the Gaffney HI A NEWtPAPCR IN ALL THAT THI WORD IMRLIKD» AND D1VOTID TO THI BEtT INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. QAFFNEY, S. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1908. *1.50 A YEAR. milOVE OF POWER ilMTOIM. INSTINCT FOR BUILDING DAM. PART OF MAN’S ORIGINAL EN DOWMENT. Southern Power Company Contracts for One at Ninety-Nine Islands. The following news Item from the Charlotte Observer of Tuesday will no doubt be read with much interest by many Gaffney and Cherokee peo ple, and it supports The Ledger’s an nouncement concerning this work made in last Tuesday’s issue: The Southern Power Company has DR. LODGE AT BLACKSBURG. President of Limestone College Deli vers Scholarly Address to Societies. ! Dr. Lee Davis Lodge went over to i Blacksburg Sunday evening, upon in- vitation, to make an address at the! THE LATEST NEWS FROM RIACKSBUR6 INFORMAL RECEPTION. Baptist church at that place. Of the event the Blacksburg correspondence j 00 | NG8 0F THE pgoPLE IN OUR Saturday from Branchville where she ,0 attend an informal musical and re- an hour or so spent playing games j the guests went to tho (lining room ; _____ and were served with oysters. All To Be Given by Director p errin t0 report a good time. | Miss Mabel Gaffney returned here ^ r ‘ an ° M 1 " 3, Lodge. Monday after spending some time in Director Henry Foote Perrin, of Gaffney with friends. Limestone College, invites the parents Mrs. .1. H. Kinard returned homo of his pupils and his Gaffney friends in the Columbia State of Wednesday contained the following: Dr. Lee Davis Lodge, president of SISTER CITY. Boy* and Girls Should Early be Taught Decision of Character— Other Thoughts,and News Items. ' Wilkinsville, Dec. 2.—Rev. A. G. Buekner, of Clio, began a series of meetings at Salem last Sabbath morn- given to Mr. B. H. Hardaway, gene-! Li m est one Female College, delivered J ral contractor of Columbus, Ga., the j an address at the Baptist church Sun-, contract to build the dam across the!day night before the Baraea and Broad river for the development of I phl,athc “ a classes of the church. In hydro-electric power at the Ninety- addition to the classes which, though Nine Islands station. It is proposed but recently organized here, have: to have the 18,000 electric power srown very rapidly in numbers, there, from this development ready to sub-1 was a large congregation of citizens t mit to the trade within a year, and iK en era11y present, who were attract-: to this end the contractor has se- ;Cd by the special occasion and by the ! Brief News Notes and Personal Para graphs Gathered by Our “Iron City” Correspondent. Blacksburg. Nov. 30.—Mrs. Chas lu i inn twu tue ttiutiauiui uao oc- j— ~, ..... j . . cured several hundred hands to rush; reputation of Dr. Lodge as an orator, j Raber and little daughter, Miss Mar- spent some time with relatives ami ception to Dr. and Mrs. Lodge on Sat- friends. unlay evening, Dec. 12th, from eight 1 Mesy**. Allie Osborne, R. S. Cooksey to nine o’clock in the college parlors, land M. H. Morrow attended the meet- From nine to ten o’clock the pupils ing of ihe D. O. K. K.’s in Charlotte, "ill receive their friends. Several of X. C.. last Wednesday afternoon and Miss Farr’s and Miss Higley’s pupils night. Tl’ev report a good time. will probably give some recitations Messrs, .lames Lucas, of Balti- and vocal numbers on the occasion, mere, Md.. and Wm. Wilkev, of this Upon request of Mr. H. L. Spears, place, spent a few days last week 'lie accommodating manager of the near Sharon with relatives, hunting lime works, the college musicals will quail. begin at an earlier hour than hereto- Mrs. K. A. Morgan, of Double fore, and he has kindly consented to He preached again that night (wor ^ t 0 completion. The con- Shoals. was the guest of Mrs. Chas. bold the dummy for reasonable time The address was delivered in sim-j garette, spent Thanksgiving in Gaff- Baber for a few hours last Wcdnes- after the performance for the accoin- ’av- modation of those who may wish to with their friends at ing a*4 also on Monday and Monday gtruction of the dam, which will bei/P ,e but beautiful and comprehensive 1 ney> tbe g Ues t s 0 f M rs . B. Morgan. day. nieht He is a nowerful preacher and i the largest masonry structure In the j language—classical in style and line! ’ . p J n son Mr. G. O. And’ersdii, of Canton, N. tom a in longer prf^hed some P excellent r sermons! 