AOWA COUNIT THUMSDAY, July j9I. : : : 80. TmRMs ov Tne NEWS AND TINA LD. .Tri.weekly edition, four dollars. per annua, In advance; weekly bditliv, two dollars and fifty cents pera'nnm, Ill advance. Liberal discount to clubs of fivo and upwards. RATIE8 Op ADvEirrisma.-One dollar por inch for the irst insertion, v old fifty cents por inch for each subse icnt ninserion. Thes6 rates apply to all ad vortisements, of whatever natm a-6, and are payable sti'iotl Ii advanee. Con tracts for thre, six or twelvo mnontli mado on very liberal terms. Tran sient local notices, fiftcon cents por Ihic for the first insertion ald seven and one--half cents per line for cach kubsequent insertion. Obituaries and tributes of respect'charged as adver. tisements. .Simple amiucehlints 01 narriages and deaths published free o charge, and solicited. Ail communications, of whatsoever nature, shoid he addressed to the Winnsboro Publishing Company Whisboro, S. C. DimE READING.-T-jllO neXt dime reading*of.the series will be held. at the residence of Mr. D. I. Flenniken to-morrow night. These meetings have pI-oven to be very Interesting and succesAful, and it is hoped thero will be a large audience in attendance. Mrs. Edessa, Harrison died at her home in Lincoln county 'Ark., on the 12th inst., after d protracted illness, of parlaysIs. She was tie wife of Daniel Harrison, forinc'ly of Fairtield, and was in, her scventy-third year. She leaves two sons and three daughters. CA ROLINA MILITARY INSTITUTE.-At tontion is called to the announcenicnt. of the Carolina Military Institute, published in another column. Col. Thomas, the superitendent, is so well - known all over South Carolina, that it is scarcely necessary foi- us to say any% thing of his merits as a teacher an'd disciplinarian. The Institute is well equipped, and at the opcning of tie . next term will present additional at tractions and inducements. We are requested to state that the Rev. J. L. Girardeau, 1). D., of Charleston, -will prea-1 a Sermon to the deacons of' Bethel Presbytery, at elevi o'clock, a. m., on Thursday, Augnst. 12, in the Pr-sbyterinn Cluirch it Blitkstock. A full attendance of the deacons in the Presbytery is cai - estly desired. The Sermon w ill prove - both interesting aid improving. Dr. Girardeau is one of the finest preachers .and ablest theologians in the country. .CoTrTONSnmTs-rJn.D Blair has kindly sent us the following report of cotton shipmem-s fromt tii6 1st of September. to the 20th of July: From Blair's Crossin........... 751 From Lyles' Ford............. 425 This cotton wis coniigned as fol a s-n': To ( Charlestoi....... ............1,055 To'I Coaluimbia.....................72 To Spar'tanihurig...................331 To0 Wiingtont.................. 12 To Baltimore .....................7 Total ship)ments.........1,179 SoUrrnma'tN Eruaruriisa.-An examu phle of' what inayW be alccompllisheQd by enlterpr)ise, push51 andI fair-de'al Ing is strikinglyd shiown in the large business now~'. (1one bly.Mes'r. Luddent'i & Bates, the pr'oprietors otf the "'Southern Mu Sic I louse," SiIaannah, Gai. Commeniic inig s mile years ago ini rathter a small w'ay, they~ hmave continually extend(edl fheir bus51ines;s, iintil now thir esiab lishmen~it is kntown inl almost eiverr hlousehold1 in the Southi-ertinilr whereyer musicu is enjoy ed- and appirc ciated. They have recenltly mlove)d in. to a large store-the chlange b)eing~ r'endered1 necessary by tho gr'eat in-' crease of their business-anid they are no0w pr'epared to offer' gr'eat ilucc Ilmnts to those wvishling to purchaiiuse inistrumnents or munsical merchandise of *any kind. TnEa S'mH RIEoInnt.