THE N E WS AND IIERALD. i'U:TASf1ED T RI-WEEKLY G's LN9.!I E LD COMPANY. rE'U;t'I. I l v.NCl- : -. -r - - - S3.00 - ni t . - - -. 1.50 7I7UTISI SG TlATE S. ASH: One: dollai a square for the first insertion min Fifty Certs for each subsegurit inser oN. Special rates for contract adver Mai i age and death n>tices frre. Itegu * r rates cliarqed for ouituaries. Orders for Job Work solicited. This newspaper is not responsible for pimons and views exptessed .anywhere I t! than in the editorial column. All articles for publication must be ac -j:uptined by the true name of the author td written in respectful language and tritten on one side of the paper. The true i ane required as an evidence of good faith All conmunicatsons-editorial, business local-should be addressed to TIIE .4 EWS AND HERALD CO. W. 1) DOUGLASS, Edito:. JAS Q. DAvIs, Treasurer. W. J. Et.IoTT, Business Manager. WINNSBORO, S. C. Thurs lay. August 9. ; The Colletion "Idea Stands. Tillman had said that any man, who opposed the Colleton plan after it had )?eaadopted by the Reform Execu ire Committee, was a traitor t) leform. The plan, however, is so unpopular with the great macs of Rtefirners that Chairman Sligh called a meeting of his committee to recon-ider the maticr This neC:inig was held lat Tueniay night, and fte:- a lorg d3bate the con mittee refuised to change is ond r-. It scens that the Evans ai- a;e great ftiends of the platn, and the Elleibe, Tindal and Pope men are strongly against it; and w% e believe that the people are against any _,inch scheme to defleat the polular will. 'twent v-nine muembe rs of the commit tee wet e present and this s!m!all nuin ber of men practically dictate how the Governor shall be selected. lYe do not know what effect this scheme to force a nominee upon the Democratic party may bare upon the Reformers themselves, but as for the 32,000 Con serratives in the State, we believe that they will have noihing whatever to do with the primaries this year. The latter may content themselves to de line to have anything whatever to do 1 ith politics, but they will hardiv be willinzg to hatve a ticket fixed :o: them anid be torced to vote for it. We hear a great deal of talk about the t~ajo ity of the white people of thia State must tn:e. The Colleton '-idea'' is wholy' at t arianmce with such a ptrii.ciple. Ina l the first place, the nomintee will obtainm _______ -- his uninf~ationI by n' e.e'cioral re:ege syvstemn. T1he tnan wl~ receives the smalleet vote in a he conventiotn, tray ( be the cho'ce of the matjortity of the c ltefor.mers them-elves. It is possibte that a mitnot l) of the liefotmers and the Conaservatives may favor the same mani tfor Governor, and 1 together they may constitute a very large majority ot the white people of this State. If we are to have a white man's government, give us the proper systemn to reach it. Of one thinig, the minority may rest as-tured, and that iE. that the majority of whites will not i.:g tamely suabmit t' suc'a tinlfairnezss atd injustice. I. i, i:. t' et the rule ofi ai rinig, atnd suchl a boiai, we;-ranze ring has ntever before hei t nktno'va ini this State. In its ret y bc-t ;.pect, it is equiva'ent to the formation of a new party, making its ;nminations sepa rately and inde'endently of the Dem ucratie mnachitnery, and only gets a D~eunocratic natme by offering the party's nominee to the Democratic] voters. ITE MS FROM WKCE~iEE. The hand of a kind Pr'ovidene : has been raised over our land and ou': people are promised to he rewa: ded ten fold for their toll. A'l ove:' this land, where the devasat'ng ef-ecls of the many disas ars of las yea: were felt, the fa.