The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, November 24, 1886, Image 5

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The Advertiser, Itll ll I i i _ LAU HENS, November 24th, 1880. mr,r'"'" , - ,"-?-?a ch- st-, r A. Arilin , Iii .i ,", v...u-T,y i.tst. Wilt our merchants < . ? n 'Ph - uk gining (In ? V Huso bull rulos give il vu bulls .. strikes for 1887. Cotton Htrotchod up n little last week but hun lloppcd n; in. ..There's no uso of t:':?i.;:.'" | ,,. .,.1 tbo motto ol i woman. Thackeray ls sahl t< IIHVO detested ..wusp-wulslod womitn," Dressmakers sro concerned about thu . etoriinl lillie ., ol* 1 i. : 11,; -, A biirnlag (picsthm ivhern will your winter wooii come from, Mr. SAMT KI. lt, Tout, wa? ul n v:s:t ln hlsdnughcr In < 'barlotto.N ? '., tuwi w< ni;, O roon wo .-! will ? NMI< m,; tank an soon MM t !i>- . bui i ; . [{ranted. Farmora uro rushing bi (he wheat, (?rain planted In thc do*: has not \. . sprouted. The Abbeville '.1 n ,A t.," Wutnsboro Shei t-, which is .1 pre ai im provenu ot. HomooUo has remark* I that i:i view nf tho recoil! oarthqunke ihmu ls no longer a ''Solid South..' Tho Signal Sor vlei pr? oh ted cold and I .*. cometh rabi und ii rain th. Wi win tlUVO a Station Lieutenant! M tritest A. * tarlington, r 8. A., has boon ordered lo (be lois-don ?i Bogota, na uttacho. Tho Laurens Minstrel Combination toole tn Wondru IT lu-?t week, and report a most delightful occasion. To think kindly of each other ls good, M^y??*.k kindly i.^ bolter but to ac! kin tty toward:* each other ls bes! <>r all. Lieut, i?ov. elect, W. L, Mauldbt and Capt. A. li, llvrd, ni'fii.ville, spoilt . ?bott time in town on bunin - week. D?ring the session of ti." I.< dshuurc thia paper will give Pill cud soi -. ? . ports ol"Hie proecitingH hy a Special n porter. VV o acknow ledge i -,.- receipt nf tm ll vii at lon lo it t.-n? I the formal ? p - ul ny i tho Mansion I lou ic st < h-eon vii h.?, S. c., to- nigh i Owing to th- gig th proportions our town la assuming,'I M MIVKUT'SKII han om toyed a special rcj rice 'ot- tho "Jcr HOV" Bide. M OH rr M Crews, M'-f'linlock, ./burton and Irby? loft on Monday hutt for 1 . lumbla, where they arc engaged in toe arduous duties of ii-gt hil ng. Laurens ls Irawlugflro.xl.t it p-irch w- ; ers nom 11 ibo Kiirroiimliug counties ' whooro eui h usinai le ovoi tho cn ter ? rise and low pi lo? n of our merchanti. Augusta prop ?MS to oiil-irt lin Vu ter - ?on In a m.min i similar lo tho ?de excursion, hiuiqunl ami ball given 1 . j citizens along th? <.. L. A S. Inst s ? III . Tho total nu m bo r of tur, payers in this County 11 0000, of tin '.KOa have p ; 1 li . dato, lou vi ni; a balance. <>f SM? \ > ? . ?. twoHii n >w md tho 16th of DM 1 Wo have nrruiiged \\?:!i tl nient of Agrli nillir? 1 1 hm 0 dloatlons tolcgaphod to (his potn Dugs will bo dlxplny?-?! from Um Vi>\ u TiHKK Ut:Il.DlNU. Wabli (t?o Sign is! A fashion paper HUS --'MI.-fro ... nf girls of thirtocn ?re si in pl v modillcd j I rom tho Mr 'MSCS of their oblor ?dst ors." Ko we s'-o (ho fashion makers have eautfbt tho i ry of .'reform." An exchange my? a man lu Vrkanaaw made a bullet out of lohecco and shot it through n wild-cat. died in slant ly, thereby Illustrating lorclbly (?ic pernicious erTci't of tobacco o<i the sys tem. . flee the great slaughter In prices that . | has been mudo h,*, tin Vugu.sta Cie-hCo. ( They art) clItllUM ?ul intend lo eut. ( This is a well ratnlishcd and rel laid . house end olTern KU pi rlor bargains in i ( dry goods. Tho number ol n-hu lld I mrs in ron tem pl at ion and hoing constructed shows I ( that our boom is se ire? Iv commenced.,l.i This ls a live t . MI II -row lng tdxi n H j ? very larne fown destinen to ho thc vt- . lanta of Car? dlmi. I ? Thursday next fiSStli Inst.) being a le- I gal hoMdav, (ll . N Ulonal I'mk ol bau rons w ill be closed. Paper falllnc doo j ; on that dav ions: bo attended to ohjl Wednosday 2lth. .IN I. A llAUKSn.VI.H, IV? ?t. Wl'Uarnston Farmers Club li ns < lee! ed thefoll?3plng officers- President >i Hud ?ona i .1. P. Moore mid J F. lb ?d r son, Vi?