Railroad Engineer Testifies to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. THERE Is no more responsible posltloi on earth than that of a rallrond onglie ccr. On his steady nerves, clear brain bright eyo anil perfect self command, do pond tho safety of tlio train and the live! of Its passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervlno ani other remedies aro especially adapted t< keeping tho nerves steady, tho brain cleai and tho mental faculties unimpaired. Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 132; Broadway, Couuell HluiTs, but now residing at 3411 Humboldt St., Denver, writes that hf "sulTercd for years from coustlpatton, cauS' lag sick, nervous anr. Miles' I.emediesBE^N^ aro sold by all drug*K - ... * , gists under a positiveivifios^ guarantee, Cr.-t bottle (Remedies! bonoflts or money re-fc Re8toro J funded. Book on dis-K^. eases of the hea rt. ^ l>U. MILES MEDICAL (X)., Elkhart, IuU. AM)HUM IN TIIK AltTIC. (Jreely '111Inks He May llsiv Reached the North Polo. Washington, .Inly ? In rt ply to a telegraphic request (Jeneral A. W. < ireelv, I he Arcti explorer, lias s?*nt the Assoei ite Tress from Lindon, V:i., the fol lowing signed statement regard ing the Amlree expedition : It is possible that Trot". Andre m.i> 11;iv?. reuenerm. .My opinion 01 Andrco's projected expeditioi and his probable return were ex pressed at the sixth intermitiona geographical congress in .Inlv ^ 1895, in London, whore ! debater tlie subject publicly with Pro I Andree and also discussed th< chances with iiirn privately, lb admitted the extreme ha/ard o the project which I strongly out lined. I i> >ii>t?'i1 mil fti.ii 1 ",,v ',,t,v x * * should ho roach the polo ho oouh hardly expect to find his soutl wind continuing across the poh for a thousand miles its a nortl wind. Ifo urged that his chance of attaining the North Americai coast were infinitely small, as tin observations at Lady Kranklit Bay, firinnell Land and I'oin Barrow, Alaska, showed that tin winds almost constantly cam* from the south,while strong nortl winds wore almost unknown Andreo replied : l*Then 1 shal expect to land somewhere on tin Siberian const." lie also express ed again his determination to g< f and his confidence of returnin] safely. I'rot . Kkholin. who ac eompnnied Andree in his unsuc cossf'ul attempt last summer, do dined to go this year, on accoun ^ <>i him- hi i fii* (i;i11rs mni i ur^ui upon Andrco?tho permcnhilit; of tlio halloon. which allows ga to oseapo constantly, but whirl Amlree claimed to have overcome. While I believe that Andree will never return, yet 1 admit that miraculous things occur daily. (Signed) A. W. Gkkely. Mrs. Modus? Well.t Jeorge, you promised me a new bonnet." George?"I? Promised you a new bonnet' < ireat Scott ! When?" Mrs. Modus?"Hel'ore you married me you swore that never should disgrace rest upon my head through you ; and what do you call this shabby thing that's on my head now Putting a live snake in his wife's bed was one of the charges | on which K. M. Cunningham, a , Clippery Hock, Pa. farmer, was ' arrested. On another occasion i she sayi ho put a live toad in the J bed, and some salty stuff in her coffee. She is afraid he will kill * her. \ a Qpll Aai I ? ?. uvt!v/wi mnjiruiui , IlIiUITl^ ;i class hesitating over answering the question. "With what weapon did Sampson slay the Philistine?" and wishing to prompt them, significantly tapp-d his own cheek, j and asked: "What is this?" The | wholo class instantly