TRI WEEKLY EDITO WI.BRE .. A 6 90 ETABLISHED 18~4 4 MY LITTLE BOY-BEAU. It is hidden away with the keepsakes -- of summers and winters ago A love-letter yellow and faded &nd creased, from my little boy-beau. 'The envelope reads, "To my dearest," The pages are tattered and torn, S Tbe childish handwriting is blotted, But it breathes of life's roseate morn. The little boy-beau he Is sleeping Where his regiment laid him to rest, In a uniform buttoned and braided, With a flag and a sword on his breast. :But it is not the dashing young soldier In sabre and sash that I see, 3at the little boy-beau with his ringlets-1 He will never grow older to me. 8lnce, a girl of eleven, I found it Slipped into my grammar one day The years with their raIns and their roses Have rapidty glided away. Lovers and hearts they'ainve brought me, Tears and my portion of woe; But never so pure an affection As the lovo of my little boy-beau. -alinna Irving, in .Tudge. A AUNT PREBES STORY.c ~0 AM willing to con fess that I would have married Gus % Waters at a word. He was the sort of young man a girl instinctively likes and trusts. Perhaps this is not the kind of feeling the story books call love, but - Ifancy it is just as . good. Gus was good looking, with strongly marked fea tures, rather tall, and well built, and when he chose to be'well dressed made a good appearance, and never looked ill, however old his clothes might be, when about his ordinary work. He did not depend upon his clothes to command respect. He had a calm, confident air, and could express himself concisely when he needed to assert authority. That is what a woman likes-to have a man able to deal with men and not be I urned aside from his purpose or make a mistake. He was a good talker with a fine, coy humor, not putting himself rw.rd to be amusing, but easily 00 t diaing his own. Like most strong men, Gus was hard to provoke to a quarrel, though in his school days he had his allowance of fisticuff encoun ters. Yes, I will admit I would have mar ,- ried Gas had he asked me, though I did not think he was in love with me xor I with him, I did not believe he ould fall desply in love with anyone. * Perhaps I wastoo reserved, or feared tahow a decided preference unless it n &rat, theagh other girlJ agne wTe e devoted 1toHattie Tinde. I had other j mirers, and if I was not as hand some as Hattie, mere beauty is not eyerything. There is no denying that Hattie was the prettiest girl of our set, and she was pretty without having to care for her complexion or wear be coming clothes. We girls qll knew she was intolerably selfish, and won dered that the young men did not find Aher out. But beauty ;hides a great many defects of character and if a girl only pretands to be kind and sympa thetic she is supposed to possess all the angelic qualities. * One day Robert Carpenter asked me to marry him. He proposed in a blundering,, roundabout way, so clumsily that I did not know at first what he meant. He made me almost * as confused as himself, and whether ----.- I said yes or no I do not now recollect, but he went away smiling, so I con clude he thought himself an accepted lover, and I had a ring which I put away in a box, undecided whether to wear- it or give it back. I don't think I expected that Gus would hear of this and come forward as Robert's rival. He did not, at any rate. When I met him he simply said: * "Well, little girl, so you are en gaged to Carpenter. Ho is a good fel low, but you are young. You should have waited a little longer." "An engagement does not mean marriage," I replied, somewhat sharply. * - "No, but I think it ought. It keeps -many young men straight to be en gaged, but they ought to feel confident :that the girl's heart is fixed upon * them." "Perhaps the girl's heart has little to do with the matter nowadays. She has to consider other things." "Yes, I suppose so. But the heart is not to be ignored." This was about all that was said :nothinig to suggest that Gus was jeal ous or likely to enter the list for my hand. Nor did I expect it, though gossips reported the contrary. Robert was impatient to be mar ?ed, but I was not. He accused me of being cold and of not reciprocating a i passion. Possibly all men in love are apt ,to act childishly. I found Robert's attentions wearisome. It Smight be said that he would be cured of them by marriage, but this is a painful experience to look forward to. One evening we had a quarrel. He accused me of secre. admiration for Mr. Hayes-that I held him off hoping Gus would come formard as a suitor, and added, as a final rebuke, that he and Hattie Trude had been married the dg before. He showed me a pa per with the marriage notice printed in it. T was so angry at the accusation that at first I told him the engagement between us was brokenl. Then he began to plead for himself, expressing such sorrow at his hasty words that gradu Sally I relented. After all, had I treated him rightly? At last