The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 25, 1886, Image 4

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Til? IN V I VI OH OK H\<-4 ll AHOK. An A cc i (I t-iu Lea?*? lo au Important lllwovery A HuiiHinm,. Whlrli Out-Sugar*Sugar. Dr. Constantine Fal?borg, tin- in ventor ?ir discoverer of BOXMuuuine, the new coal tar sugar, is a tall, well-built, handsome Oerman-Ami rican, of about thirty-eight years of ago. 1 le speaks tho modern languages fluently, and despite the celebrity that has so suddi lily fallen upon him, is quito diffident and re sirvcd. To an unpining reporter, who had called upon him for the express pur pose of conversing with him on tlu- UOw swietening agent, he said: "How did I discover saccharine'/ Will, it was partly hy accident and partly hy study. 1 had worked a lon:,' tllUO upon tho compound radicals and substitution products pf coal tar. and had nimio a number of scientific discoveries th* are, so far as I know, of in? commercial value. One evening I was so interested in my laboratory that" 1 forgot about supper until quito lato, and theil lushed oil'for a meal without stopping to wash my hands. 1 sat down, broke a piece of bread, and nut it to my lips. lt tasted unspeakably sweet. I did not ask why it was so, probably because, 1 thought it was some cake or sweetmeat. I rm fed my mouth with water, and dried my moustache with my napkin, when, to my supriso, thc napkin tasted sweeter than the bread. Then 1 was puzzled. 1 airain raised my goblet and, as fortune would have it, applied my mouth where my lingers had touched it before. Thc water seemed ayrttp. Jt Unshed upon mo that 1 was the cause ol' the universal Sweetness, and I accordingly tasted tia end of my thumb, and found that it sur passed any confectionery I had over ?aten. I saw the whole thin;: at a .ulai.ce. J had discovered or nuuk sumo al tar substance which OUt-SUgUTcd .a; ar. i dropped my dinner, and ran back to tho laboratory. There, in my exciteim nt, 1 tasted the contents of every beaker and ovaporating dish on thc table. Luckily for me, none contained any corrosive or poisonous liquid. "One of them contained an impure .solution of saccharine. On this 1 worked then for weeks and months until 1 had determined its chemical composition, its characteristics and reactions, ami the best modes of making it scientifically and commercially. When I first pub lished my researches, somo people laughed as if it wire a scientific joke: others, of a more skeptical turn, deni ?ted the discovery and the discoverer, and still others proclaimed the work as being of no practical v alue. When tile pul die Amt saw saccharine, however, everything changed. The entire press, l.uyopoaii and American, described mc and my sugar in a way that may have been edify ing, lnit was simply amusing tn i ie. And then came letters. My mail btu run as high as sixty a day. i'copk wanting samples of accluu'ino, my auto graph, or my opinion on chemical problems, desiring to become my part ner, to luiy my discovery, to he my agent, to enter HIV laboratory ami tin. uko. A WONDBliFUL St'CCKSS. "What have 1 dono? I have started a company in Germany to mnnufucturi saccharine, with a capital of 2,UUO,U0< marks. They are already et work, ami are now producing tia- new sugar. Il costs, or rather we sell it, between ."Ml and 812 per pound, but will redueothes? ligures considerably before a y ear lue gone past, ? w oulil rather have startei in this country, which is my home, lui thc high price ol' skilled labor, and tin high tar?ii On thc crude materials (fini chemicals) of which saccharine is made deterred me and my friends fruin si doing. 1 will say, howOVCr, that if ap plied chemistry continues progressing a it has done in the past d?cade, we sha! open branch works lai? within the OCX live years." Saccharine is proving a wonderful sue cess. It is used already in many ways lt is employed by tin- makers of glucosi and beet sugar. Tin SO an- inferior ii sweetness to cano sugar, but superior ii digestibility and healthfulness. The ad ditton of a trilling fraction of saccharin makes them the . ipials of tin- lined cale sugar in the market. Saccharine is M sweet that a teaspoonful converts a bal rel of water into syrup. A small wah of it converts the bitterest quinine sohl tion or neill drink into a regular moho ses. lt will, therefore, be invnluabl in disguising and destroying all the bit ter a nt tour taste;- in medicine witina: chancing tho character or action nf th drugs. Saccharine dm s not decay, mould o ferment, neither is it attacked h bacteria, lt has no injuriousciTcel ItpOl the human system. What CiYeCt ha been noticed is rather beneficial thai otherwise. This immunity from deco, will render it of great utility. Wier sugar is used ns a flavor and not as food, it is bound to be replaced by pac ellarine; where as a food ami liavor ct .ir. bined, it will not be. In Hie futur' tb new sugar will be used by druggist* physicians, bakers, confectioners, cond, makers, bo?tiers, preserve and piokl makers, liquor distillers, wino milker and dealers in bottlers' supplies. THF. FORMATION or SAC! IIAIUNK, Thc new coal tar plodilct, saccharin! which is expected to prove very nsofii on account of its sweetening power i respect to