-o President-?: J, <'. Wlltbiius, Recording Soo. ; J. C. Mc Dun lol, Corres ponding Soc. j J. L. Moor -, Treasurer." Mnrrled, At tho residence of thc l>r de's mother ; Nov. 17. issn Mr. W. L. Shockley add Miss Mary M. Tinsley, the Hov. I>. A. Todd officiating. Taxes, We have boon requested bv the Treas? Uror to un non uno that tho tl ino for pay ing taxes will bo out on Do?. I6tll, and will not be extended, A Friday ?'nue. A cane now bofofr* the Supreme Court from this County, Inn Hu ?following n - tory: Th.?,.pin ut was drawn on Fri? dty, nerved on I ridi . the Reference wits l..>id <u> Frld ly, I e report ?MIS riled | I on Friday, heard ut exceptions In the circuit Court on Friday and in? brief WM finished on Friday. AH aitornoy? agreo that lt ? ill bo "Oodd Friday" when it ls dooldod. Tha>ikA|Tii lng. In accordance wita Ibo prOOlaiW IOU ol tho President of tho t'nlle'l Hlnl H mid the Clovernor of Benth Carob, a lhere will bn a Thanksgiving Nci ii - hold at tho Methodist Church next Thnreday at ll o'clock a. m. Hormon by Hov. i;, o Prloraon. Tho bnaiiioa? men of thc (own uro roqmmto?! to close their pl ici-s of business, und tim publie goderait/ are requested lo apond at ieitut an bom- and a bull in tbHnkBalv? lng to Alnoj io - ? ?od for hi? rnuny mer cie?. .J.T. IIAIOION'. "Jersey Cllf of To-day. Thoro uro only a tow <?r our citizens who Koom t? realizo ul nil tho propor tion* of ".fi-.,, citv." UM longth, hrotullh, bounty und prosperity. Not that Jersey Tits sway oil" yomlor hy tho Hhlo nf Now York, lui our ow ii "Jor s'f.y. "the hrlviht, ihrMlv suburbs of tho "olly proper" of Umr u >. A little ui >r< (hun (xv.. ; our ni . t (?xi cllmd and uni >rprlsing ( .?.. >;? ? mn, ' rv lt. ll tludgens, lind thu titi 1> now icaidiinoe i Utirpi r street uur?sa Hm | ranch. eSlneo thi'ii, thirteen new houses, some of thuin quito handsome residences, I ive boon built <>n this street, Jusl ;,,u tho pretty now home ol' Mr. Mm (ti Idle H now streol Intersects Harper stn -.. Illili Of ttl ' i l'.il Ol' il I ? ,.;.,,>;. .. I -, ,\ . ?V K. ll. lt. we Would parti ni l.!- t" ??n the 1' fl, Mii. r pacing .-a \ , is di*, very neal residence nf ihn I ?? die brothers, I hen conies the cosey lu un? ol' our former f. ?How townsman, Mr. IteevdH I 'IIn v. .-uni ->n t he minn iii i : \ ho hW ion! overlooking .v.! tho or-ily .?..I'M. ry around i-< th? very l.>aidi?ul ?'Ot M?? ?Iby Mr. My. rs.. ni- ,,. ,,"., r iii..nd nf tlx- Foundry. !i ; . '-..?.; VVOrtll |( Wl|lk, oi- ;. rive (?VOV i,. part -.: low M. 'i'd tl...-, wi.o i . ,. VII huon, WO will s sly, ii pleasing iou pris.? a wal ta you, \ number of . "ter l'oml'oi'liible houses have i. . n Lullt tn this1 Immediate locality Iv Mri p *. i?. 1 .-m.! Mr. VY HP-un' Hri.v ::. ''-;. are occupied by Industrious end t li ri fi v mcclinnics, Pillowing various .M'C?IMI Iion:? lu our lown. And the t-hlhlrch well t just m? and SP.? for your- vex 1 . many lhere arc. SAuie one I hi ns th .? ? W.T.-.'17 wllntn thc ?rca of nb?uj tv. n< pi a ros, I'inc sturdy looking hoys ii ! 'ovt-ly lltlif! Lrown eyed ({Iris, 'l was eertaildy a very gritlfyiiig -i-.!; th ir anion? So ninny nice children. \ :..?.! day school :iiid tils-i a Very hiejift inonu rsumlity Ko hi?'?iI fnliihl itisily lie or giioi/.eil and iMindin-t-d io this ililli "town ol' child-.'en" hy HOIUO ..- , ?> I and working ti' M . i v. ninan. t'npt. I Mi 11 po) ! i-. :? iuov- fi-.un Mr. Addle Kulllvan's Louse !.. ...?.. riheiitlv er. etod l>\ ('aid. John Si Mr John i ?rci'i* ?lits reinovi I hilo Mr Addie sullivan's hou?e. V. e i-egrol lo ?ny Miss Pus !.. Collins, of I'IMri Li. ha left for AUttU-la, puring lier vt:>.y here -di" litado tnac.\ . friends whose .'.,.( whshes idtetii her Wh.'l verala* ;; .Mr. Tommi '.topes, the popular yopn . .. eher fruin ttabut' '.-hool, resp I froth his work during Saturday lind ^'linday with l in father's family, Mr. Willie .!.>!! s. We wish all of our young men wor? as good as 'Commie. CROSS HILL In doiinint; tl." mantle of "Mack" ' feel serious misgivings ?:< ;.