LANCASTER ENTERPRIS Published i.very Wednesday - ii Y ? The - Enterprise - Publishing. Compan A. J. CLARK, Kriltor. JULY, - - - 28, 1897 President MeKinley's messagi to Congress rocommending tin appointment ol' a monetary com mission \v:is ignored by the Sen ate, though it was acted on b; the House. The Dingley taritF bill is nov the law of the land. It passer the Senate Saturday by a vote o 40 to 80, and was at once signer by the President. That long de layed prosperity will now begir (with the trusts and New Kng land corporations). For the past two weeks there have been an unusual number ol suicides and lynchings in this country. The number of suicide; is something wonderful. They include the poor, the wealthy, male and female, and one 14year-old boy. Four women suicided by drinking poison in each other's presence, upon a deli her ate agreement to kill themselves. They \Vere sewing women who made waistcoats. They had a big least before they drank the fatal drug. They all ate heartily of the bountiful menu and then took the drug which terminated their earthly career. Among the suiciders was one California mil lionaire. After meals you should have simply a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You should not feel any indications that digestion is going on. If you do, you have indigestion, which means not-digestion. This may be the beginning of so many dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in hand at once and treat it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that indigestion makes poison, winch causes pain ami sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps digestion and cures indigestion. Shaker Digestive Cordial does this by providing the digestive materials in which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up and strengthens the digestive organs ar.d makes them perfectly healthy. This is the rationale ot its method of cure, as the doctort would say. Sold by druggists, price 1<) cents to $1.00 per bottle, /Ot Year* Oitl. Mrs. Susanna Harris who was l)Oi*n in 17'Jd, from the most reli able information obtainable, is visiting at Tradesville. She has been a member of the Spring llill Iiaptist chnreli for <50 years. Mr. II. M. l'olk, onr author, says he would be glad for old and young to see her. tinny Hermit*. Magistrate Milliard sent a 0(1 days recruit to the chaingang last Wednesday?dune Walters for tresspass after notice and for stealing wood. Magistrate l?urns also augment ed the gang lorce for 00days with doe Reed who had been stealing chickens. r. S. Court JurorM. The following have been drawn as jurors for the August term ol the I . S. Court at < rreenville: J. J. Cherry, grand jury. II. Ij. Crawford. II. <1. Mi ll wain, W. AIcI). Hrown, petit jib rors. 1 Pure j y Blood means pound hcnltli. With pure. rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di- j ~ gestive organs will be vigorous, and thero will be no dyspepsia. It lieu mat ism and ~ Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula and P Salt Itheum will disappear. With pure Blood f Your nerves will be strong, and your sleep sound, sweet and refreshing. Hood's SArsaparilla makes pure blood. That is why it cures so many diseases. That is why so many thousands take it to cure disease, retain good health and prevent >' sickness and suffering. Remember I Hood's Sarsaparilla la the One True Wood Purifier, ft; si* forts. ? . .. ntu cure Liver Ills; easy to IlOOQ S Pills take, easy to operate, ite. OUR CURRENCY SYSTEM. r 5 The Subject of an Urgent Message to Congress BY PRESIDENT McKINLEY. h Should ho Slmplitipfl and i Strengthened, lie Declares,and ItemoTcd From Partisan Contention?The Creat ion of a Mon, etary Commission Iteeommended. > J Washington, July L'l.?Tito president sent the tolloming ntes I sago tr? congress : To the Congress of the Tinted States : In my message convening the j congress in extraordinary session I called attention to a single subject?that a measure should he enacted providing revenue ade, quale to meet the reasonable and i proper expenses of the govern ment. 1 believed that to be the most pressing subject for settle ment then. A bill to provide the necessary revenues for the gov eminent has already passed the house of representatives and the senate and awaits t lie executive j action. Another question of very | groat importance is that of the . establishment of our currency and hanking system on a better basis, i which 1 commented on in my ini augural address in the following I words : "Our financial system needs . some revision : our money is all j good now, l.ift it - val ue must not | further be threatened. It should all be put-on an enduring basis, not subject t< en-.* attack, nor its stability to doubt or dispute. The , several forms of our paper money oiler, in my judgment, a constant .....l......... ........ ?i.. i *-iii iiiii i u^rMiicn i t?? III'* m#> ri iiiiiv-ri I ; ami imperil a sale balance in the i treasury." Nothing was settled more elear- ! ly at the late national election than the determination upon the part of the people to keep their currency stable in value and , i, eiiual to I hat of t lie mo-t advanced ' ; | nations of the world. The sound ^ ! ness ol our currency is nowhere j questioned. No loss can occur to J its holder. It is the system which j should bo simplified and strcimth i : enod, keeping our money .ju~t as jrood as il i> now, with loss ox pen so to tho government and Ihr t ho pooplo. i Tho son!imont of tho oountry i- strongly in lavor of early action by congress in this direction, to revise our currency laws and rej move them from partisan oontenition. A notable assembly of bu siness men with delegates from twenty-nine states and territories was held in Indianapolis January of this year. The financial situation commanded their earnest attention, and after a two days ses sion the convention recommended to congress the appointment of a monetary commission. 1 commend this report to the consideration of congress. The authors of the report recommend a commission to make a thorough investigation of the monetary affairs and needs of this country in all relations and aspects, and to make proper suggestions as to any evils found lo exist and the remedies therefor. This subject should receive the attention of congress at its special session. It ought not to be postponed until the regular session. I therefore urgently recommend that a special commission be created, non-partisan in its character, to be composed of well informed citizens of different par ties, who* will command the confidence of congress and the country because of their special fitness for the work, whose duty it shall be to make recommendations of whatever changes in our present banking and currency laws may be found necessary and expedient, and to report their conclusions on or before the first day of .November next, in order that the same may be transmitted by me to congress for its consideration at its first "egular session. It is to be hoped that the report thus made will be so comprehensive and sound as to receive the support of all parties and the favorable oction of congress. At all events, such a report cannot fail to be of value to the executive branch of the government as well as to those charged with public legislation and to greatly assist in the establishment of an improved system of finance. i Signed i William McKinley. Kxooutivo Mansion. July 24, 18<>7. Another \etr Store. Messrs. J. A. Robertson, J. L. Hunter and J. L. Snipes have formed a co-partnership and opened up a stock of heavy and fancy groceries on Main street, the firm name being J. A. Robertson A: Co. This occupies the last of the vacant store memo in tnirn Xotirr. Tin; public is hereby warned not to harbor my wife Alice Love who has let I my bed and board. Anyone i^norinu, this notice will be punished to the full extent of the law. M. I). Lovk, llaile (iobl Mine. S. C. duly 27. 1 SOT. .In I\nfri-/n'isinr. K. F. Ilorton, Welsh. There has been but very little if tion for several years except what we have so Simple enough. \ ]Ve take our tune? Buy where it's the Rliftftip.s Rnnntps * We have on hand and to arrive the most eon Surries, Carts, Ac., in the State. We have tin besi makes, henee our ability to furnish what of the kiud we handle : Kabcock, Tyson A Joi bus, Columbia, l'any Advance, ami a great ma tion, ranging in price from $25.00 to $1 Over the brain of each spread, "How long! How long! before I can wed You must wait patiently and endure. And wait until it does mature. Hut, how much sooner it. would be If you only buy an H. M. T. We have the exclusive best makes, and will sell fc anybody. Cane mills (sa ane mills l.d ane 111 ills j Now is the time tc? buy your Cane Mills. Chattanooga Cane Mills, Evaporators, steel an both here and at Kershaw. Wagons, W We carry the best line of Wagons in the Cai Piedmont, Sprach or any other kind you may and tour horse. Repairs of all kinds on hand, have three large distributing points, hence th low prices paid. ?< IJARNE? * IIARNE5 The huh thill coveI'lil the oh Is made to whiz upon the t/'( In reins sufficient that mit Are man a factum I fa/ our Of customers usimj them the From the (I over nor down to All kinds harness, single and double, wngoi from $6.So TO I A nice line cf riding saddles and bridles on harness a specialty. Mowers, M We handle all kind* that are good. I>i?*rii We sold \V, B, ( "iilp and T. K. Cunningham a ourselves. Plenty Mowers on hand of the ab? Respet H. J. GREG* # % HEAD OS! * v V sed the \ Pole ^ n Sight. ason with the most he State of North me one says, what say, what do you it that you don't Main Articles: Gins, Feeders and Condensers, 3a\v Mills, Grist Mills, Shafting, nning ;cialty. r you to I'oag A Harper. Here old full outfits this season : W. Col. L. C. Hough and L>r. C. C. any machinery sold in this secId. Some say, "Why is this?" -don t move to a das ft? cheapest and pay the cash. s, Buggies! iplete line of lluggies, I'ha-tons, ^ ; exclusive agency for all the you may desire. Here's a few ies, Carolina, Rock Hill, Columny others too niimarous to men50.00. I t" agency for all the >r less profit than ink M i n i lXE Mills! LNE 111 1LLS A liirjj'' l.jt of tlio celebrated ^ id copper, and furnices on hand agons! olinas. old Hickory,Tennessee, A desire. All sizes, one, two, three r*, Prices not in the way. We e large number bought and the IS! 2 / t'oin x burl' irk. II hold Mr. Stoll. t'r in no end, Salty Urn. n and buggy harness ranging >73.oe. hand. Repairing Saddles and owers! .. * iK, uif .till Of-flllCk HflU Wood. / harvester and bought one for >\e kind, and repair* for Maine. stfully, ORY & CO.*