. _ ' LANCASTER * ENTERPRISE. Published Wednesdays by Entkrprisk Publishing Co. A. J. CLARK. Editor. One Year, ... $1.00 Six Months, - - .50 Three Mor Us, - - .25 IN ADVANCE. Wednesday, March 16,1904. 1)1.. Hi; rur nil \/nrniri . Chester, March 13.?The most disastrous fire in years broke out in the basement of the Bewley Hardware Company last night at 11 o'clock, and, despite the heroic work of the fire department, rapidly spread to the adjoining building, occupied by Kluttz's big New York Kacket store, and for a time it was feared the entire block would go. The tire was gotten under control about 3 a. m., after do stroying more than $00,000 worth of property. The buildings are a total wreck and the stock not burned is ruined by water. Bewley's loss is placed at something over $25,000, with $20,000 insurance. Kluttz's stock of goods, $25,000, insurance $14,000. The building was owned by Mrs. S. V. Paterson and valued at $0,000, insurance $4,500. The origin of the lire is unknown. VA It EL ESN LA NCANTKI ANN. News anil Courier Lancaster, March 10.?"Money to burn" is an expression often applied to plelhoric-pursed individuals, but it seems that the farmers have another way of getting rid of their surplus profits in last Vfiki'fl lliirh nrii-ort cnllfin j --r>- i They now have money to lose, judging from the recent experiences of a number of them. Mr. Adam Morgan, (no relation to Pierpont), a succesful farmer ol Flat Creek Township, is re ported to have lost $1,002 last Saturday while returning home from Kershaw. Capt. James A. Morrow, who was born and raised in Lancaster County, died Monday night in Charlotte, where he had resided a number of years. He was about 75 years of age. For twelve years he was Clerk of Court for Meek lenburk County. Three children Burvive him. Mr. J. T. Morrison, keeper of the Southern Railway's water tank, south of the town u,f Iver shaw, who shot and killed a ne gro, Hob Hawkins, on the night of Feb <>, made application here for bail last Friday before Asso ciate Justice Ira H Jones, which was granted in the sum ol $2,500 Toe defendant was represented by Mr. \V. D. Trantham, of the Camden bar. It seems that Mr. Morrison was not arrested after the killing, though he made no effort to escape. After remaining at home unmolested for about ten days he finally went to Camden, the homicide having occured across the line in Kershaw county,and voluntarily surrendered. Master John Poag, a pupil of, the Lancaster Graded scho? who is evidently a mechanic;** genius, has designed and made himself a small electric motor that runs perfectly. Ho has never seen anything of the kind. He made some time ago a selfpropelling bicycle, which makes good speed on level roads. How often you hear it remarked : "It's only a cold," and a few j days later ieam that the man is on his hack with pneumonia. This is of such common occurence that a cold,however slight, should not lie disregarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts soy tendency toward pneumonia. Ir always cures and is pleasant! to take. Sold by J F. Mackey A, 1J UI ^UUU3 , ;ted and shrunk before it is made ? consequently there is no chance of # ling. So, forward, boys, and take ^ cut prices for the next 30 days. If ? 1 at our emporium and inspect our C omise to dress you up or else make J petitors GIVE you a new suit. Be J o not forget our up-to-date line of ;las and I Iman Shoes f the very best manufactured. Every ^ :d to be solid leather counter, solid ^ double-tiptoe. If they do not prove S s sample cut open and'shown at our C rely give you a new pair, on receipt C ned that are not as we say they are. \ lo End to Them j id let your cranium be covered. We >t that we will almost give you to J )f our way. Our best soft-bosom ? at cost. Millinery, a few pickings ? ill close out cheap. Groceries of all | ice .and will sell you cheap?meet ^ you. Again thanking our custom- J iral patronage shown us in the past, m will continue to patronize us in the I n, Yours to serve, . % inking & Mer. Co. j