which it stands to enuc ?uga in thc ratio of 220 to 1, and with whici considerable antiseptic proportion ur combined-was mentioned al length b; Sir Sydney Uoscoo in a recent discours at tho Boyal Institution. Tin's new sub stance was described by tin- lecturer a the most remarkable of all the marvel ons products of the coal tar industry. ! is not a sugar, but contains carbon hydrogen, sulphur, oxygen and nitrogen and its chemical name is bonzoyl sn! phurio ?mido, lt is neither a nubien nor a poison. ll is derived from tin toluene of coal tar, by a process coin prising at least seven distinct steps; tin whole Contributing a triumph of syn thctical chemistry. Toluene is firsl kcal od with sulphuric acid of 108j dign e Twmhlcll, but, not above Inn degrees C After all thc original toluene has disip poarcd, tho mixturo is run into ivoodoi tanks partly tilled with cold wator, when it is stirred np with chalk. The mas: thus iieiitnili/.ed is Mitered through i press; and the calcium salts are trciitci with sodium carbonate, with anothoi nitration fi Mowing. The solution of tin Sodium suits thus obtained ls evaporaba mid thc solid residue dried by steaii heat. This material is then mixed v. it I phosphorus trichloride, and treated ,\it! . a current hf chlorine, Certain residual: aro then driven off, and tho apparat tu contains two sulphouic chlorides om ; olid and tho other liquid. Only th? lutter is capable of yielding saccharine This is now separated, mixed with solii ammonium carbonate, and steamed After some further mechanical trent mont, the liquid i.s oxidized by potaSSi nm permanganate, and, finally, the pur stte?nnrine is precipitated by dilute min oral acids, it hus a far sweeter tust titan sugar, and a faint, delicate flavor O .bitter aTmoiulfl. This ls tho season of tho pear when yoi fftn get what you do not want real cheap 'Uli-: IvMOII l s- OK 1.41'Olt. l'ordinal (Jibbon* Declare* thal tin- Order ta uot I niter tin' H'm of Ibo Church, RAI'TIMOIIK, Augtisi ID.-Tho American will prim lu murrow ?tn interview willi Cardinal Gibbons, who says: Cardinal Tiisehercan'ij condemnation <>f Hu- Knights ul' I.altor should not IMJ taken tis tin' sentiment of Hie Church. 1 am not familiar with tho labor organisations ii. Quel i e. but it is certain that the Cardinal's hostility grew ont of .some local laws or conduct of liie Knights which are contrary t the doctrines of tho Church. As tu tin- Knights ol' Lah orin tho I'lilted Slates I have nut thorough' examined their constitution or studied their purposes, yet from thc newspapers anti I'owdcrly's ?tate meals 1 infer Hitit their objects arc pntlsc worthy und not opposed to Church view-. Toe Catholic prelates will lo a man declare in favor of thc organization of labor. There can bo no winne In it Organization ls thc basis of all progress, political, social and re ligious, only when it is abused does tho Church raise her voice. I have 110 knowl edge of the local societies III ('ana-la. Whether or not set ret pledges arc taken by tho Knights of Labor there Isa question on whtcn moro light should IMJ thrown by lin li leaders. Vicar General t onwuy, of Chicago, assured me that it bears no roseni blum e lo the l U'dcrof Masons. Odd Fellows and i ther organizations which th" Church lias always untngotiiz'.'d. A distinction must bo made as to thu nature of seilet pledges. Wc hold lltat il aman joins a society swearing never to reveal any of its workings, and to obey tho dictates of it? ollleors blindly, bc surrenders his personal liberty. Un thc other limul, if ti man joins, swearing lo keep beeret ?o workings, with Ibo pr viso that nothing shall bc contrary lo the laws of the land, wu hold he ls per fectly justifiable. The whole question de pends on wiiic'.iof these oaths tho members take Ii the latter, and in accordance with Mr. Pow'derly's statements, then tho Church -ays to tho Knights of Labor: "God qu i d you. ' If. however, thc abso Inti! hi?nd pledges ls taken, no matter how laudable the object ol th" society, thu Church can never countenance it. and will cull on In r children to Withdraw under pain of excommunication. So everything depends on thc proviso, In lite S-.M-i't Dy nuil U\ . Thc opinion is expressed bj ninny lend ing j nil'iuds "l" Ibo country thill we are on thc t ve of n lively revival of general pros perity. This pap r has published on sev eral occasions recently urfti '?. - e .titahiiug these \ iev.s mid giving good reasons ns the basis ol'their arguments. This feeling of hopefulness appeal's lo generally prevail In commercial circles. Thc New York .1 cnn (}racer, which ls conservative and well informed, in its ciirrenl number says: ' There arc ninny signs that consumption lins nguiu cutighl lip with production, and th it we are now-on Ibo eve ol another pc* iii-! of good timi -. Itaiiroitd building lins bi iran to Increase again; our steel rail mili ar- not able to supply the demand loi ra!-, niitl orders are .