The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, August 11, 1886, Image 3

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The Advertiser. LAURENS, August lt, 1880. ?alocar and SpgeiaLft, Soc addition to Town ordinances. ?\ Candidat OH aro coming to the front. Fried slices of tipples are. good for u liroukfast dish. A Barbecue has benn arranged for tho 19th, TILLMAN'S day. Tho Sibley Mill strikers, of Augusta, havo returiiod to work. Umpire IIKKOU caine noarheing mob bed in Charleston a rew days ago. Thc. trial of the Ifidgeflold lynchers luis boon postponed until the next tenn of tho court. Mr. II. M. Spurks' d wolli UK house of live rooina to runt. Apply to I''. I', ?de < lowan, I'iSq. Capt. IS* R. TILLMAN, bas boen invited to doll, ?ran add rora at Wlnnahoro on September lat. Goto Wilkes' Book and Drug Store for tho cheapest lino of Toilet Soaps. Soaps from Bot?, to 50ot8. a cake. He ls a fool who tb inka by force or skill. To turn the current of a woman's will. Tho eighth annual BOHSlon of tho Lau rons County Sunday School Convention .will bugin to-day, 11th, ul Mount Hollie! Church. Hoi. W. It. Pl?RltY bas our thanks for reports of the Department of Agricul ture for 1885. Notwithstanding tho financial depres sion, the dry goods trad(> al Laurens bus been as good, If not bottor, than at thia tinto Inst year. Capt. John Mooro is again building In Jersey. Mr. Elliott, contractor, began work on Monday last. It will bo a neat 7-room ooltago. There was a bountiful pionlc at Lau ford's station on Thursday. A few can didates were present and ventilated their viows on tho stump. There was a i l.-l ? ls tn 11 picnic ?it CliOS nut Ridge on Friday. Wo bad Ibo hon or to reoisvo an invitation but wore pro ventoii from attending. Mr. J.e. Blllott han commenced work on a largo and elogant rosidonoo for Dr. Thon. McCoy,to bo orootod on tho lot adjoining bis offico Sil Main Street. Tho depot for tim Oreeuvlllo and Laurens Railroad, at Oroonvillo, bas been ComniOtlOod and will be completed ? and a aoho lulo arranged in a short while. Tho current rc|>ort that the Laurens itruucb of tho Columbia A Greenville Railroad, ban pawned in the hands of tho Goorgla Contrat ls bollovod lo lie with out foundation. Min. s. F. OnwiN delivered an in toroMtlng at ld roan in tho Court House on Thuadny night, on tin? Biibjoect <>t* Tom she was tho guest of Mrs. MAUV Y. GAIU.INOTON. Now is your limo to buy hook* al Wilkes' Hook and Drugstore. In order to mako room for my Fall stock, 1 pro poao to noll books of fiction, otc, nt nott cost. Cal1, and examine. Mr. II. NV. AKDF.RKOS bas been ap pointed post manier at thin place in tho HtOadof.L M. RnilKRTMOM. Mr. ANDKII HON was formerly mat maator at thin place for ten veins during and of tor tho war. Tho bank building at this place iu nearing COinplotion. The works b* un der the supervision of Mr. <>. RuKOBSS and whim flninhod, will be a thing of beauty. A neat idgn has been placed over tho door. Tho Rev. J. Y. FAIR, the new pastor of tho second Presbyterian church at this place, lilied bis pulpit lam Hil ntl ay morning and v an greeted bv a large congregation. Ho made a good impres sion on all and tho congregation nppoar bigly ploasod with him. Charlotte Oh serve r. Tn order that TUX A nv KUTIHUH can catch tho trains early Tuesday morning, it ls nooessary to go to press by 7 o'clock. All matter Hbould bo banded in by Mon day 12 M. Communications should roach the oflleo by