The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, February 24, 1886, Image 1

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y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 My Oottage. My <jottngoptnTul < upon n .'?.ntli> hill, A mi ?? VI'^I'^T i1 '' /'">' ' v?W kwn, Ann nt Its fool Innoea o Inn lilli?- rill mS??S?Ki^ 5 '"'T'" th ' u i?mord.twni Binding l's VOftUOt- hymn, icitnthow t Ov.Tlliyl.MMlv il.?! V. ".." wooded PU'it, ll?.- mynleuu fin:, i slowly io tho v.- .i -"dork B?,W thr?bttm' ,! '? Ihrouff?the Ovor my ootlflgo. in n tnnjdo rtotl, ?ii: i?i M 1 J,,">;"-">'- 'm l olcmtiMa .Vllllll), lil.PIT JOItloilSOVOry litt lo nicho Hiiijrswed blossoms t<> iii? broczo'M kWs: Ann oil iii., / tho u il.i birds, winter-red, ? Wyrt>?olind *-in nnd uuinl . 'mid iho ti. While th.- lin ?Askyitirk, lost ?;i bino o'orhcad. ? ours wuv?? ul mu to o'or ino sunny leas, Ins:?]? tr.ii -**?f(a memory holds hoi* sway In pic-.-,iI CM, Bi?C!ikliii?o?tho lovel nod lost! In hool ?, ihc faithful Mond of <... ?.: -v dnvt in ir (|o?. lovo ttnpitscd nt count I ? coe'ti An 1.1 inpimr Timo it n*y dcllniice, HOUK Mo. ..uns " Tho eui nt Hi;-, tho Uro grows M?ld| IV. undo both boan And baud have Borvod 110 lou r, > ??ur oottngo claims my glamour, H-J or old." -All tho V. ir Hound. THE CANfrELAlIRA. A Itlrtlidny Story. surely moro blessed togivo than ?ab ronalvo. Arthur H decidedly not oj tthul (.{.inion, i would give you his on? dire n:uAi? sud tho mun? of hw fri? ntl, tili.- gonnwd, hui you ... !' milly .? .>> wliy li lind better omit tin m. Arthur ?a hhdi |y d'woonton.Poor'Arthur!Tho g :? eral and th? general's w,t1 i and Arthur Sro us ninch ono an thu ling IN of tho hand. Whoever sec?' ono Invariably socs ono of th<'oilier two nlniosl in n; - dintoly ?. M. c. But? by :? singular chano*?, one seo* Ailinn-undi lo? general's wibi togo! he, inoro frequently ||mn Arthur and div ?vnernl. lt is ?vident thnt ono must In n-"fortuno a little, und Ilion ?ho will ?nni?ti upon one. t The n.-ivrnl'.; wife is vs. Such n b .: u tiftn ago! With her Intimato ... du? tanrcs she answer.: (o tile charming nama of Gnnovieve. Bbc hail served Iii . ? yours in th.' greet tinny of married poo plo boforo abo know Arthur. She was married nt 20. Fi va nnd ihrco ere i Ighl. Tho hi ! ihruo years may bo counted ns spent in the reserve cori s. As lier birth day was near at hand tim general took his friend Arthur usido and .-;ii<! to him: ..My young friend, ii l .!.> nOI provt ni ii you may purpotral i lim samo folly this ?ear thnt you tl d las! year, by ivnioin eriiiir my wife In ii sonsi loss extrava gant manner. That would bo highly . disagreeable to mo. Wo are on too* friendly terms for mo to hesitate lo speak . my mind plainly IO you, aro wo not? Last year you gnVo my wifo a ni agni I , cent vase, sot with rubies, valued by , connoisseurs al 2,600 francs,ai, thc least. ' Thal is loo much.1' "lint my means warrant-" . "SonioUiIng handsome, but not ex travagance." .'J assure you-" "A* an intimate fri. nd of tho hoilSO WQuihairo a right to rctnombor u birth ?A?t.v with Hio usual conventional polite , ???.?. ?lo 6onv sui lani i viii. 1 consent *_ 'tuti killingly. Bul I ?ht not under Btntid *46>xv , thal you should re* pay toni.'****' the:Htilo tl in mrs and sup pern von h. *w? reopiiVod at our house." "And thc r*h'uln?W and nllootlonnto eonsldoratlon th ,lt stfwmnd m In your home! Doll;, v con '' '. ' , , "My il ar boy. ':< al * fe1T \ You would not wi. li to' p^>' '"r Hud I But, In a word, 1 do nov wish 7011 to spend mon' than 800 fr00< h?r ,liy wife That is a responaihln nnvounb" ..Von pul mp in a very ? ml position. Nothing respectn bio eun bs bad for that nntotint. It is a bc; stun." "l>ah! 1 never spend moro f< r my v?s tcr, and what la good enough for her will do for my vi l?o.*' .?Lui mo >'t> a-, hi ii a . C ' fra ucs at leas;." ..No?" "Five lum.bed thonP" ..No! No!" "Four hundred and fiflj ?" "Four hundred; (hut is th'' n'm< rt; ii your ))rescni e<>da ?'.bi) i';?? tu 1 \%.!! re itnrn lt. lilt costs 6C0 franca, 1 .!:;:!! l>o isngry. li ii costs more than that, it will ibo tho last of our fri ici bip." * . . Clcnovlcvo continually di?oovored new ; fallings hljior husband. Sho had 'eng had a .cousecr n .; d si o t 1 008.H ! s a boaut'fiil liltlo b>'ouzo candolabra that cost 1,800 fran.*:. Indot d, her husband carried his nw horlty a l t le too tja', What rigid had boto m.uldlo with hor private matt >??? I>.