1 (South, will cost $650,000. I sugg0 _ 8t '! L v n Jen.* fV ^.^ndlng a few days here with 'bo college. ’Phe sand in the river at Howell’s The’ electric power which will be ions to those for whom It was espe-! Ernest, of High Shoals. N. C., spent h / wjfe whM ^ 8peild j n g a , Following is the program for th* ferrv prevented the York countv peo- ! produced at this new' station will he ] dally given. He laid especial stress ole from getting over to the services only about half the production at the ! upon the importance of organization. ob Monday and Monday night. The Great Falls station and yet it will ‘he doctrine of the incarnation of result of the meeting has been a cost the Southern Power Company " source of strength to the members, more money. This is because the na- Thanksgiving here with her sister, with her parents, and we ihink much and lasting im- ‘ural surroundings are not 88 con- up the Savior of mankind as the great man by the spirit of God, fhe beauty of a pure and blameless life, and held pressions for good have been made ducive to an easy harnessing of the on a number of outsiders. immense water power of this river as ifr. and Mrs T. .1. Estes’ youngest i at the other station. The total de child, Roy Brown, died Monday night velopment^of the Ninety-Nine Islands after a Salem Exemplar of that life. Thomson Pacolet spent the with her Preparing for a Bazaar. The Alumnae Association of Lime- Mrs. Allie Osborne, and left Friday; Wilkey. | morning for Sharon where she will | p es ®‘ e (spend a few days with her parents, j" cK-enu at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crosby. x,, I Miss Lucy Black spent Friday af- vv - w t ! ter noon in Gaffney. ! 1^!. * ,^ hursd ^ for Spartanburg Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Osborne and lit- j "here they will spend several i tie son. Ernest Wright, of Gaffney. j months, Mr. Shealy having a position spent Thanksgiving here with Mr., ">'h ‘he C. C. & O Railroad Co. there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. , even ing. Impromptu—-(1) Vision of Home Shealey and children the terday. Miss long illness. It was buried at Nation will be in the neighborhood of ‘ stone College will hold a bazaar hi ! 1 d Mrs Aihe’ Osborne 1 The following testimonial showing vostordav at 2 o’clock. Rev. 18.000 horse power, and this will give ' about two weeks, probably on Tues- p p R p vipr siient Thursdav 'he esteem in which Rev. Mr. Derrick • ..... j-.. _.I Mrs. K. P. Kevier spent nu . i8 held by our cltizena in general> was children j banded him upon his departure for Paco i conference Monday morning: let with relatives c * c - Derrick, burg and was secured by the concern i be dolls—dolls of all kinds, shapes' 1 , far L ( ; 0 f orlh visited friends! Pastor M. E. Church, shortly after it began buying upland sizes-and the proceeds from! in r!st(m?r\r la8t Wedne8dav I Blacksburg, S. C. water right on the Catawba. .their sale w’ill go to the pipe organ j ‘ d thursdav , l)ear Sir:—We, the undersigned The early completion of the work fund of the college. Another feature,!' o 8 b U rn Guntharp, of Spartan- citizens of Blacksburg, while not is tlie only end being sought by the 1 and one equally as interesting, will; bur ‘ j S visiting relatives in an d mem ber8 of your church, yet desire Southern Power Company in letting, be a sumptuous dinner served, a3 around Blacksburg iberewithtoexpresstoyouourheart- the contract for the construction_ to j only the ladies know how to serve! ^ lrs q. a. Osborne and Utile Miss fol ‘. appreciation