/ . I Ed. THE GAFFNEY LEDGER, Tuesday and Friday. H. DeCamp, Editor and Publisher name, or furnish it in case he uses a nom do plume, so as to Identify »ho writer. • • • The Ledger Is tot responsible the view* of its correspondents. CITY DIRECTORY, onteiaie. Ross .. •• •• .. H ..Mayer i Mr. C. F. King, the Tloston “flnan- *° T ' r-ior,” is now servinK an apprentiee- 'ship in the Massachusetts penitentiary.' n. No. 3, wore Several years aw> we took ocasion to denounce the methods of this man in order that we might protect our own i people against him. Some one who had bought some of his stock took Pond section, spent several hours In the city Wednesday ou business. Hon. E. J. Clary and Hon. W. S. Hall, Jr., who spent several days in the city the first of the week, have returned to Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Price, of R. F. in the city yetfierday. W W. o. Johnson .. .. Mayor Pro Tsm | except ion to our views and favored Goc. E. Hood city Clark, Mr. King with a copy of The Ledger, T. H. Uttlejoka Troanoror containing the denunciation. Mr. T. H. Lockhart Cklof Polio* | King, whom we had known personal- A. L. Hallman Hoaltk OMnv, ly for about twenty years, wrote to City Attya. i us saying he was much surprised at the course the editor of this paper had Vakon towards him, as we were I old friends, and that if we were the * Sutler A Osborn* .. Board of Robllo W*rfc*> N. Wood Ckalrma* A. J. B. Amos Wright Osborn. The following item from the Boul der, Colo., Sentinel, of a recent date, will be of interest to many Ledger readers in Cherokee, and elsewhere inasmuch as Vhe subject of the sketch is an uncle of Mr. O. A. Osborne, of Blacksburg, and Mr. A. R. Osborne, agent of the Southern Railway Com pany in this city, and for whom the latter was named: “Amos Wright Osborne, superinten dent of ‘<110 Adamant Brick Company, died at his home this morning at 4:4.'*, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Osborne was the pioneer brick- Died in Spartanburg. The following notice is taken from the Spartanburg Herald, and wiy be of Interest Vo many ledger readers who were acquainted with the sub ject of the article: “The funeral of Mrs. M. E. Perry wb died at her home on West Hen ry street Wednesday afternoon, took place at the First Baptist church at 3:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, the i intermenV being in Oakwood ceme tery. Mrs. Perry had been a resi dent of Spartanburg for a number of years and had a host of friends here. She was seventy-five years of age.” Mrs. Perry once lived in Gaffney, and has many relatives and a large number of friends in this community who regret Vo learn of her death. Absolutely Fare W J. , , . , , maker of Colorado. The following ! same fair minded Ed. DeCamp he had extract from Hall’s History of Colora- | known in years gone by that weido, says: ‘Amos W. Osborne, presi- j would retract what we had said. We dent and general manager of the Den ver Pressed Brick Co., owned by Os borne & Morrison equally, was horn N Lipscomb Troaaoror G. Clary .. i Mar* of Trato. C. Hamrick ProoMoot i replied saying, “If half what they C. Otts Eoorotary j charge you wivh he true you ought _ I to tie in the penitentiary.” To this ; we received no reply. Now that he is in the penitentiary, and although he is getting no more than he de- J serves, we cannot suppress a feeling i of regret—because he was born in I North Carolina. NOTES AND COMMENTS. “Be a Booster,” should be the slogan of every man who wants see his community take on new life and grow. • » « They say it ’takes money to build good roads, but it does not take a Solomon to say that it is worse than folly Vo waste what money we have at our command in the maintenance of the roads we now have. • • • The condition of the roads in this county for the pasV month should he a mighty weighty argument in favor of permanent road building. Will our people never awake to the impor tance of commencing this work? » * • The trial of the Coopers for the murder of Senator Carmack is now on in Nashville. Lev us hope that there will he no such miscarriage of justice as there was in a similar case in this State several years ago. • • • There has been nothing of particu lar inVerest transpiring in the Gen eral Assembly within the past week. It generally takes the body about two weeks to get down to its knit ting, so we may expect some lively doings within the next week. • • • Mr. Tillman is out in ancVher state ment concerning the education of the negro. This time he states the sit- uaVion exactly right, hut we cannot agree with his reasoning that the negro will