y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 Do L>aw4 Ar., Hmllln*. If Do suo's growln' wann, an1 it mukcs deft nig* . KT Blnjr, |\ AI i P? Luw<1 ?? wBiniiiir on do lan*ll Ali. ?lo a r nm mighty ptousant nt do BUtfmor ond o' Kpritiff, F, Do Lnwd um t.r Hmllln' on do Inn' .)1 do1- C'' k0''''1' ?'?r Jo top do fuM,x Do La?*l nm oritnlllu' on do Inn, AM ?io awful young weepers nm or orewlln' on do ll?*, Do Lnwd nm orsmliin' on do lun'^ Oil. smile on, mulle oil. Rutilo, ob. good LaWd, koop on wld do bright UKTII, HIIIK on, HIIIK on, nintr. oh. H?IIIIOI mnn, wny up lu yer high mlifhi. o' Oh, do wild sallot's growl ir in do corridor *? fonce, . Do Lnwd am or siiiillir on do lani I *? ?. mighty ?In?? i Irk i n', but lt B*VO hoap or VpeiM.-. ' Do Lnwd in or sinlllti' on de Ina Oh, de hORij Jowl .?' dodger da will // man 1er tn-/, Do Lnwd fe. i i r mi Hin' ?III do lt An or good Kilkee e r Hbo, bow da ? I li!';'i I'S Jfv , Do LawJ nu IT sm?lin- on de If Oh, muli* on, Millie on, millie, ol good La WU, keep on Wld do bright MeHt Bing on. tiny on, ting-, ob. sTonuf wan, way up in yet high might. . -A rkansuw Tri BOSTON BOB. No ono was bettor known neighborhood of tho Buttery t, in tho [n years ago than old "Doston Hob a oharactor. His surname was but few of his most intimate aibquaint nnces dared to cull him anything hut Hob to his face or to speak of fid Ul bo ,,,n,!J*o??kV^bv^ux other natl Boston Hob. Although - closo in money mutton ino- mean about him. him spend any mono) absoluto necessities of I over spoko of him as n Tho unfortunate o Hob's sympathies, ll assistance that ho coi did not cost money to whomsoever stow always seemed elmo ways ready to listen and never failed t tainer with an anec iug. Ho was not i. moderate amount never bought any I never known to i room in the hoi* drink. He knew and if ono of thee of liquor ho ftc? bottlo to tho bes: tor ho lind seen of harm's way. ing newspaper: one, and, altin cept papers, ho Ho did not oLje rarely purchase! And yet, nut willi of extreme econ ill of him. Hoforo tho K wav began run. its "headquartcrjBT nuorht of tho Statin? hon Hoston I' jj 'im**.'* V runner tho hack0-/ < I*}' prudofct mana meut l?lC? .,'jv.cedcd in saving soi thing over wO/jfWO. 11 was !l pleas sight lo see ojio lino ?lay the owner tins respectable sum seated along' tho driver vt ono of tho hacks treating a in/mbor of listeners to or] nal remarkl of a humorous nat' while he a wld tod tho arrival of a StM j ten Island? ferryboat. There was-I. pleasant sUpih) on his somewhat fur rowed, but iresh looking countenance and a jollv twinklo in ono of his eyes. The other was unfortunately un equal to tAH hisk twinkling,' as it was a glas' OOO. No casual observer at such a time would havo imaginld that Hob indulged to 0XC0S9 in tho -Jv tuu of pio'AOUiy. 1'ob was a quick-\fl t tod tiintr" 0 ?DC0 reiyuivod order oi twok ll ciisho I however, tho i iorinii1 l,,at "u be idaitiliod bofero he iiinuA- . , .fjkloii i know any 1 .,i\ ono any w hun Vliu oi ?. y--f ted io)ifX- ?u payat F ,V? luu.k. j W lien ll fe fulo wo ld bo likely to k'' B^- ' *1 can't help that, JJ; '-'I am obliged tel ,*tho bank." ' ' 'Hob scratched his lu hd air for a ninnie oiintonanco auddei Looking around lo /there were no ladies \ ly pulled un his vest into tho light oi ll? t, hole lappet iv Ju,., Ata? ?V.\\Z eGftRl o? hrVjih his name was writTu": "Do you soe that?1' on his tiptoes, mut hr pet toward tho aston you Bfttistiotl now?" Tho teller ea?hei' any further bosltatlo When tho olovat running thoro WM /or the backs. IW compelled to wtthdr .wa, thrown ont o had $6.000 in tho wlHing to Invest Tor fear that ho mig! coWed sovoral offers sired ft partner * but bo was of tb people wanted hi? than they did him. ?here in ft good pa very7promptly ref know." ho said t there ls or Isn't ft I don't wftnt U whisky to my fell tbero Isn't ?ny he just tho samo t science that I've low croaturri.' hours in wntcbln which had been lng his position very useless, those onglnos an he once roroarkc fall down wltho I should Uko tc Bob had a,' That wife v/j They lived ir top floor of f lt was Hoi - wife in th? Sunday fin? ments she ' Vftntftgo. har at stu her from od f.hout >. : was Hob Ho as un isinoss dc ro ho de japital, rt, theso ' more ered a hut ho do not bother hero is soiling And if want y cou >y fel spond traiiifi, his los his oyo ls. "If ow up,' railway anybody, lone." chlldron. his eye. I on tho j-y place, io see bis p In her embellish ?orante ad Companied uld watch th ft look * ?rn of uiinglod prido und tenderness. If any of his acquaintances woro with him al tho timo ho would point hor out to thom. "Do you seo that womanP" ho would exclaim. "Woll, silo's my wife. Look at that shawl. She got it at such and such a place, and only paid so much for it. That dross is a lino