answered: "The jawbone of an ass !" At Lexington, Ivy., while a gang oi workmen were excavating on 0 the line of the street railway,one of them struck what appeared to be a piece of pipe, but which ptoved to be a sixty-four-pound [ i dynamite cartridge. A fearful | explosion followed, and live of 1 the six negroes in the gang were 1 blown to atoms. Wesley Kichards. head of the celebrated Birmingham lirtn of e giinmakers, died recently at the , ago of sd years. He was one of . j the inventors of the Knfield rilles j and cartridges in l.S.'s. Later he r invented the top lever breech ' J loader and the tailing block rille. \ with the metalie cartridges for it. o The average weight of a dozen v eggs is about 21 A ounces. One. eighth, of this entire weight may be regarded as nitrogenous and nutritious matter, a greater proportion than that of meat or of the oyster. Reasons Why Chamberlain's Col' i<\ Cholera and Itiarrhma Reined v is the Best. . i ' !. Because it affords almost in-1 . slant relief in case of pain in the] t,! stomach, colic and cholera morbus. !> 1 2. Because it is the only reme 1 dy that never fails in the most . I severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 1 .'1. Because it is the only reme-[ ' dy that will cure chronic diari; rhma. !. Bocauso it is the only reme* i dy that will cure bilious colic. , 1 5. Because it is the only reme-i s dy that will cure epidemical dy?, enterj'. 0. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended > upon i n cases of cholera infantum, j t 7. Because it is the most prompt j and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. ? ; 8. Because it produces no bad li results. !?. Because it is pleasant and j safo to take. i?>. iseeause it has saved the! e lives of more people than any ! other medicine in the world. The 25 and f>Oc sizes for Bale by [> | J. F. Mackey istressing Kidney and l?lad! dor diseases relieved in six hours by the "Nkw ( Jkkat Sot rn Amkkij can Kidni.v Ci'iiK." This new ' remedy is a great surprise on ac' count of its exceeding promptness j in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of i the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water aud pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want i quick relief and cure this is your , remedy. Sold by .1. K. Mackoy A l Co., Itruggist, Lancaster, S. C. Subscribe for the KXTKKPUISK ? | one year $1 ; six month .">0 cents. Don't Tolmrro S|ilt xntl Smoke lour l ife A'....,. To quit tohaoco easily and forever, tie map nulic. full of life, nerve met vlpor, take Xo-ToHue. tlio wonder work? r. that makes weak men strong. All drupplsts, M)c or (I. Cure puaranteed IliKildet und sample free Address Sterling itemcdy Co , Cliieugo or New York. I Wanted?An Idea SHSS1? Protect vmir Men*: they mnv lirlnp you wealth, j , Write JOJIX M l l>liKI III'ItN > CO fat it Attor- | 1 nevn. Wioliinm.v. I. . * ? r?- .. . ile u |?riz?* oner i ? 1 ami uew lift Kit one th u-and Invent Ions wanted. 