o Worn Hin very Un? ?rn N?" Itcvpln latloua of I'uvrer. diunnnilti Tl'tifA-Star. When cocaino was discovered th? medical world exclaimed "thank liva?en!" Hut useful os it ii, it is also dangerous, es pecially when ita uso is perverted from tho deadening of pain for surgical o|>eratlons, to the stimulation and destruction of tho human liody. Its tirst eitei-ts ?re soothing and cap tivating, but the thraldom is the moat hor rible slavery known ?o humanity. J. L. Stephens, M. Lt., of Lebanon, O., was interviewed ny our reporter yesterday at tho Ul an I lintel, and during the coil vcr? sation the doctor said: "The cocaine habit ls a thousand ti mea worse than tho morphine and opium habits, and you would be aston ished, bo said, "if you knew how frightfully tho habit is increasing.'' "IVhat nen its ell'octst" "lt i, the worst i oustltuttou wrecker ever known. lt innis tl:? liver and kidneys In half a year, and when this work is done, the strongest constitution soon succumbs." "Do you know of Dr. Un loruill's case here in Cincinnati.'" "That leudi i,; physician who became a victim Of Ibo co ame habit! Yes His caso wn-.a very -ad ono, but Un habit cnn bo enrol. I have resound ninny a man from a wop-o condit on." "What, worsothau Dr. Underbill's:'' "Indeed, sir, lar so. M, Hall, A. M , M. I)., pro.?bat of tbiSlate llonr.l of Health of iowa, mid a famed p.-a lilionor, an 1 Alexander Noll, M. D., professor o? sur- '. gory : n tho Columbus Mod bj I < .'ol lego, aud president <.; the Ai u lemj of alu I cine, a man wide:.- li no wu, !.....-. W, p, t lancoyol I udi alla ol: , In I., from personal o.xp ri n e in opium cnting, otc., can tell yo i of th . land of success om- form of treat neut wrns, n <l socan H. c. u il < n. formerly of Cin iuuati, who i. n ?\v associated ivitb me. ' "Would v ;i mind lettm; om rraders Into these rel of your methods " "Well, young niau, you surely have a good bit of a suran <; iou<k a man to give Ins bus iuessaway l i ibo p .li -, but I wou't disap point you. I have ti cated ovor v?O.tMJO pa tients. In cen non with uiauy oiniucnt oby si inn -, I !'.>! year-s male a close stu ly o. tue eiTo ts .f tho habits on Hie system andi h* , orgaus which they most severely attack. Dr. Hall, Or. Neil and Mr. Wilson, whom l h ive munt ?ono I, and hundreds of ethors o ?uallj as export, made many similar expriment! on their own behalf. Wo each f -md ihnt these drugs worked tn stdcsti uctivoly lu tin kidneys and liver; iu fa t, tinnily tl .-st roy eil them. it was thou apparent that no euri coul l Iwolrooled uutil llio?o organs could bi r Storni to health. Wo roccutly oxbuuslovl ibo entire range of medical solem o ox|a>ri nieutiug with all known ruined os for thost org rn?, and ns tho result of tbesocl ?so invo.i ligations weall -uh bint lally ugi oed, thougb foll iwing diireroiit linos of in p.hy. that the most I'eliablo, S.'ictltitlc pr-| ? rate.n, was V\ aimer's safo euro. Tbl? waa the seeoi d p mt In the discovery THO! was our owu privat)form ol treat nient, which, of -ourse, wu do not divid? ? to tho pub.. . Kvery osotbat wo have treated first with Wurnei ? s.-e cure, Hmo without own pr?valo trealla nt, and followed up 1 again with Warner's safo cure for a few wooka, has noell sue es .fill. bab.ts can't bo euro I without using it because the hntiit is no tri ie- ? iiml sustained in ti:o livor anti kidneys. I le< hab t t on bo kopt up in mode ain u, however, if free II O bo also < made, nt tho same limo, ot that groat remedy." "Yea, lt ls n w< rid famed and [ustly cel? bralo I >|:e di ! Like n.auy other physicians. I used to ?le ?do tho ela! made tor "it, but I know now for n In t that it is tho world's greatest blessing, bavin; sovereign lower over hitherto iUctirnblo diseases of tho kidneys and livor, and when l have ..