Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, July 22, 1903, Image 4

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> rl AUftACTER rWTPRROIQi: I Published Wednesdays by t EnTKKI'RISK PuiiLlSHI-NO Co. A A. J. CLAUK. Editor. 1 One Year, - $1.00 ] Six Months, - - .50 ( Three Mor - - .25 * IN ADVANCE. j Wednesday, .Inly 22, 1003. j John G. Wham, charged with the murder of L W Ram age * on July 1), was granted bail last Wednesday by Judge Dantzler ' in the sum of .$4,000. __ * c . , ,,s( The tenth anniversary of the bishopric of Bishop Ellison ,j Capers, D. I)., of Columbia, , will be appropriately celebrated t in Trinity church of that city today. An elaborate programme has oeen prepared. The Kentucky Republican r convention denounced "'assassina * I" .1 ry ?f K'd ! t n .CSo?*rp n?* i k i . " t :v. : 1 ' the vet urj) <?t (. >v. T:ivl*?r in s'nnil ( tr'sl (or G 3h. I'o tunrd v.?The j * St ate. j Judge Gage's action in re-11 . . s . " i ii cjtiiriPT >vi >v t!r>t appear1 in court to testify, to wear their coats while giving testimony t, lias impressed 'he fnct a , Court of juMic<- should be con \ ducted with dur dignity. ! I I , T!i(i O'j, f,-> 1>, ; nf FCJ'IMI'Z ' tien (lid th.-* proper tniae i>' sh ?w ins fivor to th. P.x olot and toe ' iA..if(or\ i.i'iu iiiat t tr o tax , V*Rtinu. These mills Hie allowed! S t a. tiie j j, s .value f t. H-ockft and then It p:?V on d'.e/o et rr?e remainder, j v (mo >1111* i' iiii 1.8 .:i the ritate pay o G0(/o i i the market value of t; ? .r si >r k . Pope Leo X111, the head of a the Ronia.i Catholic church, , breathed 1 is la t -londay after |; lioon For two wool s he had ^ 1: boon in d atir- shadow Yes-1 u torday t1, co-lv "> cardinals as 1 , semhh'd f?>? ih< propose of ofTi 1 c-ially pr . i.'t r.c1 Pope L.-o; dead. d Per this function ha-I been performed the hodv will | be taKon to tl)o it?n)l throne | r room adjoinim; t lie death chain-j t ber, where it will he embalmed 1 I The funeral cviv monies will ex-j c tend over nine days, the re i ma iis being v . ?cd to the ( cathedral of Pit Peter's. whore i they v. ill lie in sUUo The ul tirnafr re *ing place of the dead ' pontiff will ho in the magnifi cent basihea of St John Latoran *. The deed Pope, sirnnnwl t Pecoi, was horn 'March '2, 1810, ' and was thereforo in his 94th I year, lie was elected Pope ? upon the death of Pope Pius s IX, February 18, .- "8 Sixty two cardinals were l present at the assembly whicli 1 was bold at the Vatican on Feb ; ruarv 18, 1874, fo elect the sue 1 copsor of Pope Pius IX. On the fir t dry tlwire was no 5 election, 1 ut on the second d iy! c Cardinal Pecei. having received If the majority of the votes cast, was declared pope elect On i March 3, 1878, he was crowned!, in the Sistine chapc 1 under thoj \ title of Pope L'-o X 111. In taking the measure of'" Pope Leo XTTl if may fie truMi I fully affirmed that the church j' of Pomr> nrt*'or 'f: r??*) >( ] fh? o ' ' * minist*{?'