EMPSON MILUS. ?Htcr Hipp Lo YOL. ?. LAI KENS C. LIM S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1886. big job of Clothing _Baltimore Fir?. 'IHK I AUMi.KS HI? ' \ UOOIIIO <; Xl tl Kl! I M. ;;. (i? ? I . . s . , V I THK STATH ? ; .> . \ l'eriiiiillt'HI Orttnnl/niliiii -Mimi l< li ??I ?f Iii? (?t'ii'tut \n.i*'iulily-> Titi' I in Demil, Tho Slut?! tanner' Convention ?... in Agricultural Hui!, Columbia, onTuoi day, thu lUh inst., und WUH culled li ord< ir hy Capt. li, ll. TU! nun i, ol IM llnld. ( Supt. Tillman Hu II pr? tcccdud lo reu ?in mid u ss of which Un: Columbia . : ter makes thc following ?. nopsi : Capt. Tillman stub I ll ul . wine- t.. hi having been called upon fn ... ? speak throughout thu Slide th ; . fiann HUT, he had acquired soniewh; ; n fucili ty lor oxtomp intnuous upi u mi . hal ll.nt as ho could not follow i . ... with that force ? -lat. nu nt und ' ?un sequence thai lio observed i . . \\ ,. lugs, ho WOltld Hot attempt IM .. : du - tho Conventionuxtoinponuit'o !v. Ito therefore, had written un addi ami would rend it I ?ofo io thu ( ot .. . !.. .. M, I hon rend tho address, \,?. ?eli, tn hcm'u with, alluded tf tn.' "i. . v i i wluvli tho ollbrt tb organize .-. fanni move mcuthnd nu t. notw thslund Ibu op. position tho undorltd;iii|? ; u rou ?vi 1 Irian tho beginning. i lu i . , , ., " carno usually from thn.so who I d fn ; ;.. tho publie teat, and it was nalani! for thom tn squeal winn lin y !. ll ., . lipping from tin ir teeth. Appl?usi I:. nhl) ho wovor, tint despite thc edd water thrown on tho movement it would bo ti success and would rei i a in . ibouudi il bcnoill to thc a; i ?cultural in: r<. I? . t Ibo Stale, which, ho Wit . ? ?confess, had gone down year by yen'r until the siltiution was appalling. 'Tho rgiiniai (ion of tho farm, iv, would unite ti, tn, sud by their meetings ind Hu illeudom plan? they would oort .v . vise ll . .-doom would bo dispolli ! und thc ngri culturo of thu Stulo bit ?ad heult h v footing. If untiling . .... t: . i, ittiiod ?ol our agricultura would bo chi igul mid something dom lo aver! absolute rain. Thu farmers, ho t..t. d, w<. c.round ti powder belw.-cn tho liullston I Wint ern competition i m (li ono mid and borrowing money al ti Iii li i : interest with wbieh to make Un ir ... m th . other. The organization ol . furnier? would go far lowar.. coving (ha! mighty evil which Hin nh n . I ?cv whelm thc ?gi ? uhiii of lt luid bc. n ehargi I, Iii lind (hi fnrmors'movement was i i . Loni one. but it had ho moro polit ii ii i Unlit (lie fanni rs of Um State (iud ii it to ns simihite with it. Ho hiinsel! w, opposed to mixing politic? with thc .einent ii tito farmers could gd llieir ii'lit? with out it, but the (iiruii rs low adi 1 lo right tb. ir wrongs, nu I tl il >. i nil (buy asked. ' Applause. Thu . Heal fea tures of tho movement Wcl'i (. f..li atten tion to Hie needs of tho Ctn ne rn and placo tho situation ns it is before those m authority, li. ft it pretty uro (ha! their demands would hu hoi |< . and in casu tiny K<*> wind I hey . . ;.. ul io prop? r hands they would i? ;i i .1 ??..1 take, what they wuiitod. '?i . ? 1 IM (d' thought, however, that Hie; mild rt all (hey asked, nut! ?lab il ; hat "in rosull of the mosi im iit iiuiuh 1. members bad been elected lo I .<. I gishiture, pledged t" their ?di as ol .: 1 .. Thc principal Hiing lin 11 : 1er asked was tho reduction of liio (1 os which burden lum, and (lie adoptitat of .1 less oxpousivo system in edndtteliii , tho gov ernment of thc Slate, i ll v waiitc1. abolished all odious wh'cll liad been established for old fi .I broki 11 down /entry, and i.. [U'cdiutcd thai something iu tim. lita won! !.. done when the Legislature mei. ts. Vppluuso. Ile protosb .1 Uial Ilia 1 'nun 1 cai t no r??lection < pr?sent incumbents, but Were intended to cull att< tltioll to USolcS . ofllcos now existing male! u : govern mont. lb- adv? cadd thc total il ?vi cc of thc AgricuUund Department from politic-, ami wants it placed in lin bauds to which it proiicrly belongs, namely, practical, experienced fanni r . i lio >i' niuiids of I ho farmers wen- ilia! Ibo Agricultural Department, belonging by rights to them, should ho turned Over t" them. [Applause, licmuiiit.iii.edtii.it farmers w ere intelligent enough 11 ' III in igo their attaint, and tua1 if thu leading men in the milks would come to t! c ti id and consult they would uo! Iiavi to go to lawyers to Kilo?. hoi? \>\ ol their politics and be told how t. vote. Tho establishment ot mi Sgricnllnral College,said lie. would . far towards giving educated fanners lo thc suite, and WOttld (lissomill itetii.it pcielltillo and practical knowledge which thc stat?, KO much needed. Iii remarked that ho had a lotter from (lenora! stephi .' I). Lee, iu which thc Qer.oral infonuod him thal a c.