AGRIOULTURE. Sorr, white buttei li Oaused by uin. even temperature in the dairy and by the freezing of the cream or the milk. as well As by the food given to the cows. -Some kind of food will spoil the best cows as regards the quallt vo( the butter, for the time helne, and these should be. discarded from the dairy Potatoes, fed raw, have this effeet, with the addition 6t a disagree able flavor, and buclwheat bran or meal has a very flistinct effect in this way. - A wee es'feeding'of buekwheat bran will p-oatce butter of the color and texture. of lard. But just here 'it is a quc.!Ion of management of the crea ratitei than of feeding that is to be coisidered. It Is of Importance that everything about a dairy-shotild be regular And unchangenblo. And in the care of tle dairy, temperature is one of the essential conditions. If this Is neglected and.the cream Is per mitted to freeze, the butter will be white and soft. The color may be made right by the addition of color Ing, but the soft texture will remain and the butter will lose its proper wax Iness and become greasy, and tis is beyond remedy. Tite cauke must be prevented by pr6viding some me-ans of warMing the dilry to keep the tempe rature even. AYRnHnIx CATTL.-This is one of the recognized dairy breeds, and comes to us from Scotland, The specialty of the Ayrsh ire is that of a milk-produi cer, for the manufacture of chees' and the supply of cities with the lieteal fluid. The milk of the Ayrshire Is not especially rich in cream, but in all the other essentials that go to make up good milk it Is equal to the best; and the breeders of Ayrshiros claim that the quantity produoed by their favo r'tes is grcater than that pro dued by any other bree(l. They are of lair Hize, and possess moderate beef producing qualities. In color they are not vtry uniform but red and white prominate. Small red, black,or brown spots, - on a white ground, is perhaps a more uniforn marking than any other, alt hough in many cases the red predoniuates. The cows usually have small heads and horns, light neeks t1id shoulders, deep flanks, and heavy ihhadquariters,with all the marks of deep milkers. DRY Cows,-Every intelligent dal ry man k nows t hat a cow in good coii dition when she cmes in will be much more priltable during the milking at aoi than if poor. ''ie tendency of a (ow is to turn all the food Nhe can al.are into milk, and will often draw on her own body to incronso the flow of miik. If she be in) good conditi.on on coniig, in thisextra weightof flesh will be drawn oil in milik during the seaBon. When lie is putting weight upon his COwS (i'uring the vini'er, hio is as certainly produciog m1ilk as when lie Ior.ds during actatioN. 1his1 extra flesh represcits so much itillk, and may be safely calculated at 6 lbs of milk for every pound of extra flesh she puts on ; anld besides tils tieposit of' milk in tie body, subject to f uture draft, she will be able to apply more of the food @he eats during the season to the production of milk. If she is poor when sel comes in, tblen suo must apply to her own wants soue of the Iood t h at might other wise go to t(he production of milk. lut care ni t be taken not to give Loo muchkt Cori meal or other heattig food wio sho is dry for may pu t her byBsteml in to sucit a feverish coindition as t,0 cause milk fever al ter coining in. '[hle bust, of care should be Laken of- vows wvhile dry. 9 SqUAsn.s are of tropleal origin, anmi thiet eare when spring opens1 it, is use lets to plant them untIl the soil is quite warnm and all daniger of frost, or cold nights is over. AgaIn, as5 they make a very rapid growth 1,here is no in cessity of' haste ini getting the seedi into the ground. SqtuasheLs are good fet ors, liking a rIch so11. It is best to manure in lie hiil ini sowing plae a dozen seeds in each hill, and whicn danuger froin the bulgs Is over pull up all buit Lhiree or four. A mellow, warm s(oll is the best. For busht sorts make h ills three or four feet apart, andi for runiing kiuds twice that distance. All initer tquashies should be ripeiicd * ~ thoroughly or they sie watery, lack luig su cetness anid richness, also lack ing keepiug pirop~erties. A N easy miethlod for showing wheth er butter is adulterated with beef fat * has been submitted by llager. lie sa turates a cotton