!'; c" on in authority' moro thoroughly remarkable if.! t every sense of the word ! Scholar, diplomat. storesman, i pontiff, author, Pope Leo XIII will rank in history amoug the f most illustrious ofcupants of j the chair of St Pel sr. s Mr. J.E.Taylor returned yes- ( fevday from n vvdt to Olenn 1 " 6 ... ' W KKHSIIAW FKA I I'FMS. I l!H MTU NATION < One of me tobacco barns of lie Kershaw Tobacco company rvas burned Saturday with a Largest of Anj' Y ot of tobacco valued at about tory of the Iiiibw, wliicn was neany cured [t is supposed to have been en- Washington si irely accidental. 19 News and Mrs. S. w. lie a ill aud chil- . More immi?,ra Irv i? return .. sfc >< i,? ... .. itul tlio XJnitc/il Stat Cleveland Springs. | fiscal year that Mr. W. C. Cauthen, spent sev-l history of tlio c ?ral days in town last week with I...u. r^.. I l'V? tVl CV1 I 1 V CVI^ 1UI 'riends. He had just a lew days! ?umbored s57 04, igo finished making his annual i lettlement with the comptroller |ii VH 1(1 prevu general of the state, who found' ot 1882, when re lis books in perfect shape. lation was pendii Mayor S. W. ileal h did Messers and a total of Inc. 1 ? 8tevoiifi and 8. L. (iard* ^rants maiiv c ,er Jr., spent last week in New c0,ltraat laborers into the United S Some idea of 1 Jblltai UfrU ttdiiiiN *, per Qf undesirab The soldiers of the first regi- who would ccmo nent State militia are encamped states but for t Ins week near Hy?tt Park, Col . . imhir 600 men wprein camn Men laws now in foici i i. tUr pi,. < / /i ?*?> ? is i i u.?f / i ? l 'tv.' t lliUt i 1 he only representatives from | wooding out that .ancestor tv ate wan | ,1<tW., coinpa ;uk na tr> Company L., Liberty 1 lill Iiillas, composed of the fol n?l want to be ov. iiig,: Cuid it:, .J. 'J. It>; pouso of returi uu tenants, J. i> Canmu^hrtin iimniprnntK, tliei it<1 VV. A. Lnuematia in : tuvt , . , r red during the . .jkcaiil) d, ) tjd t t Itll O naster sergeant, A. L. Cureron ; 8,700 aliens who evgeantr, loneu, Croxton, I'ic.k: various ports o it nod JI !i;i utii ; Cti'pOi a., Ct ; . 1 , . states. < M this YilIoiLfis; privates, Adams, 'rince, C. O. Bowers, Black non. est -number?5,* lailcy, K. 8. Beckham, (i. T. barred.oil the gr< lechhsm, .1. T. Howr., W. 0,|?.?rf> piuipers it. L. i/iinnt.i^.'iHm, I >. B. Cunningham, W. J. and W. become public cli 1 Barto . A O. (lurotoii, E B. I toon hundred and Jureion, Clements, A. 1,. < autii i . n ^ t ' h , I i'ioyd, Hammond, King,' LftnglevJloathsome or d? *,? rv, PickfH N #??*. S: r :! * >-,! gi'Mis disoasos limilps<11), j i u.'mIi .1, iv t o?- it*r. an oi lit \ ? ix v trac' laborers. T1 1 UK K IjN 1 UnK\ l* JhUI>r>. were denied ailn Jackson, Ky., > !i?v 2<)?i ire ml i ground lliat tlun o.urt convened hero today in Lu tlic United Sta j*miUwi(.ii lor IIip invcsii.;:. L, ,nu.,)0!,e!). ., lor. in the bui'miij; <d ?iio iwreni , , , , , i j .. , . were debarred foi ; del am! the atl 'in;>tod brioorv , ii <Japt. I> .1 12vvon, vi i lrmai j reasons. viii.l.S"! lor i Uv jii'odCCliI loll ill life. | AllO fo.iOV. .:lg i 'iw ii en , oi (V.v!J A j huiiibti* of i.uiuij, id Tom Whi'e Judge JUaiwim? irt ^ United b eluded lo vacate t.l;e l?e:i*h.l. . , , .1.1 linos during tl Oio jorv taken Ironi the) . e'.volar jnrv j.iarl sc-loe! rd by jending Juno b(), }ir> jury ? opinn--doners, who are i Austria-Hungary lands'coast it aon! s, and this is liolgium, uuoing dissa.inaction. l>omnark, ?_ . . ? I' ran Co, hSU>Klt<:? HV NOMtlKltH. ^onuau Empire, (i reece, ' . '* T f?ri . . 