-mers sorely passed through. experiences, it would seem, sufficiently app:lling to paralyze the energies and1 crush the spirits of the most hopeful, yet the watch cry scems to have been, ever upward and onward, just over yonder there is an abundant harvest, and unless there comes some unlooked for damage on the promising fields, "there shall come a rejoicing, bringrg in the eheaves." With an appreciative zest, all seem to feel a living reality of their sur roundings, and manifest them by an almost unbroken chain of social indul gence seemingly with that fee~iwg of "peace and good will toward all men" and it is a scene calculated to arrouse the cheerless soul from its g'oom and dispehl the shadows from the most clouded brow to see them as they pass from one place of enjoyment to another with the merry, cneerful acd happy faces of the pretty girls ard gal lant young men. The young I tople feel a deep ase of obligation to those "who have passed beyond the vale?" for their services ini promoting their pleasures, most prominent of whom are Mrs. N. A. Pcaiy and Mrs. James P'ickett. What treasures to the young people are such ladies as Mr's. Peay and Mrs. Pickett. Thue home of the latter presented a picture on the even ing of tbe first inst. that we shall at tempt to paint from memory, but feel sure that there will be nothing over drawn since there were many attrac tions that would have escaped the eyes of a mnuch more observant one than the writer. We arrived late in the evening, after the guests had all come, and found af ter contributing our shere to the number that the place was fully alive with the presence of the young fols catting merrily mara.and find ing, after aivtg t that tie f. ir sex wa largelyin exccss. ; va lya o lnat '.here was onh. rom for A 'V others, aind we werw soon re l the recality of being one of the o when we found ourself u 11,C iic id of the smiles of several vou *'g lad'es. when we becamie l-st in :he~t presceWC to all thirrs else, ande will le've Ithe' picturC unttli-;ied; but neryoi a- it dwells on things of the at! . I" 1pau-e to linger here The next yfoum the party on the bi:ksof t t -:a ba P at thE' Pagan Island wb. e :!-cy wIel prepared and equi oed t( ,jov a I nic and tish fry. 'i hre 'entine i me;c on the gronads ear'yo fi-h for the dinner. and soon the supply wa, suffi-ient to meet the v-'iss of iOw crowd, when it was de<'de-l il-at te entire party should be ! :V ferred to the opposite shore; wh'ch proved t-) be quite an underat'irf s -ice the soat was ve -y indifferea.. O-e young fellow, who see.ned 'o th 1) h'mse'f something of an adebt Ps a boa -n-n. undertook to land t':e fi b( -t o- d1, and was hopefal of a sure rd safe landing, untt:1 wt'n a few feet of the opposite bank, she .k bo cim. The poor fellow was doomed, for ' his efforts to land b's "pret'oo; C -:go" a foot slipped, at-d out h3 went bai k ward in'o the wa;-r, with 's eves to ward Heaven, lcol-irg in the fave of his best girl, who , ,sumed thauli me of mouth, eyes and hai-s -1 ''mes of dis:;ress and cr:cd "Come up L*-:ley", but Charley's feet reemed :o be a lit'le cumbersome about th's ime ad it v as a desj ra'e st': g'e be't he fiialy a-ose "an.d had no vg mo e to Sty.' We symp-tb'zed ve.