The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, April 29, 1886, Image 4

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em Sor a n an ayeate) his paperpre alegal krend--" 4 surprised." Young Wyr&ou really expected. it then?" Frank kriend-Wres. I know the editor. Ie was uing of yqu.the other day." SLawyer - "Indeed? AiA . hat di e "aY71" Frank Vriend-"He'said he thought you were about the lightest member of I tLie Philadelphia bar," SBVERAL Young I nd gentle.' man visited Central Pa lew York, and they admired the, imals very much, ad nore 1rt the kan. - "That pbt going to die, sooni86 it h ed Gilhooly, pun giwth his ne. "I don't see anything the matter with it." "You don't? Well, I do. Can't you see that it is on it's last legs." CITY MAN-"Trampst Pahaw! If I lived in the country I -would soon get rid of them." Suburban Resident--"You think so? Well how would you manage it?" "Easilf enough. I would just keep a lot of work on hand and whenever tramps asked for food ? would tellthem to earn it." "But they can't work without tools." "Certainly not. I would furnish tools, of couroe. Just try It, "I have tried it. "Ahl - Didn't the trdmps go off?" "Yes, and the tools too." MRs. BLANK-"Here is an" admir able defense of Mr. Cleveland. I knew those charges would be replied to. Read it." (r. Blank-"I read it in the cars on the way home." Mrs. Blank-"Did you notice how deftly every thread of the original story is followed up and how artistically the work is done? It is Just like real old Spanish lace*' Mr. Blank- "It reminded me of Spanish lace too." Mrs. Blank_-"Indeedi" Mr. Blank-"Yes; it is so thin." NEW CORRESPONDENT-"I see you did not publish my letter." Editor-"No. It must have been sent by slow freight, for it got here several days late. However, I should not have published it anyhow. When you have nothing but 'words, words, words,' to send, the slow freight will do as well as anything else." Correspondent-"Well, but suppose instead of mere 'words, words, words, I have ideas; then what?" Editor-" Express them, of course." A WRITER in the Providence Tour nal says we "must wait until 1892 for Jupiter's next perihelion." "Well, if we must we must, though it seems pretty rough. We don't suppose the writer could induce Jupe to perihele next year? There may be two or three persons right here in this town who wouldn't murmur greatly if Jupiter were to defer the exhibition until 18, 000,920. They would be willing to wait. MAUD--" What kind of a cow is a Texas steer, Pa?" Pa--"Steerl steer! Oh, it is a steer raised in Texas, to be sure?" Maud-"Of course; but why is she - Pa:"Well,~Nhemt It's--it's because nobody outside of Texas can steer one when he gets loose." "Sis," said a bright Austin youth to his sister, who was putting the finish.. ing touches on her toilet, "you ought to marry a burglar." "What do you mean by such nonsense?" "I mean that you and a btirglar would get al ong very well together-you have got the false locks and he has the false keys." SAID a little Austin boy yawningly, to another little boy from the country, who was on a visit to to the family: "Sundays are so tedious." "What makes them so tedious to you?" "I can't play hooky from school on that day." HAPPN~ss and unhappiness are merely relative states after all. The -kitchen girl feels awfully cut up on being snubbed by the saleslady; but her sorrow is immediately turned to joy up. on seeing the saleslady snubbed in her. turn by the daughter of the retired saloon-keeper. WHEN stripped to the literaly mean ing of the words from which the term was derived, "pocket handkerchiefs" mean "a pocket hand covering for the head." The hand wants no kerchief, and what was called the handkerchief, was not made for the pocket. All of this is so confusing it cannot be won dered at that the small boy prefers his sleeve. "I THINK its outrageous," said Mrs, Sparrowgrass. "Here it says in the paper that St. John has been nominated for President. Its bad enough making fnn of live people, but when they begin lugging in the agostles it .certainly is too much." "Oh don't propose to me here!" ox claimed a young lady whose love was about to pour out his avowal as they were riding by a corn-fld. "The .very corn has ears." It is a singular coincidence that how ever loving a couple may be, when they sit dlown to eat ice-crea~m there is a cer tain coldnees between