Friday, in order to insure publication. N. s. HARRIS a recent graduate from tho Citado! Academy is desirous of G?t tien a school In County. Ho is roquirod to teach two vers in tho pub lic schools of tho County. Last week we stated Hutt Mr. Harris hail returned homo to apend vacation. Thin a mistake, as be bas received a dn ploma front the Citadel Academy. A Telegram. When tho result of thc convotlon in Columbia was made known at Ibis place a dispatch to this Offed was won to delegate from Lauronsi "Como home; no nae for Laurens amateures to bind; against professionals." Something Wrong-. We hnv.i bearii considerable complaint In different soctions of tho county ns to irregularities and doln.vs in the mails. Thin in a groat Inconvonlonco and we hopo the proper authorities will seek to romedy these Irregularities. Deaths. Mr. R. F. Rbaw, a highly respected and prominent ol ti con Of this County, ?Hod on tho 7th Inst., of eongostive fever. He wan In hin 75th year. On Sunday, tho 8th inst., hin wife, Mrs. Kvallna Shaw, having survived hor husband one day, tiled, also of don? genii ve lever. She was a daughter of tho lato John Simmons, of thin pla-o. Se? What It WRI Do. An au ovidonce of tho merit of nown newnpaper advertising, we call tho nV tenthill of those interested lo a striking fnct and practical Illustration. In our issue of last week, Mr JNO. D.HIIKAIIAN published Konto price? on clothing, stn ting th? figur?n plainly, and unsorted thai tho nooda munt oe nolrl. The remit of which, ho nobl to ono party III Hpar tsrOurg County three nnitn of clothing, which bo would uoi otherwise havo soldi In sdditlon to thin, seven Coat* and ten pairs of pants wont oir Ids band?. Ho In ft strong advocate of Judicious advertis ing, and bein right. Il alway H pays. Jlno do Army. Wo undorstand that sovoral ambitious mombers of tho Laurens Uuarda aro seriously considering tho situation on th? Mexican border, with a vlow to volunteer their HOI VIOOH. Agricultural Congress. Commissioner A. I'. Dutha- has ap pointodJ. H. Huinhort and J. r. Austin from tho'Ith Congressional Dtalrtot, ?>s dologulosto tb? National Canners' Con gress, w liirli moola on tho 25th ot' Au gust, at St. Paul. Minm-ssota. Personal. Mr. A. I*. SIM.i,IVAN'S family are at Cujsurs Hoad. Capt. JOHN Mooni: is painting bis houso iii .Jersey. Mr A. H. SltKYBM bas oponod a store in tho lllrria building. Misa Ki,i.KN O'DELL ts visiting har brother, Mr. J. ll. O'Dum,. Mr. .1. II. TUA Y N HAM, is building two Dwolllng Houses on Simpson Struct. Mr. J. PAUL Duiso?LLof Auguata Qa. is now with JOHN l>. SH KAU AN. M ?ss Dina A Win OT, of Augusta, Is visi ting tho rainby ol' Mr. JOHN I). SHEA HAN. Mr. TOWNSEND, of Ninoly-gtx, i* visi ting Mr. NV. lt. QA it it KIT ami ramily. Mr Horace E. Walker, of Spartan bin ti, is visiting Mr, W. W. Kail, of this pla? e. Mrs. Dr. I.. S. PULLEN amt ehihlren are visiting Capt Jons R. Fri.i.KU ol' Waterloo. Mr. THOM. I?\ .IONICS is in attondanuo upon the State Normal Institute in deauville. Roan IE ami M KI,Morn MI-CANTS will spond thc Summer at tho bondolla with their aunts, Miss McCAKTM. Miss Bcsso Whoclor, who has buen viaitl Miss i .o i ? Pitts, roturned to her home in Newbery last friday. Mr. ASHMOUK DAVIS, formerly with OBAU A M & SPA nus is now omploycd In tho Store of MINTEn A JAMIESON. Miss Mary Williams, a beautiful mill aecompllahod yoi ng lady of Virginia, who has been tenohing lu this Countyi Vtatted in town last