y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 A lx>8t Fri o ml. My friend ho was; n friend from nit tho rest. With childlike fHlih ho opn'il to mo lils brennt. No door -waa looked on altar, ??ivo, or grief; No weakness veiled, hidden no disbelief. Tlio holp, tho sorrow, und thc wrong wciv tiaro; And, nh I tho shadow only showed tho fair. 1 gnvo him lovo for love, but doop within I magnified onch frailty Into sin; Bach bill-topped roibie in the sunset ?lowed, Obscuring valos whore rlvorod virtues flowedi Reproof becumo reproneh, till eoinmon aro* 'rh? captious wont at every fault I know. Ho Ktnllod upon the censorship, and boro With patient love tho touch that wounded Bore ; Until at length, so hail my blindiioss grown, Ho knew 1 Judged him by his faults nionc. Alone, of all men, 1 know him best, Refused tho gold, to take the dross for test I Cold stranger, honored for tho worth they ?aw: Ilia friend forgot tho diamond in tho flaw. At last Ucarno-thc day he stood apart. When from my eyes ho proudly veiled his heart; When carping Judgment and uncertain word A Hiern resentment tn his bosom stirred; Whon tn his face I read what ? had been. And with his vision saw what ho had seen. Too latot soo lata I O, could he thou havo known When hts lov? ts**.* tn-t mine had perfect grown; That when the rsll was drawn, utilised, chas tised Tho censor stood. Clo lost only truly prized. Too lato wo leam a man must hold his friend Uujudged, accepted, faultless to tiro end. _-John Hoyle O'Reilly. . MK. RANDALL'S MARRIAGE. Just on thc eon lines of one of our largo manufacturing towns, there stands nu imposing residence of brown stone, elevated by terraces above the road, sur rounded by stately trees, and with a wide extent af garden stretching on all aides. I had bea? employed in panel-paint ing ono of the. large bedrooms for sonic weeks, and my curiosity and interest had been molted by tho fact that the master of tho house, Mr. Joseph Ran dall, was a tall, handsome man of less than fifty years, while his wife was cer tainly twenty years older, and a very fceblo old woman. Yet never were, any young couple more seemingly devoted than this oddly-contrasted pair; and I, living in tho house with constant occupation there, certainly had good opportunity for witnessing any matrimonial differ ences, had any existed. When my work was done, I returned to my own home, ami several months later, by quite an accident, not neces sary to record herc, I learned the story of Mr. Randall's marriage. From early boyhood he was a "ne'er do-well." Money rall through bis lingers like .-ami, ami alter his fatl*r, his grandfather, ami his uncle had each started him in business, only to end in Cfclluro, the family decided that he '?..unid never '?>.. good for anything. 'le was a v. ry handsome man, witli a ? diego education, the instincts and manners of a gentleman, and kindly in feeling; but lie was good-natured, truth ful, ami too easily influenced by who ever took the trouble to dictate to him. At thirty lie found himself bankrupt, out of business, and without any definite prospects; and while he was seriously considering suicide as a way out of his diflioulties, he received an invitation to visit lill old friend In (Jranllev, a pretty village near tho seashore. Ho found Grantley at tho height of its summer season, ami his own attrac tion very readily acknowledged hythe ladies, who danced with him, strolled OU the beach hy moonlight with him, and accepted his graceful attention!* with smiling pleasure.' lt was here that he was introduced to Miss Susan Harte and her niece ami Httpposcd heiress, Miss Maude Max well. They were ladies of position, relined and graceful; the younger one lovely iu the freshness of her youth, a pretty blonde lace, ami slender figuro; tho older one .stately ami dignified, show ing in every word a cult ?valed intellect and strong com i not i sense. Bob While. Mr. Randall's friend, aft er tho introducion, ^?>okc his mind with frank if vulgar ii uedom: "Go in for the heiress, Joe. '1'hey say tho old bul . is worth a quarter of a million, nae Mira Maude is lier only relative. Anyone can sec that they aro devoted to each other." And anyone could also BOO vvcry evi dence of wealth in their surroundings. Their own carriage, with two magnifi cent horses, was with them for their daily USO, their costumes wore of tho most costly materials, their jewelry was superb. A* lady's maid attended them, and they occupied an entire suite of rooms at thc only hotel. Friendship led to intimacy, and Mr. Randall (lld try lo fascinate* thc heiress, whose simpering prettiness covered a cold heart and a very commonplace mind. To dress well, to bo a contre of at traction for bowing beaux, were the ob jects of her ambition, and her conversa tion nover roso above tho lovel of tho smallest