-crain beginning lo he placet] in liiirope* general manufacturing and bushiest ls Improving, ns ls shown bv tlio Improved demand for money from all sections ol liie country, which has drawn down Hie surplus of the New- York banks over the legal reserve from sixty minions last year to eight million- (his y< m : stocks of manufactured goods arc gent rally small. and j 'i ii es -o low t hat any change ntusl be foran advance; many Items in ibo grocery lino are linn and tending upward, sn iv lo k- ns i' we liol only were likely ?o -ce a stoutly trude, but as if another bi toni was coming. Indeed, tili- i- Inevitableevery few y< a-, for the ground (?well of Increas ing population is sute 1" catch Up with n\. . production. Th? railroad Oatcth (.!' August il shows flint since the census of 1--a our population lins Increased ?.SOO, OOO, or nearly 20 percent., and that on .Inly t it amounted lo ijlM'OI,UU0. With th em i gmt ion fol* thc m vi four year- no lal . er than la-t year, and the .ame rate <.! na I ul ai Increase Iii popoiiluticii, ll would Bring ll up to 00,'100,000 lu IHIIO, or about 10,001),con ia ten year?. With such a tre mendous hiercase of i opuliition II business boom every few year , ls ci rtulu." 'I lits is encouraging, and our people have em iso to rejoice over Hie fact that wc ure about to ivitness the dawn of a vigorous revival of business ami a n turn of gem ral prosperity. _ IVhilc in re IM I .Ue ? liet >? >- Hope. Many of tho diseuses of thia season of ibo year can bo liveried bv a small amount of care and nt little cost, by thc timely uso ol' KWIIANK'.*] TOPAZ I 'I-I itoNA ( lonni M.. li cures Dlarrhica, Dysentery, Chol era Morbus and like complaints. A'o traveler .should bo without n bottle, as it will prevent any disease that would no doubl arise from tho chango of water, food and climate, without its' u-e. Tho most val nublo medicine in (he world, contains all the best and most curativo properties of all other Tonics, Hit tors, etc., etc., being the greatest Mood I uri lier, Liver UegU hi tor and Lifo and llcnllh-ltcstoring Agent in existence. For Malaria, Fever ami Ague, Chills and Fever, Dyspepsia, ludigcstlon, Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Chronic Rheumatism, etc., etc., it i- truly a llci'cttlenh Remedy, it give- new life and vigor lo tho aged. Foi- Indies in delicate health, weak ami -ickly chil dren, nursin*/ mothers. Seo circulars wrappi tl with bottle. Oil vui.l.-TON, S. C., Sepl. l, \??&, ll. il. ISwiJANK, ??SO,., Fri-ideal ol Tho Topaz Cinchona Cordial Co., Spartauburg, s. c.: Doar Sir- I hrtvo Used a ease of your Topaz Cordial in Iii? family, mid a? a'ionic and Appe tizer I caa cheerfully recommend i' lo all who are Bullering from Debility und hu k ol' appetite. .My children, especially, have been much boneiittcd hy its uso. Respectfully, 11 L l SON LKK. Ask your druggist fol' ICwilANK'S TOPAZ CINCHONA CORUIAL and take no other. Tim TOPAZ (JIN* MONA ' 'oinn M. (.'<)., Spnrlnnburg, s. t;., C. s,. A. Itcad) for Um Teiii|ila-*i Sr. Loins, Mo., Aug. Iii.-Thc prepara tions for the great triennial conclave of tho Kihi.'!:'- Templar, which ls lo be tn ld herc noxl month, arc rapidly approaching com plitimi. and tiley Will he as complete and satisfactory as ii is p slblo to make them. The V'ico < bull mun of tho General Com millee reports that bo already has positive advances that 110,000 Knights nci ompnnlcd by 30,000 members of their families, will bc hero, and tint fully 100,000 other per son- will bc pr seat to witness and share in Ibo great demonstration. Good quarters will be provided for everybody who di sires toc?me. The accommodations already nt thc command of tho committee are more than limpie lo meet thc present demands, and they can bo greatly (Mended. The Order 0/ tho Eastern Star, which holds the same relation t<? tho Masonic fraternity that the Daughters of Rebecca do lo Ihr (lil l fellows, will hold ils annual conven lion during tho conclave a eek. Thc Baltimore Manufactura' lieront pilbll8ll08 in its last Issue a large number of letters from leading manufactures iii nil puris of the country n?.to the present con dition Of business and the prospects for Un fall and winter. These reports, with few exceptions, temi to Indic?le a decided im provomont; and, an n whole, the iltCOtd says, aro the most encouraging facts yet presented us to the rot ctn of more prosper ous times to the manufacturing interests of thc country. UBNKRAL .MC WM ITKMK Pacta of luttrell O?lliered from Varlou? Quarten, Quiet lias bccu restored in Belfast. Tmtti wreckers are nguiu at work in Chi? cttgo. Thc report of lite marriage of .Mm*'. Nilsson ls denied. Tito new silver certificates are not to bo Issut ?I before November 1. Tho President has gone to the Atllroutlao Mouutnlns for his summer vacation. Dolores Posta, willow of (ho famous Mexican General Santa Anna. Isilutltl. la every pait of eastern Texas complaint i- m.ale of the cotton shethlhig its forms. " Since thc riots at I Iel fast every Catholic workman luis bccu houuded ott of Queen's Island. .hunes (? Nein lalalty stubbed bis wife and motlier in law, in Cambridge, .Mass.. Wednesday. Leek Langley murdered Thomas Mon roe .uni liN son Allen, last Sunday. In the Cherokee Nation. Andrew F. W arner, manufacturer of sil verware and jewelry nt Baltimore, has made an as dgniUCUt. Pittsburg, Pa., hud ii $10,000 tire last Sunday. Thc Mack Diamond Steelworks were burned* On Montlny night the business portion of Tulore, Cul., wusdestroyed hy an Inccndi arv Uro, Loss $?.M),000. lu Chicago, Monday. Dr. F. L, Trow? bridge