wvick with a suspected sample, which is first incited lie then lights [lie wick atnd permits it to burn for about two minutes. At the cudi ol' that time, wheni the wick is exting.. uishied, an 0(dor like that givyon by a talhlowv candle when its flame is blowni out is readily perceived If thie butter Is artificial. Coi.oxxt. J- 1). Olliett, 1the great Ill inois cattle breeder and feeder, says ho always buys a btill and not, a pedi gree. The coniirtions5 prescribed biy the BrItish Governmenitit ini thieilii maufc ture of gunpowdeir for the public ser viee provide, among 01 heir things, that the nod--dogwood--or' [lie charcoal shall be of the utmost cleanness, any * ~bai k adheriing to it consthtutinig an um purity uisuintg its unmeiidiatei condemn iiationi, anid the wod meitst also be cut * ~ in thie spring of the year. If the latter operation is performed w~hen [lie sap is rising, [lie bark is eaeily removed. * and the wood is left' perfectly clean; but wood cut latter in the year or in wInter is perfectly as good, only in this case the removal of the bai'k is a mutchm moi'e difleult matter ; [lie pr'o cess or separatIon involves the boilling of the wood, or, if' [hiIs is impracticable the whole of the bark mutst be shiavedl oil' with a knife. The objectIon chieuly eharaoterizing both the boiled and * ~ shayed,for gunopowder mnanulacture,hs that they doe not keep so well when * stacked as the spring cut, wood, going to (decay much laster'. Anothuer coal-cutting machine is dec scribed n the IO(Lodo papers, wvhichi cuts on what may be inrmed the circu lar system, the saw, or cuttin~g disks, bell)g sutpportedl by a strong jib or bracket. Among the advantiages meni tlonedl in -favor of [his devicie are the * following: The maclinec cuts into the face at the bottoni or under aide of the sleeper stupportinig the rails, that is, flush with the [hill oir bottom ; the height of the machine being tuiter six teeni Inches enables it to be employed in thin seams, wvhiich wvould otherwise be exp~ensive to work ; the arrange ment of thie four adiuttaing screws at each corner by whieh thie cutters can be made to wvork at any required angle ; the axle boxes are also so adjusted as to allow the maclino, when priogres sing at an angle, to op~erate irrespece * I [lve of the level of the rails or sleoopers ; and, finally,the arrangement (or hold ing the teceth or cutters is such that any number aind and shiape may be emi ninueyd acardno thn inate... of [ DOMRSTI. IT Is generally admitted that 'it I not well to slp In a room wher( there are out or growing flowers ir large quantitles, but the recent exper lonco of two Spanish ladies show' tbal inhaling the perfume of tiowers, to si excessive extent, may be attende( with injurious consequences. Th4 two ladies in question were on theb way to a ball, and, in preparation for this event, had adorned their hair and dresses with a large number of high. ly-scented natural flowers. In riding to the place of entertainment in a closed carriage, the husband of one of theladies began to experience the sen sation of physical faintness, and, or speaklig to his wife and her cam pan lon, neither of them an'swered him, and he found that bobh of them wer< in a state of unconsciousness. T. d Comp my; and passenigers via this lute will 11ind thle aame high stand ard of appioint ments and (lie me el) c attentioni 'to those duiils so css a ial to the perfect comifort anid enjoyma -mit of thie traveler, t hatt are such miaraeui f attires of thle Penniisy lvania hlilrourd. Tlhiis, in con neetion wit h the nat urail adviant:iges pis. sesed by3 the Weut Jersey i uiho ud, sichi as iitraversinig thle choices sceii uortions of Stiuthern-m New Jerse'y~ieing no ,ice ibly free front (dus3, tand haingit. its teruimiut in (lie eeni tre of ithe respective cities ((the P'hiha delphiia sta'ion being at the font of AM urket str-eet, wvitin a shlort walk of the bus~iiness centrc, and the st ati'm at Atlantic Cmuy on Atliantic aveinne, between New York and Te'nnessee avenues), has aireudy pliced (lie tiew route in (lie tront ranik of p~opuilar favor. IFEv is short at most andl our duty Is to prolong it. Use, therefore, Dr. Buhl's Cough Syrup for Coughs, Colds, Br'on O hiitis, lloarseniess, etc. 8oid every where. Price oiily 25 cents. SUMMING up: Captain. "What's 'he charge, sergeant?" Sergeant. "This time it's drunkenness, sir. But 'his man is the -most troublelome fel low in the regiment, sir. He goes out when he likes and comes in when he likes and gets drunk when he likes; Lu fact, he night be a horficer I" "You young scamp," cried an elder Ly gentleman as he caught a little archin in the act of picking his pocket, "aren't you ashamed or your ;elf? You so young and a thief al ready ?"' "Oh, gammon," retorted the urchin. "I like that! Ain't you ashamed of yourself--you so old and tin't got a silk handkeroulef yet I" LDattle Oreek, (Mich.) Dally Journal] Upon being spoken to concernIng St. Jacob's 011, our fellow townsman Mr. Theodore Wakelee, said: I had been suffecing with rheumatism, and ob. tained the greatest relief from the use of St. Jacob's Oil. It has also been Used In my family for some time, and has never been found to fall in giving prompt rellef. "You must admit," said a red-nosed ragabond to a temperance lecturer, 'that alcohol Is good for one thing at east, and that Is to clean silver." 'Yes," retorted the lecturer, "and it a well known that aloohol has 'clean )d' all the silver out of your pockets." "WHAT train Is this?" asked the benevolent Mrs. Girdelee of the gate ceeper, as she was returning from ier visit to the city.'' "The mail train, madam." "Well, when'll the female train tart?'' I ain't going to ride on any it your mail trains."' [South D0ond Evening Registor.] When certain powers are claitned for in article, and everybody testifies ithat . does more than Is claimed for it, to gainsay Its worth is useless. This is he substance of the bt. Jacob'd Oil oecord. Tuz proper rem edy for a young ady who is short of stature Is to get pliced as soon as possible. A WORTINo i man has named his horse Blood, because lie Is a great loor. GLOvEs are worn verylong new-by ope who cannot afford to buy new ties. T'H'E successful ma has inny Imita ors Ill hIs peculiar line of business, )ut still there is only one originator. io, also. the groat petroleum hair re lower, Carbollne, as now improved nid perfecte(, holds the palm against ill imitators as a genuine article of nerit. Try it. A curious and iiovel voltiic cell has een devised by Herr Wohiler, and de uribed in Liecbig's Atinalen. The h Ief peculiarity Is that both plates are f tle satme inetal-alumiuttm-and a olerably strong current Is supplied. 'he cell cojsists of a glass vessel six aches high, filled with very dilute ydrochlorie aelti, or ciastIc soila, and ontaiung anl Inner porous pot tit d vitI concr ntrated nitric acid. In each om1pairtinunt is placed a cylinder of italuinui provide with a priE jeting htg which passes ItroIghI the cover of lie vezsel, and vets as a contact piece or the electro-les or conducting wires. ts s0oon0 ast~he ai ilumium cylinders are lunged Into tihe acli, a current Is ien if siifllcently powerful to heat a latltium .Wire red hot. Wacirrs to Mrs, Lydia E. Pinkhatm, 33 Western Avene, Lynn, Mass., for cames of laiesi~ that have beena restored a perfect health by the use of her regetable Comnpounid. It 1a a positive aire for the most stubborn caser' af to mal wveakness. Dr. Wernerf~ Steene has applied elec ricity to the operation 01 elevators. 1i8 system, which operates through lie tranismiisson of p~ower by the dy3n mic--alectric machine, l8 as safe as the hydraulle system, and is claimed to be ar less costly and Inconventent. VEGETINE!I Cured Scrofula. PhIiladelphla, Pa., July 15, 1577. 1. Rl. STEVENS: Dear Nir-i can cheerfully reco'nmeond your eg1ettlne as the "Great iBlood Purilter." I have IcenI ailing from scrofula for years, and was uaral by your Vegetlne. I keep it constantliy i hand to keep my bnweis regtilar, andI am onstanitly recommndinlg it, to atli whmn I hear oedling aL rkIeet like yours. Trruly yours, JoHN McGETiTIGAN. Iloing personally acquainted withi Mr. M -Oct igan, 1 eani vouch for imei as being reliable ini cls statemienit, as I nave so(lihim Voegnuio. Druggist, 1021. Iloach Street. Vegeotine. Remarkable Otire of Sorofulous Face, h.I.RSTEVENS: D~ear Sir-I can testify to tihe good effect of rouir mnellinA. \My little boy hadl a Scrofula uoro break out on his headi as largi as a quarter a dollar, and it wont down hl~ face~ from one tar to the otiher. under his ne i. andl was one muld m ins of acres. Two bottles of your valu ible V'egeline completely ecured him. Very resp~ctulIly, MR8S. 0.1It. THATCER. Druggist's Report. Phliladelphia, July 6, 1877. N. fl. STEV ENS, Boston, Mass. : We have sold your Vegeltino for so me years past, and our customers recomndlnh It as5 boing tho best, and safest " hilood P'urillir" in use. We have 80old mnany articles of tho samen desorip muto, ht Vegot inc gives thle mfost uiversal sat Iafact ion, We always recommend It with coa [ilenle. 