ever again become a fac tor in our political life. We fear he is seeing a bugaboo. • • * Four years ago Theodore Roosevelt was the mosfc popular man in all these United States, hut if we are to judge by what we read concerning him now he is the mosv bitterly hated man in : the country. It remained, however, j for Mr. William Willett, a Democratic Congressman from Brooklyn, N. ‘Y., to make a specvacle of himself in PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. .Mr. R. H. Ferguson, a prominent insurance man of Spartanburg, was among the visitors in the civy Tues- j day. Col. H. Fay Gaffney, the popular! representative of the New York Life Insurance Company, with ’headquar ters at Camden, spent a short, while in the city this week with his family. 1 Mrs. O. C. Dorman and little son. Ernest Lee, have returned to their home on R. F. I). 7 after a visit to Mr.; and Mrs. John II. Byers, in the city. Mr. E. H. Gaines, of Spartanburg, was in the city Wednesday. Mr. Harry Wheat returned to the city Wednesday after a few days visit to New York. Mr. T. B. Clarkson, a former Gaff- neyite, spent a few days in the city this week. Tom is now selling hard ware for a firm in Norfolk. Mr. W. A. Turner went to Blacks burg Wednesday on business. Mr. J. F. Gault went to Spartan burg Tuesday. Mr. J. V. Muny, of the city on business, connected with the Company of Virginia, representative. Mr. D. D. Littlejohn, of Greenville, spent Tuesday in the city on busi ness. Mr. W. .1. Thomas, an old and loyal friend of The Ledger, who hails from Thlckety, was in the city for a few hours Wednesday. Mr. J. D. Buice, of the People’s Market, made a flying business trip to Spartanburg Wednesday. He did not go in an aeroplane however. Mr. Prater Smith, of Goucher, was in the civy Wednesday on business. Mr. S. M. Lipscomb, of the Pacolet Gold Mining Co., spent a few hours in the city Wednesday. Mr. D. A. Thomas left yesterday | for Union where he goes to visit rel atives and friends. * Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tate, of Union, were the guests of friends in this city the latter part of last week. Mr. M. Wilkes Brown, one of Ra venna’s popular merchants, spent a in Fitchburg, Mass.. March 2!*, 1829. The business was established in 1882 on the presertt site of Highlands. Den ver. which plant had a capacity at the: bee-inning of 3.000 brick daily, which steadily grew until, in 1892, it had in-j creased to 50,000 daily. He came Vo Denver in 1800 and after engaging in mining in California gulch for three! years he returned to Denver, where he has since resided. He has traveled extensively, going in 1853 to Africa, thence to Australia and afterward to! South America, where he hunted gold: on the Amazon rlv^r. He visited every seaport town' between the mouth of the Amazon and Panama, coming through old Mexico to Califor nia, where he spent two years. He then extended his journey through' the southern states, and finally se lected Denver as his fuvure home.”* Postmaster Hester Confirmed. Washington correspondence of the ■Columbia State, under date of Wed nesday. 'says: “Postmaster Hester, of Gaffney, : whose confirmation has been in the balance in Vhe senate, will lie conflrm- i ed without opposition by Senator | Tillman. Since there was a consider able flurry about ilie supplanting of ! Folger by Hester for political reasons, as iv was charged, a hold up by the senate was in contemplation but all this has been abandoned and Hester will he let alone. The principal charge against him was that he* is a carpethager imported from North Carolina to do Capers’ and Hitch cock's political work.” Grapes give the chief ingredient, the active principle^ | and healthfulness, to ROYAL BAKING POWDER ^S?b*otulely Pure .Insures wholesome and deli cious food for every day in every home No Phosphat s No Alum More people have been civilized i may get rid of a persistent suitor by Mrs. Sarratt Entertains. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. Vol- ney Sarratt entertained a number of her lady friends at “Flinch.” This pretty and hospitable home was at tractive with decorations of hot: house plants and cut flowers. The guests j were received at the door by Miss Julia Sarratt, the charming young daughter of the hostess. Mrs. Roy Osborne cave the drawing of tables for the game. Mrs. (’has. Hamos as sisted Mrs. Sarratt in entertaining the guests until the game began, when laughter and merriment filled the The Cost of the Census. (Harper’s Weekly.) The next census of lift* United States is for the* year 1910. and appro priations for vhe c-o«t of c ollect ing the statistics must he made by our next congress. The; director of fhe census has issued his annual report to the secretary of commerce and labor and has asked for an appropriation for the next fiscal year of $11,000,000. It is estimated that the actual cost of Vhe census proper will be ?!2,930,000, hut the remainder will he taken up in paying for lie four annual investiga tions and the two biennial reports. The cost ot our last, census, that of 1900, was $’2,520,000, and the direc tor believes that the count for 1910 can he made at and increased cost of only $410,000. Formerly the cos 4 , of taking the census was increased 50 per cent from decade to decade, so that an increase of $410,000 is remark ably low in view of our greatly en larged population. However, there are several e. asons fr this enormous the tabulating apparatus will with the bathtub than with the Ten (Commandments. It sometimes happens that a girl marrying him. In cold weather blanket your horses while stopping. Laurens, is in Mr. Muny is Life Insurance as a traveling been , , ,, „ . „ T , i short while in the city Wednesday on denouncing the occupant of the White ; | n]s j ness House. We would rather that ft had; Mr. J. M. Jordan, of Greenville, other party. visited friends in the efty Wednes- ! day. Mr. W. A. Fair, editor of the Lin coln County News, spent several pours in the city yesfterday on busi ness. Mr. L. H. Nixon, of Charlotte, a member of the • • » The exercises throughout the Soufch- land in commemoration of the birth of Lee last Tuesday were most ap propriate and lining. We venture the assertion, haw« vor. tha*. nowhere in all this broad land was the great chieftain more charmingly eulogiz ed than by our own (’apt. H. I*. Grif fith, at Limestone College-. For an hour he p-Md tribute to his me-ucry in terms of endearment, and his refer- ence-K to the valor anu brave-y ot the j gnavest general the world has ever! known were hut the cues for hearty applause, which indexed the sympa thy of his hearers. • • • was on business. Columbia, was shaking hands double parlos. After two hours of . his , paving most delightful game a two-course he built bv the «ensus bureau in luncheon was served and the guests st ead of renting it as heretofore, and departed with regrets tha. the time ;c)ie machines are of greater speed and had passed so quickly. I efficiency; the operators of this ma- Tlio.se present were Mesdames S. H-hinery will he paid by piece work, B. Harper, A. (. ( roe, B. Names, R. an( j j n t he words of tin* director, “the S. Lipscomb, Chas. Names, G. G. By ers. M. Pratt Pierson, W. F. Humph ries, T. L. Brown, W. C. Hamrick, C. C. Humphries, T. H. Littlejohn, A. N. Wood, W. C. Carpenter, J. C. Pittman, J. B. Bell, W. J. Wilkins, S. Sparks, W. H. Smith, J. F. Garrett, A. R. Os borne, H. Robbins, W. Thomas, J. E. Sherrard, E. Wilkins, S. L. Fort, E. L. Eison, N. H. Littlejohn, Miss Mc- Swain, Mrs. Clarence Osborne, of An derson. Cherokee Poultry. At the poultry show held in Green ville last week Cherokee poultry was on exhibition, and two Gaffney peo ple brought away prizes on some of their exhibits. Mr. E. R. Cash took first and third on cock, first, second and third on cockerel, third on hen and first on pullet, on his Rhode Island Rods. On Rose Comb Rods all the awards went .:o Mr. N. V. Sanders, of this city. In commenting on these the Greenville News said: “In the Rose Comb Rhode Island Red class Mr. N. V. Sanders, of Gaff ney, Is an exhibitor and his birds show that, they have been handled. Mr. Sanders was get over to the show.” carefully unable co Attention is directed to a communi cation in this issue concerning the quefftion of sewerage. Th« writer presents only a few of the salient arguments in behalf of the installa tion of sewerage. The Ledger is 1 very much interested in this ques tion and we want every phase of the| matter presepted to our readers. We invite communications on the subject.! While we favor the establishmetf. of sewerage, and can see no argument against it that combats those for it, in the city yesterday Mr. C. H. Dixon, of in the city yesterday with his friends. Mr. A. J. McCraw, of Grassy Pond, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Mc- f’raw is one of The Ledger’s most valued friends and we are always glad to see him. Mr. Robert Davis, of the Flat tie- ground section, was in the city yes terday on business. Mr. Joe Green, of Goucher, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Green is a' merchant and planter who does) things. Mr. Hiram Lipscomb, of Mississ-; ippi. who lias been visiVing relatives in this section for a couple of