<1 sho trouble bor self about tlc pa.VlUcnl of the soldiers In tho brigade? No! Then why did ho not ebsorvd a similar dis riitlon In re gard to her nlYaU'H? Was olio not old enough to d?oido what she should r?j '. oolvo and whnl rofitso? On this ground . sho paid no ait* ntlon, but dealt with ber 1 friend as if her httshaml had treated her v wishes in thc nc isl congoUial spirit. "J)o you romomber what I said to you Yost year when you gave mo that ox? ?qulsfts JlttRVprrsontP 'Dear Arthur, you CO beyond all n con.' Those VVoro my very words, were tl., y not? I have i> ion afraid von v.oiil.l repeal that folly, and BO f have In vi. xv s?rtu thing more raod o*t, tluttt you mlgh) pr soul u> mc if you aro Inuit upon doing somcllnng." ..inls thoughifuinesa was entirely un? jBOP4iS.'ary. ftlv ufleetion -" ..Your nft'ection jieetls no proof of that kind." "fictieviovo, <) fietievi. ve! "Arther." "Tell mo what you have in view." "Well, my friend. Ofter l'>tig ti arch. I found at last a little Candelabrum at Barbizon's; a candelabrum, mind, and il i* a superb piece. LoOlil XV. style. And, Just think, it ?oats only 1.H?0 franos. You see my husband S inu r fcreiieo wtis milice. sVi ry. iain ivason ablc myself; but, if I do n<?t mr niko, the gi-npral wont still further. Ho liwd tho limit for you, did ho not?" "Yea, 400 franc." "That Is certainly modest, but moro than enough." Arthur declared ho would revolt ngrinst the general's order, but she would not hen- to it. However, ho held to bb resolution In spite of lier oppo sition. Rmillj they came lo an agree ment, ft was M tiled that ho should send the candelabrum to Ii in dear ( .. nevlcvo, but should assert and maintain to the 'Mineral that lt did not cost omt 400 ffane*. A . . . When Attjair made his call of con . gi at ni at ton oin the birthday of tlmipnor al's w?f? ho wu angrily received by tho Honer ul. A ott acorn tu hove torgullett our re cent conversation out!roly.41 "Why, what ls thu mutter, gonoral?" "Ahl Ami thia oandelnbrumP11 "Well, whal of Itt Perhaps you don't believe .This candelabrum diu not ctol a sou over 400 lianes." .'Nonsense." "Jl is as I teil yo;!, it cost mo trouble enough, though,to ibid them; I - wore nt yon not a little." ''impossible, whe/o-did y ou rake up such ii fabulously cheap UiingP" "At -bul il ls of no importance." "ll ifl a pure curiosity- ?win roP1' "Al Rill bi/.on's." "And yot people soy Hint llarblzon is thc doored) bion/.e?dcaler in Parie? Four hundred francs? Incredible!" "Von do liol doubl my words?" "So little that within an hour I shall order one like it nt Mnrbl&on's. For four weeks 1.have nearly split my hoad trying to think of something to bm for my sister's christ* nlng ahhivoranry.'Now I [nive it. Siio will dolo on tho candel abrum.11 * * * Arthur entered Ha.b'y.oh's breath? less. "Slr, yesterday.morning you sold mo a Louis XV. candelabrum for 1,800 fran (a. Do you remember mer"' ..Certainly, Herr liaron.11 "A gt ntl- ina:; i.. coining to you who wishes to order one li!.* ll. rou mu 1 toll him that you have no more in tho Bt< "e." ?impossible, sir; we have, three for sale." ..How unfortunate! Pul listen. J have tv request. Von must rim dor mc n little service, A singular circum stance, v, hl< h I have no tm 0 lo ? xplain, compollcd UK lo declar?lo th person thal tho caiutch.bruni bought :. iv cc 1 only 400 tropes." .'And ha hdti ved lt?" "Strong reasons you hoar-ver strong reasons force ni . to conceal th truth. If he wi h s a at nd lar camlet nbruin tl> n?) charge hhn mom Ibm '?10 lotti ; fl or: I will ptvy tho ili/VorOlcc.1 ..That is Mit:, tai lory.11 . f." * Ten minute.- lalor a gentleman cn te: d I lio afoi'ti lind wished to buy 01c of I': . thieu ? -ad -labra. Faithful to !?;. agreement, Harbison a iked tildy Mit. franca. The iltircha?' r look d' very mneli astonish 'I- "Four !. m.'.-.vd francs! Please send mc two.11 Rurbhtdn trem bled at thlti unexpected double, ordur, buihe. rumepili rod Arthur's anxiety, and wrote down tho order in his book. Fifteen inln;; :- lalor th s general cn ter tithe shop ti h's;'-: r. "One ol my frh nd-; bought a candelabrum yon yesterday. I s lu you have moro ol Ibo sumo kind. My friend told mo ha paid 400 francs for it. ls that right?11 ..Saporlot!" I hough I iii . dealer, '"I have gol myself Into a nice lix. The i HI rob asor who was jual ?tere was not thc baron'.- man. So urie!, (he Worse for han. 1 low could 1 know?" "Ves. .s-r," turning to the gonoral af ter his brief ninio'.o 11"Il is right. The candelabrum costs 400 francs." "Wonderful! Yt i v wonderful! Will you huvo tho goodness to Scud one ol thom to my sUtor? She will give you h r add rc -." "Yes,11 di . huly? much pleased, "ami i will luke I ho other two with nie into I ho e nm try." "Tho other two, madamoP They aro sohl," r. pill il ?le- Ihirbtxott. "There ls no hurry. I have time, ll you ci\h havo thom In flvo months it will do. Hy that limo you eau got sonic moro.1' " ,\o wi h to present them to mn fri; lids, Herr Ihiroizon,11 added tho gi li erai. "Tho French industry must bo encouraged. You cnn safely order five or si v. 1 pledge mysulf lo tuko them.** "lilli -Ut thal rate tho order stand; BOV n t ami 'abra for th-' Herr Cen ral and two for madame. Have I linde;-. .