-liege similar to the Vgricillturul Col lege of Mississippi would cost, occlusive of thu grounds and exporinioiital farm, 9100.OUt). Captain Tillman bi lloved that Um $80,000 raised from thc privilege t... on fertilizers ntld tin lund arising from . thc land script, in addition to a small appropriation from tho Suite, would bo ! ample to support the college and have all tho work done that is UOW dom by the Agricultural Department. In conclusion hr urged conservatism upon the farmers in their demands, und : unpleased his confidence ill legislation to : remedy thc evils they complain of. If tuceo wrongs wire" not righted thoy would bOOn hand two years hence, and seo that thev would liol I"' bamboozle I in tho next choice of oftlcials. .Ap plause, j Mr. J. U, Walsen ol Audi rson non i? nutcsl Senator NV. J. Talbert, of Edgo Held, for tem|)omr) 1 . lidcut (ho hoing thc caucus nominee) and thal gontleinan WM unanimously oleoted hy acclamation. Mr. Talbert 'look his position al tho HojM.rtois' table ami briony returned lils thanjkt to tho Convontion, Messrs. J. T. Duncnn, ol New berty, and W. P. Addison, of Abbeville. wn<> unanimously elected secictarcs. Capt. Tillman now moved that the roll of counties bo oaUetl anil that the char mau of each delegation announce tho names t)f those sent I? tho Convention from hi? county, and that such nan.os bo unveiled on delegates. Adopted. Tho enrolment ceiipied some tm i\ Ni? credentials were subliutb d. cot4/itioa of Aikeu, Barnwell, Boauioit, ?^.CRUu lUaa. awngetowii, i I..n v, Hamp-! ' ?. ? "'! wm. unroinesoittod, ?ml ' ?un j ?sonly represented byonoaltor . Hiehland hud ti largo delegation, :i ? hurleslon ono ubovo tho uvorni?? The: otiroiiuoul lasted until 1.13 p I ?M. When it Imil lu-? H ,;. mpleted Mr ' lj!?ell, ol Uvtnens, ?ata that lummbor ol w Bilton wura nbsontat tho Fair ?iud ho "wrcrorc proposed Hud nitor selectiuc .; '"?nnittcu ."Uun 8hlM,U1 K?COllWIlOttt j Mr. Wind, ut Ltiuron?, nioved thal tho . n??r appoint ?i meiulvr from caoh ??.-'-'?y toia.rve on Hie credentials com 1 . . dr. Fishburno, ..t Colleton, . ' ;ii. ,. th< udojition of un nmeiidniout . ?vidmg ?ii.it each delegation elect its own committooman, ami in ibis Bhane tho resolution -.vas curried. 'rin- foll...vin;; members constituted the conuniltco : Abbeville, A. NV Junos? Anderson, .1. .\. Hull; Hork? ley, .1. NV.' L. Clem? nt; Charleston, <;. C. Homes ( i" " 'S I.. I'. Moore; Colleton, li F Darker; Clarendon, .1. li. Tindal; Dar linglon, W. K. Molvu.ght; ICdj ullctd, M : ??? ilhna; ; Failli, ld. Hnmucl McCor mick; (ireenville, ii. <;. Cdlrouth; Ker ?haw, <.. W. Mokely; Lexington, Isaiah . ?"iliwan;:' r: Lauren., .1. M. IllldgClls; .Manon, T. ( !. Craw lord: Marlboro, .1. ' I!, tireen; Newberry, ll. II. Folk; (Jco m e, .1. .1. Keith; 'i imngebur -. F. I > Hates; Piekons, ll. C. Sholly; 11 ich land, .I. IL Ivinsler: Spartunbiirg, ll. I,. I'm'-' loy; Sumter, A. lt. Sunder*,; Union, John P. Thomns; Williamsburg, IL A. Faddy. At 1.1)1) tho Convention took a ree 's, mid tho committee on crodoetiuls, with' Dr. J. !!. Tindal ns chairman, bogan its scsfiion. \i**lil tensi?n. The Convention was called to order at '.'ld o'clock. I'v. Tiudul, of Clarendon, moved thal i thc temporary organization lu- made per innti nt, mid Hint afterwards tho consti-1 lotion ho adoptedaud pennas -.1 olliccrs bi ? !< ch .1 under it. Capt. Tillman spoke for this substitute, and it was e . ried. 