The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, September 25, 1879, Image 4

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AGRICULTURE. '1'Tu: 'olsoNIN oF WIEEs AND IN sEors.-Uardening is such an innocent occupation, so promotive of gentle thoughts and ways ats to make the idea of using poison even to destroy vermin, produce a shudder of reluctance, at first thought of it. But the survival of the strongest and the fittest is the old est earthly law. The most ancient marine fossils-the old Silurian fishes disentonbed by Hugh Miller from de posits of incalculable antiquity-show that even before there was dry land or bird or beast, the stronger fishes were ialified and purposelyfitted, privateer like, to prey upon their swarming in feriors. "Self'-nreservation is the first law of Nature. ' This adage may have a selfish sound, and is no doubt perver ted in application for selfish ends, but it justifies our modern methods of quick extermination to the enemies of the crops which the earth gives us only at the cost of resolute and persevering struggle, and skill. I 'have just been giving rose bushes a second and currants a third syringitig with a dilute infusion of hellebore, using a brass syringe with the rose which gives the linest spray. It is quick sure death to the voracious larvic, and it leaves the foliage clean, whole, bright, and competent to bring the blossoms and tie fruit to full per fection. It senms eecctive too, against the white leaf-hoppers that infest Roses and lrape-vines, and suck the juices from their leaves. With a good bWass syringe-an invaluable house aind gardun insatrumont-it is easy to keep follage whole and bright. Such materials as mix itimately (as Paris green, or sutlphiur, or soot, or kerosene, with water) are easily churned and foamed into at thorougli temporary aai mixture, and then most easily sent in to every crevice aiti corner iii which insect or mildew can lodge, with at force, specet, and directness, too, that nothing else equ.ils, Carbolic acid is now recomnended for paved yards, etc., where we once st.rewed salt, to be ani noyed with its deliquescence long alter wards; and where we fotund it look still worse to have a poor woman or boy all tay spuddin g the grass bit by bit fromi the chinks with an old knife. In contrast to such methods, the appli cation of a spray of very dilute c.rbol ic acid, during Snisuhine, is a very brief and easy job, and is satid to be entirely ellective. For strong single weeds in lawns, a drop or two of strong acid is spurted froml a Ilittle oil can upon the crown of the plant, which may be pierced with an iron point the better to receive it. Fon MhI. AND M EA"r.-llolsteiii cat tie are nearly as large as Shorthorus or 1)urhams, but do not mature so ear ly, nor fatten so kindly, and are not so line inl their pohnis. They generally give quite large nesses of1 milk of m od crate quality, especially good, like the Ayrshiire, for making cheese. The Shorthorns originally were as great milkers as the .iloistelns, and there are manny fanilies of tient still kept up, both in England and America, as large milkers. There are repeated iustances of their giying thirt,y to forty quarts of good milk per day, in full t.w'. I once possessed one that gave ani average of ti irty-th ree quarts per day for sometime after calving. The London and other larger dairies in Enigland, having tried a variety of milkiug breeds, have set tied on the shorthorn ats the best; and in addition to their excelling all others for milk, when dried ofi', they fatten *quicker, on hess food, and make a better qullt.y of' beef thiaii aniy otber good milkers, it will be seen by this that, they excel all others as a combined diriy and butchers' cow. Beef' hats paid( so miuchi better prolit in Eniglanid andi in the Western States of America, thani (dairy p)roducts, for the past half 0 !mturly, that breeders have by contin ued selection, anid feeding heavily at, an early age, clhianged thir aiinials from great milkers to great prioducer's of beef. Such only care tfor a cow that, wvill give milk sufilient to grow up a *gr'eat calf', which they usually let iruni with the mother, and suickle till the dam herself wieans it, which is at about, six months' age, ordinarily. Itf a man wishes to breed cattle f'or comined milk and beef of' good quality, and in the largest imeasur'e, he has only to ob tain Shiorthorns of the best milking families, and they will f'ufli all lie de sires, wit,h proper' nmanagenment on hIs tart. * Sr'auxm THEc Ti'tos.