BRYAN BACK FROM ACROSS Mil. WATER. I Has* Seen Something of the ^ World* "Switzerland Far More Democratic Than the United Stales." New York, Jan. 6.?The White Star steamer Celtic, on which Wm. J. Bryan is a passenger, arrived today. The steamer was met at quarantine by a committee of prominent Democrats, headed by former United States Senator Chas. A. Towne, M. G. I'allizor, Justice Samuel Seabury and ilenry George, Jr. Coming up the bav, Mr. Brvan held a general reception. lie declined to talk specifically for publication on the groand that he intended to write his experiences and did not desire all the impressions he had gained to be old be^ fore his own writings had acheived print. Mr. Bryan said he visited 10 capitals and a part of Sweeden. He spent 14 hburs with Count Tolstoi. He also saw Max Nordan and Mr. Croker. He ami Mr. Croker visited each other he said. "What did vou sav to each other?" was asked. "1 don't think we said any thing of public interest. You must remember that 1 know less of what has been going on mi this country in the last two months than any two months in my life." Mr. Bryan heard of the Chicago lire just as he was leaving Liverpool, but got. none of the particulars, lie expressed him-' self as greatly shocked when informed of the great loss of life. I Asked about the great men he visited, Mr. Bryan said he thought Mr. B.tlfour, England's 0 premier, one of the most scholar lv he had ever met. He spoke in terms of high nraise and gratitude of the manner in which Le had been received and helped by Ambassador Choate and all of the other American representatives to whom he applied. "1 met President Loubet of France," Mr. Bryan said, "and found him very pleasant. President Deucher of Switzerland is a very genial man with German characteristics strongly market!. The czar of Russia also appeared to me to be verv charming. The crown prince ot Denmark is nf t be ami lriendl\ to a degree With the exception ot President 1. uoet all ot llntn spoke Kng li.?h well. 1 enjoyed the visit, to tne Vatican ant! was presented to tne pope by Father Kennedy, the boat! of the Americin college in Rome. The pope did not speak English. 1 was greatly impress ed with the friendly feeling everywhere exhibited to the ^ American people. I don't think it was the friendship of awe. '1 he.v seemed to like ns." ? "Do you agree with other trav 4 elers that the people are really more the rulers in England than in this country?" he was asked. "In England, I think," Mr. Bryan said, "public opinion pre vails more than in any other place I know except perbups France and Switzerland. Switzerland is far more democratic than the United States, l'ublic opinion controls there more qmcKiy man anywhere. I know." Mr. Bryan said be whc going to Connecticut on Monday aud that he hope* to be able to go to Nebraska before the end of the coming week. Asked if he favored keldiug the Democratic national oeuvention in New York, Mr. Bryan ft gave an emphatic negative ana wer. He Baid: "If you people have got as much money as you Hay you have you can afford to go into the centre of the country. You've been boasting about your wealth and can afford to spend a little of it. 1 am opposed to any extreme point of the country being taken for the convention." Mr. Bryan would not say where he would like the convention, but HUCirested snmBwhsrw in tho centre of the country. ...... ( A Vest-Pocket Poctor. Never in the way, 110 trouble 1 . carry, easv to take, pleasant ioi1 gang of American counterfeiters had been ''shaving the queen," when ''shoving the queer" was i evidently what was intended. The reporter wrote it, "'?r i Johnson felt the deceased's pulse before prescribing." The printer got it "purse." One of the worst instances i of misprints caused by bad chi , rography was where the heading i "A Honeymoon Out Short" w?sl printed in full-face as "A Hun- j garian Out Throat." Another equally disagreeable I blunder, to the parties interested was where a distinguished traveler was reported as having re oently died "in the richiiess i trille than was the society re porter, who, in describing the ( hello of a recent fashionable party, intended to say "she look- < ed an fait," hut found that an ' unfeeling blacksmith had made it "she looked all feet." Of all editorial writers, Horace Greeley was the most noted for ( illegible copy. On one occasion j i h?* "modern Franklin" penned < something about "So bur ha.1 - u r n lism Advancing," bn' the type. ! si tter, thinking if one of t;!s J agricultural articb -, i touched out wildly with the word*," "So- i perb Jerusalem Art to -ekes " If is somewhat hi guiar how often the omission ot a single seemingly insignificant le'ter will alter the entire meaning of a sentence. For instance st-.