> {'.:<? ti: thereof, mid HIV Illness t?> hceotin hiv Succe.v or. ".Vere I I i \ i -. i - . ii tuon (t n pen pl - netcil for Heir rceklessj open del' ance hf law .-oe' dr<t(irj Incld??its would doubtless frcijiiently t 'ir : Wini I I nui r<'i|iilro S?V.I'M chroniele, but in our Qiiiel, peiiceabli' little vlll ipe, whosij inliabitiuiis ar. social, hospitable and relined, ?o full ol' iii milk ol'"hu tnt? ti k '. mia. .," ?>-?. can'l t..-t np ii vi n ti little. . i o..!.d. Wo ii- ve M.. i/itded saloons lo tempt our y?t>lth HO "hole ia lin- .Vidi" ;ii\i-d'>*.' the until.(lated no rolickhiii, roy tcrtng binde -le t irtis thu tpth t of our dreams , willi liiiehunaliaii revelry. 'Tis true tim | eiirthmiaki.* uiihliiKed tis iioniewlup, but un ?'it. ila ?li- position i11 endure w ?i'll We cunn ii cure ehalilcd us to nettle d.iwn ii-.'i.iii io tin- even ten ir af our wily. "i'la also t rue t lia: no* aiul He n tin ?vant courier front tie- heaibpuni rs .-r non .. nariciiltural snpidv c u?piui.v (lushes into dui' lail" vllh'U?C and bids mme of us lo prep ire speedily for ii. tinv of reckoning. Wo were hurried ind Rome lillie ox .jtoinont on ye-r i .! y in .rain'-.. NVhll.? .ne i C -mr .-iii.v US WAH \'- n illa- his Way I.?wa Main stree! tOWiU'ds tho pOhtOlllcC, .is li.- nen rod the Joues mansion. dfnatod on t.1.ora- r "i" M aa iiiid Acitdcmy streets, ho dUeovercil ti sm M i.nt rapidly cuhirgiii r Ila inc la ulm? ? its roof, Im i|ulckl.\ ?ave tho al roi. ind th.- brotherly kindness nf our rill '. ns wiiH soon made uianil'es. >.;. nrtrn t rowd thal prom pl \y Kathcrod ?" oilidue the dcstrucllvo eleinftnt. I'.' .riiublm I und di t ?riulned elVorl the kum a were soon extlntiulslied. We .ould I'd not hie, loo, that on thal occii ifou tho''('dloroil triiopa f?ttf<lil noll1. lt ls rumored, and believed by few if th.' iiii.r - croulons, thal sonic iii', limul, or goldin, la kcepimt a nivhtly TM 1 in the honan of ot.f our up-tow n .it-/ ns, i n' our native Imoi-rturhilily idiiU'H tn tin- rescue, und in tl instance >rOvos a cogont S'trtue. ( mr .'lops are khorl ubi ul .">.' per .- ni.; .ur ('riba tire abnosi oinpfyi bhl we have rail:? .di tho "rouijchnoaa" we ' 11-d ure dntormhti'd lo make still grenier irorta in th" future. Lavina Ibo rcaull ? i Piovjiitn.'. ia th-- meanwhile wi lave iC^ftimllo for t> ose who L.vo^i?:,and i tear for th..'" WhO hate. .M A !>!>i:.\'S. IOTA. The long nncded rain hu? eoni?, and . plows tiro putting in tlo wheat, i mi'- flabrh I Plnsou is viv ?lek, I ?ti t Kiar] to auy he is lufproving. Miss Mollie Cnunlnghuin lu convuloa .inc. Sir?. Mnrgnret AlllHon is also vrir.v .i. k. Mrs. John Moor.' is \ erv low, Tho Charade and .Supp r at Mndilen'a iotW lt hst lindi Hg Iheeold nlglil. wnw a lUCCCHH. Hie nctiu_' ?lid crodll tu tho ir? ns. iiinl the sii|.|?er was (lolioldtl*. Win n tie- women "take eharge of Ibo ?ovorntnoilt" wo always have BU enos?, fi net. Wot I done A int Kilto, now el ti.e men do tho painting. Mr. Willie Cunningham has rented he lloyd farm for nnothoi year. Mr. .1. W. King, <>i PorkHVlHo, I ... iponednahop at the nid cunningham iliop, und dcKi-rves putrOnAgo ?s He -roves liimm If to bo n best .-l iss work nnn. Miss Ancle Miller of ( ross Mill, spent Iftllt Wee"' with 1e r sis!, r, Mrs. I,. T. M liddon. MIK. Virginia Tinsl. ^ und family have ion? O? f'owersvill. to spen I a few days. Mr. I'. H. Madden will soon Lac one )f his hon iOiT oo tn ploted and w,t> nndor* ItAltd ?twill be occupied na soon UH fln Ishod by n family from Clinton. Mlaa Elita Cunnii gham has returned from Poworavlllo, whi-ro ?he spent thc nu m ni or. McHsrs Maddon A Allison fir? Intljov oriahlng tho country, f?UlpptoKoL"'joUon tgKKl. I Ll soi t H H unwise in farmora Holling so td, when their lund nc tl.