-At a meet .ing of the commlIittees of' Fairfild aimd Chester, apploinited to make arrlanigc. moents for'.the comuing reuion, tihe f'ol Jowvinmg sub-committees were appojint ed1: To Solicit Contributions-J. HI. Mc Da.niel, .J. F. Barber, J. S. Dooemai, J. J. Stringf'ellow, Dr'. L.* S. Douglass, R. Wi. Briice, S. R. Famnt, T. W. Tray lor, J. W. Mc(Creight, W. J. Craw. ford. T1o Receive Provisions-Dr. L. S. Douglass, WmTI. J. Weir, .John Mont. gomery, RL. C. D)ove, Henry Dutile, Upsoii. On Airrangemenits-:E. M. Shannon, J1. E. Johnston, T. W. Brice, R. N. Hemtilphill, S. Gordon, James Blaine, J. F. Barber, R1. 0. Clowney.' Treasuror-Dr. L. S. Douglass. LECTURIE.-We are requested to an nlounce that tile Rev. John P. Duncan, of Georgia, wiill dleliver' a lecture ini tihe Methlodist churc m'h this evenIing, comlfinencinlg at eliht o'clock. His subject willl be "The Pure, Beautiful and( Successful ." Mi-. Duncanthi w as for' forty-five years a traveling p)reachl er., butt, being nowv suiperainnted and( almost totally blind, lhe uses this method of earning a livelihood for him self' and is family, lie br-ings rimong r'ecommiendations froin 11ishop1 Pierce and from several pmromin ieint gentlemen of' Georgia-among them Governor Colquitt, Chancellor TIucker', Seniator' Br'ownI and( time Hion. A. [I. Stephens. No admtissioni f'ce wili be0 asked, but, a collection will h)e taken ilp t'hr thle hmonefit of tihe lectur-e. We tr-ust there will he a large attendance andl liberal contrlbutions. For several days the town has hbeen interested in a magnificent Columblin bicycle putrchased by Mr. A. Waiker Bi-own. The bicycle dlif'era from thc hkVlug hqi lag6 thebl In fi-nt and a Very iuall ono' bObifid, oiabllni the ridol id sit iore d1re'Ctly over the axle, thereliy giving greater leverage and a motion nearly resembling Walking. In the North idand in England these bicyles are all the rage, and they enable the rider to' take long journeys with greater speed than a horse is capable of. The great drawback is In the rJice, a Columbia bicycle costing from eighty-five to a hundred dollars. It Is a beautiful piece of workmanship, all steel and hand made, with a rubber tire. With an unpractised rider it has the faculty of kicking up In a way that would turn a mulO green with envy. BuLt with a skilful bicyclist the motion Is as even, smooth and graceful as can be conceived. TinE NoMINATING CONVENTIONS. The following is the official call for the Congressional Convention: In accorldallco With the action of the Distri<* E"xecitive Committee a con vention composed of delegates from the several counties of the Fourth Coll gressioiial District will assemble at Chester Courthouso on Wednesday, Sptemuber 1st, at II o'clock, a. im., f-Mr th iurpose of nominating a cand1iat for. Clonlgress to reprosentl. thle Demo cratic party. JNO. BRATTON, W.L. MAULDEN, Chairman. Secretary. The following is the call for the Ju dicial Convention: According to the action of the com mittee, a doivention is hereby called to meet at Chester Courthouse oil Tiucs day, September 7th, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose of nominlating a Solicitor to repi-esent the Deiocratic party inl this Judicial Circuit. The couitiCS Comu1posiig the Circuit will send delegates to the saine. JNO. BIL \TTON, E. T. AriNsoN, Chairman. Secretary. I P(;n TjiEL NEWS ws D IIEaAD. EXPiRESSION O.F