week. N. lt. DIAL, Rsq., left for Sal = da N.e. on Thursday in ohedionno to a tologram from Mrs. Di Af. calling him lo tho bod sido of their little son HASKELL who ?M very ill. Our esteemed townsman W. li.Qil korson rotor nod last week from a short visit to l-'aripiicr White Sulphur Springs, Virginia. SoonLa HorrcspondcnGb, WAT icu LOO. BILL. Mr. W. 15. Anderson, and wife, ol' Ninety-Six, are visiting his Cather, Capt. D. W. Anderson. Mrs. Nickolas, Of Coronaea, Is Visiting friends relatives at this pince. Mr J. T. lloyd, has gonn ou a visit to Johnston. Mnj.T. H. Anderson, has huon (pt I te sick Tor several days, hui w re pleased to learn, is much hotter, Mrs. 1 ?I nd soy, has huon ?pillo sick for BOinO tillie. Mr. Kd. Buy mon rc, of Bradley, ls vial? ti.ii his fnth . tho Hov. IL W*. Sey mour. Dr. .1. W. Konnody, und wile, who have haen visiting, rolatives at l?nu?lov have re tit mod home. Thu principle subject of discussion around town, is tho Harbern, llaao-ball um! danoo that 1? lo he given lisro ?rn the I !lh of .1 illy, hy Mr. C'atpor Smith. Thc programme for ihe day is, dance al! dav, a match game of Kail in the morning and afternoon. Mr. s. Kays that no ateno will hr left unturned to make it om. of thc mos' enjoyable days ever wil lies md, In Watoloo. Three of "8 WOO teat" girls from Lau rens are visiting at Cross Hill. Mr. A. ii. Cranford has finished the calaboose, and turned it over lo the coun cil. Il was our privilege with several of the young gentlemen, of this place to nt 1 temi a pleasant entertainment last Tues day ?veningat tito roaidouce of Mra. N. IC. Davenport, we trust M.H. I), will ac cept our sincere thanks for the opportu nity given us of spi ning a most (lollghl ful ovonlng. noss HILL. MACK. IL D. Nance has a nick child. lt. s. (teodor has hoon quito sick f ir two weeks, hut is now improving. This is the season for picnics and hat - heeuoa and there have boen some very pleasant and successful oil's in this, community. Capt. Jas. Mcf'rnvcv liu^ returned from West's Springs, in Spartanburg, much improve I in health. Rase-hall is ?till raging ?ml we aro longing and hoping for a chango. The thing h gottlng monotonous, ?mt oven a chango to leap frog would bo a relict'. A few candidates ara coining to tho front, hut tho ad vaneo la alow and cau tious, Arw we lacking in pm riots who are willing to norve their country ''for a consideration," or ls somobody a little, justa li Ile, frightened, ?ind afraid to maka thu venture upon thu troublod sea of polities. We aro vory glad to bo able to an nounce t|i U we are to have th? pleasure and privilege of hearing the OOlObrstsd "Dill Arp lecture Ht this plnco. Maj. C. il. Smith, ("Dili Arp"), has consented to loeturo hore in tho intoront of our Behool, on Saturday night, tho I tth lust. Tf e ?re expecting a rnro treat and hope for a largo crowd. The loeturo will lie delivered lu tho Presbyterian church. Some of Limn nsvillc's fairest young la dle? aro \ i- ii inc friends nt this pince. They have mude a "mnsh" muong Hie young mon. CKNTKKV1M.K. HAMB VON SMASH. Mr. Dninpsy Roberta, of QoorglS, is visiting felntivos hore. Partners nre about done work and pro iraeO 'i meetings end pionlos have dam? ni en oed. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. P. Mllnm hnvo re turned from a visit to relative s In Fah flohl County. Mr. .las. Dow icy, w ho lins been very sick with fever for some limo, we mo glad lo ?oport, 1? improving. linn ul-?.?!? ?