1 1 CASTOniA. S 3.. \ Wanted-An Idea aSslS;if Protect your l"U wnllh. I Write JOHN V? iiih.Kitiio'KS .v CO.. l atent Attor- | neya. Washington, l>. t' , fur their prlie offer | dUd uotv Hat of ouu thousand lUVChtlon.l Wanted. PHILOTOKEN. ! Is Woman'* Safe and Kellubte Friend lie I'eves monthly panies, eure? r.ervc'yiness unit hysti i !a and restores to perteet health. Hold ' by drupglsis and dealers (or tl a hot tie. I'am- \ phlet mailed on application If you can't pet , it from your drupifist, send ?! to the proprietor J and he will send you prepaid by express. Oius. Ulsley, Wholcsah Drupplst, tK Cortland si. | V5ew Vork. ?. I T XT II. KIKTIIKK NOTK :K is civ. I ly ? ii inj .'Hico will hi'open oil Satur- ] day ol each week, and on the lirst .Monday in each month. I.. .1. I'KItKY, County .supervisor )'our ll'cthli 111/ Inrltation*. Latest styles of Wedding I nvita lions furnished by the Enterprise Publishing Co.. on short notice and at a low price. \o use to send | away for them. We can got them up as nicely as anybody, and cheaper than you will get them away from here. ?See our Hewing machines and , prices before you buy. Kntkk- j l'KISK office To Ciiro ConttIpiillon lorpvcr. TftkoCdMcarets CandyCnlhartlo. lOo <>rC."c. If *' <' ff ill to < urc, ilru^Kists r< fiiml n.' in \ ' ?When von wiiiit any tiling < printed send it to the I\\tkki'kisk\s ' Job ollice. MADE IV? E A MAN ?AJAXTAI5L!:VJ POSITIVE Y i;iTU! ory, Irupoteiicy, SlorploswiiMi:;, etc., ciu l>y Alir.so or other and indii crction* '17ir;/ t/ tirfcl7 rr*iu Lao tor marring* > i'roTMnt Insanity an I < oiihurnition i mm'u in uimo. Thoir i'mj hIiowm i. :* mod into ln.provt rent ami elfocta n t'UltF, T.lioni nil other foil Ivi i^-t upon having tho genu! no Ajnx Tablets. Tl." uivapored thousands and will euro you* Wo aire a p tivo written ^tiaranteu to ell in t a euro CA PYQ ii aclicoHoor refund tl.o mom y. PricoOvViOiro tackrute; or hix riches (full treatments for 0 nail, in |>lahi wrapper, upon receiptor ; rice. < ircu'a AJAX REMEDY CO., For sale in Lancaster, S. (I., by .t. 1tlackey & (Jo. BISOUTHERN RAILWAY. ~?r C?iitrtl Tim, Itttwenu tnliimhl* anil Jiiok ooTlll*. EMl?ra riinn llvtwacn Co* lttmbla and Other Point*. EireuTivc w*t a, mo7. ~ 7 7 No. 3m;n?>. no Northbound. Delly.j Dally. EvTj'vmo. F.c.AP.Ry.. w u a : 00 p " Savannah 1- Atpi II 36 pj Ar. Columbia * ISi- 4 2?u|....... Lt. Char'ton.SCAORR. 7 10 u, 5 BU p| Ar. Columbia 10 55 u; 10 10pi Lv. Augusta, Ho. Ry.... 2 10 pi 0 30 p: . " Granitevilla 2 39 p. 10 12 j, " Tronton 3 09 p 10 SO r M Johnstou*. 3 20 p 11 10 i> Ar. ColumbiaL?n. dep't 4 6i pj 2 17 ? Lv Col'bia H'.aud'g kt . .'> Ai p 6 34 a " Wlr.nsboro. 0 12 p (1 2* a - Chester 7 01 p Kiyk Hill 7 34 p 7 57 a ...... Ar. Charlotte 8 3o p 8 55 a ~ Danville. .1 '2 ooiit 1 imp Ar. Richmond } 0 OUn: 0 40 pj Ar. Washington . J fi 42 u| 0 40pl " Haltimore Pa. R. R.. 8 20 a, 11 35 p .... " Philadelphia 10 15 a 2 6?4 u; " Now York.. 12 4.1 p; <5 23 itj c ... . No. 37 No. 3.5! Southbound. .. ,, .. ,, Dally. Unity. I Lv Now Yorlc, Pi R.U. 4!!0pi 121-Vit .... " Philadelphia........ ft ST> pi 3 50 a I " Ihiltitnom. . 0 2010 0 22 a .... Lv. Wash'ton, 8o Ry? io 43pj 11 l&ai Lv. Richmond .! 2 00 a 13 55 p .. Lv Danville .1 5 50 a[ 0 20p ... *' Charlntto I 0 35 a !0 20 pi....... " io 3 Hill 10 2o (J U 00 pj " Chi-t.-r 10 55a ll37ntj..... * Whii.-!?>ro .| 11 lift 12 26 a Ar Col'liia BIwid'K at .12 Sunn 1 37 a Lv Coliunlilti Ut?. dep't. 1 15 p 4 30 a " Johnston*. 2 5.1 p 0 82 u ...... ' Trent on 8 |jm>i fl 43 a " Granitevilla ...., .1 0 8m pi 7 17 a} Ar. Augusta | 4 13pj S no u ... Lv. Col'hln, S.C.JSO.Uy.j 4 00 p! 7 (10 n| Ar. Charleston . .1 8 00p] 11 OOaj Lv. Col'hia. K.O &P.lty.j 11 55 ai 12 47 n " Savannah 4 35 pi 5 1<> a| ?... Ar. Jacksonville. ,| 0 30p, 9 ioaj t4l.EEI*I Nti 4) A It -SERVICE Double daily pas .outer service between Flo Ida and New York. No" 87 and 33?Washington and Southwester Limited. Solid Veailbunvl truln with illniri cars and first class coaches north of Charlotti Pullman drawing room uieepintt cars bctwcu Tnmna. Jacksonville, savannah, Wn.shingto ami New York. Pullman sleeping ear between Augusta an New Y'ork Noh. 35 and 3ii?U. S. Fast Mail. ThCius Pullman drawing room buffet su-.