ing are the houris t which the trains on the C. C. and A. R. R. pas Winnsboro : Ib.ouitan P'axslX4N:n--N ei wr. For Charlotte, 2.31, A. :M. For Augusta, 1.1, A. M. AccomMonv)AoI Furnmwnr'-Day. For Augusta, 11.415, A, :r. For Churlotto, 1.00, 1'. ;u. New Adverisements. Dr. R. B. Hanahan oilers his pro fessional ser vices to the people of the town and county. Jas. Q. Davis, Special Agent, an nlounces his appointments for the collection of the Hampton tax. James R. Aiken calls upon pr ties indebted to hii to make im mediato p:aymuent. L. Cass Carpenter, collector of Internal Revenue, gives notico re-. specting pecia;l taxs J'.d. ddi\r lv iar(is'es a fresh sill)ly of ale, beer, porter and other goods in his line. B. Sugenheiner & Co. infirm their Custolers tar.t they have just received a new and well selected stock of groceries, dry goods, furnishing good-, noti mns e-t t. The town council hiic mado con siderable ill)rovemIents oin the streets, for vhich they are duai the thanks of pedestri ins. A grist mill has )Cn locate 1 in Ridgeway. It should meet with success; for there are many mouths to feed in that neighborhood. Ridgeway will hold. a town elec tion on the 23d inst. Th; out going are lixinig up the streets. The municipal elc .--tio n inWinns horo will be held on the first Mon day in April. ' It is time that the citizens have at mLieeting to nominiate ollicersi to serve next year. Said a gentleman the other day, "The Radicals told us that Hampton was a sentiment; but now (shakin his tax receipt) I say that he's an investment." He was correct. Every taxpayer who has given his con1)tribution has 1 ma(0 an inve'st mont in *Hampto.n. And their name is legion. Charles 'Veal, aocoloredC mazn, came into the Spe'ial Agent's oilice on Monday and paid his contribution, saiying: "I have waited three mnonths to see what Mr'. Chamberlain wvould do; and as i i~e ho isn't going' to (10 anything, I want to pa my tax to Hampton." His eyes have been opened to his tr'ue interests. Trial Justices can fur-nish them-, selves with tile necessar'y blanks by applying at the office of Tioi AND HIEAL,1 'iA ftil asor't-xent ol these lhanks w~'illibe kept c~imst:mntl oin hand, 01' suppliied at short notice. Priices lowv, work good, and satisfaic Liong~uaputred, MNr'. Jas. Q. Davis, Special Agent, announces that hereafter, nnili further notice, lhe il koophis books opon 011 Friday and Saturdays o each week. Up to this time the col lection', have reazched1 somethin over four thousand dlollar's. Eleven hundred'ah'd 'thi'ty receipts have have iseund, ninety being to colored taxpaycrs. A corg9spqgent o~f( thq Chmarleston .Journ al of/ CJomm erce has obtaiinod from Governor H~ampton an ex prossion afi his vieud ' oWi tho now scheme pr'oposed by. i1dnont Johm Patterson. The Gavor'nor says: "1 would not consent to it under any circumstancos. I will coniiont to no new election'andi no comn romiso, and should r'egard a proposition to that effectrAs. atanh1L Thospeopke have elected me, gn&I intend to hold on." Governor' Jampton would consent to a new Pr'esidel)tial e lection, he would'bq. wilipig to have another' State election, blit ~pIi'b no other pirciimsteaiinos posl A would he entov'aig~9ang spich rrangemin. In the vien thu avrwaod r.t~ crnor ImnIiU1lptofn but speaks the i;entimeilnt of the entire 1)emocrney of South Carolina. Mr. Brown says he does not like to see that Wallace went with Senator 1tobertson to protest against thie liroi d ellV election. Ie thinks it at signi tiat Wallace wants to "Collo over. As l'r hiiniseif he says that 10 is an old original un iecoist ructed dyed in-tli-w o o 1 never-to-beo-rubbed-out Democrat, buit if