-* I min NO badly, but (lint is llio order of t :>o duy on Ibo farm H soll everything yuu niako and buy ovi rythlnir you ?cod. I I*. :?i.!sn's Curtain Ulilll Sneclilo bas . un i willi such extensive popular favor, j ?'mi ii. .! |>rovi o s., uccoptuhlu to tho pull 1 bf, thal otliorn lo . hoon indu.I i<? i hiillati :. '. Avoid all loos... I "Uki' thal .viii, ii beam ii. . (indorsement i li" : .. o! rn pilbil . Tin' UdV<Ol!.i^fH I,. (ill.i??K iV?liil o's Certain Spool (io wo numerous. Hoi i: . j nu n und women didl.\ i. upy to '.. . ol!, . '?'I,,. ,. x... ;. < ",,: i i v' i ?du an l emaciated, li rusior . n,.?.%..<. i: ! bull i * uluru l'ion ' wash-mid de? !:. pro' v../ i'i lui . -i p. .'?.Cor i ... nil .. j I'-"' ??do b.V ii. I . i'.y <V hi.?. I!. i >\" ?I1 * -. I.'.MI'M.S, rt. C., Culbet! s'Jii ?v K ,;'"; ",: :v:''"' * nd for Sale* '.!" A rr .. ("'\ iluuMe hilid foi' Huh?, i'i: ltd 'foi* ;'?si??M-.v ?.'.l? fin> . n, >r eiilti' utioti, eliulhlv f Hunt ! tn i.? i Cl vj Iv-J . . v Ki IL . 1*111 l'uni I . ? jlltlj? ::;<?:? ? s fot1 .sillo lu iii ; ?llowln.'j; ?tuted rsi i?R, I will soil ?il 1 iii ti roil st', ll.,ni public oul c i'y, i *? Hiilo-iday In I )oeotiiber ti .. i, ; I*,* '"til dey i l!':o month* thc property ii? i' l l eil hi . tte l i jeu1 .-, lipon (I:., i.. : ; . ;.,;'., I ?. 1 Mi.: lt; iiu. <.;.... of \i [.'Aibtt Sti??ivOii v .Ju ?ju r c. }i i r( i ti : Ai? lol ' !' ?. k ll? J \V ? i ;i ? I .ol Xo, (} i)r (5io l'otll . . . ill' Willi lill .V'' \<a ly, ii, (I'd, : ? I! li. >' i ? i:-.; Ly Iii tills of, ll teviot I Sui? i v?:i. sin >. on. tittil lyln v <?u the ? troon ville itt nul, in tho Countyund Slate \\f >i'0. .aol : TKK MS: Cash. Th . pti rc li a HOC to pay foi' 1 :> pi. ??. the i! . <. ..,' c. t). Dark ?'dale ti* Muster- vs .1. lin ! (J We.? mn- v. il-1 I i tt m ll.f'i'l ipiinil ll i !?' Pavhoj All ililli I rael . I" lit tts I (iii u.:\ti l[ lil llio Comity und Slate ut'or?^itlfi, con! n lniti;? Two 11 it ml rod bores, more or less, and hnun?led 011 the South liv hinds nf \V. A. Killie!" nlpl M. ll. < '(-Isp, ..:i tb?. West hy I a pd ol' M. '.'. Teniiiie a titi oilier.*, on I he Nie ?ii .:.< ! Mu ! by hind : or Pu ra ti . Monn?r, no' kn?*?\ :i os lld "Kin ley Trait." TKUMSi <'...;,. The purehnnor to pay I* ?i* pup -rs. in Hie ens . of C. i>. Hork* lille, UH Mo* (er vs ".'.'. ( ;. Mee; All fhn! h'ool ..;' land, sltu:i?o :". lip? (ic mnl y in id Si at o u foresail lt HOM n n s ..( : i- ? iiirlinu'loii ri'ii I, .."i, ' .ii ::ii"v I-'iv ' lt u t?d rod lieros, Ol' !' fis, lind li ?-;!:d;-.! hy I . if Pas i.? Whiloiord .t.:.! other??, omi ' Saludo Uiver. VKItMH: One half of Ibo pureh iee otoo y i?. ?.<? piiid eush ii'td (he litiliinoe OM u ..?..':;( ol' one your, vi ii int >resi from tho di y "I solo, .iif d I.y ?!..:. h.o ! ..." the pureh :i-..-r i -u! M morlirti ?. ??f iii" 1 r -oi ls. . I'lii- put-eli ?.'?:. !" pay fov ".1 p.T,. In t!i.> casi' of John I-', st, -.-.;:;?( V's Jun M. ? 'oonoo, i ? . I. Th? i' ?b-wvo? do-mrih ..! pron ri ott nal eil io the Comity ?11 i Sd uk' !?fnV?*:bbl . <\. *:l and Mi !:' ?- - 'V? i .-: ri -\ .-i nd ho fri ' il !... 510.1 ' pi. c. \. s -v 011, ml \ ir. .odin . I>< croll, Mto> i" M- \*<-r und r No ?i rwf No. ' nilifuio . i Iii" bo-"' roil ried nlpi'fv nu l ono-hnlf iii're?, .-.".! hp?iiu|ed hv ?*... I ?f Dr. r, !?'. 11 irroli, J tum?: Nf. 'lb ..peni. Ililli ?.i ?Uli. Dr, c. A. Sn stilt, :.i:.l trind No. I. Phil.? 01 nv he -"po :i* eiv o'lh-". TM H MS- < >".. 1 filf m- (be rn- b 1 ? bli o v io he p.'ibi h. tl iel ( be l,.,' ,,,, ., ipi ,,). ? evolve noni tbs, \ellh IntecoMl from ih?> hi\*. Of -al", s n-nrf"' liv Iho duin?] <>(' Un- oiireh??ser raul :> niOri?rn'ru < f ti-., pp nil hill v. ii'i len,vo '. ? nori-i'i?--.'i- o?- Jill fell M'S o-; !.> o-f,' pil li:',' id I ?-i i-;i>b. Pufchn ter ip pay foe pa pei Io the . a-;.- nf . ? .. P...'.ortson j ?i .- mifvivlnf i'l\'"<-i . * "*i. Vs Md-j win I*.Siuin^ion n*? Trustoo, and i;i : lil? ..o-.. ?. i i !ii. The fol loelia1 I? iei'lbed preimrfy si (da le in (bo County ami Si il ult resold?. I Nfi. i. |\-i"-- wlihln lb . hi .<. porn te '! uh . of 'I..- (riv il nf ! <au ri?nfronllnif ?ci Mnlii S'roo?. bounded Malu S'reel;, lo nd? of Mr . S. W :-'i"i -' t>. InildM <d' Mi'-, .lunion, Todd ?H. . lol v.