-Two facets eon front tus, and deser've serious consider aLion. TIhie forests of the world ar'e going just as the coal beneath our feet is going-mian is a cooking animal, and must have fuel. In all the great out -lets of water floods niiiltipliy, and1( be come more0111( aniore destructive. We are conmpelled to ask if' there us any nmecessar'y, 0or per'hapsi obvious, conmnee tioni between the two f'acts? Undou011bt edly thiere is, and1( one of the most shn ple nature ; and1( one, moreover, that platinly teaches that the mior'e the earth *is stripped of its natural clothing ini the *shape ofT arborescent vegetationi, the mocre amid mor'e it wvill beconme unfit for human habitation and a bleak h owlin mg wilderness. .if' the race of men wish to hold their place on the planet, thiei'e fore, they ill dho well to prieser've a reasonable extent of forest, and, it all evenits, they might to thel r own advan tage occasionally lanlit to posterity, be *cautse wile the tr'ees are growing they will moderate the floods soimehow or other. Th'le utterly selfish sy'stem will 111ol pay. fin priloortionl as the f'orests arie ticstroye 1, human lif'e ill be dhe.. nudi(ed of' its Joys in timies when damnger does nohetn;adwhen th:reaten floods, it will shnpiJly be exposed to such tr'emendous risks that it becomes a fir rpleulaitioni that Water and1( not lire will miatke an end of' the race of mian. * ~ ITA.W.rhn von Cows.-Cows will (icik * ly fall oil' in their milk tuniess they have plenityof clean water' with in conven len rech.They will sull'er' comnalderi * ably from thirist bef'oi'e they will travel K ~long dIstances for water, either in hot * or cold1 wea ther' if left too long with Out waiter, unti.1 they become feverish they ill drink too much, and1( this go ing from one exti'eme to the other wvill affect unfavorably the health of tie cosy-and cauise a decrease of' milk, and ainy uninecessar'y exert,ion that they are obliged to make to p)rocuire food 01' drink wvill divei't juist so much of their ener'gy *from. mIlk pr1oductionl. .-The Pr'odtiis of Indigestion. Inabirty of the atomach to act upan the food he producetive or serious and speedy mis chief to the entire bodIly economy. Tfio air oulaf on lanuiishies and grows poor; loannies, * i alot',andI a loss of muscular and organilo supeven ; ut,worse than this, the oneassolaed ithand depend(mt upon d on suc asovacumation and the seore *ti 9f bile, grew irregular, and the organs business it is to disoharge those fuine - bodlomue badly disordered. This dIs * tof things is more readily amid iW~obAIlyrecffled with Hlostetter'u Btomach * h otm kno#m medicinal agexi6, Th bein inviacrated,, the Ilfe-giving pjeot bIqo4roinreased, gio -0 )X~'I buthO1 eannes and debility . - SCIENTIFIO. Vulcanized Caoutchouc.--M. Bouchut has recently Introduced to notice of the members of the Academie des Sciences a cuirasse of vulcanized caoutchouc, which he has used with success for the treatment of cancerous and other tu mors of the breast. In this country there has been much division of opinion upon the utility of pressure in the treat ment of cancer, some %urgeons regard ing it as hurtful, or but rarely useful, others attributing to it great retarda tion of the rapidity of the growth of the tumor or even cure. 'T he surgeons of Mlddlesex.lospital studied It systomat ically some years ago, and gave an uinl favorable report. The theory of the plan is certainly good; a neodlasia, like a healthy tissue, Is dependent upon its blood supply for vitality and growth, and complete anaemia causes the death of a tumor, as it does of a patch of brain substance. It will be remembered that Mr. Ilaward lastycar reli ;ed at the Clii teal Society a case in poin t. iIe liga tured the left lingual artery for a re current epithelloma of the tongue ; the tumor sloughed away, aid a fortnight before the patient's death from blood poisoning the tongue was qultie healed. In just the same way lschilaia wil iml pair the vitality and so lesson the growl h of a tumor. '1'he difliculty is rather in the practical application of the theory. The knowledge that we now possess of the mode of growth of cancers gives its at least one important lndication. It we have to deal with neoplasia that grows at the periphery by gradual in filtration of the surrounding tissues, it is plain that, for pressure to be useful, it muist be applied around the tumor rather than over It. where by compress lug and obstructing the ctpillarieu, it wotuld cause overfullness of those it. t he circuinference. It is the periphery of a cancer that is Its active part, and we must, therefore, produce ischneauia around and not in the tuinor. In the application of the treatment this must l obttited by the careful adjustment of clastic pads or cotton wool, anti as the whole success of the plaln depecds upon the skill with which this is tione, too iuch attention cannot be given t.o it. We cannot regard pressure as a stlhstitute for removal of a cancer; but in the freqtent cases where this is Iimpractlcable it tppears to be the best substiltite at present open to the Surgeon. I. 1o3uchut's cuira.-se would scent to be an itprovelment upon ,te spring pads and other appliances ini use in this country. M. licin, i Freici mnitth, halts invented a iight hun1111p which answers the putr pos; of a clock. 