WHS Struck h? i rank Packard, with his list, and died in two minute-. Frank Shousc, of Savannah, n brakeman on thc Central rond, fell fr.on a car Thurs, day morning and broke Illa leg. A terrible rain sturm Occurred in West Virginia Monday, w hich turn d brooks into torrents, which drowned soy? ral persons. Tho Secretary of the Treasury ni Wash ington Thursday Issued a call for $15,000, non of bonds. Tho cull mature* October 1. Parnell's banner for homo rule raised by tho Chicago Convention : "Peaceably ii wt. can, otherw ise if we must." The Michigan Democrats, in convention assembled, adopted ti resolution approving th-, policy of the Administration, Compulsory attendance by students on religious services has been abolished in Harvard University. .Ioho lloyd slmt Wm. B. Johnson, n prominent citizen of Kock Yard, Mich., through tho heart Saturday. A double elopement occurr< d ut < "oncord N. IL, Thursday, two married men clop lng with two married women. With oil lu r talk of w ar. Georgia has : militia force of 3,887 nil told, white ant; colored, Infantry, artillery mid cavalry. Central Bu ia. anti especially thc Mos ? ow <ii>: : io!. has h?en devastated by lorna doc- ami water spoin-. Ali unknown (ramp was lynched hy in dignam citizens <>t Indiana for stabbing lo death Davis, Hu station agent :.! Huron, P. ll. McCarron, a burlier in Providence, lt. L, cut thc throat of J.Crosby, Widnes day, while shaving him. Death ensued ai once. Because of sundry perfunctory conven ti >n r?solutions, thc President is" satlsllct Hitit the South is a unit tor his civil si rviei reform. j Ii is suggested timi If thc cutting in occai steamer rates cont limes, n steerage to Bu rope will etist a good thal loss than staying ut home. Fini. Douglass removed tho |asl feathci f rt un Ihc Prt iii lent inl camel's hack when, In a public speech, he called Mr. Cleveland "drover." Mrs. George Denkcrliort ami 1e r ehihl dicil at llakerstown, l'a.. Thur tiny, from entine I oat 1st nols, which they thought wert nui! brooms. Iii- reported ill lindon Hint lhere is t Chinese anny of 10,(MRI men tpiuriercd oi lin Sn i iy a. i river, in Munchoiitl, Dear lin Busdaii boundary. Al Indianapolis, I i-i week, lightning -:t lek n house wheic n man and ins witt and infant were in bcd asleep and ld I let thc wife; the other two esoupkig unhurt. The Irish delegates lo the Chicago hid National League Convention--Messrs, O'Brien, Dense; and Bedinohd -arrived it New fork Monday, Six thousand i ?gar makers w ent .>ui on ? strike for higher wilges ai Havana, Mon day. The manufacturers have united ti resist the demand. Hy advice of the Civil Service Cominis, sion, the president has amended thc ride's sons to prevenl appointing nllleCrs from knowing the polllies of applicants. A heavy wind ami i : > i ii storm oc< ITCtl in Ahordecn, Dakola, Monthly, anti swept rivi r II -Vi miles radius. Four persons were killel outright, Tile lat'.u r of thc ?Wo Taylor hiother . In Tennessee, is neither Democrat nor Be nu bl lean. He is nu ardent Prohibit ionlst. Ile cnn take th" renee between Alf. ?md Bob. Chief Interest In the Chicago Convention cent?n lu ihc fact timi thc Irish delegates have re oluiely set their fucos nol only against dynamite, but ngiilnsi violence iii any shape. Tho Boston Adtcrti*ei' sayS: "Georgia men an- burning with ti desire to whip .Mexico, What they ically want, perhaps ls lo gel Into a country w here lhere is nu prohibition." The "old soldier'' racket had no force in Tennessee. Boh Taylor, win? wiv loo young t" go t.. wiir, easily defeated (lon. Dibhrell. inc hero of u bundretl battles, ??ml a statesman of II high Or 1er. Tho magistrates of Bi Ifnst tire In n (pian dary us lo how lo proceed hi view ol the verdiel of willful mulder found against Hine policemen, commiltcd during thc n coal riots. Thc report is continued that Krupp has secured a contract to supply 1,500 lons ol .steel rails for the construction of railroads, to ho used in tho development of mining im lust ric- in Tientsin, China. The Convention of thc Iri-h National League al Chicago endorsed Parnell mid his j arly despite thc Opposition ol Finerty and Ills followers, (.dad-tone's efforts In behalf of Ireland wore approved. Tho brother of Mks Belle Clayton, daughter of a wealthy merchant ?it Maud Cnek, Tenn., hus been arrested for bury ing alive tho illegitimate child of his sister. Miss (. layton hits lied from a; rest. There is a new labor-saving hasting ma chine now on trial in Boston which the opt MtlVCS of the large wholesale clothing manufacturing houses arc preparing to make a fight against, On Saturday a remarkably rich strike was ii.adc III tho Bud's!)I gobi mine, Meck lenburg county, N. c. Tweniy?flvoounces of gold wore collected from tho plates ! oil Saturday ', rilli. j Brother Bonaventura, of tho Order of st. Fiam is Xavier, tit Lowell, Mass., lost his life in Lake Nnbonnssoll In endeavoring to save from drowning some parties whose heal had capsized. He was .seized with cramps nod drowned. Thc mutilated body of Miss M dibit, wllO was abducted a week ugo from her homo in an Indialla town hy Amos (Been, was found four miles ohs! id Lafayette. Her head was beaten into a jelly. Green Is stil at large. Dr. Frank ll. Hamilton, one f f Ibo most distinguished and accomplished physicians ami surgeons of the country, died of con sumption in Now York on Wednesday. He was one of President Garfield's pkysl* clans. Yesterday's cholera returns for Italy ure as follows; Harlettn, 89 new cases, 48 deaths: Veuicc. 