-tomi you corr ctlvP11 "To make au even amount 1 will say tciu'lmi1 makes only 4,000 francsl11 .? . . * .? Poor Arthur! Daring the following woolf hu went back and forth botwo 11 lite geJlOr/rt'fl hotel and Rami/on's shoji oftener than ever. Tho orders fa.'ly poured down? Tho story cost him aol h s than 35,000 franca, l do noi know whether Gonevlevo's nf feetlon was rt ally worth so much to hun Ol' not.- Tra 11.ilaU dj/vni thc GcMlftnltU Margaret 0.1'olk: Modern surgery has achieved tl great triumph In Germany. Eleven yoars a ro Professor Nuasbaiim, Of Munich. t<>< li charge of a boy M> malformed and erip pied that bo was obliged 1?? craw l about on all fours, Nine serious operations were performed, four crooked bone.-, wer?! broken, three stiff joints forcibly exit tided, sever, ! sinews cut through and ?ervos str< lohod. Weights wore then attachtal lo Col'talll mus-les, and by means of massage baths, ointments and electricity so much progiv-s was nuulo that in a few years the boy vf ai able ?0 walk crec? with the aid of crutches ami a special apparatus .liston ed to Ids h.t. Subsequently ho was al !" to throw away this apparatus anti exchange lilsorut?hcs for a cane, and to day ho ls ? healthy, Vigorous youth, ablo to walk, danoo and ri lo On horse back. _^_ 'I'le French government, would like lc give"tho anny the privilege Of wcarine beards? but feels the noooesjtj of fh-*i consulting several high militurv author il ios, tho opinions on tho subject art contradictory. Meanwhile the prov falls back ?IJ history, and linds that tin conquerors of all ages were about equnllj divided b: tween the shorn and unshorn The great Mev'ean voit ano Popocnte beti lias ju t been r.-measured nhu fount tu bC 17.MUO fret above the nea. Tilt crail ., wldcli Is completely ohsourct within by sulphurous vapor, is abeu t WO and one-half miles in circuit ant l,00d h i t deep. Tim entire center o tho top Of the mountain seems to b solid sulphur. Width is dcpOSltCll at th rate of a tan a day. Stii rup-? of solid silver, silver |>onnur and ornamenta w orth I hon antin of do] lara may bo seen oh tho saddle of th gaucho, thu mod ph timm mo oharoete in the two Americas. Honie .'.-oldina 0 the. t i i b ns nun h as th . riders aboii! -.vinMC iadf* rows of silver Jingk Thc. gaucho shvi paper, (1 eigarott" at foll gallop, FALSE PISAttLS. Tlio Description of tho I'racCMtjj of Mano, faoturc of t il?- io Imitation Cicmt). Tho workroom ol tito pearl-blower, pays Sauztiy In his "Glass-Making in All Ages,'' jusi Issued, i< mos! simple. It is composed of a small Inhlo about a yard in length, on willoh ia placed a lamp with a largo wick. This lamp, fed titi? ir with oil o;" lardi gives a long jot of Hame blown by a pair ol hollows under the table, which arc put in mo tion with tho foot. On (Iiis bible are placed tabes of hoi low glass of two hinds some of com? mon glass, which servo for thc manu? facturo of common pearls; tho others, of a slightly Iridescent lint approaching opa', aro only employed for the liner pearls, designated in commerce Oriental poa via. Tho si eis t of tho composition of ibis latter ff]ass, due to ibo ?vs nrohcfl of M. 1'i rn ?ot, a < hemist who died a few veal's air'), now oolongs to the lirra of Vttlcx & Co. DLOWINCI Pl*. AULS. The first material iv o r known, lot us now sci lt lo Undi t - land by what, means from il tube of hollow glass, in every respect like those which children uso ns pea-shoot< r?, liso malo rs fitiecoed, with out using tiny mold, in making pearls ot all sorts, from the Mo?! common to llioso which In shape nnd opalescence im?talo y rfootly t?o- ? ist splendid pearls of tho Kast. (Thc only oxcop lion to Ibis is for tito pearls called Huted, winch nm : !.. dono in a mold. As they are nov nd . ? fashion, we shall Buy toothing mor? nh ut Ihcir muiufac titiv, which b things moro to Ibo subject of blown mid uiohh d ri ii ?sos,') The blow r KI alud nt Ins labio has hts lamp before hint . . tl ;t ins right hand aro placed lui . ; uboiil .mc-third of nu inch in dbi meter und <m? foot in length, i i. . I . .!*.. .> . ol fm tube to ho employed)) io;; n ci sarily in propor tion loth i:y.i of th . pearls to bo made, tho Iinji labor of thc blower is to draw out tho tub -that ls to say, to increase i's length by iliniin: thing it; thickness, When !!?.' mbe ls made of tho size de sired ho break'! it in fragments of from four lo si;? luchos; afterward he takes ono of tiicso and brings one end of it 10 thu huon. As soon ns tho glass bo gin lo molt ho blo\ * gently dm.ugh lim tube, \yliich, although drawn out, has always preserved Us 1 fi tern al bore, nnd, thc nh*so n diintlmr tho heated ox? '>..? inity, it ball appears. lt is this ball that ls to becomn a pearl, hut it is still only ht a nidi mon I cry state* Three operations aro ucccusury t.i make it a pearl; First, tho piercing of two holes for round pearls inti lided to form a m ck? lac i, or of n f ingl ono it tin y are round or pearl-shaped, lo bo sot either for necklaces or carrin;fs, or for buttons or pins, t lo. S coud, to give tho form, round or p; 'ir-.