'T'lhe ihour is indictted by the extent of combustion of the oil. Fron the oil reservoir rise two vertical glass tubes; one contails oil and iS graduated for the hours, the other con tains the wick saturated with oil and giving the light. The construction is suich that one hour is required to cot sulme the quittity of oil between two grauaitt,ionls of the first-metntioned tube. A reflector placed under the liue at the side throws i tlmnious beat icross the graduttel tube, The chief use of the lamp will be to enable early risers, night workers and others to turn over without rising and read what time it is. Nevertheless, any economical old gen tleman cni 1 set one of the lamps in the parlor Jist before going t i bed, and by it young Romeo will be constantly re minded that it's time to qnIt burnig the old man's gas for that night. Pluyh ing hi Electriciti.-A t ai rOcet, tmeetiing of tile Paris Academty of' Sei enees(3, M. Tr''~ea gave an1 accounit of' some( leperimen1ts ill lotIghing by eleew tricity wvhich lhe wittnessed at Sermaiso, ill tile Marnme, A GrIatmme malchine, making 1,200 revolutions pcer minute, anti driven b)y a teamn-engiine, was COI. niectedl to at Cecond( rameati cil a disf t ane of -140 yartds, anud caused tIme latter to re volvo at the rate of' 1,140 revolittionts to thie) minuilte, the electricity prtoduLced by tihe tlirst mlachline beitg thuis cover'ted ituto wvork. Th'ie second machitie was conntettd to a thitrd at a dilst,ance of 219 yardis, anld these two worked cables at tached to a double Brabant lough. A coordinlg to M. Tr''oea, thme ex perimett wa'ls very sucecessfuil, time wvork atcom p)lishled repre'(senting tihe equtivalenlt of thre'e hor'se-power, while onle-hlf of' tile miotive p)ower' obtalnedl fr'om the steam-enigin wa iis reallly tranisferredC( to It dhistanceL of mIore3 thanil 1,000 yards11 fromt tihe furnaiice. UOIunt von Vilovo foretold, flve yeairs ago, the pr'obability of such floods at Sz.egedlin as5 halve hately takenm place0. Biut he was onIly laughed at. ie now reaisser'ts thait the caiuse of the recett diisatster' wits just what he0 then said was likely to p)rodulce It--the damming back of the water ini theo narrow, rocky pass5 es at Plhoesa and ill tihe Iazanl, ini the natrrow pass betwveen Bazint and1 the iron Gates, the sutrp)lus wtuter being thus forced bactk Into the neatrest trlbu taries, the Moraiva, tile Temnes. the Save and1( the Thieiss. houciety Signalsl. La1vendeir hats been reainlg tihe codies of society signalls, recently published( ini one0 of 01ur coutrt (or ceourting) jour nials, and( now asks the aittenItioni of the sociele dIistinyfuee and( Le AMond E legans to the following llintepretattiont of the language of the~ hat, prepOar'ed after' consulation with the ieleder of the bon-ton, time cremte de la cremie of the critec anid the mos0t1piquantes of tile belles and the most bien elves of tile jetunesses doree of the most5 fashionable circoles: Wearing the 111atsquarely on tile head -I love you mnadly. * Pulling it down over the eaIrs-Will you please treatt me to ice cream. Ti'ppitug it over' the left ear-Vanilla, Tipplintg it over the righlt oar-My little brothmer has tihe meacisles. it On the back of tile hlead Ta, ta, awvfully ta, tali Taking it oil and brushing it time wrong way-my iheart is broken. IIolding It out in tihe right hand - 1l1nd me a car ticket. TIhtrowlng it at a l)oiemIan-1 love Using it as a fan--come and play co p)enhagen with my aunlt. Carrying a briok in it-Your cruelty Is killing mnc. Kicking it across the street-I ami engaged. Putting It en thme ground and sitting on It-are wvell for fever. Merited Popularity. Thme average annual new business of the. EquItable Life Assurance Societ,y, of New Yorkc, has for eig86. years been larger than that o: any other company. Now that it has an nounoed lis intention to .make its policies In contestable after three ygAre its btslness, as was to be expected, shows 8tat actJvity thirotmghout the countr-y. DOMESTIC. 0 Ys'rts--Brollecd Oysters.-Prepare In crumbs as for frying, and broil a light brown. Examine oysters care fully to see that there are not pieces of shell anftng them. Some oysters need more salt than others. Fried Oystcrs.-Drain the oysters in a sieve; roll them in cracker crumbs, and fry in builing lard, a light brown. Serve on brown-bread toast. When you desire them filed in butter, make one as for apple fritters, and fry in boiling lard. Have the dishes very hot. Creamcd Oysters.-One pint of cream one small piece of onion ; one very small piece of mace; one pint of oys ters; one tablespoonful of flour.: salt and pepper to taste. Let the cream come to a boil with the onion and mace. Mix flour with a little cold milk or cream. Stir into boiling cream. Let the oysters come to a boil in their own liquor. Skim caref ully. Drain oil' all the liquor and turn the oysters into the cream. Skim out the mace and onions and serve. Oyster Ste.-Dram all the liquor from the oysters; put it into a porce laina kettle, and let it cone to a boll then skim oil' all tlie scum. Now turn in the milk, which you have let come to a boil in hot water. (Allow one quart of milk to one pint of oysters.) Stir in also one spoonful of butter or more; salt and pepper to taste. Now put in the oysters, let them boil up once, ati([ serve with a dish of oyster crackers. Sculloped Oyslers.