of your work in our midst during the past four years of your pastorate. Your courtesy and genialty of manner, your broad and liberal views, and above all your Christ-like walk and example have been an inspiration and help to all “The little hud so young and fair, Called hence by earthly doom: .lust came to show how sweet flowers In Paradise that bloom.” is "ringTerv Hw n Tthis 0 wriHng W ste ! an ° thGr , c t 0 K ntractln « company The jsuch things, to any and all who de-;no^ha^relu^r from 'sT' I.ouis c : po,icy of ,he corporation in the past' sire to partake to the extent of the ! hpr v p thpv snent s 1 h0 ' Crai ° ,1K ' W ‘ 1 V S d her ye8 ‘ | work under the supervision of the | The ladies of the association will Mnnre «nent mdnv in Willie Waters of Chester I ° hief enKineer ' Mr - w - s - Tjee ' J r » j appreciate any help that the friends ' R^^Hn^shopping'° S1Kn ' >d ' 11 Waters, of (.hester i hnt thp nfl _ ps _, tv hnv , n _ nnwflP ' . ^ kock mu, snopping. nom.. „„ tho but the necessity of having the power, of the college may desire to etxend r^‘ ty of vviTTil! a, h Sfl.' froTn this P lan t available at an early i them in this worthy cause. Mrs. Dr. riagc of Willie Blackwell and Miss, date in order to SU p p i y the ] arge de-1 S. H. Griffith and Mrs. George Garrett Ante Farr today. Tour correspondent is still nursing a sore hand. But it’s getting better. Owing to the rain there was no service at Salem last night. The ser vices of Mr. Buckner closed with the fuaeral of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Estes’ child yesterday evening. Mr. Buckner goes to Charlotte to day, but in all probability he will re turn and preach at the Presbyterian church In Gaffney next Sabbath and Sakbath night. If so and the weather, health and road conditions are favor able, some of our Salem people ex- pe*t to attend. We bespeak for him a large congre- gaMoD of the Gaffney people, and as sure them they will not be disappoint ed when they hear him. He is a con- seeaated man and minister who has Prof, and Mrs. E. M. Montgomery maud for electric energy forced the, Byers will be glad to furnish anv fur- company to award the contract to an ther particulars concerning the outside party. Mr. Hardaway is one j bazaar; and the time and place for it! ’ V'n vTsited Dr’’and’ Mrs"'A “white of the best known contractors in the! will be announced in due time. (atMauldin liturning home Sunday afternoon. and daughter, little Miss Lillian ” f an ^ i,; is with sincere Claire, went over to Greenville Wed nesday and spent Thanksgiving with their sister. Mrs. J. P. Walker. They South and has been making a special ty of this kind of work. An Engenius Device. There is a man living near Gaffney who obtains his water for drinking and cooking purposes from a spring which is situated in a ravine about two hundred yards from his dwelling. He has rigged up a small windlass Birthday Dinner. \ Miss Ellen McKown, of King’s | The descendants of Mr. Wm. Phil-' Creek, spent. Tuesday night with lips will celebrate his ninety-sixth j Miss Nan White, birthday on Saturday the 12th of this j Mr. Orron Turner, of Sharon, N. C.. month at the home of Mr. Z. J. Petty, visited his brother. Mr. Ed. Turner, All his relatives and friends are earn-1 Saturday and Sunday, estly requested to attend and bring 1 Miss Eva Turner, of Sharon. N. C., well filled baskets. Col. T. B. Butler | is spending the week with her broth- and has run a line to (he spring from sion. will deliver an address on the occa- Mr. Phillips is still strong hearty and will be present. and made a very favorable impression on (the cable carries the bucket directly ouv people. i under this trough where it is fllied Decision is an attribute of power! and drawn back to the house filled that every boy and girl should be delicious spring water. It is a tamght in early life to exercise. With- splendid labor-saving device and out It they pass through life (let it shows the great ingenuity of the in- be long or short) as