them. A NEw YORK physicIan says that . Lulu HIu'st is a frsiud and he can make people dance inroutnd just as easily as All that is niecessary is 'oan nii bill. . *'to-0Td z AOERTANW editor iI Ma*Aachusetts alassleeps Wt i edt h ot -ntbecause he is superstitious at all, but because he can look out of the win hdo on li moont nwbigtasee f the sheriff:is cotninig. "S3OLED again!" exclaimed the young man as ho went flying down the front steps the third. tile, inside of a week, propelled by th1e vigorobis foot of his charmer's papa. TmE young man who has expo$ ced a cool reception whein visitin t1 girl can sympathize with h*8 ge of Arctic explorers. - UOUSEHIOLJ Dxamm O.-:rDr. Del aem lent Freuch studet, wr too to tq!) !aris loleoical $ocipty on gieaubqd $f dreams; 1N= th h~ e titer of out lms is ve niVl do ermined by the position we odoupy in sleep. The most general method ofly ing, perhaps, is on the right side, and his appears to be also the most natur. %I wetho(, fo ~a ns object to l the rt which it h m t an 'once asserted should have action during sleep. Never heless, Dr. Delaunay's statements ardly harmonise with this opiniep. When one sleeps on the right side that is to say upo. the right side of the rain, one's dreams have marked and unpleasant obaracteristics. Theso )haraeteristics, however, are essentially ;hose which enter into the popular do luition of dreams. One's dreams gre then apt to beillogical, absurd, chlid ish, uncertain, incoherent, full of vive.' acity and exaggeration. Dreams which sone from sleeping on the right side ire, in short, simply deceptions. They ring to the mind very old or faint ernememrances, and they are very often tccompanied by nightmares. Dr. De launay points out, that sleeperb fre. juently compose verse or rhythmical language while they are lying on their right side. This verse, though at times Drrect enough, is absolutely without sense. The moral faculties are absent. L)n the other hand, when a person slumbers on his left side his dreams %re not only less absurd, but they may also be Intelligent. They are, as a rule, concerned with re mit toing, not with reminiscenres. OYsTEUs FOR LuNonEoN.-Sdald a clozen oysters in their owft liquor if possible, if tiot, in a little water well salted; and skim them out, put a ta~ble spoonful of butter, a gill of cream, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoonful of flour in a saucepan on the bAck of the stove; then when it is hot add a well-beaten egg; when this thickens pour it over the oysters, which you have already placed in a hot dish. Prof. C. A. Donaldson, of Louis ville, Ky., the well-known pioneer, in eighteen years spent $10,000 In trying to get rid of his rheumatism and failed. At last he used St. Jacobs Oil, was cured and sold his crutches. That the fruit of success ripens slow ly. The late State Chemist of Delaware Prof. Chas. P. Williams, says thl Red Star Cough Cure is safe and valu able and contains neither morphia, opium nor any other narcotic poison. The price is only 25 cents. That he is the richest who wants the least. Faithfulness is always necessary; espec ially so in treating a cold, to procure tho best remedy, Allen's Lung Balsam, and take it faithfully according to directions. It will cure a cold every time and prevent fatal results. Prico, 25o., 50c., and $1 per bottle, at Druggists. That a million dellars will not buy a ray of sunshine. Talk is cheap. Actual results count. Use Hiop Porous Plasters for pains aches and weaknesses. That the brightest thoughts some times come from the dullest looking men. THE EIiIoACY of DR. WALKER'S VIN 1F1ir1~Kvou's dlTorde'rs, "Constip'a tIon, deficiency of vital power, and all maladies affecting the stomach, liver, bowels, pulmonary organs, or muscular eystem, has, been experienced by thou sands. The Bitters strikes at the root of these diseases by toning the stomach and cleansing the blood. The Methuselah, even, never com plaIned of time hanging heavily on his hands. CONSUMPTION CURlED. An old physician, retiredl from practice, hlaving h1ad placed in his bhsnds by an East India mIssion ary the formula of a simple vegotable remnedy for Broehl Ca tarrh Asha, and alt Throat and Luing A EcctIons, also a postive and radica! cuare for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complafints, after having tested Its wonderful curative powers in thottsands of