THANKS. WNNsnono, S. C., July 27, 1680. Rev. Thomas W. AfelUchap, Pastor of the Baptist churCh in Winns boro: DEAR BROTIi--The Sessiop of the Presbyterianl Church in this town re quest Ime to express to you, and beg that you will convey to the Christian bre(fhreni of your cliarge. our own and the 11hanks of our Church and congre gation for tle use ofyorelliurch edifice duriig the time that our o*n was un dergoing repairs. Your kildiless Is heartily appreciated by us all; aln(d no doubt by Minl also who is pleased to account every sincere kiiidness dole to his people ae, (10110 to JTil.self. Yours inl Christ iam bonds, It. B. PurrT. SOx. CORRECTIONS. Yessrs. Editors: I1 the communi eation of your corresp)ollelt W. . which appeared in your issue of the 24th inst., I notie I'lwo mistakes, and hasken to correct theml. It is true that Robt. 11. Moriis, son % of isaac Morris, (lied ear'ly in the late war, but W. I. gave no cause. The correction I wish to miaike is, that lie fell in the battle of Dmraiille, shot through the head, while nobly dlefenidinig what we all conceiv'ed to be a just and righteous cause. Th'le other is, that Capt. Wmn. Boy'kin Lvles and Austin P.~ Lvlos wer'e killed early in the late war. Capt. Lyles was killed as early as the battle of SevenI Piues, in '62, but Austin P. Lyles was not killed until abuout the 20th of .June, '64, hiavinig made a noble soldier' up t.o flhat time. All the glory we cani get is p)oor pay foir the services renidercd-h nec thle correctionl. Co. H, OmD SixTrr. A FE1ALE hlER MIT. A wVomani Who Lived soeven Years WVithout, A Fire D)ies in 1Her Hunt. A female hermit, named Julia Still, who f'or sev'eral year's palst hats lived ill a hut on Ilie New York branich of' the mior'as, l'ike 'ounity, Pa., wats found( dead ill her bedl the ether day by a 'party of' tfshermeii. For many y'ear's this peculiar womani has lived'enitir'chv alone in a small lint, which .she owned. She was niever miar'ried, wais of' iddjle age and had a very goodh educaMtioni. She had no visible means of support, but It is believed she had some monev at interest, on the inicomie fromi whlici sh1( imnaged to subsist. [ni over' seven vear's she has niot had a particle ouf fire in her house. She never hiad a stove 1101 evenI a flre-place. During the most severe weathear iln wIinter she r'emnained in bad, keeping as warm as she could. What little cooking she did was doiie at her neigh bors' houses. She 11nade1 what she called bread by stirring flour with coldl watoer and bakled it in that conldition. D)urinug the many years she has lived thei'e she has escaped paying taxes upon hcer house by bar' ing heri door1s ando r'efuising to' allow lihe collector' to call upon her'. She always objected to r'eceiving visitors. aiid upon seeing any one ai'roachi her house she would hair the door and1( wvind(ows anid secr'eta herself unitil they wecre gonie. Nothinig of the womian's early h istory is known, but shle is sulpposedi to have been slightly de imonted. She was buica by the au thiorities of Gireenvillo townushlip, Or ange county, New York, wvhero she r'esided. FJsiNN TJo LJANCASTEIen.-Pr'esi deont Har'dln, of the Cheraw~ &Uhoester Raui'road, senit forwar'd by the mail of Monday aim or'der' for 0110 huniidred tonis of' railr'oad Iron. This will finish upl the track t.o the townm of Lancaster. is going omn in earneilst, about hmal'I'a mile having been laid. Cross ties aro camrieid douii dailv. The road hed has beeni Qlearedo off and1 made(1 ready for the tics and iron to within two mnlhes of' Lamncaster. The conivicts am'e working as well ais could be desired ; there lhas not beeon the least troumble wvith them. The new engie f'or use0 on the Lanicaster' side willI ar rive about the mddle of September.