*. I tu ped. Third, tho interior coloring. The doubl . piercing, indispensable for ibo < ord to pass through which unites flin pearls and forms a necklace, la clono at thc moinont when tho spherical glass adhering to tho tubo is still ductile. The lir i holo is made in the lower part of tho pi url In tho breath only of the workman, and the second is naturally formed by thc opening lo tho tube when tho pearl is si paral, d' from ii by means of a light blow. OKI ENTA L eEAUW. This work ls requited in tho prepara tion of lill beads; but. lu fore pltsslltg on, we would call tho attention of tho reader, and especially of ladies, lo ono] kind WO moan Oriental pearl-, which, j ns lin n* name indicates, must be tho most exact imitation p tssiblu of llioso produced by Nature. Although made in exactly tho same, manner as tho mosl ordinary hoads, thc e pearls are yet distinguished from i h. in, not only by the employment of opalescent '.'ia-vs, but ?till moro hy tho care tho blower takes in (hoir format ion, as well us by tho different coloring they ri in the lui irior. As for thc hape, every ono knows how rare it ls to ?ind a pearl without defects and defects uot in material but in form, un 1 si ll moro in color. A singlo exnn plo will Bellico P? siiow how difficult it is to lind immy pearls almost alike in form am! lint? Tho peatl necklace bo? longing to the ux-Kmprcss of thc French is coinj ? al of only thlfty-lhrco nonrts, cud, in order to complet . lins limited number, it i- scarcely possible (.> bollovo i lint, after having chosen from among all tlc: ut? -., pi ones French nier chunts could oil* r, it was ! ?ce.--ary to have roCOUI - Ul I hose of F.nglaml. The wot:, of the blower hoing, as wo have said, t.> imitate nature as much a? possible, lil talent consists not only in destroying tin- exact regularity obtained by tho blowing, but also In producing 011 t?;? fal e pearl the defects Usually found in natural tm s. This work 1*0 fiirce much practice, nnd is only tho nit of lon.: Observation? The good o ty cr. the artist, should be sufllcii ntly .quainted With natural pearls to exc elle tm hl? (-wu tinly the defects which |nmv Incrcn ..tic value ?>f his work by skillfully pu ; ar. d rollcctlons. To ob tain lids' liupi rtnnl result, tho blowor, profiting bj ibo moment when thc pearl still adheres lo tho (nbc, tokes a rory small h rib palet, with which ho strikes lightly ci ri tin parts of iho small mal leable pearl, and it ls only hy this last opt ration, which places hero a protu berance, ti,, rv a flnttonlng, both almost Imperceptible, that ho succeeds in pro ducing a pearl which, losing its mathe* math al regularity, la conies tho perfect nutation of nature. Tiler, thc work of the blower ceases; for lt I? then that thc pearls' which, it should b " lemar!.cd. mc still only ob |i oti In coterie - gins i nw to pa 11 into the hand ? Of workwomen charged to color cooli Of them. Hut, before dis missing th'1 blower, we nui>t be allow ed to go u lilli?! into sta'i ?tic*. The reider, however. fleed aol bc akiriiiod; WO shall l. '\.?. I-rief. We merely wish to say ihut a good workman cnn make SOO pearls m a "lay. nml is pnld from 2s to ??a C<1 tho hunih'afc. roM?MMi OK I'At.Ci r.CARIA Although the work ot Coloring of Whh h [yo or ..; ..' t i sj.i'ak is the same for all pearls, lt win bo easily under stood that, a'n. c pc '.rls are divided into onlina v and Oro nial p< wis, ii ls poo . lo have Iv.ti eta ol wot kia opie. This 'labor id ecu. ;.|iy iitinudcd to wo mon-some specially employed in color ing tho common, ?md others tho finer, pearls. Wo shall only occupy ourselves with the work of tho latter, which, wo re peat, merely differs from that of tho other from its greater ('?nish. Each workwoman has before her n serlos of small compart ments, contain ing altogether several thousand pearls, arranged so that each of them should present the side having thc orifice pierced hy tho blower Before Introducing tho coloring sub stance, which Would bo too easily de tached from the gln&S ?f p were not by some means moro llrmly theed, every pearl has lo receive inside a, very llffld coating t f a glue which is perfectly colorless, being mad? from parchment. This la}er being equally spread over tho Interior of every [wari, tho workwoman takes advantage of tho moment when tho glue is .