The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, May 26, 1900, Image 3

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LOCAL! INTELLIGENCE Saturday, May 26, - - - 1900 LOCAL:MATTERS. -Lecture to-night. --Solicitor J. K. Henry has been an nounced for re-election. -On account of the eclipse The Winnsboro Bank will not open until 10.30 on next Monday. -Go to the court house to-night. -If you want stylish and up-to date millinery, go to Mrs. J. D. Mc Carley's.-adv. -Read Mr. T. G. Leitner's card in another column. He is a candidate for County Supervisor. "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the finest pills I ever used."-D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quickly care all liver and bowel troubles. Mc Master Co -Go to the court house to-night and learn something about the eclipse. -Bishop J. S. Key wrote: TEETHINA (Teething Powders) was more satis factory than anything we ever used. --To observe the eclipse intellAgent ly, you ought to have some intelligent knowledge of the phenomenon. --The news of the failure of the firm of Price, McCormisk & Co., of New York, was received here on Thursdai and in consequence the price of cotton dropped a number of points. The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorat ing the system is to take DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. McMaster Co. -Prof. Prentiss, who will lecture to-night, was at one time connected with the preparation of the nautical almanac for the United S.tates Govern ment. -The report of the library commit tee shows that the library is worthy of your Eupport. By attending the lec- 8 ture to-night, ydu will add to the I library fund and at the same tims add c to your own library of knowledge. I "I had stomach trouble twenty years V and gave up hopes of being cured till a I began to use Kodol Dyspepaia Cure. b It has done me so much good I call it I the eavior of my life,"' writes W. R. Wilkinson, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. MeMaster Co. a -Prof. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College, N. C., and Prof. Lyon, of the Southwestern Presby terian University, Glarksville, Tenn., will be among the visitors to observe a the eclipse. - h -In his advertisemant A. Williford calls the attention of the public to the h fact that he still has a few young e. mules, one or two saddle horses, and a fewr buggies, which he is anxious te I sell and will let them go at reasonable ~ prices. Read his ad. and give him a call. J. C.' Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn., tE says, "l cannot say too' mych for De Witt's Witch Hazel' salve. One box iacarable ulcer on my jaw." Cures * piles and all skin diseases. Look 'out for worthless imitations. McMaster Co. -As will be seen by a notice elbe where in these columnusithe books of i subscription to the capital stock of the I Winnsboro and Camden Railway y Company will be opened on Monda.", c June 28th, at the Winnsboro Bank at 11 o'clock.. See the notice of board of corporators. -The dispensary prolts have been i S divided among the counties of the State and has been placed to the credit t of the public school fund. The list of counties and the amount given to each was published in the Columbia State a on Fridr.y. Fairfield gets $1,760.10, d the school enrollment being 6,347. "After suff'ering from severe dyspep- i sia over twelve years and using many remedies without permanent good I ' finially took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It a1 dig me so much good I recommend it d to everyone," writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. McMaster Co. -Do not forget to smoke some glass b -through which to look at the sun while n it s in eelijse. 