The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, May 05, 1900, Image 3

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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE Saturday, May 5, - - - 1900 LOCALMATTERS. -Soe citation published elsewhere. -Do not fail to read the advertise mext of TamnhA in this paper. -Mr. Arthur M. Owens is an nonnced for Coroner in this issue. -Sheriff Ellison announces himself for re-election in this morning's issue. -Mr. Moss Mobley is having an ad dition built to his house on Main street. -If you want stylish and up-to date millinery, go to Mrs. J. D. Me Carley's.-adv. The easiest and most effective method of purifying the blood and invigorat ing the system is to take DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers, the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels. McMaster Co. -Hennies, the photogra'pher, of Columbia, is now in Winnsboro. Call at once and have your photos made. - ady. -The musical festival given at Converse College beginning on May gad has ended and those who left Winnsboro to attend the concerts are expected to arrive home this afternoon. "DoWitt'i Little Early Risers are the finest pills I ever used."-D. J. Moore, Millbrook, Ala. They quickly care all liver and bowel troubles. Mc Master Co -The commencement exercises of the State Normal and ladustrial chool for solored people took place this week and a large class was grad nated. In this class Fairield had one or two representatives, and these have returned to their homes. -Mrs. Hilliard Wylie, who has been quite ill at sker home near town for some time, was said to be critically ill 7 on Thursday, and much anxiety was q felt about her sondition. It is hoped that a change for the better will take plas, shortly. 4"After suffering from piles for if- b e red byusing two i =boxes of 1kI-Wf IR Salve," writes W. J. Baxter, North Brook, N. C. It heals -everything. s Beware of counterfeits. McMaster Co. if -Miss Nannie Cummings expects to V leave New York in a few .daye for e Mexico to visft ter sister, Miss Ray c Cummings, who is spending some time in the mountains of Mexico. It is probable that on her way to Mexico Miss Cummings will stop in Winns boro on a visit to relatives. -Miss !Nannie Montgemory, State b librarian, was married on Tuesday to Mr. Franklin Barham, of Columbia. f, The wedding took place in the Metho dist Church. Miss Montgomery has f, several times visited the family of Prof. W. H. Witherow in town and g the news of her wedding will there. fore. be of much interest to the friends * ' during her visit hers med Roanoke, ays, "I cannot say o -t Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. ne ox of it cured what the doctors called an Inourainle uleer on -my jaw." Cures c piles a'sd all skin diseases. Look out. a for worthless imitations. McMaster Co. --Miss Amelia Landerdale, who has been qaite ill at Dr. Pryor's hospital in Chester, arrived in Winnsboro on Thursday, having recovered suffcient ly to travel. She was accompanied byher sister, Miss Lauderdale, and are the guests of Mrs. James Bryson. Their visit to Winusboro will be very short as they leave to-day for Nash ville. Miss Lauderdale's friendti are glad to know that she is eonvalescent. -A copy of the Davidson College Magazine containing an article on Thomas Woodward, ,the tRegnlator, has been received at this offce. The article is extremely well written aid is most interesting and rafiects much credit upon the author, Mr. D.J. Richardson, of Sim~psoni'9, flO~fitch dent at Davidson Collegar#Yolation of the life of the 1~da number of ary soldier4a~t .his life. The, intr regulator in the Wood - buryIng ground, near town, is C famlia to meat Fairfield p~eople, andI his grandson, Major T. W. Wood ward, has marked the grave by a handsome a a~nment.b ad stomach trouble twenty years l' eup hopes of being cured till Iabe o uise Kodol Dyspepiia Cure. I~ bg -me so much good I call it It hs f my life," writes W. R. 'teiins ip - It digests , what yrou t- eMaster . With a na,. ice hotae at our place of buainesrin the Des~ortes block, we will be eady to serve the public in a few daV- F. Mi. Habenicht. E EDBY LIGHTNING. A teleplpas message was receiveda in Winn.