-. .:, nnd eon toi ni nef ono and h holf oeres. !...( No. ?, lylnjr u I Mn I ti I Ito ?i?eof- ? poralo Undia of iii?' (own of L;ni l*ens, ffoul lntf ?0. ?Vf ni?1 St mel, hounded hy M ?in Stfeel, hinds ?^f Mi's. Jin le ( '. i 'odd, ned !<?N .Vov. 1 nnd a, and eon toi 11 Infi ono und ono f.,i?.'th ?i'IT.-. jf.ol No. 8, Ivie" within tho Ino ?r? poroto limits of Hi?1 town, of Lnu ions, frontlufif; on ?S?aln Htroi bounded hy Molli ?tfOOt, binds of Mfs. Jonie C. Todd nnd lots Nu-. 2 :i!id I. and eontnlnlniTono ivre. 1 a j Nc I, lyljijr wlihln tho ?noor* poroto limits of lb?' town of i.r<, Ironting nil Main Barool, bounded by Moin Stroot, londs nf Mrs. .lanie C. Todd, Owl lol N?<. fl, mid containing one .'ind ono-fourlh oofos, Trnol No. i, nonf tho Ineorpofnto limita of tli" (own of ritiiirons, hounded by lands of tho Oft! at OS of A. s. Taylor, ci?c*<l, nod v. I'.iy, de'd, :in<l others, mid Triwt !?o. 2, und tho mnlrt rood from Milton t<> TnttironoC. ir?? nha t'OnUiitilng Fif ty-four n- res. Tniot Monour Hie ineorpoi.ile limits of the (own ?d' (iUtiroUS hnundod by SMUIVUH fonds, tracts ?os. 1 und ?, und tlie m ihi rond from Milton to Laurens C. lt., ami containing Fifty elglft acrof, Truel No. .'i, Near tho liicorpot ; Cern tit fiio town of I .uurens, bound ed by Sullivan omi Irby lands and idMntn ro.ul Tract N<>. ty nour (?to liioordoruto HOM'S of the town ol* Lau rc UH, bounded by louds of Mi-.-: i. Irby, Tracts Nos. 8 und ?, and tho! road from Milton to Laurens C. IL, und containing Sovonly aero?. Triict No. G, near tho Incorporate iimits of c . town of Laurens, bounded bj . i of Miss T. Irby, Mrs. s. \v, Min .un. s. K. Taylor, I : .!. : Mo ? and molli road froto Mil- 1 lon to .Lauron;? 0, und eoululn-! ii g Pi fty lour no ros. Plots tuny l)c? SOOn ot my oilU'O.j T?iltMH : Ono t hird of Ibo puncho ie j money to bo p?id cash, und Ibo lud-; tinco on a credit < ono (ind two yours lu equal In.aallmonts with lu leros! Oil OH?ill Installment fruin tl(0 day of sa io, reen rod by tin bond Of pu/, h . i :? Or pureba? ?: hu tri bu il to tiny pitk'ciiuser to pov or her li. . cor I J . ?? y Tor pnj In ibo ease ofGraham "ri paika v .1. i?llIOry Ury,..;;. Al! ll . . ? url sh. ! in th . . ? ' : <t -res iiiot'o or lossy lind : < U tided by bindii liHougthg to (ho estate of .Sani? ! Ury lub.doc'd. 1 nids of II. fi:HM.'?: < hu? hid? '.f j hu |.uirehiy (i r> to uti .! ?: f twelve mouth?, willi inti rest from tho day of salo, soonre?l ''.y t|u' bund iii' tile porch tv?< r anti a mprtjJi ipe of Iii . ? remiti os. Thu piii'v'it?sei' to pay for pu. In ?he rrisb ut' : : *. i c. Todd as ot- }{. \\ i'odil v . A, < 'nn mid Will L.<'uniiinghum. Ail pioeo or purest ?of land, sit nutt' ami lying I? ti*" County au l st/tlb niVrosititli know ??s "tho I !" ? : i CiimiiiiglihOt I raid," <-o!<t;>iii ih'g Pour I i ?ii d'rod '.ere- !;..>...? or I..?-, tlltd ! < UOded l y t ho l;i? r-? of \\\ t.. and M. c. Ciinoinifiiam. .1. A. P. MbOlt?, Mrs. ila;.- it till loo lloyd place. T li it .MS:Olio half of tho puroliuvo OlpliOV to be j ititi CH ll, nin! ;!;:. bah . ucoon cedit o?" (welvo mouths,, v. i, i:;l : ? fro::; th, day ol' ule, i sectile/d b> the boml i-f iii . parch- ! asor und 'i mortgage i f Gie pro ni ja-' os,'bu( with lou ve '?> purchaser ti? piy hi-- (Ml tl fe (dd i? ?"! ii. Purch aser to pity Tor pu poi's. I :. I ho ? .??>. <>'.' i".. I v. i? I hit i H ?V t 'o. vs li. trill i\ Uro., I'ol/.or, lingers A Co.ot ni. Tin? fol PIM lng described properly situated in tito County ii nd Minto aforesaid : Trui?t No. I, cnntiiininji ".'wo hun !.. a omi forly-ntuo ocres, nu ! ? ? ! |S Of Pit uti Hr. !'. M. Metzler, Traci No. .. uiui iliiu ....:!. ( iee:.. hounded h,v I '....-"i 1'.'. i". V Kid/.' !....-, M. V,' . li.' io. I,. A. . tyne, Tracts N< .. i i ;, and l'>??e??\' i'll- . ic. Tra.'! . ' mir.i.ii- Jtrhty dfCol. ll. I;. <" ' ulan, ! 1. "liai, .J. odell un?! ihi .. . mid Ti act .N :?. :.*. Tr:? '. No. ;, Or lfomo place, oo'it-.lrjsn.? "I'w. ? Ititi titi r .! und '"..'t.v | live acres ahii : oitudc I ' v Iniirts of . '..!. !