WVINNHIIO1tO, S. 0I. Saturday, March 17, :0 : : 1877. R. M3ANS DAVL*S, ltkII.oi,__." . JNO. S. REDYNOLDS, Awioctitto Edttoa. 1' von 'tVaillaeo 0l1oO P'ltLorHIotI8 14011011)0 of it 1ow oletitl. Hwo (oli() ltle ()yO~rtl thait . 11[atlimtoli W'ol, of l souilli11, itH it ixoor-foct, fraudt. T'lat's tlho Holt of poior ho iii. itot all favor it now (lectioI ill tinat, Satot. Nobody whot;o opinlion is worth anything fztvors muich a thing for South CJarolia. Judcgo lived( RH 1011(1l. H o 111114 tit cidod to givo II niupt~toil am eqiani I1on'ou 111tH ho ordereil to r('C(ivti l)risoner"' ('uiiiiii ttel lby I ho triial j l~tiC&H ftlp)O111llti by eithor. .1'1 is is pretty good for leeml. Woa tvonlul Ii Iv 140)110 8.M1t 4 olelver itiiiong the 1t;idiieIl1s t0i say by 'ilia1t. dlont of tho thet Ulite~tl Sutt, or any body else', 111t8 t'he tighlt t) t~eor or0 ov1 Huga tnr'el tit for thon 5c14toi;"n1i i"t')i'l of Wain~~agto 01) seeiails toc Nw en 'or1h say that I it, lhas~ hea'u dot raili t to, withidraw thlt. troops from the +St .1 tte . l11))i1W int Col1u1mbia tand Now 00t' ills 118 8140)11 O the 140181at znlrus. 1'11'. lPresidema I. has aissluite front ('ciii Hleralt i-es ill bot h St ~it e t bai1t l'e:1rwe }j til Ile m)t n;iut i atm. , 1'th'm'st 1)111ev ('410" No.v. litin t'ti'm ' t 111la &iin i t I ~i .o. 1 \ ;t altlemit b :Ill 1);11 '.. I hmi: 1 to 1;i1; t ltlll buii t 1'i:t Pail dl l1tist N-A' l ito Ot, Tepoiee of \ :tliimlltton m1adet ;1 ratid, r''ent.lv, on one of the gamtbling satloons of tht ity. Amnth p'isoner' who spentt. tn ie ghlt at the Rt~tiol house5 Wet, a) judlge. ta vcu) of South Cairolinaz. It is x'epovtedi that Juudge (Carpenter,. of t he fift h tl('11'Iilt,11111, \\'lliolt \\':ts ('il,('t o(I in Cho l i"1111 wave v'r:tr. 'I'li(1 rrl{till, \\"{n1 no oxlllt"t( tl. '1'ho I )('nit, Ct"at11 \\"ill Illl\"tt six IliO jk) 'it;y ill t ho now 1101180, I[on. H. 1'. 1' ),.1], 1)oiti 1 ('V'ilt., 1101111( chosell ill (1 )1't. itL Co Allecoo(i 13cr11 Hill Honest John Pattcrsou's Scheme. 11ot1c1Nt .John .1'itttersoil has brought, him Hill)tie in(ellevc to boar tt11oll Clio Solltll(lrn pro' lonl. '1'11( retilllt IN tl) o\"oltition of it Illitrt.','1111i ('ollt, HvIlunto of (olnl)ronli.4(1 1)a::ltl il)on it now ell,('t.i('n. This l)ropo.-.i_ tioll \\'olil i Lo in rft t tlN" agrto:ll lo to Mr. ii'I ttPrtiol( :Intl others of (lull, kidiit'v, \vLo hit\"(' not11iuri to lost Will it Karo l)ossibilit.y ot" ,,'itinilI 11y siioh all ex1)'(li('iit.. .11111. it. is illtol el-liI)lo to and' one having Ow lonst, illtorest in oillit'r lilt' l)olitir;llor till, 11111(eli:ll a'olfille of tilt' No tit11111tl argtllilt'llIS (..ltl he 101 \"itu("totl in 1:111)ln)rt of t.Ilis l)r,11lo ;i t.iomi. 'l'ilt' ohjot't1o1114 Ilse )Ii5ltllet:t 1)10. '('t1 go ilk) hut 1101". (io\"t{'llor Ililnllltoll was olot'te(1 ill No\'olnlloi", :lets it. would hl, iii idlo lt)t11111i111(11t to oloot kiln ill,;;lilt. 'I'11l, ('01151itU title 110)10",\"('i" 11ro\iii(s for titat0 (II(t iol18 but 0)i100 ill two V0af . ;111(1 Lilo inatori:tl illtt'rt "tti of the titalt' ih' 1Ian;l that t!it'\" ,11(111+(1 nt't l'(' 11t l.i tit ;a:ill tt r roil,! \11,. A l)tliitio;11 ooil" tt st at this tilllo. lit :ttt'tl ati it \\'t'llltl 1)l,. \\'oiih1 11i11ligt' (ho 'tato into Illo\trie.1111o 00ilftl' soil :111ti l':ill! t'lli)t" itro ll:irtl t 11t)u ll n.t\\. ;lilts the \\'(111 ( ;ill It ko1)t t'lti' dool's (1111' h\" 11111't'llii till'.' :lt it'11t1.'i1 to 11'"iVato hll ines.'