cases, hias felt it his duty to make it known to his autlerang fellows. Actuatedi biy this motive and a desire to rellevo human suttering I will slenrd tree of cbar'et6 t who desire it, tits recipe. ti Gern,, Englsh, witb full dietosfrpreparing an n. Sent by mail by addressmng witn stamp, hamin this paper W. A. NoY Es. 149 Powver's block. Rloohester NR ,. -That all the goodthuigB of tbipw~Qrld ae oif no further goo'l thi~m as theydr of use. Tkhe value of thought cannot be told. Just so with the best of everything. Take Dr. Bhigelow's Positive Cure for all throat and lung t'roubles, if you appreciate a speedy andi thorough cure. Pleasant to take. 50 cents and $1. That a newspaper may be a sower, or a sti'eam of pure water, according to its source. Mothers if you want the little ones to have a fine head of hair, free from dan diruff and other scalp affections, use the only natural hair renewer, Carboline, made from pure iinreflned petroleum xmd guaranteed the prince or all hair renewers. That the greatest of fitults is .to be sonscious of none. LANDOn, the poet, says in' one o - his iweet little sonnetat "We aro wrhat dans, and winds, and watpra waake us;" lint un fortunately suns will scorch, winds wIll tonghon, and waters will not remove the injurious en'ects of tihe other two upon the lovely complexion of thme fairer sex. For ugea chemists have trIed to distil from herbs and minerals an elixir of beauty but they have failed, and it was left to mnpdern limes to find a cositetic, which abould re. iove every speck and blemish, and leave t soft and pearly loveliness u pen the rough sst skin. GJonraud's Oriental Oream' thuis, and~ while so-perfectly harmless thet mpring water is not meore'ao, it has a mario nfinence upon the complexion which can niot be over estimatedt or believed un til real ,zedl. To our lady readers we simply say, would you be as lovely aa kindly N ature intended? Then utse the Oriental Creama. Also f rom the hoteel afar actress : P IIAICl,i'H IA, Nov. 22, 18p83. "I cordially recomnmend Dr. T.1. FelIx 30urauid's 'Oriental Cream Magical Bona ~iller,' as it 'Is perfectly harmless." Silncerely, . L rLli h1inroN. CnicAM makes bettei- butter to rise n cold air thiart to rise in cold water ut it will rise sooner in cold water and ~he milk will kepp sweet longer. when von visit .d t ewyvs tral Depot. 600l elegant rooms. fltted up at a cst of one nillion dollars, S1 and upwards pett lay. Euiropeao Plan, Eioyater. Restaurant uppliedi with the best. lII~ cars, stages and leveted railroao.a de11(014 Famtlies can live oter for les nen t a e(nd Ui~aon 11ote8 ulv n 8 ashadow of false fat may be that of t e ou"ntlss on satids who have dois likewise, and'who te-P',is ll '0" f *%ves. N44gh sweats, a ntlg of blood, weak lungs,' ti consumption U- itif ,taleu in time. can bo cured by the ise o '.' Plice'IGolden Medical Discovery." This woq4orful pro paration has no equal as a remedy for lung 1ad throat diseases, All.dryggiste. That compliments 'and edoigratula tions cost Uothig but, pens, Ink and papet, or-.woMrd. '~ Frighttpi v.te. Consumnptioi cares off is thousands of victims every year. Yes, thousands of human lives are being wasted that might. 4e sayed fbr the fact is Pow esJbalishod that coidumiption, in its ea'ly, a ' is purable. Pr. Pieie-'s *Goldn ,cal Discovery' will; if Used n time,- effct a permanent euro. It has no equal as a rem sdy for bronchitis, coughs and colds. Its Ifficacy has been proved in thousands of sases. All greggsts. Eyery man likes flattery. It Is piea. ;ant to be told that we are great, even if we know him to be -0sq991 who tell as. ,t The huge, draktio griping, sicken:d" 9ills are fat- .p 4brseded by Dr. loo uga Ptfae Is iheT atul acacia, that lifts teba pruly above its neighbor thprg)ting that it, too, like them, has a rootlib the dirt. 8 months' treatment for 50o. Plus's Rom edy for Catarrh, Soldiby drpggist& He whose evil deeds are covered by good deeds brighten8 1p tit wdrd like the moon when she rises from behindt' cloud. A positivo guarantee is given by tb manufacturer of Dr. Jones' Red Olover Tonic that. a 50-cent bottle of < this rm ed y' contains more curative properties than any dollar preparation. It promptly cures all stomach, kidney and liver troubles. A MATNs houswifeseihds this recipe for a baked dish, a sort of what-is-it. Make a nice short crust for a deep dish, roll it