-plng cars b tween Jacksonville and Now York and A' gusto tuid Chariot to Pullman 4! aping cai between Jack onville und Columbia, on roul daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, vi Ashcviile. W. H (JRKTCX. J. M. CULP. G. Sunt.. Washington. T M., Washington. W. A. Tt'RK. 8. H. HARDWJCK. _ 1 /' A Washington. A G. P. A.. Atlaat '*In addition to the above trail orviee, there is a local train dai y between Columbia and Char otte. making all stops. No. 3eaves Columbia (Hlandini Street) at 5:00 p. m., arrive Charlotte 8:10 p. m. No. .'II eaves Charlotte daily 0 :30 p. 111. irrives Columbia 0:55 p. in.'1 8PAXISII ^ .JACK I > It KC l\ ft N K11 M?i:, 'I'I IF. (KI.F l> hrated thoroughbred SFANISI I A c K?llit* handsomest in the Stat< vhieh has been awarded tin- higher treiniiim over all competitors at tli Mate Fair for years, will stand th resent season at the stables of IleatI springs A Co. in t lie town of I.ancas er. Sure foal guaranteed for #10 April 13, ls?>7. [T DON'T TAKE A FORTUNE TO BUY A MEW HOME 4To people of moderate mean.* we do not hesitate to >a.\ ilia our variety of sewing machine and prices cannot hut cotnmain their consideration and wi assure you t hat t lie IMEW HOME Plain finish N'os, I and ft whicl can he seen hv cnllinir on 11^ aro iii finish and style e machines. Sold and ^iiarautccd b\ (lie KM DKi'KisK ri it. < o. Everybody Rays So. Casearets Candy Cathartic, tlic most won 3crful medical discovery of the aye, pleas Hit and refreshing to the taste, act gcntl, and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels cleansing the entire system, dispel cold* com headache, fever, habitual eonstipatio! and biliousness, l'lease buy and try a bo, 3f C, ('. C to-day; 10,,r?o cents. Soldaui guaranteed to euro by all druggists. V t RIVER AND CHARLESTON j;, aailma i o. i* 1 'ASSKXHKK DlilW nT.Mh.NT. ' In lCffeet Wi'ilni'siluyi May ftth 1997. j Northbound. | i . . ni.ound I 3!i II 33 sta'Hk.ns 32, 12 34 r A. M A.M. I*. M. , |\ )l. I'. M |?. M. y y I**' . "ii i .("auiiii'i, i i iu liw ; . Delvulb . i-Ho (i 15 * V I . 3 33, WeMvillc i-'.*" 5:5 , : II l1' . I:">| l\(iri',ju?. I-??:? 53) . : II n. a?h Springs. II 50 4 35 I 11 to' aa> .i''uuMiini Hill.. :i n 4 35 1-1' !- '> ... Lancaster.... 1133' 3 3.5 I"' . 3 Riverside. . .. 11 * >151 335 1 I3ii. . .?.*)(.... Spi'lllKilull... H? 5.1: 3oa I 4 "" ( !iiIuwba Junction In 151 I 50 - I" . I m Lessllr II bfn I la I -H'1 13i?. |{,.el; Hill .... 103d] 13 51 i " d" i 1" .... Newport 951 j 1D55 ' * 5 ' I Tl/.ah 0 171 io 45 Kl'0 51(3 ... Yorkvlllo .... 0 361 to 3d 0 3" 5 3n|... .Sharon... . 9 301 9 5o ') 1" 5401.Hickory Grove. 9 05' 9 36 1' J 5 50 .. .Smyrna.. .. 9 5o 9 o5 1 30 s ||( *, in HiaeUsburi? . 9 So1 900 S 40 9 30 *j 35 Earls ... T 49 945 9 to " 1" Patterson Sp: nV 7 43 940; 9|o " r>" Shelby 7 30| 825, 9io ... l.atlmorc ... 7 35 ) 950 ... Mooresboro ... 7 25 1000 .. Henrietta. . 7 10 -. 10 30 ...Forest City... tl .Vi 1050 ..nuthorfoMltnn.. 0 30 .1105 ... Millwood.... 0On' ,1135 . Golden Valley.. 535 .11135 . ..Thermal City.. 530 . 13 K) . .. Glen wood ... (505 .1330 Marlon 4 45 .