*y much w'P t he lad, but we ia'led to tal:e alorg an extra pair of pa 13. Tie :er'dnder of the lad'cs were L )at'cd tc:-ess with out further a -ident, a-:d f:'aly ('l ne- was ,inounccd, wlIh c)w,' of both" f; icd a id . -wed fish, N :h a few dainties uc..a ed by ti- ladi. . With the e:: 1p jn of C! 'ey a'l se-!med u eni.',.Y :4 "2ni i:.. 'w over, the your ; i- who 4d pc most of the dav 1 *n'., I -red w' .1 th'eir fr'r p-- e: some smt. grove on the i' 1 te" IV 'hey co '1d discus3 v':cee va ios ] tile noi that are - i v- re i"r': wIhou wiln, there i no b': :'ne, with no 'errs c' being heard. T,'s 'a!d ii a very a: tractive pla v. where *he ia:1c aid h1orses run at n' I", a l -d on the paste 'oze t',at 's 'o nben Iat' iw rass w. ch n. '.e- a e e net oL' Jeau "int'.en. ' 11 w.s oiee incullivat on. ba t - sneP Jeen abeI-do 1ed fr r.lpr oses. We 11o. oni vas ever ce' Va h e, A we hear hat there wr some s >vered by omne of the p.- y ';ab mcd >have ;prung up spon:.:lOu, (1 : 'i oc assaon mh pei -et c : e for man's" app-el. T' s specr' well T or the :er~" ,ty of the so'i, w'ch .'l loubtless commend it 3 real estate geus, and may be I'- r., of a )Com ;.I tl-e ' m'Mu11 y. Ate': tee even'r- waZ .' - -nt the :rowd re --o - d n .var aid we -t eo'r'f Mwr d home. C te !,at' >::(. o_' !be- gen vm n -:.-,; d S und all we:-e well we' at:1 one~ o :..e i uimb-e came ou1. v' t'. "b~g l:p -ta lidnt -p~penu i a l-~d erocughi to trd b's paror 's sl-oe heel. wiho ond'ed iWs foot a t'e awkfvardly ini T: e ,ifatit daW,-IYer of .\ *d inzst. .rit harT.MW,:a ' - 'olesa ~i untUom, , 'L% 'e4 i I lif.e ur-ende-:ed ii d "''u - - . ees ia eath. HiavI!f o.- - I 'n lhe guest f the home, we l-' "'d '>kn'w -he WeC one1. who-) e b. ' h.. 1:i.'et 4 e wa-, Ver raat w-' 'eS , w.h 1 ecatll ie !'tt-e darlitng 0> our mt> y, a e wr. te, and wo suppr e- tile un iddn'l 'ear. PLIe How's This ! We ofl~a rUOe Hlundr.. 1xo.lars Re rard for any cae ot Gttarch that can ot be cured by Ilali's Ca' :rrh: Cme. F. J. CiIENEY & t o , Props., T[oh do, 0. We, the undersigned, have kt.o ;vn P. 1. Ch ney for thle ht-! I- yv ars,a and elievec himn perfectly hon'-l -in all >USineCss iranlac: ion nrtid :3:aI cial y ble to carr i u :a11 y obimn..s: ~.I n madec ists, Tol.,edo. (). WAmurx;,K tx.aN & M.xnavis., \\ hai. ale Di'uggists, Toledo, 0. Ihails C atarrh Cure is ta ken inter ally, acting~ directly upon the blood nd mnucou< surnacts o- the systeir. rice 75c. per bottle. Sl by all )ruggists. Te'stimonia~s free. * Twuo ives~ Saved. Mrzs. Pihn'c1 Thoas o' f .Juntcion I ity, I., wvas tond " hr doc(tis she4 had Cod unl: ,,titn ii tiat 1:c~e was nio ho'pe fo'r er, butt two ho'e iof Dr Kin'z's Ne'w ays it saved hele \Mr. Tho<. Eggers, SFloriua :t ,i Sa Frei:.e..s suieiAu Om a dtreadfu' e ih approa atan Co. - um~rption,. triedl without result evrlim Ise trlin boug ht one~ I ,ide of D~r. rng; a ~ew 1)nscove'rv andi ii two week~s wn' 'red. lIe is mnaturrdiy thankin!. It is uch resuits. of whlcht these5 nrit mp! s hat prove th-' wondeiirful ' en"a' of this uediine in Coughs and Coh .t' Free t rial yOr Jes at M1c~4asters &~' Co's Dr. Sor:.. .:eltar sIize 5ic, and $i.Ot0. A~la., wi ites: "I iru'ehe t i ottles >t' von:'Ja.unere -P'e I- e fronm Mir. Anzi Godden. und it rhr i e' : cured me of a case of Pii s' e ':. e'rs stand g:wil.l advi-e n' -W .0 Io usi Winnsboro Drug i otr". *L Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, For Over Fifty Tenrs Mus. WNsLow'sS SooTTU~ Si u!