--Put a layer of oys ters inl an oval dish, and dredge in a little salt, pepper and butter; then a layer of rolled crackers, and another of oysters; dredge the oysters as before, and cover with crackers; over the crackers grate a little nutmeg, and lay on small pieces of butter. Bake twenty minutes in a quick oven ; add a glass of Madeira wine if you choose. Allow four crackers, two spoonsful of butter and one teaspoonful of pepper to one quart of oysters. Fill the dish to with il an inch of the top. Oyster Soup,-WaYtslh one quart of oys ters-il they are soli, in one quart of cold water; if not, one pint of water. )rain the water through a calantder into the soup kettle ; set the kettle on the fire, and when the liquor comes to a boil, skim it; then add one quart of rich new milk; just before it come to a boil turn in the oysters and thicken with two spoonfuls of corn starch wet with nilk ; then stir it half a cup of butter, and season with pepper and salt. Let this boll uip once aild serve immediately. Be vei y careful that they do not burn. A saife way is to boil the milk in a basin, which 1a set into an other of water, andi then turn in the oysters just before removing it fron the lire. 'T'ouot S'rEAc.-Instead of pounding, eut it with ia sharp knit'e, niking fine pirallel cuts on either sille until every part has been crossed and recrossed. Press it together and lay oni a wire broiler. Hold close to the fire until each side is seared to retain the Juice, then tnrn and tend with the utmost care. Place tile steak upon at hot plat ter andl(] season with bits of butter, pep per and salt. CuKrAuD 'iEs W ITnOU' M ILK .-Beat together tive eggs, five tablespoonsfuil of sugar, and a little salt; pour one pint of boiling water, stirring briskly while adding the water; flavor with spices most pleaising to the taste, an1d complllete tihe p)ie the same11 as othler' ett-tar'ds. ThIe quantit,y is arfillelent for two. CoRn OnilDD)LE-CAKIs.-T1O one qulart of sour' milk add one( teasp1oonlfill of soda1, tile same1 of salIt, and)1 one egg, one0-hal 1up li)of wheat loeur'; add1( cornI ulleal suflicient to miake a batter' thiek enIoughk to bake 0n hot griddles. l)nor' CooKUI:s.--One-hkalf elig) of i)lt ter', One cupI sugar', twVo-thkirds1 cupi sweet mIlk, the yolk of one egg, 0one smlall teauspoonflul soda5, two of' cr'eam1 tar1tar, two anid onke-hllf eups) of flour. Druop with a1 spoon1, a1nd1 pult ai ralisin 12 tIhe center. Bake qulickly a light brown. LEMoNADE.--8lice the 1lem101g 121)01 tihe suigar ini tile proport,ionl of one lem on to two liarge spoonlla of suigar, mIalshing thle slices with tile su1gar and leavitg it just covered with water for' ten or' fif'teen minultes befor'e tIllinig upi with water'. JELLY CAKE.--One cup)of sugar; 0one 11211 cupI of butter; thr'es eggs; one tenlspoonkfull of soda2 and11 two of' creami1 of'-1trtar; t.hree tablespoonsf'ul of swveet mlilk, and1( 0one cup of flourk. Ci' ia-:n 0or DurlNINo.--" A young IIrliend of1 inle was euIred of' aln lusati able thirst. for 11(quor1, whlichl 1had s0 prIostra'ted him tha l:t lie was unable to do an.v business. TiI wvas entirely Cure'd by the uise of 1101) lBitters. It allayed all that burnhag tirst; took away the app)letlte f'or lIquor; made his nerves steakdy, andlI 1he has1 remalned a sober and1( steady mian for more tihanl two years, and( has1 no0 desir1e to retltrn to his eilps ; [ know of a num1)ber of others thlat have beeni cured of drinllking b it."--Fr'oml a leading RI. RI. 02lafl Chicaeigo, Ills. A N outw of0 1 prievenltion is better tihanu a pounid of Cure'. A (lose of Dr, Bull's Blaby Syriup wvill assist your Baby in teething, andi prevent it from bemng attacked by Cholera Iinfanum, Colic or other diseases wIth whIch Babies suffer. Inlstinet, of the Hlornet. A black hlornlet was observed one0 day a few wveeks ago flying In asittinIg-roomI in Lawrence, Mass., 2and( the ocecupant of tihe room1i noticed that tihe inselct de posited a small piece of mudl 0on tihe wire supp)Iorting tihe pictuire frame. It wafks not disturbed, and)1 it repeatedl tihe operationi five oi' six times a day until It hlad built a coll about 0110 inch long, with a cylindrical envlty. thriee-eighiths of an inch3 in diamloeer, in wichitl an egg was laid, andi tihe eind then., closed. T'his process was repeated umitli si cell, h)ad been completed in like manner's wheni tile hornlet lalid aside its trowel amnd betook Itself to other fields of labor. The other day the nest was removed and found to contain larvie in various stages of developlmnt, from tihe Still grown chrysalis in the cocoon to the young larva just hatchmed. There wore three larvw p)artly changed to the.chry sals form, and in theso cells were. the remains of several spiders. In the cell with .and placed above the youlng est larva were fourteen spiders, some of them quite large, and the larva ap peared to have eaten half a dozen. in alsuadera attak fe orampna, Co lera m bus, Dlarha 00110 er any Bowel Affection, for waich Dr. Jayne' Oar mati e Daleam IS a sure remedg. A0 thI s o jthe ear es yem pfaiWin fu l and HUMOROUS. AN ADMIRER ow ART.