'Hie temporary olliccrs having been, t i . i-- i? rmaiicnt, tho couslitu'iou for t he Fat niels' Association of .South Caro-1 lina was then read by Coi. F.. T. Slack liousc, of .Marion. A gentleman from Williamsburg moved ?t<: ou it by M ?tions, but by a vole of "M to :'| the Convention refused lo do so. ('???.i. Tillman stated Hud h. and Col. ?da-km n e iiad prepared thc constitu tion, but In- said in- hud no objection to having its sections voted on separately. I ii- Conveiilion adopted thc constitution ? its :?. whole, a s follows: l'lll'AMl tia:. \N o, llio fiiriuers ( South Carolina, in Convention assembled, recognizing (bc; wisdom ot ti;.- saying that in union Ibero is strength, have determined lol form au Organization for our mutual p:-.u-ction and benotit. It o, ets shall be the promotion of j all Inmut aos of agriculture and tho in auguration of a more rational und remit- i ncrutive system . t farming, These ends I .?;.-. io I..- secured by organizing ngrieiil IIUMI club.-, throughout tho Stale lo moot ? and iliscil! s Hie situation, and t lion bring ! thc billin ace of Hie oi'giuiiz) d farmers to j hear upon th;.- State government .MI as to '?? obtain protection against irani and int position, an i t.. secure that fostering cen'so imperatively demanded by our lu URI tish inj; agricultural in torc? t. While we shall us much a possible eschew politics, legislation which nilects tlie fanners injuriously or overlooks thom entirely will be our lind care till a remedy bc had. We claim Hie right t.. ?h. the ?e. cit i /..ic and taxpayers and invoke the assistance of all classes and professions in securing reform in nur government ?md in placing our agricul tural interests ou a more si cure and pro ipi rous foundation. To this ?ml we have lido [dod Hie following : . ONSTITI rio\. Ai.ii. i.:: I. This Association shall bo known as the Fanner.-' Association of South Carolina. Ai.i. ll. The oiltccm of th ls Associa tion ' hall IK- a Frosidout, st veli Vico I'resident* -ono from ?neb Congrcssion al 1 >is.tri* t a Secretary and Treasurer and un Executive Cominittro of nine om- from each Congressional District mid two at large all to be chosen by the members ot this Association ut the annual meeting in Novcmbt ., ami to hold their olliccs bu- <>nc year, or until their successors aro duly elected : provi ded, that tm- Executive Committee hold their ofllco one, two and tiree years, three hoing elected annually. 'l'lu' ll rat committee shall determino by ?ol the loilgth of their respective h rms. Ai;.. III. '1 he President t hall have ?I goncinl supervision of tho nitairs of tho Association ; shall preside- al its meet ings, preserve order, and regulato ibs discussions according to ordinary parli amentary mica, and shall be ex oflloio a member niall committees, In bis ab Mine one ol thc Vico- Presidents shall act. Thc Secretary shall atlond all moot' ines of thc Association, keep a record of its proceedings, us also those 0? the Executive Committee, ami attend tn thc corrCaponilonco. Tho Treasurer shall receive ami keep an account (J all funds, ami pay nut tho f ume. I>y order of the President, counter signed by thc Secretary, making au an nual iv]?ort of such receipts and expen tlituros tn tho Association. Aar. IV. The Kxcoutivc Committee shall have the general management and control of all business of thc Association, shall preparo ami issilO rt programme foi its annual meetings, and make all needed arrangements therefor. They shall take whatever steps they may deem proper te ? ...ir. the organization ot farmers clubs m OVOry County of the State, ever> Tow nship il possible, und until this it done they nmy appoint organizers to dc this work. Am. V. Tin; regular annual meei jugs nf the Association shall lie bold ii tho oity of Columbia thc second Tues ?day in' November, and special meeting: muy be called by the Fxcoutive Commit tee when deemed necessary. A nr. VI. Fach County Centra Farmers' Association shall ls- ontitled t< the representatives, who shall b cloded by '-aid A:->ocintioiis at their Qc tobor meetings in each year. Where m organization exists, a muss meeting o farmers may elect delegates, but tki ??wu ."rnii i in iiiianiiwiniim UM * v*.ivw??iwi shall ???liv bu nita wi ri once, aa tho value ol this Association will depend on its permanent oharucti r. Koch County Association ?ball doler in i no for itself tho qualifications oT it? members, and shall moot al least, [our times a year, und they shall not charge moro than