* has been used for over iirty yea:s b-- uillions Af mothiers for tieir childrent wi tee~th in-, with pet feet sut~cs It soCtnes the Thild. softens te g'ums, allays a P, 3ures wind col ic, a is~ the be'st remi('dy Or D.iarrha. It witll the poor lii t~e sufferer inunecdiat'ly. Sol 1 l, Dru Irists in e'very ''t. of the worl. l wt.1 are cetts a 'ttlf e. t re aind ask for ''Mrs. Winslow's So'fthIing syrunp." anid ake no othier kid. 5--i tj1 When Baby was sick, we zav'e her C' oria. When she was a Child, she cried for Cit oria. When she becamne Miss, she c!un;; to Cast oria. when she bad Childrhen, she gave thema Ca-toria DR. DAVID AIKENI Office :No, ' Wda-Ii..n:o >: rit, . Dor W\e-t of Pot(ni:-. ilyPI, Ind.:ewayv. S. C. every We&"bIl! 'Tor 12antS T HIXRTY years' obaervatio: millions of persons, permi It is unquestionably the _ the world has ever known. gives them health. It will si something which is absolutel child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worme Castoria allays Feverishb Castoria prevents vomiti: Castoria cures Diarrhema Castoria relieves Teethi: Castoria cures Constipat gastoria neutralizes the effects p Castoria does not contain morphi Castoria assimilates the food, giving hesathy and natural s] Castoria isput up in one-size be Don't allow any one to sell youJ that it is "just as good" and See that you get C-A-S-T The fac-simile signature of Children Cry for BUCK1HEAD LOCA LA. Sa i :r>, . C , August 3.-Cror iave inproved veiry inuch since th :II. n( if the Seasons coune. (1 N" have ;u-e for rejoice is fall. Caiit. T. W. Lvleo ik somvewiat in )rved in hc'Ith: also Mrs. C. Ladtd. The memb o's o Rock Creek Chin: we expectiug a visit from their forimt tasor, Rev. J. R. A 'kc-, the for -t unday in Ar,.:at. Ile w'11 ass' lv. B. P. Eats ;-I aseriesof Imecting t that tirne. We hope good congrc ations i wl -reet them. We eetainh- -';ss tile f-ait !b Unm111er. II :ye ( or11 liieo:14 of i ior gan:O't. N.M-im:r1. A CUPI9ES CLULAION. 'oundi thc We.rid 206 Times kaniiimii~iis* 2nad a curiot ;king.:y o th ha . -: s -u a.uW o. .:(f M: yeai eblood as i b :h the heart own a distan miles, whici n continuous~ a. . . rach aroun oworld 20; i eeping ini 'i :-ta'nt strain eheart, and ta- aa uideration th se it recei-e i~soe-e xertion, alc< oi and other :-:~cL:. iit any- wond4 hat it finally l'ecem*.csafctd, refusesi form its wori:.~ :md ecuse death? TI etcan be read!. umiertood that one2 r has a wealk 'im ::- -'l e imiportance rting that org~'m a.. w,, as its affected col tion is in the sia tet e;ree mnanifeste< eader, if youi h.-e a'::y reason whatevt rbelieving your ifft tei be affected, yo hud attend to -' atoce. Do not hes ae. Many peraans~ wh'lie madenly of th iorder haave new-- :. .-: its presene Joseph Boody. Pir-'t . writes: "Thri eas ago 1 began to i.a * - ," - in breathin pitation of 11 ' a I s : ::v limbs at dk~es were bad~ :--.'-:' .. :el ans said old not live a wel I bc-m i:n:g D~r. Mile y HetCure; thi.,t ts c~reaty relievt and, although i*e~ v . n:'- the sever ethat I arm c. ne w i :n. ( heerially recot end this remedIv" While sufferir's fr:.m a severe attack of hea liease, and expecting to die, physicians havi >frded mre rio relief, I was iniduced t, buy sor fDr. Miles' New Ihear t Cure. Every dose lift eright up, and it seems as though it wou: aost raise the dead. I would willingly fillt w Heart Cure bottles with gold for the magn> et remedy they contain, if I? could not get the nother terms."