IB.LOAD SmIu:.1.'Tho follow ing iro the hours att. w. the trains ol the C. C. :and A. 11. 1t. pasE Winnsboro: RE (UAn PAsSENoE--NIOuT. For Churlotte, 1.25. . t. For Augusta, 11.07, p. B!, AccomMoDArroN FPIElIT--DAY. For Columbia, 7.36, 1. r For Charlotto. 10.45, A. M I y vas a good d-ty for the e U'l nd "ho Colorod folks. For the past few Ovenings we have had [he huntor's moon. Wo retIrn thanks t. the lion. J. '. Evin" for ia copy of the report of .he DepaIt Imen t oi Agriculhre. T-1ho Columbia Rcgister says thoro is a po;.sibility of obtaining arin from the Federal government, Volunteer troops tale notico, The Rev. AV W. Dincan preach.. od on Sunday morning and ovoning in the Methodist Church, The buildiing was crowded, including t.he aisles. Both sermons were able elYorts. Tu, r4RO.--Thoecircus cameo to town au.,,-ording to progranmu, and by daybreak was cau.ipod on tho College Green. The boys in town, who haven't been able to sloop for sometim in anticipation, were out in full forco. The streots weia also lined with popto from the country. At half past ton o'clock, the proc!s sion-wari, horsos, lion-, cle phanits, clown-S, ka-khtv and( camels -marched through tho principal streets, the rear being brought up by the steam piano which discoursed music in stontorian tones. After,this the inornimg performanco took place, embracing tho usual programnine. A second performance was givon in the evoning, after wliich the por formers "Foildo, their tents like tle A)ib, And a i silently -stole awaty. The Prince Martin Bigamy Case, Messrs. :ditor' : Either gross personal injistico an( political persecution have been Attenpte( upon our colored rop re sentative, or justice has been cleat ed of her demands in his caso. All public officialds are legitimato sub jects for commont and criticism, and onapccially is this applicable tc p)ersons9 who clain to repre'sent thc p)eoll. A short review, therefort of the above case is appropriate, and at the same time due to all1 partion concerned. At the session of th< House last spring, ani eITort was mado by some citizens of this county to keep Martmn from being seated, bocanse of his well-known hostilhty -to the whi,tes,, and bQcaLuse the fact wasi. notorious that hre was utterly ulnfitted, educationally, mentally and mnorally, to represent man intelligent constitulenc2y in the Legislature. Besidecs, many of the best lawvyers it the S[ata gaive it as their opinion thait hie had forfeitcd all claims to his seat by rehising to qualify it2 th it body which the S upreme Coui1 had decided [o be the legal and con sti tu tional House of Representativos This opinion was based upon what was regarded as a correct interpre tation of Sec.tion 29, Article IL', o; the Constitution of the State. The House, however, in pursuance of what it deemed a wise policy but ertainly a costly one to the tax payers, showed a disposition to disre gamrd 11 [ho objoetions to M-artii which were being urgedi by botl; protest and memorial, signed by no1 less than one hundred of the bos citizens of the county, and pushe forwvar'd by a conunittoo sien- x Columbia for [1he om( jYV(. C>onso quontly it wvas dotormined to ba the objections upon higher ground At this juncture of affairs the infor-. muation was voha4nteored by a colored man that Miartin, previous to hif marriage with the step--daughter oi Israel Byrd, had married 1X(artlym Martin, a daughter of Moses Martin, -' and that the first wife was still -living. This information made out S a strong prima facie case ol bigamy, and was acted upon im-' mediately. Several other colored