lifty cents per MU tuber for an nual ilm ... Thc Governor ot thc Mate -.hull bc is ollieio an honorary member of this Association. Aar. Vii. Thorn shall boashuuling committee of ono lor each County, elec ted by its delegation immediately after the organisation iu completed, i<) whom all rekohtlioiis uv business propositions an- lo bc raf erred without debate, and this committee shall prepare bushiest r.u.l bc ci. powered lo make such recom mendations tu it shall sec. til, to be acted upon by tho Association. AKT. VIM. This constitution nial ia) altered or amended at any annual meeting by u vote ?d' two-thirds ot thc mouthers prc: ? nt. We also adopt thu following; UV I.Aw.-;. First. Tho I'rcstdeut ahull appoint all committees, unies.-, tho Association shall determine otherwise. Second. The Executive Committee may till all vacancies occurring in any nilli c, as also m th. it own number, until the uc\t annual meeting. Third. Ficelions for o ll ice rs ?hall hi lo, ballot. Fourth. A fee of livo dollars uhall la [?aid annually by each County Associa Lion sending dolomites, and thu delegates from no county wdl bo allowed to vote until lin's fcc is paid. Fifth. Thc regular order of busincui mall be: 1st. Koli call and enrolling delegates. 2d. Heading minutes ol last meeting. ?ld. (lorrcspondenec. Uh. Uuport of sp< eial committees. 5tu. Itoport of standing committees, '.th. I iilin::.bcd busbies . 7th. New business. Sixth. These by-laws may bu altered unended or suspended by a two third, rote of tho mond>evs presi nt. KI.F.CTION Ol' ni rici:;;:-. Tito election of olllcors followeil. Mr lloyd, of Darlington, uomiuntcd Capt 15. K. Tillman for president. Capt L'illmau said that he felt that ho coull lo moro for thc cans" bc had at heart \y nerving in the ranks or in some otho ..apacity limn in thc presidency; he Lhen fore, begged to decline. Mr. Earley, of Spartauburg, nomi nated Mr. 1), K. Norris, ol Audorsou. . ilelegate nominated President Tnlberl who declined. On motion of Mr. I'isli hume, thc Chair cast tho illuminion vote of thc Convent ion for Mr. Norris 1'he annottncomenl of tic vote wa .reeled with hearty applause, weich wa resumed when Mr. Norris was escorte Lo thc chair by Messrs. lloyd, Tillma ind Timhil. On taking thc chair Mr. Norris e.1 pressed his high souse or tho h< mor wilie liad in en conferred upon him in h ?(election to preside over so represent) liven body of South Carolinians, would be thc privilege ol the no mbi >f the Convention, as citizens, to coi ddcr the thines that affected them i .iii.'.elis, and looking to their inion ls ..griculturnlists to advance thom with intagoni/.ing oilier interests. !t woul in: their duty to consider as farmers an to suggest to tin (luneral Asscmb measures for the relio! of tho farmii interests. They had gone to the pracl ..al walks of life for u mau to lill Hu mair, and with a knowledge of his i experience bc relied upon their indi gonce of Iiis shortcomings as au ollici Tho olhor olllcors elected were an f< lows: Vice-presidents Col, li. S. Bcdo if Colleion, for tho Fir?! Congrcssion District; Hon. NV. J. Talbort, of Edjj liold, l ir the Second District; Capt. di Heard, ol' Ocoiice, foi thc Tl li ill U triet; c. NV. Shell, of Laurens, bu- I Fourth District; NV. A. Ancrum, of Ki diaw, t'orthe Fifth District; (len. I.. Staekliouse, of Mai ion, for the Sis District; Dr. E. .1. Ucmbcrt, of Slimti for the Si vent h 1 hst rid. Secretary .1 T. Duncan, of Nc I icr ry. Treasurer - W. F. Addison, of Aid ville. The standing committee was eli cl ns follows: Abbeville, J. Thor.-ton; il iletson, .1. H. Watson; Herkeloy, F. ?jogare; (.'ballest?n, W. H. Kinsnii ( hester, C. W. McFadden: Collet. E. C. Eishburuc; Clarendon, J, E. i ilnl; Darlington, J. W. Bensley; Etl| Held, 15. lt. Tillman; [''airfield, NV. Uubb; Greenville, NV. 15. Buist; Han ton, Ceo. Mosely; Lexington, ll. Scibi ls; Laurens, .lohn NV. Illidge Lancaster, I!. E. Micklcr; Orangobn ,T. E. Wannamaker; Suinter, A. K. K dors; Union, .lohn F. Thomas; V linmsburg, F. M. Britton; .Marion, T. Stackuouse; Marlboro, E. NS'. Eogv Newberry, ?T. C. Goggans; Oconce, J, Keith- Piokens, ll. C. Shirley; Ki land, J. II. Kinsler; SpnrtauLurg, ll. Earley. A number of r?solutions, touch upon