3. J. Obear has been giving to those who want them slips a of~ glass cut to a convenient size. He i still nas a supply and by applying to y him you can get them. By using a ii splinter .of rich lightwood the glass e can be easily smoked.. -The State Democratic executive a committee at a recent meeting in Co lumbia arranged the schedule of the coming State campaign meetings. The date fixed for the Fairfield meeting is I 'July 27th. The opening meeting will - be held in Orangeburg on June 14th and the closing one in Columbia on August 22nd.t W. S. Musser, Millheim, Pa., saved the life of his little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure wheni she wasb dying from croup. It is the only harm- c less remedy that gives immediate re sults. It quickly cures enngbs, colds, brotichitis, grippe, asthma and all ( throat and lung troubles. McMaster S Co. -Mrs. D)ewitt died on Wednesday afternoon at her home near the factory. She had been ill for some tirr~e and her death was not unexpected. Ars. Dewitt was a native of Fairfield and was a sister of Capt. Sprinkle, the c well kown conductor on th~e Southern Railroad. She left several children, several of whom are operatives in the cotton m'lt. On Thursday tthe body was taken to White Oak for ni ment. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everythiag in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty udangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with catomel, crot'n oil or aloes pills.2 when Dr. King's New Lif'e P'ills. whi.'a are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Head ache, Constipation. Only 25c at Mc Master Co.'s drug store. -The senior class of the Charleston ,ollege will arrive here on Monday norniug, having selected Winnsboro ts the best point from which to ob ;erre the eclipse. Winthrop will be -epresented here by ive yonng ladies, vho, during their stay from Saturday o Monday, will be hard at work. Chese young ladies will be the guests >f Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Mrs. G.. H. ILcMaster and Miss Julia Fripp and ne or two other families. "After suffering from piles for fif *een years I was cured by using two yoxes of DeWitt's Witch Hazel alve," writes W. J. Baxter, North 3rook, N. C. It heals everything. leware of counterfeits. McMaster Cv. -An excursion train from Char otte broke down here on Thursday ight and was detained at the freight lepot from about twelve o'clock that ight until nine the next morning. rhe train consisted cof two passenger :oaches and a bazgage car, and a few )azsengers were on boird, but a south ound freight carried them on after ieveral hours of waiting. The neces iary repairs to the engine were made Lnd the train.left the depot on Friday norniog. -Through the courtesy of Mr. W. F. Stott THE NEws AND HERALD ias received one of the handsome in ritations issued by the graduatih g lass of Furman to theiricommence nent exercises. Commencement week s opened Sunday, June 1th, with the accalaureate sermon preached by lev. D. M. Ramsey, D. D and loses on Wednebday, June 1 with he graduating exercises. Twenty our young men will be graduated his sear and Mr. W. F. Scott is one >f the graduates and will receive the legree of Bachelor of Literature. In he *invitation the college colors, green ,nd gold, were tastefully shown. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, rosby, Miss., makes the following tatement- "I can certify that One Hinute Cough Cure will do all that it laimed for it. My wife could not get er breath and the first dose of it re eved her. It has also benefited my Fole family.". it acts immediately nd cares coughs, colds, croup, grippe, ronchiti;, asthma and all throat and ing troubles. McMaster Co. -Miss Beno Bulow made her debut a singer in the cantats, "The Rose [aiden", given in Charleston on 'hursday evening by the Charlesten tsical association.. In this cantata 1iss BUilow was one of the soloists, ad the News and Courier spoke in a ighly complimentdy manner of her lee. For some years Miss Bulow as devoted her time exclusively to ocution and is an elocutionist of arked talent, and she has only recent begun to cultivate her voice. Ner ends ip this county will be pleased learn of her success in her first ap ~arance before the Charleston public a singer. Miss Bulow is a daugh rf Mr. T. L. Julow, of Ridgeway. Millnery! Mmlinery! Are you willing to be convinced that re can sell you choice up-to-date mil uery goods at the lowest prices? If ou are, kindly call on us before pur hasing. J. 0. Boag. CHURCH SERVICES. Services will be held in the follow ug churches on Sunday: Presbyterian-il a. mn. by the pas