ono, and that only cost her so much. It was a bargain. Now, how doos that hat BU.lt you? Slio got it at wholosalo price Oil. sho's a daisy." On tho Now Years' Day after Bob lost Iiis position a Staten Island hotel kcepor mado him a present of .1 bottlo of liquor. That night Hob entered tho Staten Island forry-liouse, whore ho was woll known, with a somowhat un steady step. Tho ferry slip was full of leo at tho time. A few momonts after ward ono of tho gato mon saw Hob fall ovorboard from tho end of thc bridge. Tho alarm was instantly given, and Bob, who was found lying among tho eakos of ico, was fished out. Tho next day ho appeared as usual and allowed his friends to joko him about his ex ploit of tho evening before. A good natured smilo was tho only answer which ho gavo to thoso jests. No ono then suspected that whoo ho went over board he intended to commit suicido. During tho following few months hob mado Iiis appearance on tim Battery nearly every day. Ho still told and listened to good stories, and did what he could for Iiis friends, but. as usual, he refrained from spending money. But his intimate acquaintances remem bered afterward that ho dwell moro frequently Ihau Indore 011 tho fact that he could not got employment, and us often remarked! '.'lhere is money enough for ono, but not lor two." Ono day Into hi April lie brought homo a strong piece of cord, which ho put ii v..iv in the presence of Iiis wife. She asked him what it was for. "Oh. it's handy to have in the house. Wo'll lind some uso for it.'" Ito replied. On tho following morning the sky was gloomy amt overcast, hut hob's wife oxpressed a desiro to go out. Bob urged her to go. saying that it would .Jo her good. Sb.- put on her Sunday micry, and Hob gazed at lier with moro [w:in usual satisfaction. Ho examined ($e .shawl, the dress and the lint with li mu eh interest as if ho had never dien them before. He rehearsed tho ice of each article, amt said wi)at a irgaiu it was. Just us she was going j- lt of tho door lie told her not to hurry i lok, anti thou asked her if she was ] ling anywhoro in particular, ni "Oh. yes," she replied. "You know Jd Mrs.-, wiio 1 told you yostor fty was donilP 1 think I will go to tho Inoral." Hob gave a start, but sho aid no particular attention to this at te lime. Sho returned from tho fu irai, and, as shu entered her homo, . ie found that tho window curtains ad been pulled down, which mado tho *-)oni quito dark. A feeling of uncasi ?SS crept over lier, and she hurried to ho nearest window and raised tho cur tin. Then she discovered tho body of '.r husband hanging near the door by Mo cord which lie had brought homo * the previous day. On tho lloor was I) upturned chair, from which ho had patently taken the fatal stop. An inquest was hold and a verdict in accordance with the facts rondored. Bob's numerous acquaintances dis cussed Iiis character. His many good qualities wcro thoroughly canvassed, and his weak points were lightly passed over. Tho public verdict was a favor able ono. Aftor tho funeral Hob's wife examined his bunk book. When sho ?aw the amount to which sho was on li'led, and when she thought of tho re mark, which, according to his intimate friends, ho had m ado so frequently dur ing tho last few mouths of his life, sho began lo realize in what a chivalrous light poor old Boston Bob hud viewed tho fact that "thoro was money enough for ono, but not for two." - A cw York Times. Hoad i nts 011 tho Cum. And WO SOO littlo children woaring spectacles in school. Hore is a reason for it: Evory street car you outer you lind it lilied with fathers of little ones. Each of theso fathers to save half an hour's timo. U reading tho morning newspaper. For years thoso fathers havo ridden from ouo lo thrco miles in this jolting vehicle, with tho light changing at ovory turu of the wheels, and with the focus of tho oyo adjusting itsolf to tho print with lightning-like rapidity: If thoro wore a sliding-glass mado for reading on tho street car, with visible mechanism so subtle that tho focus could bo solf-adjustud witli ovory trembling of tho objoct-suv a wheel should Hy back and forth uko tho balance-spring of a watch- would not tho rcadur in tho car begin to un derstand tho task which hu puts on tho muscles and nerves of his eye* whon ho opens a nowapaper in tho moving car? Ho may possibly not ho woaring out his own eyes, but ho is woaring out his futuro children's-and this beyond tho chanco of a doubt.