various matters, were now ml duccd, and referred to the standing C< mittcc. The Convention then adjourned '.?J o'clock on thc morning of thc 1 instant, Heroud lin>. Tho Convention assembled at o'clock, but took a recess till eh o'clock, in order b> hear the report tho committee on resolutions, c Tillman read this report, as follows: TUB PLATFORM. After due consideration <>i tho vai resolutions refelled to us. and tal into consideration thc power .nu.si ns to make independent reconnue: tionfl of our own volition, wo submit following platform as embodying substance of such resolutions ns - acted upon favorably by tho conimi and aa indicating thc reforms and u uri s which wo deem of great import to our interests a? farmers and citb We, the farmers of South Carolin Convention assomblod, after mature bin-odion and after all the light and pcrieneo gained since our last Coi tion from tho fullest discussion an ourselves os to tho genoral objects I attained, hereby express our conti and unshaken confidence in our Fan Association as now organized to BC plisli great good for the Suite il pro conducted and kopi within legiti bounds, aud wo hereby reiterate ot; I termination that t hero shall bo h - _.- - - ~ 1 * ? ? ' rusant rr*txtu*xmmJ?tTjti!xi?i^-?^rwtwnaioarK>?* ?ni?i>? forth in S'.ntli Carolina an organization for tho protection and advancement ol' our agricultura] biloresta. In furtherance ol' Ibis purpose uud as! embodying the presen! vfows ot' tho state, >vo reelect ful ly urge u]>on our (louerai Assembly thc necessity and ad visability ol' tho following measures: 1. The ostablishmonl ol' a rca! agricul tural college, soparato ami distinct, from the South (laroluuiCollege, and moiloled alter those of Mississippi and Miobigan. Wo believe that tho iicoossary funds to build and C((ltip this institution e ui be seourcd by lopping oil uoodlcssi < jeudi turcs, aud abolishing or consolidating useless ellice i willa.ut iucrenst .1 tniuttiou. We further recommend, iis a moans to assisi in building tho inst Untie J, that lin; di Ocrent coontie of thc Stale bc em powered to bid for il by offering bonds or lund. 2. That au experimental station Should bo est ab b's! t. I nt or In conncct?oii with still"I Agricultural and Mechanical Coi lego, thc j mic to bo under tho cluu'go of its facu ly, ni d thal wo niomorializo Cou gross lo puss tho bill introduced by Mr. Hatch eui now pending, which appro priates ?.!.?, OOO annually to each Stale lor thu . i ll'pose, and that we ask our ScttaP !.. mid Congressmoii to usc ?di legitim mourns to secure ils pas.-.ige. '. lint io order that mir agricultural aimil i : ation may be divorc.,! as furas possible from politics and politicians, and tl i ten best (puil?(lcd lo perform those npoi'taiil duties bo selected by tho: ,- . isl competent to judge, in order that w muy secure a honed of ngrieul lure a . !>. e ? Dicion!, /.eatons mid repr? sentai , . i;-> '.snow (nu- needs and will try to .... . Lin in, we uygo thal instead ot ticing chosen by the Legislature they oe i looted by titi-- L'armera' Association. 'i ! e board of agriculture should consist o'" leu members, rlvo elected annually. I'bey should have thc power lo elect their own secretary^ whose duties would eorrespun I with tin,so ol' lim present commissioner. Their duties would be the same as thc law imposes tm our pres ent board, except os tin collection of th? phosphate royalty, which should ls given to thc comptroller-general. In ad dition tiny should have control of Hu agricultural college iud experimenta st ile,H, and should by means of farmers institutes build up ai.d io oj) aliv- coinint agricultural associations'. I. Thal Hie system of inspection ot fertilizers is now defective, and no ado ipiatu punishment bu- frauds provided We therefore urge such additional logis int ion tts will si eme th" ; oded protec tion without imposing ..uneci ?ry ro strain ts upon thc manufacture nial -aie o fertilizers. Cotton seed mea!, ivbotbc .-.old:?... fertilizer Ol' as iced for stock should be inspected anil its udiiHcriitioi punished. We Iii':' tue i .