11ANSElL HlItOs., Druggista, 1620 Market Street. 'Vogetinae. i8 THLE iIEST SPING MEDICINE. Vegehine iMNolhd by All Dlruggtmtu. ESM To AU our rx"Uemas. 11aving had numberless iaquiries for advertising eards from ladies in all parts of the country who are interest ed in the prevailing fashion of making "Card Collections," we af'e having printed for them a set of seven beauti fl cards, ech in six colors and on a gold background, in the very highest degree of art, illustrating Shakspeare's "Seven Ages of Man," We have spared no expense in these cards-they are simply little art gems. Our only aim has been to publish the finest cards yet shown. Applications tor them have come in so rapidly that nearly the whole edition Is engaged before the receipt by us of the cards from the artist. We have therefore been obliged to adopt the.following plan fMi the dis tribution of the remainder: No more of the gilt Shakspeare cards, seven in the series, will be sent excepting upon the receipt of a statement from a grocer that the person applying for the cards has bought of him on that day at least seven bars ot Dobbins' Electric Soap, with price pt.., for same. All apply ing in this manner toill. receive the full set of seven cards graati by mail. This will. insure us that our frienus and pa trons get their share of these beautiful designs, although it in no manner re pays us for the Costof the cards, Your grocer has the soap or will get it, and the purchase by you of seven bars of it at one time will secure for you gratis seven really beautiful cards. The soap improves with age, and is an artiole of necessity in your house every week. Therefore you are not asked to buy a useless article, but one that you must have anyway. Please send us your application at once, and tell your lady friends making "Card Collections," to do the same. grocers do not have the cards to deliver. Buy the soap of then, send us their bill, and we will mail you the cards free. Yours respeetfully, I. L. CRAGIN & CO., 116 ;outh 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. P. S.-Ladies not wishing to buy soap can get the oards by remitting cost price, 25 cents. PASKENCH is a good thing for a man to hav, but when lie haz got so much Dv it that he kan fish all day over tb e side ov a boat, without any batt on his hook, lazyness is what's the matter ov him. Foeblo Laaiex Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be on your feet; that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elas ticity; driving the bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon your vital forces, rendering you irrita ble and Iretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularicies and ob. structions of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of per iodical pain Is permanently removed. Vill you hee :his ?--Cincnnati 'aiur.. d(uy Night. AN old Sootch lady gave a pointed reply to a minister who knew lie had >flended her, and who expressed sur prise that she should come so regular ly to hear him preach. baid she: :cMy quarrel's wi' you, mon; it's no wi' the gospel." Ladles, Read Thist An infallible cure for Atrophv,or defielency of Development of the Afam mary Glands or Bust. Address Mrs. Dr. J. C. Dillingham, Box 3615, New Orleans, La., with $2 for formula and I nstruction). A legitimate treatment for the removal of the cause of this morbid alteration. DYsraPSIA, bIlious attaoks, headache, and manly ether ills can~ only be oured by remov ung their cause. Kidney-Wort, has beon proved to be the most efroctual remedy.