TRI-WEEKLY EDITION. T'1'.: . UMy'r:f 'aCRfrTI'ON. .ri-We ly On' Year. - - - -- :4.00 i Si!-months.. -- - - - 2.0) 'JiruJ 1onltls. - - - 1.00 R.VItES O ADVERTISING. One squaro oho insertion $1.00. For each stubsetC eut insertion 504. Obitu. rios and 'Tri utes of ltespect charged for as advorttisemonts. Liberal discount made for contract advertigononts. --o JOB WORK. Bill Heads, Letter Itoads, Envolopos Posters, Cards, Invitations, Tickets, Ae. neatly executed at this ollee,-UE.U' YOU CAHH. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Niuety-Si olectgd the wet ticket. Thirteen prisoners are coniinod in the Chester jail. Newborry is wild over the success of Hampton's mission. The Hampton contribution in Greenville footed up $4,200. Chester wiUhlave a baby show in May. No bulldozing and no count ing out allowed Colonel Butler has organized a strong cobstabulary force in Dail ington county. Colonel J. A. Law is chief. A negro "vas severely wounded ono night last week in Chestor county while stealing corn from Mr. Torbit's corn-crib. Chester Academy had a spelling bee last wek. Miss Annie Elliott's sid ,.as successful--staLding live to nothing on the other side. The Duo Vest congregation visit ed the ptrsonago last week, carrying to their pastor some three hundied dollrs' worth of valuables, as a mark of their esteem. Charles Carr, a colored citizen of Korshaw, played a game of cards last week and then took a boat ride, was capsized and drowned. Moral. Don't take a boat ride after playing cards, if you can't swim. The Anderson Intel/igencer is re sponsible fetr thstdrjydhlat al color ed man in- that. countyworked all last Sunday under the belief that it was Saturday. Hard to swallo w. We bet that darkey don't know that Hampton is governor. Capt. A. J. Sitton, of tie Pendle ton Democratic ('Ilt, intro:b-i('((l red shirty ino tlie e miq inigi la;t fall. To this htppy Ihought may be attriblutei nu l- It (,f th1 e nI husia sm ii wiihid resulted in the triumph of the Democranv. oerl to the .1 Deum rdje party ~in Abb'lville'miuniv. The me j in ~ det ermiiined () o an ake: t he t eue ii leaderis who havet so .sad ly misled them for year~s Jack BIurgoyne, the murIIderer~ of Mr. A. J. Gegg, was sen tence'd by Judlge Tlownsendl, at Marion, to b'e hanged on .fridaiy, May 18th. Bnr. goyne0 searcely seemedC( to reailize his situation during the delivery of the Jud(ge's impressive remarks, ani1 be trayed no0 emotion even when the sentence of (leathl was passed. The faerulty of the College of Charleston have conferred the des% gree of Doctor of Divinity upon the Rev. Charles 8. Vedde'r and the Rev. Charles Coteswor'th Pinckney. The degree of Master of Arts w~ts at theo mi~e pigl on rd Franeis L. e lf~ingh, of Charleston, a graduate of the Collogo. Mr. Thomas J. Childs, of Pickene, desires iniformaution, if any can be obtained, of his son Benjamin, aged eigh teen yea\'a, who left lhomie on Sunday morning the 18th ultimo - without giv'ing any one any informna. tion of his intention of leaving, or where lie was going. Said boy is small for his age, rather black hair, black eyes and sallow complexion. Any one knowing anything concern. ing the whereabouts of the saidl boy wvill greatly oblige bis distressed father by addressing him at Pickens Court. Uouse, S. 0. At the eting~of th6j .Iu ra Synod mn ewberry last week, the questio:.,of chan tho' lobatton of the Xautheran ol ege at Walhialla was agitatedl. Competition between different localities was lively, the bids offered being~ as follows : Co.1 IumbJs Schutzen Verein, $800 dehrsoun, buildings valued at *10,0O, with stipulations