THE 1 NEWS AND HERALD. - t( PUBA|M60 TRI THE NEWS AND HNALD Co. TERMS, IN ADA One Year,, -o Sic Roaths. - -- -. WINNSBORG. 2. C. ISaturlay, May 26. - - - 1900 ADxIRAL SCELEY may not have pro. duced the impression on the country that Dewey did during the Spanish American War, but he has shown ?4nore good sense since the war closed. ,It is gratifying to note that he has not had his head turned. He says that he is not the man for vice-president on the .Democratic ticket. Men in the army and navy should know that their lack of acquaintance w ith politics and . that training in a wholly different line does not fit them to fill important civil offices. WE call especial attention to the reports of the Library Committee of Mt. Zion Soc'ety aid of the Libra rian. sho sup re strong man by nominating Co). J. A. Hoyt. The charscters of the men that will probably be in the race for Gov ernor insure a clean and dignified canvass as far &s that office is con cerned. I'.TERESTING REPORTS Made to Mt. Zion Society at a Meeting Heid on Thursday. Mt. Zion Society met in the town hall on Thursday- morning, and heard the report of the library committee and the report of the librarian. Thirty dollars was appropriated by The so ciety with which to buy new books, and the committee will solicit sub. scriptions outside. The appropria Lion is made upon condition that a like sum is raised by subscriptions. A committee was also appointed tu lqok alter vnitors who will be here to - sqe the eclipse in case the services of sdch a committee are needed. IIsAaR coxxrrrEE's REPORT. * To the President of Mt. Zion Society. The committee on library respect - sly beg to present this their annual epert: The necessity for a library at Miount Zion School having been impressed o n some of the members/'of the so diety by Vr. Foo eassistant the society tthe1 nual meeting the matte~ resulting in the nt of a st 1&commit te Wa as The ~4rarj lmi .ee charged with the duty of taMN such steps as are practical to secure, books for the library. The society appropriated the sum of $25 for the use of the comititee, con ditioned upen the same amount being raised by the committee in other ways. This the committee succeeded in ac comnpllshing and a selection of some seventy volumes by standard and popular authors was purehased. In addition to these, donations w re -- made by private parties aggregating 241 volumes, thus adding to the library during the year 313 books. There were previously in the library 325 boeks, making the t otal number now 638. Neat and suit.b e shelving were put up by the trca-te . for the accom mnodatien of 1000 volumne3. In addi tion a convenient book-caise had been procured by private su ..criptian for keeping such books in the school room as the librarian required. Under the provisions of Lhe resola tion raising the library cominittee Professors Witherow and Fooshe were added to the committee and to them was committed the detail management of the library. -This they have con .ducted most admirably as is fully at tested by the popularity of the system, the number of~ books read by the chil dren, and the care of the- n as showni by their present good coa~. on. Your committee desire I , i-apress upon the society the great a.Ivanrtage of having a library at Mont Z on; to the school, to the children and to the community. While Winnsboro, has always enjoyed the reputation of being a place where culture and re Ininent are appreciated and fostered, there has never been a public library here. This may be accounted for from the fact that the people were, be-4 fore the war, able to provide them .selves with private libraries and tbe necessity for public enterprise in this' direction was net felt. New the con ditions are changed and the necessity for some combined effTrt on our part to supply the children, at least, with up to date literature is pressing. It is true our effort seems very small and feeble in comparison~ with what might be done, but it is the best we may be able to do, and if we go about it -earnestly and persistantly the ncleus will develop into a well filled library in time, we hope, for all of us to enjoy it. Your comittee ask for an appre priation of $S0 for this year, and pledge themselves to raise a like amount during the year. Appended to this report is the report of the librarian, which is commended to the consideration of the society. All of which is respectfully submit ted. J. Q. Davis, - For the Committee. May 20th, 1900. LIERaRIAN's REPORT To the chairman of the library comn m iittee of the Mt. Zion Society: I herewith make my report to your committee of the working of the school library of Mt. Zion for the ~seh'alastic year ending June 1, 1900. With the money appropriated by the society,1 together with tihe same amount