-One of our enterprising merchants having an.eye to the beautiful, ant desiring also to make his show window attractive to the passers-by and to his customers as well as himself, has adorned it with a handsome plaster bust. It is a beauti ful thing, and our merchant was highly gratified when the other day one of our city educators came into the store and spoke about it. Said the educator: "Al, Mr. Blank, that's a handsone figure in your window." "Yes," replied the tickled merchant, "I call it so myself, sir, I do." "Your taste is excellent," pursued :tle visitor, "and I'm glad to see a love for art developing. What Is the figure -Iobo?" And the educator took off his hat, mopped up his fevered brow, and began talking about the price of calico and pins, as the merchant replied ; "Oh, no, sir, it's plaster of Paris." A FARMER had a ten gallon keg of whisky in his celler; ho was going away to be gone ten days; before going he told his wife that for every day he was away she should draw one gallon off the keg, and put back one gallon of water; she coatinued this for ten days. How much whisky was in the keg at the end of ten days?" This is an easy one, although it may not ap pear so at first sight. At the end of ten days the keg conta'.ned ten gallons of whisky-suich as is sold at seaside and many other hotels. A NEw York man has been fined fifty dollars for kissing a girl. If every man should have to put up a fifty spot for every offence of the kind and the money were applied to the liquidation of the national debt, not many moons would wax and wane cre the last vestige of the war's legacy would be wiped out. But we must say it would be no more than fair that the girls should pay half the tine. A YOUNG lady advertised for a maid. One applied and in response to the in quiry whether she was quick, she re plied : '0, so quick, that I will engage to dress you every day in'half an hour." "In half an hour," reiterated the youing lady "and what shall 1 (10 the rest of the day?" (SNOGGs, the Lion Comiique of the music halls, has made himself untlen durably offensive by his vulgar famlill arity.) Lion Comique: "iunno ne? Well, you ought to; lily nlaml1e is in the papers often enolgh." Irrita: ' Swell: "I daresay; but I seldom if ever read the police reports I" When a young fellow arrays himself in his best cloths and on his way down town is- for the first time accosted by the bootllacks with "shine yer boots," h1e may consider that he has crossed the dividing line that separates boy hood from manhood, and thao" it is in order for him to purchase a iierschaum pipe. 0RANDMOTIIER: Now,Minnie,wlat a the plural of penny? M1innle; Plural of penny, grandma? Why, twopence, of course. A noy in the high school, having been required to give the plural of two, answered : "Three!" and restimed his seal with a self-satisiled air. ''MY, what steep hill l And see those ten or cleveni wlretchespack.d in one walgonl that the poor, staggering horse can hardly diraw~ I" "Wretches? T1hiem are all Chinstins, mum, goinig to the camp-meetin'." ARTIsT (to Chelsea landlady): Yes, I like the room very well, but it is ab solutely necessary that I should have a north lIght.-- Old lady in charge: Bless the man, then wvhat's tile use of coming up WVest if you wvant that? A nIOY was told to correct the follow ing sentence: "Mile began to lift thie ox when lie was a clf." The reply was: "Milo, when lhe was an ox, be gan to lIft the calf." .IT hiavllng been stiated that persons should always dIress to suilt their figure, a little girl quickly replied, a humpback lady, then ought to wecar a camel's hair shawl. IN the S'indaliy-schiool picnic proces sion it isa the great stouIt homely girl that carries the banner. Th'ie nIce looking little girl is kIndly cared for by the supernltendlent.. "PA, why (10 you sniff at each oyster before you swallow it ?" "To be sure that it is fresh, my dlear." ''But you wvouild know if it was if youl swallowed It withouit snifling at it." A rnuETTYr girl, p:osted in aqulatic,, wanited to knowv it a smack 01n the lips was a beau triace. Her young mani r.e cived the question wih rowers of lauighiter. IF your toilgue is coated or if you have a bad breath, take a dose of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. WHESN the time arrives for a baby to commiience eating bread yeou should break it to him gently. A AInnnon is the only tolerated refiec tion upon the beauty of wvoInen. A sculoor noy says 1h0 has just begun dismal fractions. \VCICKRD Foll CI.EnGYMEN--" I believe it to b)e all wrong anid even wicked for clergymein or other public men to be 1Ced into givIng testimonials to quaok doctors or vle stuffs called medicinles, but wvhen a really meritoriouis artiele is made(1 of valuable remiedies known to all, that phyiJsiclans use andl trust In daily, we should treely commend it. I lierefore chleerflliy and heartily comn mend hlop Bitters for the goodi they have done10 me and my frienlds, firmly beieovhig they have 110 equal for family use. I will not be wltho:it them." Rev. -, Washington, D. C. Ti uax: : nothIIing ini mioderni discover~y so wVoIeIrfuIl atnt melritoriouis, as that great Iai,r-anlver, D)obblus' Electric Soap., (masde by Uru.gli & Co., P'hhla de'phmu ) I'. tells its own.s ~tory on1 the lrst trial. Ask your grocer for it. Lost Seven i'1mtidd in Three Weeki. Allan's Anti-Fat is a genuine medi clne, and wvili reddee COrpulecy f rom two to five pounds per week. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless, get lng entirely on the food inthie stomnoch, preventing the foination of tat. It Is also a positive remedy for anld dyspep sla and rheumatisnt. BOSTON, Mass., Feb. 11th, 1878 BOT ANIC MICDIORNU Co,, Buffalo, N. Y.: Qeneen--Thle lady alludegl to lost seven pounds in three Weeks, by the use of Allen's Antl-Fat. Yours truly, &SIa Wholesale Druggisto, A Jovful Announcement to suffering munons is the glad tidings that at last a oertain cure for piles has been discov ered. 600 000 persons who- have used Dr. Bilsboo's Anakesis, pronounce it infallible. Doctors of all medical schools proscribe it in practice ; ompirios and nostrum venders ooun torfeit and imitate it, and all, without excep tion, admit that it is entitled to the name of "Medical Miracle." Nothing in medicine is more simple. rational, prompt and certain. It is not an accidental blunder of inexporlonce, but the scientific solution of a most diflicult problem, by an accomplished physician of 40 years' practice and study. Anakosis is a happy combination of a soothing poultice, supporting instrument and curative medicine. It alleviates at once the most excruciating pain; it holds up the raw. sensitive tumors, and by firm, continued pressure and medica tion applied to the swollen veins is able to cure the most inveterate cases of blind or bleeding piles. The inventor of "Anakesis" may well be regarded as a public benefactor, and sufferers from this terrible disoase.will thank us for calling attention to a discovery so worthy. It Is not loss singular that in the circular concerning Anakosis, full directions are given for rnavETiNo iiLEs, a fact never before observed in any medicino the propri etors wished to sell. "Anakesis" is sold by druggists everywhere. Sent free on receipt of price, $1.00 per box; samples gratis by 1'. Noustaedtor & Co., Box 3946 New York, solo nianufacturors of "Anakesis." How the Tyrelese Love. There is a pretty Alpine hut inhabited in the summer by the subject of his affec tions. The solitary life is one that could only be made endurable by habit, iron nerves and absolute indifference to danger. The girl lives alone among her cattle. She seldom sees a single soul, except her fellow servant who brings her the fortnightly sup plies, or some surly keeper who is sure to suspect her of being in league with his enemies, the poachers. " She has to tackle the vicious bull single-handed; she has to tame the cow-no longer the docile creature that would conic when she called her name since her calf had been taken away from her." She has to protect herself and her frail habitation and her charges against sniow stornis, thunder storms, hurricanes and swollen torrents. One can fancy how she looks forward to a pleasant visit of any kind, above all the visit of a lover. Yet it is significant of Tyrolese self-restraint un der any circumstances that the pair to all appearance are absolutely undenonstrative, unless for what may be read in their eyes. She does not even offer her admirer her hand, nor does lie seem to expect it. Yet should there be rival suitors, and if the young woman is a flirt, it will be seen that his feelings are the fiercer for being sup pressed, and affairs are unlikely to be set tled without bloodshed. The very indoor amusements of the Tyrolese are rough and even savage, though they seldom bear malice for anything that may happen. A writer and traveler tells of a friendly struggle in an inn parlor, where a couple of companions at a drinking bout interlocked the middle fingers of their hands, resting the elbows on the table, and struggled to drag each other over. A muscle gave way under the strain and one of them was ho:e lessly maimed for life ; yet, when'the first sharp burst of pain was deadened and his finger was dressed, the sufferer gave his hand to the winner, and they ended the evening amicably as they had begun it. So at the rifle matches, they show the same inflexible firmness of nerve and body. We took a friend to one of them who was in clined to depreciate these performancee. The cynically disposed spectator changed his opinion altogether when he saw the marksmen at work. Ile remarked after ward, that "had he not seen it with his own eyes lie would never have believed that human muscles and nerves could rem main so rigid and apparently motionless," and the shcoting is more admirable that the weapons are clumsy and antiqluated. The usual range is one hundred and fifty yards, and lhe has counted five consecutive shots in which "five marksmen, taken at hap hazard, firing one after another, hit each a mark the size of a sixpence." Such feats are the more astonishing if we consider that the marksman has no rest either for his body or the unwieldy rifle. IF YouRi Liver is Disordered Hoofland's Ger. man BUters will set It aright.. Ir YoU are Dyspeptic Hoofland's German itters will cure you. 11 TRouBLEDm with Constipation, takelloof