Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, July 22, 1903, Image 3

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KuuOb digests what you sat. I t h in KODOL c'eanse3' purifies, strengthens , ? _____ and sweetens trva -'- "rtW ^ i V ROD 0 L cures Indigestion, dysp4g?r??. v**1 . < ail stomach and bowarl troubles, i IH KOT>OL accelerates the action of the gas- | , _ ? trie glands and gives tone to the | v dig I rx f* KlfDOL relieves an overworked stoiuaah . ? of all nervous strain glwaft ? jilt th? h?-?*t ? f"11 r?nd ijntramme^d r " p-vrt ' - ' - 1 end ; feeds the brain. I *t i Knnny. Is the wonderful remedy that Is v ** making so many sick people veil and weak people strong by giving to their yc, bodies all of the nourishment that is con- . tained in the food they eat. Of Bottles only. $1.00 Size holdtne 2H the trial sue, 00.13 lor 50c. frtparrd only by E. C. PeWITT 4 CO., CHTC480. l'\?r sale n\ Crawlora Bros. a husbands do.'' Well suppose they do, tliat will l>e two . votes cast for a good man j)p A iiiAtcad ol one, and von will have ne ^ introdticod into politics t!:o pnre. economical, unbribablo. law abiding quality of women. Arid j ? this quality, like the odor of a )o will |>ciineato I i 113 bony politic, j f j aid i .to von t he ? oi, m; i.# it. . .. r , '21 )i.o> . c t n it. o ox j) i c tj u ot t? u i >lie opinion. lial there is at.o.hei qualm you bavo i.? regard to giving that it . ? 8u: crowning lthertv to yonr sister.; j which shall raie Ivr at one from the level of iho idiot, the lunatic and the criminal. Cot ) think, my brot.heis, these are the| ',,. ? ' 1 w 1 11 tiii"?tiit<1 i< s bv wnoui you lOf m\ in v;?lihoMirv- Ir im m? the _ right of expression :it the ballot xi i Ol box. ' Negro v.onien will be| II I l " "lc I u r, i! ii> I lie :< .! , \ >u . ir ,. . ' , ow II v iiy I o t' I" o"-?" ! h n . ngei ! ! , (Jive us suffrage willi an i vioa-j ?T lional qualification. or,i; you ill, ^ a property quihfivat'on. \>rith .(i tlio former, you would at once add 7G,000 educated while worn |. ^ en to your 90.000 educated white luen voters and settle I lie vexed . na quest ion ol ?white supremacy a in ,j uitv ol 31,000 over the . 1 1S 0O0 colored voters of South * Carolina. ?? I re1 I would like to tell you \\hat I j knew of some of these leading ~ i women Biillragisls ol other an Southern States. The leading m( AlibanVi woman suffragist is Miss Fanny (?riHin, of Montgomery. re, Slie won my heart the first time .:n I over fiitvv ner, at ?!??-> Nuliouitl III, W. (3. '! U. Convention in Chi Qj 1SS9. She was quiet,mi- 'I'l, used to the plat form, but nothing ,j could exceed her ease Mid grace;jnj keen, kind, intellectual, with a | j voice full and deep, rvervbodv | .,i. - j/t-ivoix'W i 11.11 in if Will IIBW IDI'l'O. | She sent fourth ! h-? spirit of Ihe1^ ** South in voids oi Kiich wit and! wisdom thai a Grand Army ot j( the lie public m ?n r >hq and called j m, for (hive cheers <?ml a hip, hyr-i?e rah for ?Sou*hlani. \,Fhei! , 11." war left her father penniless, I ? h pohli'T fri?nd ?*i I to him.' 1 have no m.o to h"lp t|,, AN i '?' ;< it I.e an w <r I ij li hiv, "1 \\ i Ul? \ o tli uau ii?u*i j . . 