ar. Sunday School at 5 p. m. Prayer 1eeting Wednesday at 5 p. m. Methodist -11 a. m. Sunday School t 5 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes ay at 5 p. m. Associate Reformed Presbyterian tev. C. E. McDonald. Service at 11 m. and 7.30 p. mn. Sunday School t 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes ay at 4 p. m. For Over Fifty Years. Mis. V' INSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP as been used for over fUfty years by illions of mothers for their children rhile teething, with perfect success. soothes the child, softens the gums, lays all pain, cures wind colic, and Sthe best remedy for diarrhoea. It ill relieve the poor little sufferer nmediately. Sold by druggists in very part of the world. Twenty-five ents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," d take no other kind. 1-1-17 DIED IN ARKANSAS. Mrs. Sarah M. Glad-ey, wife of the de R. J. Gladney, died at her home i Pine Bluff, Ark., on May 23r'd. She ras ini her 82nd year. Sbe leaves one n and two daughters. Her daugh rs live in Pine Bluff and her son, Mr. S. Gladney, in Columbia, and one rother, Mr. Janmes Harden, who lives n Jackson Creek, in tbis county. She ras a member of the old Lebanon Stone) Presbyterian Church on Jack on Creek for a number of years be >re moving to, Arkansas. PETIT JURORS. The following gentlemen have becn rawn to serve as petit jurors at the one term of court, which convenies a the second Monday: T. C. Raines, C. T. McGill, Wade V. B Jeffares, James T. Lemmon, I Walker Brice, John M. Smith, Jim stit t, J. E. We sainger, W. M. a ar, W. F. Bouli are, P. C. BrQoom, . B. Richardson, Danl Hall, B. E ~les, J. C. Wilson, A. M. Walse, [~L. Wiiks, J. R. Merccr, J. M. Gar iso, T. WV. Meiliclamp, A. A. Biiz ard, David Weir, Jr., J. A.'Ma:rtin, ). W. Crowder, F. D. Boulware, I. R. Bolick, Samuel T. Clowney, '. . Hollis, R. HI. Browne, S. B. knderson. * COMING AND GOIXG. Miss Isabelle Douglass comes home to-day for a few 4ays' visit. Miss Christine Ruff, of Rock Hill, is expected here tc-day to visit rela tives. Miss Kate Gaston, of Chester, and Miss Bessie Lee are expected to ir riTe here to-day to visit friends. Miss Margaret Rion, of Columbia, came on Wednesday evening to visit her grandmother, Mrs. Mary C. Rion. Mrs. W. H. Flenniken has returned from Columbia where she went to at tend the funeral of Hon. H. C. Patton. Rev. Frank Wardlaw, who recently graduated from the Presbyterian Semi nary in Columbia, is visiting Mr. Carl S. Matthews. Mr. David G. Ellison will come up from Columbia this afternoon and will be accompanihd by Dr. Jenkins Pope. They are coming here to ob serve the eclipse. 4.A 0 W C0 1L .A . EmD T he Kind You Have Always Bouht Signatur 4.f 4 of FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I liereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Connty Supervis r, sub ject to the action of the 1)emocratic pri mary. T. C, LEITNER. MY PLATFORM. Yo- twentieth century candidate \\ ;, to-day appear, WuU will make the winning race, Not doubting, or -"ith fear. All foolishness I have left bekind, I am business from the jump; No jokes nor jist, the like and sich, You'll hear upon the stump. I'll tell the tiuth, I will not cry, Although 'tis no disgrace, For shedding tears in politics Disfigures arv face. Improvements shall my platform be, Improvements on every hand, Improvements from Broad river tank All over Fairfield's land. Improvements on all the highways, Improvements on all the ridges, Improvements in all the valleys, Improvements on all the bridges. Improvements on the long, rough roads, With shovel, pick and hoe, Improvements on tboe locky hills Where we can scurcely go. Improvements on those rib-breakers, And they are not a few; Pat down the terra cotia And let the water through. Improvements on the neglected roads And on the rocky hills, Crtailing all expenses By making fewer bills. The roads are in a fearful fix, But let us courage take, nd choose a man who'll do his best Improvemcnte here to make. mprovements on the chain gang, Though I will let that be; at 1t elected on this round Improvements you shlall see. Where all the crops are r, mprovements on the pastur and Where county cattle graze. mprovements on the guide- post And on the mile-stones too, he directors of all strangers WV hile they are passing through. mprovements on the old clay soil, The same in sand be found, And let us all make progress now As the years roll round. 