The Advertiser. LAURENA, March, 3d, 1880. , .- - 3 .... ( ??op at Bray's Glob? Hot ol, Augusta, Oa. URAY 1.? a Soutli Carolinian ami ox-1 lr*iol-i a "Carolina welcome" to all lils coasts. LOCAL ITEMS. Misses MOCANTS' have moved into tho Beudolla H.-tri. Tho Norman Poroheron Stallion waa ia town salcday. Mr. J. M. DONKAN expects lo buy and build in Brooklyn soon. The popular salesman J. W. Lu AK H is again on tho road soiling hats. Mr. W. N. WKIOHT is greatly Improv ing his dwolling on tho Brooklyn side If madam rumor ho correct, wo may havo ouo singlo mau loss after tho 11th inst. Another dimo show Infestod our town laut week, to tho delight of tho small boy H. Col. J. WASH WATT? has boon ap pointed Supervisor or Registration for Laurens County. ..Jersov" oas contributed twenty-five hew dwelling to our town in the past eightoon months. Wo can remember when this town was not ns largo ns lt is now; also, whon money was moro piont ifni. Our inimitable correspondent "Joo Princo" gives an excellent Joke, this wonk, on two of tho Laurons boy:'. For such artidos as Bill-Heads, En velopes. Cards, ami other small Jobs, TUK ADVBRLISBR Offloo can't bo boat, either in prioo or quality. Tho average mau can only lisien about fifteen minutos to a young musi cian who expects to bceomo famous in a brn?B bind someday. We cull attention to tho advertisement or J. M. MeRKKin another column. Slr. MURKI* has a nice lino of goods, which he offers at greatly reduced pri?es. In tho discussion of tho FlTK-JortN PORTKU bills, Congress has left tho held of legislation and gone into a rehash of tho lato unpleasantness. Each mombor desires lo tell all lie knows, a.el if mat ter* are allowed to go on, the Con gr os ?lonnl Record will soon give us a com plo history of the war. Through Inadvertence or ca rel 'ssnosson the part of.a mechanic, lu building ibo Rendidla Hotel, a block of wood w ns !? fl in tho wall in roar of tho parlor chliuuoj and on Sunday morning last ".his blo< k CRUgbt lire and came near causing terrible coull >>? Vion. Jt was discovered in time, how; { ., to i?re\enl any ??am ago. On Thursday last Mis^i NOUA KINO Bovored her connection with the Lau reiiBvillo Female College, whora she hun been engaged in teaching music and left for her home in Wilson, N. C, Hor superior talent ns a teacher, and genuino worth aa a Indy, has ma le her man \ friends iu Laurens, who are louth to part with her. She hes been a gon oral favorite in soeloty, and will carry ivith hor many good wishOH for tho lu ture. Rallrcaa uucaev. Freight rooeipts have lieon heavy * acres for $136. J. R. Swit/.or to U. Y.HollamsA W. L Hopkins, shoals, for $120. Center Rajbun Baptist to Nf. E. Ma hafTy, VA acros for $'.5. J. A. Hitt to Mrs. C. H. Pitts, 0 7-10 .ores for 1100. C. D. Barkedalc, Master to Wlttlo Bros 80 aores |600, and 170 acres for $1476. M C. Harris to M. B. Harris, 1 lot in the town of Waterloo, 1 aero $100. Julia F. Motiowan to ?I? J. McGowan, M>, ?eros for $00.76. D. A. Richardson to Dr. F, .. paid our town a business visit ?st week. Rov. Father MORARAN, of OroonvlUo, ?pent a few days In town last wed., tho guest of Mr. Jno. D. HHKAHAN. ?onool BoeVsf Qarden Seeds I Rargalna in new and second hand books at Wilke B Rook and Drugstore. l-books and c x m RWd-d rrsah l > < i i . I Hook (B?QDtg ?orrsspon??DG?. . _DOUKOll 1\ O. JOB FRI?ICB. Mr. Jo? Pd wards ia going into tho nhow buslnoss, Mr. Parrott