thin, 'then' put in po-k cut in tiny pieces, then a layer of potatoes pepper and a bit of salt, unless your pork is quite salt. Fill the dish, then add milk enough to cook-according to size of dish; put on top crust and bake, and if the grumblers don't say it is good, It shows they don't know what Is what. This Is a country dish. .For those who live near a market and cat order their dinners every morning there are many other things at -thisi season of the year, but for those who idvd' only the cellar to depend on, there are mniuy good dishes, if the farmer's wives will only make them known. Analyses have shown that the fallen leaves of maple contain four per cent.. of valuable matter (soda, potash, limo magnesia, phosphorus and sulphur con pounds), and poplar and willow five per cent or more, and that conse quently the trees constantly manure the surface soil beneath their branches. Other loaves examined contained about two per cent. of fertilizing substances. The purest, sweetest andl best Cod Liver Oil In the world, manufactured frain rreaki lealthy liv ers, upon the seashore. It is absolulely pure and sweet. Patients who blave once taken It, prefer it, to aln others. Physicians have doelded it superior to any of the oter oils in market. Mlatle by (Jas well, liazard & Co..* New York. r >lL 0) usn .umpr 'ar soap, made l~y (la+ IThat we often unlock the door of fate with our own hands, and then throw the key away. Tihe Doctor's Enudorsenent. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., sends the subjoined professionlal endorsement: "I have prescribed D R. W M. H{A LL'S BlArf SAM FOR THE LUNGS In a great num ber of cases and always wit hx success. One case in particular was given up by several physicians who had been called in for con sultation with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmied Consumnp tiop-cold night sweats, hectic fever, lhar rassing coughs, etc. He commenced im, mediately to get better and was soon i-e stored to his usual health. I also found DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR -THED LUiIGS the most valuable expectorant for breaking up distressing coughs and1( colds." .fIt is suggested that the Patagonians may have lost as much as two Inches In stature since the adoption of con - stant horse-back riding, a little over two centuries -ago. They were tor' merly reputed giants and their bodies are still huge, while their legs are dis proportionately short and slenger. A writer 1i ti'Bulise in erae cd Therapeutigue says thtriigrto of the globe of th~ ear will itop hlccough, whatevef its cause may be. Very Blight reffigert~nu, such a& a'drop .If' cold water, Is BasId to be sufllolent. --ohh Goldsmith will come East with Anteeo, and Ilickok 11il have Arab. St. Julien wlhl probabfl3eef4gcji.. LIM1E and alum water in flip feed or drinking water in the poultiry yard Is a specific against chicken cholera. It must not be so strong as to be unipal atabie to the fowls4 A weak dilntion should be kept before theim in some form during the slekly season. A lady wrote; "I don't have t~hat aw ful side-ache now. 1 applied a > Jop Plastor.." 20 ets. Who is powertdl? ie who can con-' trol his passions. Who Is rich? le who is contented with what lie hase. v'ry ay adds to the greult amount of evidence as to the cnrative powers of Hood's slarsaparnIl. It is unequalled for general dlebillity, and as a blood puitiler, expelling every trace of scrofula or other impurity. Now ia the time to lake it, Sold by all druggists. It may serve as a coinfort to u~s i all our calamiies and affictions that he that loses anything and gets wisdom by It is a gainer by the Jes.. ITS: All Fliopp ed free. Tlreaiso andl $2Lrl 4 1fit cases. SenIto Dr.Kino1 a iiat r That wvhat a mnan-got~s for nothing lhe is very apt to value at just about wa it cost him. wa St, Bernar Veetbl Pils WAnnawTPn Pun my~ vR4IRTant - ie *A euro 11htc Co i~nts~o anoa na~cu ,..o wnvujOe u. (ril )r.s' etdae is te 0S SUR., Foiacm U*RRd SA'~~~U EAio 17 Se R cta %T A A E ..A R Oent r Pt or Magcal lbaut Or 2, Paul IN % tyory'lvein.~ a der. .2pyet ~ ~ ~ ~ u oat icCOO-tx~i~o~~' at h paration is f1N au iits 0ld of it yearA of any one sollin th imin vard for arrest and pro(f tho sssone.-i Cream alsm I hare used two R M t bottles of l y's (Cream Aloam and considcr ma y s e l fi Cured. s(lr.Ttl 20, years fromn caei e eand this is the Jirst rem -l tha lt - f jl'ordIed last i1 re- . 