I agreed to marry him at once. It was becomn - ing the fashion .to plan a half elope ment and save the expenseand pub licity of a regular wedding at home. I consented to marry him the next After Robert departed I looked for he newspaper containing the notice, mt could not find it. He had had everal in his hand, but .the special ,opy he had taken with him. I donot inow what prompted me to write a ioe of congratulation to Gus and dis ?atch it by my brother Ned, a lad of :welve. I mentioned having seen the aotice in the paper, and said I was sorry he had not contided in me. It was after 10 o'clock, and I retired to my room. Half an hour later I beard Ned coming up stairs. He stopped at my door. "Did you see Gus?" I asked from within. "Yes. He's down stairs. He camo back with me." "What does he wants" "He wants to see you, I guess." "What for." 'He dida't say. Probably wants to boow your overshoes. Better go down and ask him." I went down. He didn't want to borrow anything. On the contrary he wanted me to give him some thing to keep-my hand, my heart. He said th% notice of his being married was a confounded fraud-that Robert must have had it inserted in a few copies of the paper by special agreement-it could be (lone if one was willing to pay for it. He was in quite an excited frame of mind, and I hardly knew my usual placid Gus. "Of course, when you were engaged to Robert, it was not for me to make any attempt to win you. I thought you knew your own mind, and had decided that I was not the sort of fel low you cared to marry. But this trick gives rie a right to speak. Am I too late?" .Naturally I told him he was. That if he had cared for me in that way he ought to have come forward long be. fore. Now that my word was plighted to Robert, and I could not think of breaking it, though he had acted in a most despicable manner, in a manner to make me ashamed to think he wa1 my plighted lover-and so on. To which Gus replied: "All right, little girl. If you think so, I had better go and give him the worst licking he ever had in his life, even though they do send me to jail for it. But you won't care." "I shall care." "Then we'd better get married at once, early to-morrow morning. How early can you be ready?" I ought to have resisted longer, but I didn't. I consented to be ready at any hour that he should name-and I was-and we were married. And that is all there is to the story. Paper Handkerblies Now. A curious and in some ree. a. nti may be q Ti i~ ideas isa 16o red by the recent introduction in to the English market of the paper handkerchief of Japan. The Irish Textile Journal, which devotes a lead ing article to this weighty subject, in stances the fact that,so long ago as 1.^32, some Chinese visitors; to the west, af ter they had discarded their handker chiefs, experienced the satisfaction of seeing the occidental "barbarians" rsh forward to pick them up and carry them away as curios; but we have got a long way beyond that kind of thing now. The enterjprising Japanese, among whom, it is perhaps unneccssary to observe, the use of paper hindker chiefs has obtained for centuries, are now laving these articles down in the English markets at sixty cents per box of 100, or say, seven cents p~er dozen, and when we learn that the laundry price for washing handkerchiefs is one cnt each, or twelve cents a dozen, it becomes pretty certain that the Japan ese manufacturer will in this particu lr become a strong rival, not only to the British laundry woman, but to the British manufacturer also. The Jap anese handkerchiefs are described as being of a very flue quality of paper How the Italian Saves. The Italian working man, at a wage of $1.25 to $1.50 a day can always manage to put some portion of it by, even if he has a large family. A cor nr of his chest is his first "savings bank." If there is no chest, he cars rics it about with him in a greasy pocketbook, or with fear and treme bling hands it over to some good friend who keeps a shop, to hold it until it amounts to $5 or so. He guards it jealously, r. ike many of the easier-going Irish p ^ nts. No old china ieapot on an uppbe elf, no old stocking is a fit receptacle. After a bank account is started small sums followv it, and when there are several hundred dollars th a man looks around for a chance to invest. He buys real estate most frequently, unless he plans to use his first money in setting up a small shop of his own. Real estate is the poor Italian's dream. Only New York real estate is not usually what he is looking for. His purchases are most frequently made, Italian authorities say, in one of the towns on the outskirts of New York, Paterson being, for example, a popu lar place. He begins with a large mortgage, and sets himself the task of reducing this, and seldom does he fail to make a payment.