-III mu??an-ii.m im?inc Messrs. John Wolff and Willie Cul hot'tson aro tlio delegates from Oonter vllle to tho Sunday School Couvontion. .Miss Letitia Huberts alternate. Married, at tim rosldoueo of tim oili chit mg corny man? Itev. John A.Cooper, Aug. Olli l?vs<?, Mr. P. lt. Uolund to Miss SueOwlugs; allot* Laurens County. Au ordination meeting wa? hold ut i nion Duptlat ('burch last Friday, for tlie purpose of ordaining ii deacon. Tho Presbytery coualstod of J. fl. Dav un pi rt. Mod?rator? .John M. Iluilgens, Secre tary, .John A. Coopor, ICC Watson and the deacon.) ot' Union Church, Tin; or dination sermon was preached hy itev. ti, C. Watson. SIMPSON MILLS. NIX. Mr. .James Downey, who has bcon sick for somo time, is ?it this writing Improv ing. Mrs. Hannah Watkins and family, or Hom a Path, ar.? visiting relatives in this section. Married, on Aug. 5th, by ItSV. John lt. Davenport, Mr. Proston Puckett to Miss Dee M ay horry; also, hy the same, Mr, Calvin Chock to Miss I.ula Culbertson, nnd several mere aro expected soon, lint you must understand lhere is no pros pect for us. We are to have a new post oftlco at Cross Roads, to bo known as DuvulPs. Mr. K. P. Mllam is io lie poat master. The best cotton crop in this County from what we can learn, is just below here, on Kainui Crock. There is a COI' tain man living lhere who says thal he luis seven acres of notion thal ii waist high all oVOr, and will averagi OHO hundred gt'OWU bowls lo the stalk The owner of the crop told net so him seit, hut I toll you that's a powerful hi', cotton crop for this year, and it's strang! we nevr can make such crops. Dut reckon wc don't work hard like thu man. We learn there is to he a plcilii at Ccnlorvillfl, Saturday heforo tie Fourth Sunday. There will he speaker prosont, and everybody i-t Invitod h come mid bring their baskets, for Con terville was never known to fail on i picnic We oxtond to the Editor of th isKit u spoeial Invitation toconi and spend the day with his COU ll tr; editors. I Will he on hand.' -Kn. ? Foi Tu K A nana. Chestnut Ridge. Picnic. Mr. Editor'. - We had tin? honor to bo Invited to, aie plenum to attend, a picnic at Cheston Uldgo Church on last Friday. The ni tendance was small, but nlc-nnoks wer In ahundaneoand the occasion was n>ost enjoyablo ono in avery rospoei I The church ia surrounded by a hoauli i fill Bi'OVOofoak and hickory Hu ehosl nut tree? having disappeared and t h the spectator turning his ovoa nutwar from thc elevated and hallowed spo .fus hard-hv. in evey direct ion rt Leant Cul undulating country diversified h hill and dal", and covered willi prom I.' lng crops. Amid all these beautiful an attractive scones, th" writer will bo pm doned in naying thal thc young Indh present were the must attractive, an hy nature t he most ai I? ?rn ci I of all tiling else. Here tho sons of "hOI'II.V bande sons of toil" met forgetting thc "hoi and burden" of other days, and dran dee (i thc in soi ral li m of till) Sticrcil spot a place wort liv of ? he poets Kong, Chock Spring, now said lo po-;s< .* very doomed medici nil (platillos, about Hiac:> mih.'s distan'. The pul waler, (he healthful air. beautiful wo >? f?rtil fields,'iud tho hospitality of ti people, of t ' is vicinity make one fool tl Im.if the following words, "Dons not of cities or their lolly t. wcrs wh . discord all its baneful influence pours There is a verv Commodious and con fortahle school bouse al inis pim tho school of which i- taught i>. Ml ida Holmes of I ,uu rot 11, C. il. The church nulldlug i? a well hui j and neatly painted structure ender ll i paatorntc'ol tlc Hov. John I?. Pitts wli ; a membership of nhoul '.'