weeks.! Mr. Duff Leaves. ('. If. Duff leaves Mr. J. ('. H. Duff leaves today for Clover and Chester, from where he will start for Oklahoma In about two weeks. Mr. Duff will locate som i- where in '.hat State. Gaffney regrets to give up Mr. Duff. He lias been keeping books for W. J. Wilkins & f’o. for the past ten years and has made many friends during his stay here. CATARRH CURED. No Cure, Ho To i to kill Pay, H a Most Gener ous Offer. an antiseptic strong catarrh eerms and not enough desvroy fact that the office is now organized a’, the highest point of efficiency, that no time will he lost in getting ready in testing the aptitude of green clerks and in developing new sytems, means fully a million dollars’ saving in !i<* organization of the thirteenth census.” BLOOD We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. * When strength is full and spirits high we are being re freshed-bone, muscle and brain, in body and mind—with continual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. Back of the blood is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take SCOTT’S EMULSION It sets the whole body going again—man, woman and child. Send thi* advertiiement, together with name of i/aper in which it appears, your address and four cent* to cover postage, and we will send you a "Complete Handy Atlas of the World.” SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York Your Future Is ing Made Now r.TLiiL.! § If you wish to be a success start a Saving Bank account today. FOUR per cent interest compounded four times a year is paid on all money deposited with the THE GAFFNEY SAVINGS BANK GAFFNEY, S. C. Office in National Bank of Gaffney, S. C. For Sale * * * 100 aero farm six miles from Gaffney, on main road. Red soil. Almost enough timber to pay for land. : :: :: •: Five room dwelling on Buford street, Gaff ney. Lot 70x200 feet. East front. Fine location. Terms easy. :: :: :: Smith <& Lipscomb At Merchants and Planters Bank 'll loft yesterday for his home at Mashu- the tissues of the membrane at the j iaville. He received a cordial greet- : anu- time, l as been a problem which i ing by his old friends who hope to was never solved nnli! the discovery ■ have him visit them again. of Hyomel (pronounced High-o-me.) Misses Julia and Lucy Wood at d * Hyomei Is prepared from eucalyp- Mrs. W. (’. Wilson left yesterday for mis, the most powerful yet healing ; Greenville, where i hey go to visit antiseptic known. Breathe it through to be gone friends. They expect only a few days. I Mr. D. C. Ross spent Wednesday ! in (’oiumbia. When asked what he ! was doing down then- he replied that he was attending the bachelors’ con vention. .... . , , -^ r - J- W. Linder and son. Morgan, fftill we propose to be fair and im-'of the Battleground section, were in partial, and if there be a man who is I the city yesterday, opposed to the movement who de- Mrs^ W. N. Austell and her sister, sires to state his views through The)"' 1 ™’ f,m,Pr ’ ,)av< ’ befM1 ra,,ed vo Ledger the columns of'the paper are also open to him. The only thing we require is that each person submit- 1 inflamed four or few days and five the the liar- city ting a communication sign his proper There I*, morn Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doc tor* pronounced it a lo< al disease, and pre scribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cur? with local treatment, pro nounced it Incurable. Science lias pro en catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutlonol tr<-atmnt. 1 on Clayton, Ga.. on account of serious illness of their brother. Mr. J. (J. Shannoubouse, of < iotte, spent a few hours in tin- yetfterday on business. Mr. P. H. Bright, of R. F. D, No. 8. was in the city yeslerday ^wn busi ness. He .ook occasion to renew his allegiance to The Ledger while here. Mr. R. B. Scruggs, of the Baftle-i ground section, was in the city Wed nesday on business. Mr. Ell Clay, of *,he Grassy Pond section, was in the city Wednesday | business. the inhaler over the ■-* o r m-r i d d en mcm it rane times a day, and in a germs will disappear. Tiie inflamed condition will go, too, and the snuffling, hawking and offen sive breath, and the discharge of mucous and crusts in the nose will < ease. Then why should any catarrh suf ferer hesitate, when The Gaffney Drug Co. has such faith in Hyomel that they offer to return your money if. after a fair trial, Hyomei does not cure catarrh. A complete Hyomei outfit, includ ing the inhaler, costs $1.00, and ertra bottles, if afterwards needed, cost hut 50 cents. Hyomei also cures asthma, croup, sore throat, coughs, colds or grip. ■k * *3 iSli Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, I* th«* only con stitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally In doses from 10 drop* to a tea- spoonful. It act* directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fall* to cu*e. Bend for circular* and testimonial*. Address. l \ J CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Prugglsts. TV He' 'sFarolly Pills are the best. Mr. B. G. Clary Is in (’oiumbia serving as a Juror in the United States court. Mr. Junius Parrott, editor of the Cherokee News, spent several days last week in Columbia, returning to the city Tuesday. Mr. Robert Harris, of the Grassy ONA Cures Dyspepsia. Your money bade if it don't Gives im mediate relief from heartburn, bout atom- o<4i, **r>«was4i dutress awd dele headaches SO cents • large bos at Gaffney Drug Company. Shave Yourself? It’s a pleasure when you have a good razor. Carbo-Magnetic Concave Hollow Ground, $2.50. Carho-Magnetic Double Concave, $3.00. No honing, no grinding when your Razor is a Carho-Magnetic. Evor Triad a Safoty Itazor? They are coming more and more into use. Everybody that has tried them likes them. Gillette Safety Razor, $5.00 with 12 extra new process blades. Gaffney Drug Company FOUR BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE. • Pursuant, lo a resolution of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware- house Company passed at a meeting held on December 24th, 1908, a ma jority of the stock being represented in person or by proxy, said meeting bfing called for this purpose, duo no tice of which was given according to law, we will sell on Monday, Feb ruary 1st, 1909, salesday, before the Court House door at Gaffney, S. C., during the legal hours for sales, the following property, to wit: Four fine business lots fronting 24 feet each on Frederick street, Gaff ney. S. C„ and running back 132 feet to alley 16 feet wide, and hounded by said strert. and alley and another al ley next to Albert Kirby’s lot, and the old S. C. ft G. E. R. R. tracks, the same being the front part of ihe Farmers Warehouse Company’s lot, the warehouse being at the rear of the property to he sold. TERMS OF SALE: One-half cash, and balance payable November 1st, 1909, wfch interest at 8 per cent, se cured by mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and re cording, and may pay all cash. Plat of same can be seen at the Merchants and Planters Bank. R. C. Sarratt, President. W, C. McArthur, Secy. & Treas. Gaffney, S. C., Jan. 13, 1909. Pub. Jan. 15-22 and 29. Fire Insurance! We represent some fo the largest and mostHUbst&ntla) companies and would like to write your business. S-U-tf Smith A Lipscomb, Agents. OR. W.K. GUNTER OUESiTiCftT Oihce in Star Theatre Building. Psoas No. 20. Crowe aad Bridge work a NOTICE. I will he at the several precincts in Cherokee county for the purpose of taking returns for taxation for the fiscal year, 1909, on the following dates: At King’s Creek, Friday, January 22nd, 1909, from 9 to 3 o’clock. At Antioch, Saturday, January 23rd, 1909, from 9 to 2 o’clock. At. Blacksburg, Monday, January 25th, 1909, from 8 to 4 o’clock. At. Buffalo, Tuesday, January 26th, 1909, from 9 to 1 o’clock. After this I will be at my office the remaining time for taking returns, to February 20th, 1909, as I may have no assistance, I especially request the citizens to turn out promptly # their precincts that I may pet full and cor rect returns of all the property In the county. Please read the following ! oath, signed by every citizen that makes returns for taxation: I do solemnly swear, that I have listed above, all the real and personal property, moneys, credits 1 over and above my Indebtedness, In vestments In bonds, stocks, Joint sock companies, or otherwise belong- ; ing to me, or under my control as ! manager, holders, or as hasband, parent, guardian, trustee, executor, administrator, receiver accounting of- 1 fleer, agent, attorney or factor, on tho ; 1st day of January, 1909, which aro ] subject to taxation under the laws of I this State, and that T have returned I the same at what I honestly believe to be market value and that the above list, as furnished by me to the connty auditor, is a true and faithful return of all the property which I am re quired by law to list; and, farther, that lam liable to the poll tax. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this day of 1909. JNO. E. JEFFERIES, County Auditor. Cherokee County, 8. C. Dec. 14th, 1908. WOOD. FOR BALE—Dry ook wood, sowed for stoves, rear of pootoffleo. Delivered. 325. Pepsl-Coln Bottling Co. Dee. 11 tt aad otni In yard li