0. ., l <. *v.- s ' .< jit.ti^ aiui Sicily, ).. nig 'o 0 ; L .reus dor..?r a- . ]\,'t merlands, i u !l? t he ii\'iei tod to be !si!!o I v. .. i; he weui * - .1 u-kson to' iv I Portugal, r> I jfv b ?for? ' He *:"J1 ;V1": )(' JioUiil mia "r*', -i detail n* so! <i^rs wn-; 'ppi I ]?r rjcjj] Vinla lore by CJol. \Vil?iema to escort) S?rv?ii and Bulga nni to J;?ckjOii. Lie will loave i S, t 2 o'clock this all rnoon forSweden, \al a ri r?ivnir i i "-a ij, S .viizerland, hen with tii? snldien. Oapt Turkey in Europ S von made h;.j will recently in England, c 'parat'on i ir 'lie worst, Ids lib* ; Ireland, mvng he^M threatened if he Scotland e 'ilies before 'he .lack or: era ml' Walos ...... w.,ich V;l. rl.,, 0 ar> h,vct.5 .at Ion of !.i. 1 otol J J upan, cnolime fjirtre ! India, Turkey in Asia, Mrs. J. II. BoMridge left last j|()ll"'r Asia Tiuav for a vifit to relativ a a? ,' lcn\. b,i. Inn, >. v * c. x -,.*11 k, ' i\ uafcraIi?i, dl, \ K. OiiC \? 11 1 1)0 j |,1 . |. . , , en* til!,. r. I 'sjand ,, . ,, a . c, . raciiic Islands, Mi*. N.mebcoit of Sharon ? l5..itW, North All sinnsj M.-er, Mm. ./. A. I!ntish ||ondllrll. Vl.ilp a* II?>n*. I , - n , . A1 Mr -T T T> H, a reprc.--M.'fa 1loU ' A j l ? V Afc lovj | iv*o of the T)odson Printers', South America, hipply Co., Atlanta, Ga., was West indies, n town yesfordnv. Ml other countrii l^r. Yj K (-loud oauio down rom Rock Hi'I Monday morn Total Immigrn ng and will bo found in his tore here tins week. Mr. C. K White, of Hickory Mr W. W. IIo, J rove, came down yesterday on ( spoilt Sunday i t-i?. i - o Id'1 brother, Rrv .T 1 ^moa's, whe 1 White o^ "nPv. land children are . ... >F THIS YKAKl KENTUCKY FEUDS. ear in "the His- *(>ar8 Entertained of a Renei Country. ^ ut Jackann, Ivy. . , r r i Jackson, Ky., July 10.?A jecial of July , - - / , ; . r. newal of feud troubles is brt Courier: . , . ing bore Hie epecru <?rn lits arrived in . ? ' , . , lurv celled bv Circuit- Ju< y8 OUnilft tiiiOiit . > . i i t ort lvedwiue to investigate i ended June "0 I , b ii ikip^h of attiuc to hr 'ountry The I ^ '' '^wcu 11051 to testify agai , r . uurtis Jett and Thomas Win the 12 months . ,, ? n 1,1 the Marcum murder case, fl 3, being OS,054 ' , the charge of arson for i his lecort ycai |>urn|Tlg 0f Kwcn'g hotel, af strictiye logis 1,1.., , w lie had testified, convenes h ig in congress, tomonw Jud Redwin 788,992 immi- . .. . , , , instructions are anxiously awt f them alum . . . . , od, as it is roported that 1 , were rushed , . .... , . . grand jurors will bo asked to dates. ? . J into a sweeping inquiry c< the large num . . , . . 'ccrning the conditions 0 lmimgi?ints ]>roat]lRt COUnty, where twen to the I 111 ted .. , . . , . . seven lives have been lost sn lie restrictive . Ir . ? , .. . , , tlie Ilargis-Cardwoll feud str 5, is shown by , , , . J Of | 'inrl M'tQ 1 SI Ji t'i w 11C - . . . , _ . , . , , , j ooca pun; .lien lor ..;iy of Uu is done by the ., , ,r . ,, , . caudal oftencos. In the evi tnies, who dot * . /. ... , ol a general inquisition, it put to the ox * , , , , . . l. . , | conceded that persons lngl lAI1g lfcj^cieu connected will lie involved <*i re were debar- . , f ,, P1. , trials for the killing ?