-ml that, young man, I hav-o said nearly ev ry thing, for ino-t diseases originate in, or aro aggravated by, a deprave.I coitditlou of the kidneys." ": eople do liol realizo Un-, bccatiso, singu lar ns i; may KI em, tho kidu ys moy be in a v?ry advanced !>t.'.;o of tie 01111.10.111011, nud yo: owing to tho fact that lhere niM bi;t few uorvos of sensation in them tho subject will notoxperien o m ich pain 1 herein. Oulilla account tho isands ol peo;de die every year of kidney disenso unknowiugly. Th y nave so t.-died di- oilers of tho heat I, of the heart and ?un J.- and stoma h. and trent them in vam, f< r tho real causa of tho r mi er. h do ranged kidneys, nod they wore res o red io health tho other disordors would seo? dis apjioar. Dr, Stophons's experienco, that can booen (lrmed by many thou-ands who o ho bas treated, a Ids ouiv moro oniphasis t> the ox? poi dence of ninny hundreds of th lusonds all o\er Ibo worhl, that th.? remedy 1 e leans io Is without any doubt tho ne st, beneficent discovery ever given to humanity, Typewriters and Press In Ihe Iran mission of press dispatches (ho typewriter has long played an impor tant part One year ago Inst .lune tho Associated I'M - decided lo uso the type writ, r instead of tho stilus. The Asso ciated Press, by thc way, has to make manifi/d coj !. sof telcg nphic dispatches for tho uso of the daily press. It found tho lypowrilor botu r for several reasons, In t ie lirst pince thc copy turned mit was hiller. Copy, hy tin- way, is n slang loria in tu . in newspaper ollices. It was invento I l>y llonjtuniu franklin, who in vente I al ? ch- a lid tlie ! eptiblic. It is supp sed lo nu an manuscript r ady for the printer. In tho eas- of tho type writer tho copy, of course, comes out distincl 11ml unvariod. Again, 0 mani fold copy is endor made. In wilting with a stylus, ns tho old fashion was. it requires a great amount of muscular exertion to make an impres sion on ci hi shot ts of paper. With tie typewriter il i- almost as easy to print a dozen she t - as mie. One expends little in ?rc physical energy, Tho *h cfeet ad vantage, howe vor, is th t the receiver can "take" a ? dei! moro rapidly. Whilo by ti 0 writing system a first-class operator can t ilco hut forty-five words at most, hythe u e of (ho typewriter beean luke sixty-live words easily. As has !> en a d thu fonder eau "givo" hut forty five words, tho same number that tho 1! 1 fashi on d receiver can take. To obviate this difficulty nnd k:crc.l=e tho speed of trunsm'sdon a system of abbreviation has been introduced. Thus, if the si nde,- in New York wishes to totcgrnph to tho Af-s iciatod 1 ross Agent in i hicngothat "Mayflower beat Galatea this afte noon," ho seeds the following (lisp:,teh: "Mfwr bet GltO tn p. m." It tnk <> hi n as long to pend this hy th . Morse ftlfabot ?is it does tho receiver to writo it out on tho typewriter, Ou this alono depends tho ad an tage of tho ty pow i Uer. Tho r eeiver can take sixty livo words n minute on the typewriter, while his fellow can auto out in manu script only forty-five. In ot nor words, h vains twenty words a minute, and by the system of abbreviation tho sendor can Oqual his speed. At prosent the Associated Press ii es the mat h no in its o:i'ccs in Washing! >n, Ba tim?te. New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, 1 ot oit, plevoland, Cincinnati, Columbus, O., Chicago, St. Paul, Kansas Ody, Minne? ?polis, Louisville Nathvjlle, Memphis, Indianapolis, and st. Louis.?