-. Reporicr. -Sleep and p)lenlty of It had by the baby; and If its rest be broken 01' prevenited by attacks of colic, stomach 01' bowel disordcersa give at Once Dir. Bull's Baby Syrup, which will relieve the pain, Induce refre'shing 'slumber and conusequent health. Price ,25cents * f, 6tr.J oweonIwAwtp tO UAWi: 1STOPLIE8,roRt TH11 UtiCIP1Al rEAR 188(-l. B. ,E '1ENATED and ordained'by the Intidaint aud Wrdens of tht Towi of Winnsboro.. C., in Council met, and by the authortly of the ame:. Thatj for the puripose of raiHing up plies ir tho year conmenoiiiq April 1"t. 180, aiid Onding April Ist. ISMT, at tax for tho tujn and in tlo manner hereinafter mentioned shill be raisod and paid into the treamury of iai4 t.own for the 11 and service therdof; that is to sity: two and i' balf (2.) mills ad valorem upon every dollar of the real and personal propertty Within the corporato limits of tit t->wn of .WVinnsboro; two dollhrs (.) to bo paid by evbry italo ilhabitait of aid town bN.. tweenl the ages of 1;ixt-2el. an.1 ji; ,y vears (except fitty (50) noti .ce me,1ri)(4s 'o -h et. fire company) in lieu of wor.(ing ipo the streets o" said town. and tilree (4) ioor cenlt. upbu the amnount oft'all milles ait ano.0 tion. All taxes assessed and p-tyile i n1or this Orminance shall be p:iid in tho olii ng I.inds of fuinms al. no other: Go;d! silver coin, United :4ta'tes (;r renov and Nat iorni Ak nTe'S. All T.tX,4 amlifsm,ed heroin, shall ), duo itd I.a-. abo between tho it dity of Otober tid i .e 8001hdii ': 1, t or 3 im * 'i metal used 1 Iwo:l hiCl on: u113i, stim~ nt I'lnd hold theen?lgrafved lnti on :if, latp 0 an 'iY ri h nI Cessariy soilIiy an ld 5I:.'l3.tth. TheI. sulus goild 1$;:, needle'ss so far as T114 'I,'y13(1 benut.y are cOncerncd. Iiu JA.\i*E BOSs' PA T J'NTI GO)JID WATCI1OASEts, thIs wASTs. Of pre lous metal ls over'come, and the SAMs 5OI.Inl'TY AND ITIIENG'In produtced at from onC-dhird to on1-half of the usual cost, of 501l(1 cases. TIhis process Is of the mlost simIpIe nature, as. fOl lows: a plate of nIckel composititon metal, specIally adapted to the purpose, has two plates of SOLID G'OLD soIlered one 0on each side4. The three are then passed betwveen polished steel rollers, and the result Is a strip of heavy p1lat ed composIl-len, from. which the cases, backs, cen tres, bezzles, &c,. file cu1t andt .shatped by suit n1 ble dIes andi formers. Trhe gold in thiese eases Is suflciently thick to admit, of all kinds of.~ chasIng, engraving and enamneling; the enI. graved cases hatve lheon enWried.( unt11 itworn per fect,ly smnooth by t,Ime and use without remov ing theo gold. 'THis IS TITE ONLY CASE MIADE WITII TWO PLA TEN OF S0OLID ('OLD), A..ND WVAR H ANTED BlY SPECIA L CEWtTIFICATrE. For sale by Conner & Chandler and C3. Muller. Ask for lilustrated Caitalogue and( to see war rant.