of small-talk. Though ho had always seemed to lack oust ness ability, Mr Kendall was no fool, and ho found himself evening after ovenlng turning from Miss Maxwell's vapid talk lo tho frosh strong mind that shono through her aunt's conversa tion. Miss Harte was an accomplished mu sioiau, with a rich contralto voice, and love of music had always amounted to a passion with Mr. Randall, so thoro was a strong lanni of sympathy thoro. Tho snmmer woro away pleasantly, und it was only when closed cottages and a deserted beach told of departing guests that Joseph Maxwoll askod him self seriously how his summer flirtation was to end. Ho was not a conceited man, yet Maude Maxwell had lot him soo vory plainly that ?ho had a preference for ida society and attentions. Yet ho shrank from tho prospect of a wifo with no idea abovo dross and gaiety, how ever richly she might bo dowered. Loving neither, Tn tho truo sense of tho word, ho certainly fourni moro ploaa oro in tho soeloty of the older lady and then a little dornen of policy whispered to hint that, after all, the money wu Miss Harte's, and, with her social posi tion and attractions, she might marry, and ao deprive Maude of hor sup posed Inheritance. It was tm? that she was obi enough to be his mother; but a handsomer wo man, and one so thoroughly tasteful in ?rea?, could always appear younger than actual years warranted, and -lie liked her; yee, ho certainly respected and liked her. For two or threo days he hesitated, shrinking yot from placing himself in tho position of a fortune-hunter, and then ho wroto a manly tender letter to Miss Harte, asking her to be his wife. Ho bad BUlfioiont tact to avoid (lowery flattery, to make slekening protesta tions, and tho letter bore the stamp of sincerity on every line. An boar later his messenger brought an answer, and Miss Harte was Ins afllanced wife. Kscorting the ladies to their home, a magnificent country seat, Mr. Randall would not havo been a haman had ho not congratulated himself upon tho fu ture ownership of tho wealth so lavishly represented nil around him. He had said nothing about the futuro position of Miss Maxwell, good-natured ly willing that she should still lind a homo with her aunt; but he sometimos thought he would give her a hint about assuming so much the air of mistress of tho house. Tho wedding was magnificent, tho honeymoon spent in traveling upon a wedding-gift of a cheque from Mr. Ran dall's uncle; ami one morning, in cosy confidence, the subject of going 'ernie arose. "Where havo you taken rooms, dt?ar?" Mrs. Randall asked; "or shall you go to housekeeping?" "Romos," cried the bridegroom; "shall you not rot uri) to your own houser"' "My own house! i have no house, Joe," for suddenly the truth Hashed Ina-; "did you think I had money? 1 though I everyone Knew that I was Maude's pensioner. Oh," ami her face ercw very pah', "what a fool I have been! I thought you loved inc." "You wer?; ao lo 1 in thinking that,'1 was the (ptiok reply, as lu r husband put his arm around her; "I do love you. I did think the position reversed, ami that Mamie depended on you; hut never dottbl my love. If it Was not very ai llent when I proposed to you, it grows stronger every day, it grow? stronger every day that wc spcml logo thor." "Rut yet you thought nie wealthy?" "A humiliating fact 1 cannot deny;" and then in a sudden outburst of confi dence. Mr. Randall told his wife tho whole truth, dwelling somewhat longer upon his business attempts ami perplex ities, than on the hope he had enter tained of a future life (J a luxurious idleness. When he had finished, his wife spoke: "You may not like to hear my filth* er's opinion of me. Joe, though ho meant it. to be a complimentary one. Ho always said I should have been a man, for 1 had a true business head. For ten years before he died lie was paralysed, and 1 was the actual head of Iiis business, tho weaving of carpets, in W-. Ho left mo a competency, which was stolon from mo by a dishonest trus tee; and 1 should have taken up some occupation to gain my own living had not Maude been loft au orphan, and im plored me to live with her. "It was scarcely a life of dependence, for ?ho needed me, and hot* lavish gifts of clothing and jewelry 1 accepted in the place of the salary anyone oise in my place must have boen paid. I was housekeeper and chaperon, and wo were very happy; but I never dreamed that I was supposed to own her woalth. "Now listen to my proposition: The factory my father controlled is closed, but I am an old friend of the owner, who carried on the business for a short time after my father died, and found his ignorance of the details swept away all his profits. 