- Chicago Tr Hun . ! Tho Canadian Pacific. Company ls 1 building five miles of snow sheds io the Iloekv mountains, at an estimated cost ! of (1,500,000. a fact which suggest H ono item of the oxpenao of operating railway! \ over tho snowy ranges of tho great conti i uoatal divide. Two hundred bluebirds wore found ! tlond at tho foot of an electric light at Bay City, Mich., one morning. Hui ?y full? end bumps hs bead, lin by bants, they ' tittil: ifs dead. Mnimua cots si..'. . hs i >?i. hubs Ibo bulo : s turmoil. silver hat pins to ivpresoiit thistles aro new. A prominent farmer of Howling (?nen, Howard County, Md., Mr .T. T Ridgely,faid Ids four childi on n ore nick with sore throats amt coughs ut tho name lime. Ked Btar Cough euro cured them in a week. No opluto'. To do ntl th? g'Hul yon cnn to your follow beings, to baw n puro couseieitee, to gain an hon? rai>'.' livelihood, procuro for yourself by work a little CHM?, lo moko I hore around you linppy- il ai la ti ie-1 uppinoss; .-ill ibo rest ore moro neil w ri - sud i bimi r - If IIfllicted w H !' nure i" UH une I lr, h-oor ! bonni SOU *K live .. liter. : I icjgixts nilli! !>i> | I I I Killie Bk iris nre not lied luedc m lightly; ninny nm mute lull. No Indy should live tn periajtuid fem mid sn Her from Ure moro serious troubles I hui io often ap|Har, when Ur. Kilmer's COMPI.KIE l'*r.MAi.K RuMinvis ctrtnln to prevent and i ur rumor and i 'ancor i here. Grand temples aro built of smnll ?tones nd great lives ore made up ol' I rifling events < nu Coinuiiitptioii Kot'urriif V have so often seen fatal results folio? Ute fleelnrotion lind lt cnn bo enrol, thal we imvo unconsciously settled down in the 1*1 Inf that this disease must necessarily provo fatal. lt i- trne that occasionally a community has witnessed nn Isolated cn..o of what limy appropriately ho termed s;?ontancous rocov cry, l?ut i" vvlml combinntion of favorable circumstances this result was ?lue none have hitherto buen found able to determine. \Ve Iee e now tho gratifying foci b?mi not in i- I hut thc pro c*s hy which natur? of? feels tia- wonderful eutuige ls no longera mystery to ibo medien I profession, mid that I Iii; chtin&cs brnuhgt alu.ut in ibo ?ystein un di r favorable clrcuiuslnneos by extrinsic euusi . limy be mode BS certainly and m. re e.\| . dit i< ns!y !.;. i ho uno nf t he pr? iju r remedy, in .?tl?< words, unturu is iiidtttbed and us Msl.-.l. , Tn i renions mat ter i? nothing moro or loss than uourbJimeiit impel 'fi et ly organ i/IN I, Now, if we ?.sin procuro the organization ol this ?.I material KO that through tho Pro cess of niny biko l's pince in the sy>t. ni. wu eau cure tho dis. ase. This tu just what Hiso's Cure h?r Consumption lilies. Il arrest- nt Olteo lh<> progress ol iii" disease hy preventing Um furl ber supply of tuberculous mutter, for ahile the system is under its Intluenee all nourishment ls organ, i.-.d and assimilated. lt t hus controls cough, expectoration, night-sweets, beetle fever, una ali other chnmotorlsllo syniloma "i l'on sam;'! i< m. Minty physicians ace nov. using thia medi cine, iiini ail arito thai ii eninta fully np to its !.. ottiiiieiidatious nial makes L'oiisuiup lion ol ibo diseusestliey cnn readily cure, j 'I he f. nulli)! ungo ol II disease is always Hie a.- st auspic?eos for trinijuoid. Tins feet should iuuiice t o vous t<> resort lo (be uso ol ? <ia.' wi.en ;h>- Cough !.. tlrst noticed, uh.:': . ? has i coitMUup:^ a ilia I h "sis for I i: . eau. Hoi, for this remedy euri s lill ' kin ls of coughs ililli un* s pia I -.1 f ci: ly and : Pl'otlIptileSS. Ill COllgllS I'rolli il simple cold, 1 lulim t ! i.? i SCH of llic mi'd iiieo Itu re h. en i found stillleient to remoVu th.