10 new wises, 8 deaths; Tro viso, 45 now rasos, 10 deaths: Huvo, 24 now cases, 7 deaths; elsewhere, t)2 new cases, 88 deaths. The English government intends to intro duco at tin- next session of Parliament a measure giving local government to Ireland I on tl c h:tS?8 of a plan prepared hy Lord Randolph Churchill. The Hartington party will support the scheme. Sunday evening there was considerable excitement in Macon, tia., over tho Anding nf a hall of waste, carefully wrapped, sni urntcd with kerosene and supposed to con tain dynamite concealed in a growth of weeds immediately intkercarof tko brown House. About 40 people were poisoned al thc Coulton Cottage on Brighton avenuo, bong Iii..nih, Saturday night, from drinking poisoned milk. They will all recover. Dr. K/ra S. Hunt, Secretary of the State Board of Health, has been sent for to make an oflieinl analysis of the milk. Sheriff A. S. Armstrong was shot by Bon, C. Thompson ami he died in ten min utes. Armstrong, on meeting Thompson after a political lUCCtlng hold in Tuskegee, Ala., called him a scoundrel, whereupon the latter drew a revolver and fired tw ice, both laking effect. A special from Kl Paso stales that tho Cutting case is in "(>i(u quo. Envoy Sedg wick has ii..I nu ?ved. Medina, the person who had ( utting incarcerated, has pub lished a card announcing that he w ill not proi cul against Cutting in a civil suit for diunugt >, as he is privileged to do. dray, the defaulting treasurer of thc Atlantic and Indian Orchard mills, coin milted suicide. His linly was found yes tcrdny morning at Blue Hills with a bullet through his heart. Gray's defalcation Inn caused thc failure Samuel B. Payson, om of thc leading business mou of Boston. As i lie President of the Republic was cn n illi'; the theatre at Montevideo Tucsdn) night, some miscreant tired a revolver? hi- lu ad. thc hall entering the President': ( lu ck, indicting a slight wound. An infu rialcd ? rowd attacked the would-be nssnssh and malueated him SO terribly that bodied in Bryan county, (Ju., a negro cut oil i , piece Of a Miss Lizzie Bacon's tongue t< prevent her from informing on him fo criminal assault. A posse captured tin scoundrel, hut he tired on his captors am 1 succeeded in getting away. Another poss ' i- in pursuit, hent upon lynching him. Hr. Carver, thc champion rille shot 1 .-. ms tn he in misfortune. An auctionce last week sold his personal effects hy ordo of ?lie court. A handsome watch give ? him liv thc Prince of Wales sold for |40C a diamond ?lin. said to have hcen presente to him hy the Emperor of Germany, sol for i}t?00,*and 18 line guns sold for fl.KX I Mr. < >. L. Tllton, of Savannah, was u( i v.. ntnlly shot Tuesday hy his flvc-ycai old son. Ile had been gunning, and who lie Clime in ?he house he laid thc gun on th Ix d. and while attending to something els thc child approached tho hod and was plnj ing with the triggers, which caused it g off, striking Mr, d', in the back. ( ?.Iii i rs arc looking tor Dr. C. C. Beer; supposed to bo implicated with .Mrs. Sara I .1. Robinson, the alleged Somerville poi ntier. IMstrict Attorney steven-, has gran o', permission to exhume thc 1 indies of a . of Mrs. Robinson's supposed victims, bi: 1 probably not more than one or two will li taken up. The Italian cholera reports for Monda 1 ur? Balli lla, (lil m w eases and .?0 death) Rivo di Paglia, 31 new eases and 7 deal III Bologna, 1!} new cases ?nd 3 deaths; Tn vdso. 18 now cases and m deaths; Veroni . J CUSI - and 2 deaths; LcgagUO, 1 i;e\. cases and :! deaths; Venice, ? no 1 cases and 2 deaths; Blsceglla, Kl now casi and ': deaths. Actpiiviva M new cases an I deaths, i Thc Treasury Department is prepared t carry out thc provisions of thc recent Ai of Congress authorizing the Secretary < the Treasury to deliver to the rightful owi i ors certain ii ri bries of jewelry, -Ac, cn) . oiled hy thc l . s. army during thc civ war and deposited in the Treasury Dcpar nt. <nie hn\ contained a lot of artic !< captured hy Gen. Sherman's troo] a Can I lien. S. C., in the early part of lstl . The consist of ftunilv plate, jewelry, fcc, whk .i id been deposited in a hank at Cunnii 1 l \ Mr. M< H.ic and other wealthy residen nt that section. i ^ _^ _ llnaMrnillllng of I he KllglUh I'nrllninrnt. LONDON, August ll?.