-Ht. Louis (J lobe- Democrat. A lively air on a violin will some timos sot a wholo Hock of goose wild willi delight. Ou ono occasion st a country wedding I was a witness of a curious performance by ono of those fowls. Aftor dinner a lady entertained the guests "ssomblod on a lawn with muslo from An accordion. A Hock of f;eoso woro feoding in tho road just be ow tho houso and witb outstretched nocks answered back with notes of sat isfaction. Soon a white gander com menced dancing, a lively jig, keeping good lime to tim music For several minutos ho kept up the perform unco, to tho great dolight of toe company. Tho experiment was tried several limos for a week ot* more and tho tonos of tho accordion never failed toset tho gander into a lively dunce. - Tomsonton (Md.) Journal. Tho old notion of "combating" with medicines such diseases as lung in flammation baa given placo to merv enlightened views. Tho system ot Hie lato Dr. Hughes Bennett ls doscrlbod as "treatment by restoratives diroeted to f ml her the natural progress of the disease and supporting tho vital strength." Tho Lancet ?tates that tho Doctor had 105 oases of uncomplicated inflammation of the lungs which ho treated on tb!? principio without a sin gle death EDUCATIONAL. Point? on Fal mullion ?ml Methods of TcHclihif; From Vitrions 8ourcf>?. Tho Distinctive Principles of NornuU School Work.-Tim Normal Stu ?lont. "A normal school y- an institution for tho education of tcachors" ( Web ster.) It is not au attachment to a high sohool, to an acadomy, or to a college, but an institution in Itself, "having a local habitation and a name," equipped with a corps of teachers, the course of studios, and tho necessary appliances for tho accom plishment of its object. Its solo work ls tho education of teachers. "A thin"; is normal," according to Webster, "when strictly conformed to tiloso principles of its constitution which mark its species. " Tried by this test, tho education o? ti,o child and thc teacher is normal when striotly con for mod to tho laws of tho physical ami rational nature of num. An insti tution whoso purpose ls '" educate teachers according to this stannard is properly called a normal school. Its purpose determines tho class of schools to which it belongs. Its OXCOllutlCO depends upon thu quality of ?ts work. The lonelier has tho organization, the leaching, and (Yarning of tho school committed to his hands. Ho directs and controls tho activities of the children while they aro forming habits, and laying tho foundation of character. Ile should bo able to train tho child in tho right uso of all his powers. The dislinetive work of tho normal school is to oducato tho teacher ac cording to tho normal standard. To this end tho normal student must have as debilito and full knowledge of tho human body and mind as possible, dy careful study ho may loam tho struct ure of functions,and conditions of health of tho human body. Ho may learn tho powers of tho mind. Ibo order of their development, tho objects upon which they aro employed, how they are called into light exertion, and Ibo products of this activity as they erys tali/.o into those habits of thinking, fooling, and willing which constitute character. Hy this study he discovers tho laws of human life and learns what education is, as au end, ami as a moans, and derives tho principles which guille the practice in tho normal education of toad,ors and children. This gone ral knowledge of mind pr? paies the teacher for that (dose obser vation by which ho univ lo u n the pe culiarities of each ono of his pupils, so that he can teach and train ea li ono in the way ho should go. Tho normal student must make a careful study of the art of teaching and training, that he may know distinctly what teaching is, what training is, and the means by which lie will sustain tho attention of his class, as dependent up on the knowledge of tho subject; tho selection of tho proper objects of thought; inc direction of tho pupil's thinking; tho uso of the best motives; leading tho pupils to acquire ideas, and to their correct expression, orally and in writing; recapitulation and reviews; criticism by the class and teacher; daily preparation by the teacher; ami tho general culture of the teacher. The normal student must mako a thorough study of the course of studios in all us grades, as a moans to teach ing and training; thal he may know what studies should bl; included in tho course, and why these subject*! should be Studied; hi what order the studies should conic, and the relation which they hold loone another; in each stud}', what shall hu taught, and wh\; tho order in which lb" parti ?hall bo con sidered; and tito lliulhod of teaching and dr,bing tho class upon all parts of tho subject. Thu nounal student must thoroughly examine Hie sillijool of school organi zation. Thal he may know what it is to orgiuii'/.o a 'Chool; tho advantages of a LOO.I 01 gall./.dion; the preliminary pr? par..lens tor opening a school; how to open a school; how to classify tho pupils; how to apportion the time and studies; and what provisions to mako in relation to order. Tho normal student must carefully considor tho teacher's moral duties, with rofcroneo to tho need of moral training, tho object of it, what moral training requires for tho pupil, for tho teacher; tho principles of govorntuont;. it.