raised by private subscription, mere than seventy volumes were bought (72 being the exact number). These books had been carefuily selected by the teachers of the school. The fact that more than a thousand books have * been read is sufficient evidence of the 'isdom of the selection aud of the terest of the children in good read ig At no time, with but a single rcepticn, has the supply been equal ) the demand. It is also worthy of note that there as been a great improvement in the ind of books read. Books of the est biography and history have be orne more and more popular, and in ooka of fiction the historical novel as held a most important place. But it must be borne in mind that, f this interest is 'to continue, new >ooks will have to be provided so as o meet the demand of those children who have read a very large part of he books on hand that are especially Ldapted to younger readers. It is a matter of the most sincere Yratification to note the exceptional .are the children have taken of the bLoks, a fact noted by all the teachers :f the school. So far no book has been lost, and all are in as good a con lition as could possibly be expected after so constant use. The teachers have co-operated most cheerfully in making the library of the greatest service to the children, and by means of the system employed in the letting out of the books shave had a personal supervision of the childrcn's reading. The success of this year would cer tainly justify a similar expenditure another year. To this end pupils and teachers all Join in a united request for ore books. J. Frank Fooshe, Librarian. ASTORIA For Tnfants and Children. 3 ind YoU Have Always Bought wsthe ' r of SPECIAL RATES. ANNUAI EETING NATIONAL EDUCA TIONATASSOCIATION, JULY 14,1900. The Son t way will sell side trip tickets arlezton, S.C., at the rate of st-class fare for the round trip t t. Augustine. Fa., Peisacola, Fla , Mobile, Ala, New Orleans, La , Meridian, Miss., Bir mingham, Ala., Chattano:ga. Tenn., Bristol, Tenn , Wbite Sulphur Sprig, Va., Washington, D. C., Norfolk,Va and intermediate points. Tickets will be sold Ju!y 14th, 1900, with final limit July 29th, 1900, to holders of return portions of round trip tickets sold to Charleston, S. C., on account of annual meeting national educational association. Such retntV portions of round trip tickets to be deposited with agents from whom side trip tickets are purchased. Agents will issue receipts for tickets so depos ited and upon preseniation of said receipts will return to original pur chasers the return portions of round trip tickets depposited. For detailed information apply to any agent of the Southern Railway, or its connections. No Right to Ugliness. The -woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who-would be attrac tive mat .keep her jhiealth. If 'she is weak, sietly and all, run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If. she hrcnstipation or kidney trouble, her 1 ~lood will cause pimples, blths wretch ed complexion. Electric BI~ best medicine in the world to regulat stomach, liver and kidneys and t purify the blood. It gives stron nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvet: sin, rich complexion. It will make good-looking, charming woman of run-down invalid. Only 50 cents a McMaster Co.'s drug store. IDoes theI JBaby Thrive If not, something must be 1wrong with its food. If the Smother's milk doesn't nour ish it, she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It supplies the elements of rat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires Scott's Emulsion lialf a teaspoonful three1 or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired I effect. It seem s to have a magical effect upon babies; and children. A fifty-cent; bottle will prove the truth of our statements. Should be taken in summer as welas winter. . SCOTT & aOWSEChemst, New York. THE B00K OF THE YEAR, "The Bev-k~gged Ghut ad Other Storks.' With an intr- . dctios n7 ~ hAm cz e s ra-,, boo ~e oPoinld Aobook to boo friend olntais"heBwlegoo -- nua san FisDI,"TeM# An bsoo ut elyteb u okpb Werthas, mailed pott.-.4 r sI.0. Order at osce. SendI br or new rpecal1 m~l B T HE WERNEI( CZ IPA NY, a .a aaatrera. A1ron, Ohio. ................ The Kind You Have Al in use for over 30 y -AI L All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trilic Wit' Infants and Chitd-> What is C Castoria is a harmiess 'uba 'goric, Drops and soothing contains neither Opium, AT substance. Its age is its gu and allays Feverishness. It Colic. It relieves Teething and Flatulency. It assinil Stoiach and Bowels, gim The Children's pauacea-T CENUINE CASI BaBears the The IM Ill Pa In Use For- C -5TC CENTALM COMPAV. TT N The Improved White Moun tain--- I FREEZER. No matter bow often or how much we talk about the White Mountain Ieezar, we tell nothing but the truth about it. In fact there is no necessity for telling anything but the truth, as e rery feature of the White Mountain is a good feature, and every point is a telling point. Only the vory best materials are used in its manufacture, and will produce the finest quality of cream in the shortest possible tIme. S QARTS, $2.25; 4 QUARTS, $2.75; 6 QUARTS, $5.25. J. W, SEIGLER Are a pest that robs (1s of our Sthe crop. We have it- in al size packages to suit you, ever Sif you want a small anmount O ANE SEED for forage. It is the best fo: our country should yrou nee< forage. Come and we wil tell you about it. We havy both Early Amber and Earl Orange Cane Seed. Don't forget us. J. H. McMaster & 00., Druggists. H oliday... Goods.. I have a nice selection jus opened for inspection from whici to select your Christmas Presents consisting of SLEEVE and COLLAR BUTTONS, PINS, RINGS, BRACELETS, and FANCY GOODS. Ando nice presents in China adRogers & Bros'. Celebrated Plated Wares, as cheap and r'elia beas they con be bought any where. Call soon and make your selec C. M. Chan~dler. N OT ICE. PERSONS OWNING TR ACTS 0F 50 acres and tupward, suitable for toek raisin'g and pasturage, and desir ing t sell or lease the same uipon rea. sorable terms, will finid it to their advantge to communicite with the underiged. Unimprovtl plaes~ over un with' Means or Bermuda grail Ispecially wanted. All communica tions considered confidential. IAddess, R. A. MEAlmES, Lock Box 49, Ridgeway, S. C. I574t enbas been. ar- -)-a as b~z -no the si n.atur of no) one ( .e. av in this. and d.e1 'A(. health of ASTORIA itti '--. Castor 01, Pare Syru:. It I- Pleasaut. It rpiin3 nor other Na;cotic rantee. It destroys W mjims eires Diarrhoxa and Wind Troubles, cures Constipation ttes the Food, regulates the healthy and natural sleep. te Mother's Friend. ORIA ALWAYS Signature of ,Yo Always Bought ver 30 Years. IURw. m..V ST .T. NW VO.M CITY. Farmers, *** *+* Attention! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Plantation Supplies. OUR STOCK OF HEAVY GRO eries is now complete. We cater specially for the farmers' trade. We know what they need, and are prepared to sei ve them and a bot tom prices. We also carry a nice line of shelf goods SHOES, HA'CS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, and everything usually found in a general store. EFGoods delivered to our city trade. Come and see us. W. R. RABB & C W. A. W. registered stallion W. A. W. will . Henry Refo's stable in Winnsboro urday of each week. On Mondays at '; balance of time at his, former stands ihr-he coun try. He is seven years old, nay, with black points. Height, 16; has good bone and muscle; no blemish or de fect. He is strong, trictionless in motion, Enh in disposition, and a per fect roadetLer. his sire is the celebrated Red Wilkes, His damn, Betsey Baker, was the mother of trotters. She was sired by Dictator, who was the sire of Jay-Eye-See, 2.10, of Director, 2.07, [ of the innincible Directum, 2.04, the gadieof Nancy Hanks,.the queen otrtes, and the sire of many others of extreme speed. Althongh a noted trotter with per fect knee action, W. A. W. possesses also saddle gaits of superior quality. Terms, 15 00 to insure colt. For eitended pedigree and cartified record address JOHN G. MOBLEY, 4-10-3m Winnsboro, S. C. T RY IT Women suffer * ing from female tr oubles and - ' weakness, and from irregular or painful men . ses, ought not l to lose hope if .. \~~t>"j'doctors cannot . A.,. help them. Phy '1 sicians are so .M\ / 2busy with other diseases tha t they do not un derstand fully the peculiar ail ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to RADFIELD'S Female Regulatfor which is the true cure provided -by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers. wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure, irregularity in the menses, Leu corroca, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad' field's Pemale Regulator, every suffeing woman ought to give it a tril. A large $i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by .1druggists. Sed for a akatIy Inustrated free bocok on th~e sbjec. 'The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, a. Cure Cold In Head. Kermot's - lates Laxative Qmn' 'le. easy to ake and qa ae cold in head and tore Agernts For I --ALSO FO d! p VISITING CARD 5 -AND-- tI WEDDING INVITATION, ENGRAVED. McMIser C6 l daUTHERN RAILWAZ Cetral ie at Jacksonville and Savannah. lifirn Time at Oth& Points. Shed0le in Afgt May 6t 900. NORTHBOUND. o 3 N & 47 4il ".Kin ............. - - -.. 14 5 4 Ar ojIa ... ......... 100 .. Edge ld.............. p. . A k ,. ................. 3 ur. bu . .. . n 7o. . 700a "hete. ........-. 7 ig M r iot 11 ....-...-. 