Wallaco enters the party lie nust leavo it. He cites as a pre eedent wihy Wallace should not be )rtmitetod .to enter, the anecdote told eln his Satanic Majesty, who when Tihad Stevets died rcfuseIl to lot him11 ir, saying ht: had a conserva live gover Imienit down there, and didn't wall t any I:ilieals in it, but rent hiti a few matches and somno b1iInst one to set Up i an independent little hell of his own. Per coitra Judge Mackey has said, ''While th lamp hohls m it to burn E;ven Wallace nuay ret urn.". W e woulthl't be much sulr)rised if the ex-'ongressman did comlo over. But we e:n't let Chaniberlain come too -wAe liust draw the line soi w lere. rir li' tIlrsi n t41, having wi hdr n. L. entirely fnun th1 a met~rantlil business, ives notieo 'h,,t his notes and( aecottnts are in I'te ht:tnls 1 it a lawyer for (o , leet ion witdiont , Pronmpt attent tion wVill sav a eost-s. mar 17 M 2 JA. 11. A I1( lN. NOTI]JL. \FTI-it the 2.11nd inst, until f. rther _ 1.. entice, myV book" will he kept of 4"n in Winnsboro o~n Friday and' : atutrday of ettt w'eek .to receive the 10en per 0(11 0onl tribution (;tilled for by Governor Ilamup t4)11. JAS. Q. DAVIS, matt' 17 Spreial Agent. DR. R. B. HANIAN, w\JxSI3OBO, S. (. (_ FFICE in rear of J. F. MeMaster & C'o.'s store, 1:l) stairs. mu ur 17 I:a NOTIOJJ. U. S. Internal Revenue SPEC'IAL TAXES, Wiy 11 > u o "! pril I., 1S1"1. I S t .4 . . ;w .K.:. :D2:7. :1.':' amnd lei'a a m~e. ion, o fex itsit whteh . t er S ~tlace~4 of c4ssern - I T. 11' '1:0tin: the pvynitnt oft said 1I o I . '. \ for iw - pre-ial Tax Year JS7 7. A 1et urn, rei potcscriheud ont Forun. l , is bit- to Speial T1..a, ats above-. TH1 Itt T.d A~tr Vi taIN)At 'Yn Utv-i~ LowlNtI , 'IZ.: Ileeiilliers, 8200) 00 l)halers, ]it i re i tlno. : 5 00 I )ealers in inait Iiuinoris retail, 2(0 '4) INoaeri in left ttbiwen, 25 co Andi on I- .of over )1 ,lt00~, fifty eentIs for every~ dotll,.r ini e'x4e.4 D)eal er-s iln0:2 I Ianfcured tobaLceo, 5 (0 Manntl tfact nr ers of st ill-., 50) (00 And for eachl still maufat ureud, :0 t u Mannkhf cfttr'rs of1 tobacco(, 10 (II ilnn len of eitart 10IC 0-. Pe 1d Ieri of I 4llobco, firs't class (mfOro t hatn two hosesx or oither ainimails), .0 00 Peddiea.'' of tobacco, set-ond classi, t'wo hkorses or otiler enimnaix', 25 00) (oneo horse or othe aim), 15 00 Pedlers0-1 of ftobaceo.~ foturth class~, (on foot or ftablic coureymatnc), 10 (00 Brewers of less thant 501) barrolh', 50) 00I lirewers ol 51)0 barrels or more14, 200 00) A Any personi oo liableo wh'Io suhall fauil to comj)ply w..l it tofor:,.oing reqiemntsi~1 w.ill be1( subli (ct, tof sever. peatie Us. Ptersonis or' frmst lialje to paly anly Of' tho; Special TVaxs nt.ttned albove iutti alilr t o1L. C'ASX ''A I1 P1GNTEll, Collector of In Ie~nel levenl' :0 at, (.oituiaj1,, ad pay for tand 4 roenra the~ Specia'l 'lTax Stamptii or Stim 15Ihey needt, pirior to Alay 1, 1877, and 'WIlllJOUT F'UWL'i1g NO'T'f('', Fpciil lTax Stnp '~a1 il o transmitted or i-rm 'rderinfg theO samec of sptecific directions se 1to dio, together with the jwoecessary postago stampul) or the amount require-d to pay' the p)ostagto, VTe I-outage on onte stampt1 11 thtree caents and, en twoi stamnps is six con lt. It is is desired that the) he trantsmiitted by registered mil, ton 0c1nts ad 4itioiii, 11hould accompany the application. GREEN B. R AUM, .rConfusiusiorie,o'r Intornal Revenue, Washi ngton,'D, 0., Jatnhuary 23, 1877. E11T vonr Job Printing done at 'TJ''fr uN1w$ Aun H.ER AL Ole TO OUR CUSTOMERS o- , 110 are indebted to us for PROVlI8. IONS or PHfOSPIIATES, we would respoel fully call attention, that your bills are due on or before tho first of November. W a lr depending