and ,provtisgs ; Lext on, $5,000 subscri ption and 180,0Q0 feet of lumber : Newberr'y, $15,8 ..eubscription atnd ground, or old Conegeo building and site, muak% a total lof' $18,870 ; Prosperity, *$.5,0fQO Walhailla, $14,600. On Mihe secon4 ballot the prize was awarded to NeWerry, by a ual inous rising vots, Chapaberlan has written -a long the removal of the troops from the State Ioluse. Ho concludes us follows : To rest:ato the results which will follow the withdrawal of tho troops from the State House, I say : First-It will remove the protc .ioni absolutely nocossary to enablo the Republicans to assert and en, forc3 their claim to the govern mont 'of this State. Second -It will enable the Demo crats to remove all effectivo opposi tion to thp illegal military forces under the control of my opponent. Third-It will place all the agon. ces for maintaining the present lawful government of the Stato .in the practical possession of the Demo crats through the admission it will require. Fourth-It will lead to the quick coisumination of a political outrago against which 1 have felt and now feel it to be my solemn duty to struggle and protest so long as the faintest hope of success can be soon. Wendell Philips says that Hayes has undoubtedly sold out the iepub lican party, but that he will -.soon hear a wai ning growl along the ground tier VEGE T IE PURIFIES THE BLOOD, Rleno11ates a1134 Invigorat s the 11'hole Nystem. Its Mediinal Prop:'riies are A1 terative, Tonic, Solvent and I inretic. V EGET1INE is iue exclusively frotu the jaices of carefuilly )selected barks, loots and herbs, nl St, strongly concen ti at edl, that it. will etffctually eradicate fnon the svten every taint. of Scrofula, Si vofulous Illmor. T1unilors, Cancer, Canl 1r11 1umir Erysipelas Sr it liheutn, Syphilitic )iiseases, anher, Faintness at the Stoimaui, and all diseases that arise from ailpure blood. Sciatica, Intllamator% anl Chironie itheuaatism, Neuralgia, (Tout and Spinal (ompilaints, can only be elfetctu1lly ( tel through the blood. For Ulcers and Eruptivo Diseases of the Skin, Pustules, Pimple's!otches, Boils, T'eiter, Sealdl-hearld Rin( 111gw'Orm, V):oi: Tri'1': has never tailed to effect a perma nent cure. For 1%iains in the Back, Kidney Con l)tinta, Urops.y, Fana'e Wi-nl~lcet s, Leu cor(riten. nyising from interlnall ulceration, awui uterine ti imse.s and Oiin rlal Debility l(1:uhliam: acts directly upIon the cause of: these comphits. It, invigorates and strengtih(-n the Whole sysom, acts uon the secrettive organs, altars intiemation, cures I. it:: at in, rtguIliteos the 1 owles. For Catarrh, l )yspl'epsi: , I [abit ial Cos tivenes, Palpitation of the 1eart, 1I ~llelee, P'ilets, N.rt ousness and Genie raI 'ro'.t rat ion of the .Nrvoutis Svatm, no ieti1ine hits given su h pleri'ret satisfac tion as th- V.m:m I:. It puriies the hitid , le nses all the organs, an11 pos :w ( (itonroling )o.)erC over the ner ihe' 1r1*1 ,r: le u i'll efI'? ibeteil by 'EGlE T ':Iavo-inuluced nany physicians and 1l. ,.. e won W11 know t[a prescribe inl lat Vr' 01N ',w is the best remedv 3et is e0:I mri the iavi' illn'aaes, anol TIl iH E FS El ID)ENCF. Thie fl'l->ing~ letter from Rev. E. S. 11t, lforer1'~ tie .1. E. O~itreh, Nat ick, I roni Ite sam4e( dise:lie as aillieCted the son of' I li' lav. R. S. B'st .No person can(11 dloublt thlis testim4ony',, as thee is noB1 doubt iabouat the curative powers of? \EGET1INE: N AteK, MASS., Ja nl. 1, 1874. Mn. H1. Ri. sT;vEN~s : Ihr .9t--.we hav'e good that1 it h-is )'t'-en lhe me: of Sav1'ing iltr son's lite. l ie i niw st-Veni(Ctee y:.1'' of' agfor the 11 last IW