8 11 R. ...... on. 00a Afr\asingtong. Ar. Col ia.. ............ i 46a 7 a 5 r ..ta g . . . .. 1a 00 a S hniteville ...... -..245a 331P V Ar. ustaille ... - ... a S P A r. L Ii ...... 3 )p . 50 V. bininnat ... .. ...... . T. . o ................. 1 a 4 "r Asvillte........... .... 8 . 0oB fe St.R)-...... . .. 1 10P 11 A".. Phidlha.......... ...... 6 7 Baltimore ................ ...... p h ill h ................ ...... 11P 1015 Ar. Carlotte ................ ...... Aro LoHville "r ichster ................. ....._. 9 3 5P t. WLinsboi ......... L lumb , (U. D)...... .... 0a 4 A.Aie ........................ 0p 30P SAr. tdgnlb ........ ... i425 185 Lv. Columia' (So. Ry).... ..... 15 ile . . . ...... 4 P " oc - Su m ill ........... ...... 972ap0552 A .Chaestr ............ ...... 95 8 1 5p _a L i.borba(o.Ry.... ...... .. 2?la 125a Ar.SC lball (Bldg........ St .....I~5 124 03a "v Coum id (...... .. " TB rnwt l .. ...... . .. . .. . 1 4p 320a "r Saikanna............... .....2p 515a0 Ar. Jaksonville(..... .... . . ... 7140p 9 2a *Trins 43land.4...(mixed except Sunday arriveeband.depart.from Hambu3g. tanhilycp.un....... 6p4 res. Dawingrom..s..eeping.. casp etwee LA ugta (NwSo. .. ...f~ Pulan raw in c arbe twePr. Jacksonville , SafS.nnah, Dil exep Sunday.lotean Schpoe.inng Car boet.nC~rot 2Nos 33 andk34-U.w YS. Fand Fid. Ehrug Pullman dawng-rom esleeig cars be tween PrTIJacksonville e daPull-h Pman sleepigrs between Char -n l ot. Dinncars erveal h rote. P1lm n slbain-oot bud slee g casone ville an Cincinndti, vik A heville. FRANK S. GANNON, J. M!. CULP, ~I~VP.& Gen. Mgr., Wamntn.c. W. A. TUBE S. H. H DWICK, GM. Pass. Ag't., As't e.- ass. Ag't., Wahirigton, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. 1851 DES1 PwiPAI~tD PAIN~T MADE BY V. S.A. For Sale By J. J.OBEAR. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the head and sore threat use Ker mott's Chocolates Lanxative Quinine, the "One nDayCl Ce." ANNOUNCEMENTS I 'OR SOLICITOR-SIXTH CIRCUIT. I hereby announce myself as a candi Lte for 'Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial reult, subject to the result of the Demo atia primary. THOS. F. McDOW. We propose the name of Hon. J. K. ENRY to the Democratic voters of Fair ld County for re-election to the cffice of Dlicitor of this circuit, because c-f the ery satisfactory manner in which lie has scharged the duties of the office for the ist several years. ITOTFJS FOR SHElIH - I hereby announce znye f a candi ate for the office of Sar;ff for Fair eld Ccuny, and will abi le by the ction of the Democratc p;rima!sric. JAS. W. BOLI K. Ple.ling myself to abide the res:mt of :e enuing primary e ve-o:., I ammounee iyseif ',- ' did. te for ioa iii.iio Ito t flice of citf of Faili eA Coty. T1' ordiial sitppI. I of my fellow-citen Is i- - peet flly solicited. GEO. W. CRA'SF&ll). 1 lhre v announce* -, f can:di - or Shelif of FairtieldI County, ,utj, c t he ac'-ion of the Demo -ratic primaries J. W CLALRK. I hereby announce myself a candidate or Sheriff, subject to the action of the )emocratic primary. J. McKIVNEY ELLIOTT. I h(reby announce myself a candidate 'or the office of Sheriff of Fairfield Coun ;y, subject to the action of the Democratic rimaries. B. G. TENNANT. I hereby announce myself for Sheriff of Fairfield County, and will abide the result >f the Democratic primaries. D. E. McDOWELL I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Fairfield County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. - R. E. ELLISON. I hereby announce myself a :candidate for Sheriff of Fairfield County, subject to the Democratic primary election. MOSE H. MOBLEY. I hereby announce myself a candidntV for Sheriff of Fairfield County, subject t to the rules and regulations of the Den cratic primary. JOHN B. STEVENSON. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for Clerk of Court, subject t - the action of the Democratic primaries. JN0. R. CRAIG. I hreby annource myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for Fair field County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. R. V. BRAY. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Clerk of Court for Fairfield County. subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JAS. A. BRIC E. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court for Fair field County. subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. JOHN W. LYLES. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. JNO. J. NEIL. COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Supervisor for Fairfield County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. 