-eral . errors are recorded where the letter 11 has been omitted from the word window, invariably placing a widow in some embarrassing position, as where, ' on the occasion of a street pageant, a gentleman unwittingly ad ' vertised "several widows for hire," and the even worse blunder in a religious paper, which grate fully recorded the fact that "Mr. Smith had very generously plaee.d a stained glass widow in the church at < Domestic 1'ronltlcN. It is exceptional to find a fam ily where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. * King's New Life 1'ills around. ] Much trouble theys ave by their great work in Stouiaok aud Liver troubles. The? not only relieve you, bat tare. *J5s, at i Crawford Bros., J. F. Maokey A 1 Ce., aid Faaderbark Fharasaey. t v t Did you ever attend a midweek prayer meeting whose attendance was large enough to cause you to think of the danger that might result from a sudden panic? OASTOTlIii.. Bmn the /> 1,18 Kind You Have Always Bougjit The firm of Strive & Thrive builds success on the ruins of the firm of Whine & Dine. OA0TORXA. Bmh the /i ltlB Klnd You t,avfl AlwaYS Boogfn CLERK'S SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lancaster. S. I). Taylor, J. E. Tax lor, W. II. Taylor et al.?Plaintiffs, against Frank McMurray?Defendant. Pursuant to the or ck School district "J Lancaster ? 4'tf Lancaster interest on hotels and sinking fund l'v Kershaw I 11 eat h Spr i n2 " " Jones X Roads 22'.. Sills Creek 21 " " (iradcd 27 " " Jones X H oads 2H Itnford 10 Flat Creek 10 " Kershaw 20 I'leasant II ill 10 " " Kershaw 23 " " Heath Springs 22 " Oakhurst 23 " " Jones X Roads 21 [Jedar Creek 10 " " .lories X Roads is Respect fully, W.C CAUTHEN, Co. Treas. rtopt 2M, '03?tf Elberta Peach Trees, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Red Raspberry Plants. tor tutto'ODg HpsatAlir. All Inquiries irompUf Aoawered. Wrlit* for circulars, QBU r MOKTUOUIBT, M UMt MmUHa, 8> Dres or Undres I Lu Is our specialty of Flooring, Cei j Work always o or write us yoi will receive ou tion. ! Stevens L 3t V Whiskey Morphine Cijia habit. Iiahil. ha Cured by KEELEY I&? Luily St., (or 1* O. lJox 75| Columbia, iImportant Notice. Notice is hereby given tlril ii is a violation ot law lor any person or corporal ion within tin limits o' Lancaster county l?? sell or offer lor sale any pistol, iill?* cartridge or pistol cartrnlge without first obtaining a lic-mse Iront the count\ hoard o! commissioners. L. .1 Perry, Count v Su per isor How to Make Money Agents of either sex should today write Marsh M auufact nring < "o.. *?:is Lake St r??, t, Chicago, fo mis and particulars of iheir handsome Alu; i / ?i \i x >>i\ii ^Mil lltlliir* engraved on it am! tl 11 *' a ill' 111 disc vercit \ Airs M Summers Notre Dime. I ml . wllcii ou m loucor hva. utcerailoi displacement, lulling of the woinh. mens riltil illsorilers, liot Hnsln s minors, u r v\ lis, ml .ill feinnle iron hies Tin1 free picUajfc cn :.t its on il.i . I millio n and if you wish to continue, il i cost yon ahoill I W vc cent s a W C.. to I' nan tee a cur" Kill out the spaces liclnw, se d t' Mrs. Milton. ml you w t I rec ive the Met lreal mi ui o . rem u in ill. COUl'ON. | Name I Town + n County iState by , y Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digcstams and digests all kinds of : food. It gives instant relief and never i fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive I stomachs can take It. I*y Its use many j thousands of dyspeptics have been | cured after everything else failed. I* unequalled for the stomach. Child* rcn with weak stomachs thrive on it. Curas all sf ornach ftppublts ! fri|4ru ob 1 t kr a. o. IjiWittSOo, Okie*#* Tka II. kottl*coaialBsXS tiir:ctb?Hc. aU*. OnaMlnuitCoughCuPt I FfHs^i.teMoa^ Irsy. ? ? ? 1 1 sed sed mbsr i A lar^e stock iliiiL'" and i urncd n hand. Phone ij ir orders, which r prompt attenumbsr Co. :ersiiaw, s. c. reMe I Ail 1 >Mi 11 !>11 I Tobacco lot. | iiabtla INSTITUTE of S. C. . 0. i < corrc?i>uiiUcuc<3 ?ul. cited. | Trespass Notice All persons are hereby warned and not ili' il noi lo ride, hunt, fi h, cut timber, a'low 'heir stock lo run on, or oiher n'ise trespass upon the M \M aiius-Gardner land* situate about 4 miles east ol Lttnca-icr court house, north ot t he li? dlield roii?l ami so*'til ol 1 lie (Jhesterlield road. A. J: CLAUK, Dec. 2, 1903. M mrni 'T. Trespass hlotice All p' r-ous are hereby warned not to hunt, fi - h, or in any wav trujii.c- i ?l-.- I I - I - . X ?y ?M|Mf|| on. to 3-15-04 IVtoney to Loan. On a rnccnt v:it Jo New York t'ity I made ans iiv which I can { n.?jfi?tin'n linin ol $1(00.00 ami up; w irds on Itrst inort jjatfcs nil mprnved cotton farm* at 7 per cent, interest on sums of $|ii(it! no ami over, and S ! per cent, intere.-l on sums o' less tlian $100000. No coinniisaioii or brokerHire charged?onl\ a reasonable fee tor abst ract ot tit le. It. K WYLIK Attorney at-Law. Lancaster, S. Sept. 10, 'Oil?Gin. TO WHOM IT M 1 V COM i:i!N: Notice is hereby given that the County Hoard of Commis sioners will not approve or pay any claim against the county for work, sufcli as repairing roads or ground bridges, unless the same shall have been authorized by, or a contract made with some member of the Board. L. J. Perry, County Supervisor. W. B. Bruce, Clerk. - Y7% ?< Kisiit nrniat** COI.I.SQK. RAI.KIGII, N C., or Cntukoni, N a (W# also tsnoh Booksssplng. Bhorthnnd, sMv by anil.] lbnOI