--till damp and begins tho work of coloring, properly so called. After having taken up the thin and hollow lube, and soaking it in tho bleak paste, tho workwoman Introduces a certain quantity into each of thu pearls by her breath ; and would \ou know how many she must do i.i a day lo ( li able her to car i thc modest sum of from '?9 7d io 4d? Forty thousand! For every thousand glued" and lilied with tho paste ls only paid at the rate of about one pon ny. Colored beads are il? nc in exactly tho same way; but, Instead of the bleak tiaste, a paste' ol tho color desired \i down Into them. Mountaineer Trout. Not long since. I followed one of theso da lling 1 rout-streams from tho valley up tho mountain Nature seemed lo have done her best to ploted the li',!.' lidies that lived in thu dark deep po ?]s and eddies. Tho high or I climbed up tho mountain, tho morn lish [found; tho stream became n succession,of falls, sonn? of which wore three feet or more in height-tho brook In ?ts track forming steps down the mountain and 1 began to wonder how the fish carno lo be up there. In the village, 1 chanced to mention the subject lo a friend who owned a mill on tho Mime, stream; and ho told mo that the fish s* ascent was Q puzzle to him. until one ?lay his boy callad him out to tho ?lam, where tho riddle was solved. Thc dam was nearly four feet high, and to relieve the stream, several auger-holes had been bored in it, allow ing a small stream of water to jot fore! hiv out and go splashing down into tho char pool below. As my friend ap proached the. spot, and looked through tho bushes, several lurgC-sizcd trout were moving about under tho mimic fall, evidently in groat excitement, and dart ing into it ns ii enjoying tho splash and roar of thc water. Suddenly, one of the tish made a quick rush that sont it up thc falling stream, so that ii nbuosl gainedJJui top; but by nn unlucky turn it was caught and thrown back into the pool, whore it darted away, evidently much startled. Soon another made the attempt, dart ing at it like thc first, and then rapidly swimming up tho fall, but only to meet the fate of its predecessor. This was tried a number of times, until Anally, a trout larger than the others made a dash, mounted tho Stream, and entered the round hole. Tho observers were al most really to clap their hands, but it was not successful yet. As tho water stopped (lowing for a moment, they saw I (hut though the athletic trout had sur mounted the fall? th(i hole was too small i for it to pass through, and there tho poor ll -li was lodged. Tho lookers-on na t' ned to relieve it, and lound that its side or pectoral lins worn caught in tin- wood, but by pushing tho Hali ahead, which you may be .-ure they did, they liberated ii, mid ?t darted aua\ Into tho lipper pond. Hero, then, was the explanation. The trout climbed tho mountain by swim ming up tho fulls, darting up the foam ing ina--es. and adopting every expedi ent lo accomplish their journey. For these fish di posit their eggs high up stream, 80 that tho young fry. when hatched, may not he disturbed by pred atory fish and other foes living in the lower waters.--C. F. Holder, in St. Nicholas, A Born Drummer. "Do you think you aro fitted to be come a cnn VOES ?\ Walter?-' "I do." ..Well, suppose you were calling on a Customer, should you consider it a hint lo lea ve if ho ord. red you to clear out of the room?" "I should conaidi r that an invitation to remain." "Suppose ho kicked you down-slair ?" "I should regan! that asa plea-ant introduction." "What should Voil regard as a hint to h ave?" "1 will tell you from my own exper ience. Last winter, wishing to study Greek, nud li iving no money, I cast to remain nt tho Presbyterian hospital as an invalid. As ill-hiek would have if I grew so fat in tl for!night that, groan ns loud as I would, tin y told me lo h ave, I only clung (ho Closer to my berth. The good doctors then kicked mo ont of (ho door, hut 1 climbed back though the window. At length they told nie that all the beds were taken, and that l must sleep in the di--.1 cting-room. I slept like a lop for a week. But one. day n drunken student carno into thu room brandishing n huge knife, und cried out: '-Where's that now subject?" 1 loy still till ha bael thrust his knife two or throe inches into my side. Then, fearing that all my members would se* Cedo unie-s I did something desperate. I cried out '1 take thc hint,' und skipped.'1 A correspondent writes: I noticed in tin- Kn ni tu/ Post ot Nov. 3 a specimen of (?crinan translation which brought to my mind a sentence I took from nn old (ii mian grammar sonic tinto ago, which perhaps may be now to you: "A blind becoiuo hen, who to tho scratching ac customed was, ufter that sho blind bn eani" censed not to scratch. Of what to tho poor fool availed it? Another M cine; hon, who her tender feet wished to sparc, (his observing, yielded not from her sido; and as often as tho blind become hon o grain ujiscratchcd had, ato it tho seeing ono away."-N, x. livening Post. OKMKllAI. N10W8 IT?M?. IfOOtt Of Interest, Catlierei] from VltrloUB Quarter*. -Bread riots aro occurring near Q i. bc -Crime is on thc ii crease in New York. -A revolution has broken out in Uruguay. ?