0 lock ' d>- ppoi u tor lather, hut proved1 Vv'll.H, A O 11 O Oil IV S t lllg 1101' Voitllil- | or brothers and sisters. Yet this . miK'h hp ti ! her own ?hoei. < )i I ' course Mie Alahmn women are'p( proud oi their m iirnifieeot leader. I . . > ^ Kentucky linn two women lead jt>n er. in tins great reiorni?Aiissj^.. Laura (hav, a perfect lleivrv L f (i.iv <tb ti ami uo.u Itille c j (j IVlrs. .ioHepiiniH K Henry. she |r}H j* ;i<iuic fMi 10 uiorary piirstuis,) edits a paper and a most Winning speaker. Sho has created! so much H-iflr-.tco in-cut i 11 Remind . I v, <> veil's ;o she wud nominal -it lor clerk o court, f',' and m ie a \ er u 1 ruu. I **1 !n i\llasi-irfippi, a!r**. lliltio B. ; ^ Kelly worked up tlio women, and 1 4 ,1 1 u 1 men to (l roirp n! t'os now*1 i rn H r\y ror" r*or?r r?*if f\ ting woman suP'rage in their' j|| constitution. ! grieved when! J"t " i v s (if lea ted, but 1 consoled 73,000 u yself with the hope that my are poli en he'oved Stide mjght. get women lead of Mississippi in doing voting u injustice to her daughter, or in nation ii ing nobly generous, shall 1 sous, nc \? Howcan brothers, husband, army, iu ; In t a* l<> 1 i??w i 'lis jiv. < I rr Section prmi'id I ho 'V^ri' -r* ^ ey love, for whom they would I citizens freely giv. theii lit ?? Re mot! -i... ci? ot 1 , 1< U.y Mnif) Ull( XilSdien ? bin _ ?roUe your daughter, wife or found, e (tor loses the strong aim ot read, wi nir love and care, the ballot in time it 7 r own hands may he her best such is t fence against the "slings and lull wot row of outrageous fortune." why shfl When liattie Kells, a low country? deed, gentle women, yet "with the lair heart lor any fate/' told me ining, w e had been elected a member presiden the Mississippi Press Associa- lnthe \V in, 1 said, "Then why can't 1 appearei i in South Oarolinn? Nobody A pens? rd tell mo that Mississippiaus with the e ahead ot the men of my own dawning ate in that generous -chivalry a woinai I ii'l i Hi if mil" ii" 1 ' ' ..... .....T w IH.V) ? , IJV I id. hnt ?i! *?'ith >>'?? d n ?'d he-irt I who tiifi ) " 1 p lavy<* which ?'> often cruellv "-p in -< icro her personality.So . . .11 Tlie Mjjt is is how 1 came lo be here. lurom \lrs ,lnil<?e Merrick. nt New , .i, , 11 iiu leans*, is the mother ot woman ll'tage in Louisiana. She is a ({epu?!tte> lighter ol one ol Andrew Jack-1 [on u'r. chiet slandbvs in ihe battles avm^n| r liie past. Her lather was a my j n he. it, a man ol great breadth youjj, ( thought and liberality ol opin- . , ... uiu\or u i; and thece lie imparted to his Jr arj?e . ted daughter. 1 ndeedstatistics J \y?-st ot heredity show that, ps srreat i acc? ;n are apt lo be 4,l heir mot hers' n sons," bo great women are |?r. sir lather*' own daughters. (jift exert ider Mrs. Merrick's leadership, ' a women ot Louisiana will, |j0V0 vol lore very long, ho voting. <>: yj)ur urse it will be alter theAustra- '..m, n ballot, method, so hedged jn? on fi. it neither men nor women will l|l^m }l s zard being hurt in going to jaw n * ministry You know we Soulh Carolina q,, ,|pV f ople, lor all our history ol these* si trolufionary Rtrife, have a great yo(J |lpa] raid lor our English cousins? oJ ^n(jei ikitig lor their high breeding, uj, d a positive warmth of senti- p,.ySS Of Mil lor the Queen and nobility. ( ljro1 ell, now, how do the English ^ ^ ( rard woman's position in relam to politics? Did you notice nl paragraph going tho rounds p i:tf.r:.,i the papers the other day? . iat Henry M. Stanley in his ^ J,le >ctioneering campaign (he was are :ourr lining for Parliament,you recol- ' WOma it,) carried his young wHe doem S( jtim :mer i?is own minor k ward at tempt at stump speak <ulst- ()1 she look the stand, and so >n her way with the rough i * . actors : u\Y'e will vote tor him, * nu r,ca ini.'