1 will introduce you to him, and the sale of my diamonds will give us BUffiolent capital for a modest start. You will be nominal master, as my father was. until von comjuer all the intricacies of the business, gain our old customers, and can carry on tho wholo without any assistance. Until then, let mo direct and teach you, as I helped my father. When von are a rich man" and here Mrs. Randall's eyes frew dim witli tender feeling-"you can buy mc some moro diamonds." lt was not a matter for hasty de cision. Mr. Randall, remembering his failures, was doubtful of his own abili ty, but bis wife had her way, and be f?lo their wedded life was six months old, Mr. Randall was engaged in In new business. Spurred on by an honest shame thal a woman had a better business hoad than his own, ho did what he never done before-threw his whole soul into lib business, ami was amazed himself tc timi how rapidly he learned to guille it Every day lilied his heart with dcepei love for tin noble woman who was sc true and faithful a helpmate to him who, with all tho knowledge he lacked, nover let ono clerk or employ... giles; her real position. At home, in thc evening, she shower him the result of her day s correspond encoor book-keeping, and gave him clem instructions for the next dav's work. Am ho, learning all quickly, had siitlioien! sonso to let lier control the entire busi noss, until she herself, after two years 0 faithful work, said: "You can do without mo now, ?lear I resign." They had lived very economically ir thoso two years, Mrs. Randall govern lng tho small house ami ono sorvant a efficiently ns she had controlled he niece's grand mansion or the affairs o tho factory. Rut ambition once roused in Josopl Randall, hu resolved to give his wife i homo as handsome as the ono sha hat loft for love of him. Depriving her o no comfort ho could afford lo givo her ho denied himself all extravagance that had become second nature. Cigars were thrown asido, cloth! nj was reduced to respoetablllty, ignoring tho many changes of fashion, ridinj was exchanged for an occasional drivi with Mrs. Randall, and year by yoa Joseph Randall saw his business in orease, his bank account onlargo, unti he was master of a nourishing business and of tho magnilicent homo whore Mrs Randall had employed me to paint th panols of tho booroom doors. And as years robbod tho devoted wi fl of her strength and the noble beauty o middle life, they took nothing from th lovo of a husband, who know that t< her he owed all bis prospority. H realised fully the life of Indolent luxor he would have lcd, and contrasted j with the useful one to which sb? ha< guided bim. A Kimi mader, tim ia .'lillies ol his work-people 1 cv they hail always a friend in the houri of tho, vast establish ment in which Ilia husband and father toiled. Without children, both Mr. and Mrs. Randall extended (heir charities far and wide, rmi when gratitude met them, Joseph Kantlall said: "Tho thanks are yours, dear, lint for you I should ba that dreadful object, an aimless, indolent man of fashion, what in days gone hy they called 'an old beau.' " Strange Visions of Young i'trl*. A rutnarkablo oui break of religious hallucination occurred on this island this year. About January last a report was out that a young girl had seen visions and was under some influonco not belonging to this world. Her ex citement soon communicated itself to others, and in tho course of a few weeks some twenty young girls were iv Hoe ted. They then organized religious nu clings ami much excitement was caused. I went at once to see what took place at these meetings. About fifty people sat round in a room sluging, clapping hands and stampi g the feet, keeping time to a kind of i .onotoiiic chant. The girls who saw visit?..s were standing in tho center, sometimos walking up and down, They had a vacant kind of stare. (jradually tito sluging iptiekoncd, until at last it became fast and furious. Then the girls would dance, shout, ami burk like dogs. After twenty inimit?s of this they would fall down with a shriek. Their struggles, erics, and foamings at the mouth were dreadful to sec. ami in many cases il took four or live men to hold them still. After the (it was over they would lie exhausted for about ono hour; lin a, when they came to. they gavo very detailed accounts ol tin- visions they hail seen. A groat deal of these visions was, ot course nonsense, but one thing was remarkable - tin y spoke of people doing ihinur'; many miles from tin- placo. Up on inquiry it was found in some eases that what (boy had seen corresponded exactly with the events. On" most remarkable feature, in this om break was that it was not confined to one spot. Almost simultaneously in every settlement on the island (the island is forty liv e miles hui"; and twelve broad in places) similar outbreaks oc curred. ? iris living at a distance of live or ten miles Hom the scene of the "shouting meetings,*' as the\ waac call ed, WOtlhi he SO