- mnch 1l--iy E. R. STOKES. BLANK BOOK MANUFACT1URERI --AND IGENERAL BOOKBINDER, TTAS mov ~ed op)posi to tIe city Hlail, whore ho is tully prleparted, wvith first-class workmnon, to do all hinds of work in hiia line. BL ANK BOOKS RULED to any pattern and bound inl any style desireod. My facilitiles antd long acquaintaince with~ the bus5iiess enable)1 me to guar'antee satisfIaction on orders for Blank Bo,oks, Railroad Books, anId Books for the use: of Cle'rks of Court, Sherifl' Probate Judues, Manters in Equit,y, and other county ofil eials. Pamphlets, Magazines, Musie, Nows papers and Periodicals and all kcinds of pu31blicat.ionsa bound on the most rea sonable terms and in tho best manner, All orders promphtly aittendeld to. E. R. STOK ES, Main atroet, opposite now City Hiall, Co. 21 --noak gently to my mother. Shte is suifioring with a severe cough, but w'e have sent to t,he drug diore of Wv. E. Aiken for a bottle of Goussons' Honey of Tar, wvhich is highly recommrendell by all who have used it. Price L0c. r Ott irbi I .v Tho froind" of N. ., o IASTYR. Esq., 'hoifo Fa.od $. flyW.R ubjec U te Thp frieTi(8.-.4-WICIRT21i-Ai n-minnte him ft'efniit for tbo oflWo of Shoriff it. the ensuing election --ruFject to tho action of the Deloeratio prituarieo. A.lrs.. idlors: Ploese ann 1 e o0i Aft R. B. ELLIoN JR., as a candilato fur. Sherif' oC'Fairiil Couitty, at the ens1. ing elecetioll-11bject to the nef ion of te i 1luwratic priary. MANY FrINDS 'V e 0.01y feiA)'i4 of 1. ,JNO. ])*j.*i rI ta '.!!I1 rpctfully n-11l ite him I..r -heritf of Fairfield Coulntv--miub-jeet to the action of the Dunocratio Primatry. !essrs. blfimorv: As niominittions ar' hn I riler, pornit iit to present tho name of .)L.JNO. 11. DAVMS !i a e-d.n-UAafe for SherifN at tie olectilln). gubjet I of eotrce, to the iction of the Dermocratie pirimaures. MANY Messrs. klifors: Pletse announce Mr. IAs. L, t1'-1MONDi as at eendidato for i Slierif at theiisuing h.kelion, sub eet to the notionl of t'o Dt.mioerant I ''hs f at the primatrie-s, andit obligo MANY FICNMM. may 13-tf V/essrs BLlifors: 1'1tive im.oe:r;ce Mr. .1. Pre-ston 'ooper as ia cafndidiate for 1he Democratic noinination for mho-r-ill' iat Ot coming C e-tlion (ailj (.t h) ie dcvisili of the primary election) and obligo nany : friends in) tho Sourr1-SuTr.:n. Por.TroN or TUE COUNTY. deO 10 FOR COUNTY COMLUSSIONER. Mesisrs EWiorn: The innny frienIds of Mr. JNO . A. STEWAi'r respectfully.' iclliniato hi li caindidal f th A tile ofli'e of County Comiissioner, 14ub1ject to tho Democratic primary. Messrs, Elilors: Plean nn iounce THOS. 1). OWINGS, I (q., as it candidate tfer th offico of (.Ont Conmmisioner.- tljelct to the action af the Doioeratie .Priiaries, and oblige his .ANy lEN. .3fessrs. Ilors: Ple-zo atnnole.. Dix ON it. .iOBEI.TSON. I.. s atl c idaito ] for the (Allco of CotiutV Coruan:ijsi mer :, tIhe Cltilv el.-Otionl. Sub11ject til 1 he actionl of the Democratic pritutr- anid oblige his MANY 1P11.NL-. Messrs. Irlitors: Pca,, anviouncO Mr. CIIARLE S DOIJGLA-S as a t alidate f'or County Commissioner of Fairfield, sub ject the result (if the D eocratic primarr, MANY FIn:NDS1. Ate,vsrx. BMIrrs: I I,n! inmunce Mr. J. E. POWEI Las a cailidiat . 1or the ofice of Conity Con1111i1 i nr Itt tile P1istIing elec-ion --Subject 1o - he antiona ofthe p))I llary oIet ion of the )(Ie t'cIit ic (lubs. AANY FIMNDS. Thp frien:ids of Capt. JOUN A. HIN NANT respeclfully nominate l ii for re Clectionl to the 0m0e of COunt y Commlis siomer- sulject to the result ol'the er.Ltic primnary. iewsrs. Mlitors: The frieils of WIT,. IAM AIKEN, csm., resp tfullya nnounce him 11 can(didato for CoIIt' Colllis sier at the ensning Moog ec miil. sit]b'ject to the result of tho Dentocratic prinuaries. NoaRTR-W) ISTF.IN PAl 1i-Isr,D, .1/esMr .dors: jvjI.e-e a11fnlolet, JAs. R. IlAitVEY. q.: a11 endidIate for tie ollee of Cou11ty ( 0omliidoneor at it C1n 8ening, '00. 14on- imbiecrt to the act ion of thte Demoraalic c tlA itt the primaory eleu t -i-ad obligo hxif. N UM1F.oUs FRtIENDsI. 