-Tho Sochi li si s in Euron i ure urg ing revolution. Tlie roi (hivers of the Fourth ave Hilo linc in N> w York arc on a strike. .lohn Dill ii ( Celares th u an lii-h l'a .lament is it thing ol the near tut . ... -There aie said to he RJO hon 1 - teni distill Chicago b< ctlUho th-?V uro said MI he haunted. -lt is understood that the telephone suits aid h ? tnnu?i.i to trial in Co lumbus, < )hio, ix l. 1. a jury. li i- istiuiatttl dial thc depreda do - of Hrh ?sh -1 a? i o v - . 1 ngia id las \ear will n eel ? The bri nkiug up of th ' rc gorges at lie Non h wt ii cau-o " loss td' m ion? ? f do hu s wm th of prop? ri \. -A Stearn Velocipede luis been i;; vcmrii H >vs ,.. i.ud um h nitidus II .sped oi 1J1 : 1 au h mr. -Business is (?nile hi-k in Savannah in neatly all lines of trade, wholesale merchants being us busy as bees. - Riots have occurred in Leicester and Yarmouth. England. Tho un employed woikmon aro bto ming des perate. -Two Americans have been ex pela d ti . m Holstein, IVuvMii, f ir 'Mi ivlng m ide themselves troublesome lo die uuthoritics." - It i~i gen niiy h 1eil by the Delaware- peach growers that the bud? have beep almost entirely destroyed by thc cold. - Lula lim 'S MI uuetLm dr. w .Slot) uni) i r poe e s and 1 w -ic is laking au edi.catie al bb 1 tr Col lege. ergo Ivanhoff, recently rrcstcd by In- Uu?slan police, wa? un? ol thc NI li?-ii< coi.ceriiud in tho ult der ol Al Mindel tl. - 1 lines Madison Well?", ?' fumons Rep idieaii politicim ul tl 0 lie sti ll (in ci a ot L??Ui lau lu s bei'Min. old, 10?ir and blind. .h il' ison nu ?Samuel t? ' - , I roth er , bud <>. rel lu Ch-uiattonga Tenn., when tho latter waa shot througl the tic..-, linn Killi it. - A 8 tght shook ol an etirihqunkc was iclt along thu T mbigbee Liver, Alalia ma, on Mituid ; , but 110 . iiuuigi was done. - Henry Sullivan, colored, win crushed to death between two cars [' th - 1 i onal I! dread Height yard ii Augu-tn 011 Tuesday. -Governor* Kio.., of .*Kentuok> says the Slate Ji?.u-l have more peni ten lar> r?? li , and have il id once tm wit.lout uni mo <. fooling. -In the Mississippi Legishmm 01 last Saiuidoy, in u eoittcsO'd 1; i el ri .seat in thal body between a negro am a white man, tho negro was seat. tl. -(?co. R ibinson and S. J, dames colored des 1... e-, nciu .\. l id il Louisiana mi Thersd ty -one ni Mon lue and ibo olllci at Rea ll reg 1? il. ?lohn ll < ion. I , the renownet toni, ci anec edvnenl , Wits struck wltl nanilv>-ifl in RliRiidelphhi, while leclur nig last week, ard his condition i consider? d ?1 rious. -- During tho Presidential rcceptiot on I* i ulai night, .Mis. ex-CJovcrno Croome, nf M i y hind, lust tl Villiiabh diamond earring, li via not rc over cd. -Two colored convicts were killet and others severely injured bv th 'Xplosioii ufa b.iistoii tho Spartiuihui'! lind Asheville R.tilloild, on tlc lol ?list. .fohn Halford, hi? wit" , sinter mu toar chi birril, of St. Legar, Mo., wei ein?bt in a heai i si ow storm and si bad Iv that their lives are de paired of. -The great McCormick re iper wm k nt' hicagoclosed down last week nu 1,400 emploi 6 an- idle. A strike wa threatened unless five non-union me were dismissed. - .lames A Deland, of New York n?/i tl t lil ry t) -live yeal s, Sn peri n tem le II of tho Boston Ait (lob, shot hiuisol at the club ro on, dyiuji instant j He leaves a \i ?tl.? v. and seven childi Ol -Two miners, Perry and, had a (lillh tilly III Red CHU, ? oloi'adi and tia; hitler was killed. A ni afterwards look thc; mardi rei* fi*nu il Shot ill and hung him from a rai I rot. water lank. -A revolutionary conspiracy, ?vii ramifications in Rare l u?a, .M .1 .. 11 Cartlovtl timi M'Ville, has been disco*, ored lu Madrid. A quantity of di 1 ? mite, revoh- it Otc., vi a-cap! tired. - Ebie, his wife, fallieran three children and Mr?. Kinney pei ?shed in then but ni residence in Ci cet bush, Wis., The hired mau escape? and bc is suspected of selling lire t tho building. -A drunken brutotold Mrs. Mai iii Johnson, of Rewind, Vt., a Indi < years old, that her sou had dro| po dead in tho street. Tho story wi untrue. Tho obi lady went Into coi vulsions and soon diotl from tho shod - lt is a notable, fact that on Monda belele last tho period ol'mourning | tho army prescribed for t ho Into (?ci Grant censed and, on Tuesday can orders to put on budges of inouruii for (icu. Ham-nek. who had died th day. -John Ahearn, who was convict( of bigamy in Scranton, Penn , ai sentenced to eighteen months in il Rastern Penitentiary, died on thc tra while on bis way to Phi (adelph with eight other cohvicts in thc cu tody of tho Sheriff. -At Atlanta eight sat down lo quiet game of poker Saturday nig in a private room. Belora tho van wound up on Sunday merni og * I. h hud been lost. One actor lost and another showman $?.*?(). 