* trotilde. So j In ntl diseases of tho thront and langs, -.?. j i i i ; syinpi ins simulating Ihvso ol Consumption, ! . .' i ure ls I be only infallible remedy. 'iii following letter recommending I'isoV i ; ure for Consumption, isa fair KU tuple o', II e e. ri tientes I ceri Veil daily t ?>" the pl'opl'io- I lol- ot i his m. divine: A MUON, N. V.. li?e, ?ll, KV?. j ! ha : a terrible i oiigh, and ! wo pliysieitu s I said I would never get well, I Iben ? ut t< ; a .:.i.lor? ,.nd asked lorn good cough me li ene. The drtlggist gaye ni? IMso's Cure, und ?j ii Las d' . ii.?- more gt '?I than anything I I . ver lis d, 1 do ii"? bebiive I could live willi il l.l.ONOH \ VKHMll/YKA lo rUincdtSi n .' ehutige tho chara ter. but ; p reveals ll. A ( '? rea I lt CM ll cl w ?!! i.-ure I by til .... who w rite !<. liullett .V C< . Portland, Muhle. Full informtttion j ? i i i c - 'tit von, free, ni>nt work Unit y< u ctn do and live nt li nne wherever you are situated, that will pny you from $.ito$'2?| and apwards a div. A number ha ve carn" ?I (iver 1*0(1 hi ii doy. Cii|fitnl not necdod; Hal lett & C-n. will'start y ou. Holli sexo.<; all ag. s. Thecbnuco of a lifetime. All is ne.v. N av . ; tin- lime. Fort unos ins? absolutely | sm e for tho workers. lue? liable evils uro always best stippa led, j Da ucla i o rs. Wives aud iileibsra. fc'ou . for Psmplile; on F" m.ile Uiaeasss, fret>, sscurolys uled. Dr. .1. li M-re >i-n, Utlca.N. V Nothing moro clearly indicates Ibo truel gent lema thin a desire to oblige ornceom-l lliodtlte. Iteli'd is humetlinte, and a . ure Mire. I'iso's j Remedy for ( 'atarrb. ? I .. l&fraTWG PB1CE !" ?I* ^*t/ilLr> Hun (o the weekly A marlen ii IC ii r.. 1 . lax'h.'slor, NV. ..I.I, .m prent lum ,i . Che ip ?I ."<' ''..'si vv.-.-wiv in Hie World." I liane s. ii col ll tn ns, IO yearn o'd. Kur -ne I) ?I In r T.iu ha o ono clinics I oui over i vi arr rt'iit Ciuiii i . i Dollar V ul li men, HOlo two rp., nial purer mic )'ir lOslcai'l Hook postage, Iii . 1.xtr... Si.i?n) book-^ von.o? iv. Anionic i.?.v IVIthoui Lawyer*! I 'attn ly Kimi ? 'vi-l.ip.-it <a I Karinen'an<l Si<>clci>rec<tcr*'i Jill ?. ? um mn tenu In Poultry IVorl.l Cy lopo.lia Danielson'* (M?,il, MU Counselor: Hov?' Un.-fill I'malme? j Klv* Vrari Hcfor.- ilie >!? t. People'* lli-o-r of ?nll il sti-e-; niver-ai II ito y of it Nation*) Popular llmtory Ci?tl War (Ixtttl ddes) A ny OUR Look ami p I?MT one vonr. all p ><tpal.l. for fl IS ' nv l'a?iir ti ii" 0.1c. If saliterPisd be'nr? the Ul or Mari-li. SallsfaOllon Kiiar.mtei. 1 on ti oui ?Hil Wi ri y.oriin n"j n-rnnilo f, Uof.-r.Mire. lion 0, u. rouoM, il. v r Kocbssti-r, Sample p*t><-r? ?e. liUHAi. u.iilK CO., I rr?., Wilburn I'reiui im,09c>syearj KoctmsT?s..N.Y. MRS. A. E. I 622 North Tenth 81 DRESSMAKING, MILLINERY and all kindi fidelity, economy and_dIspatoh. Best Th* risa jiRiM! th* harilmt #1 if? cowl IS" "nil a i !nr?icl'i I ?do-mi. - THE BEST TONIC. ? IR medicino, combinine: Iron with pure vcKQtnblQ tonics, quickly und completely ? '?irr? OynpepHtn, ?*->?:???. 