- |;islulllle not tl si pin udor tn.' Stale's property by allow tho wholesale exportation of phofi phateu at morely nominal prices, nn< lind willi a view o? h . liing the burden ol' taxation, they take into consid?r?t io the advisability of increasing Ibo plios plmto royalty. c. Wc recommend lin; pitssag of sue legislation as will protect the farmers t tin Stale j iga i ii t imposition mid frau in (lie weighing of cotton. 7. Wc respectfully urge sud lcgi< tioti as will protect ir against io .est lin negligently star;. il. S. Th-- enualization ol' ? ix< demand earnest consideration ai. lin: ha!, ls of tb Legislature, aud Wi urge such ?totiou it ctn best secure it. 0. We urge such alb rations ? I the ic; billas will guard the estates ol dead poi rons against abuses and providi protea lion fm w idows and orphans. b?. I it order lo si cure I h.- ia (led r? lorne in our county | men s and t I? due? ibo burden of taxation. well ; to secure snell changes in ti e judicii ...esti in ns may be nc. di d, wc earnesil request our legislators to com-idcr tl advisability of calling a ci list ?tut ?ont couvi ut ion, unies.- , iu their judguien the necessary changes may bc better ol taim d by amendment. Aller the reading ol' the platform motion was made to take il up by sc lions. This excited KOI110 di 0U88?O1 ami a division was demanded on tl question, resulting yeas 00, nay. ?20. The platform was then read by se lions, and was adopted. During t! progress ol the reading there were lil or two .hort discussions. The plutform was then adopted as w hole. \.x AU mci' ian; 11, i oi/nuon. The following resolutions, adopted I tho Anderson runners' Club, were r n rred to tia committee: Unsolved, That the Novembei Convo (ion bc urged lo demand ol' our uo Legislature the establishment of au Og cultural college separate and distill from the South Carolina College. Ucsolvcd, That WO ask for a rcorgai /.ation of lin- di partinout of agrioultti in thc interests of economy and of t farmers of thc State. nu: PACTOltS ANO rut: rsi nv r,AW, Mr. II. IL Thomas introduced the f. lowing resolution, which was also ; ferred: ! Whereas tie- usury lav, lia.-, lind cflect in cheapening money, but 1 shut the farmers ont from obtaining t samo and turning us over to thc out goons charges Ol thc cotton factors a merchants, amounting to from 00 to 1 per cent. : And, whereas, these laws force tho f mers to exchange cotton for goods, 01 bliug thc merchant to IK thc price of t farmers' produce and to exact the pr of his good.1, thus doing away with I ?circulation of money among the larine to thc detriment of thc whole country Therefore we recommend tho rip of tho usury law. Aitoirr u n..A nos. Tho following was introduced bj dolegnto whose, nanu? could not be ? tai nod : Ucsolved, That plaintiffs in refcrt Courts Lc required to give bond for f t?cient amount to cover probable cosh suit. Tho committee on resolutions ropoi a ]>npor, submitted by Dr. Lend* with the recommendation that it Lo p Ushod and that its considoiatiou bi; fcrrcd until the next meeting. . PAVlNO l'.Xl'RNSKS. Af tor some debate, nu asnessmonl ono dollar was laid ujwni each doleg to pay thc expenses of the Oonycntic which tho treasurer proceeded to ooll A nrn i.si/AT iv rc covuiivntK. Capt. Tillman then u;ovod that a e miltie of five bo appointed !<. t ? ? * sit r . to liiivi! Uio legislation recommended bj tho Convent iou p- sclited to tho (JOHOMI Assembly, nu?! passed, if possible. This evoked another discussion. Capt. Stnckhouso thought that tho oxeeutivo comnnth o should he untrusted with tho work. Another delegate thought that a com mittue ol titree Would he Ktlflloioilt. Thuir oxponscf would have bo paid, and na tho farmers had been preaching I retrenchment it would ho ns to ?veil prac tico it right nore. Finally ii was agreed that tho c un millee should consist ->\ three mond ors, to he "-elected from tho executive com mittee. THU NHVi iVOitlCl 1/1! KA), ijo.uto. Capt. Tillman next suggested thal it would bo ncc. .