persons were found who could in piart substantiate the sftanet of the party who first furnished thc clue upon %which subsequent pro ceedings wero based. And as t natter of fact, a WoniaiU Callin)g 1ort3elf Sallio Gibson mnado an allide vit before a trial justico that she was present at, and witnoseod the first marriage, giving time, place and circumstances. A new protost was accordingly framed, alleging the above facts, and a warrant Qf arrest was issued foi Martin on the charge of bigamy, and the shoriff of the county dospatched to Columbia with the warrant. Israel Byrd, the in dividual who at present disgraces the position of Senator, and who also enjoys the proud distinction of being Martin's stop father, in a convorataion with gentlemen whc accompanied tho shoriff to Colum. bia, admitted the fact of Martin'E first marriago and asserted that if timo wero allowed himi he could produce the decree of divorcement granted to Martin by Trial Justice Kirkland, beforo marrying a scoond time. Indeed, Byrd was at the doou of the room, occupied by the com mitteo considoring Martin's caso purposing to applar boforo the coi mittqp and make this statouent whoi a member of the commit too came out of the room. This gentlemn.i, Mr. Shop pird, was accw3ted by Major Woodward, and introduced to Byrd who told Mr. Shoppard what he dle sired to say to the committee. Upon Byrd's stating to Mr. Shoppard the sublstane of th above, the latter replied that a divorcoment by a trial justice amounted to no more that one granted by a pointer dog. This characteristic remark spoilt the game, and Byrd then declinod to go before the committee. Martin was afterwards arrested, and gave bond for his appearanco for trial at thc Court of Sessions. Subsequently h was admitted to his soat in the House At the recent term of court the case against Martin was given to th< grand jury, ar,d Sallie Gibson ani Israel Byrd were both summnoned to testify. To the delight of Mar tin and his numerous colored admirers those witnesses swore thai they know nothing about the alleged first marriage, and tl grand jury in accordance returned no bill. This terminated the pro coedings, and in this outrageous man ncr were the ends of justice defeatr ed. It is a true saying that "mnurdIer will out," and both Martir an yr vill yet realize that th( lw ofthe land and of eociet cannot be violated with impunity. JUsTTIA FIAT. Lowest Prices for Cash. U HAVE just received a large ani L. well assorted stock of Groceries which I offer cheap for CASH. I am selling out my stock 0: Boots and Shoes at COST PRICES Triumph and Lynchburg Rye,ani Stone Mountain Corn Whiskies. Fine Brands of Tobacco ani Cigars. Highest prices given for Cotton 1U J. AlcCARLEY'S. Notice to Road Over'seers8. COUNTY CofIrIbmONEns' OFFIOIC, WINzWsBoO, 8. C., Seopt 24, 1877. T HE Roa.l Overseors of Fairfleh -ecounty are herewith directed t< ord er ut. ias sooni as practicable allI per son liaMo to roadt dluty i thir re spo.tive jurvisdlictious, to linish up th< nuimber of' days required by hiw, whow the ;iamio has noit hc'Yoforo been done~ Defaulteifr n must be promuidly reported. t< hiISh on.- for roi) utOion0(, 0and all, neglee f :luty by o vera''r. and~ other roe, cilisials' willi)~?;i be summ riivly de t with Roa d C)-.r.wr are do requiired' to re pi at 1o t his ciic the iuutub'r and k]i( of w ork in' implementsk in t heir Tespee Livo distric(ts. J. A. HiN'NANTP, Chmaitm at Board of County Couam isoners. ept 26 -tf. PROF. N. SCIIMITT, Pano, M!odw'a ad Organ Tuner, 238 M4ain Street, Coluiobia, 8. 