on you for Iymnenit AT ONCE, to enable us to meet obligationis miade to assist you, and which arc du at that time. In order for us, as well Is Von, to main tain our credit, it is necessary to mecet our promnises proniptly, Beaty, Brone% Sons oct 12 CALL ATTENTION 1O their lairge axnd elegant assortmenit of GLASSWARE,~ l''spr eia'.lj theoir Ucerry, Fruit and P'reserve IliowlIs. -ALSO, 'To their variety of' LAMP.3, which, for beauty and chxexpnxess, excei. ---ALSO, To thoir large stock of CROCK(EIIY, which they oifer at low prices, to close out theoir GOODS in this lino. niaar 3 P3EG8 to c'all attentiom' to his new ) t ock of Roots and( .Shboes, aill sizes axnd styles, at unfprcedenmtedly low prices. ALSO, An entirely new Stock of Oroces. Sitgar of all grades, Coffee, Rice, Homilny, Meal, Socap, Starch, Soda, Pepper~ '(ga, Otc. Fine Seed Irish Potatoes. Choicent Branids of' 1 loure * ., Best Corn and Btye WVhieskey In town. To'. 'co and Cigars, Molasses,, YAnted; Bacon, (iamns, &c. Lowest market p~rlbes r cash. mar 3 R. J. McCARLEY. M iCHANTS are -requested to em - .pare our prices for Papxer and Papgr J5aga, with~thos9 paid else'where. 8n 1 airm o SPRING HA3 CU01E AND WITH IT A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES' AND GENTS' A",{IN GOOI)S DANNENBE 1 CATIJ. AND SEE THEM Andl brinlg your change wtivth you. 'ur beautiful Cent Ii . ,:trip-s, at 1 one yard wide. CALICOS AT OLD PRICE*. CLOTHING IN GREAT VA.IETY. JUST 1IWCE IVF v I P . r i ? o "s ia.r 1O -BY J .F Tvc~astor & Co. SPRhIING PRINTS SPRING PRINTS 3 F~rit t.of theo Loomhl, Fari~wel and other brands of Lonigeloth. Tabole D)amask --Urhown, Pleachled and1( A full- stock: cf Bedl 'I'leks, A lariga lot of hiigh-back Tuck~ (Combsi just received. All of which we are aelliung very low -FOR~ THE CASH~. J. F. McMASTER & CO. mr 10 IiSSOlutlON of (Copnrfnerslip. rPRfr of JTOIINSTON & PETT2J'I I1 CtEWVis u (thidy dIissolved by mutual consent. Jiohert Pett ierewv i.s horhy anthorized to settle thre businessx of tis~ JOIIN .TO7NSTON, Feb. 1i, 1877. RlOBERtT l'ETTICltEW. I can still bo found at the old lanpd,an ..all personsl in udobted to the late 11rm of JOHNST1ON & PETT'Ic1REW are reqgnested to come up na nettle, or theoy will find their aiccounts in the hands of an attorney for colleet-ion. fob 20-1m Iban EnT PETTI'oREW. ONION SETS,: WHITE and Rod Onion $eta, alo, -Y fresh Garden Seoed in great variety, also Jlorb and Flower Seeds. Also, a lotof Liens and othier Blanks. ror salo by' '1'! 108. 1. P0(! lEIrF8-'ON , Attorney at Law AN)) 'I !Al V JUST1CI~. 44it 1(1 k 1j'ai(it kil 'II i " II 44 I t' 4)11t t ii n l :il;(:"ul\V.tsltio ,fn iiticct. , cjie door ii ~.%111. %1. 1). JNo. 8. l:YN'al.Io1. GAILLARD 1 1EYHOLDS, Xe) . h4 I A'l A.. 1\V A. M. MA('KEY, Attorney andl( Counsellor at Law, { S , ~4~1',~f C1.1":1 )) f4 x< t'.)l4d "Iul itt'. (' Now Good.s rI rtiut tu ho 1)i (sohds, Fi?11u'y J3AZAA 13. \t+\% i ing Pr1int;; 1111(1 0 ^ri Goods ex - I).(t((1 1it~i /t4 1 NSPC1'FiPON of flit' 1. .tli.- ail 1 lIoli4 gt'ncriiy so 1. 1111'1:5 111141 \0l1' I I ('4411 i1'4 fatVOrubly tsiitli AGENT for I I!: 114' l: '.; 'j 41ol' 1.'14t I 43.11., bLnllieQ1' MA41 \I1 N TI'111 GOODS 141211444 k('(1 IIi~ ill 1 rit S to clearti 1114"111 out ALWAYS IUECE:1YIN( Ii "(" ul eh '14iCt1 ( t)ol ill I ho Groceriy lirr~~~~,! ;1i:14 hl il l(k l'44I0;iris of (ieno. I'(1 .41 4011IIlI i 54' 11 lit~tt Ioc' tulkI's toln Ill It(,! I 1414' it1( Il lh ' to ilt"l'l rj e. Sutlic' ittost\, el !:i fn( il vl 0. ut titG'. J. 0. BO0AG'S. i'llnI it 1l'4. ill la 1 '. - i", S ingles, &c'. for ;l" is 1 t1i j lo w~tst, by J. 0. I3OAG. TLilE BALL STILL ROL4LS ON GP ,AND. CENTIRAL, Diry (oods'Ttablishment