-Parliament rea , sein bled in dav. The Queen's speech wi as ! . il lows: My Lords and Gentlemen: I have sun moued you to nu et at this unusual soase for thc transaction of indispensable hu.? ni - The session ol the last Parliamei was interrupted before tho ordinary wm of thc year had hoon completed, in ordi thal tic Bc usc of my people might be take on certain important proposals willi regal In thc government of Ireland. The rcstl Ol thc appeal has hcen to COU ll rm the coi elusion to which the late Parliament hf (nine. Thc provisional nature of then rangement made hy lin; last Parliament fi thc public chnrgo of the year rendered inexpedient to postpone any further co sidi ration of necessary financial legislado! Gentlemen of the House of Common Thc estimates whli !i were submitted to tl las! Parliament and only partially vote u ill he l.dl lief oro you. My Lords and Gentlemen; At tho jwrli of tho year usually assigned fora reces a:,.I after the prolonged and exception mrs to which many of you have bet subjected, 1 abstain from recommendh now for your consideration any mcasur except those win* h are essential to tl conduct of the public service during tl remaining portion of the financial year, nm confident that they will receive yoi prompt and careful attention. A meeting of the Parnell memhers wi held in tho House ol Commons before tl meeting <f that l>ody. Parnell preside! Members who wera present at the mooth: decided to discuss Irish aiTairs. especial] tlc Belfast riots, ?luring the debate inti House of Commons on thc reply to til Queen's speech, and also to endeavor I learn thc intentions of the government I regard to Ireland. liam' lin 11 in UM- Parlor, The hands on the clock wen. roochir around toward 12. She had yawned r pi Itcdly, hut lo no avail. He was ?mino ahle. At length she said: "I understand you arc quite a hase ba ?.layer?" "Waas, he replied, "1 play a gwci dca!. Do you fldmiaii thc sport-.'" "Vc, Indeed." ' vVluit do you like the best about it'.'" "I think I like to sec a home run OCCa tonally, ns well ns anything." V a ns," he returned, "I vewy ward scon- oui'." But you mud he a Capital short slop was thc rejoinder, accompanied by a suj pressed yaw n, ile studied for a fow minuten and thc ie ichcd for his hat. ( nagln by nu Orlopiu. A diver who was trying to find pour oil" thc Alaska CO091 found none, bi found himself, all of a sudden, in tl rasp of nu ugly octopus with nm twenty seven feet long. Such an e porionCO is rare; but lhere arc thousnni of pi opie w ho are caught by dyspepsi which is quito bad. An octopus hat to let go. Ho docs -I;, .pcp ia. Rrowi Iron Bitters settles dy upepsia, and mak it looso it? cruel grip. * "All things ( uno to him who waits Al thc same time It is well to tip thc walt occasionally, Thc things will cor quicker. BRIOA.BBAO. Thc past week has been the hottest of the season. A suit of armor was the oki fashioned Iv night dress In a few more weeks the fall business will opoo up lively, Old Sol is hand and glove these days with the resort proprietors. Umbrellas have a widespread popularity. The man who harrows trouble Is never nhle to pay lt back. Ucmombcr this. The fool ami Ins money arc soon parted hut tins is not true ol' the fool and his hair. Tlie BChOOl hays of Hie olden lime used to know something nbout the "switchman's ?trike." Halifax is to have a steel railway.- ./<>">. ml. There me several steal railways in this country, Love is that golden latch key which hangs on the outside, and lets in floppiness to every heart. Hy actual count it 1)08 been ascertained that a man can slev a horse quicker than a woman cnn shoo a hen. Sixty thousand cards are used in tia l?rook?yn Library.-Bx. A now pack toi every game, wosupposc. It's a wife's duty to ho pleasent." says au exchange. Yes, and lt's the husband'' iluty to make her duty cosy. Hotel Turtle is the name of a Dilkoti hotel, and wc presum?' thc people who slOJ there thu! the motto to he, "Shell out." Actors are too much given to quarreling .onsidering that it is n part of their bllsl ness to kiss and "makeup." A Buffalo girl never has her weddin; dre<s made ia that city, for lear some om will sa)- she was married in a buffalo robe "Wc want a circus, and we want it Ind!' exclaims a Western editor. Wc shouli think lie would want a good one while h was wanting. A lady whose husband indulge-; more <. less al the duh. says he is a kind hut in dulling husband. There is a place in Pennsylvania callci Economy. It is not a summer resort. New England icc cream must he mud for export to Canada, lt kills at shorte rang?' than Jersey lightning. Cincinnati has discharged two pollcemc for inability to read and write- Tin should he eligible for jury duty. I know what the nights ot labor aro, said the mother of six hoys as she sat dow to repair the pile of trousers and jackets. It is one of tile easiest tilings ill the WOl'l to make a blunder, hut how har.I I; i Sometimes to repair one. Gath sententiously says that though th great reformer died die great purloiner st i pei pctuatcs hims, If. Who drank thc first Julep? Why. Nd uehadnc/zar. Ile was the Hist man w li ever mixed gnu - with his liquor. Only four months before Congress wll assemble again, hut tho 40tll can only lus till March 1th, which is some consolation Then- is nothing a certain class of mci will not forgive, it yon will accept thc! views; and nothing they will forgive, i you do not. Some one remarks that "luce is what ru! Hes thc men now n days.'' But ho is wrung Lace rutiles the women as usual. Il is pay lng for it that rutiles tin- men. "Women drink liquor," says ii writer "and Vet they never see snakes.'' (hu you haven't posted yourself far enougl back. Did you ever hear of Bvc" "Home again! Not dead nor injured You even smile' ls it-can it IN ina ' Thus spoke the umpire':, wife. To he ( ul, tinned. A Connecticut editor called (ho loen court the Lime Kiln Club, and was proi'l] ' ly lined $5.07. About six jokes per