Isgetting along finely with hiv school at thia i>laco. Hum Ball has mado arrangements to get ?long without guano. A little giri on tho plantation of M. II, Mardine, our day this weeli, iittcuiptod to cut a spool in two with an axe. She Huecocdod in cutting ber. thumb off at tho drat joint, Wo hold a town mooting at thia place, one evening lately, and organized a Loafers' Club, They aro ahead of US, howevor, at Fountain Inn, They liavo alroady had some drunk men there, and one fight, it nppoors that Prealdont Cleveland httB a head of hhs own. Jt also appears that tho Radical r. s. Renate ls vory much surprised, as we'd as indignant, at BUCh a pretension, lt luis tried thc plan of bulldozing, hilt lt don't BOO Ul to work Worth a cont. A h u;, time ?go, in one of our model vtllagoa, lhere lived two boya, named i ospcctlv ely, Arch and Bill. They wt ro not bad boys. In fut, taken all together, they would average very good boys. Hut still, being hoys, they loved fun, and never lost an opportunity to ring in anything that promised amusement. It happonod thro a freu:.! prosented Arch with a Httlo bull-calf, which present he very much npproolatt d. Ho at oneo summed Bill, and when to gether it wa? soon determined that thoy would "break" thc hull and make of him a first-class saddle nag. In order to hus ton tho procoas ?>f breaking, they con cluded to both mount him at once, Arch before and Bill behind. Well, they soon found that they had Quito a troublesome job on their l auds. Burne limes be would' jjo too fast sud sometimos too alow, and occasionally ho would stop stock still and swear he wouldn't go nt all. in thoBO Instances of extremo ?tub bor ness, the boys aftor oxhiuntting all ordinary means of porsuations, in some way found out that to twist his tail was a remedy that never failed, Thoy re served this remedy, however, tobo used only on oxtroino occasions. It happen >d one day just ns tho;." wen' confronted by tine of t hese emergencies, they worn con fronted also by a young lady who wai oetpinntcd with the boys, and who was oven their lenci ol' lu Sunday-school. { She at once launched ndont in the AVi/'? .and <.'mtvirr ?tales that "Tho School Commissioner of A bhovllle Coun ty has mado nrrngemtiiitM with some bank to cash all the pity CertilicutoH IH auod Di tho toaeheiH td' that county." If tho commissioners Of this county could mnko similar arrangements, it Would provo a gn at benefit to tho teat hers, who aro forced to pay a heavy lier cont, inorder to meet tho uoeeasary expense* of the your. Cr.NTi:it\TI.LL. HAMS VOM SMASH. Mr. George McDaniel, Wo regret to re port, lavery sick nt thia writing. Donuts, a son of Mr. Y. .1. Culbertson, who has been sick for some time, wo aro glad to state la convalescent. Mr. ?ames H. Downey, who bas boen intending lectures ut Augusta, (hi., r im a 1st, November Inst, retune tl homo Inst Hundny. Mr. ?J. W. Culbertson v h i hn i Iii oil Visiting relu' ? ned Tho oat orop. in thin acct iou ia badly killed out; so much HO lu somo placea that peoplo nie re-sowing, lt aeems that thoro is u hotter stand on low landa than on tho ridges, indien!inti that it i* tho cold w ind rather than tho froeaos that kills tho oats. Sullivan A- Mllain aro still adding now goods to their largo stock fit Duvull's Cross Hoads. Thoy do not lutond that tho people ?hall suffer for provlelons, provided tho lattor make the nccossary arrangements, of