. Mr. Patter!-Oll'5 'che"lll, N'lll llot \\ t'i l:. 1 t i i;l'"l::'tl :l1 t o ro(lll;: o l:t) t l:t'11 t 1:1'1 1, .it. l l'l t" \ I'0 tlt ll:llll, :t'.,:1.:t" ;:l t 11 It i . 11'0' 111 t "1 1 ;.. 1 tiit t'.. 1tt (la\ 11 t tit l .:l'oiiIla 1> ;oiuo, ;111.1 t!t::i t.'.1:,:ill t l' 1:1111 :in.l l',.tit" ll;t'11. :ilt' ('i{lttl:t{l ,'' tit It'llitt at St.t1\\S. .1 tit: MINT A)o:x Boy. l.it t':l, ""111.:\". tilt- l)t1t)t black. \\":)s skil'1)i{tff tlO\rt I I, (T i'iswold tl 't \'t stoi'tl;i\' \\'llt 11 a l)t)lit"lnlltn asked ].*,Ill if :111 t11ii1, ",lYl1t'"" ,1inl l11':ii-w is l1II Ilioi t' ill tilt' 11lSlll"al1('(' It lit l,, 2't 1);1lti ti.;llti\'. " ,11111 l;l:.ill(' ' \\ "11\", l1(' isn't is to\\'11." . ,.\\'t'll. it'.:) l,1 f..11 .. a 1"., :_. ")....,.. TfI'v'I Iii Al w'7E ixIIr t'(L\II CUPli"; ('.\NV'ASt1) hA\ l'il:sl ('O\1: O\ Si'1EI;.-i .. c iiOCOJ.,:ATE. s EA PAC( [ HARD: CHEAPEST .1)5 eents per pon .................20 rent~s per ennll .. .............20 t tt u por can .........,....,...20 cents por cal . FOAM. FLAYOING E'XTB ACTS, ETC, S 4E)S, A~1 I. I 'E3 T2 I IJ S, )\. SUGAR OF ALL GliADES, COFFEE, ETC., ETC U% DMll s D) B OO TS. F #i t' Uli't'c' ('!t'p of Ct:11' 11 E. Ft.i.xsos, Su. .Auctionieer. lniny ~pr~it tat of JT. M1. Caldwril1 algainit ,bwobid A. Caldlwell anid othe1rsI. I )3 Yi ,irt ot'an order of the Dist rict t 'ourt of th. Unlited States, for the 1l 1r.tiet ~ofSo th(t1 Cao~na, in the abhove of4.t Apr1il. A. 1). 1S7. aIt the Coni lion0' e 'in lt towni of Winnsho-io. ("pint , of Fa irm I .in 1 i- tote of South Car~olinzi, at 1: o'cl 1el, mi: All tht tr. d of land, contalinin g FIOJH1 -it. It i in ad be ing in the *ounty ot I'.i d :n 1:h Stat aiI foresa id1. on'the w\tes W;t ir.e Crtek, l'o'unded on the .:i y lanls f W4. J.1 Latham1. east byt lanuis of r. Nue M111.1oble.v, south hv 1.tradI 1f~ v T. W. Erwin1. weit byv Iland's ' 4. Wat Irie- anid haing ie. such otlher *..le. in rk an d b'omah I .ris as a~ plat of munty ' a de b J. It I (. L1adwell'. 1' s.. on te--dyo -- . i87, ore fully ALSO. All thati tracti or planteit ion of land, conii 20 .l r i'i V . sIitae. 1lig and0 binig in Connii. of Fairield andi the h4tate0 it - riin tie t' r s of D)utekn hn's < rees bounded~l.. by landsl of Thosl. Da~vis, T1a et 'avnid l'rogenee. Estate of N. A. l'ny 10 m ii hlarrison. Jl et er liarrison and othlr' in ld l'iaig such other bouhn 'adate '.a 4ph: f irn-' l hv' 1111. ]. be.rteen 1'. S., more fully repre'sents. Al that ceritai 1 p'i4'er. l14'arcl or lot of 11a14, ibh Ih toreOi-house the..reon. lying, being. and14 !iinate4 inl the towni of liak sok i t tt andt Conty aforeaai4d, tronting' en~ MaIin Street, andu located bti ta< n the.. lots o 'ned resp'ectyively by Culp A Rbag~lole and JIohni C. Maeckorell. .1 a! t 1lot or )-arce'l of land lying and4 iitna.te* in the lawn of lItlackstock( al 8':14.ate resoid, fronting o i Main Stree'ti tw ohr.re~r.d and~ ten te'et, on south-enst I'y i.n1* of W. Dt. )lichardlson onet hua dredo~ and sixty-(ji1ht feet, on the north by - lot tw'o hundtredi and ten fe'et, and14 on the nor-th-w.sit by alley-way oane haundired rn.a it-e1iht feet -containing 7InIT.E TuosA~i, NINE nuNIum'4L AND'TWWEN= TY (39:20; sWrni