-New Yo rk Tribune. Side Views on ILife. Practice sometimes makes a perfect nuisance. It isn't so much what a man has that makes him happy as what he doesn't want. It is always better to be right than to be consistent. The average man has a poor foun dation when he stands on his dignity. There are three things the wise man keeps on good terms with-his wife, his stomach and his conscience. Some people who don't claim to know very much make better use of their knowledge than others who think they know it all. -Chicago TALIS OF PLUCK AND ADVENTURE Besieged by Lions. ION-HUNTING is dangerous enough when the hunter's health and strength are of the best. Bat an inveterate sportsman does not regard conse quences, and the author of "Sport in East Central Africa" gives an account of a foolhardy adventure which he seems to have enjoyed. He was ill with fever in a little settlement of blacks but since lions were in the neighbiood he must needq insist upon having the carcass of a boar placed as biit not far from his hut; and although his legs were too weak to allow him to walk a dozen steps, he had himself propped against the door-jamp, and laid his double-bar relled rifle across his knees. It was nearly 1 o'clock, he says, when the lions gave notice of their whereabouts. I heard the heavy grunting sighs of three or four of them as they moved about in the scrub twohundred yards away. Then followed a series of rashes, as they leaped down the bank of the creek and lapped noisily at the water. Next came a terrified voice from a neighboring hut. "White man, we are going," he said, and the "boys" rushed pell-mell from their shelter, some passing in front of me, others behind me, mak ing for a grove of trees. Scarcely had the first of them got well outside the huts, before it seemed as if a lion were right among them, as, with deep, savage grunts, it dashed past my but, bounding through the scrub in close pursuit. Suddenly a yell rang out from the darkness, and I was convinced that one of my blacks was being devoured; but 1 was too weak to stand, and was powerless to act. After some further noise and con fusion, I heard a lion treading over the dead leaves near by. Then came a prolonged muffled sound, half roar, half moan, uttered in a deep voice, which under the circumstances, I recognized as profoundly musical. Then there was a heavy but silent footfall as the beast walked to the back of my hut, and thrusting his nose among the thatched grass., sniffed loudly, till I could see the lghter stalks stirring with his breath and hear the rustling, when he en inerdtoos ot the wAttM ' Each inistant I expected thE ha structure to collapse, but luckily th beast forebore to take a mean advan tage, which would have secured m; destruction. I should have fired, hai I not been afraid of setting fire to th but. At length the brutes cleared out uttering deep growls. They had de stroyed one hut and pretty muel ruined two more, not to speak o smashing the hut next to mine, whic1 contained.all my stores. I could hea them there, making a terrific noise snuffing, grunting and snarling, break ing sticks and clanking metal, whi! every now and then one wvould lea down the bank into the water an then come tearing back, breathin, heavily and growling low. Yet not whisker hair did one of them show 11 the firelight in front of me. The excitement did me good. Th next morning I was up and about i pajamas and an ulster. Not one c the boys had been injured, althougl one had had a marvellous escape. Th ions were close upon him as h reached a tree. He sprang at branch, and in his terror seized th leg of another black who had cla'm bered up before him. Fearing 1cs he, too, should fall into the lion' maw, the other fellow kicked his le; clear, so that the unfortnnate fugitiv fell to the ground, uttering the yell had heard. Why the nearest lion did not seiz him, I cannot say. The boy explaine< that it merely growled as he scram bled to his feet and climbed up an other tree as fast as his black leg cold shin. ____ Brave Children. Probably one of the youngest hiere on record is Leonard Webber, age< five years,who has just received a cer tificate of honor from the Royal Hu mane Society for saving his three year-old brother fron. drowning. Th Philadelphia Times tells the story. The children were playing with othe boys upon the edge of a pond, whe: the younger Webber fell into th water. The others, frightened, tool to their heels, but Leonard, withou the slightest hesitation, plunged il and rescued his brother. Quite as remarkable was a cas which comes irom a remote corner c Russia, where a boy of nine years act ually had the temerity to tackle great, gaunt wolf that had assailed; tiny playmate as he lay asleep. The rescuer seized an axe that ha' been left by a woodman, and gave bat tle to the wolf, which, finding itsel thus attacked, promptly scuttled oi to the wood. Russia has been the scene of muel youthful heroism. Some years ago while a peasant woman was sittin with her little daughter, aged abou eight years, at supper, the curtain which divided