<. !.. Ci,! to .n, ! ir. P. M. Sut/. i- r, ( ?. II. I'. Pant r i oilier:. | Plut ; iit'a.V li ' >? ! id iny oilioe.1 i I?Mi.M --.ono :;.;.. I pf iii" porohoso ; mmiey io be paid cash, 1 I bc ?alan .. o? ii credit bY on . timi two years, in equal Insti.lmeitts, with* in'' t'est o.i each i ii nt illnieOl fr* -ii 1 Gio doy of si!.-, seeiiri i by the hoads of tho pu rob user, Or ptircli n :.:i 1 morita gea of I h . proper ty, Pu rel ^ air ? to pay fdr papers. hi Ibu en io ol <:. Nf. M ?Mi -on vs ! .'u l PU i son it-' '? Ith'r, Otc, Marali Lmroi , ? : ni. A ll (hui u n-' of land lying, 1 inn .i ! situated in I lib Cotitdy ?Od late af t lid, ?in '.' it, o t'OO.Onl ll. \ ey i l tb'is e.| ..'. ..t..;. lalnine, N inoty t I'.'o acre -, to. ! ] bountied i y (ho s nih buOU of iteo dy ItiVor ii hil lund of Mal ii * )'. Poid, T. it. Poo! und otb- rs anti adjiiihiiig frnol N.? !. Platf may be soon at my o'!) TI.I-.M-: (?ie- liait"of (he pufebttso money to in' phi I ci -li, and Ibo lulltlllCI! OO :.. et't'i.iit of I < Ive months with I?iori t IVbni day of salo, -o-u:ii| by th.- boihl of Ibo piirciuiser atula morfjriigo of Gio promises, bill tVltlt leave to purcii it tor to pay his < miro hld in cash, fh'c purchaser to poy fur pu per-. lu t': i "usoofCuro/lno ll. Itiohoy vs i :ii - i I- ?Uer, et ul. All that traci of hind lying, belair und situated in tho County :'?,,l State aforesaid, containing Fifty three acre.-, moro ur I? ss, ho lr. g T?riO N'o I, of tho Pasley catato lands,; oundell hy lanils of |)r. I-'. ( ?. Puller, Da viii I arter, mid others. Tl'.llMJ : ? bi ' hull" ca li, balance on a credit ol' twelve months',>vltll In toreal from tho dla y ;i' wide, se? cured by Ibo bond of the puritlliisor and u mortgage of the preiulsi^Sj but wit h leave to tho pureba* r to pny his ontlro bid In cash, 'I bo puroh asor to pny for pnjicra. in th o i c of John P. Gunter ol ni vs Tollvef Uoe..'rt-o:i ai- sur- j Vivilig I'Xeeiitor. Tho fidloWlng doscrlbod property ! ti i*o<i, lying arttl being in tho County and State uni cVunty aforesaid : Traci vo. I, known UM tho Cheek place, containing . me hundred arid t wenty aeres moro Of loss ho?lido I by htii'lsof R, J, Burnside, .Martin Kiddle, Allon Martin aud others. Tract NO. 2, known a* par! of the Thompson phu ?' coutnUiIg ?ovnn? tv acres, more ur less, bounded ivy lauds oflaMillrf A- Rolier?son. W. P. Harris, H. A G ray and oGiors. Traet NO. :i, kniiwn UH pur h of tho J. H. Simpson placo* onnteliiiiiK Onoheedr'-ii and foi !y-three Ocres, morn or le . pounded by hindu of i. r.. Kl ra pon, dee'd, w.D. "Mlmp son? Jehu and- Itonry Millo and otb er ??. 0HRMB0MR09BH i ' I IS/ S ?1 Lisi T /i P?*V>+*T3 i Y> "?' j TH C?o Cl I "**r* ? fr..". -*. . . - - - <* ** * j rer/.. levels tl:) o w i ir?, prioes c.rurl se . si hetty y .'>? r?,;t bhavvl ?,i?.( towels at Blanket* at. .:' I. mr 'as i i ... e. ,i ITO v .. .1 v IBXJOC .J ..;..?.; ?;p. kn >Vvri a . th<< Firm in? ir;;?-1, contai) ?a? rhlrty four I acres imn . or 1 -. bounded by lands <>f .1. M. Frank;, \VHlluin Os borne, .Samuel Frai . anil btlitfrs. I .ot No. "?. i I Ulis-' tO' subdivided, nial '..> bo u ?. lows; ist or? huai n and !"t ?. nui north hy lots "t" i>.'. -t. A. Harks- ? r?alo, The National ti?h.k of Laurens, ' lt. I-'. I'!-oniii;: alni I. .?. Kow land; oas! -J? foci oil Public N. ju aro : ^( oj ? ?i I Sd fo ! on .1 ''.l alloy, and \vo->t 77 '. fo ?( Ify I ; liri.:' Lol, and containing i I-!1 h?f aa arro. hw..!!:.;':? np I Lot,I; Uindpd ti ?rtli liv loi of il. .1. Howland, HO ft-ot, eil . l.v st ri rn li ?n >. lol 771 ferit, I ?ontli by dall lilley (i I foe . ! \vc?t Ivy ( Iii rot I no ri niel 7:) feet, ! i arid e?tUniulu : 1 i? ?>f id? aero. ; j Foi N... known .. Ibo Howlett j Still!vail loti ;; ?ut ? ?ti ?town j of Laurens, und containing four an.! tt-Hi ne h ;, niore ".' loss, bound- ! od hy hinds of \Y. ii. <.' ..