wo'. ye. lie hiatsU f(lferett fromf necro1. ls of his leg, usiier by ad 0 ofuilouis afTeo iou, anlI was 54Isi la'(Ieducerl thait 1ne4 rly ill wh~o salw him Ithorighit Ils re(c)very lrlposlble. A cogIttl of phlysl'lis ((ou11d gIve u1. billf t he fainte~st hiOpo of huIs ever' ralling, 1 wio or I he miliOier declarnlfl Ihiti hie way1 blyojti tlhyi9inch Qt,htim~ait reimie dlhi that e'venil aptiou~( ot'il not, save himui 1(1 tel' l'rele hIs .itudIes', thr)own'i away his Cru1 ~t:-hsant1(ilc. andit walksl about cheecrfully~ I aullghi I Ilpre is Still some0 disco~ll fr'Qm 11h the fitlest, edntltem'o (lhat la -1 lIttle tImne 11 wIll be pi'ferfecly cured,(1 Ilie hai takoii abl~out the dozen blZfllottle of V l'.I U'i IN , - but lately 111es ht lit tle, 64 he delaesC thatt 1he 1a too well obI aigne1 cinoa. ' akn .i~ 1ispetfully iou I M'tits. L. C. F. BEsT. .411 U)lseases of the Bloed, If V EG'ETINE vI ill relievo pain,cleanao pu4r1ii i On lcre SI Ch diacases3, restoring~ the pa'ient to perfect heallthl after tfr3 ing di fferer t physilcians, inany remedies, suiff'riing for yealrs, is it nlet conclusive p~roof. if tyon are a stforer you an be curodl? W~hy is this imedicino performing 8auch great curesa ? It w~orkis in the blood, 1n th)0 circulatiung fluid It can tyn y p called the 01REAT 'BLO(') PURIFitR. 'ho g reat sourco of diseases oiriginlates iti theO blood; alnd no miedicinie that (does not act diretly uiptl it, to purify jahiron.. aittenition. SOU'rn BOSToN, Feb. 7, 1870. if R. B''itVa: iear' Sir-I have taken soveral bot tles of your' V EtI 'IN E, and -am cobvInced( it Ia a v'aluablo reimedy for Dy'spe sina, i hlni y C'omplalia, and gene.ral dlealltj qi (h tvt~m I cnn hearilly recomlnolid It to all suwin from the abovo comiplalnts Yourgrotpectfuhl ~, Mi(8. MON ItofC P'A UK EI, ---PREPARED- B -tet laI~ R. STEV1iENS,~ BOSTON, ASS. Vegotine ls Sojd by aglgrgggat. JUST RECEIVED. One car-load seed Potatoes, One " " Oats. --ALSO, A full lino of Plantation Hard ware consisting of Lay Iron, Plow Steel, Steel Plows, . Plow M onidls, Spades, Shovels, Traces, Ia mes, Clevices, Hee~l Screws, which will be sold low for ---CASH. I keep constantly on hand a full supply of PLANTATION and FAMILY I have on hand several brands of first class FERTILIZERS which- I nn prepared to sell fc' Cash or on time with well approved securities on a money basis, or with a cotton option if par ties dcsire. All parties in wont of i'ertilizurd will do Well i;o cull on no hnfore purchasing. fou 20 CALL ATTENTION rj 1o their large and elegant assortmehfnt of GLASS WARE, Especially their Berry, Fruit and Preserve IBowls. --A LSO, To thei'r variety of LAMIPS, which, for beauty and cheapness, exci. --A LSO,-. Tro their large stock~ of CIROCKE fl, which DAl ey offer at low pr ces, to close out their G PODS in this line, ~EPS constantiy or. hond a full uup..I ply of Choico FAMILY GROCERIES and~ (L AN'4TION SUDPLIES. His stock haa recently been replenished, and he is now ready to Sunnte nt a. of aln UN SU MAlL! All Persons at a distance treated by Mail with Perfect Success by de scribing their Symptoms. Dr. ovw soodl shoin~lg intaoiior of In~haling. O~hINATE1D Ala (Soend for our !.lrgo and bontully11 IllustraLted PIPOI~u, Suet. free0 to fifty 0(51134. U TAH tht the Air I'lii.R Rals can~ ho reachted, and1( t':trrh I it dI ls ' V1, MAKE A S~PEC- 0. (fIflie 15011(. Uii-o IA [,L'Y (f treating; pa- thi~s t'iOL 1101IsWe tlijitil by Mail. Please5 (lirect, whicvh Is easy wirto and1( desclribe your and1( ileasutl uud w e sylltO~to s. glnrlrldcll it I Ilrlict t:lc: (of C'ltlniri. BrochiisWhy? for the Sm IoVO. 