the living-roomi i: which they sat from the adjoining bedi room caught fire through the explo sion of an oil lamp. The mother sat still, not knowin; what to do, but her daughter, child a she was, pcssessed more presence o mind. Seizing a knife, she climbe< upon a chair, cut down the blazing curtains, and then smothered tha flames with the hearth-rug. In tw< minutes the fire, which might havy aevewpeu inzo a veriable confla-a tion, was extinguished. Woman Who Defied a British &ruay. An event that is, on the same scale, unparalleled in history was that pro vided by a woman of noble race, tUe Ranee of Jhansie, who stood at the, head of her own troops and twice de fled the British army; she. on the sec ond occasion being so desparately wounded as to be carried off the field supposedly dead. When the terrible conflagration of the Indian mutiny was thought to be almost extinguished this woman-who was singularly handsome and, in the European sense, still quite yenng fanned the dying flame among her own subjects in Central India, giving every active direction for the defense of her city of Jhansie, but hb? fiery and intrepid spirit brought Ot very fiercest and most bloodthirsty of the mutineers throughout whole prov inces to her aid. Sir Hugh Ros.e,with a British force, made a most memor able speedy march in order to inter cept the hordes rushing to her ban ner, and when he came before her city she sent out messages of insolent de fiance, declaring that she would have him murdered, as she had ordered other Britons to be massacred. With her own hands she helped a' the guns, while furiously urging on her men, and when the place wai magnificently stormed and taken at the bayonet's point, she escaped, wounded badly. But she soon rallied another army, and when she was again defeated at Suhejnee she fought in the first line like a veritable fury, and was mortally wounded. Faced an Army Single Handed. Our modern military annals crammed with the names of heroic private soldiers-have one, and only one, record of a private who, to save his native comrades, says Tit-Bits, literally faced the fire of a whole army, and obtained a well deserved commission for the unprecedented feat. During the Indian mutiny it-was sonaetimes in battle almost impossible to tell our loyal native allies from the revolted enemy. At the relief of Lucknow, Private Howell, of the Thirty-second Foot, was near a loyal native regiment that had, through too great impetuosity and mias-enoeption of orders, got to a position where it was mistaken for the enemy, .and ttie whole advance of the British army, amid the smoke, poured into it an awful fire, killing great numbers of men. At thiS moment, Ho ell, who saw that the men exposed ere para lyzed -with astonishm d fear, rnshed'forwa som in shako at the point of his his right. Hundreds of bullets from his comrades whizzed past him, two M them cutting one sleeve of his tunic but the daring deed served his na pose, for the British officer sawha was intended. No soonei had th "cease fire" sopurd? than the men to be the moment after again in th 1throes of battle, sent up a magniffeen rcheer for Howell. Single-Handed Fight Against Five Ben Papers 'ust received from Sout ,Africa relate an exciting single-hanide jcombat between Gunner Harvey, 1I M1. A., of Norbury, Staffordshire nephew to the Mayor of Newcastle and five Boers. After the battle c Graspan, Harvey left the British esm Sin company with a comrade to reliev Sa soldier who had been wounded SFive of the enemy suddenly appede Sand halted about eighty yards froi SHarvey and his companion, levele their rifles and fired. Harvey's com Spanion fell dead. Upon this Harve Sdeliberately knelt down and fired -killing one of their number. Th tBoers then commenced running tc ~ward him, and as they did so Harve fired again, and stretched another ou dead. He then drew his revolver an< fired, wounding one of the Boers ii the side. The remaining two closed upon him, clubbing their rifles. iHarvey then drew his sword an, waited for the attack. One of th -Boers dlealt a crashing blow at hi breast. Harvey sprang asidte, avoidin; the blow, and quickly recovering hizx self sprang at his opponent, dealin him a blow with his sword, which a Smost severed the man's head from hi body. Simultaneously the remainin -Boer raised his rifle and sent Harve staggering to the earth. He was upo his feet in an instant, his swor; whirling in the air, and before hi foe could recover Harvey struck hir dead. Workcman Stuck to is Post. Albert Murphy, a young man, en ployed as iron molder by the Gould at Seneca Falls, N. Y., came near be ing burned to death on a recent aftei noon. Murphy, having a quantity< fbell metal in his ladle, poured it int a kettle under a scaffold, above whic the men washed up at quitting time 1A quantity of water had leaked fro, above into the kettle which Murph d (id not ree. As the metal went int< the kettle there was an explosion, an the liquid metal was thrown upon hin ~setting his shirt and hat on fire an burning him terribly from the hips t the crown d, his head. Although suffering untold agonies Murphy stuck to his post and handle< the ladle despite his burns until th entire casting, which was a valuabl one, had been distributed in th, molds. He then fell over unconsciou and was carefully picked up by hi fellow-workmen and carried to th office, where medical aid was sum~ moned. fHis eyes escaped injury, but hi face, arms, and body will be disfig ured for life. The burns at first wer thought to be fatal, but his ;f~n )is now regarded as eertain. 