>Oro on Thursday afternoon ~~Fsaying that ex-8hepf W. H. Hood,* of Cisster, had beeg killed that after noon by ightuingt while riding horse back ho bl held to his house. Both the hp's, and Mr. Hood were killed. 'y 'had been Sheriff of Chesty ounty for twelve years-1884 -adwas a candidate in the next ary. Miss Agnes Seibies, of Columbia, is e expected to day to visit Mrs. Henr y L Elliott. c c N "After suffering from severe dyspep-l uia over t welve years and using many |t1 remedier witbout permanent good I a Anally took Kodol Dyspepbia Cure. It , did me so muel, good I recommend it s iso everyone," writes J. E. Watkins, 3 Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. I It digests what you eat. McMaster Co. I g Mt. Zion Society. Members are uitiied that there will be a meeting or the society in the town hall on Mo:day, the 7th imot., at .30 a. m to elect th ree (1) t ustees for school di'trict No. 14. Ia ac cordance wi!h the recett Lct of the legislature. G. H. Mctaster-, Secretary. I. A. Gailard, President. He Fooled Ihe Surgeons. All doc:ors told Renick Hamilton, f West Jefferon, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, &nd the best Salve in the World. 25 uents a box. So!d by McMaster Co., ruggists. Millinery! Millinery! Are you willing to be convinced that we can sell you choice up-to-date mil linery goods at be lowest prices?. If you are, kindly call on us before pur hasing. J. 0. Boag. CHURCH SERVICES. Services will be held in the follow [ug churches on Sunday: Presbyterian-11 a. m. by the par ;or. Sunday School at 5 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 5 p. m. Methodist-11 a. m. Sunday School a 5 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes iay at 4.30 p. m. Associate Reformed Presbyterian tey. C. E. McDonald. Service at 11 i. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School t 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes lay at 4 p. m. Baptist-Preaching at 11 a. m. and '.30 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday eheol at 10 a. In. For Over Fifty Years. MRs. WINSLOW's SOOTHING SYRUP as been used for over fifty years by illions of mothers for. their children 3 rhile teething, with ~ffeic~fsuccess. t . , kcht SO!AUs the gums, 2 lays all pain, cures wind colic, and I i the best remedy for diarrhoea. It rill relieve the poor little sufferer simediately; Sold by druggists in ( very part of the world. Twenty-five 'j nts a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nd take no other kind. 1-1-17 COMING AND GOING. Mr. T. K. Elliott is in Ghester on usiness. Ii Mr. J. E. McDonald left on Friday or Chester. Mr. G. L~ White returned home -om Columbia Thursday. Mrs. W. D. Douglass returns from partanburg this afternoon. Mr. C. 8. Matthews returned home n Thursday for the summer. Miss Patti Elliott, who has been at- 1] Mrs. Robert Bratton, of York u ounty, spent a few days with Dr. i d Mrs. R. B. Hanahan this week.' teusthhaJKid Ysua HgAlways Bought CLU3 MEETING. The Cotton Mill Democratic Club net on Saturday, to 28th alt., and roceeded to oma ~,.- execting the olowing officers: Presdent-R V Gantt. VicePresident-W H Porter. Secretary and Treasurer - F A iright. Dlikals.-'J* Wooten, J W Fields, ..J Bradley. .Alternates-W U Dam ier, 0 S Dunn. F A Wright, Secretary. J. Q. Hood, Justie of the Peace,J resby, Miss., makes the following tatement' "I can certify that One diate Cough Cure Will do all that it I laimed for it. My wife could not get er breath and the first dose of it re- < eved her. It has a'lso benefited my t shole family." it acts immediately i d cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, ronchitis, asthma and all throat and ~ aug troubles. McMaster Co. t MONTBLY SUMMARY. C The following is the recoi d of the rea f li IUg J.r April: rees Mean minimum, 50.6 degrees. Mean, 59.4 degrees. Maximum, 79 degrees ; date, 8th. Minimum, 28 degrees; date, lst. PRECIPITATION. Total, 6 96 inches. t] Greatest in 24 hours, 2.10 ; date, 17th ( nd 18th. I Num!.er of days on which .01 or tore precipitation fell, 7. b Number of clear days, 19; number il f partly cloudy days, 6; number of C ledy day s, 5. J. W. Seigler, Voluntary Observer. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been. inde, and that too, by a lady in this, ountry. "Disease fastened its clut ches pon her and for seven years she ritbstood its severest teste, but her ital oraans were undermxined and cth seemed imtninent. For three onts she congbed incessantly, and - ould not sleep She finally discovered way to recovery, by purchasing of a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis over'y for Consumption, and was so I ,uch relieved o-1 taking first dose, that b he slept all night; and with two bot- n les, has been absolutely cared. Her b ame is Mrs. Luther Lutz. "Thus n rrites W. C. Hammnick & Co., of t1 helby, N. C. Trial bottles free at lcMater Co.'s drag store. Re'gular ize 0c and $1.00. Every bottle aranteed. 4 THIS MoRNING AT 10 O'CLOCK. -For several weeks Prof. Witherow has been giving the pupils of Mt. Zion practical talks on various phenomena in connection with the eoming eclipse. These talks have been very much en joyed by the pupils and teachers as has been manifested by the interest shown not only by kind attention, but by constant inquiries as to different points. To-day at 10 o'clock an op porturity will be given the citizens of the community to enjoy an hour's study in preparation for the observance of the eclipse. At that hour Prof. With erow will show his sun pictures, many of which bear directly on the subject in hand and will be glad to have all interested persons to come. Any per ion that has not seen these pietures does not know how interesting and instruc tive they are, and as many as possible should take adnantage of spending the our from 10 to 11 in so helpful a way. The Appetite of a Goat . Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of :rder. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a plendid appetite, sound digestion and L regular bodily habit that insures per ect health and great energy. Only 5c at McMaster Co.'s drug store. SPECIAL BATES. S. ing Festival at Charleston, S. C., Lay 15 Tickets on sale May 14th ad 15th; final limit May 19th. Round rip $7.60. Reunion Confederate Veterans, ouisville, Ky., May 80th to Jane 3rd. [ickets on sale May 27th, 28th and 9th; final limit Jane 6th. Round rip $11.90. General Assembiy Presbyterian hurch, St Louis, Mo., May 17th to '1st. Tickets on sale May 15th, 16th nd 17th; final limit June 3rd. Round rip $24.95. Annual Session Imperial Council of Lystic Shrine, Washington, May 22nd a _2 - Tckets on ale May 20th, lot and 22ai;na ~='f tound trip $18.95. General Assembly Presbyterian hureh, Atlanta, Ga., May 17 to 26th. 'ickets on sale May 15th, 16th and 7th; final limit May 29th. Round ip $10.35. General Aisembly Cumberland 'resbyterian Church, at Chattanooga, I lay 17th to 24th. Tickets on sale i lay 15th, 16th 17th and 18th; final mit:May 26th. Round trip $14.10. THE DESIGNER FOR JUNE. The Designer for June, 1900, pub-. shed by the Standard Fashion Corn-I' may ea era numerous stylish and nique summer garments for ladies, misses, little girls, boys and tiny tots. 'For the Mummer Girl" is the title of ,beautifally-illustrated article which lescribes the various costumes re nired by a young lady for a lengthy tay at a summer resort, and "For ieath and Beauty" tells her how to ook her best while wearing them. 'his month's instalment of 'Points on )ressaking" gives full instructions, Lsisted by pictures, for .the making >f the fashionable handkerchief waist, mnd the latett in hate and toques are exhibited on the m11mn~ary pages. The rulture of "The Rose-Qaeen ofi Summer Flowers" is the subject of :he flerienIture article, while in the eddi~y work departments all kinds of tofa cushion designs, crochet and tat-| ing patterns are given. An at.t active ~aper on picture postals is handsomely lustrated with half-tones, and the arne Etyle of art work supplies the ictures for a "Commencemenat Day 'an tomimne: Voics of the Woods" Novelties in Bamboo" will be ap treciated by thoE who are furni. hing ummer cottages, and "The Etiquette f Weddings" gives opportune advice o the June bride. "The Kindergarten r the Home" and "Nursery Lore" re just what the mothers need, while he young folks will enjoy the story Hw Tam Went Swimminig." "Dea ons' Danghtcrs and Minis:ers' Sons" the quaint title of a humorous story r adults, and '-Book Notes," Among Ourselves" anid charming at ter. L'it but not least ar e "Hints r the Household" and recipes for Salads," the lattcr being especially pportune for warm weather. W. 5. Museer, Millheim, Pa., saved e life of his little girl by giving