course. Well, Mr. "Nix," what do you Hunk about "Sam Hall's" Indict? don't you recon Sam eat too much of ".hiv Prleeo'a" dried fruit? Sevi?ral of o;ir fartnors aro absent at tending court this week. 11 UOOUIS t hat the farmers are prepar ing for a largo cotton crop again. When wo toko Into consideration tho low price of cotton, amt tho labor re quired to produce il, and tho cost of fer tilizers, it sooms lo us that tho all-cotton plan of farming u< a down hill business. Wherever a farmer lias to pay from $I..r>0 to $3.00 per acre for felt i lizers, which sro exhausted In the courso of one your, farming ceases to he a paying business. People have tried this plan for scvoral yoars without nuceoss. Lot cotton bu the surplus crop, give more attention to tho grain crops, and make our own fertili zers, is tho bottor plan. Miss Sue J, Owings, who hos boon visiting her sister, Mrs. H. V Mibini, hus returned to her home in Fairfield Cou n ty A dllheuHy occurred last Sunday, on Mr. H. lt. Todd's uppci place, hctweon two nogroos, Will Simpson and Will Williams, which resulted in tho shoot-; lng of tho lattor by tho former. Thc ball ( failed to pouotrnto the dnrki y, from somo cause, mid consequently he was; not hurl. Women was tho cause of the ? trout 1". Simpson has boon arrested. A question among somo voung people hero is, WVIud ls tho [dural nf goose, a tailors Instrument? A young tailor oneo In ordering two Instruments was pilZ/lod lo know Whe! l'.e'r to ordeVtwo goose or two gooses. After considering 1 thc matter for some linn: and failing lo decide, put it thus: "Ploaso send mo one tailor's gooso, and d-m it. send nie an et lu r. What Should ho have said? MADDEN'S ALPHA. Mnssus Florron:- Your valtiablo pa per hai been a constant ::u I w donnie \ is't >r lo our boudoir since it < lirst pub lication; sud If our feeble pen cn add interest there. a*< a Correspondent we, eil., rfu Hy undertake t!.- task of giving the ii -is ol' nows from Mo I.ic li's. our Jilt!" burg Ison a boom oi build. lng, several houses aro building, and others co nt rue ted for. Hopkins and his corps of workmen, aro doing faithful and rapid work, bul cannot supply tho d?._ maud. Messrs. lloyd A Madden, and Messrs. Downey A- Allison, bavo on hand all tho brands of fertilizer sold In thu county? and will I- pleased to till ordors from the Agents. Mr. Mr icis has n lot of flm . stored heir for tho? imvcnlonco of parto s who may want it in :>;i\ ipiiintlty, only 10els por bushels. Prof. Madden, assisted hy M (si Kstollo Motes, has op ?edfl !.lar ttnscdale. NV-.- are fort unrdo In - le.iirlng I he survh-es of two first-class teachers. Parties from a dist.mee, who aro not so fortunate a? we are, cnn sci un- board In good ??fnill. B ut moderate i. nos, ainl patron izo OUT school. Thu ttrown hov- I.ave their saw milt pooatod le ar lu ie p.iul can lill ail orders o r lu ni la r, id si oi t notice. Tho hov ? ri . Of C?ti Ul OUghl to plant largo areas of corn. Outs uro badly injured, and wheat In? vlslble. CL1 NTON. ?'J." Pink Fripp has roturncd to Clinton, from Jonesvlllo, wheo he has boon In bu si tu sf for seme tinto. Henry stone is desirous of purchasing a saddle, and do s nb( wish one with more thanoiu horn. Mi- ios Lizzie and Jessie Copeland aro making pn parafions to opon at an oarly day, a first-class lino of I? Ilea' mllllnory gikul. s. P. Vaneo ls open lng on I a rresh stock goods, ?ii IdRloric Musgrove St root. b ini's motto ls, fair de din" lllk-ompro inlslnghonesty. Tho agent nt our depot roper ts tho hoavlest freight roe Ipi for t (le ] uki row Weeks, ?vcr known at'Tinton. Puru Cow days this wooli, tho fr?lghl niiiount od to moro than a th'ouaand dollara* Prof. Knuth has been fully ii.