1 hero of the fondry. J ERA OF THE DIME NOVEL THE RISE AND FALL OF BLOOD AND THUNDER LITERATURE, Little as It Is Generally Realized, the Dime Novel Has Had a Considerable Influence on American Letters-Dates Back to the Year 1860. TH E close of the century is witnessing the extinction of what has been popularly known as the "dime novel" (writes Firmin Dredd, in the March 'Bookman). Very curiously, readers are coming back to the position they occupied about forty years ago, and the books which are commanding wide sales to-day are what are known as 'high-priced novels. And yet the dime novel has played so prominent a part "in the general literature of this coun try that the story of its genesis, its development, its evolution and its final degeneration, is rich with inter est. Little as it is generally realized, ,the dime novel has been a consider able factor in American literature. The dime novel dates from the y 1860. Shortly before, the firm of Beadle & Adams had began a series of 1publications intended for lower mid 'dle-class consumption. This serief ,was made up of books on eti quette, on letter-writing and oth subjects of equal moment and impor tance. The dime book of etiquette, for instance, purported to be a guide tto "true gentility and good breeding, .and a complete directory to the usages and'observauces of society, including etiquette of the ball-room, of the ievening-party, the dinner-party, the card and chess-table, of business, and tof the home circle." It did not differ materially from the books of similar ;nature that are published to-day. 'These books had an enormous circula tion, and despite the ridicule which one humorously inclined may see fit to heap upon them, undoubtedly had a serious and real educational value. Early in the spring of 1860 Mr. Or ville J. Victor conceived the idea of the dime novel. At his suggestion the Beadle series was begun, and Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, then one of 1the most popular and widely known of American writers, was asked to contribute the inaugurative story. For "Malaeska, the Indian Wife of the White Hunter," she received two hundred and fifty dollars, a consider table sum for a work of its length at that time. "Malaeska" was followed iby "The Privateer's Cruise," by ,Harry Cavendish; "Myra, the Child of Adoption,": another of Mrs. Stephens's romances; and "Alica Wilde, the %aftsman's D ghter," Mrs. & Mi'r. novel there speedily ag stanof writers who com ined a knowledge of the popular taste, dexterity in the working out of conventional plots, and an industry ithat was simply amazing, --Wtha [rev-W iMA s-m'" udred dol t1ars was the price paid for one of these novels, which contained on an pverage twenty-five thousand words, jand which was produced by its author in a week or ten days. In ad 'dition to the professional novel-spin a~ers of the time the dime library drew Jon a number of newspaper men, who h found in this a way materially to in iIcrease their incomes. In the autumn of 1860 the first story ever written by ~Edward S. Ellis, afterward so popular ~ s a writer for boys, found its way 'into tue ofice of the dime library. It was called "Seth Jones, or, The ~Captive of the Frontier," and before it appeared as the eighth number in the series it had been advertised with aaskill and ingenuity very rare at a time when the art of advertising was -still, in a measure, in its infancy. Several weeks before the day of pub ~'lication, guttersnipes bearing the ~ simple legend "Seth Jones" were -placarded on walls and fences all over the city. A week later these were followed by other gutteranipes, on which was printed the query, "Who is Seth Jones?" A third guttersnipe Sanswered the question, and proved re ~markably effective in bringing about for the book an enormous sale. eDespite the literary inadequacy of these pioneers among the cheap popu lar novels, they were entirely whole p {ome and far removed from the vicious 'ess and the brutality which mark their ~successors in the later 'seventies and ~ early 'eighties. These romances were ~often extravagant in plot and crude in treatment, but they were primaiily de sindfor household reading. Proba ~ bly none of the writers of these books ,was more successful in commanding a wide circle of readers than Mrs. M. V. Victor. The