's'c hi~ HAY-FEVER a ir to. I c a tliedito oso nhits rI and is n eg to UIL. Y r'ulao LY W Ot.b mall o itt Drigglets. ud or c ia. l o Ioil tA i'bl~r loli . Ihuggishi ents law bt I n to i of Thitysix Cit, 11. Ii. TIHOMAIIBle A g't l8 OhaubmlersSt.,Now York Free Farmn A LU. Toe most Wonderful Aiul tral Park in A.erc. rr o sul orib a r l i anti n11auft LAN o. lm jct to U ' i 0 1"tou 1nt li ueal IAm t t n.s an e o r t o n o fORdIn ti1 1 eoeand fo Iaidoe 100.oa oan onr Iots leii lo. nIe. ,l 1J Ia ih CeamU BaI3~lhea.lm Bysuwsr b haeinet1r used t o a Oi te bottlieris tiithy i~iuele tetted y ' que. oiredooe. 1 au Ofihu' l AMVrab't Psli ft vea .dt for. a nl V day a t i t a u tot gisn14O 1~. 1o, 1 eRo. Re Street 0Sdc., 111., HAc., SE., ER is t - e 1r3ued nto a a t nostril in t Uito. ates.t twt. a lra to n y oune i or utdugse wailid for circa. RetoSiLY DItHrce ouigr hos DRS.gJ. N. J. Ao. OiaRn(ip by Ct., o0 ilanolt oftrty-N. V Cout. THIOSEI AFFICTED WV1TII TIIEC EFFEC LIS OFl RECMINAL WEOAK(NESS AtND MiltC~Lut. AofZATION should not heautato To oconsult J. N. ant J. B. O101ENAACKI, of 206 North second street, Philadeolphia. Hloursi fromn 8 A. M. to 2 P. M., anti fromn 8 to 9 P. M. Atdvice freo. Read our new book, tiThe Mya tory, ete." PrIce, l0c. Also treattment by mnail. A"RR 11 A ILL OThIISlt FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, (iliow C.allowvli St., Philai.)" 20 E lARS' IiXP~ItIOINO. Gunaranttees to eure the alltitted nndl uinforttunate With P'utroiy Vego table MedIcines. 11ook on 5l)cial dliseasos free: aendl for It,. Advice free andi strictly corilentlal, Ollico honrs, 11 A. M. to 2A P. M.,1 P. MI. to 10 P. M. Treatment. by mail. FREE MuSc'wi MUVE Pr swrga ero al Aohs andi Pins iur emdy frta tos or botween the shuuthlera, SALESEN~iaile 2"E o" tocaen ~vas for th a sale of choiee -ttor5o on sal. Nurberyiihen, Rlochesier, N. Y. Pensons!*."M y srer4upisaiw UDr. /Ah ftE to, risi xcod MORPHINE Ch.ora DR. J. 0.- HOFFMAN- eterson, Wisconsi. ~~~i ~i anbI*ateldktd Pafale Ecirtaon e. Crrespondaec rE E ty solt at fe triao rlnt 5JAai oes -nv M baook Tn u luta . T MUT onpy .Looafae Iad As iiT A ~ o Awapfflt ,Ue Come, p "C60bt lly i, tiope ( fe e, lt s 'InllAwai Mt J aove . rte oor atrcla FARM NOTES., O.a d Ityr m 1 hods of mak , the uae of tas ood an rendef ractically tire proof by first drying it horoughly and then coating it with, j mat w as n coated6 1 vith whiting or even limewash. A nixture of borax and sulphate of mag iesia is also recommended. To prepare his, use three pounds of borax and 21 >ounds of sulphate of magnesia, with 10 pounds of water. The action pf the nixture depends on the formation of a >orate of magnesia insoluble in water, tot or cold, which surrounds and Im oregnates the fibres of the wood, and hus renders the developmient' of the iombustible gases and the spread of lames very dificult. A mixture of sul. >hate of ammonium and sulphate of ime or gyp sum is also applied. The 4tion of this mixture depends on an ncrnstation of fibers which prevents he spreading of fire and on the other kand, extinguishes fames by the vola ilization of the salt of ammonium at a ilgh temperature. Take one pound of iquid ammonia and two pounds of eul 1hate lime. A single coat of this con :egtrated solution is not incombustible, )ut it is not easy to light, and ceases o burn when the action of foreign im lammable substances comes to an elid. SIR J. B. LAWns acknowledges thai treater fertility is imparted to the land )y plowing uuder green crop .tlgm to ipljy the same after they 4vO been fed ;b htock, jbut thiplk it ni.I protable eadopt the- latter m6thod. Yet, where there is but little demand for neat, it will be found an advantage to p)low under the green crops. 77Te manufacture of blue glass and glass fluxes by means of oxides of cop per was known to the ancient Egyptians, md was used in glazing earthenware. The blue was of the turquoise shade. TIRED 0 UT!. At this noason nearly every one needs to use mome sort of onlo. JIION a=trwo asioit.very phy sican's prosoriy on for Noi who need bildng up. TH BITT-td BEST.T0MIC Jor Weaknes , iin t 1.1 ak of nerny t ItA91t TIAN and Is toonrl &W Mre dicine that in nt ni Urion. ] IEniion the iood2 Inv grten the ystensp eiestores ppetite, Ad. Igestion It does not blocken or Injareothe tooth, caume head. ache or produce conrtipation-othar Iron edidnas do MILs E~VA J. UIYX Dawson, Pa.,, maym: .1 4have usol brownm Iron itters for gneral weakn and havo beon greatly benefited. ltieve me a go apptit' and reniod that tiyd fee ugthat has bo con' f with m I cheerfu y rcomred it as a most Valuable Medcn end 13TS. LUOavmcn, ifnobbr a .y: neod brown's Iron Jitters our generalywsl ejasan lasef d I hna nappe tile and alayst tired, One boof thitsvalusahlo remiedy removed theotren. blo and made me fool better than I had in 18 months or two years. Genuine hes above Trade Marrk and crosned red lines on wrapper. 