her I ne Minute Cough Cure when she was ying from croup. It is the only harm a remedy that gives immediate re 1ts. It quickly cures conghs, colds, ronchitis, grippe, asthma and all roat and lung troubles. McMaster CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. be Kind You Have Alway Beugbt AC Bears the j ignatre of L X J 4 ' Notice to Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of [rs. Nacey K. Rabb, deceased. are ereby notified that payment must be tade to the undersigned, and persons oldig claims against said estate mst present them duly attested to t undrsigned. REV. HORACE RABB, t Executor. c MRS. NINA CASTLES, MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR A Pleasant Lemon Tonle For biliousness, constipation and ap pendicitis. For indigestion, sick and nervous headashes. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever. chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozeley's Lemon Elixir is pre pared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail yon in any of the above named diseases. 50c and $1.00 bottles at all druggists. Prepared by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta. Ga. At the Capitel. I am in my seventy-third year, and for fifty years I have been a great sufferer from Indigestion, constipation and biliousness. I have tried all the remedies advertised for these diseases, and got no permanent relief. About one year ago, the disease assuming a more severe and dangerous form, I became very weak, and lost flesh rap idly. I commenced using Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir. Igained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health. my appetite and my indigestion were perfectly restored, and new I feel as young and as vigorous as I ever did in my life. L. J. ALLDRED, Doorkeepor Ga. State Senate, State Capitol. Atlanta, Ga. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is the very best medicine I ever used for the diseases you recommend it for, and I have used many kinds for wo man's troubles. Mxs. S. A. GREsHAM, Salem, N. C. MOZLEY'S LEMON NOT DROPs. Cares all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Brpncbiti, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Ele rant, reliable. 25c at druggists. Pre pared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, PRESTON.RION, Agent PACIFIC FIJN&I8I C CGIlroy OF N YORL solicits a sare of the public p.stron age. L=TT OPiDIIMNTRAT . &TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY DF FAIRFIELD. y . R. JOHN821V, Esq.,Judge Probate W HEREAS, D. P. Edwards hath made suit to me to grant him etters of administration of the estate nd elects of Jicob G. S. Edwards, leceased: These are therefore to cite and ad nonish all and singu!ar the kindred and rediters of the mid Jasob G. S. Ed yards, deceased, that they be and ap ear before me, ie the Court of Pro ate, to be held at Fairfield Court loase, South Carolina, on the 16th lay of May next1 after publication Lereof, at 11 o'clook in the for'e Loon, to show came, if any they have, rhy the said Administration should iot be grated.. 5-5-2 PURSUANT TO ACT Legislature, daid 17th d h ruary, 1900, anelecj Tr three (3) rrastees for S~"Distri~t No. 14 still be held ilje Court House in Winsboro, S. G on MONDAY, THE 7Til DAU F MAY NEXTO Thef .s*-ing pre ns are hereby ap po~ ma.w~es f said election, viz: J1 A liinnat . R. Elliott and D. E. Mc Dowell. e managers will open the polls a ( 'clock A. M!. and close them at 4 ?' ck P. M., and on closing the polls ev shall eount the votes and certify esult to the Clerk of Court. A t this electio;- 'o one shall be en ili to vote whoi ot duly qualified * v te tiuc gene election for State . d (' uziay effcer and to ascertain -ho s-ball b~e entit to vote, D. E McD,>~well is la reby olnted to reg istet ihe voters of ol District No. 14. He shall open t books of regis. trr.t..m, at the Court onse on Thurs lay, Friday and rday preceding ' e day .t electio , no one will be illw- ;'d to vote fo hool Trustees a hore name does appear on said yooks of registratio R. H. INGS, rk of Court. Winnsboro, S. C., pril 16, 1900. 