--S. A . Ilull, Franklin, . Y.. For 20 years I vwas seriously troubled w. hert disease and nervous prostration, _the lati cting the sciatic nerve of my left side. D1 gthat time I was treatedl by many promine hysicians, and sent hundreds of dlol~ars awi rmedicines, all of which failed. Recently bean using Pr. 3Mites' New Heart Cure, and oV entirely free from my old complaints.' Gorge J. Barry, Park City. rtah. Dr. Miles' New Ileart Cure is sold on a pC ie guarantee by all druggists, or by Dr. M~I Mdical Co., Eikhart. lnd., ont receipt of pri Clper bottle. '-ix bottles $5. express prepaid. ositey Contains neither opiates nor danger( dugs. Ie b~ook at druggists, or by mail. Sold by V S.\-i1 )lR( TB 1ugi e. .y nd bxe to cure rny co:: - * 127 Wit:-bioro, S5. (. j.AlaYsCres 0o an i1c l d Bail 4 C11!R E . . Fetfe nepiain RI BO RAIM GO, fltlanta, Ga and Ch idre. of Castoria with the patronage of tnus to speak of it without guessing. est remedy for Infants and Children It is harmless. Children like it. It ve their lives. In it Mothers have y safe and practically perfect as a 05s. g Sour Curd. and Wind Colic. t . Troubles. on and Flatulenoy. f carbonic acid gas or poisonous air. ne, opium, or other narcotic property. regulates the stomach and bowels, tles only. It is not sold in bulk. t nything else on the plea or promise will answer every purpose." t -R-I-A. is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castorias SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. C Zondens'l (c.:l.. n El~eet Aug. 1n0t. .94. Trains run by 7 th, Meridlan Eastern Time. -e.Lin. t Northbound. No.3X No. 36 No.10 D aiy Aily Daily Lv. J7acks.onvillie. 7.00 :,m 4.:'0 pm .... Lv. 'avanna d1145 am V. pm .......... A. Columba..... 4.15 pmf '*.101m..... Lv vha leson . . ;5a .0p ..... s LA . I jn' ..... 1.: 0 1. .. . .... . p , J.. r l1 i k - .. '. : 'm . .. .. .4 p Ar C um:-M .... i.:n 1m ...... .. 1.:.5 pm L -. '* dm0 i i . . a.- m 3.') Limt ::.O) am -- C :-r.... 7.0 i pn 5 . m ":.15 am I ~~i~.~n1 - :n No. '4 No. 9. Southbound.t i -i pi 1- 0 Daly aiy - .....~~O 4.: pin 1.15 m n -- Phldli a.. b. 5 J" 55' p.m - SL'i.Csr~Ott... .in 10.50J p.m1 10.50I p.m E - ock Hill..- 10-2 '- 1.211 i.m~P~l 11.3. p.m - Chester. ... 10.5 .4 I 1 2.14 n't -..W.nn............ ..a.m..1,.6 a.m 1.8l~ - A r. Columiii ..-- - 1-5 n' ..1 .13 21.m 1 15 a.m er L v.Colutmbi...l 1-0: P-m... .... 4.50 a.m ".Johnsonsl' . . .. .45 p.m.--..-----..1. . m -Treniton . .''l p-. -'-.-'''''."'" a.m - -GrainiL ::h-. : . p.m .---.------ .05 1$ Ar. Augusta.... 4.0)2 p m .. : . 4-> a . v.Columina 4 A. p.m ,6..O a.m 1. .. ArCharlest.... .4 p. ..'..3 ..... Lv.Colui'mbi' .. 12. p.m 1.25 .m. ..... ArSavanna. ... 