1itke no other. Made only by UJILOWN OIL KEM LOA I. 00., BA LTIMOU, MD. Never both be angry at once. The scalp .is cleansed and excited to a healthy action by Hall's Hair Renewer. In Consumption, the disposition to cough is dimninished by taking Ayer's Oherry Pontnral i WORKING UP THlE FAiM.-Of course the farmer must make the most of'the materials already in hand, and many a one is so situaited that he can make no radical change in the general line of farm management; but this does not imply,~ that lhe must accommodate hmefutterly and absolutely to things ju tasthey are, makmng no effort for change and feeling no ambtipA for im provement, and.. more than thnit - he shlould feel under the necessity of mnak ing hils bread out of unground wheat, bcause that was the shape in which he origmnally got it. Tq make the most of his present material will often require that some new onepe in troduced; sonme new modification or estnbination form ed1. The f~rm is stocked with animals of different kindls; to make the best use of those materials does not require that they be discarded and the farm restock ed with thorough-breds. No such course is advisable or to be recommen ded to the general farmer. On the con trary these, for most people, should be maintained on the farm as a basis, and the most or best made out of them by the purchase of thoroughbred sires merely to cross on this stock to improve its character, and the whole stock grad ually bred up, by the use of successive sires, to the point where the practical, useful qualities are highly developed. This wvill involve no very considerable change in general farm management at any one time, or any great outlay of money, or any considerable Indebted nesas over which the farmer will have to worry, but In a short time the farm will be by imperceptible stages worked on to a better basis. This Is mak lng the best of the materials already in hand, and the farmer is certainly very eblivious to his own Interest who post pones the conrmnencemient of thuis im provement and who neglects to put, thlese materials to goodi use at once. FRUI T orchard should receive a gen arous top dressmng at least once in every .wo years. Moderate applications of lhme and generous ones of wood ashes ire always profltable, and phosphates ire useful -If bnrled -beneath the sur' race; also Peruvian guano, if' slightly sovered, late in the fall, so asrtohbecomeo .horoughly divided by winter rais. Lioarse orgai icimariitr should not be lIned in cont ct w ith' th e roots of young brees', butt chii-dust, fishi, flesh and the b~ones of dead animals, horn pitlhs and 'oofs, hair andI 01(d plaster, Anld all like irticles, are good for griowing trees, Pear trees that have not borne fruit for Lwenty years have been brought into [ul bearingbyn ~ringt.ha 3yety branch was filled with plump usolous friit, iut for manY years the ,res continued1 to &lil bountiful drops. ______ Ty E~ following recipe is excellent for theo cure of r6up or cimnkers: "Put as nueri chlorate of 'potash into drinkig ' Rater as will dissolve, with tincture of ron to color a little; and a teaspoonful f cayenne pepper (powdered) to two nuarts of-wtrin iflour of gulphtar ourtabesonf ato' four quarterst neal; to be give in the morning. ~That Twe~ TAe nild WeathOr, following'our long and 'ase rete winter, lia such 0 depresszIg effect upon the Mody that one feels al tited out, altihot .complete Y prostrated, the appetite io lost, and there Is no t bit19n to do anything. ThQ'wholo tondenoy of ho system is downward. hlood's Barsaparilla is lust ifie meiolne neded. ri purifles the' blood,. shafpels t.e Appetito, oveicomes the tirod feeling lid invijoratos every function of the body. "Ilood's Satsaparlla in four weokeks mado me a 10w man. My head ceased to acho, and my wholo lystein is built up snow, enjoying perfect health." I. BARIINOTON, 180 Bank St., N. Y. City. "We all like Ilood's Sarsziparills,it Is so strength ning."