i/.ed. Hoing seized with a kind o? frenzy, tiny would run, as if hy inspiration, to tho spot where the rest were assembled, no mailor how far. Most of tllOSO attacked with tile fits were people wini belonged to thc baptist society. Consequently their visions were liol of thc .Madonna, bet of the distinc tive pr?destination doctrines of their sect. Very glowing accounts were given of the various punishments and tortures reserved for the wicked in hell, and they were most liberal in dispens ing these punish moil ts among their friends. Up and down thc island about 400 or 600 people were soizod, and it was at first thought it was a kind epidemic of hysteria. In a few cases girls of highly respectable character were seized, and, although they did not seo visions, yet for weeks they would have tits daily, and such was their superhuman strength that I have seen a young girl of 16 struggle out of tho grasp of four strong men. The outbreak lasted from Janu ary to July, and at ono time it was fear ed it would lead to serious consequences, for all tho people who gave credence to tho visitors neglected work and aban doned themselves to holding meetings day and night for singing, shouting, barking, and listening to accounts of tho visions seen. In tho daytime, and especially on Sundays, they had processions with ban ners. This led to sonn! bad feeling, and in a few oases thc law had to bc appeal ed to in the interests of peace. It was a singular thing that although they organ? izeil themselves into a sect, and all who disbelieved in tho visions were "here tics," yet they showed tho utmost court esy and goou-will toward tho church, but toward their own particular de nomination and tho various other sects they displayed great animosity. Tho excitement has died out now, and they have ceased to exist as a sect.-San Salvador Letter in London Times. An Anecdote of "Jel)" Ht uart. From a paper by General longstreet, in thc February venturi/, we quoto as follows, " 'Job' Stuart was a very dar ing fellow and tho best cavalryman America over produced. At tho Second Manassas, soon after wo heard of tho advance of McDowell and Porter, Stuart came in and ni ado a roport to General Ix;o. When lie li ad dono so General Lee said'ho had no orders at that mo ment, but ho requested Stun rt to wait awhile Thereupon Stuart tm ned round in his tracks, lay down on tho ground, put a stone under his head and instantly foll asleop. General I .?co rodo away and in an hour returned. Stuart was still sleeping. Lee asked for him, and Stuart sprang to his feet und sahl. 'Hero I am, general.' "General Leo replied, 'I want you to send a mcssago to your troops over on tlic loft to send a few moro cavalry to tho right.' " '1 would bettor go myself,' said Stuart, and with that he swung himself into tho saddle and rode off at a rapid gallop, singing as loudly as ho could, Vine thc cavalry.' " Sherbrooke, Canada, boasts a young girl with m i vc. A young man at a party, who was boasting of his nervo, was challenged to hold up a small tin to be shot at with a revolver, whon ho weakened and declined. A young lady present at once offered to hold tho tin, and did so unshakingly while it was pierced hy a bullet iireri at a distanco of twolvo yards. Sho thon hold up a smaller object-a small plato-which mot with tho same fate, ami (Hoking up ono of tho pic?os held it for a further trial. Her conllricnco in the skill of tho marksman, who hus been several times a monitor of Ibo Wimbledon leam, was not misplaced, for tho broken piece was again nit hy a bullet while in her lingers._ Ko fewer than 160 newspapors in the United 8tales ?rc priutud by colored ?stn. _ THIS CALIFORNIA ROAD RUNNER. A very siugular lind vet a very little known bird ls ibu roadrunner chapar ral cock, or, as it is known in Mexico and thc Spanish sections of thc United States, thc paisano. It belongs to tim cuckoo family, bot bas none of the had Induis by winch the European cuckoo is host known. It is a shy bird, but is not by any means an unfamiliar object in the southwestern Jiortions of tho United States and in dexieo. Sometimes it wanders up into middle California, but not often, seem ing to prefer the more deserted, hotter, and sandier parts of southern California and from there stretching its habitat as far cast as middle Texas. It is not by any means a brilliantly colored bird, although some of its hues arc very beautiful. Tho prevailing color of the roadrunner is olive, green, which is marked with brown and white. Tho top of the lo ad is black bille, and is fur nished with an erectile crest. Thc eyes are surrounded by a lino of bato skin. ? It is not a large bini, being seldom twenty-four inches long, with a tail tak ing moro than half that length. Tho tail, indeed, is tho most striking feature of the bird, being not only so very long, but