.'.'i bundre i 'the ?.'rave y:od e ivers a large pi'. ground and the inaciplions upon il tomhstoutts and monumonls mark il last resting ohne of represent at i \ i froni some of the most wort ll \ and mo llighlv li" J.ted fumilt<*S ol' Laurel County. Scarcely lind the crowed sefli ti tho mr 11 ?.s rt'tt of tho festivities win dinner w as mioit ticed and after a sumpf ons repast the lassies and laddies hann ted thc ".slimly howers" until thodccll lng sn.i rouili'idcd thom of houie. Cl PST, <'ard ol* Acceptance. I'.iu rot: A nvKUTISKI: : In tho lust issue of tho lirra I soe my name announced us candidato for the Senate, ni doubtless it similar notice may l in your possession. I desire return my thu ll ks to my friends f their esteem and COUlldoilCO manifested, and will say that n services nie ?it their com mn ti I therefore accept the iinluinnt in ?ind if elected, will strive tu rep!' sent the whole interests nf the em: try, to the best of my ability. Yours trulv, .1. It. HUM lt HUT. ttullroad Meeting. There will be n meet ing- of t be 11 payers ol'('ross iljll Town-bio i Saturday, I nb net, nt ??' o'clock M., in the intere d ol' the ( hedi Greenwood and Abbeville Kn road. All uro requested to tu out, ns business of importance w be attended to. K. M. ("Al S K, I>irector, <'ross Hill A Democratic Club. Wits organised ut Maddens, Ai 8th by electing Capt. John Mot President, und .lames A. Madd Secretary. After an on roi I mt of tho members und adoption a constitution, the following re lotions w ere passed by the club: Whereas, tho exigencies of t times require tho best and abl talent of the country, ?md, when the Farmers' interest demand pedal attention at preset:*, lu t legislature and recognising the i cesslty of u good debater In I House Without proposing to reflect up anyone else, or di spar ago tho ein i of any other candid.ite, but neti ted by mnlnre, ami rea ams due < of our member, therefore bo i H< aol ml, That we bart i ly i dorse tho candidacy of Col, J, \i. Irby und commet! him to tho m favorable consideration of our low citizens, und bospeak for li their endorsement ut thoapproa lng primary, To the domocai part v iiml tim l-'ariner-c" Movein lie is un uncompromising frle and the ch?inpjpp of the rights the fi ghi a of the laboring classt JO?T?N M O ORK, Presiden .I AMIS MADDPN, .SiuMdury. National Bank - OF - X.? .A. XT 3R, 33 HST S . No. B540. Treasury Department, OFFICE OF COMPT1U ?LL- i EU OF THE CURRENCY, [. WASHINGTON, Juno24, isst?.\ WHKKKAS, hy satisfactory evi dence oregon tod to the undersigned, it hus been inndo to appear liait "'lin: NATION h DANK ot' L?C HIONS," i>> tho Town of Laurens, in tlic County of Laurens and (lie?Stuto of state of South Carolina, has complied with al! ibo provisions ef tho Statutes of tho United States, required lo be complied with before un association shall bo ?inthori/cd to commence business of Hanking Now Til KHK PO H H I, William L Tronholni, Comptroller ot* tho Cur rency, do hereby certify that "Tim NATION Ali I '* .