wool at that rate would bankrupt mostConuectl CUt editors. Elizabet li Hose Cleveland av- "Ai acorn in the mind is worth a fores! mi tie end of thc longue." Hill, dear Kli/ithelh neither ls the objccl of such leader care a acorn on a pct toe. Thc man who invented the "ehestnu alarm " -a little hell to curry concealed alni to ring when a stale joke is told -mus have had Tennyson's line in mind; "Klnj out the old. ring in the HOW." They were speaking of a young Ind* who sings beautifully, and one of Hie purl] asked: "Is she a inc/zo soprano':'' "No I guess not; I think She i-* a Swede,'' wa the- innocent reply of a high school girl. ''Mens Sjoa in Corpore 8,iro." ?fl y L KalablUlied in 1993. Tin. 08n YKAUI.Y TKU.M begins Septem ber HI h. 1880. For Catalogue, giving ful particulars, address. Maj. R. BINGHAM, Supt., Bingham School P. 0,, Oraueo Co., N. C ^^^TOW Education, Tua Commercial College ? Lexington, Ky. Illglirat Honor Md Gold Medal 0?? all othtl College?, ai Ihr World'? K. po.lll??, (,,r Syiicni ol Hook .keeping I ltd (Jrnvral lin.Inc.. Kdaratlon. flOOU Iii t?-U . In ll,..I ? .?, io Teichert cniploye.l. I o.l of Kall liu?lnr?? Courin, Including Tuition, Stationery ?nit Ii.aid. about ?00. Hborl. ll??.I, ?J1...M rliliiK ft i. I Telegraphy lpt1 kalil??. Mo Ya. rall??. Valer Kaw, Itraaaate? (luaraatra-t Huceeat. li mculirj ? IJic.j W. K. SMITH, l'rt?*i, lexington,Ky. BUY THEM AT HOME. THE BEST MAKES OK PIANOS AND ORGANS -SOLD AT FACTORY PRICES FOR CASH -OR EASY INSTALMENTS. Ol l ltI Kl O TO KKiKKNT DE* FOT, I Kl M.II I frltKE. Write for pricos and terms to ar. w. rm >u-, 4 ol muldu, Wa <T. Juuc30My OH! MY BACK ?very ?train or cold attack* that ?oak baek sud nearly prostrate* iou. THC Ri ST TONIC ??.;(!? '-ns ?lt? M II- .-1. ?', Kienan* ?l?o Nrrvm, Rnrtcbca ?UP mond, Glrca Now Vigor, Dn.J. I, Mvvns. Fairfield, Iowa, ?ars: . , "brown's iron Ititi-- ii the I . .? Iron medicina I havo knownTn my W year?' practico. I have i""'"i ii micciaJlir beneficial in iii-mmi ,.t physical exilons, lion, and In nil debilitating; alimenta that I oar so heavily on tho sycrtom.UBo il trw l> In my own family. Ocnuiuo baa trade mark atfd crowd red linea ou wrapper. Take no otUor. Madoonlybj IIHOM > (ill MUM- flin ItAl.TIMOKK, lt?. liADtKa1 HAND Wool useful ?ml attractive, c n talnin? lint ol j.ri/.s f-r rod po?. liiformaUon about <.. In. ot? .Riven away by ?ll dealers in medicino, ur nuiliAl te'nu/ r.iMuwt un rec-ipt ??>' Mamu. AURAHTII Mocl of tho dlaeasoa which afllicl mankind np- origin nil j caused by a disordered con litton ot tho LIVER? For di oomplainta of thia kind, such as Torpidity ol tho Liver, Biliousness, Korvoua r>j>poi??ia. Inrilsies* lion, Irregular!!) of the Bow ol?. Constipation, Flata? li ,cj. Kructattons and Burning: of tho Stnmaeh (sometimes callad Iloartbnrn), Miasma, Malaria, Bin dj Klux, < ililli mu? Fever, Brcakbone Fever, Exhaut.tion iio(..r.- or aftot Fover*, Chronic Diar* rhroa. IJOSS "f Appotlto, Uoadache, Foul Breath, IrreguUritioa Incidental to Females, Bearing-down EfcSft STftDlGER'S AURflNTll ii Invaluable, It ls not a panacea for all diseases, bul A*> IIDK? a-I ?l'r.imo?B 11 the LIVER, will vUWli- STOMACH nd BOWF.US. lt r hange? tho complexion from n waxy, yoUow tinge, to n inililv. hc.dtliy c>>b>r. lt i-ntirt ly n<i:i:ivi*s low, tri mrnj spiril li ls ?no ol the BEST AL TERATIVES ;tr.d PURIFIERS CF THE BLOOD, and lt; A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER'8 AUR ANTI I l-'nr salo by all Drur-ji ita, Price tl,00 pet bottla C. F. STADIOER, Froprlotor, 140 so. FRON T ST.. Philadelphia, Pt* 1 I t i i t?,>L/8 S i i <4 M A SPECIALTY. SlM|tn>l, M?*l I hu .tide, Ri'uiioiiilciil. mid Perfect Inn? H U'H tm crain; clt-nns lt ready for market, THRESHING ENGINES .'.?in Milla, ami Ktiimtnrri fm piemen ta nen crully. Send for lllii?irated catalogue, A. B. FARQUHAR. Pcnntvlvanle A uric uti \Vurlt, VoltK. Pa. W \ V i ii' ? > IJA?? n< live ami >\ .1 \ 1 lil) Intelligent. o> iv pre soul in hoi4 own lo dilly an oiil linn. keivr euee-, required, I'ei'liitinenl position nutl pood salary. CW & HltOS.. lt! Harelay .si, N. V.* ,o rJ tx rs f^Ti 'ST~SHJ aaw<t.isur? .Trot r.-*cr AV'- -A P lath Victim. Cured by ii. K. s. S. S. S. vs. 1 hive had blood |X)i*on fur f*n year*. 1 Mide of i>h lu thal lime but it dui mo r HUII m IM were covered ?uh sores, and I con; ll - 111 : J ptlOtlldi ri 1 to?V S S S., ninl i i IW I hil Utkell My fare, body ami ner irtMtsm I* entirely pone. I weighed llfl poundi i ? . tunda My iln-t bottle helped me inreall i would not bc without s. fi. ?s. for several tm C, B. M ASHLEY jSoLl Tho SolubleTOitano IsXhlghly concentrate (iraile Kertili/.er for all crops. ASHLEY COT TON AND COHN COMP< two t-ron-. mid also largely used hy (ho Track ASHLEY ASM KLKMKNT.-A very chea tili, er for Cotton, Corn and Small Grain Cro Vim's, fte. ASHLEY DISSOLVED HONK; ASH LEI Uradca -for uso alane ami in Compost heap. i'm-Ternie, Directions, Testimonials, and f publications <>f tlig Company, address THE AMIILKY PHOSP Nov20Lly Those pills woro a wonderftd discovery. No other or relieve all manner of disease. Tho information s bozofpills. Findon! flSWjSaW KflB BH you B^BwIBa HB SHI will always he thank- ^HT]9H ? Tal. Omi dose. awSjmfmSSB B cont.un |H \ nothing harmful, aro ^-^k]^ elsy to take, .md Hffl eauso no ineonven- Mal tho marvelous powor of theso },IUj, thoy would wall without. Sont by mail for 26 conts in stamps. Ill the information is very valuable. I. S. JOHNSON A FUIE?TD!" NO Moro T?