seemingly endowed with the {rift of perpetual motion, since it is never still, ?Ut bobs up and down, and sidewise, too, into every possible angle, ami al most incessantly. Hut while ils tail is most striking, its legs aro most remarkable, being not only long and stout, but wonderfully muscular. How muscular nobody would bo able to imagine who had not put thom to tho test. A traveller in Mexico tolls ot going out. with his ranchero host to hunt bares with a braco of very lino hounds. Going over a long stretch of sandy plain, re lieved only by pillars and clusters of cactus, thc Mexican called the attention of his guest to an alert, comical-looking bird some distance from them. With the remark that tho gentleman should seo some rare coursing, thc Mexi can slipped thc leashes of thc straining hounds, which sprang off as if used to thc sport, and darted after Hie bird. For a moment it seemed to thc stranger a very poor uso to put the dogs to, but bo was not long in changing his mind. Instead of taking wing, the hird tilted its long tail straight up into the air in a saucily d?liant way. and started oil* on a run in a direct lino ahead. It seemed an incredible thing that tho slender dogs, with their space devouring bounds, should not at once overtake! the little bini; but so it was. Tho legs of tho paisano moved with marvelous rapidity, and enabled it to keep tho hounds at their distance for a very long time, ho ing finally overtaken only after ono of gamest races ever witnessed by tho visit ing sportsman. Tho roadrunner, however, serves a better purpose in lib: than being run down by hounds. Cassia mentions a most singular circumstance among tho peculiarities of tho bird. It seems to nave a mortal hatred of rattlesnakes, and no sooner sccs one. of these reptiles than it sets about in what, to tho snake, might well seem a most diabolical way of compassing its death. Finding tho snake asleep, il at once seeks oui tho spiniest of small cacti, tho prickly pear, and, with infinite pains and quietness, carries the loaves, which it breaks off, and puts them in a circle around tho slumbering snake. When it has made a sufficient wall about the object of all this euri!, it rouses its victim with a sud den peek of its sharp beak, and then quickly rotires to lot the snake work out its own destruction, a thing it eventual ly ?loos in a way that ought to gratify thc roadrunner if it have any se ll so of humor. Any one watching it would say it was expressing the liveliest emotion with its constantly and grotesquely mov ing tail. The Hrs! impulse and aid of the as saulted snake is to coil for a dart; ita next to move away. It quickly realizes that it is hemmed in, in a circle, and finally makes a rash attempt to glide over the. obstruction. The myriad of tiny needles prick it and drive it back. The angry snake, with small wisdom, attempts to retaliate by fastening its fangs into tho offending cactus. Tho spines till it.s mouth. Angrier still, it again and again as saults tho prickly wall, until, quito be side itself with rag?*, it scorns to lose its wits completely, and, writhing and twisting horribly, buries its envenomed fangs into its own body, dying finally from its self-inflicted wounds. After tho catastrophe,the roadrunner indulges in ii few gratified Hirts of its long tail and oes oil", perchance to lind its reward in olng run down by tho hounds sot on by mon.-John lt. Cor y ell, in Xcicnti?c Ann ric un. Suburban belle-How delightful it must bc to spend Christmas in a great country bouse -like Stilton (?range, for instance. Delightful stranger (from London-Yaas. By-lhe*by, nor (hace of Stilton bas Just written to say sho ex pects mo there for (Moistmas week. S'poso I shall have to go! Suburban belle-Won't you timi it rather lonely? Delightful stranger -Lonolyl A-why? Suburban bollo lleca uso I saw in to day's morning l'ont that tho duke and duchess and family ure not expected back from Australia before February! fColhoqio of delightful stranger.) - Lon don launch. Tho following is one of tho unre pealed laws of New Jersey, passed willie the State win a British colony: "That all women, of whatever agc, rank, profession, or degree, whctlior virgins, maids, or widows, who shall after this act hn|K?rio upon, seduce, and betray into matrimony any of his ma jesty's subjects by virtue of scents, cos metics, washes, paints, artificial teeth, false hair, or high-heeled shoes, shall in cur tho penalty of the law now in forco against witchcraft and like misde meanors."' Husband (returning from the funeral) -"The minister, in his funeral sermon, seemed to bo vory much ovorcoroc. If I am not mistaken ho was affected to tears." Wife-^'Yes; tho deceased, poor man, was worth over $\Q0,QQ0."