'Ihe lIrtlI(111 Lii 'P111)05 l t' si Ill ly -..~ conductors to cairry A I. ,PERSONS TI IA't' henceI 0 Inl~lail ol reaul t hisnr 110InvitedI14 to ll1 n :41(1 Sorcut (tlOt Paler. senlt free to Lally* low our" (I ee 50115, ("t U E ISrouiell ll:. NO.)) ?f'~ -" ti.A' bea s . sh A 8 11 .1II"J o is cun1r1t Tithlles, caultsedl h)y In-~ S*' .'' .. I ~u 11111ion 11(1 iriS 1V1:(11A11,NT1,1fO I t o 111110115 Il15)tIhorial. I'111 Illuonl is ]'si Oxy"olleld AlSr %Iu1rlgi:I.:1Iul lcio:llv il ' I. %% ill (551011 and ~wen aill tther rcliledes ('iro. 11 e ila cut I d fall. ,".,.. of ;.Ot years ~Can ho('lmrId. I by? IlI4?u:,l14)nl 1) 1)11ben GNSy r'T-''_JS 110(1' 1'mlven veIf 'f(fh r, honk11 of 51 I) Y E I'" 1 . IV 1 I aSSo SCll 501011 I t-iItr i-rtS, 11o1(f nU'yc(Ullailt -ltr0C:cr of (0 1 toI o-thirds o tLtlliy read'ied~ by Ox" I hoie: es01 aire caused(1 5.cllato1 .:. g'i 11r;11110 it careC if stilll com r ill a SPRING GOODS -FOR I677. 'T'o-dny the campaign's fairly closetd, The lucky man is he Who ta' es his sent on the 4th of March Our President he'll be : And now the next best t.inp; Just suited to our mind, is whero to get the oheapest goods The beat of goods to find. 'ly friends and I went out one day, Some .dw Spr'ihng Goods to buy; And we resolvel,beforo we went, Tiho dif'erent stores to try. We wandered Winnsboro all around Until our feet woro sore, And found the very place, at last, T'was SOL WOLFE,' New Cash Store. Of' iats. Cloth iug and.lBoots and Shoes, The latest to our view Ihe very best styles of Dress Goods, And Prints so cheap and new. So then, im good friends, one anmd all, Now is your timhe to try Whea1 f1ains yott can get of mo Or, you ieed not buy of SOL. ft-b 17 New Gocd s !! TO arrive at the Dry Goods, Faniy L( (ods and Millinery BAZAAR. New Sj r'n g Prints and other Goods ex p) eted daily. INSPECTION If .lhe L.dies ua pubtie generally so ijoited. PRICES and .goods will compare favorably with hay in the marlkt. AGENT for luet"rieki Paper Patterns, Ladies' Missu-s' andi Child ren's Patterns in Store. ALL WINTER =OODS markel down in prices to clear them out a; u c a1 1 s possible. ALWAYS RECEIVING re'shn and choice Goods in the Grocery I)epartenii -t. TIIE PUBLIC are aware that, my stock.onsists of Gene. rial Merehcladise It therefore takes ton 1111mneh time an1d space to itemize. Suffice it to1 m-yy, you cani find aill you want at J. O. B3OAG'S. Fine, F~arly Rose Potatoes and resh oar' iecn Seedsl ini, at J. 0. B3OAG'S. Frunt u'r Lumber, Shingles, &e., for saile as low as5 ft lowest, bmy J. 0. B3OAG. Merchant Tailoring. FlIf undersigned .informs the citizens of Winnsboro and the county' generally, that lhe lIas opened a Tailoring Establish meat in the store next to Mr. JT. Clond in inits. l He is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line at short notico -and on reasonable terms. A full1ine of sanqiples kept cnstantly on hand, from which custome-rs muay make Reletions. Special attontion given to CUTrTING. feb 2--- som WV. 0. ROCHE. New Family G rocery, HELIL undersigned desires to inform his friends and the public that he can be found on the east side of Congress street with a fresh Stock of FAMILY GROCOEXIES, Viz :Meal, Grist, Fl'our, Bacon, Sugarn, Coff'ees, Treas, Crackers, Ginger Bread,S8 ada, Spices, , . ote,, etc. Orangves, Apples,'Candies, &c., all fresh anld cheap, - FOR COASH ONLY. 3. E. CATHIOART, Opposite J. 11. Oathcart's old Sinn di. JXI NAJL DISCHARG~E. NOTICE~ is hereby giv'en that the un. doN rsig.4ed Will mai~ke apicationu to the -Judgeof Probate for Fi ld Courut' on Tuesday, April: 10, 1877, for a final Moage so uaria of glI.Erzsi