-f l)r. C la-t- fiscal year' , ,. , . , . . . (and town eiarsnal Cock rill v an ivct 111 t I follow close on the second tr ^ 0f jett ,-ind White for tho m total, the la'-g , ... , tier of Marcuin. >12?were dc- T, . . . . . 11 is tea ret I that trouble in aunt! that they , . , .. T ,, . . . begin when 11 J. L,won rctiu were liable to|. . I lit re tomorrow from Texingi argos. Seven . . ... . ... to testily against a well-kno 1 seven! v-t hiv e I . . . ... . . . .. , cinztni for ottering hiin $o,< m account oft , .. , , . c:?-h it he won' 1 not test ngerous conta-i . , , ,,r, .. ii'j;iiiis[ .11*11 cmi \\ Mil". Ten li unci rod ' . . . , , in anticipation oi iho ivoi rero alien eon- ... . , bwen, wlule in Lexingti Inrteen women . . . , made 11 is will and arranged lission on tie j1^s ntTnirs About $4,500 v i were comingIx*n.isocl for liirn by popular si tes for immor-1 ... r , iscription after be lost eve he remainderi , . , , , . . ,. I thing he had m the inceiulii r various other... . . . . , .. lire, and this he has hxed his family, his wife and so iablc shows the ... .... . . , ot his cliildreti beitig Uprc awi rants arriving i. , . ' 11nff h-s return uites by couii- , . , , J Kwrn has told comni ic fiscal year . . i> i J wealth Attorney !?vrd n others the nanio of tho n , 200,oil I j offered liim the bribe, ai 3.450 . . . , . . . . - .... :;?s it is said that the man lias ",7*. means of his ow n, the brib j O 4 <-> | 40,060| investigation will extend to 14,000 one who was to furnish 230,m(>nov for the $5,000 bribe 2^'101 '0,o<' Hwon This town 1 o';;i7' been kept under marli il law 0,310 t-,f> Pr?v?st marshal since .1 nd 136,003 and White were transferred n'i.a, 1,761 the jail .at Lexington a nioi -,080 I . l l f- in .. i. ir .. .... nniMiAl.A?D I f Aoo ' O ' in.? ii ? air niMMi;in;n^ "i 0,i?, . tit o <>q.> over (he coming wee'*:, altlioi O , *j ?>o I ^ Q) 1,520 troops are still hero. '] 2G,2iO militia has been continue 35,:li0 hero for two months. Ater tlio Killing of To o'on'r! Marshal James Cockrill th j j | 10 -(IS r!<5 on" rnfl'r<? arrosfr 04 over ft year until the soldi 7,118' arrived in May. Then C r>7' I Judge Cardwell, who had b< i ij/i c ' 1 0 i l)r'soner *n own house hleen monihs, resumed lie 15* f 1 t? ? j (J7 ing court. The town trust icrica, 1,0581 have ju->t appointed Jos< >? K1 j Now land as marshal Newh uenca, kjo? 118 considered one r>I the l?ra\ 6 ?t 1 men in the mountain distri< 589. r 8 17o">urin? 1"? past seven yef os, 25'*fvent men have lmld this pi tion. Four of them wore *<il tion, 857,040 while on duty and two of ?. other three were forced to a * sig'1- ^ ** expected that rne of Sumter " . , , it Mr. J J fp^cial grand jury will cc re Mr?. Tforn pWe it-ft work this weok, sot visitin^. the nttoruovq, witnosooq ^ O I ~ ; I others can ?n to fVritMana, Atv>v> lnO UVAIl W<*1 Ul UV/Vll jW , White for murdering Marcuui _ i >val ^ * will begin oil Monday, July 2 7. re- EMI IN NOTES. '' V- Mr. Editor?It has been so on?, pince anything up Mo I from E'"in that I wi'l rive the the | public the news. Crops are looki bo ' >2 Vt'i / ?'?1. tn; uif !i on. t??ri iiiU notitv nt? ou it. Mr. G. F. Ferguson lias the ( j fiaost cotton at. this place. George , esvs he has 10 acres of corn that tlie . ? IF line. Laying-bv time is almost at ( lv hand and picnics will soon he on c s hand. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoggins of the: Heath Springs visited Mr. and sroiMre. W. 11. Harris a fow duvs % " r m ago. \f r f oetof \V yiaifo^ Mf. and Mrs. li. S. Harper, of 1C0 Sumter, last week. He reports a ^ ir( prosperous bueiuess with Messrs. . Llarper and i>aker. . I* I .1- II '! ( II.' MTIK ?l|r. [ lilLl H. bllill vrllClUD iiUuUlU III VtT ItU UMOli i'XI i Hit,., ;i? y .11 ill. 1.1 l' II iolll ors t" l,'?- K U(1 u :: 't>!y (1 ciji (i >.n w tu n. lit 11 "a Cutturti Cum, mitnui; ct'ir< d* tiy ! j v F .i Chancy Co., Tu'tdo, i?. vontiliM no J msr.uiy, una in i..k(;. li.Uiimily. aciiiiK* <Jr rw. n racily up m nw blond ..n i iiuu'ouh tiirUi'i'ii o Hid i) iit hi in ouy luf llali .i Utturrb c uro In enr I nnro you get th?* genuine I' is taken Inter \ ii.ii iii n r iii Toledo, Onto, Oji l'. J. , , I (' i iii"- v r, iv nr w 'rru. )Hl* fold by dri: i'ilcoT c |>?r I yfl". Hail a 1' miiiiy I'liiH ure tho boat. C0S ^ANNOUNCEMENTS r<>HL | t h^RKRY riiintinr" myno,f p* a | A caidiUate t ?r re-election to ilia oft: *i? ol I'l'; ( Ol'JON* WKlGliirs, Kit, nt lite election to held on the second Tuesday in August. 0M1* J.KMoliliT. led tho 1 HEREBY nnnounep myself as a I candidate for I'l'HMC < OTTON re- WKIUHKK for Lancaster. the A.I.HAII.KY. W )m" f HKRKBY announce myself rh a |iat i 1 candidate for the position of COTI VO^i YVKlUiJk*ki ai Lancaster, rt. Itv' I n T T?T*V T ? !' '? rot ' I > i i i* ? A A U Vji > .< i. i'l Vrf o ^ t\ Kj A j niony, York county, in t-ne guest of Mr. hhJ Mrs. (? b. VerguooTK 13 Wo regret verv much to pav Miss ?ly Km ma can't teach school for us -lid again this eeasioL'. Ike. rilli KANNa.M AT WlHJK. ial Topeka, Kan., July 18.?Acur?|Corcliug to a report which has reached here, the Kastern col,ay lege students who came to Kansas to work in the harvest I li?lds are not rloinjr as nuicli ,''1 work as the farmers' daughters, wn | "Thegirlsof Pawnee county." JOOisaid A Ll. Miner, "are puitiug jfy the traim d athletes from Princoi lou. Yale, Harvard and i lie (other colleges out of business '' nvImmi it l onu-.^ to shocking wheat ^ an? .behind a self-binder. all "The girls are working in the i*as fields b^e use it is necessary, _ Lll} i and i hey. know how to clothe * I work. The muscles of the stu^ jdunts have not hardened suili11-'' ciontly to enable them to keep f?ripace with tlio giris nie ! '"Two sisters are w orking with lit,-1 Idur of tlio students, and they I are doing inoio work liian the lour men. "If the students stay in the " '' field until ti i y can do as mm !i tan work im our young women they nd, will go JioiiK' trained athletes." no ?? pry Tittle Misses Messio and Corljit. rinno Thomson have rein rued . ^ from a visit to their grand** ' mother at Camel n. 11 \VANT E I) ? YO UNG M EN by to prepare for Government PoCt'J sitious. Pino Openings in all ! Departments. (rood Salaries. .1 llapid Promotions, Examinations soon. Particulars free. 1V ?; 1 nter-Stuie Cor. ln^t., 'f?b! aJ2,3in Cedar llapids, la. The lie ware of Ointments tor Catarrh ^ That Contain .Herein y. ^ h | < wrrcury will surety ?U:.-troy the ?f>se nf .it . i?.i, the ?liolt SJTS*