\ N K OK LACH r. NS," in tho Town of Laurens, in tho County of Lam ons and State of South Car olina, is authorized to com meneo the business of blinking Us pru vii lcd in Section Fifty-ono hundred and sixty nine, of the Revised Statutes of tho United States. I N TESTIMONY WI! KU EOF witness my bund nod Se;il of office the 2lth, day ol July 1880. W. L. TREN HOLM, Comptroller of tho < !urroney. Aug. 11, issn 0-A.3Sri!)HD_A-TE?S. For unnouncotnents under ihis hoad $.'1.00 un isl lie paid In advil imo. VOIt S KN A TE. CAPT. J. H. HUM BKRT, is here by declared a candidate for tho .Senate fruin ibis County to the State Legislature, subject to the Primary Election. Iiis record in tho paul luis boon such as timi wo know thai if tho p< opie t ail liim to tliis impor tant position, ho will aeeopl tho trust, and discharge tho duties thereof tO the best interest of the Wbol ' people. MANY FRIENDS a lid FA ll M EUS The name of Cot.. T, H. eil LWS I ls respectfully submitted asa Can ; didato for the Senate of South Car olina, subject to tho result of tho Primary Election. Col. CHEWS is a representativo mull, is u working man, and withal is tho exponent <?f tho laboring (dusse s, and bis candidacy has boon encouraged by a strong indication expressed hy ' MANY FARMERS. j /''( ) it TH /.; L KO i a i. Arr n /.;. i As Young's Township bus no ('on dldate 111 tin Held, WO desire to present to the Democracy of Lin ien- County, the name of l>n. J. lt. WESTMORELAND. Ile is know to be a true mun and fully compe tent to legislate In the interest of I economy a:?<I reform. His many i friends mtk him to accept this trust. I Ho v\ iii abide the result of the j fri ma rv. i j \'.< Boving that ti prac th :i! farmer I kr.OWS best bow (o protect thc iu t crust s of thc ugicul turill class, the ; friends of GABRIEL PINSON res ! poid fit I ly aibinlt his name to tho ; voters in tho Demo* ratio Primary, ! lor u soul in the House of Rcpro ! scn'.atives. .'RI EN DH AND FARMERS |.. Many fanners a nd friends, pro ' sent lie- narin- ol' M. M. TEA.Gt ' E, for a seat in tho low er House ol the I Legislature-subject to thc Pri I mary Election. i . Having Die iitmo-t coniidence in tho ability of CA IT. J. D. BYRD, Ills many friends in Laurens County announce bim as ti suitable mun to represent thc windi* people in tho next Legislature -aubjccl to the Priniarv. DEMOCRATIC FA RM EUS, The record of Coi.. J. il. WM A R TON, in the last Legislature, will .-how that iii t erry instance, !):. favored economy and reform. Wc therefore recommend hint as a suit;?.!?!?' Candidato for the Legis lature, subject to thc Primary Election. WATERLOI >. ' von Jrix;I: OF PROHATK. COI . A. w. BURNSIDE, is res pectfully announced :i- n (.'andi da te for re-election to the otllcc of Judge of Probate, subject to the Primary Election. SCHOOL COM M i ss roy /?: /.*. j Tho friends of M v.r. lt. S, ORI F FIN most respectfully announco him as a Candidate for re-election i to the ollleo ofSchool ( ?omniissioner, I RI ENDS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Mr. WILLIAM ! \ PATTERSON is announced as n suitable man for UH oftice of County Coinmissioner for Laurens County. He is hereby nominated, subject to tho Primary j Election. M A NY VOTERS. von TREAS un Kit, J. W. PETERSON, is respect fully announced ?is a Candidate for tho office of County Treasurer-sub ject to the Primary Election. The friends of Mr. JOHN IL COPELAND, would respectfully announce him ll Candidato for re election, to the otlice of County Treasurer, subject to tho Primary Election. VOR -i I ni'ron. The name of Q. M. LANGSTON, is respectfully unnounccd as :i Can didate for re-election to tho office OfCounty Auditor-subject to the Primary