- -aty to bu prepared with an agricultural board in case tie Legis latine decided lo turn tho bureau ovi l lo tin Wo, >!i, ns recommended in tho pia t?o mi. o- moved that thc com mittee on o ' .tioiis he instructed to name len mei TS of tin1 Association, who by reason . .? Ibeir character, ability, earnestness mid ;'.cnl Mid command tho respect of tho fur mei's ol the Stale as li' tobo tho tl rsl ''..lido, thc reorganized bureau. This evoked a l?hg discussion, in which Capt. I ?liman tool? .m active part, oxpliliuing li:., views and iliteUtloUS. Tho motion was Anally adopted wilban amoudiucul requiring 'lie luinies to in Bubmittcd to t tte Convention torcon.lt' iiitition. \ t.. ?v lil-'BAST. Capt. Tilhiuiti next, willi au apology for Hu- freipiency . .! hi occupaucy of the Moor, .stat, d that it was known that in some ol' Iiis loiters published Ins! win tor lu had p.setl words in rt fen nco to thc State Agricultural Society which might bo considered too strong. Il< said In- had bren Inui. t in what IK- lind sii.l. I; was stated ly ninny ol tin mombo rs of tho Slate Society that thi? Association ?a. antagonistic lo that body, and wa intended to ?upcix 1 i!, lb- for on.- remembered thal during tin dark days of Dndicul mic in th" Slate, the State Agricultural Society was per haps thc only organized body ot' whit mon itt tho Stale. He desired t" deny that he hud thc least leoline oi resent ment or distrust lot tim! society. tlc desired that harmony and concert of notion should exist between tho two bodies, ?md with that view i i moved Hint a committee of three bc appointed to invite tho State Agricultural Society to meet this Vssocialion in ?oin! coiivi u tion a kind of lovotVusl tliiscvt.-nhi ;ni 7..'JO o'clock, in order ti.;.- there might bo a union ol the two ? ?ny of I hr ? rand army of farmers. applause. The mo lion was unanimously adopted, and the Convention theil look a u v is until :.:..() r. M. I '.-. I'niii^ ? ctnlou Al half-past 7 about one hundred members reassembled nt thc !!?ill and th? meeting was called to order hythe president. Slr. D. K. Noni-, Tho first business before Hie expected lovofcast was tho itnuotuiceim ul ul n new board of agriculture in case ih< Legislature should adopt the ivcomnion dation of the Convention and transfer the maungemonl ol the bureau ol' agri* cult uro to the Furniers1 Association. Thc appointments, ns tuiuouuced by the eouimittec nu business, tire: D. K Norris, Anderson; M. i.. Donaldson, Greenville; I'.. J', ilackhouse, Marion; 13. U. Tillman, Kd^ctlold; I?. I'. Duncan, Inion: Allan Johnson, Newberry; ,J ol ;i son llagood, Hurnwoll; I!. A. Love, Cluster; K. L. Hooves, Charleston; A. H. Davis, Fairfield. (lu motion of Mr. Shell, ol Laurens, thc report ot the committee was adopted and tin appointments were confirmed. The mern hors of thc Convention were then requested to occupy the chairs on tho loft of Ibo hall, leaving lUoso <>n the right fm- tho.mciuhcrs of tho Slate Agri cultural and Mechanical Society, win? had bu n invited to attend a joint meet ?up;, and a recess was taken until -s o'clock. At twenty-eight minutos past . o'clock Captain Tillman moved to adjourn. A delegati asked what had become of tho lovofcast nt which the Stute Agricultura and Meohnnioal Society was to hnvo as sisted. Tin, chairman replied that thc Convention had expected Uiem al 8 o'olook and hail waited for them; that much lo his regret they bail uol np* pciu'cd, andas lin hail hail been promised io the Survivors of tho Wal nco House at half-past s o'clock ho didii'i BOO how the Convention could wan. On motion, tho Convention thou ad journed sim dio. Tho reporter of tho New and Cou rier adds this statement : " Wit hon I being informed ns to tho causes which provontcd tho attendance <>f the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society, I venture to say tiiat tho joint meeting proposed was impracticable tor tho rea son that tho Society was not in session, its annual meeting luting appointed foi tho next night, N>> doubt thc proper explanations will bo made." l'riM'ri-i?li.