1 . - ? .. WCCtli" norn., Impure lllooti, Malaria, Cb ll H tutti Kcvrrn, omi NctirtllglH. i" Ix ?tn unfnlilni; remedy for Diseases of thc Ittdttcy mid Liver. ;t i- Invaluable foi hincases pcceSlnr < - .S u.?t<n, nutt nil who lead i idontary live*. ; ? ? '. i;s not Injure thu teeth,cause hcftdnchcor lusluco consllpatloii-o/Ari Iron wtiMnc$an. !t eiurtativa nutt purlflea Om blood? .ttiti ilaictttlic appetite, nids thc assimilation i i wi, relieves Heartburn and H?lching, mid : tr? . gtlioos t ho musel * and nerves, i ? lutertittttcitl Paverai I*nvsltit<lr, f.L?t li or ISitergy, etc., it ?.a. no orpiul. !. " Tho Rcnuinc boaubovo Irado mnrk mut crossed ri.i\ linrs on wrapper, 'l uke no ( thor, "ictc ort. IIT BROWS (limn AL co.. i-M. ri nour. *ID. Si-nrt stomp L>. IJINU \\r \ VT in t"' " '" roi** poultry and eggs M . V I 1.1/ r.r ninrkot. Nine hundred dollars a year for tho rlsl t men. Send IO -1 ? t ^ for printed Inst motion*, v. 1. il VLLOCK, Chester Conn. UNRIVALED ORGASMS on>h* RAMV PA VIIIKNTayateni, fr?m *'J.'iS par mnaln un IOU style*, S?2 to S'a)'. fc?-nd for Cat. .JOITUI* ?vidi fun particulars, malled fr? e. UPRIGHT PIANOS. CoB.truotod OB Mm n*?? method of slr n.:liiK. on almllar tarina *en,l for descriptive Cata o/ue. MASON & HAMLIN OHGAN ANO PIANO CO. Booton, Now York, Chicago^_ Ou?.K. Xii^SL W JW Tho Orcol Nuroory of PERCHERON HORSES. 200 Imported Brood Maree or CUoloo6t Families. LARG iT^.TOttCIlS, All Ages, both Soxes, IN STOCK. 300 to 40O IMPORTED ANNtJiliM frera Fronts, nil rucordca ? Uh ojctonrtod pedlrpvee In Uv? Percheron (stud Book? Tho Poroberon Imho only dran, breed of yrnnoej posFe?<lnfr, a mid book that lino u?? rapport ind endorsement or tho French Oovernmunt. Rind for lSO-v&ge Oiulot'ue, lllurtrntlons by Uosn Bonheur. M. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, DuPogo Co., Illinois. v: ?n t II i< AMlniui In rm?i llnmi?hltf> I ?rici i r. M?til : 'V. i . in i .inn ??I h . ? o il' I from .ure for i alarrli ii? boxen &\<n .'.iiiJAMBS ?f hc^loiraot^lders' Book H inoWkdfrco i^nuirlJVn:? n on application ?A ??iClay. iL ?ruueS. ^riii?, 303 ('rand SU. N. Y, PATENTS V,;?;;' 1 HAM, i'nienl l.iiwyer, M'u?liliui Sl'll.l Kl.'llllll fl? milde. i.. IUS?I HUceosMii.. T\\ I I I; . I.M r. Mm IfJ CLAIMS?3,', li I N OS i fiotee ul ed \. ll'llll l.'l' illili".I I ?\ i> N KA US' BX? I) ..? H S.)?.I(-|1BD r ^ IVE KLO B. S T EV Yl 1ST El & C O. WASHINGTON J>. CIIIOAOO 11.1?. O 131 u?^ TJH PIOK' T ft-SetS ? il r>r- -?n*! ? .?lt :? ananlpulatlon, haiti ti* af failli, IM, h Tbou'imlt ol ll?rv., (. ?pliily in SHOT GUN. .,i.i Wi llnf J.ot-y. v.un? it.Mp, af ly, aid l'r.ut? '.?i>?Cfl Ih. ..orltL the demand for rr.p.rieiil. ra? ?m, , ?I"J ..i; partie. triteurilng i-- iinreaaaa . ?in?;* lir.??by> laeillnrf ?lot s : i lo gi., di. i n tlioroata ??amloallaa kif.,.-. purrharinK ?na of auotl.., ?..,> rr? r, \ .?.?I? Barrel, IJ tore. #10. Oft i IO bara, . lfl.00 ? mica. ? TwU, i.4rr,|, |2 . 0", }|s.,ni ; IO t>?ra, S 10.00 r.'.<f nc. In ?ian: ? for la.KIORIM of aollar Ska Kia... a?.ai?art. Air Hifli*. Polle. ., Ooa?. ata. 40HN P. LOVELL'S SONS, tiottan. Maa Ri AHJ EWi COREO. I S'I'.Y KKF?NDS0 i 'M 1 '.iii :>) .-uro Ad .ir?, li. M. WO iL.L.Bi', U.U.. AU m m. na. E WANT YOU? 0"*?uTSM pnift'iible employment t? rerucaanl vi^ In every eoniily. Salnrv 9T" pcriniinOi imil ??XJ^IIM1!!. or a Lirifc oominisslon ou t.-ilr>? If pmeiroA i.ood? trap?o. Every one buy B. Ontflt anti part ionian l'ree. n'fi.NDAliD BiLVBRWAKB <io.. OOSTOM, MASS. i?mo FOXl CATALOG Ifctf. DEFOf?ii YOU CUY A Carnap, Wapa or Um -WHITt TO HOTCHKIN C>?.rUAaH W01K3, SYRACUSE, N. Y. te-i.ow l'HM'it* rn r?P.A i.i:iiH.?iij_ _ W^WTHItit ?0U WANT A lt >vlll pi. y von to tvviio to ibo BEETHOVEN PlANO-ORGAN GO., to islington, Witrren Co., Now Jerao/. ?N D:i?!0 R G A?N T Purchasing I , AGENT, treet, Philadelphia. Pa. J of CITY SHOPPING attended to with Southern references. Send for circular. MCKr.i ll - Armnnd w.l-n ron', ?t"l ?Ul T'-'l ?lry tn Tl.?, n , l iiVVirr. IM.ICKI n I? ? I r. ....? ? al, ant fi n , leftmllal .?>*? Stwiiisinti n i .. Un "rlak lllaai.^1.1 Catalo'.ua fntf, .? .' I ...I.T. Mtaa