*yiecossity; how tho end of school government, - self-control,-shall bo secured; tho effect of tho proper a? rangoniont of tho exercises; tho effect of good management, its roquisilos; tho Dost motivos, and how thoy shah bo usod in governing; tho toachor's Eorsoual habits, tho toachor's spirit, is lovo for his work, his willingness to sae ri lice, his lovo for his pupils, and Ids honesty. Ho must study tho history of educa tion that ho may know what has beon attempted and accompli.?bcd. Ho must study the school laws of his own Stato that ho may know his bural stat- , us. Tho teacher must havo a dogroo of skill in tho application of thoso princi ples and this knowledge as will enable him to organizo and control his own school, aiei to odueato his pupils. It is tho distinctive work of tho normal school to socuro to its studonts this knowledge aud skill according to tho measure of thoir ability. Tho first distinctive principio of nor mal school work is that tho normal studont is to be a teaohor. Ho is to look at tho acquisition of knowledge, tho teaching, tho training, all tho exer cises of tho sohool, his own spirit, pur pose, manners, and conduct from tho standpoint of the toachor. The acqui sition of knowledgo in this spirit is as much a part of professional work as toaching Ls. Tho second distinctive principle is tbat the teacher is to bo educated for his work. His mind is not. only to bo furnished with tho knowledge of sub jects and methods, but trained to oom ednoatlon. Ho must bo required to Imitato good teaching; to teach, drill, and examine Sn all grades of tho work under Intelligent supervision. The normal school is a training sohool In all Its course. The third distinctive principle ls that the raothod of instruction In the nor \ mal school 1? tu ?or va tvs a model tor the NOUM A I. SCHOOLS. prohend and apply tho of normal studout. Not that it should bo followed literally iu all points; tho teacher must always adapt his work to his pupils; but tho principio, tho ar rangement, tho spirit, tho manner of conducting it will bo imitated. Tho unconscious tuition of tho school in some things is moro potont than tho conscious touching.-Albert O. Hoyden, A. M., in Journal of Education. PUBLIC Ol'INION. Ilcforo England can stand absolved beforo tho (?od of Nations for tho deso lation and suffering of Ireland, sho must mako reparation to tho land sho has ruined, and such repatation can not bo made by moro rescission of wick ed laws that have done their work of wickedness. No reform loss radical than a concession of full and completo solf-govoruiucnt to Irolaml will secure prosperity and contontmont.- -Cttthybr nia School Journal. Superintendents. - Lay usido all prejudices, all jealousy, all parly fool ing, ami labor to retain all tho compe tent superintendents. A now man, no Uitittor how good a lonelier, now well educated, how popular and influential he may be, will necessarily occupy con siderable time in learning tho duties of tho office and becoming acquainted with tho teachers, school ollioers, aud people, lie might do well, but lot us not turu out tho tried and trusted for an uncertainty. - The Iowa Teacher. Compositions.-Tho art of written expression, if properly taught and as siduously cultivated, can bo mado as pleasant as oral composition or talk ing. Tho same general method should bo adopted in both. Wo could novor toach a child to talk by giving it a sub ject upon which it must talk for ten minutes or half an hour. Children should bo induced to writo down what tlioy have to say on any subject, or what thoy havo hoard others say. In Other words, a child's first composi tion should bo coti'iucd to transferring portions of his conversation to paper. - The Educational Weekly. Industries mado but comparatively slow progress while they wcro carried on by persons whoso instruction was limited to apprenticeship. Gradually, and in moro recent times, tho idea has mado its way that tho progress of an industry depends especially upon tho degree of instruction of thoso who ox orciso it. This lcd to the establish ment of industrial schools. Tho com petition of industries is rapidly multi plying thoso .schools, and from present indications thoso schools aro destiucd to a development far bayoud that as yet attained in tho most advanced community.-Hon. J. l>. I'hilbrick, in City School Systems. Tho best kimi of education can bo secured only hy employing teachers who aro adopts, artists, and thou leav ing to thom tho details of tho art, so far as is possible among ?ctiools so in timately rotated to ono another as thoso in thc city must bo. Such a teacher, while following tho outline* of study as laid down in tho printed course, will above all watch tho effect of his teaching and the pupil's own ef forts upon tho development of that pu pil's mind. Tho end ho seeks is tho education of tho child in tho highest House, and not the moro absorption of a few facts.