-.; lied tn lita college chair, and has already sh ?\\ ii what Sort of slun'thoro ls tn him. Olin? ton College t'<>, '.^ Jut tiy "rond of having s-l ined tho services of such u gentle man. Mr.?". M. Illolllo's, dwi liing boUSO, Hit - nat od on hi i plain allon ni i: < 'lim e., was aceldeulally burned, a few days ago by a>me little child ron who a playing v. it h fire. Mr, J. T. Bishop, who joined thi Pr;::.' - lin cc, rod went to Florida lOSl li ll, has returned to Clinton. Jim says tho Florida ?oil ls too deep and that yan ira o to go through fort v f< ot of >-.ind i o lin 1 it. JL? G, <:< ?- A: ^?i -TO ?^etise 3\xp jolies FOU TUF. Town ef Laurens FOR Tin: Year Ending Jan. 13th, 1887 lt Ordnined Ly I ho Intendant ami WARDENS of *'iri town nf Lau rens in Council ansentbh d: Thnt .Section 13 of tho ordinance heretofore published, be repelled, und sahl section shall hore;'flor ba as follows: Om-horso Dray $6; Two-horno $12; feed atablo *2'P feed ?md liv Treasurer's Report, Ladlos Aid Soolety of Presbyterian Cnmrch, for Year Lad. lug 31st Deconibor, 130??. Total receipt*, $177.00 ' l)HRUIIKK2| KNT. Donn ?ti? Mission:?, (Mr. Lloyd) J . Frolght on Chandeliers, 0.75 Lamp I'M* Mires and Pron yd nj,', 4.15 PoroiKii Mission, 17.35 }'. o. stoney Order, to Cooking Stbvo for parsonage, 1000 Por Nursing Siek, 3.on J'or Work on Parsonage, '.? Painting t'arsonago, 71.00 Totali $!7t;.x;> Cash on hand, io Mrs. .j.c.TODD, Troa'a. Mrs. C. W. TIM:, SOO'V. Timely Topics. A lako'has Jus! been discovered In Uio Sierras so surrounded by bold cliffs that M Is Impossible to reach its shores savo by ono nar row (deft in tho ro-ks. It hus :i ; ircumforenco of at least, a milo, and a beautiful flat surrounds it, and is utilized for pasturage-. Tt is probably tho mouth of some ex tinct volcano, and is exceedingly deep. Tho German covemmonf hui discharged nil women who wore employed in its postal, telegraph RIKI railway service as (dorks and in other capacities. As during tho last twenty year they nearly monopolized such sorvico in .' towns, much suffering has ensued among tho discharged. Tho mo tivo alleged is that women aro un fit for -uch public service. Widows und old maids can tnko comfort. Any woman twenty-one years of ago, who was born in tho United 'dale-, or whoso parents or husband gol naturalized, can tako up n homestead, a'proemption or a desert, lund claim. Hy the words "any woman," a singlo or widow "lady" i s meant. A married wo man wllOSi husband is dill living cannot take up land unless Gho i< divorc d, tts the privilege io limited to "hoads of fa ml Hos." Farm anti Garden Notes. To prevent rats and mice from gnawing leather of any kind, brush or rub it over with common castor oil. Sharing lambs in midsummer j,: claimed by English farmers to greatly increase tho growth of tho I earea-:-. Most farmers who have tho- ? roughly the experiment of cutting fud di r und bedding foi j their stock are satlsgcd that it pays to do so. The wool willi which vhocp aro covered ls admirably adapted to exclude eoltl so long as ? i-; dry, bul when thoroughly wot it is us badas np covering whatever. If iheltor i i provided sheep will stay under i! in stormy weather, and ! their wool yvlll bo enotig botter to make shelter profitable, aside from j th . groat comfort and thrift of tho j sheep. I i New Sayings by J? Sdi Billings. Tho man who get.