--New York Time*. Flah*8pcariiift 'riirougli tho leo. About thirty year- ugo, I was stranded by luosovoro winter weather, which put a slop to navigation, nt tho old army station of Green Hay, now a nourishing city in tho great State of Wisconsin, nt tho mouth of the Fox river-at the south western extremity of a lon? arm of Lake Michigan, I lino frequently noticed on Fox river a curious lot of black dots on thc ice, in tho retired nooks and coves alon?; the farther shor--. "What aro they?" I nsked; and the invariable re ply was: "They aro Indians fishing." rh is puzzled mo still moro, and I re solved to investigate. So one day I crossed the frozen river, and approach ing ono of those mysterious black dots, found it to bo apparently only n bundle in a blanket, scarcely largo enough to contain a human form. Hut, looking closer, I could see, first from ono bundle and then from another, tho quick mo tion of n polo, or spear-handlo, bobbing up and down. A word, a touch, even a gentle push, only called out a grunt in reply, but at last one bundle did strolch itself into a bright young Indian bravo with wondering ami wonderful eyes )eering at ino from under a mop of )laok and glossy hair. A little, tobacco, a little pantoulbie, and a little broken English .succeeded in making him un derstand that I wished to know how ho carried on his fishing under that funny heap. Then I saw it all. Seated, Turk fash ion, on the border of his blanket, which ho could thus draw up so as to entirely envolop himself in it, he was completely in the dark, so far as the daylight was concerned; and. thus enshrouded, he was hovering over a round hole, in tho icc, about eighteen inches in diameter. A small tripod of birch stick- erected over tho holli helped to hold up tho blanket and steady a spear, which, with a delicate handle niuo or ten foot long, was held in tho right hand, the tines resting on t lie? migo of tho hole, and tho ond of tho polo Sticking t ll rough an op ening in tin1 blanket above. From tho other hand, dropped into tho water a string on thc end of which was a rudo wooden dccoy-llsh, small enough to represent bait lo tho unsuspecting perch or pickerel which should spy it. This decoy was loaded so as lo sink slowly, and was so moved and maneuvered as to imitate the motions of a living fish. Crawling under tho blanket with my Indian friend, 1 was surprised ul the distinctness and beauty with which everything could he scon hy tile subdued light that came up through tho iee. Tho bottom of tho river, six or eight feet be low us, was clearly visible, and seemed barely four feet away. Tho grasses, vegetable growth-, and spots of pebbly bottom formed curious little vistas and recesses, In some of which dreamily lloateil a school of pevoh and smaller fish. Bach little air-bubble sparkled Uko a gem, and tho oyo delighted in tracing and watching tho mystery of beautiful water formations, where every crevice seemed a hide fairy world, with changing lights or shadows made by tho sunlight through tho transparent ice. Suddenly, from somewhere -I could uot tell w here, it seemed to como by magic-a largo "dory," or "moon-eyed pike," appeared on tho river bottom. Tho watchful Indian slowly raised tho decoy-bait toward tho surface, the larger fish following it with interested and puzzled eyes. There was a sudden movement of the spear; down it darted; ita sharp prongs pierced tho unsuspect ing pike, which was speedily drawn up and thrown wriggling on tho ice. Then tho blanket was re-adjnsted, and thc fishing was resmned. My bright, young Indian friend said ho could catch from twenty lo thirty pounds of fish in an afternoon in this manner, and some times could even H00111*0 double, that quantity. ./. 0. lloorbach, in St. Nicho las fur Februar;/. Ar? Inflexible Juror. - '.There arc some infernally obstinate mon in this world," said Frank Funai the other day, "but I struck eleven of tho worst specimens last week I ever came across." "How was that?" "Why, you see, I was on thc jury. In one case Fd no sooner laid my eyes on the prisoner than I made up my mind ho was guihy, and tho testimony only served to strengthen that opinion. To my surprise, 1 found, when wo went out, that tho other eleven jurors wore unani mous in favor of acquittal.'1 "And of course you gave in." "Not much! I had a duty to society ?vhich I had sworn to perform, and I determined to do it if it took all night. I roasoned With them calmly, tearfully, prayerfully, but it was no uso." "HOW did you bring them around?" "Filially I said: 'Well, my mind is ininti up. When you fellows get over your dashed obstinacy wake mo up.' And I just tippod my chair back and settled myself down for a good nap. Then 1 snored. Ever hear mo snore? Wo all expressed regret because wo bad never enj V0(l that pleasure. "Ncitl . had those fellows. In ton mint; . ?. ihoy were wild. Some of them wanted to jump out of tho window, but couldn't get it open. In ton minutes moro eight of them gave In, and in fif teen minutes they waked mo up and said they were satisfied I was right. Tho judge promptly granted tho prison er a new trial on tho ground that tho verdict was against tho evidence and common sense, and discharged tho iury for the term. That lets me oil'jury duty for another your."