11. M. ZEAI'. a.V caindidahte focr the ofle of' County Comissi~oner at the enCeiing elootion --subject te, .the acchm o11(f thel D)emocr'atic primtary. MANY F'air,xos. IF. OSCOAR DtUK E aa cauididate hf.r C'nn t - Comrn iioner.ji1( at the~ ensinujIL c*l.ion1, sub j -et to thle tc' ion of -ice D. m)Ocrlat it? 'fTh' ienti. inot yo0 180, Cld Rotnoko W hisl:oy 186(L. qltto&rdai Cold fham for unwh froin 11 to 1 b"clool; oyory day.... RIAVE reContly) made et1n1ivC M I dd .. tiomt to my. stouk of Winem itid iquors. which consists of a full anort kieit of lye WhiIky, Corn Wbiskey 'eooh lrandy, Ala;I lrindy, Peallh Irandy, Sherry Wine, z-oupperinoug Wino, hampaan. vte , etc. ?Av I elaihn to a -I the FINEST AND 'U 1-EWT1 RYE WHISI(P to be had-( in Vinniisboro. Oive it it tria. I almo also k op on haud a fu'l supply (A S EGAI S AND TOR ACCO, n great variely, atd adapted to tho tastet ' everybody. Cll ait Ih PA1ETTO HOUSE, ii the Vinsboro Hotel biiding. J. OLFE NDININ0. YEW 00ODS. A LARGE lot of Wheat Bran at )only'si.___ FINEST 'robacco and Cigar at )only's. TUHIRTY-FIVE Barrels all grades Vines and Liquors at Donly's. FRESH Augusta Flour, Bolted Jeal anad Pearl Grits, at Donly's. A LARGE lot of fresh Cannod .odH and Fancy Groceries at Xanly's. ALL KINDS of Garden and lower Seeds, Clover and Grass )els at Donly's. BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Arockery anid G3lassware, Wooden~ varo and Willow ware at Donly's. GIVE me a call and get a bargain. W. II. DONLY, apt 10 On the Corner. SALE STABLES, To TILE CITrIZENS OF FAIRFIELD I IA VE e'stab,lished a Sale Sin ile al lauWimnoo, and1( am1 prepareIrd hc ell stock stock ont very' alccommInodat meL~t e'rms, ('ither fOr cash or' on timc l1 iil nC. I fhll for ntegotiatble paper Per~sonsi wishaing 1.0 buy or SWay~ wil 10 well to caull on mxe before purWchas 'ag else.where. I will also pauy the highest cash prli CORN~ AN FOXDDER Delivered at my Stable on Congresa :Stre'et., located onc0 door south of the Ladd b)uildling. jan 20A. WILLIFORD. I KEEP~ First-class GrIOCeries conisfantly onl iad, and1( sell the samtenatliving prices. F LOUR. A ('resh lot of' Pateant Famuily Flour, lhe best ini town. It. has n'0 equal. lackson's be.4 grades Family Flour. COFFEES. Fourgraudes ofGr een. Also, Parched Rio and( ,Java. SUGA RS Of' all grades-from thue highest to he( lowest. CANNED GOODS. Fresh Pears, T1omatoes, Salmon. hARD WARE. Ulorse and Mule Shoes, Nalls, Trace 'huains, Plows, and other articles too nuneiarouis to nttion. Quality and >rice gutaraniteed. Give meo a call and >Ceconivuied. i). U. FLENNIKEN. july 20 GLASS PENS For usRing Ir.deliblo Ink. Price, [:5 cnts. For Sale at Drug Stol o of VEG ETINE. A New Supply for sale by .july 13W.EAKN NOTICE. WnINsojno, 8. C , July 10, 1860. ON arna after th is dato, .Jno. Johnston enscA to go our agent. ad we are noc onger respVonslblo for his debts contract. 4d after this date unless by seeof agree. menft - F. PELD1E .,O. july 13.ie1m t SPnR 1% coopr S1 DATY & 008 Just recoivod and to arrive in a few dlaysf A#%nY new goods iought before the re celnt. heavy 6dvance, %14iph will Ili old at th;) very IoNyt-st cash pricos tp our fri.nds ann* oustoniers. 