* Now, do you think the {p* ^ j . *' ntle Durothv was more "oin . , . with Mi ner sphere ' Kiunip-sneaKiug , , , * . ' ,, , : land, w hi bhe would (iU blarney , i i in- never li . ?o o. u' i. i r womairs \f btr U iltred Liwns c:t\v .. tt'ppn I v w;! I I'm t 1 ; ."i " rv , i'ii i ' J'-wols I .... ,ii ou ren I i i> , Ui<U ttisli 4 i r!ist? vivos and njoftvn mod to a I the world, are n> k*un "st i" 11 v , L I Duwn mi on; ted oy tliHf-- "mixing in poll 8," why suoutd tvo be? Indeed,! \ oil i ' ed iti tiio We of Man, andiron his rtial or municipal women Eist ai (frago exists throughout him." t gland ami Seoi land. iliiming in the V. mis aid to he "the host gov advance] to] city in Hurono." The now lor v of (ilaspjow, the most orderly j dempt ioi all wo visited on the other I new lore lias municipal woman suf I ballot r g>?. I hands a Iceland lias a population ot bath not 1 vanity, Working Night and Day. ih?* Lord The bnpjpflt and mightiest litt'e c, . ,, ^ , t lie t jrOd inp that ever wan rondo is Dr. | r.g's N.w Li to I'illa. Tin ne pill - ! auge weakness into HtrotiKtii, I x, ?I ? i . , Nnmin tleHsiiHHs into energy, brain rue ;}*? i Lo mental power. Ihey'ie won-j Iain's ?>t r! j. in buiidwiK up tiic health, i- r on 1 C\~ _ ? piti r* ,! H*?? V? t)ft> r ,|o? the bo rd Rros,.T. I? Maokey A Lo. and j Hll)1 htr,M luuelbuik . i oale Oj J. i) which men and women TUK VAMIl'V 1) tical equals Men and ,.wt doefl ? m?? vote together. lliese ... . .. ... , , his hand through ii in miners have produced a u which there are no pn- ,rtUu* "lM "*L ,'li { ? police, no thieves, no ^servant 4,I>i > vory rich nor very poor, notico that, men wil . .. -... .1-; ? 9 , e nijKo. i , t w UC.< t ? 1*> ? i?. '? A' nf n^nplf. Th,% tut'i**? nervous h'?hi{ ? it are taught by their is an old habit. I . and in flu i 'h 1 ?..... ...? n.....eia.e peraOu 'h lo oe tl|l8 Even uic verv child being able to , - .. . , , , , . no luur through wl: rite and cipher by the . 1 , . 0. their lingers, men w * seven vears old. bince .7, . .... ho practical working oi are as ba,d as b;lhar nan suffrage in Iceland, brMsh thp,r hnm,s )uld men fear it in our h"af1fi wbftn the-v lif< Then there is. of course. If the tnen simnlv liliar example of Wyo- smooth tlieir toush liich will have women course this would ai 1 ial electors tins year explanation of the ) Oman's Calender for 1S91 why should a man 1 a suggestive picture: hmr on his head d< int ol- the middle ?w., lhill(,? u u But a primitive plow of that ,n 8.>y that ,uch civilization, drawn bv , , . * r ,, ... , * hnvo had a full suit ol i and a inilk c??w ; above . . ... . 1 the lace of Mies l'\?wcetl, ?> >?. #n.nhat it is si, th? -noinr v.??, ter of habit onntrn )f !t well, you men of mlx'it, "ncon??cious it ;ina wutcti by tl?y ivtul ntjjlit * '|'|)ny do not know t trt of cumuli cIi.IIIk'C'i twirl sco , . , ?b thin which is. what is to be." w^n they mil their illefi my lieart when 1 j their heads. But tin color of this beautiful jUH* the same. Co i ' badge of the Press As- room, or at any place ?yellow. That ?s the congregate, and whs ?f tMjual rights to women; essary for them to r heli"I' is Mi f the men of )iats, and watch them Carolina, than whom observe that every e\or breathed, are lead.y trough the same p mil follow tlio slur iu Ihc lt Baem9 t0 be H ? women a advancement, ^ fhin<r ^ ;h?m (f) i?t .lorn their heart liio ; . Ps fiat, "It is not good conclusion is that H to he alone," either in dene* of vanity. A ise of