fourth of the stories which she contributed to this series attained a sale which makes most of the records of book sales of the pres gent day appear insignificant in comn p arison. This was "Uncle Ezekiel," the story of an alleged typical Yankee gand his exploits at home and abroad. SIn the United States the book within h short time reached a total sale of two hundred and seventy thousand. aIn England the sales reached two hun dred and eleven thousand, a total of four hundred and eighty-one thousand. SThis, however, was surpassed by "The Backwoods Bride," of which five hun dredi and fifty thousand were sold, and S"Maum 'Guinea." The last named was a story of negro life, which, ap pearing at the time of the war, actually Srivaled in popularity Mrs. Harriet ]3eecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's sCabin." SThe success of this series in a few . ;ears brought many rivals into the s -ield. George Munro, who had been a-bookkeeper in the employ of Beadle - Adams, began publishing himself books along the same line about 1865. sA few years later the sta'd orange - covers of the original dime novels were '~eplaced by covers of gaudily colored design. The typical dime novel of , 187(' is very interesting as showing the cruit of, nthe antor meinits of the time. 3nt the cheap novel of the early eventies was only a step in the whole cheme of evolation. With the great ometition came a marked decline in he quality of the material. Each year ihowed advances in outright sensa ionalism, until the culmination was -eached in the typical shocker of re -ent memory. WISE WORDS. The borrower runs into his own lebt.-Emerson. A slight debt produces a debtor; a eavy one, an enemy.-Publius Syras. 'Tis strange- t true; for truth is 3lways strange-stranger than fiction. -Byron. Not o' what s bor with im, but ilso what e acq ir s akodthe man. -Goethe. & Do tha c is ssigned to thee and ca st t pe too much or dare t o . so 4 Courage! Up y e When ye do tire, he will b bo you and your bur am a hrford. -ature veu to men one tongue, bu two eAlhat we nay-iar m ot .rs twic &.T uch as we spea ictetts. e is dew in one flower ot in nothl bpcause o t p an takes ita',iwhile r c oses - f and the drop ran cher. Debt mqjes every mpta tion. It a man i pect, places h' au the mercy trades m3n an e ants. He ca not call himself hi n master, and it is diffi cult for him to be truthfal.-Smiles. Let the millionnaire take his mil lions to the slams and say: "There is a wrong distribution of the wealth of the world. You have not got your share. I 've to each of you his share of my mill s."-Andrew Carnegie. Th erviceable, safe, certain, re ive, attainable quality in every and every pursuit, is the anliw a tention. My own inven 0 0 agination, such as it is, I can rosthtthfully assure you, would n r have served me as it has, but for the habit of common place, humble, pa tient, toiling, dradging attention.-. Charles Dickens. Dangerous Pitfalls in Arizona. Carious but dangerous freaks or nature frequently found in the desert. of Arizona are called Sumideroar by the Mexicans and Indians. They are masked pitfalls of quicksand that oc cur in the dry plains and are covered with a treacherous crust of clay that has been- spread over them in ine particles by the wind,and baked dry by thesun. - -- The peltiar j rop eso retain all the moisture drained into them after the infrequent rains, and allow it to be filtered to 1 depths, so that a orse or j cow eep that once steps upoi t at deceptive crust instantly sinki out of sight beyond hope of rescue The Sumideros are on a level witl the surface of the desert. There is no danger signal to mark them and thei1 surface cannot be distinguished by the ordinary eye from the hard cla: that surrounds them. They occui most frequently in the alkali-covered flats, and are often fifteen or twent' feet in diameter. Sometimes thea are only little pockets or wells that man can leap across, but the longes ole has never found their bottom. A stone thrown through the crust sink: to unknown depths and no man wh< ever fell into one of them was res cued. They account for the mysteri ns disappearance of many men an' cattle.-Chicago Record. Earth Originally Was Intensely Coldi. As the terrestrial mass was ver: cold (233 degrees Centigrade) whez separated from the sun, it follows tha what heat we observe in the interioa of the globe must have arisen from the shrinkage of its original volume, says Professor T. 3. J. See, in the At lantic. Unfortunately we do not know the dimensions of the nebular earth but it will be reasonable to assnm that it did not surpass the dimension of the lunar orbit; and with thi: rough approximation, it is difficult t< see how the internal temperature oi the earth can have exceeded some thing like 1000 degrees Centigrade, Moreover, it prob~ably does not in crease after a certain depth has been reached, but then remains essentially uniform througrhout the interior