and's German Biters. PRoTEcTING GRIAPEs FRlOM INSEcTS. The secretary of the Ohio State Ilorti eu ltu ral Society recommend coverIng the clusters of grapes to protect them from rot and Insets. "CoverIng the fruit by slipping a paper bag over each cluster after the berries are formed and letting it remnain till rIpe Is found a vom plete protectioni from rot and also from insects and birds. T1hie baga are those in common use by grocers, the size six by nIne Inches, and costing about $2 per 1,000. They are fastened aroundl the stemn of the clusters wvith two pins, of course allowing space for the fruit ao grow. Onea genitUbmani near Cincinnati saves freom live thousand to seven thou sand clusters per year in this wvay, largely of Catawbas, and finds the qual ity very superior. The cost, Incluading labor, he estimates at only one-third of a cent per cluster." 1i You Would Enjoy Glood Health Take loqf land's German BlUers. Hi eskcell's Tetter Ointment Will cure every form of Totter. Foa Prepis en the Face, use Hueskel' Tel er Oinlrment. It never fails to remove them. Oakland Female Institute, -NORRISTOWN, PA. Blt 157. For ci. etiara a dromEs E TM J. 0GRIER RA LSTON, Principal. J U8T PUBLISHED, TilE YOICE OF WOR8lP, . FOR CHOIRS, FOR CONVENTIONS, FOR SINGING SCHOOLS. Price 31.00. 69.00 r rII VOICE OF VoR Hp Pby !I . EMERsU !nd for the fnenskilirand judsment display conme The First Hundred Pages include the SING NO 80oH0oo, COU RSE, In Which practice at d enjoy ment.roi, ogso le o The Second Hundred Pages &c., alrge, nw an fresh eetion. es 'inces, The Third Hundred Pages contain a capit set of ANTIII MS. Specimen copies mailed peat-free for $1.00. EmMERSONI'S VOOAIJ If U i, (Just ont has a novei arranheonnt of yables and the m povsments wchae sensibl and usefn ase Oliver Ditson & Oo, Boston. Se, heetant ML. Phnla. Q M. h'E~'"hE GA Ls * CO.. Avertisin a.~t e ST Park Uow eW YO ad Vo tisements for Phb olplma, iocei~a When Trade is Dull, Judicious Advertising Sharpens It. HOW TO ADVERTISE. "-,se 1FTTw'ENUILL. WHEN TO ADVERTISE. ,w See fE'TENGILL. WHERE TO ADVERTISE. 1>- See P'E'T'ENI/ILL. W HOM TO ADVETISE TIIRO0H1. N' See PETTENlILL. GO TO 7 I'A ItK O W, NEW YOEK, and a5- see PETTENUiL.L. EXODUS To the boat lands. .o the boat ellmato, with the boat alarkete, and on the beat terms, along the line of li'. 3,000,000 ACRES Mainly in the Famous RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. On long time, low prioos and easy payments. Pamphlet with full information mailed free. Apply to D. A. MoKINLAY, Land Con'r, 6S. P. M. t IN. WV. St. &al, Mann. TO ADVERTISERS. W- We will furnish on application, estimates for Advertisng ist aIte bes* and largest circulated N ew%papers in the United States and Canadas. Our facilities are unsurpassed. We snake our lsaton ors' interests our ow ns, and study to please and snake their Ad. vertising profitable to thenm, as thou. sands who have tried us can testify. Call v r t:ddress, 8. JI. PETTINGILL & CO., ST PARK ROW, New York, 701 C1ESTNUT Streot, 1'lladolphlia. HOP BITTERS. (A Mediclae, not a Drink.) mOPR, jUCUU, 1A1NDV.A.AD , DANDELION, eeo Pamr AD Byas Mxnrou. QUALrF or As., Oris Brrr=a1. TS1WY C t7R Diseases of the stomacr, Bowels,.Blood, Liver dle7s. and Urinary Organs, Nervousness. eese and Mpeclally Female Complainte. 01000 IN GOLD. In be paid for a ease they will not enre or help, o or anything impure or injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitter$ and try ther ore you sleep. Take no ether. Cove Ovss is the sweetest, safest and b"s .ca Ps. for Stodb Liver anldnegs speri.r to All otberm. Ask Druglsue L 0. is an absolute and Irreaetibie cue enese, use of opium, tobacoo and Bend for circular. ,oea b&ggi.a. Her al M. L a N.Y. Runpertus celebratedl Single 1Breech-loa iona Shot iMurcle and Breecb-lnadin Galns, Rifles and i's l m of moot approved E nah tan American "" 'All fiuoootiai"i,i"EIy0115h "ptho bet uns yet mado for the price. Pries on .JOS. C. GRUI3B & CO., 712 Market St., Philada., Pa. GENTS' SE~ND POSTAL TOR PRIOIE i t anda Instrauction fo FINE Solf-Meaasuromont, to SHOES W F.i BARTLETT WeAGENTS, READ THISilpaAetsaaarof80 pe otI n expenses or allowt alar commissorto sel our ewanA Samderul Inventions. We moan what ERMANAOO0., Marshall, Mich. UUP '"***"'* E KA CURESa a.i e thsuretmnt BLATCHL.EY'S PUMPS The Old Reliable STANDARD PUM~P FDr Wells 10 to 76 Feet Deep. New Price List, Jans 1,18'79. ADDRESS C, 6. BLA TOHLEY, 440 MARHET S!treet. PIliada. A1 EW ARD a s ro Ir To mdi relief., ures ,'ase. Ron FELs, a Y e., that P. Oi. Dea i nl, conferia tavorsupofathe Adeter Card te Pbhe oftan lon stydiaw te ader. tienen in histounad o(nan Case.panper) SO. Ar . e. Pac.p. T,rer ootnpan re~ wondrot erwtheerery. Thos Cre awraing attdentioseint hei confer a or auo thme hnver tir an thed Pubser bat atn that thaesaw Plar aollow rheolnntring tis aturnal nam in te pae) tie diryec 1ns Prsca speed ana nevK fSt P;ori tors a othe m tsoure,atni dVs. TREEM Taiis BEA RYe orrstown,Follo Pilaroniose yal nthorearons thoroughl fo irestrin th patientt orec buhealt. Sd packge s acompnie LOtl, fPh. d Prinipl,t di rtos. Uice McNAIR WR.ITKlu. huo ew ork.n N6.mETRY4 hurdltwn Pa. A. LApRT & BANS, 2OR A'2F.NTN.8te Dy Ms JLIA PIAWIGT froM the Honorable Thrlot Weet LNDORSINA DL RADWAY'S R. R, RMUM A1rN Vtenie Til 10 U V7AL, YaAxs. Nxw YORE, Jan, t ism? DNAE Sm.