8 Ilegmat Cashmeres, Herhni Dress t GoodIs, Moiie Clotho, Bunting, &c. A nioo assortm"Ient of Calicoes, Au&ling0, Lawns, Dress Linens, White Goods. Turchon Laves. E1lgisigH, Hosiery Hand Lerehiefs, Neckwear, Glove.,10, You can find. in fact. Dry Goods of all kinU at the I ORNEIt STOlRE, A prico which we guaraptee pni-n we do zint amk a sale. ck] early and givn our ptook a thorough I insp eCtion, it is Our del ight to show our good. MIUQI~Ss silor:s t Our stock of Zeigler Urotheri' fine Shoes and Bay State Serewed was Never better, and of theose kind we make a specialty and warrant. Tie shoes in high and low cuts, and but ton shoes in high and low tnts High 01ut men"'s g4iters. low 0u fiines hand and machine sewed. sorewed. Even the children and babies wore re membered and aaice selection bought for theinl. CLOTHING I C.t1 at once and make a selection of a Cassinere or Bluto Flannel; Or leave your mvitanro for a suit selected from satnplos. ItAro bargnins in soft Felt IlIts, Stiff Ilats and -trxw Hnatri. YNw goods in Crockory, Glassware, Gro. ] ceries, Roos, Plows, &C. Each department it; ready for a look. Call and buy and be isleaved. Rote her mir mnnto is QUICK SAjj,' SIALL4PROFITS, april 1 oo kM 0] N] ei Wanted Dry Hido OtSited, ShepMSinSkis GraytFoxkSkin Opossum Skins, Con kn, Rat Skins, Rabbit Skins. Co Lton, Booswax, WVooI, Rags, . BlaKs, Copper. *f?rY The highest cash prices w bo paid. U. G.DESPORTES. may 25 FIRIE J1NURANCE~. rjO HIE Fire Insurance Business Agoney l.i. wall bo resum ed In Fairfild County by the uindersgnedl. The patronage or' ti public and of former patronsa is solfo. 'td Omee at. the gte ~oUbe of J. y. MoMaster & 0o.. 0. B. THOMPSCtN. July 15-t2a*1lm WvINES AN)L!QUOB GRLAT YAILETY, WOULD Iost r'espectfilly hifoqr n1y cutstomors and thle citippes of 'FaIt leld generally, that I keep In stock 0ll supply of fne Liore1 Cigars, L'obaecQ, &e., Nc., aid guar&qath attsfjtion tO nlly on giving me il, Mv stock Oi8lats as follows: IMPORTED 1AQUORM., )TArD, PUPU & CO.'CQQNAQ BRA1 DIES. DRAND'S SCHIEDAM GINS. IAMSE'S SCOTC11 Wj1SKEY$ JAMAICA L. D. RUMS. , MOllUNO DE MORALSIHERRy W INE, F. MOLINIER POtT WINE. I. H. MUMM & CO.'S 4MEIM4 QU1AMPAGNE. GENUIN4 RHINE WINE. VOMEKT40LIQ qUO . ABATOGA PU?E RMP WHIS, KEY, TATHAN'S 1868 CABINET RY WHISKEY. TIJAUSM' IMPERIAJ. RVE WHIR KEY. CEESE'S fOWN" RYE WHISKEY, iTONE MOUNTAIN RYE AND ROCIK WHISI(EY. )1L-BRATED PFEIFFER E. RYM WJLISKEY, KENTUCKY BOURBON WHIS EY, 'LANTATION RTE WHISKEY0 rIRGJNIA APPLE AND PEACIK JURANDIES, iORTIT CAROLINA SWEET MASI CORN WIHISKEY, ILANTATION CORN WII1SKEys, BLACKBERRY BRANDY, GINGER BRANDY. NEW ENGLAND RUM. FRENCHE'S "BOSTON" GIN. 7ERY FINE OLD CLARET WINE n130] 1A31 E WINES. LKEG DR Y SCUPERNONG WINE. LIKEG. SWEET SCIPPERINONG -WINE. KEG SWEETL CATAWBA WYINE. iYALT LIQKiORIS: BERIGER & EiNGl'OS CELEB3RAT SD LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT AND BOTTLED. AS& CO.'S IMPORTED ALE. PURE CRAB APPLE CIDER. PURE NATURAL APPOLONA4 RIS WATER. DIGARS AND TOBACCO. --:o: RHIAPSODY-A STRICTLY TEN. CENT CIGA R. ['TE PRIME MINISTER CIGAR-4 FOR 25 CENTS. L'HE PUCK CIGAR-3 FOR 26 CENTS. ['HE CORONET CIGAR-.-3 FORL 2~ CENTS. CHE SONORA CTGAR-3 FOR CENTS. L'HE SMASHER CIGAR-5 FOR 25 CENTS. E'HE LIGHTNING CIGAR-5FOR 25 CENT S. ['HE MONARCH OF THlE SOUTHl CIGAR-5 FOR 25 CENTS. ['HE MASTER STROKE CIGAR4 FOR 25 CENTS. PHlE AMERICAN TWINS CTGATL 5 FOR 25~ CENTS. ['HE COSTA RICA CIGAR-V FOR b .10 CE~NT$. ['HE ROYAL SEAL CIGAR..140 FOR 25 CENTS. 4 ['IE ROSE AND) LILY CIGAR-O0~ P'OR 25 CENTS. ['HE HAVANA CHlAROOTS, CENTS EACH.A r. W. B3LACKWVELL'S SMOKING TOBACCO. CHE WING TOBACCO-THREE GORADES. EURBEVERAGE.'4 CE, LEMONS, SODA WATER. CHTE BEST MIXED BEJVERtAGE e Oi' THE SEA SON SERVED AT ALL 11OURS1 OF L'IE DAZ TO StVlT THlE M FASTIDIOUS TASTES. VERY RESP(CFULLyT~ Enj ;