-Bee. BAD dIriniking water brings a man to his bler quicker than anything ee. $oSTETTE - 'CELEBRATED Invalids who have lest but are reeovering fltal stanlina, doe'lare In grateful terms thoir appreciation of the merits as a tonic of Ilostet. tori's stomach Bitters. Not only does it Impart strenglth to the wveak, it corrects an irrogmlar acid state of the stomach, maltes the bowels act att proper Intervals, gives ease to those who suffer Iromi rheumatic and kidney troubles, and conquers as well as prevents fever and ague. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. $77 7 A Y EA R anti expenseruto ag'ta Outfit Free. Address P.S VIOKE af. Asusta. MaIne. HOP BITTERSs (A MedIcine, not a Drina,) -COONTAINA II0PSI, iRUCIIU, MANDRAKE, DiAN DELION. AND Th7.PI tilSBTNDllEr~h MD ~ALQUAL,; All iseasesmof the Stomach, flowels, Blood. Liver. lktuneyi auln tirlnnryorgans, Ner. vousness,.le ee as ni cspciily $1000 IN COLD. Will be paid for a came they will net cure or help, or for' anyth ing it piae or injurious Ask your druggIst far ilop Bittersand try them before you Sleep. Take no Other. D. I. C. lsan absolute and irreasit iblo euara for Drinnkonee~s, usea oopim, tobacco and RENDrFot cnm.a Ail above soll by druiri.l. lon fiem, .If. Co., ltochester, N. T., A Tornto, Ont. P LEASANT LUXURY,UR euaOURE $l.68, to W. W. Leieriiuit, '.5 do. 5la1h at., ihia. ra. JIYIIN'S P'OC(KT MiICOSCOPE. Ihdl ly In 4i Ilerf i"'rtg Bi y, .. - mliieen in. the Ky vandi wutaii, 'O..ur 'rent aniy ingtV a arowe, - ta-is (irali,, li lwmarn - 0 tin, 1i'i Wiige Aearnse iii. I,. lIT1, 411 N an utir at, N. Y. LONWATCHES I All mtries . old, Silver and lI Ieel,SO to 01d. na; etc.en . bTA, DAnS AMIIIIOA Avicn 205 3. AN American millionaire, not long mince, visited Iqurope. A traveled fi lend asked.him. what -he had .oen, mentioningallithe noted sights among other places, he inquired it E had seen the Dardanelles. 0Oh, yes," replied old Money-legs, they dined with te she last night we were in Paris I" One Experience fron Many. "I had been sick and mis erable so song and had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was completely disheartened and dis couraged. In this frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and family thought it strange and unnatural, but when I told them what had helpetl me, they said "Hur rah for Hop Bitters I long may they prosper, for they have made mother well and us happy."-The Mother. Ufome Journal, "BuT, Miss Tompkins, do tell me now how old you are." Oh I but I don't tell my age any more. I am just as old as I look-there." "Indeed, I thought you much younger." VEGirTINE will regulate the bowels to heal'hy action, by stimulating the so cretions, cleansing and purifying the blood of poisonous humors, and. In a healthful and natural manner, expels all impurities withoutweakening the body. A WOMAN has been arrested in New York for abducting u little boy. Next time she'll know enough to take a big one. IR8. LYDIA L PINKOAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all those IPataf inomplalat. and Weaknesses socommoa tozibest femuaeppulattu. It will cure entirely the worst form of Femalo Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, llHng rand Displacomuents, and tho consequent Gpinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolvo and expe! tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can. cerous humors there is checked veryspoedily by its use. It removes faintness, Oatulency, destroysall craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloatlug, Ucalaohen, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Slueplessness, Depression and IdS. gestion. That feeling o hearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times aud under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern tho female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKIIAM'S VEGETABLE CON POUND I, prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Idr~ns, Mass. Priee s1. Six bottles for 55. Sent by mail lnathe form of. pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Sirs. PIntrham freoly answers all 'tters of inquiry. Send for pamph. let. Address as above. Alention this 1tiyer. No family shoutd he without LYDIA lL. PINEHAKY LIVER PILLS. They euro constipatIon, biliousneq ad torpidity of tho.liv~ r. 25ecents per box. W Sold by cli iDruggists. -%) The Only Rmd That Acts at the Same Trime on The Liver, The Bowels and The Kidneys Thie combi ned action gives it flonda;ful - pwer to cure all diseases. Wh Are We Sick? Becatineo low hesegieat organ nobe. ne5 