-Supt. A. H. Marble, Wor cester, Mass. Teachors Should Attend Conven tions.-Tho moro tho subject of educa tion is considered in convention, or by each toachor at his individual work, tho greater docs its importance seem. How to ilo the work that wo havo to do, to tho host advantage; how to ino most economically and efficiently '.no moans thal havo boen placed In our hands, requires careful study and thought. riiero aro loose, careless, hap-h tizard ways of tenoning, and tlioro may bo a logicul, systematic method. Tho work comprehends a great deal. Correct touching includos dUoipline, tho imparting of knowledge, ami tho awakening of tho mind to investigate for itself.-Supt. Wm. II. Ucach, Madi son Wis. i min-, t ri al Education-Must it bo do ferred to, as horalding a pormanont in novation, or should it be resisted ai tho froth of a temporary erazo? Tho innovation is predcatinod. It will come, and it will remain; for it is a groat social want which is clamoring for it so lustily,- - a want o( tho heart of tho power which created and sustains tho schools themselves. You cannot arguo it away,-you cannot ridiculo it away. Evou wore it a somotliiug ut terly inconsistent with tho rccogni/.od purpose of a school, it would not avort th.-(-oii-.ilmmation. It is pleasant to be lieve that no f*uch inconsistency pro vails.- upi. II. Ii. Harrington, Mew bedford. Muss. Kon?ntlo,ial Story-Tellern. Nobody ever has suspoi od Senator Hoar of having much up; eciation of the ludiorous. Among tho solomn ho is tho most solomn. Tho senate has among its mem be ri u largo number of good story-tollers, but their efforts up on tho Massachusetts senator havo boon for tho most part in vain. "Ho like 3 to ctitei t -tin his frionds," said ono of his colleagues to mo to-day, "by re lating funny incidents now and thoo, but hu WOUld ?pod ibo most laughable story ever known in tho tolling of it." As a ree.m tem-, hy tho way, Mr. Vaneo, of North Carolins, takos tho load among bis colleagues. Senator Vest follows a good second. Thou comos Mr. rai nier, of Michigan, and Mr. Jonos, of Nevada. The lattor is inimitable in bis raining stories. His greatest rival in this particular Hold is Senator llow eo, of Colorado, who will toll tho most oxcrutlatingly funny stories with tho sanm expressionless faco that ho as sumos when holding a full hand in a game of pokor. Mr. Evan's fame as % story-teller is national. In certain directions he has no superior. Cen. Hawley is fairly good at telling a story, but his forte really consists in singing. You roust have heard him sing 'The Two Grenadiers,' or some thing loss solomn-a collego song or two after dinner, when the bott lo has ?one its rounds and cigars have been ghtod-to appreciate the Connecticut senator's genius. - New York Tribune. Nearly nil tho London newspaper* buy their print paper in Germany. * A While flou JO Konmiico. I heard this ro Ul tinco to-day in con II cr i ion with ii young Indy who was an occupant of thu Wlnto fir.uso during Jackson's time, and wlio was married in tho great East Koom: Mary Kastou was the daughter of a sister of General Jackson's wife. Stio went to livo with her mint for u timo in tho Exccutivo Mansion. At lior liomo in Tennessee sho had played whon a child with a boy cotupnnion named Pope. Tho two booanio warmly attached to each othor, and as they grew tho attach ment becamo strong afl'oction. Whllo it was apparent to both that they loved each other, young Popo did not ask his companion to become his wife. Miss Easton carno to Washington. Hor position and hor intolligcnco and accomplishments mado her doubly at tractivo in society. Young otlicors in tho army and in thc navy wero beside hor at every opportunity. Captain Finch took tho lead. Ho pressed his suit, proposed and was accepted. Ho was passessed of considorablo means and gavo hor handsome presents. Tho wedding dav approached. Invitations wero sent to tho friends of tho young people, asking thom to como to tho White IIouso to witness tho ceremony. Tho prospective bridegroom wont to Now York to get Iiis prospectivo brido ber wedding present. Ol tho invitations sont to Tcnnosseo, ono fell into tho hands of young Popo, lt fannell tho smothering love within his bosom into a llamo. Flo wrote to Miss Easton, told her of his love sinco childhood for hor. Ho said that timo and again ho had boon at tho point of asking her to bo his wifo, but on each occasion his modesty had pre vented him. Now ho repeated his love, and bogged his to beconio his brido. Miss