-roi!, .?. .M. Unix rt son nh i flnn?h?rtf roath i Truei Mo. 7, known a? M part of] ! the Tina 11 - oi place, con lain lng i <>ao ha: . red and eighteen ncrfts more or less, hounded hy lands of i VV. I'. (farris ?J. U. Fowifr,?Jonuth ! aa A ! r -romldo apd ot!.ors. i Truel N't i. w, Mown ns John Nel ' s'?h Iract, ' onttilng Five hundred ; ar? I . ?ghi y t'?ii V herc .. more or I ??.ss, hoiitided I >y ! uni - ol' I)if. 1*. ? Ful ler, I>avl i Bit ni hi -, ?>". A. Fiilh i and ..t'.r rs. TFM.SJ ' hie third of lite purchase money to bo paid i;> cash nuil the , ha iii li?e ol > ?redil of one sin1! *u" I years, wi: ii In leis I fr ?ni lliej dav .1 ty Of s,,!o, roi i hy the bond H <)!' Ibo pan-!;:; T, ai d ri {ages ? f the properly sold, purchasers lo p.ty for p, j.-. c. i), lUiiKsh \ i . V., NUv. io. ; ;. i mw >. ; tm "I nm travelling for MAMMOTH CLOTHKi? I?0II?, L?UH.KN.S, s. c. And think twill 'Get there BMP'* Tn piirsinncfl of H pi ?.olutl?ii of tho Moa rd of hiro?t?i'N of iho flreqnwoo'', liUlironH and Rpartanburg liailroad Coiupany, n ini?ft ?<>t liio Htoeknioldorfl In lierohj rad I od i-> mvel in tho (Jourt Il011 KO. l.aurcn'i, S. c.. ul two o'hloOK r. M.. l >*?!.?. !. i * >i r .'.ri., to eonnldor tim ro? cent Bgrfteinont of tho cornpany to eon? noildutc with the Tort (toy a I and Augua tn Railway <".?., iho A rea a at a .and Knox ville Railroad ( o., tho Hivvannan Vaiiov \ I lal} road "od tho tireen viiie.v [yauf i en . Railroad ? '<>.. under Hie nanto of ihn I "I'm t ll yal A Wistern Caroliua Kuil t way ?:o." Hy order of tho IMtKSIDIONT. ? Androw Aadurnon .tr. Nm- 10-1 'i Sss an m vp la/rl' s"&y, o vir w?e a y to 'ciao Tori&lit g suxity in ca.-ua.ltty veLlui? o?* your Cnoapness are SJ ed, gloves at . . . . iriin> unb?i v<?k.t at damask at 5c Dress gooch $w h*_??) ? H > ?V .?2 y??-Liff et?, ?ttt. ^ILM-M ?Ai ? LA' Masters Sales. STATU SOUTH HAU? >LlNA COU XT V OP h A t 7f/'.\Vtf, Cl ii;UT OF COMMON Cl.CAS. I Pu rs? .nit lo.hld?mnnt for sn!.> in thc fol lowing stntr-d -ases I v^ i?l Hell al Laurens j Ci HM nt P I illili Mut ery , MM Salonday in Dooeinber next, lu'lng Monday tho Cth ?lay of iii" month, the property do? eriboii iv..bonne, upon theli'riiiH fcp? ci?led, to w it : In tl.ino oft'. I>. Biirksdnlo, an .'inn tor, T. |{. li. Wood. All that trnot of land ly i nj;, lifting und sit?alo in tim County nud Ststo afore said, oil Walnut Crovk, ?s."iiaiii'.n.: Thron hundred und ?i". .. norm, inoro or less, and I.?.und?M.I * hy malu of W, I.. ' Wood, .1. lt. havis, NV. ('. l?dcntiro, and others, ns appears hy ? pint i?udo hy I'aitl li. Kyror, 2-ltli Muroli ISSI. Terni*, t'nsh Tho purchaser to pay for pap. rs. Intim? (.-.. of Martin M. Toaguo 'va. William T, Fini?y. All ?:, it truel ..I'Iron! lyiujr, K.-inu nod situate ill (lin County mid .flatt1 a:''>i?' sald, ooiltkiiiing Three liundrod mid ihirty-tli?o? aeres, nair? or loss, n.a,l j hounded i j ianda ? f Jamos Finley, I Uroonl?ir; Fuller, and others. Torin* 'uir hitit'of the purobase ino- i to !>.. pi id cash, mid th? h^iiancc <>:i u . aa .lit , tu> y fi! r. ? i: ', i nt ? rout f roi.i tia . itv ? r ??if?, Hoon red by tho bond t>f tho pureba* ?r ?nd n mortgage of the prom- ? i-<v?"'. Purohaaor lo pay for pit pi rs. C. !>. BA UK S I) ALE, Muster, h. v. ; No\ ember Kith, l RS?. lt r?bate Judge's! Sale. Irby D. > nam ax | Wini r .?;' Wm. sv. f'ompl.iinl t Ut nu tn doe'd, -K,-!! realty in aid { ??.>.? ?.!' porHotm1 ty, i roydon Putnam ot id, 1 Pursuant to an order in tho abovo ata- i (Od ejlSO, I vc :il ?'.'.;! a', ptltilio ry :i! ! l.?iupaiH . M.. S.c . on Nitli -tay in l>? ..ember io xl, ibo folio ti* i Uss '.ti's'. Ont .ita: lying, I iain fr and situated in tin* County of Laurens lind Si ni n >.:' foul li Carolina, j oil wat "?-a ?>!' H?ver??iini Crook. Triad No, I, Iloinostoii'l, onutnining Ninety-two ni ros moro or loss, hounded i v binds pf M art i a Piddle, Thomas ("iiri lli 'fy nial "tinn, Traol No'J. ooiitiiSnttig Hovouly-tSirot" noi'i H nt? ri- ?"? los?, bonn l?H by lan,ls of I ' U.Martin. A elua k lind <>:!?