^i of III?' INwlHIUHlcru, The con vont ?on nf third und fourth i lash postmasters of South Carolina was lu id Inst night al Stanley's Hall. The conven lion organized as follow -. President P. A. Sclillllcy, postmaster il Orartgcbiirg. Vice Presidents- -D.O. Her heil of Newberry, W. t !. Ilosoi f Tlmmons ville, W. s. V'tuner of Orcoloyvlllo. Sec retary and Trwisurer-ll. 1-3. Donner of Duo West. Desolations weroadoptod asking an in crease of compensation, Tin- following delegati were elected to represen! South Carolina ul Hic Nul ional Convention of Postmasters to l?o held in June al ClllcitgO : P. A, llcldfllcy of Ol nngchurg; ll. B, Donner of Due Weil C. W, Wehl? of Hpnrtnnbtirg; IL .1. Ore? orv of Lancaster; W. s. Variier of (ire lex viii?:, IL Ki Donnor was nominated to rep resent Som ii Carolina ou t lie Nation d I fi ceulivo OommllU c. A resolution was adoptai calling upon third class posl!;;:i,t< rs al court houses to organl/iic county convi niions. After rending a letter from Ike Poslmas tor General acknowledging thc receipt of an Invitation lo a?ted the meeting, the eon volition, at 10.80 P. M., adjourned. *Ca totnbia Record, Nor. IQfh A barbet -mys thutwiicii Q lady's hair be ejus io conn out, ns after a fever, it is much bettor to singe lt <>?r than to cut it. That 1? nil very well, but what ls to la: done when a man's bair 1H giusto come out after he's married i X<*-V 3 ' ta IK MKUI 'S WW.t>fc K?C 1.r.3U af?C-*C . SM? YUH ??ill I un h iso t!'e oniy ROAD CAM' made I uro tho i isICHI ni tu H 'S. without liursc motion, oil adapted io tiiclr uae. WK Alt!. THU SOI f*Jew York Belting ? Standard Hoi Tim best made, ?ititi curry ?II block all Hlzoe, ? to 1 /Nt;. nourantcud lo IMJ ASUUOI) AH (JAN BK M ADI T?nnen nuil r.iw llldo Luce l.oaUior, huaerlor in Als.i, a full linc )l MANILLA KOCK, Kilauea. : I'llCCA ,11 KI*?"Kiv -D sovonty.flvo UOUU EUAHI iiuik'- "' Maa/.:? and Breech Loaders'. i ino ?. ir loii'l Silo ?', ?.">.";'> SHlif4t,S; Oil? luiMcu .i? I. . .. i r ce v Ats*? in stooK iii? uio-n complote ?? (. sui: :?? ?.vi ns? ried SAD!>|.KS. ! II Ilea' mid M in's, wi I,? nt icr', (Urina, llrldli ?, Ac, it priced ti 'Vor bain o ll inti? i and laiy new nt Hie pru ea '.'!?. i; ,">> v will I \Vo can i BO ott " exte ino low in.1, 'M in lava' . pr .?..?: I.'.iilailo pal i .:?;: aii-l lim Sk I'la, s?au?;,? i. jt r, Harness l.entlior, Upper 1/?atliir. \ ?. Set: l.v.:. iii f>r the LA IUI AI Nf" forillo s ?:>. l SIX GOODY At t!io < )??l Stand, opp i.dte ll KA I iQUAlt i audi Materials, Saddle Shoe Pii j~o TT ~_ *"? Thu fc'lnoat and Most Vari? i Abantan Brought to tiio Ult" Tidings ol Coi 'J\> tlioan who havo hoon ivronchi -i un', joi now oiler you tho uiu?t delightful vehicle $35. Try ono and save your health, l-.V< ry un u cult, should havo one, a ? tit ; price ts wit DA V & TANNATU NO. 831 BROAD STREET, --Wholesale anti Rc Cook Stoves and OF IJK8T P. In Stock, Mantels, G: ? Car Loads ( Do KIM. ami II KATINI) SI 600 G RAT a}, Plain and Enameled. 2 Car I.nada KITKK BUICK. ?r-o R?xes "CHARCOAL" TIN ROOF INO, 100 Bu nd lon Sumer IKON. ? Casks v u KIM' ZINC GALVANIZED IKON, SOLDKR, K.C., Ure TINWAKC, Stampial and Piecod, In ??nu ?ale. Sari?uy tho ' EXCELSIOR" COOK S'l (cr roora, jjiv?ui: satlsfaotlon. ?rnEATING STOVES-for COAL or 1 135*" Send for Circulars and I'l locs. Ane-usta. Ga., .-."pt. 28, 1880. ? - TUR LUTiKNS HAIL J. T. JOHNSON. W. lt HICIIKY, JOHNSON A iMCiir.Y, Al TORN KY s AT LAW , Oi-1- ICE [.Tomlng-a I lornor, Northwe&l side of I'ublic Squat'o, LAU HENS c. H., 8. C. J. < , O VI?I.INOTON, AT TO ll N K V AT L A W, UAUHKNS .'. M., s. 0. Office over W. Rt Gnrrott-8 8toro. Vf, 0, DENKT, V. V. M'OOWAN, Abbovillo, Laurens, HlONl-rP nt IMc<10WAN, A?roi?NKVS AT LAW, I.At IIKNS C. If.i S. 0. J. W. KKItGUSON. URO. K. TOCNO< PKROI SON & YOUNO, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, I.ALUKNS C. H., S. C. vi? NOWINC i?r & Go's ii.it will no; annoy you witli a .ore back horse,and oap and reliable. Any ordinary nuggy haruem M AURNTX VOlt md Packing Co.'s fober Belting, ! lachea Also, i'UHB OAK LBATUBU BBLT qu i ny (rccomnicails itself.) Hu lillie oil, Ul veta -uni Heir Hooks at Lowest IEI< SHOT (.I NS, <,f iniprovoil patterns and boat louts, \\ ol--, Pewilor, ac, whcti we will nm oft ne IIAKDWAKK, !.?. i Von can afford to throw away year old noli! for. ii >nslRn:nKI,PH. N. J. HOI.MKS. H. V. SIMI'SOM. HOLMES & SIMPSON, A T T () H N E YS A 'I' L A W, LAURENS C. M., ft, C. N. S. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAUREN?, C. IL, S. 0. B?* Office over store of w. L. BOYD. Br. W. H. B?LL, ??r.vriNp. OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK ANO DRUG STORE. Oltlco days-Mondays and Tuesdays. LAURENS C. H., S.O. rt, p. roon. W. II. MARTIN. T01>1> ?? M ART I N, ATTORN E V s A T L A W, LATHENS C. H., S. Q.