Easton road tho loller and im mediately replied, accepting his offer. Captain r'ineh returned from New York, bringing willi bim a costly dia mond ornament. Ho called at tho Whito House to soo tho young lady oc cupant. She was in her room with a companion who was to bo her brides maid when his card roached ber. "Tell him I can not seo him," sho said to her companion. The latter went to tho private parlor whore Captain Finch was sealed, and, after sonio he.ritancy, said that Miss Easlon was indisposed. Tho Captain was alarmed, begged for more informa tion of tho indisposition, and asked that tho present lu; had brought bo taken to the invalid. Tho young lady carried tho diamond ornament to her compan ion. When Miss Easton received it she turned lo her companion and said: "(io take it back to him, ami tell him all. Toll him I am engaged to an other." Tho young lady dui as roqucstod. When slip had finished her errand, Captain Finch arose, and, without ut tering a word, loft tho parlor. General Jackson was angry when ho hoard of his wifo's rotative s action to ward his friend Kinch. Ho had favored tho match. In sneaking to Miss Eas ton ho said: "This action of yours, Mary, has caused mo to lose faith in woman." Ho insisted that Captain Finch should bu invited to hor mar riage with Pope. Tho wedding carno ofl". Tho rojoctod lover waa present. Ho stood directly in front of tho bride during tho cere mony, and never took his eyes oil' her until with her husband sho left tho room. Shortly afterward ho went to Europe When ho returned ho boro thc i of an uncle-a wealthy En gli Mrs. l'opo moved to Ten ue is said to bo living thoro D?\I . with her children.- H'ush Beautiful Sn van mill. Every ono has read or hoard of tho loveliness of Savannah. I was, thoro forc, prepared for a modem Edon, | rivor, applo tree, snako and all-savo only tho original proprietors in dccol loto fig-loaf costume. If ono ontors from tho water front through tho cast end he is apt to wonder at tho unanim ity with which previous visitor* havo Hod about tho place. Tho saud is auklu deep in tho unpaved streets, and thu ?ow tramo houses aro antiquated and dingy, lt bocomos botter, happi ly, as ono guts up in tho city. Thoro is as nilton sand iu tho middle of tho streets, but tho sidewalks are paved, and causeways at tho end of each block extend across from curb to curb. There ought to bo big money in a cigar factory hero. All that would bo neod Oil is limo. Nature has kindly and conveniently provided unlimited quan tities of saud and water. Every street is fringed with rows of closel)-planted trees. Sonio of tho wido streets, like Broadway and Eu? taw idaee, havo four rows. Tho pub lic squares, too, of which Savannah has ton to Baltimore's ono, aro v.oll shadod. Altogether, it looks some what liku a town in a wood, and henco tho appropriate name, "Forest City." Tho old brick rosidoncos eroded in tho cr . part of tho present oontury aro quaint buildings. Thoy havo col lars or cellar-kitchens, anil tho wholo of tho first Moor (which is on a level with tho streets) is frequently takon up by tho culinary and domostio depart ment*. A Hight of high stono stops leads up to tiio second Door, on which aro tho parlors and dining-room. Ac cordingly, wo lind boro tho coal-bin, cook-stove and pantry, whore you havo your upright piano, l'orsiau rugs, Molssonior and opon grato.-Baltimore American. Every Congressional district is en titled to ono cadet at West Point Acad emy, and ton aro appointod from (bo country at largo. As oach cadot gradu ates, dios or resigns, room is mado for another in his place. lt is tho duty of tho Roprosontutivo in Congress of ? givon district to soluct a commission of throe citizens, who ?hall moot at a placo appointed and examino and re port upon the proficiency of candidates offorlng; tliose best vorsod in arithmetic, reading und writing, including ortho graphy, tho olomonts of.English gram mar, of describive geography, partic ularly of their own country, and in tho history of Un United Status, aro award od proferonco. Tho appointments at largo aro conferred by tho Prosidont; those from tho disiriot ?nd torritorios by ibo Secretary o' War, ou tu? nomi nation of tho Representative aforesaid. TUE M:\VS OF TUR STATIC. Sume o?