'I hr drummer boys scooped in all l money. Intel o lint; r r M * UH of un littoi-o?llttg IMcd - Their v linty ns n Itarouiolcr. Ono of til? unchallenged d ed amt ion 3 of the gospel of our Now Knglniul folk lore, ns u])plicd to Ibo changes of tho seasons, says tho Hartford Times, is tho Baying that whon sovcrtd Hoi ks of wild .rec-:; are seen heading southward in the late fall it is a sure Bign of speedily coming cold wontln r, and il is apt to bo so. lt waa Ibo hoi lei of our forefathers, ?ts it is of their descendants, that the spring und autumn migrations of these great hirds unerringly heralded tho real chango of the seasons-tho former pro claiming the approach of spring weather and the latter the coming down of the northern wlnfc r. '1 ho Calinda goose is credited with the character of a weather prophet, a part which, it must bc admit ted, he sustains mon: creditably than I some of tho weather prophets among thoso other ?r ?esc who, without wings or i its Intelligent forewarning instinct, con tinue to put forth their meteorological predictions for each coining year. For tho Hocks of wild geese, in their last I mid heaviest southward migration, do undoubtedly foi? teil tho rapid coming of j wintry wea'thor. True, they begin that long southward journey, ninny of them, in scattered, earlier Hocks that aro seen al intervals in sonic years all through the month of Ootobor, but ibu hitor and lar g r companies gem rally come swooping down Iron th . fur north lb rough the cold and leaden -Vi s ot late No vom bi r. Wilson, tie! ornitholori t. says of this birds "Th 'ir first arrived on tito coast of New Jersey ls early in October; and! their first numerous appearance is the sure prognostic of severo wcathor." How far do they go in seeking a nost Ing-ploco hy (he shores of tlc northern Sias? And how lollg or how far. in their return . ?uthwnrd, do they ll y in a singled y? Ornithologists toil n's that, thc wild goose (Anser Ccinadcnsis), M the rule, "broods in tho most northern portion of tho continent,'1 passing tho reason of incubation beyond the bound nri< s of tho L'uitecl Slates, ?md generally along tho ? .i!d shore;! of northern Labra dor, of Hudson's bay, of southwestern (h'cenlnnd, and tho shoiVil of both sido ot Ballin's bay, cl eo-: oniheedgoof th.' unending kv and snow. Instances ol hs broccunir on the New langland C >USI ) t>; i . aal, al Martha's Vineyard) have been re|K>rtod; bul such statements . 1 :.i m need conlirniatlon. Wild /reese : have a wider range. Their habit is to I hived in ibu far north, though sonio of j them do not go further south, on their i return, than lin- bays and sounds of the North Carolina coa-!-. KOA- far they , li v without reding may bo a loss easy qu ti<m to answer. Tho poet, Bryant, who 'Vits a '."iud observer, says: AM any thy winn* luiVo ftuui'd At tl .: lil- l:> i,. I :. Ill col i, t'.;iii ntmOB|>h0rO, I V' ; -i .'.|> n it. woury, t>> tho wi Icoinu lund, 'IVi'H.-.'.i theil irto il'jjlU ls neat - , whh ii would imply thai they liv, day j ?ind night, till they reach their rcsting I '.: . in "lie . .; . v.:;, . Ji-j^ioV. they seek, ?md win ve. (the po. t continues, address ing tho gun .) "re ds shall bend, soon, <i", r thy sin herod nest." This is proba . bly crediting the wild goose with too i gr at pow. ty of lUght, lie mu t, ami , d . :. pausii at I'M ; for ivst, food and recreation, in some open witter, dis cern d. from Ids "fur height," beneath him in tho land over which ho di reeta j Ida Hight i rtnd tho best testimony seems i to be that lind Ilighl never Ls continued, unless is happen < lo be nuder the pr?s ure of very raro 'hvuihstances, beyond I 24 hours :.* c. ? r.e. and generally not inue,i h \...?,1 il! ;-. !::!.. wild gootfO often do Hy ?,. iii.' iii ht; but ibero ls j reason to believe thal ... . ?1 I hov ?lo they rt in some river or bay for n few hours (luring the day. They seem !> know, i\tn in the dark* t hight, when they are over ti rivi r. This w as shown once in a wild November nigh! of sion a ?m.I sleet, win 11 a l?" .!; of these great bird?, Unding their wings laden with Ibo ice that froze upon tin in, doset adi d with | great clnuior in: > the Park river In ; Hartford, jil t m rill Of the Ford stree* bridge, wilt re s.n.;-'. I thc mi ?tUea ?.t (lie I olinda s the <>ld ht il Qv. h ich stood near ?ho bank) ir. id of Other a- ai ht nts i they con tri vt il, willi gn id din o' scream ing' end iii .: ul iring abd divin : lo clear their win ; of iee, and rise again into the night, lind go sail ng on toward lui;.'.?ter skies. Their rate of spe d varies somewhat under different circinus*, ancos, and si em not to bc very n< mutely know n. Hut, though th ' - ilighl i ?ienvy and laborious, 1 ls p, lu . i\ swift. Watch ing n Hook of - . ni liity th iso large witter/owl as lb \ .<.