ol the globe. Contrary as it may seen to old theories-like those of Laplace and Poisson, who assigned to th< primitive mass a temperature of mil lions of degrees, there is no evidence that the temperature of the earth evel sarpassed the melting point of lava ad of the more refractory rocks. The retention of the terrestrial atmos phere is direct evidence that the primitive heal was ve:y moderate. For if the heat had been very great, the kinetic theory of gases shows3 that the molecules of our atmosphere wouli have been driven off into space. Too Swift For the Juggler. The man who did a juggling act at the Park Theatre and concluded his performance by tossing a number ol apples into the audience for people to throw at him while he made an at tempt to catch them on a fork held be tween his teeth got all that was com-' ing to him the other afternoon. The irst apple tossed out fell into the waiting hands of a young mau well known in this city for his athletic prowess. It took less than a second for him to send the apple flying toward the juggler and th4~ force in a well-developed right arm was behind it. The juggler saw it coming but wasn't quick enough to get out of the way. The apple caught him plumpi between the eyes and was shattered in to a thousand pieces before the actor kne- ...ha stqck 1im .-Wm-c-ter THE MRRY SIDE OF LI STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY TIE FUNNY MiN OF THE PRESS. The Point of View-Never Neglects a See clal Duty-A Plain Distinction-WeOI What Is a Flame For?.-Germs of Oi Age.Detained at Ulome, Etc., Ete. When on the curb you w alting stand And see the gripman wave his hand, And pass you by,'you rage In VaiL In anger at his rude d!sdain. But when you're safely fixed [aside And some outsider wants to ride, You smile and hear his pleading call. And somehow do not are at all. -Washington Star. Never Neglects a Social Dair. "Don't you observe any social duties whatever?" "Certainly; I decline all my invitz tions."-Chicago Record. 'CO Well, What is a FIme Fr? Willie Ligbteoat-"I hear that Mr. Perry married an old flame." Maud Smith-"Yes, and now' that flame has to light the fire every morn ing. "-Jadge. Germs of Old Age. "Doctor, I wonder if rm not get ting old?" "Q iite possibly. The bacillas of old age is very prevalent just now." - Detroit Journal. Detained at Home. Mrs. Maggins-"Are you going to the Paris Exposition this summer?" , Mrs. Buggins-"No; I can't ge* away. The cook wants to go." Philadelphia Record. Easy Method. Johnson-"Jackson, how woul-.lyou get into society?" Jackson-"Oh, if I felt like it, and 'hd the clothes, and was invite i, I' go."-Indianapolis Journal. Rushed. "fou seem to be very busy, Miss Dorothy?" "I should think so. rm doing so pany things for so many peoplo thaw I can't do anything for anybody." teries of Life. Dibbs-"A - ought to- kWaa when he's got e Jibbs-"We m .! got enough work, whef 'g "Gladys was silen, 'bat Earo! could read her answer in' her- fede ' Extract from an up-to-date -novI, chapter xii., page_144.-J'ndgc.*.: Slow Methods. He-"If there could be any slower amusement than playing chess by mail; I should like to know what could be." Him-"They might use a messen. ger boy instead of the mails."-Ia dianapolis Press. A Trade Ia Itself. Citizen-"See here, Il give you i dime, but I believe you asked mas for money only yesterday. Why doa't you learn some good business?" Able-Bodied Beggar - "I have learned one, sir; I'm a re-touchor." Life. ____ Withdrawn. "Where is your 'big gun?' " asked the powdered matron who had com-3 late to the military ball. "Ho went away a little while ago in a disappearing --carriage," exph iae'l the master of oeremonies.-Ghiecto Tribune. ____ A Wonderful Womnan. Mr. Hoon-" Your aunt Almira is a emarkable woman." Mrs. Hoon-"How so?" Mr. Hoon-"Why, haven't you no ticed that when she hears that a widow is to be married she doesn't count on her flagers and then wag her head solemnly? Most remarkable old lady I have ever seen."-Judge. A Quick Choice. "How did you like those two poem's I sent you?" asked Willie Wishin3 ton. "There was a long one and a sh->ri one, wasn't there?" asked Miss Cey-. enne. "Yes. .Which did you prefer?" "I haven't read them yet. Bat I am sure I shall like the short one." Washington Star. Dler Ectort. "A lot of women love to get tozcern and talk over a great mass of imprac tical subjects," said Mr.Blykins, "an I then go home and leave the world u. better nor wiser than it was befor. "Yes," answered his wife, wit!, serene amiability, "sometimes wotne! do so. But they didn't get up tha~ peace conference at The Hague soini time ago."-Washington Star. I~ard to UJnderstand. "Did you say be had studied nm si?" said the gentleman with the long hair, when the soloist had eeu~- - eluded. "Oh, yes, indeed!" "It's very remarkable!" "His voice?" "Yes. If he has studied music I can't understand why he should per sist~ in trymg~ to sing. "-Washington Star.