4-17td H EI Z. We are sole age s in Winns boro for He z's goods. When you n. Pickles, are the t, . Heinz's Dill ickles aer me. Heinz's Swe [and Senzr nixed. Heinz's Cucu ers in bulk. t Heinz's India adish. Heinz's Cele Sauce. Heinz's Tom Catsup. h Heinz's Prese es in bulk. ( Heinz's App Butter and anms. Heinz's Min Meat in bulk ~nd glass. This is the s son for evap ~rated fruits. e have them n Prunes, A les, Peaches and Apricots.c Not e All persons are fareby notidied not o trespass upon t landd of the un lersigned. The la will be enforced. 4284t MRS. DYE. J HOT WEATH11E IS COMING. Prepare for 'it by Buying Light Weight Goods. W E can please you in Colored Lawns, Organdies, Dimity Stripes, Batiste, Zephyr Ginghams, in great variety of colorings. Prices from 5c to 25c the yard. White Goods of every description, Lawns and Organ dies from 5c to Soc the yard, Fine Lace Stripe and Corded Effects for waists. We have the prettiest line of Pique we have ever shown in great variety ot patterns; prices as low as last year. We can please you in Fancy Dress Goods and Plaids; also beautiful line Blaek Goods and Fine Silks for waists and trimmings. MILLINERY. We are constantly receiving additions to this stock, and can please you in style and quality of the goocs, and in low prices. The best that the money can buy is what we offer. SHOES. - We are still showing the largest and most complete stock of Shoes in the county. New styles in Lades' Oxfords, Sandals and High-Cut Shoes; Gents' Stylish Shoes in black and tan. You cannot get better value in shoes than we will sell you. We are anxious for your patronage and wil use our best efforts to please you in goods and prices. The- Cadwell Dry Goods Company. 45UMMMR OFkIINci5 SEE my line of Serge Coats and Vests for men and youths. SEE my line of Men's and Boys' Pants. SEE my line of Men's and Boys' Neg ligee Shirts. SEE my line of Silk and Duck Vee.ts - Ioc Kw]Re a r. SEE my line of Ladies', Misses' and 'hildren's SEE my line of Fans. SEE my line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gauze Undervests. SEE my Big Summer Stock when you want anything in that line. Q. D. WILLIFORD. DR. NOFFE1TS Allays irritatli,AlsDgstu, E Regulates the Dowels, iStrengthes the Child, 1. N Mak Tething Eny. . (reething Powders) TEETINAReiheDowei A sts Ony 2 cents at RsggiSts, AoAGE. Or man e25ents to C..J. MOFFETT, M. D., ST. LOUIS. MO. rie t JUSTARRIVED and FOR SALE. ..I. A NICE LOT OF HORSES AND MULES, a few good Mares, a fine * om'.:1.112ulae -andafew -nig-Tr-es. g pu are finer than I have e!ver handled. I 1i 1 el the above stock cheap for cash, or on time for good bankable paper. Cows. 2uickly from Store I will pay the highest cab price for all o Homeclasses of cattle, fat or poor. o Home Are the only kind Buggies. re 4 , in. We have a full line of esvv and fancy Groceries, new and 1 have a few nice BUGGIES that 1 resh, always on hand. Fresh Sugar- will sell cheap for cash. |ared f1amis and Pork ansage every reek; Breaktast Bacon, Cheese and lacaroni, Sugar, Teas and Coffee. L nice line of Canned Goods of all inds. New Orleans and Porto Rico Ihv mlydM.Atu wn lolasses; also fancy Table Syrnps infothprsnye.H.wlbeld inc. In fact everything kept in a t ashsfinscl nhmadd 'IRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE. sm uies We have just enlarged our store oomn and are prepared to do more usiness. WVill be glad to have youlif rd all and give us a trial. ~a grandesclasdseseofzcattle, fertpsorlphor. PulpituEchoes .ata~nin~ Mr.3IOhave('a femeniceroBUGGIES'Cthat . IRhve.mpoye.M. Athr Oln ed si Iu~ 4etiooforevtheYpresent year.I).He wil be glad n~u~. e W illifordd fr cm J.~ ~IL D.v cCARLE U& COm. Wnsoo . :600 AG NWATDFR. Engraved Visitin g Cards. Stationery, Wedding Invitations, Etc. A full assortment of styles to select from. Prices to compete with any firm. Never Higher; Often Lower. Cards printei from plate, $1.00 per 100. New plates from 50C to $1.00. Send all such orders to R. BRANDT, Watchmaker & Jeweler, OH3ESTER, S. Q. NEWS **, and HERALD. 0/ Tri-Weald-,P a Year k AMvass -J Weekly581,5 a Yearia Advaa gLETfER ElABS, JILL EMADS, NOTE EAN5, LAWYERS' EEN, LINES, M*RTGA~b, sad everything In jeb Mme doesn GIYE'US A CIANCI Every penny spent home isn kept at hen UNDERTAKING IN ALL IT8 DPABTMENrS, with a full stock of Caskets, Barial Oases and Coins, constatly en hand, Thanbful for past patrousgeand selli tation for a share in the future, Is the mid stand (a~ls attended to at all hours. TRE ELLIOTT hIM SHOP, J. If, L~IOT'Y *0CO. 4-1f-y