-.?.; Hying oyor tins eily Simd nj morning ci : journey low;.rd ii.luiul ot cotton," (hi r mo lion, as well ie iii lr wild {fob!in cries, could 1? i iii lin fly M -vk d. The (lock, which was un( fornn d in the. customary triangle, iv t in a great Irregular curve, w:,s Ktill led by tho old gam!, r, und his d e t)i) r ii ote i nhl occasional ly t> i. urti nmidst (ho t'.':? nt tho wild', r fly voici s of his gabbling Hoe'.. Ho may have been cnutiOnhi lum lo koop well (o gcthor, and promising a good ll mu ahead if they lo ?il hrnvefo lo ibo work--stud ti).' lil , of the company, as ls opt id be Ihb 111 e, were nil talking ut one?, and eagerly giving nil rcv\^ ol goo'v assurances, lint tho Interesting thing to note was thc speed of tho llock. They swept on through the SOOWljng sky at a tremendous rate; much faster, apparently, than that of thofa8tCSt rail road train. In making such an estimate allowance mu t bo made for the in tho -ky of ail standards of compari son, Uko those windi, in tho fdmpo of hills or cities, or ode r torreStlal objects, afford in the case of the express traill some means of realising Ita rato of speed. And tlloAO loquacious gOOSO swept on like tho w ind their long necks ?trotohod OUt Straight ahead, and their gurgling, rcody erics sounding al most continuous. Those erics, perhaps, only three days before, had blended with the fierce trumpet bia ts of the Mirill northwester as ii swept rai' hnd wide over the now frozon wastes along tile snores of llud son's Mr.i'.ts -or e\? n, it may be, of the lower part of Pu ?ll n's bay; for there ?.<? u s to b? no reason to doubt that these large, sirong birds, in (heir long migratory journey, ticing from the win ny w rath to cone", do really accomplish liva Inmdrod to six hundred milos udny, Looking at the groat continental Hight of thc w ild go v .-, one is tempted to np pK to him some suoh hyperbole as that whick- tho enthusiastic l-VcncliMian, luicholot, applied to the frigate-bird. "Iie sups in .Senegal and breakfasts in North Aniericu." In a similar spirit it might bo said of the wild geese-th? take breakfast one day on the shores . Labrador, die noxt on L<ong Isla Bound. Tliey th from tho realm of cold nod darkness." Out of the bleak world of on coming winter, with ita ice, its chill shadow, ?is piercing blunts, and the reign of nature's death, they speed on und away, living faster than tho wind, and heading over to the land of light and lif". wlicro the um broods bright and wann all day on the still lakes and lagoons of Florida, or the gulf shores o? western Louisiana or Texas. What at? instinct is that that drives them so un erringly on", and how lino it would bo if we, loo, could travel like the conti nent-sweeping wild goose, and, leaving the northern winter far boll hui, dart on. ulm.>sl ?a a day. to tin- /.one of unending sunshine and v. amit h ! inc late Or. Humphrey Sandwith, of Kars, when lu- stood f??r Marylebone Borne years ngo, was told at an election eering meeting that he wnsn't a work ingnuin. **1 don't know exactly what you nusan by workingman," was tho cheery reply, "but I have worked hard all my life. For several months I groom- d mv own horse, and. w hat is moro, I ate liim afterward." Some nu n wliile, fishing in White river, Indian:!, ono night recently, built e. lire, using for a backlog what they thought was a section of a larg?! elm tree. As the fire grow hotter one of the mon noticed that tho "backlog" kept cracking, and tinnily burst open, er radier transversely across. Investiga tion revealed th-:" fact that th0 "back log" was hoi:.- a hug-j femur of a uio 1 ot lon 1 llB LATHENS BAR. JOHN <;. HASKELL, N. B. UiAL, Columbia, s. < '. Laurene, 6. C HASKELL & DIAL, A T T O lt N 10 Y S A T L A W, LAUUKN8 C ll., S. C. J. T. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ?rTipK-Fleming's Corner, Northwest side of Public Square. LAURENS C. IL, S. C. ?T. C. GA1U.INGTON, A T TORN K Y A T L A W, LAURENS C. IL, S. C. Offlco over W. II. Garrett's Store. W. <;. BENET, F. P. M'liOWAN, Abbeville. Laurens. BENET & MCGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. IL, S. C. J. W. FEItOUSON. OKO. r. YOUNO. FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. IL, S. C. lt. 1' TODD. W. IL MARTIN. TODD & 31 AKTIN, A T T O lt N E Y S A T L A W, LAURENS C. IL, S. C. S. J. HOLM KS. IL V. SIMPSON. HOLMES & SIMPSON, A T T () ll N E Y S AT LA W, LAURENS C. IL, S. C. Er. W, H. BILLI*, DENT INT? OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK AND DRUG STOKE. Office days-Mondays and Tuesdays. LAI KENS C. IL, S. C. SAVE YOUR MONEY By having your Drugs and Medicines, Fine Colognes, Paper mid Envelo)*!*. Memorandum Books, Face Powders* Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Shav ing Brashes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Blacking, Toilet and Lanie dry Soup?, Tea. Spice, Pepper, Ginger, Lumps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Diamond Dyc9, and other articles too nu morons Lo mention, et thc NEW DRUGSTORE. Alao, Pun: Wines and Liquors, tor medical purposes. No trouble In show goods. Respectfully, B. F. l'OSEY & BRO., Laurens C. H., S. C. Augnst 6, 18S5. 1 IT CINCINNATI TYPE?FOUNDRY ?.AND* PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Vine Street, CINC.WMATI, 0. Th? typo twa* on tl? P??*r *.? .** ?"?u>* abov? unuKlry.-B?.