* the Latest Sayings mid Doings In South Carolina. -Ex?Treasurcr li. C. Bryau, ol' Edgetlold, 19 a defaulter to ihc oxtont of $1,900. -Chilla and fever and malarial fever prevail in thc Pleasant. Valley section of Lancaster. -A thief carried off tito clothing of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Pattcison, of Aiken, on Monday night. -Mr. Wm. Li. Roach, a well known citizen of Hock Hill, died on thc 7th, from paralysis of tho throat. -Clarissa Padgett, an Edge tie ld colored woman, weighs ?hD3 pounds and is not above medium height. -A colored man waa culling down a tree near Ridgo Spring last week when it fell and killed a colored child. -A lad named Mellie Scntcll was drowned on Sunday, while bathing below tho dam at Clifton, Spartauburg. -Senator Mutier has returned to Edgefleld, ins family having postponed their Kuropean trip until later in thc year. -Arthur Ivcarse, who killed an other colored man ill Bnriiwoll several months ago, has some in and surren de red. -Thc family of Mr. Titos. Stewart, of Monok's Corner, have lost four members from gastric fever in one month. -Thc Hock Hill factory will sus pend for two weeks, to give thc opera tives a rest and to clean up and level the machinery. -Thc Augusta and Edgefleld Nar row (?auge Railroad is on a boom. A $13,000 subscription was secured at Edgefleld in ono dav. - Waller Sassard, a ten-year-old lad, was playing with a pistol in An derson, when it exploded anti wounded him severely in the abdomen. -Mrs. Elizabeth Garvin, of Aiken county, with hoi* daughters and aiicgrc boy, has made a most, excellent cror. of cotton, corn and produce generally - -Thc citizens of Florence held t meeting on Friday last to take step; towards organizing a bank. Aboui seventy-five shares were taken at once -The contract for building a new Methodist church at Spartauburg lia: been given out. Tho contractor ox peels to finish tho work in twelvi months. -A difficulty between Samuel Catoi and Spencer Morgan, on Sunday last at Plat (Jreck Church, Lancaster, rc suited in holli being seriously cut will knives. -Willie O'Donnell, a colored rc9i dent of (Jrcenville, was accidentan run over by a wagon containing Ihre persons, but lie was too drunk to b badly hurt. -Two negroes employed on tho Ai Line Railroad near Spartauburg had quarrel, which was terminated by on sinking his pick in thc heat! of Iii oilier. No harm done. - Hen Johnson, colored, while dia ging a well in Aiken county, wu caught by caving carib and so com pletely buried that Iiis body was nc recovered until next day. -A young child of Mr. Wm. Hoyt living near Hock Hill, was torribl stung by bees a few days ago. Til insects literally covered tho bend of iii child ami even gol into its throat. -Thc Camperdown mills proper! lias been formally transferred to Co Hammett und the new company. The start free of debt and will comment operations about thc first of Octobc -A train of empty freight cars o tlic Air Lino Hailroad was run int near Central, last week, when tl headlight exploded anti set fire to tl empty ears, four of which woro coi sumed. - Hock Hill is becoming the ??ret? Green of Sooth Carolina. On Monde lard another couple from Conc?n N. C.-Mr. A. Wood and Miss Holib Burrows-were made happy In th lively town. - Peler Hoy vi, a worthless dttt'ko received filly lushes in Lancaster, lieu of going to,jail, for stealing a pa of pants, lie had been whipped a fe days beforo for occupying a bcd in tl hotel without Icavo. - It in understood that Capt. Lega J. Walker, ono ot tho Hailroad Coi missioners, will resign shortly in ord lo take tlic position of deputy collect of tlic port of Charleston, to which was recently appointed. -Mrs. Lavinia Kelly, aged 9:1 yeni died recently in OcOllOO. Mrs. Kel was a rcinnrkablc woman. She 1 ceived a premium for tho bc9t wo* work of n one-horse wagon, pair shoes and quilt, tho work of her ov hands. -Ono bale of new colton was 1 ceived in Charleston on thc lilli ins from Mai-.m, (?a., and one from Sou Carolina on tho 12th. It was snmpl and accepted and classified as str low middling and middling resp* tivcly. -..Thc annual reunion of tho sur vors of tho Twelfth Regiment w como off al Yorkvillo on Timmi next. Col. Cad. Jones will dolivcr I annual address. Reduced rates \* bo given over thc railroads to ibo si vivors. -Charley Hawkins, a young dark? attempted to rape an Imbecilo dangh of Mr. Wi T. Brockman, of Spnrti burg, but was Interrupted, when I scoundrel ran off. Tho indigni fathor offers a reward of $2C> for arrest. -Dr. Thomas L. Lewis, who sides near Seneca, Ocouco county, s this spring tiny bushels of peacliOS Now York for til per bushel -$7 Tho peaches netted him f500. 