^l n?ro'fyi??lS lessens ?ii?> Intensity No.Moro' Pain ! ?[(>ntly ("{inlnlsii?i? tho danger io life <>f holli _ . motlier ami child, ami No Moro rancor! loaves tim motlier in a condition highly fa Te vertible io speedy ro covi'iy, und far less Motlier or Climb liable lo Hooding, col. \ulsii ns, ?'ml other - nlnrmlngsy nintoms ?II? ?dent lo slow or Tho Dread of painful Inhor. Its ti niv wendel fei etilen* Motherhood cy iii this respect on lltles it h> he ?alitai Transformed to 'I HK M OT ll K K'S KIM KN 1) ami to l?C tam A ranked as ono <-f tho H LI Sr E? life-saving rcmcdiea Vr ?fa of thc nineteenth cen tm v. _,..| 1 rom thc nature of "IU Um case it will of __- ^_^ coince h. understood I \ \/ Hint wc cannot pub III tish certificates oon ~ J v-' ' * corning this lt BM KD Y w ithout wenmillia the delicacy of thc wi iters. , v? t wo have hundreds Safety mut wnsc ,,, .."..j, tcsthnonlalson tile, ami no mother -TO- who has once used it will ev?r again ho Suifcrinp: WorcCd? without it In her time ? of t ronnie. A pToiulin'lit pb\ iiclnil lately remarked t, ii.,, pvoprictor, ii al ii it were admissible lu ui.d<c public the tellers wo rccelvo. the ".Wethers' Kricnd" would outsell anything on the market. (?KNTI.KMKK: During my enroor in tho i,!m ti,-.-..( nieilii i- <. I use i your "MOTH KU'S Kill KN l>" In ii great number ?>f lases, W|tli thc happiest results in every Instand '. lt makes labor easy, hastens ?le livny nial recovery, and INMTU.S BAKBTY ro noTII MOTIII511 AND Cllllil). No Woman ran bc induced tn ge through tho ordeal without it after ?nice using it. Yours truly. T. K. KEN N I NU TON, M. I). Palmetto, Un., June IO, 1881. Send for our Treatise on "Health ami Happiness of \Yoninn," moiled free. Blt A DKI Eli? ItliOVIiATOn CO., Atlanta, (ip.. PEACE INSTITUTE IOU YOUNG LADIES, KALK Iii ll, NORTH 1A KOLI NA. mllEFALL TERM COMMENCES ON ,t thc llrsl Wednesday ol September, I sst?, nial closes corresponding time lu .lune fellowing. Advantages for instruction in nil the in.niche-, usually taught hi first .- i- Semlnnries for Voung Ladies, unsur passed, ihlildhlg heated hy steam, and ill every way as to equipment, etc., piptal t?? any m the Soillll. A full COI'pS ot First ( lass Teachers engaged for session com mencing In Scptctulicr. Teran ns reason* nhl? ns any other institution olferinu same advantages, (on cspouilcuco soi iel ted. Ker catalogue, containing full particulars as to tenas, etc., inltlress UKV. lt. Ul KW KKK A- SON, A ngt 11.-rn Principals, Haleigh, N.e. CH Alt LOTT ri FEMALE INSTITUTE. ri VUE minor tl?at the Principal will re 1 move to ( 'ol?nubia, S. C., la a mistake, !!?. lins purchased thc controlling Interest i ? HA UKO l IK I'EM A LE INST1 TTTKj has spent M,ooo in renovating and Improving the buildings, ami ls now mak ing muni valuable Improvements than ever. Thc building is lighted with gas, i\ ii ned with the bent of wrought-iron furnaces, ':a> lio'i and cold water baths, ami first-class appointments asa Hoarding s?:l.I in ever*, respect. No moro expcrloiieed and accomplished i i;>> of Teacfiers to l>c found iii the Soiitii, and the Music and Art Department nie unsurpassed. r'ull session begins September I, 1880. For i a ta lou i ic appl\ to the Principal hi v. WM. lt. ATKINSON, Auglli.'ini Chai lotte, N. C. AGENTS WUUTCn''-DR.SCOTT'8Ininti, f. iiniCJ , eiectrio Corset?. illicit' lr?.' lotltoH1 . .. i .e.K ? . . > iUk, lin), k mt? ?i Ti rrltory iriv.n. t?P*Ralola< Hon cuaranleisl. Address DR. SCOTT, 042 Broadway, NEW YORK. CAUTION. Coruninvrt thou!'I wt (onf'ift our SpttkAe xn'h the numtrout imitation*, rubttUuUt, pitaih and tnrrcury tnir!ur,:< xehich art yet to, up to ifU, iwt on tfuir own 'lurit, b t' OH th* tixrit of o>ir rtnudy. An imitation i< (Uicayt a fraud a chtat, and (Af]/ t?ri * pfi.'Va* tfu-ycan s.'eaJ r'r>m\ :ht arttcU imltatft. 7><ati**m llloo>tar. l Skin Pi><au* tnaiixl /ru. For taU by ott drwjolttt. TUF. SWIFT fiPKC/F/? CO., J)ra>r<r3. Atianta, tia. POTASH. knev I have takon fine huiulr.M biatlon of io Ijvst mininer my fare, rii-ck, linly A KAtcr\f mo my ?min on adinna of rheit i lia? illino mo moro ^O<KI limn all otliof nifdi k uro perfectly Clo?t nn?l clean, ainl my r!n--i i when I bemm Uw medicino, tod. I now welsh y. nml K?T0 mo an MppcUtO like u btruii^ tuan, io* itu WClffhl In KOld. ITCUKLL, W. *U st. Perry, New York. JBLE jaUANO. il Animonlated O nano, a complete High H'ND A completo Keruli/.er for thr'ie ors near Charleston f?ir vegetables, etc. p and excellent N .i-Ammonlaled F? r ps, Hiul also for Fruit Trees, (.uiiiu ' ACID PHOSPHATE, of very Hlph or the various attractive and instructive HATE CO., Clmrlestoii/B-iC. i like them la the world. Will positively euro iround ea. box it worth Un tunea tho cost of a ience. One box will do moro to purify tho blood andcurc chron ic ill health than $S .worth of any other IJremcdy yet diseov I ^B^^Vered. If people could MHB ^m^^ be made to realise ( 100 miles to get a box if they could not be had ustratod pamphlet free, postpaid. Send for it; : CO., 22 Custom House Street, B0ST0X,