'actories now are being built With grandeur and with pride, The quarries too are on a boom Now on every side. he time is here that w e must move At a rapid rate, r Fairfield will be far behind In the Palmetto State. et's try now to select a man, Wherever duties call, Who will be found on mutual ground To benefit us all. His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen f Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won erful deliverance from a frightful eath. In telling of it he says: "I as taken with Typhod Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs be ame hardened. I was so weak I oudn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of onsumption, when I heard of Dr. ing's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong, I can't say too much in its praise." This arvellous medicine is the surest and uickest cure in the world for all hroat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1 00. Trial bottles free at McMaster Co.'s drug store; every bottle guaranteed. C A B TI O TC.Z A. Dears the heKind You Have Always Bought WinllsbrO & Cbn~ Rwy Co. Opening of Books of Subscrip tion. PURSUANT TO A COMMISSION issued to the undersigned as Ccrpora ors, by Hion. M. R. 'mper,Secretarv f State, on the 8th ny of May, 1900, notice is herelby given that Books of Subscription to the copital stock of The Winnsboro and Camden Railway ompany will be opened, on the 28th ay of June, 1900, at The Wininsboro Bak, in the town of Winnsboro, SC., and at the Bank of Camden, amden, S. i., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. The said proposed corporation will have a capital stock of $300,000, divid cd into 3,000 shares of the par value f S100 each, with its principal plac3 of business at Winn-boro, S. C., and will be empowered to engage ini the iding, conitructing, maintaining, >wnng and operating a railroad from Winnsboro, S. C., tc Camden, S. C. THOMAS K. ELLIOTT, THOMAS H. KETCHIN, J. E.McDONALD, W. R. ELLIOTT, I Board of Corporators. Ma 2Stb, 19@O 5-26 30 Volcaui0 Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions reb life of joy. Bucklen's Arnics Salve cures them; also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Care guaranteed. Sold by McMaster Co.. druggists. PRESTON RION, Agent PACTFIC FIE.INSUA{CEI HIPAX Or NEW YGU. Solicits a suare of the public patron age. a-26.1y Teacho' IEx atl. THE REGULAR SUMMER EX amination for Teachers' Certilcates will take place in the office of the County. Superintendent of :Education on Friday, June 15th. D. L. STEVENSON, 5-23-2 Superintendent. Election of Teachers, THE ANNUAL ELECTION OF teachers for all the schools in School District No. 14 will be held en the 31st May. J. F. McMASTER, - Chmn. Board Trustees. Winnsboro, S. C., May 16, 1900. 5-19-4 Pa ild Hote A Most Delightful Seaside Resort, is now Open for theSummer of o1900. FINE NEW COACHES NOW RUN from Lanes to Georgetown, and a new and modern steamer is now on the line from Georgetown to Waverly Mllls. Good water (artesian); no mos ; fine surf bathing; fine fishing. , P& table is always supplied with slb;- b steri, crabs and shrimps in season. For terms address MRS. WINTHROP WILLIAMS, Waverly Mills, S. C. I Still Have .6 or 8. Young Mules AND FIVE OR SIX PLUG MULES yef, unsold. Persons needing- mules hould call and see them before buy ng as I will sell them cheap for, cash aso ye fe hrses Song them twgood Combination Horses. Also a ~le of GOOD .~RF, suitable f mares-you lg and sound. Cows I will pay the highest cs elgases, fat or .s Buggies. I "t i few BUGGIES that 1 v, i.. a.l cheap for cash. A. Williford, Winnsboro, S. S. HEINZ. We are sole agents in Winns boro for Heinz's goods. When you need Pickles, ask for Heinz's, they are the best, Heinz's Dill Pickles aer fine. Heinz's Sweet [and Seur mixed. Heinz's Cucumbers in bulk. Heinz's India Radish. Heinz's Celery Sauce. Heinz's To 4to Catsup. Heinz's Pre rves in bulk. Heinz's Ap ~eButter and Jams. - Heinz's Mince Meat in bulk and glass. This is the season for evap) rated fruits. We have them in Prunes, Apples, Peaches and Apricots. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Farms secnred by first mortgages. Interest 8 per sent. In smms not less than $i00, 3 to 8 year. No commissions. Borrower pays ac ual exnenses. A S. &W. D.DOU8L AS Wiensboro. . C. or JOHN B. PA LMER & s&T, N otice. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass upon the lands of the un derigned. The law will be enforced. MRS. K. M. H. DYE. 4 26 4t The One Day Cold Cure. HOT IVEAT BR IS &OMINCN Prepare for 'it by Buying Light Weight Goods. E can please you in Colored Lawns, Organdies, Dimity Stripes, Batiste, Zephyr Ginghams, in great variety of colorings. Prices from 5c to 25C the yard. White Goods of eve y description, Lawns and Organ dies from 5c to 50c the yard, Fine Lace Stripe and Corded Effects for waists. We have the prettiest line of Pique we have ever shown in great variety of patterns; prices as low as last year. We can please you in Fancy Dress Goods and Plaids; also beautiful line Blaek Goods and Fine Silks for waists and trimmings. MILLINERY. We are constantly receiving additions to this stock, and can please you in style and quality of the goods, and in low prices. The best that the money can buy is what we offer. SHOES. We are still showing the la.gest and most complete stock of Shoes in the county. New styles in Ladies' Oxfords, Sandals and High-Cut Shoes; Gents' Stylish Shoes in black and tan. You cannot get btter value in shoes than we will sell you. We are anxious for your patronage and will use our best efforts to please you in goods and prices. The Oaldwell Dry Rods Company, 45UMMER OPPERINi3. SEE my line of Serge Coats and Vests for men and youths. SEE my line of Men'sand Boys' Pants. SEE my line of Men's an~d Boys' Neg ligee Shirts. SEE my line of Silk and Duck Vests. SEE my line of Ladies' and eGents' Neckwear. SEE my line of Ladies', Misses' anid Children's Slippers. -SEE my line of Fans. SEE my line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gauze Undervests. SEE my Big Summer Stock when you want anything in that line. SQ. D. WILLIFORD. TDR. IOFFEIT'S Ala jsluttalfi llMsliipsl EETHIN IL1# T EEhn Powdens) TE~N~~vs~B *Costs ony 2cents at rggists, ANTAce. Or mail 25cents to C. J. MOFF ETT, M. '., ST. L.OUIS. MO6 OBEAR'S Dyspepsia TI "Tablets -Cures |nd igesti on Look In Yewr Mumra tintcd sa swe et cxressof and a gae a mnstrual"org*nsH everywhere. Dyspepsia. ieofOru K I makes women beautiful and healthy. trouble. There is no menstrual dis cure.stis fat the brootn giran the ..w ~ 0order, ache or pain hich it will not bure. Itife and the buddng pprahn the chage of ie tery rcing Dsepsia Cure easteghndapi costs $1.oo of medicine de ers. Digests what you eat. Fraicin cssreqanngrm ca Iturtiniatrengthe0 reconi " The Ladies' Advio earen Naue n h and reo-The Chattanooga Me cntCo., Chat structing the exhuseigestivesor tasXooga,Ten gans CO rprt0 r S. EsZFa E I o- tenuavl can aproach it in efficiency. It h'In teat s'k terbl Pan in m eso ee, Sour Stomach, IWauses, -.___ Prpred by E. C. DeWir & CO., Chicao.0 uni to i wgAr'J asne.: Winnsboro. 5. 6. "*. est!!l MANY YEARS Of continuous business have given our goods wide and general distribution. They have been subjected to the severest usage and their wearing qualities have been fully tested. We GuIarantee every chain, button, every ar ticle we sell, to give satisfae tion, you being the ju Any article failing to do * will be cheerfully exchanged. We Deliver no work, we sell no goods not under our guarantee, which has never n questioned - throuhout our entire bus' ness life R. BRANDT The Jeweler and Opticians *XUKISTAR. a. OL NEWS *+ arid HERAL Tri-WeklRsS a Yea fiskly,'1,L8a Ta tfb~ LETTERI UBAt, BILL Bains, NOTE mi~s, LAWYNM' 33IR Uma, M@RTA~b, and verything in job lis bume su aheaply as saywhwere e thestate. GIYF)USACIANCJ Every penny speat home is kept as hoe UNDER TAUING INI ALL ITS DUFAM3K with a fall stoek of ahusseu Cases and Coffins, coustantly omhmn Z smd use of hemarse whequ old stand Cals attended te at aul bea. o NqLuorMs ii 4- .I 4.- om