* bit twice by tho samo dog ts bolter adapted to i hat kind of bits!noss than any i other. j There n groat deal of religion I In lld*! world thal i- Uko a llfo-pr - I server--only pul on al thc manion! 1 of immediate danger, and thou i)it! i on half tho limo hind side boforo, IS .vp. rlenoa isa school where a , man learns what a big fool lie hus bee.., I Tho mun who won! believe In any horch fte i* luis gtil a dreadfully I mean opinion of himself an I his , chance. Oui in the world men sh >w us two sides to their character!-by tho llrb.'dtio only ono. Tho world id lillin'r up with edu cated foolii-ni an kl nd .read loo j much and learn top little. I livers man has follies, und oft I tiiiica they are tho most Interesting things he baa got. .YY' "" . ;..'. .;;?} V:AV Y-Ki-y ?afkj i lr . -'. j CcJ O' v. V it THESYGO rI!0 Rock Bottoni Prices. .\'ow is th? (lino toehepttrnge the Murnini' with :i ue\y book. A l l' go lOt of 3OJ col jBOOl-lS to ho sold in tho ?text ?Sixty Days nt prit ? to Billie tho hard times. ,T. O. ?. FLEMING & ?O. i v A * 4 j t I M 2i.\ nv. K tx J kj B ? R G AIN S ! i am offering my entire aleck of : Gregorios. (Jrookory ware, Cigars, I Tobaeeo, ?tr., al n greatly reduced \ pride, us l um (SJMM OUT ! Parties indent 11 will ptb?i > call ned settle* J, M. MUB'FF. Laurens, S. C., March 1st, 1880, THEO, MA: Steans, Marble i Manufacture Home & Fastern G 529 Broad St.. Ne AUGUSTA, "~C.WM Stetaxtrobt Over 835 B Atigrtsi &gT" Menin furnished at all hmm, oom rles of thoaeason. Kvetching s rupu 0 nolitCAt attrutlou given. Of gun-powder from ntl open ke<-, thom off with tim lighted match of < Still they go as boforc : S3 O3aino}ael] 87 Beaver 13 Frenoh Osis Ju addition to ubovo, wo have A at some ll g uro. ?o If you want un < pay you to examine our Stock, ns th mudo tho Shippcrr.. .ROO AT??- V/-.JU*->v J Notice of Township Assessment. Tho following named gent l?-nu n ure hereby nppointod il Don rd of Township Assessors for their res pective Township: Laurens Township-J. <>. C. Fleming, Capt. .lohn Moore, J. M. Prunks. Young's Township-Dr. M. C. Cox. Jns. A. Parks, .la-. A. Riddle. Dial township-T. M. Dabb, X. It. I RnrUsdalo, John R. Switzer. ! Sullivan Town hip-Yv.'.Ii. Hop ; kin '; T. J. Sullivan, VV*. J. IJnltntlne. SVutorluo Township---F. 1). Colo? ! mun,.). F. Henderson, T, B. Wllcut. Cross lli:t Township-M. M. ' Teague, John J. MOOOM nil, Vt. M. I 11 anna, I Hunter Township-S. F. Vance, ' .loin) t . Davis, \V. I !. Farrow. Jacks Townshp T. M. Settler, 'rho< j. Hulton, T. J. Duckett, i Si'Ufiletown townsh?p-.vj. I). Byrd, W. A. MeClinloek, ./. 13. An derson, Tho assessors ribovo appointed will please ilieol at Ihn Auditors Offlco on Wednesday the 21th day of Feb; to make tho assessment for thir n spoctivo Tow "ship. ? i. M. LA NO.STON*, Auditor, ti. C. Jan. '21, ls><7 20 St. mim OF Settlement and Final DISCHARGE. Dy permission of A. W, Side, Probate Judge, I v\ i:! tho tfjdtito of John wisc, doc lit li othce i 1 iiutrens C. H., on the 'dli i|ny Of M ireh li ? i, o'clock, a. m., undat Ibo ia mi will apply for a final til . hnrg . .'