rAnna4, miore or lesa TERMlS OF SALE: O~ne thirdi c'ash, the balance in t wc equaal sniceessin aurnnal instaulments', withm interact fromd 4d4 ofale, mayble annnaln. .y, rieenrcI by bandl (I prcham'e MII mortgaget of the pienmisena. ~IRuildings on premii es to be iz'aured, and Puolicy am. ~rehser a9 PtA ter. t~fLTATUUOER , sur W taa . Publishers and Printers Can buy direct of the Manufacturer on favorable termis. "1iuxi ANseN IIARnY CUTTING MACHINEs are the best and cheapest low priced. machine made, and have a national repn tation for utility and durability."-The ccrr lIper, bica (iyo. Ti ANSUN IIAR)Y PAPRI CUTTrn is by far the best iachine which can be ob tained for a less price than one hundred' ,tollars. It. is of great strength. Theso machines have lwaya taken the highest stand. It is the only machine to which is applied the Patent Movable Cutting Board. This device has a reputation of itself: by it, the cutting board can be in, stantly nud aeourately tovo(d, so that a perfect out is insured. This is a very in portant point in the nunoltine, and one that is possessed by no other. It greatly reduces the labor of preparation in work, ing the paper backward and forward. We cannot too strongly recommend the advantages of this patent movable board. It is worth the prioo of this machine, and purchasers tl;ould fully understand how highly it is to be valued,"-Gee. P, Rou'e J (t.'s ae'r.aper Reporter and Prialer's Ga ulille. 'THuE LAT1:sT IPrnovED llARDY CARD CUT, TRi is . pronounced the most desirable Card Cutter in the market, for the general uses of a printing office. Tie well known lrooE.s C.ir, CUTTEn, with my atest improvements, is still pre ferred by am 'any p)inters, and holds its fitvoritismt over other machines, None genuine but those having may full address lettered in the casting. . Newsptpers it want of advertising frota first parties should send for my circular. F. A.1!AJItIY, A ubuidtilte, Miss. I will buy of those that buy of me. dec 1I JUST REcEIVED, .t . full slook of Plain and Fany C ro ecries. which will be soll at lo% it price for the Cs.sh. ALSO, A tine stock of liquors, such as W HISKEY, BR ANDT, WINES in groat variety, ALE, BEER, etc., etc. The patronage of the public is solici. ted. B. ROSErHEIM. f1vb 10-t f 1RAD ,v E% MARK wF. eLAIM FOR THE IMPnOVED WHITNEY SEWING ThoIo MACHINlES ,irTe folwing specificelpoint, of supe. I-Grecat sanyttetty ian Con-, * Diuaarabiity. 3--Exceedisagty Lighat Rumna. uatmug. .--Mili EA asnning. Noiselem,,. 5-Prer'rnmas li VarietIes of' ~Work1. I6.-Beauty or Finista and Werukanunumstaip. 'VGCItE'AT RlEDUCTION UN Single Machines sent on orders direct from thte Factory, written guarantee with eachl Machmin.. WHYT PAY OLD PiTiCE8! .KWSend for circulars and particulars. Address, feb 17 Paterson, N. J, Established lES6. CHARLES MULLER Has roevedl to the stare next to Francia (erig's. ATH.,Clockcsand lJew "y re. XX'uadred, and satisfaction guaranteed to everybody.. Those1 in lebtoed to meo for work on jewelry will pleaso pay at once, for feb .'b t T) Y authorilty of 0.11. Thetpo, e. .a- Jud of ltrobato for Fairih Cin ' 1 wIll offr for sala at pubili ontcr the 3rd day of April, 1877, at the real. dence of Mias E. Iwhine, in Fairraeld county, all the 1rannat rpgyblo. ing to the'ata. of Wi. Jin~kle 4e eaed, lat of -said eonntLe~~oe mar' 13 A.. hS.