|l?. M. iP.M. . P.M. P.M. AM ' I A.M No 33 lias connection with Southern Hallway at Rock 13ill, and with Seaboard Air I.lne. at < atawlia Junction. Nos. 31 and 35 will carry passcnirers " Nos 11 and 13 have connection at Marlon ] with Southern Hallway. All trains will topi e slyt a! at o.iUhlirst. Kl cin.1 'asiteys. Hoildys. Old Point. London.Kint; - . ( reel;, and Vain Mountain. SAMUEL HUNT, President, S. B. LUMPKIN, ? P A. Tourist Sleeping Far Line Rehv(w>n \V;i n!i iii-jft ???i am! Sail Francisco. The Southern Railway and its * I connection (the A. A \V. I'.. L. A N. and Southern Pacific) iiave i inaugurated a Tourist Sleeping ' 1 Car Line between Washington anil San Francisco, via Atlanta, ! New Orleans, and Los Angeles. " jThis sleeping car goes through " without change, leaving .VashI ington every Saturday .norning at 11:15, and is accompanied by " J a Personal Conductor ami Pullman porter, who go through. The r Pullman fare for double berth is 0 $7.00 from Washington to San ; Francisco. This service i? especially for the convenience of the parties holding ld second-class tickets, though first? class tickets are good in tho ear. * Further information may bo -? obtained from any Southern Rail11 way or Southern Pacific agent or oflicial, or from A. .1. Poston, (Jeneral Acent, 511 Pennsylvania " I Avenue, Washington, I). O., or 1 from W. A Tikk, (L P. A., So. Rv., Washington, I). C. 1 il 1 I A V/? A C'n.'l* l'. /im.mmi.i. |nn.tiv;ini ijli *x \jll r,n I r. is RAILWA V. J Hot ween ('liostor unci Lancaster. Ill effn t 7.00 u.iii., Suiuiu> , l'cb. i I, ISW. Dai Iff Ivxcfjit Sun da if. >- Westbound. Hast bound.. No. SC. No. 11. No. lu. No. 12 A.M. P. M.I I A. M I P. M. li 05 5 ?>o .I Ar Chester . L\ 11 05 T S 5n 5 a.S hit's II 2m 7 20 v l;l 5 25 4 ". .. KIJu\ > " 11 3l>I i ao *35 5 15 "..Mellamcl's.. " I II i?i 7 10 v 5 >5 1 " . Kirhbur/. .."Ill 50 7 50 s 15 I 55 * ' HiiM-oniville I 12 n5 j * no s i?5 I 15 (Vilar Shoals " 12 15 * 1 . 7 .V>i I 35 <1 "...Port hiiuii " 12 25i a 20 1 7> I "20 "... (traces . " , 12 I"! s x 7 2*1 I lo "Mlllor's Orciss'if" 12 5(1 * 15 . 7 2"' I oo <1 I.v Lancaster Ar 100 *50 A.M. P.M.. iP. M.iP. M. ? ?' Train Ravine Lancaster at 7.20 a. m . con I nccts in l .'lu inter with Sinn hern Railway mine to, i'. .v I. mine north ami (i. & N. Yes" llbnle ami local trains mine west. j Train'.ea\Ine Lancr. - tor at a m p m , con j nocts at Lancaster with o. It. .v (' iroin t'am j th'tt. ami < in.... w tin Sunt horn Railway eolng m : north ami south a it with t .v I. north. i Train], ivlr.tr t'la ' rat II 05 a m . eotineiis sit t.'liester wiili Southern Kailway from Charlotte, wIm< (' & 1. from nortli. Train leaving ( hexter at 7.05 p. in., connects w.i i. Si>'iti.?-n. ISall Aay inmi (* >'.11111 >iii. ?1 (' .v N from Atlanta and (' \ L from I.enoli. l.r.ltuN SI'KIMiS, W. II. II AltTH N. President Viee-Pres. and Manager. t ? " s Tetter, Salt-Uhcnm mid I'.ewnm, '' The intense itching and smartingincident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. .Many very bad cases have Ik en permanently cured by it. It ii | i ...i ..tuiiiK juies mm _ | a favorite roundly for sort* nipples; ,,! chipped hands, chilblains, frostbites a and chronic sore eyes. 25cts. per box. Dr. ('ally's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad ! condition Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and tie best ill use to put a j horse in prime condition. l'riee 25 i- j cents per package. v >? I KOTirr. '' ! T wtNT every ?-in and woman in the l'nlt*d State :111? i iet" i 0|.imn and Whi>ky * habits to have one of mr hooka on th?ae dis, J caaen. Addiea- i: M Woolley, Atlanta, lio.v iie^uuU one wilt be bent you freo.