0 1{AVING an experience of thirty-fiv< years in tuning and srepairiry Pianos, Moledeons, Organs and othoi blusical Instraments, both in Europe anl America, is enabled to guarantee satisfac. tion, or makIe no cbarge, He has ths hIghest reornmendations frdpi sohooh -n coilylege theUitdStts Cheap FILLED win-i uny uOODS, AND C1?OCI Tlio C1ioaDest -GREAT I3A Sugar, Coffep, Lard, Bacon, Mackerel, C GIEAT BAIGAII All we ask is to KND WE ARE S1JRIF TWE LAT ES .. HAVE just returnedi from the ma somnest, larges~t, and best assorted st< the espeial beniellt of the citizens of invite their attention. To the L:idies wvho would have GLOVES, LINGERIE, and the very To the Gentlonien who would got ti (.LOTHING, HATS, SHIOES, BOO3 To those wvho are ini lood of goode variety TABLE LINEN, HOMZESPUNS DOYLIES, CHECKS, TOWELS, TICKING, I)LANKETS, BLEAC] - THES]E 1MAY B31 Ronnt Zion tiolleglate institute T1Ji3 fall sessaion of this well knot a Institute began on Monday, August 27th. T1he courso of insRtruct ion embraces Mathema4~cs, the Classica, Science arnd the usual English b)rancheR. Special attention will be paid to clocntion, roadling, spellin~g and writ ing. Puoils will r*ocoivo tant eare'ful to sleOnrinig a tho'routgh u'ca,On, Black board exorcise!s w~Ill enter lairg'ely asi a me1thod of insitruct ion'. T[he colle;ge builing is comnidiens end eenveoz~nintly loiinted. 'llTh'incip:il hopc, wit.b the pol iical eird maoteril impower men t of the State , to securo aL lihendl pattoaage, by mea ns of whiich :the .In;t itut e lny he re stored,to its formuer popila city and useful of twenty weoe, - - $30.00 Interediato, - - - '.100 Pr'imaury, -------- --------'0.00 L'aymnont to ho maudo quarterly in ad Rt. MN. DAVIS, Prini pal, .aug 14-jx.Lf Winnsboro, S. C. Fire Insurance. OW is the time to Insro your ..NDwellings. Barns and Gin Hion~es. I Apl seurtyoKoedinthe OLD ANID WELL EBTBLIHEDCOMPANIES3 represented at this Agency. *9t 11tmi.nn en Stores EER & CO. ALL KINDS CLOTHING, RYWARE, K.]l 1%E to tlie Best. RGAINS IN Molasses, IfanIs, Craokra, icese, &c. 4S IN TO134CCO, give us a trial, TO PLEASE YOU. ARRIVALS I POODS T PRICES! *ket, having selected one of the lland icks ever brought to this place, for Fairfield, to which I respoctfully d aintiest S O es o RESS Call on SOIL. WOL4F1. 1o very latest an~d nobbiest suits of '$, and furnishing GOODS Call Qn S0QL. WOLFM. of :11 kinds, Notin in great HOSIERY, BUTTONS, HAMBURG EDGING, -ING, VALISES and T1VUNKS; FOUND AT.. )L. WOLFE'S. QONGRE~SS STIUET G 0 WINNSBORO, S. C. Just at hand, and warranted to give satisfaotion,4 U. G. DESPORJTES., 8a.t 12 rhO State of South CarolitlA COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. In the Probate Court. aiuol A. Murphy, a Administrator, vs. Tarleton Murphy and Others. N pursuanno of an ordor from the Court of Probate for Fairfield County, nade in the above stated caso, I will offer br sale before the Court . House door in ffinnsbor, on the irstMonday in lvovm )or next, within the legal hours of splo, ill the right, title and Interest of Eph-. ,aiz4 M. Mlurphy, deceased, i a certain ot of land lying and situate in the town >f Winnatoro, containkng one-fiftI4 of an ioro, wo.re or less, aad ejubrackd within he following area, to witt commeneing at he south-west corner of lot number one iundred and thiriy-two of said town and henso running south along Congress treet thirty-five foot, then oornerig and ,unning 4tright-inglos to said street in in easterly direc$ion about two hurldred ind fifty-seven feot to the track of the )harlotte, Columbia and Augusta'Rail road Company, then cornering and run "ing in a northerly direction along said rak thirty-frvo feet to. the iouthern linp )f lot nutber seventy-two,thon cornorirg nd running in a westerly direction along ho southern line of lots number seventy we and one hundred And thiry-two tbont two huindred and ifty-lvo toot, to ho beginping poipts. TERMs QF sALE: Ono half cash, the balanco on a credit >f one year, with into'rest from 'day of ale, purchaser to give his tond scoured Lby a mortgage of the promises opd, and -o pay for all necessary paporW4 ALMo, FOR OAs4: All the personal property, c-insisting of no Gold Watch and the 4noollooted aotes and accounts bolonging tq the O1tato >f the sail Pphraim M. Murphy, ap P. W. RUFF, Sherifr's Office, S. F. C. Wjir4nSboTo, S. Ci October 9, 1077. ct la-tdo Estate Sale. B Y virtue of a power of attorney givpq B to me by those interested in the state of D. 11. Ruff, deceased, I will offer or sale at public outcry, at Ridgeway, i C., on the 20th 4;y of November next, ,he following real property belonging to 11h estat9 of the ai4 1. H. Ruff, de eased: Ono lot of land, containinp about four teres, on which stands a twp .story dwell-. ing-houo. Two lots of land, one act caph, on each aif which stfpl a cot(age. One lot of land, epntiiipg ono half of in acre. on which stands a ampll cottsgo, One traqt of land on Dutchman's ("reek, ,ontaining ope hundred apd sovpnty-Avo icres, niore tr less. ALSO, By virtue of authority given to mie by ho Probate Judge, I, as ex;icutor of thq Kill Pf D. f. Ruff, deceased, will Boll, at 1hp same time and piltoo, the following pertonal prqporty: One fine Piano (Knabo), 7j ctaves. One fine Parlor Organ. Two Gold Watches. Oie Buggy and Ijarnele. One Ei ht-day Clpek. One set of Walnut Furnituro,complote, Two Miloh Cows and Calyos, Household ond Kitchen Furniture, and >thor articles. Tanms 'OP SALr-Por real est4to, one Lhird cash, and the bplanc on a credit >f one ayd two yeary, with interest from lay of tale, to be sep1red by bond of surchasor and mortgage of the promisos; p)urchlaser to pay for all necessary papers md to procure policies of insurance on hem several buildings, to be continued Intil the purchase-inoney be paid, and mssign the samp to A. F. Ruhff. For per 5onal4 pr-oporty, CAsH on day of sale. A. F. RUFF, A ttprney in Fact Oct Z3-f 1tx3w pnd .lixecu tor. SIIERIIFPs SALE. Yvirtr o of an execution to me direct., ed11 will off'er fop sale befire thieCouirt louse door in Wipnoboro, on the firti Ilonday in Novemnbe, net within the egg.) hours of sale, Fon pABsg, the fol. owing described property, to wit; 4i! ,thit plantation or tract of' land yinng in Pa irfie ld Crninty, on W4tof ef 3eayor Creek, containlq( T1UEE 4UNDRnED END FoUI1TEEN. ACRES, mnore or less, and >ourndpa by lands of Mrs. J. P. Coleman, >thers, One tract of land lying in Fairfield ~ounty, on waters of UpeRy (deek, con, aininig oNE RUNDRED AND) 5EvENTY-THRE Longs, mere or less, and bounded by ands of Wesley Mayliold, J. C. Feaster, istate of H1. Jf, Lyles, Mrs. M. F. Means, snan H. Me1is and Samuel B.'Clowrney, hi levied pn gis the property of WV. $. donto4th and Richard O'Neale, at 'h nit ef lidwin 4. Scott, ag;rvivor, 4, W. RUFF, Sheriff's Office, S...F. C. Wilnnsboro, S. C., OcLober 13, 1877, ipt 10-f 1x2 ___________ Ettenqer & Edmond, fANUFACTURER~S of Portable and . .. Sationary Engines and Boilers o 1l kinds, Circular S,aw hIills, Grist Mills lill Gerzing, S3hatting, Pulleys &c. AMEr(IoAN 'TRBDmE WATEa wira,~ lam eroni's Special teami Puimps t3end for Catalogise. oct 19l PQIXLET SO.A.P? IUNT BUomZ9RD, )NE oss of the841 4 ALs8o.