his affections, nor his hair to bo just so. rforih.iiiCu oi Ins dulj probaoo was siin^. :r wives and your sisters of tidiness. But it has mothers, my brothers, an act of vanity. Tin will lind your souls tak- instance, if he has i Inoss lor heaven. Give for jj10 puapose, wi hare in all your pursuits hpH(i to hftTe ft fcou( ledicitie, journalism, the T. , ' ' V. ance. It gives luni a ; and Irom I he liner ^ . , . pearance, and leaves >1 your partner, woman, : . . , , mil tilke a higher one. ".at he ha. bee rd tin. heartfelt remarks with the hooks. W son's worthy mayor last reason the habit is a ^looming women to the undone which seems the country. You heard rooted in tlio rcasculi thor, Col. lloyt, giving ?New Orleans Time jxperience of the gentle ???? ?I womanliness of those ? , . , , . . . i Brutally Torti is who termed purl o? ?i?e excursion to the fad lie A caae came to I. those gentlemen have pers.stent and unmer . A. ,,r . i has perhaps never he star in the West am ,loe Gulo|,lck ?r Co leying towards the goal writes: "Fur li vear n\s ballot, which shall re- insufferable pain frc Mith Carolina Irom the tjHm Mnd nothing r I lie hip pocket pistol and though I tried evervtl Hit besmirches the I came across Fdectric jf our vouth. Ilero in it's the greatest medio and of t ho free- ii i? I for t hn t trouhie. A f<> il the slur of woman's ,f completely relievo houl.l seel; conjunction 'U,? IO"d,f rs, l?r 'his is woman's kidney troubles and , . , ,, . . . , . bilitv. OnJv oOc. 'hich < oiiimbiiR might r ave discovered not lor ? ?? lji, ivon him i ? . , . who sold hei lumber hi >.-) iitun you, ^ it nsui, y i. , * F-infi- Tnoorli - i'\ lirt a buy : , ?a; ai resit .1 to., y o . 1 in pre? i star?the star in the I frequent occasions 1: 1 . t rlphf* T ? .? a m. nl'-J I are en. io to woi. tun, So today 1* there a ?,ar wlth the royal honse r , ,i , , ? ana was a brilliant hi est?lue oLir ol woman m . :nent, tho portent of a ce ; coming for tho re- WANTTUi-Rvery P< , ., .. . Hiilleriiig 'A11li f, ii ol t jm nation, lhaf. cents for a !ar<i' iloli cis wAtom's vote, the j Piubcic'm As i iim a < 'cur ,f her who " clean nl<J.02.lrJ. nd a pure heart, who lifted up her soul to r . , 1 , .... ,, I no firof sleeping < nor sworn deceitfully. ,, ?? %, I receive the blessing ol The "dorm .,,..1 v.-l.i. r? I i,.. . i'""||uh on ti.o recently of our jjwlvalion.'1 line to Santiago. Oii^ Uo?o COII t i or woman In tin* will O <p|.Hk well or u.amher- Mo/ley's Lemon imiacli ami Liver I ablet* j , , w tr)ln(( th?m. Tliey il? f :i ' '' bow f'noo n nlooqppl n)OV|M*)e of I n ni> ^ i> < 1 wels, improve tho appet ite I Ai; , i i?, igthen the dilation For Perffct V'l111'' x t. .uacrvcj tV. Lo., UfUggialS. pci' Ool tic Ul ciii Ui'Uj ~ A d Ol' * F MAN. WHAM AliLOWKU : AIL. always run Special to The State, i hair when Laurens, July 15 ?.J ?li:, (jr. asked lha ^ ii.Ji.i * .it* gjnot?<i ?. >? n t.*un <1 you ever of $4,000 by Judge I)a?''/bir Mi is 1 invariably afternoon at 7.30 o'cW* v/h?ra la it just u hilled L l*r - J '/ 9. vanity? I' Fergeaon ?( F ???i,o ,, c .ri \y# have never Bickey appealed r \\ i hil 5 K, !jnih?r (\ I m ' |t '! ' ( | C * V ? C A ui who have ^ large crowd was pi s; nt. lich to run ... 'hose heads \ Surgical Operation d balls, will ,g #|Ways.daiinerou>i?