1 commissions and expenses amoun to ?200. -A citizen of tho sand hills iufoi the Lexington Dispatch that the Gre back candidato for Governor has b upending the summer with tho Gre back candidate for Superintendent Education. Ile says the form*" been hunting wild hogs in tho swat and furnishing the meat, rvhi?e !:,? .,, ' 1 ? ' O K N K IC .A I. N i:\VS IT KM H. Facti of Interest, Gathered Iroui Varloua Quarters, -Lord Houghton, poet and critic, is dead. -Ex-Congressman Robert Mallory, ol Kentucky, is dead. -England has consented to allow Egyptian troops to rc-occupy Don gola. -Tho cholera is on thc incrcaec iii Franco and Spain, and tho excitement is intense. -Thorn have been seventeen deaths from smallpox in Montreal during tho last two days. -Reports an continually hoing re ceived [ti Loudon of tho grcit massing of African troops at Herat. -Col. Fred. D. Grant is looming up ns a possible Republican candidate for Governor of New York. -It is believed that tho rico crop of South Carolina and Georgia this vcar will reach 1,000,000 bushels. -Tho Governor of Texas has issued X a proclamation ordering thc enforce ment of quarantine regulations JU the Rio Grande -.AtMadrid some oxcltomonthas boon created by a report that Germany has occupied tho Caroline islands, which are claimed by Spain. -Tho relatives of cholera-stricken patients in many Spanish provincos assault tho doctors in thc bolicf that they arc poisoning thc patients. -Fire destroyed several tenement houses in Jersey City, New Jersey, on Friday morning. Loss estimated at $50,000. Many Inmates narrowly es caped. - -A Petersburg dispatch says that it is positively denied that there aro any cases ot cholera in the suburbs of Odessa. Tho town is enjoying perfect health. c -Thc Vienna Tagblatt reports tiiat (he aristocratic citizens of St. Peters arc donating money for the purchase of a silver tea service to bo prcsontcd to Gladstone. -Hop, Kee Sc Co., thc largest whole side Chinese manufacturers of bootu and shoes on thc Pacilic coast, have failed. Their liabilities aro $110,000, assets unknown. -It is said that while a Palatka boy was scated in a barber's chair in Jack sonville thc other day a boy rushed in and pasted some handbills on his feet before he knew it. - Striker-* at the Woonsocket rubber . works al Millville, Mass , havo ordered hoarding houses and hotel keepers not to hoard men who are working while the strike is going on. -A Georgia newspaper in authority for tho statement that Miss Lulu Hurst has lost her magnetic power, but shu still retains a firm grip on that $50,000 she made out of her exhibitions. -Jas. W. Marshall, thc discoverer of gold in California, died last week at bis home in Volsoy, Colorado. Ho was seventy-four years old, and died poverty-stricken and disappointed. -Mr. A. S. Abell, tho founder and proprietor of tho Baltimore Sun, re cently celebrated his 79th birthday* Mr. Abell is tho richest editor in tho world, and made his millions honestly. - Franklin J. Moses, who was re cently released from custody, bas been re-arrested on a charge of obtaining molloy from several parties in Posion, by representing himself as "Col. Sims," ot* Charleston. -Thc Agricultural Convention of Georgia, at Marietta, bas adjourned and will hold its next session at Co lumbus. Revolutions favoring tho representation of Georgia In London in 1S8G were adopted. -Tho president of thc Montreal Hoard of Health declares that smallpox is now epidemic there. Tho Civic Hospital is crowded with thirty-six patients, and a new wing is being built which will hold fifty more. -The temporary resting placo of (?cn. Grant's remains must bc forlorn indeed-a kind of brick oven with a tarred roof, surrounded by an iron fence and hastily set turf, already brown, ami amid scrubby trees. -A story has bcon set afloat in Washington to the effect that the third assistant secretary of State, Mr. Al voy A. Adee, is to bo asked to surrender his place in order that Mr. Anthony M. Kol ley may bc provided for on his return from Europe. -Tile Pishop of Qiunhon, T ilquin, reports that 10,000 Christians have been massacred in the provincos . f Bicndinh mid Phyyon, and murders and incendiary tires arc of daily occur rence. Later accounts put the number slain at a very small figuro-not ovor one hundred. -On Tuesday at Columbia, Tyrrell count), N. C., a beautiful young lady, Miss Harriet Johnson, was fatally burned by tho explosion of a can of kerosene oil. Her father, W. E. Johnson, a prominont citi/cn, was badly burned on tho face, hands, arm and wrist in attempting to savo her. - George Turner, ex-United States District Judgo ot Virginia, and ox Chief Just ico of tho Suprome Court of Ngalla, committed suicido last week by shooting himself through tho hoad with a revolver. Ho left a left a letter stating that his health was tho cause of bis act. He loaves a widow and two children. -Cotton crop reports from nearly every part, of Texas show considerable damage from drought within tho past ten days. Tu a numbor of place? tho plant in reported ns shedding freely and being otherwise injured. Notwlth- -, standing this, thero is no report troy * any singlo section which does not - mate a bettor cotton yield l\ year. -Tho steamer Lima has \\% * ' from thc coast of South ? *->\ bringing news of another ci tho volcano Cotopaxi. A sent from Chimb?te to states that in that city, ?y* ' at tho foot of tho - Ibero was a fenrti Ono hundred h and tho nw i not know .V-A .?. c ? >' ' '. *? '