'A. *D. HOOD. I hereby announce myself a candidate ~for- the office of Supervisor of Fairfield County, subject to the action of the Dem I hereby announce myiself a candidate for the office of Supervisor of Fairfld County, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic prirfmaries. -J. B. BURLEY. Friends of T. L. JOHNsToN recognizing his fitness for the position~ hereby nomi nate hit: for County Superviser, 1bject to the Democratic primarnes. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic pirimaries. -JOHN A. STEWART. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Supervisor of Fair field, subjectto the rules and regulations of the Democratic prmy.OES N I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Supervisor of Fairfield, subject to the Democratic pri mary. JAS. H. AIKEN. I hereby announce mryself as candidate for the office of Couuty Snpervisor, sub ject to the action of the Democractic pri mary. JOE 3McMEEKIN. COUNTY AUDITOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-e'ection to the office of County Au ditor, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. J. L. RICHMOND. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Auditor for Fairfiela County, subject to the rules governing the Democratic pri mary. GEORGE W. MOORE. FOR CORONER.. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner for Fairfield County, and pledge myself to abide the result of the Democrat ic primary J. MARTIN YONGUE. SUPT. OF EDUCATION. I hereby announce myself a (candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintentent of Educatio~n, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. D. L STEVENSON. REPRESENTATIVE~S. I hereby announce myse.f a candidate for the House of Representatives from Fairfield Coin' subject to 'he Denmoc a ti primar:. JOHNY G. WOL LING. I announce myself a candidate for the House of Re presenttives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary.. E. B. R AGsDAL E The fiiends of JOHN G. I 'OnLEY noini nate him for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject t> the action of the Democratic primary. Blythe wood Democratic Club nominiates W. J. Johuson for the House cf Represen tatives, subject to the primary election. WV. J. IHAGO~OD, Secretary. I announce myself a candhidate for the House of Representative . Dispensary, State anld County, renovated and fui. gated is my platform. WVil abide b~y the result of the pri"'ary. MO ISN SENATOII. G. WV. RAOSDAOE is annou~ncel for the Senate, subject to t he Democratic primary. COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby anrnournce myself for re electio.1, to the oflice of County Treasurer of Fa'r field County, and willI abide the r-suitt f the Democratie primaries. TI.D T S. WVLI.7 The Easy Running "HOUSEHOIJ" e Il Mac.e 0 The most modern Sewing [achine of the age, embras ng all the latest improve nents. Unequaled for Dura >ility, Range of Work and Simplicity. Dealers wanted in unoccu pied territory. Correspon dence solicited. Address, I. H. DERBYSHIRE. General Agent, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. 12-28-Iy ~ * i,,' 4n Quickly from Store to Home Are the only kind we deal ha. We have a full line of heavy and fancy Groceries, new and fresh, always on band. Fresh.Sugar Cred flis and Pork -ausage -every week; Breakiast Bacon, ChIzese and 5 Macaroni, Sugar, Teas and Co A nice .line of Canned Goodao " 'nds. New Orleans and T~ ties. '-Ii F1RST-CLASS. GERO . We have -jost enlarged our i-oom and are prepared tai do business. Will be glad to have y call and give us a trial. J. D. MCCARELEY & CO ChrltteCguercial Cdlep, Charlotte, N..C., establishedgin 1891 ROE Bisieu Cileic, Rome, Ga., established in 1866, now under one management, offera exceptional advantages to any one desiring a thoroogbly practical busi ness education in the shortest possible by our employment agency affords exceptional chances for securing poei tions. We will guarantee you a posi ton if you take our guarantee course. The rooms in the schools are large and convenient and well lighted. Yhung mena or young women may enroll in either school any week day during the year. -- If y ou are a stenographer, book keeper or teacher and desire a posi. tion, write the Piedmont Agency, Ciarlotte, N. C. If you ire not a stenographer or book-keeper, spend a few months in -one of these schools and get 'iourself in shape for earning money. 7 Should i cu desire to be an dipert I. intere-t, stocku, trade discount, etc., send 25 cents in stampa or silver and get our Pocket Calculator-just what you need. For circulars and further informs tion. address, D,. M. MelIVER, President. Headquarters FOR Low -Prices 2 ON FLOORING, cElL! G. SID ig, Sadec. Liae, li'.drauic Ce - men~tt, H res S:.ldd', Cheap Farn i u,- :si' Groeii- or every kind. We offer a nice line of Buggies a' cut pr. es Bnay nothing wo handle lntI , o get enr' pr-c sa nda~ we will save youa mzmey. Respect 0l1y, M. W. Doty & CCo3