.ll person-: h ti Ving dom ..' against s.dd estate oro ht roby i; di? noil to present tho sahtn iii due form, on ol* before ?aid day, or bo I forever barred. And rill indebted ure required lo moko payment by t aid t imo. J. D HY RP, Adm'r. Fob. ?ld, '88-*27-41. A FEW Southern Congtoasmen who favor tho present law fog it'd lng silver, do not udvocato free coinage ut this tinto.,Tho majority aro supposed tobo extreme on that point. . RKW ALTER, 5 Granite WorBts, i all kind.', of ranite Monuments, ar Lov/er Markot, OF.OKG1A. I?MN80N and Saloon, road Sfrcet, Ut, On. tln of all tho snhstsntlals an* ??11 d) neat, tho best ot <>?dor i '-nt, aad p s^1 wont our priera of last weed? i to the ! :: of public favor. Wo touched ?lu apness nnil burnt what wo pronii ?od in tho wood of truth. .a, Overcoats wortln OJ.O, to " ? S3,toe4?O ?simor Xji^rxt Oyercoats, . lot sent u i on coinml jalon for account of A rnh< tm A Co., that munt go ?von ml ut ltnlf tin usual price, nov I . lin golden opportunity. It will ls lot must positively "slidi . Ll 'in th ie xl 21) days, so returns eau bo />.- * i.-.i in order to mool the Stock of ( ?lol h i nu1, Sh i M W i or rf our creditors, we offer our eutire Ii ul Furnishing Gooda at and below lui ty d i> -. Any ono wanting anything line om S loo l> 1)0 foro purchasing ii our Uito w ni ?o' woll to exit whore, Wo huvo In connection ,vlth our Clothing Dopavtmeut, a ?piondld A.. ?tmont of Jewelry, coi sistine Wutchos, Watch Chahia, Otiffamd ; . Uar Butti . . , Scat f Pin nu 1 ra? - u otht .. thlngi) too numerous to mention, which wc aro closing out very cheap. As wc .n o st liing our goods nt Coat, wo must have the CntU. Oaa*% nhargo anything, LE VKE & . TTOtf. AA ?I V n I'pwp SE BKOKES, ; A 13 R EMS 6. H.. tl. C, ?T GOODYEAR'S REPOSITORY. Can always bo found afull lin i i ? Me iiutnand Cheaper Qrados of OJPJEW AND OTO! * BUGGrlES, At lowor price tl m at i\ t other homo thia Bide of cincinnati. This work is all mndo to order, ls tighter nu and ! I or finished than tho o lana of work gouerally sold as st i vt Vohiolos. But I have Just reeeivod a fall Uno of Fine Family Carriages, Photons and < ibriolets! Just rccoived, anottv r hin ncnt of thoao Fino Opon and 'iV>pBuggi?*sm<*de upon special ordors by th i best manu! loturi : * North and Bast. Nothing be ing used In tho construction of theac V*ehl< i but the best matorials, and la quality, style and finish, aro unequaled by any others now In tba markes? In stock a full lino of SADDLES ANT?) ?TAUNESS? All grados, which l will 'or at lower prices than have ever before beew known In tho history of the business. Milburn, Studebaker and Standard Plantation Wagon*, all o?aos. Oak and f?omlo ;k 8 ?le Loathor,Oalf Sklns,Sho?e Findings, Carriage and Vfngon Matorials, Harness Leather, belt Lacing of superior quality,'Rubber und Leathor Belting, Also, a full lino ol H ARD W A &3 B , Guns, Sholls. Powder, Shot, Tabloand Pooket Cutlery, Plow Points for at* makes, Nall.^, Ax H. floes, Ticks and Mattocks, IMtohforks, Uhovels, Spadea. Steelyards and Scale Beams, Grindstones, Bahes, Padlocks, Carpenter** Tools, Files, Hinges, Window Sash, Doors end minds, Farm sad Charon Bells, which I am offering at lowest cash prleou. A. K. (j OO DYRAH* Aon?, (Successor to R. II. Blay di Co.,) at tho Old Stand, opposlto Georgia Batt* road Hank, 7C i Broad Stroet. ANDERSON, AgrlcnlfmrAl ) rn pie ?i ?oil tm. CQ.'S EnBIKES, SEPARATORS, Agent?* for tho CelabraSod x OSBORNE Mowers, Reapers and Einher?.. LAUKKN?r* a a