-Having for several yearstwedyet= medilnes. doubtingly at first, but after expor. enoin their efi;aoy, with ftQ1 conII enoe, it is acknowledge the advantage we have de from them. The pilli are resorted to as ofteR as occasion requires, and always with the ds. aired effect. The Ready Relief cannot be bob ter described than It is by its name. Weapp th, liniment frequently andi freely, almos s rariably finding iho promised "Relief." Talurs, (signeHRLOW WED, R. R. R. BAD WAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TUE WORST PAIN$ In fron One to 20 Minuteo, NOT ORE JOUR after reading this advertisement need any ens BUFFER WITH PAIN. Radway's Ready Relief is a Cure fop EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is The Only Pain Remedy that instanti stops the most excruciating ains, ae rnlnamations and cures Conges. Ilos, heterof the Lungs Stomach, Bowels or other glands or organs, b one appl'cation. IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruolating the pain, the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, infirm, Crippled, Hervous. Neuralglo, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTI NT EASE ENYLAM111ATION OF TBHE B IDNICYS INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF T3 IC BOWELS CONGESION OF Tflt LUNA$, 6ORE THROAT FF!bICUL' DREATHiN, SOR THOAIIDLPITATUt OF THE HEART, RYSTERICS, OROUP. DIPHTHERIA BEADAHRI, TOOTHACHE NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. UOLD ORILLS. AGUE OHILLS, CHILBLAINS andFROST-BITlS 'Ohe application of the Ree dy Relief to the part or parts where the pain r difficulty exista will afford ease and comfort, Thirty to sixty drops in half a lmbler et watrwill in ayfew momentst cuirb Cramps Spasms, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Head ache. Diarrhea, Dysentery, 00110, Wind In the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle ef Radway's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in Water will prevent sickness or pains from ohange of water. It is better than Frenolt Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER and AGIJE. Fever and Ague cured for Fifty Cents. There is not a remedial agent in the world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarlous, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yeilow anti other Fevers (aided by Radway's Pills) so quick as BADWAY'S RADY RELIF, ESote. abtle. Dr. Radway's S rs!ll!ii Rosolout, fBE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, FOR THE CURE OF CHRONIC DISEASi, EOFULA OR SYPHILITIO, IIEREDITARY OR CONTAGIOUS, be it seated in the Lungs or Stomach, Skin em Bones Flesh or Jvervos. corrupting the sofida and vitiating the fluids, Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular Swe111 g. [laking Dy Couh, Cancerous Alirc Lungs Ds?epsia Water Brash, Tico1 loraux, Diseases, Female Complaint, Got, Drop Salt liheum, Bronchitis, Consumption. Liver Complaint, &c. Not only dem the Sarsaparlillian Resolvent So. uous, Consitutional and Skin Diseas, but It- is the only positive cure for Kidney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes Uie, rg ha sese, Abuminurla and Inl cases where t,here are brick dust deposits,or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substancet like thet whit of an egg, or trea like white anco and white bone-duist deposita, and when thr is atpericking, brning sensation whe and along the loins, Sold by druggists, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. OVARIAN TUMOR OF TEN YEAR8' GOWT CE0URED BY DR, Dr. BADWAY & 00. 82 Warren Streete NEW YORK. DR RAD WAY'S Regulating Pills, Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet strr gthen, Radway's iiis fo the cure ofal disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels Kid Cntipatlon dostivonesa Idigestion dase sia, lii iousnaess, Fever, Inifamimationi of the ternal viscera. Warrand to emect aosiiv cure, rerl Ye tNLable on taining no mer. Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Nausea, Ileaburn Disgud yoof Foo aulns or Weight in the Stomacb,80our Eructions, Sink. inso Fluttteg in th it ofe S8tomah rahnFiluttering at tne IIeart, Choking og Butlicalr. Sensations when in a lying posture Dots or V/bs before the Sight, Fever and Dull owac a e Skn n Eyes, Pal in the Side Libs and iuddeu shes50 of heaA Burning l.a .A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the system from all of the above named11isord. brae Price U enQts per box. Sold My Drugglgia Read "False and True " Sen"aleter sa"mp oRDWA A 00.. N. Information worth thousands will .t pen6 ys. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSs ifas a Pad dlf,rin fromn ali other,, ii te Itie laIs held ,on a, g I, a clrdis are cur - EgIeston Truss ., hiogg WELL-AUGeER.*heaes"t** es nh Eoa(. Als latu gcn bej& ou i lciorial bok free. WV.2GII*F Ehiea i IETABLIBIrma 1s4s, MORGAN & HEADLY, Importers of Diamonds illustrat