*rs. Traei No il, containing Sixtv-tlve acres mi ro or loas, bounded by truel No ..!, J 1! Owens, J lt IthodoH and ol bois. TKIIM-V: Ono half ona!;, bnlnneo on n oro lit ?o' t?rive months, with Intorosi from tho day of ?ale, Cit* erodh portion j IO bo scoured hy tho bond of lim pundi-j asor, nod n mortgage of thta promises ?old. Tho purchaser to pav for papen. A. W. |H'RNSIf)J5, S >y I Jadj of Probato Ti C * Undertaker's . NOTICE. A largo nn<l v.n'icd assortment COFFINS AND UNDER AKERS COOPS Can i'hvy.'i bo found? nt my stand, over MARTIN ? PU LL EH'? BTOIVE LA?aatTi, s c ?ar*ltearaO keni when t*,?'sir<d. 8. W. C50?1BF.T, As Anent Ort SO if T lt K N R W BA HUE Ll SHOP I bog tt) inform tho piddle that 1 mn prepared toaervo timm aa Toii-iorilnl Ar n o m ni?, m.v.-qu.inor?. ?andertho ltoi) nruoufloteb rtsly prices o\ir [round. if ea/To"ty -?No groTpiiag iri money vvhen s vivid E-\s"'cl:ies? _ i :> ct* . . . . 4 0 cts .... 2*3 cl? ... 25 cts . eta each .5 cts . 4 3-4 yd? Tins \UGUSTA A N D ( i LOBE SI 0 T ELS/ (UMI)Elt ONE 1MANAGEMFNT.) Hr. Hi- HtOD 3 olit-t 10 I? iM>i?r"u'tur. Tho ? flotol* fire centrally -oi? to I on .liro.'ul street, the prlnclp hu t rough fa re <>t' August ami are I.rat class in all vespaci UKO Kloi'trio ami Cass light.?; el? trio bell in all ronni'-; street, ca pass tho door every five mlnut tor nil purls of tho city. The AL - LU'KT A and (J LO UK Hotel porter? noe*, passengers n* th* depots with lino onrringo?, bus and baggage wogi n. Travelers are requested not t ? give up cheeks on traiu. Mr. Doolittle, was formerly con nected with tho Tontine House, New naven sud \Ye?t Knd Hotel, N. J. HOLMES' SURE CURE MOl'Tll WAMI AND DKNTI FRICK Cures Blcei?in?? Hums, Ulcers, Sora Mn nb, Sore Throat, 1 loans** lite Teeth un ! PurilloK C.- Itreath. Paed and reu ? :r. ndod liv leading dentist. Pre ?a .. by I ' I - ,1 I'. A W It Hoi. M KN, Dentist, M ?eon, tia. Ko sale by alt : urn . tn I denlist, and lu Laurens by I ir. P. l.i UN NOlt, ?6- ly. Stats ot Soat? karolina. COl'XTY OF lt A IRRSH, I N PROBATE COURT. When as, VS . \V, Ken?c?iv ha* uppllad to me for I.?-ti.TS nf Administration on the Estate of C. M. Kennedy, deoenaad. i ? - arc therefore to cite und admon ish ;.H and singular tito kindred and creditor; said deceased to be and ?p ?' i-- I efl rc mo, in Hie i'ouri of Probate, lo be hoblr-n at Laurens C. IL, on tb? I Ith da\ ol Nov., I^stl,, te ?how cause, .1 any lin - cnn, v. hy said I.ellem sbould hoi bc grant ei 1. All persons having claims against ?aid i state will pr -soi:! the same on or before that d?.\ or bo forevor bar roth I > ; v < li under my and anil BCKI, this 37th day of Octobor. lt*S0. A.W. BURKftlD?. Probate J mian. State D? Soat?2 karolina, LA I" !'. ..: X S ?COU N TY, IN PROBATE COURT. \Vherons, \V. Sholl, c. c. c. p., has lippi I ed tome for Letters of Ad minisl rutii i on the Instate of John T. I hincan, due o used, Tin so uro t h ern fore to cite and ad monish -.Tl ?.?ni singular the kindred and creditors nf said deceased, to bo :iinl appear before me, in the Court of Probute, to bo boldon At Laurens C. IL, on tho 8th tiny of Dec, 1886, to show omise. If nny they cnn, why s;iid Leiter-, should mit be granted. All persons having clAlms against said estate will present the saino OR or before that dey or bo forevor barred. Cl I von under my hand anti seal thi->, JTih (lay Of October, I8K6. A. W. BURNSIDE, 6t Probate J tulga. Stale o? South Carolina. l, \r H E N 8 0 0 If NT Y. IN PRORATE COURT. Whereas, (1 \V 8holl, C CC P, BM ?p pUftl to mo for belters r>f Adfnhilalra i lon on tho Estate of Polly >'ower?, de eOncied. These ?re therefore m elle end ?d monlsh >.ll ?nd singular th? kindred nnd cr?ditent of sahl ileoeaard, tobe ?nd appear before mo in Court of Probat?, to he holden ni Laurens (' 11, on th? 23d davor Dee. 1*010, te show mn\\nv If ?ny they cam why Mid Loiter* should net bo granted Ml persons having Hat?*? again?? said est*?* will present the same on ni before that dav or be forev?r barred Oiven p nd er livy hand and seal thlt, 10th dor oi November 1SW, A vr ncRNHirm, itt probate Judge rvlN B \jnn>tpi? ''if vidiiMHibaoemni? 'writ**/****.