4.30 p.m1 5.3: ...... -- a Jak-..n ll. .3 11.m 1I 0.10 aL.m . ... SLEEP'iING CA It SERV[I. O'n t'ains Nos.:15 anud :;. Great U. S Fast -Maitl. Punllman '.leepinx' Cars het wv:n New \'ori Columblia and JaLckonvlleC. rOn Nos. 35. and 3G;. I) andi 10. Fuillman 5leepers bet ween Charlotte andi AmL~tust. aOn Trainls Nos. 37 and 38S. \V;djingl on and Bd Southwesternl Vestil'.e:1 Limited. Pulllmian idSleeping Cars betweeni Washmxwton andt Augus beai. New York and Jacksonille and Tampa. For detailed informnationi local and t nrough time tables, rates and Pullman Sleeping-car reservtion,. confer with local agenits or address r Gen- 1 Pass t As."'t <'n Pas" Ag t r-W~snIsu'r'. D. I. A'rrANTrA. GA. t W - I;- R YlH-, supt.. Cnti-M mIA. S. C. Ns ONE CAN OF FINE SELECTEDI cI. CREAM TARTANR For family use, at -!FW IABENlTS ANND SALE SABLES. I havxe six Young Mules le ovecr and three or four' phg0 a feW good Mares anrd smni ce Di iing HoIrses. Wil be soh! to suit the times. El ' pay i i. the h iet cash, A. WILLUFORD, WVinnsboro, S. C. 9 NOTICE. U~~ li~DONE AN N' WT ', ,-l..,.. ..nninllZ S .: ..3-0 IO CEMENT-. N 1: 1S. I T HA " No n bym :Kn n Oa vy:1 -rath \ ~ N 1j J, N K.' L f: i- p ii4n on 2 n W .1n AI-4,: u j to ;I - I' I-' .i i' I at d . - r:111ar i'. - .. 1 f W OilN . FoE lI:l EPI,.EN T.\T, N, E The 1inune WiW finiI l . T il A i3.\ .jj11Tr.'llELL~j he -rlnln t iml for' to ~ ~ -, Na !IIxQ e G.ra! .\ o i y:Pt I j I Ir, I ; p ...J L 1 1q , * it1l1h : 'C 'I'14'1 tI 4 m'4 ! l~ n :. 4 t,! Io flit'~-' '\I I n1n., 4. i; w . Le .taeou ne~aa s G t.W. J. 411:i0.\ around his lorla'r lip rv u '!y hwe h i 1 !: ' : i n m. re-elei111 to tt.o Nou.- :o pr tvvs C lpt. J l m ' bl! .itl e inii for the heumi, albi b: e O u:v ed l I .;- prsru-'t 4te1m1 '1h1oth co nIei hi; te favo'rabIle tni hrIin0 t:-voe fFa.irfield Coutnay. . bj - to ti :v-tion f he I iv Iie pum:: rwes. T W -' Y :itEEK. F1 il SCHC1! O. C M ;' 1 . E . >rt Ite etion to i ne ("f4l.1 fs) l m I r of F1tinh-id C4unty: sulbject to hie ct iOC 1 thi : I: - . A. Y. ILLING. fr. W..\ L. Jr.. t m h i f r chro! C mo~sm r eare Itflly pcr trailcdi th:.t 3M r. IH1.t!! willnaI -: n ifli li.. H e is . a ''l'.-s in .i4:! 'h'1 ib m .:h Counti___. d Ei.4l :lhist w t h d cto a *~~ FE!N D,. I443 .1h candi- I ate for the g odee o :hol Commispione r I Fairield. Couny s to h a-o FO R J UDG;E O F PROUBAT'rE. hreby annonne mys b' ut a caod ate for re election to thll 00i,-Ie of Jtu( 'e I Probate, of Fairsield County, sbett f Dehociaie Preuary. tins Bugies" mafa 1 N Nd T h:oa at Yor yuIle, Sia.e C.? What:r.-. \Vrespe t': hm u a t e i' tr :ed--c hat fore;: harce th --~ alen uni Tst a-re : ab - t"4' h . V i o Tlcc o th so treoe. of Fairield.i wie ws to aime why you shon't buy more. inat Bugies manufac-st weure onvowor gork ville, le S. C.a!Yu Lhast Yiear thie san willEo time to Ime Not yoo late taSOn why youra soubvthe m.idso Gre Hod.Sppg yoursln wilso"get rP~tihct" and buy~ thes bst we rha.fre yours' for ood~e Ycvd~'okvile 1.1;Di 7-!O-1r SFIINT TURN. TO Sl:E TO; PL1AiN~ LCA;, DrwNgP EAN., Ae.Spply ourefadas n esPcl3 , Envelopes, l &c . It wilj ma L'ekNin D~imt. Swi We b:ev ::t a 1, .i . I hs Th e :e,1 :11T( g Lad iats' yesi. We have a .x t in ts p aneIv fte l aring .In. N!' is vouri aTh uy a pile oj s now.HWe Awant hir vaHfri. Km"m Ja-TCILN& _ Pl- I A. A; f * * *~; ~ s t * r r NEW~.1 ANBl STY WEITAE 1"j UST RECEIVEDA G E N T LE ME:dN'S - t Latest S tles E ('11 A Ti T ES A N1 S ADE The iin oeteso h e t R-a'r Pn 'I'Jh-v i-e DR GUADHANTIN F CYGO heavier whee!-:. 1C. hvAgent for PI tANOS andOR:-NS th . .1a nteiT n .Y. h vh F2 '!I ai . gnery. iv. L.). , EATER -EIIN6 I\t (N-n .JToTr N\r.O T,- C .\ . U h .... .. . . ~ D AL AS Nl!N),UGGE , mE.S . ali', WAGONS AND I 10ISLII'11 l 1 1:1 .tS. YIIlNE5 . W d'lret~i~ t h -.'iir tol \j, '' a run u e r i rn', ae..'. b cs-ca1rrniCok in so u oA r u eFr r oe etdo oW .BA