< . jl,. over their mit, to the hui^ewu". Ut. i<. until ; their hats, j-ou have tried D^V' V ). wanted to Hazel Salve. I< will c.1.1 when id hair, of everything el? 1 .1: - , . this in thousands ot cases. Here or ump.e -fl oue them: ' J sulfered iroua habit. But bleeding and pretrial:up piles for a*hn I100 **a t ? * - ? u' ,...w ,.1.0 uw i,wHiuy yearn. w as fn at< U Dy ) the same dliferent specialists a* <1 need ufficienfcau. m*ny rem di<. s\ but nb ! no rebel until 1 u.seu L)e\Vut3 a i.i.n ni?.\ \vitch li /. ?! Salve. 1 boxes hairatoue of this salve cured me -ig een reply a mat- months ago, and I h v.- n la cfed under touch of tfie piles siiw*? ? li A, ^ o I- ! A I ' I*' ? ' ' 'I'M,' f1 (* , , Blind, Bleeding, itching an I'roof the fact i? iruuiiig i .< s uo tcmeny * y --la phy, how or DeWitt's Witoh BUzd SJve. hands over Sold by Crawford Bros t?y all do it ?mm uto a court- QTQii'i pTJ QI READ MY whore men ijAlJ J. jLl.'.Vr* Fr0O 0 fftjP l*e it is UCC- fpHBOC UPON b low filled out with r*vir oddross, un<l sent with a twoxent stamp, BB0T6 their l'' Mrs. id. A.Hilton Kershaw, s c.. within tin- noxt thirty days entitles you ;? pack aire i YoU will m.ii' . Tri . ut- n ?1 ! ' y * _ '.4 rs. M. summers Notro Dnmc. li which man Will go ?u M loucorrhco. ulceration. ?v placement, ? fall ng of the womb, menstrual d. trUe.s, hot erformance. "*t - luiro'-*, growths, ? n*l nil fi-mnle trouhies Th<i freo pctckngo contu' en .i.rr I'ectlv Uat.U 1 atir. nt, nttd If yi. . wish u> continue, it ill cost you whom twe v c< nt* ;i \vi to ? urando. My own tee a cure. Fill out thespacosbelow, send to Mi*. Hilton, and you will receive tUu .'n.e jq evi- treatment by return mall. mart wantr COUPON. Originally, , . , . Xaino iij a matter (grown into Town. NM e lawyer,for X. euouiih hair t'?"n,y )lM II want his stnto .tudius ap CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ;h.V 'K PENNYROYAL PILLS haf*?ver the curious one, , !.. b? deep f*W"SSp ?<* ? ui? nature." o0*A I ^ iff e?. a-Democrat. info. Always reliable. l.a.tlr,. i. .k Prug-ist fav rillt'tlKVrtlKM KNULINII in H.-.l tn4 Hold metallic bore, settler! with b'.ue rbboo. j rmkn tin rilhfr. KvOiar dsncrrttut nhitliirco tatloaisse InlUiilom. 1 >f irf?i lit, . , , or seiul 4?'. in niainp* for I'nrti.-nlar,, Teatigill that for monlsal* timl Kcltr*" for l.nrll-a " in '/ ??? . < . , b) return Hail. 10.000 leaiuuouiais. ovld t>> cil ui torture *n oru^Kists. Ql0,l OHIOnRBTKH OHSMIOAL CO. 1011 equaled. SIOO Mi><ll>an Sqaarr, PHILA., PA. lU3H, Calif., Mention til* vao?r ' ? I endured ?????? .... Z-tT;^ I fif A Yn fi YJ o. tring known. O If INSTITUTE ?aX?a?-,n.C. or liver and general de FACULTY : Satisfaction : Bri .1 J. Iv. WALKER, Principal, A. B j or A. M ; s' in lent in S C. >.?riieiierr , ... , I "' > y p fit W:ixli'^v. High ' 11 *i > a U 0 i C u. j . _ 1 i '* i ' 1 1,1; . expencnct ; I wo years u? V ax / i s.. Liu rinev : ?ie aim biab of Htverin i 1 " ,-rhooi ilf pan llieiti ? ;fr jo K. 01'NX IX till AM, teacher ot I 1 1 ywub' experience ; three ?r-on that is, \ .?f WhxIhw. I*r>marv lu f^liu '/it j iar buttle i*t j llopurllflPnti iiftly Co., j Intermediate and primary deugion, L>, C. j purt moots. (This teacher will be added to laculty, making ?ar seen in, faculty ot livei. ththitton ?t! M 1{S W.M.KKR, irr.nlnato I,01V "tj ..flW-einiuslrnm^nl"! music; compie-leu : , ., , , , s.>t> < i i in O'Hunio ? 1 male m.ll, ? 1 - ^ ' | i ii'ir"i- , i njii.*,||t?r III VISITS ? Xin lit <'? ', tWO VO.'i's Uf iXn nce.H. 1 haw. Instrumental music ue Elixir acts j partmont. 1 without E'?' new citalo.'iu* an/1 ir?!'< rrna? T : ? I n,., , ro. f?n cents| J. It WALKER. !???- ??jlix \\ HXUtt V> , i.\ . C.