- -Millinery Trude Ile view. Tho Am niuo of idle if Autumnal days aro shorter, they aro likewise cooler; thc time for storing away fruit in tho bins lins come; tho tints on tho leaves aro still scnrlet and fjolden, the barren Winter is not yob So ot all these; and with buoyant heart, quickenod with grateful memories, I resume tho study-cnair and begin a now loaso of labor. No patienco h a ve I with that stale phrase, about "tho slimly sido of 60;" if a servant of tho Lord gets on tho sido of tho hill that faces heaven, it ought to bo tho sunny sido. Nor is that othor nonsense about "tho doad lino of 60" worthy of respect. Tho Psalmist did not believe such stuff, or ho would never have talked about trees that for moro than a half-century have been bearing-trees are still "full of sap and green."-Dr. T. L CuyUr, Fvanaslist. The < '?i roi i M? Contrai COMES OU? SECOND BEST IN ITS FIRST LEGAL WRESTLE WITH THE U0ST0N AND SOUTU EHN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - JUDGE AVERY DISSOLVED TIIE INJUNCTION. [From the Charlotte Observer, April Ut.] Tho first legal battlo between tho Carolina Central Railroad Company and its rival, tho Boston and South ern Construction Company, was end ed at Lincolnton yesterday, and tho Carolina Central lost tho fight. Judge Avery, presiding at tho present term of Lincolu Superior Court, before whom tlie issues were discussed, ren dered a decision under which tim Boston and Southern Construction Company are- at liberty to lay their track sido by side with the track of tho Carolina Central between Piney Ridgo and Ruthorfordtou, in Ruttier fordcounty. Tho pleadings and the affidavits in Hie injunction case of thc Carolina Central Railroad Company against Hie Boston and Southern Construc tion Company were lead on Tuesday afternoon and night. On Wednesday Judge By mun, for tho plaint iii', and Mr.M. H. Justice, for the defendants, addressed tho court, and Judge Sehenok began tho closing speech for tlic defenso yesterday morning. Judge Sehenok concluded, and Col. Fuller, for tho plaintiff, closed tho caso at three o'clock, when Judge Avery delivered Iiis decision. He took the view that tho real issue was as to tlie title to the right of way, which could not bc tried in this proceeding. If tlie Carolina Central could prove title to tlie rigid of way in dispute, it had a remedy at law. He., therefore, denied thc application for an injunc tion. Inasmuch as tho affidavits were not clear that tho defendants bad uroper ty in North Carolina, the Court, held that it wo.dil have to require a bond of fifty thousand collars. This was furnished in live minutes and the in junction was dissolved. The Carolina Central Company, wc are informed, promptly entered an appeal from this decision. Tlie outcome of this suit is that Ruthcrfordtou will shortly have two railroads, for it will be a race now be tween the Carolina Contrai and the Boston and Southern Company to see which can first get trains running be tween Shelby and Rutherfordton, For at least four miles of tlie distance between these two places the tracks of the two roads w ill run alongside of each other, just fourteen feet apart. Blind Chaplain Milburn'* Labor Speech. WASHINGTON, April 1.-Tho chap lain, in Iiis prayer in tho House this morning, said: '.Give ear, oh ! God of Jacob, and awaken us to seo the danger which threatens tho civilizedworld.a revolu tion moro tremendous than any of which histor}7 tells, in which tlie scones of tho reign of terror may bo enacted in every capital of Europe and Ameri ca. For long tho few havo mastered the many because they understood the open secret-tools to them that eau uso them; but uow tho many havo learned tho secret of organization.drill and dynamite, Rouse the rich men of tho world to understand that tlie time has como for grinding, selfish monopoly to cease; that corporators may get souls in them with justice, honor, conscience and human kind ness. Teach thc rich men of tho country that great fortunes are lent them by Thee for other purposes than to build and decorate palaces, to found private collections of art, to stock wino cellars, to keep racing studs and yachts, and find better company than hostlers, grooms and jockeys, pool sellers aud book makers. Teach them, oh, God ! that it is Theo who has givcu them power to get these fortunes; that it is to provo them, to know what is in their hearts, whether they will keep Thy com mandments or no, aud that those commands