Elect iou. -Judge Cothran has rendered ft decree for $108,670 48 lu favor of tho State against the Pacido Guano Company] al Beauford lot back revenue (tue on rock, Last weeks "ad" having the sweep, and will dup viation. We have left: S suits, etil woo ^ Extra, Cut-aw SQprs.Extra ;pa good, servroalole g These are sjpeoi triirig, no"w is trie 33rine; triis "'ad" -w wiiat -v\re advert fcWLEB BimT A "KW - OF T ! I R Town of Laurens, Ho it ordained by tito Intendant and WardotiH of tho Town of Lau rens, in Council assembled, that on mid after this tho 28, day of .Inly A. I). 1880, Section 18 of the Ordi nances ti? raise supplies for tho Town of Laurens, for tho yent* end ing January 1ft, issy, winch is as follows : "That for every Moat Market $20 per annum, payable (|iiartorly, in advance, and any person selling fresh nu at, such as Hoof, Pork, Ki 1 or Mutton without first bav- j ino obtained license, shall pay i'L' j for each of renee? That the said Section (18) bo and ? is horeby repealed. That s -ct iou I ft of the ordinance I heretofore published bo amended, ! and said section shall hereafter bo ;i ? follow s : All persons furnishing loams for ? ; 1 ire lo haul freight ot* any kind \ i whatever, from one portion of Hie j . orpornto lindi s to l>< delivered at ! another, either hy the tiny OP other I wi -e. s.e.:!i bo doomed a dray in Ibo I s ?uso of 'iii - section. Any person j violating lui- section shall be tined > or imprisoned In ibo discretion of j (he Council. This amendment t<? , he of force on .md after the IOth i day ol August, I8S0. lt. R. MARTIN, I Intendant. 1 < i. I). A N'DKKMON, Clerk. ""CLINTON College ci.I NTON, S. c. Full course of study In Mathe-j mailes, Classics and Sciences; also1 Preparatory Department. Rxpon SOS very reasonable. Nex' session beginsSept. ISM;. For Cntnloguo or other informa tion address ROB RUT l\ SM ITU, A. M. i President, July ll, 1880 lt State of South Carolina, < !ounty of Laurens, IN COU UT OF COM MOIS Pl. MAS. Noah Cannon, Plaintiff aggalns Nnornn I'atleiHon, bowls W. Patterson, .bunes K, Patlerson, Josopli IO. Patterson Indi viduully, ami as administrator of tho estnto of M. S. Patterson, doe'd., mid as executor of will of I>. A. Patt orson, ?loo'd Curoliuo shields. Martha CIIMII, ?lester MeAbee, Elizabeth llulllnirt. Mn.iy C'.lc, Oscar P. Cannon, Kiora Cannon. Jnhah Dry ant, Della ?rooks, Pdln ban ford, AI leo (piln. Kinma Pope, li. I'. Good win, Seaborn Parks, DofondnnlM, Smnmona for Itollof. Complaint Not Hervod. You arc horeby auinuionod anti re fpdrod to ahswer tho complaint in this action, which was iliad In thc ellice of the Clerk of tho < ourl nf ('ommon Pions, AIIV?. "-'?I, l^sii, for (ho said County, mid to nervo ? copy of your answer lo M-,iii com? plaint on tho siihHcribors >>t their office at Laurena C. IL, s. C.. within twenty davs aller the RorvICO noroof, exclusive of tho day ot' such service; and if you fall to answer tho complaint witliin tho (Imo nforosnld, the plaintiff in this ac tion will ?ppl V (0 Ino Cou H for tho re lict th ne.uidcd in tho complaint. Dated Ante. ~. A. D., issa. [li. s.) (I. W. SiiKi.1.,0. c. e. Pi Il ASK LLL A' M AL. Plaintiffs' Attorneys. To Caroline Sh ?cit ls. Marl lin Cash, ll est er MoAbeo, Mary Cole, Jonah Bryant, Della Drooka, Ll'.? Lanfordi Ailee Quinn, Koona Pope: Take notice that tho complaint In the above stated oaao was Hied In tho oin e of tim Clerk of | t he <'euri ol'Common Pleas for Limn-ns Count) .stale of South Carolina, Aug.2d, 1880. Il ASKKLL A DIAL. Plaintiffs' AttornevH. A moist -.?