clogged or torpjid, and poisonous Au msors are therefore foced 1into the blood that should be ex~ped naturally. Bioumness riles, Constipation, Kzmduoj Compindita abd Diseases, Week.e nesses and Nervous Disorders. by causln gfree actlin of theeorgans an reetoringithelr poter to throw off d I sase. Why liulror nlilions pas and aches I Why tormeinted with Plies, Coenstlipation i Wiy frightened over disorderedl K Ineys I Why endure nservous or sick heasiachetlW . Why have sleeplees nights I. UsUee IDNEYYIWORT ad rejoice in health. It Is a udry, tegetable comlpound and ' one package will makeasir qser Medlieln. r Ge4 ft of your Drgyfrtehe1 tu order i S(Wiisendipost paid.) Burlington, V. Payne's Automatic Engines. MI' n~i inl Dsa rnrhi ndie Ecorial n lftr. an oter & e bult noni et w t a hu ~u~ot. en1j orIll aairatt Ca0tao nO " Jjor 1ox00, rning, N. '. FOR THE LADlES, One Ilarlar e agam Imnliaziou (JamieoLa'iclsse Th abvear lct tro-piated and opist fro te latet old patterns.UlaWELA o. williansbuurgh, N. V. llox Al. Sii rLLIANT lil AIK IN1K best In use at the epst o w etints aga is, tatio ma ol. Ito. WM1. IIIVIN M, Aiponta, Mich. *TEACHERS WANTED. *$d5 to $100 per mionthl. itteady work all Spring andi Summer. For full partieulari, Address J. 0._MoOURDY&CO0, Philaudelphia, Pa, i lone mon th.i raulotesg~ry laeed s tls.Addiress VALINTIi nUS., Janesvil. agnt Wate. 05 aflar al sellngourIPLATryonjg FAMILI SOA LI Wesbanptog5ae Itetai usleS.0.soArac 0nprs Ageet KIISTEY DISE.Q h auigcnh 'ii imense o in an parts of theo~ar andnet hedsased oitn and tl egithem be., whih have distresoed the viet fbe Fears. We po**"'~o '' he*hni '.it-gs whodo uen~~KD Mh~tl wl -b 11seengoss.)~ GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR REUlIB~M, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, BORENESS or Tun' CHEST, SORE THROAT, QUiNSY, 13WELLINGS AND 9 SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET AND EARS, AND *CA'Er2:bo, Geemi BAuiY MolfB TOOT.H, EAR ANtD HEADAOHE, AND ALL OTHER 'AIRS AND IN l .m A HES. No Prepaltion o eat equals 8 . cons OrL uS Ta t thecow artively tritung outlay of 60 CzmTs, and ovary 6 thn*an haveo oloueand oi positive, pro He IRECwit NS IN ELEVEN LANGUAGES. SOLD IS ALL DRUG31STS AND DEALERS IN MEDIDIN!. A. VO(ELER & 00. Da'inoie, Md., V. S. A Card Collectors! 1st. Buy seven bars Dob. bins' Electrio Soap of your Gxrocer. 2d As.k him to givv you a bill of it. 3d Mail us his bill and your rull address. 4th. We will mail YOU FREE seven beautiful cards, in six colors and gold, represent, ing Shakspeare's "Seven Ages Df Man." i. L. CRAGIN & Co., 116 South Fourth Street, PIIILADECLPIIIA, PA. THE BEST MUSIC B00KS, QUARTET BOOKS FORt CHIRS. Excellent ones are Ent eneorsons's Nacredi at anbacu' ac red 4Qisi ott (nas Ite andhwscolt) ack' S olle ) net o tacredl Quaprets, (thIls last for Male Volces )llly). Price of eachI of the above, $2 00, in Joards, anti $2 25, In cloth. EAST'ER MUSIC! Send for lIsts or Easter Carols and Anthoms and begIn, In tIme, to practice. THlE BEACON LiGHIT, New and beautiful Sunday Sclhoo! Sng Book. 3y J. HI. Tenney and Rev. IE. A. llfman. Tils nol was prepared by the best talent, and msay )O~ fn Sunday Sc hoois oer pubish ed. Ex imino It. I Speumnms mnalled for so cents. Now subscribe for the Musict u, R coaD. $1. - GEMS OF ENGLlIH SONG, $2 00,) Is t he best large colleitlon of Bound Iheet MusIc (Vocal). Very polar. Gesnu of Meledies. (52) arealso of the best bo ia of ho samne class. Any book malled, post-free, for retalU prIce. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. J. E. D1TSON a 00,1S28bentnut St.. Phil. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLEY PUMP Unllned,0r with Copper Porcelatn,or Iron Lnings. Each one atonolled wIh fla niyameo5 struction. For sale by tile best htouses In Ihe trd.I on do not know where to gt this Name of agent neares you, wo wIlt supply yota QHA&B. G. BLATOELEY, Manufacturer, S808 Market 8t., Philadelphia, Pa. E NCYC LO PAEDIA Ti lsohUETTEi BUSINESS e nhow to aper o th bes avantagen A-Bend for clronlars oontaln ~ntjdSreaNA4IONIAL PU IUI isC. emfet ~o upn te Adertie and th 5999p7.A~ do^,si an eonsn 60 C0' ElMPLDYMENlT-OOA2%RM " Ad ae.A A ~cmonthb l CONSTIPATION .wkOR nerw aneworderial restoes whricht eae themnatem ~aoe ua to an doao" os, so ti uedsatuana