-.Lizzin BALFOUR, Aulurn, It. 1. -Cured and Built Up "My daughter had been ailing some time with general debility, and Hood's Sarsaparilla was 'econmeuinded to us. After she had taken three J6ttles she was completely cured and built up. It with great pleasure that I reoomuend Ilood's saraaparIlla."-- BEN. M. Miistrtss, Supt. 0in. flunati & Louisville Mall Line Co., olnoInuati. "Yor tho past twd years I have been aillcted with severe headache a.nd .dyspepala. I was in luced to try Iood'd sarsaparIhia and found great releto."-M s. I. ANAix, Now laven, (%. H ood's S 4a sold by all druggists. $1; Aix for$5. Prepared only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell; Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. aemp" wlth Jb Init Ayu . TAnS MARS' As 1r I AND O have tto * iasn plisu' .send for descript V6res Utilfiig C'oal Duslt.--At the Jeanes ville Iron Works are shown some valua ble Improvements on metho~ts of burn Ing anthracito coal dust under steam boilers. The problem of dust burning has been quite well worked out at this establishment for years past, this latest Improvement being in niovil)g the fire back some sixteen inches from the fronts to keep tho doors, etc., from overheating. Tile blast is supplied by a fan driyen. by a small engine. No noise Is heard, and tile coal dust is thoroughly consumed. A small portion of the blast is applied on top of the ruel and back of the bridge walls an apron of fire bricks deflects the flames against, the boilers in such a mlanner as to give the best results. One-half of the vil lage of Jeanesville is now heated by steam and the whole of it is lighted by electricity. The results of an investigation com menced in 1882 to ascertain tle maxi mun and minimum percentages of alcohol and acetic acid which genuine apple juice would produce are published by Mr. W. French Smith in the .Jowrnal of the Americin Chemical Society. They indicate that a good cider should contain about 5 per cent. of alcoliol, and a fair sample ought not to fall be low 4 per cent.; and if less than 3j per cent., the.cider must have been diluted or prepared from extremely bad apples. Again, while a genuine cider vinegar may contain less than 4 per cent. of acetic acid, a good article should con tailn about 5 per cent., and vinegar pre pared from thg better grades of eider wit represent from 5.} to 7 per cent, of acidity. Apples miut be carefully se linfavl in ytalr1 a vinogan abov~o '7 or o per cent. ACTINI, THE GREAT EYE RESTORER. 1'nor. wn290N, INvi.NT'on. ids j& ONE TREATMENT vnEE. *'B-Persons sat ffering from diseaseps of the eye in resbyoi a.o Ciamlatecl Lis,c CrilOit hnin, o euli hsver bee rilimi1 II 10 w cannot exiat after usiing Aelhia. .Address PO. W LTLIA Mr C. W TLSON ' 3113 Chuealt itt treet, Phila, Etead the TeatimOny or fIev. wVm. nt. 0ital. fant, a well..cinown ?lergymnan or i'lhtla. PH ILADELPrITA, PA., Jaminary 18, 1IWI, Pastor's Study, Messiah Mi. It. Church. Mir DEAnRn-I-I feel thant I ought to make known my experience with Prof. Wmn. 0. w~il son's "AUyPINA" BATT'PltuY, not only in jus.. tice to him, bunt also that the aficited mauy letarn whe to look for a remnedy for serious and obstinate disoasos. For fivo years I have been snffering with great dlistress in my head, resulting at times in comp~leto incompetency for work; this, together wvithi a throat trouble causing hoarseness, rendIered spenuking not only laborious and painful to mnysel'f, but un pleastnt to'my congregatilon. I have used your "AOTINA" since the 2th of Novemboer, 18&'I. My voice is fully restored, and since uising your instrument end wearing your garments I have not experienced any distress whatever in my head. Have worked 10 to 18 hours outi of the 24 for the last live weeks, and never felt better in my life. My wife is also wearing~ thme Garments and using the "A0TINA,"' nnd fInds very great relief, having suffered II years from general debility. My little boy of 6 winters who has suffered from a catawrrhnl tronblo sinece an attaoer of scarlo't fever, is using your instru mont and improving. I wish you a continua tion of success. Very truly and fraternally yours, WM. II.OHIALFA NT. SW Throw away your spectacle. Got rid of year Catarrh, andi all ia eases of the eye. W Pied, $10. If $500 wereC p aid for it Mtvcl be eheap. WVill last a lifeti me.