atc that 'Thou shalt lovo the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, and thy neighbor as thyself;' that if tho rich men of our land keep these com mandments tho poor will follow tho example, and wo at least will bo sav ed irom tho days of tribulation that ave fast coming on all tho world. Help us, O God, and savo us." The Torch Again Applied by Spiteful Negroes. Several weeks ago wo published an account of tho buruing of tho crib of Mr. S. H. Huoy, together with about GOO bushels of com. Also an account of thc arrest of two negroes, who, ou their "way to jail confessed to having dono tlie burning to gratify a apito .hey had at Mr. Huey. On Wednes day night last, about 9 o'clock, an othor barn on Mr. Huey's placo was burned. When tho fire was discover ed parties ran to tho wells for water but found the ropes cut and both buckets in the well. His cow, which was tied under a shed near ono of the wells, v as badly out and bleeding.and tho rope, with which she was tied, out in sevoral places. Tracks, made by a person in stocking feet, wero found leading from the barn to a corner of Mr. H's dwelling and back to the barn, but, as yet, it has been impossible to ferret out the guilty party. Tim burnings have created a great deal of excitement in the neighborhood and, it is thought, if the guilty party is as certained he will bo roughly dealt i with.-Lancaster Ledoer. ? No Kuti of Talk. SOMETHING GNOWING OUT OK TUG ATLANTA PKOUIMTION ELECTION. Atlanta bad a peculiar sensation in November last, when tho prohibition campaign was being carried on. Tho whito and negro clergymen held meetings together and made speeches. Tho negroes were treated with gloat consideration nud were constantly made to feel that they were on a plano of equality with the whites. To this fact was duo in a largo measure tho prohibition victory by a small majority. tSome days ago tho white ministers made arrangements to have Moody and Sankey, tho re vivalists, go there for three or four bays. In making up their program they set aside two meetings for color ed people exclusively and gave thc negroes to understand that they could not come into thc whito folks' meeting. At this the colored clergy men took offence and announced that they would not attend the meetings nor have anything to do with tho revivals. Many of the church mem bers declared themselves neely against the proceedings, and unless tho whito ministers make some ovei - turcs to thc colored brethren, thero will bo no colored people at the spe cial meetings set apart for tho ne groes. There is every probability that tho whites will mako the neces sary concessions, but the affair is cre ating no end of talk. -Tho lending out of newspapers for reading sectus to be illegal in Paris. It appears that bill.orto many news vendors made an additional source of income by lending out newspapers. Some of the newspaper publishers took umbrage at this, and brought the mat ter to thc notice of the Minister of thc Interior, who thereupon issued in structions that any newsvendor lending out papers int lie future should forfeit Iiis trailing license. THF. LAURENS UAH. JOHN C. UA8KELL, N. B. Ul AI-, Columbia, S. C. Laurens, S. C. HASKELL ?& DIAL, A T TORNEYS AT L A W, LAURENS C. H., S. C. J. T. JOHNSON. W. R RICHEY. JOHNSON AL- RICHEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE-Fleming's Corner, Northwest side ol' Public Square. LAURENS C. H., S. C. J. C. OAKLINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., S. C. Oflicc over W. H. Garrett's Store. W. C. BENET, K. P. It'GOWAN, Abbeville. Laurens. RENKT & MCGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., 3. C. J. AV. FERGUSON. GEO. F. YOUNG . FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., S. C. It, r. TOOI>. W. II. MARTIN. TODD & MARTIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., S. C. N. J. IIOLME8. n. Y. SIMPSON. HOLMES & SIMPSON, AT n O R N E Y S A T L A AV, LAURENS C. II., S. C. Dr. W. H. BALL, DENTINT. OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Of?ico days-Mondays and Tuesdays. LAURENS C. H., S.O. SAVE YOUR MONEY By buying your Drngs|and Medicines, Fine Colognes, Paper and Envelopes, Memorandum Rooks, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Sliav ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Blacking, Toilot and Laun dry Soaps, Tea, Spice, Popper, Ginger, Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Diamond Dyes, and other articles too numerous to mention, at the NEW DRUG STORE. Also, Puro Wines and Llquorp, for medical purposes. No troublo to show goods. Respectfully, B. F. POSEY & BRO., Laurens C. H., S.C. August fi, 1886. 1_ly ~ CINCINNAf?" TYPE?FOUNDRY - AMD PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Vine 8traeL__CWC.MWATI, 0. The type uMd on tw? paper was ?sat bT *. abor? founUrr.-ED.