<!. Issn, IM nm WORLD POR A ?IIHliS ^^^?yBusiness Macatloi. -?l. Commercial College or&KAXW" ll (armit Rnnor ?ml Oold Mental ovi-r ?ll fttri'r ColUgrri. *t inc l*?rM'? K>pa.ltI??, (or S> -u m M Li cpl na lon ()cnor?l Riialnr-aF.dai-atlan. ?OOO lir?4iitr> In Ha... PM?. tr>T?*, heriemplftyi.l. Int of Vail Itu-lnrM Co???. iK Tu tlon, Stationery .nd Mond, ?t m,t fpo. r>??Tt?, Tji>r"rliln? ?nd T?l<-?r?,k, *|?e< laltlrt. X? Ta. ratina. Kilter Now. <1r?4??t'^ llnaranli ?xl Knnc-v Pol Onulwi-Mfo.i W.B. SMITH, Prc.*!. |*xln(tor.,K f. The Best donc good work, we are < lie ate former reduction w 1, cassimere for i ?per suirt. ay Diagonal O oat S3.SO. n ts, clirTererrt st, garments, "wl^ioln a J drives and if ye opportunity -tiro ith you ariel sea ase. Notice of Application von HOMESTEAD. STATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY Ol-' LAURKXH, Court <>f ( J< minion Ficus. Ex VaHn i Petition Henry Allison, 111 *lur Al- : lor liatin, Lizzie Allison Kain-! Homestead ucl Allison, Ony Allison. Mn Kcal and Ooortro Allison, Lowis Alli- Personal son, William Allison ami Properly. Nannie Allison, Politl?n- j ora. Notier is horoby given thal tho above named potlonors liuvo made application, by petition, lo tho Mani r. to have a I?omi Ktoad appraised an<l sot oh'to (hom in tho ruai anti personal property vvhoro ofAosop Allison died soi sod ami pos. scssod. (3. I). BARKSlhVLrS, M astur, I., C. August IO, 1880. lt. NOTICE. Tho repairs on the Milton I'ridge, across Little Uiver, will bo let at tho lowest bidder according t<. specifications presented at said let t mg on tho 12th day <>f August next, at l- o'clock A. M., at said bridge. J. L. CRAWFORD, C. I". Ii, c. July 20, l^s<; .">-' :it Although there wore some this Space, for my Safety, 1 1 vet ??i me, mid, I am full TR .A. 3ST .A. C lt' \<>u doubt Cull nt ni\ HUSLOTHING - AND F,X THE STRIKING IN TH K FOLLOW R Line French Diagonal and Won ted Suits, which I formerly sold at #28.00 now cut down to $20.00. Also a Complote and Select A from #3 to *1 5 per Suit, that ? w My Misfortune tliis season cent that ? will sell from 1 cents t<?t\\ customer, will give iliem away. I Confess I need Money und y Pleuse oive mc just OHO silo if not happy. 2D. M. I3 Under the Be: j^ATJ?e.H?lsrS, - - determined to continue rithout til?' slightest de~ ?10; oost $14.20 >s, a,t, $5; JoTo o?rs yl?s euncl oolora, are "Lo go eut, BO :>ui :n.?ecl any olo goocls rn.-u.s-L go if youdont gat JENS, S.C. rm: L a ii r ens vi ll e ^Female College* LALUKNS, S. <.'. NKXT ANXCAI, SKSSION BK? I N'S Monday Sept. I?, 1880. Competent Teachers in all Depart ments. Homo caro taken of all heading pupils. BATES OP TUITION and BOARD Primary Department "12.00 per mo. Academic " .?J."" " " Collcg Classes 4.00 " " Music: " 4.00 " " Art " 4.00 '? M Board per quarter. $\8F" For full particulars, apply for Catalogue. <>r call on U.W. MILNER, PRESIDENT. > :-? apprehensions expressed, irt leg to announce that Breath is y Alive to IM PORTANT :TI OKT S . f Mammoth Fashionable I BUREAU^ A M 1 ME SLAUGHTE1? I'I X(." GOODS: 21 American Diagonal, that cost ino 20.00, which I am selling to un load, at $16.00, ssortment of Clothing, ranging il! sell 25per cent Discount. bored in a lot of straw Hate o (lollara each and if a good ou eau buy at your own figures, W'UIL; and you will be content adella Hotel, ft ;,>'?"'. - * * * 3. Oy