- ility in one SW famile may use It. Addrras Sw'.1113 Chestnut Street, Phiila. Agentet wanted in every Cit~y of the Unton. $50 a week may be mado. nSc arlula or Lungs a m ition9 yr y 1 s l hv i~ h~ ft tt he itu ii i f ye r l iii a t lu t o ia. I Ire tlii iliotmine (.o d.i8. atui g rotht, e hirinm of hali hi1it outs;a bi t i mr~ y ry le wi a t ll ta 1 n 1)51 I doS lth harosti i'ud o w, ~ rk rS ,$.'osr. tI'l tl (H. H. H I oleliuigim ti Trati s in ortu .i limfttu r a IsuoIn o Aui mtlantau oas., usmysiditl srtan e iet an idis andi wilt)reor ii. ant taroAr, n m ii. rwtnea ro Ritter th e i.5 1.1 th hades hea o iremed . J d iov.o awit' Spciic s nlromting er oettallTotiig Bloo andHk~ni~eadacho ii tlul r asngoh BT vat o. mrR~um th od reilooate gis thehan how-~ oleheathy adi howtura slot. n arIs erVisntegreatisease lpte venter, sta et t'ihedy sofvrfmid rom. Vin &MittesViueg aria Blioue s and. flothefeedisegats ofthle st ivach and w vedney, ~ian at tre otheado pall dirder. oo dies , ~ r~s shul rve,'h lto m t itn o Trfetes d niseseseth oert ur e~n d onaeperance and Tobacco, which last shuld ahands of every oblhid youth in thme Amy 'Swoef the above bookfs rnated free on otftour cent. for registration fees. a2u. ataal4 DrP o0..Wte wahhhoum 5*,1t ee U'* reing, No words of our$ can tell the benI I V% do. rived from lfood's Harsaparnis, if you need * 96l4 spring medicine. It will strain all impUrniti from phe blood, rouso the torpid liver, - Iorte the digestive organ,. and ilhpart newilito to every funotion of the body. We only ask you' to toy A single bottle to provo tlie tboeitive tierits of Hood's Sarsaparilla as au honest and 'frliable medidine. '"I think-IHood'i Fars'parilla is the best medicine for geoneral debility there is, and for thegood it has done me I cheerfully recommend it.",J. SUL LIVAN, 89 Brown St., Iocliciter, N. Y. "I have used Hood's SarsaparIlls for * blood purifier in my fanily several years, and cannot speak too highly of.ilt.",-J. . COLLINs, PJque, 0. An Excellont Tonio "My daughter received liluch beneflt from the use of 0lood's Sarsaparilla asi an excellent tonic after a protracted attack of broncilal pneumO nia."-'. if. ADss, New lartford, Conn. "Hood's Sarsaparilla ham done ine an irAmense arlount of good. M1 Ivilste systemn is been built up nd Atreathendl y iligestlork Improved, my ad relieve ofth bai fetiog, andimo throat relieved oi tile severe irratmio. I colili er it the. i~eit, mnedicineo I have ever used."-MARY L.. 1I'Mi4, 25 Turner St,., Saiew, Mass. irsaparilla Sold by all druggits. $1; six for $5. Prepared on by 0. I. IOOD & CO., Apo liecarles, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar. farp roof oat K Evor Ma6. I a alrnor ar110 ~1e Ct. The I'fl BiRAND 6UK1 '(foo'; wtjerDyoudrf i1 thle hard ei'all Itr a i?.o ehr . Th you ito e as AeM * t A. Y TO # m 2 Si lI m nn t. ,ttn 25 e 26 CENTS CENTS for for Cough ucRI4s Croup TiHE 1EST AND O1EAPEmr Cough or C *1 AS AN lPROTODA NT IT HAS -t Contains no Opium In e InottlW Pri 2 41A.IOdIN iia 1 . IS L :.4 eli r ,UJUo f 1" 1 i-Cout I 'itti t nroP I it I)for tii, s.wotuu ii t lot I . .. or aill w.ito (1 sk l llil A _ _1i r l' i ieinl 'iioo li1rlinj a rilititily~ tin I' )M WAP tJ lIiON o.r %iir IotUN.1 DliIA8F. liouhI itar) tile larp~ $1 b).fttioj. 'rice, 25e,, 50c. anid $1 per Bottle. SOLD BY ALL MEi)ICINE DEALERS. DEBI TD N. of r Dyes Ct ratd O ltaic lIeu with ^lectric s. maori uer eriit a e a~ re lf ai ottrdiseased oniite rtioration tocali Vior, anti at>nood uata d No ri sk is incur red. Ill u. dressin a VOLTAW RIILEIfO lnha ic No flops to Cut Oil Horses' lsdanes. L Colebrated' 'NI I *IIALTKR___ be Bip> b any hnted t~ne ot, I receipt ofrg 1. iy al il idur e 'l'H~ai toUEae BI eg s"I GeatEnglish Gout and A~~lf r i.6* houematlo Remedy. HURSli'S's"h EIRTOOThPO!Djij LicpiglethPerfect angu.Gga jealthy. Shuman body ERADI TRD CLAR 'RMS ~- VOR ISALE BY DRlUGGIRS. ITSSTOPPED FREE -ine rsbn Restored Dr.KLINE-S GREAT foal11AI&NnNER V RE8TORER Anrt dsys. se. Treamtiso nd s trat beottle free to rbce . fitiln et... . a rren drso See id~ru*au h"tu. BAIP$&''R ~j PENNYRDYAL PILLS "CHIC ESE 'SENGLiSH." The Original and Only eennte. .ro a a 4 >t n . air, or t then U n.Tat ..areeuer Pld t eyfore.ahiae.N. tarouis. odeercame I CUREanst FoITan hepSt AWo t~ o01LeIo mul rnriy oso h