nonentities— ventor. never amounting to anything. There is an instinct in every boy that makes i The “G. K.” Club, him love power. It is part of hla The “G. K.” Club was delightfully the house upon which he sends a bucket to the spring, using, a twine string for a cable. The spring is lo cated on the side of a hill and the Death of a Colored Minister, water runs out through a trough, and I Rqv- E. L. Beaty, a colored Baptist er. Mr. Ed. Turner and family. Misses Albertus and Ethel Brick- man, of Spartanburg, spent Thanks giving here, the guests of Miss Gladys Bridges. Dr. W. E. Anderson attended con ference at Laurens last week, return- original endowment. Let him have dominion but let him learn to exer- cis* It prudently and intelligently. The effect of decision was more mani fest in Daniel’s mind than in his per- entertained Wednesday evening at Mr. S. L. Hopper’s by the young men of the city. Several dainty courses were served which were thoroughly enjoyed by all present. The follow- so*. The exercise of this power gave ing were the guests, hto a habit of victory—a sense ^im j Misses Sarah Carpenter. Sadie Lip penal ism. Mastering himself W na-! scomb, Daisy Wilkins, Maude Laven- turally and easily mastered phers.' der. Edith Cook. Ruth Littlejohn, Bvery child that wants great vNtorles Ethel Dudley, Mary Shuford and Em in manhood or womanhood should mio Sams, Messrs. Walter Little. Tol- gel little victories in childhood. The leson Parker, Freeman Tolleson, Har control of temper, the mastery over ry Farrell. Hugh Flack, Wm. Bell, appetites, refusal to indulge same in ! Jr., and Frances Gaffney innocent things. Settine one’s self to tanks of memory or other achieve-! Gaffney were emploved as chape- ments is the road to kingship and ’ rones (?) earthly power. Bishop Warren says: ‘God is al-, ways seeking for instruments to he trusted with his power and used for minister, who has had charge in Gaff- ing home SaXurdfl.v. ney for several years, died in a hos-, Miss I^eila Nichols, of Grover, spent pital in Washington, D. C.. last Satur- 1 Sunday afternoon here with her day. The body was brought here: cousin, Miss Bessie Claire Blalock. Wednesday morning and the funeral; Mr. Cleveland Shepherd, of Char- services were held at the Limestone lotte, N. C., is spending a few days Baptist church (colored) of which he had been pastor for several years. The remains were then taken to (2) Church Service Waltz by Miss Carpenter Home, Sweet Home .. .. S. B. Mills Miss Julia Johnstone Cavalleria Rusticana .. .. Mascagni Mary Lodge, accompanied by Director Perrin on the organ. Piano solo, by Miss Bertie Phillips Piano solo, by Miss Alexander The Rosary, by Miss Littlejohn The A flat Waltze Chopin Miss Kendrick Two Duetts,— The Polish Dance .. Scharwenka Miss Kendrick, Miss PhUlipe and Miss Littlejohn Melody Schumann Miss Morris Rhapsody Lizst Miss Marion Cole Memories of the Tyrol i Miss Sarratt In addition to the above there will probably be one or two solos by aome of the music pupils. Director Perrin wishes to thank his many friends in Gaffney for their kind and generous support of him during the last two concerts. m a Mr. Jones to Move. The news will be received with sincere regret by all the people of (Gaffney, that Mr. J. D. Jones and his ; excellent family will remove to j Union about the first of the year. Mr. Jones has been buying cotton on the i Gaffney market for nearly twenty regret that we witness your depart ure for another field. But wherever you go, you will have our best wishes and earnest prayers for your welfare and success. (Signed) Wm. Anderson. * For Episcopal Church. W F. Moore, For Presbyterian Church. For i years, and being a man of sterling in- Mr F A RpiiiimriB P wint f ! tegrIty and most amiable personality Gaffney Saturday nieht 1 i he has made many friends among th* Mr y Fihp2 „ farmers of the county who will feel hours in Gaffnev SatnrH^v n n) I rht teW I desolated because Dudley Jones will Mr Win^e^Mf^n,,!" 01 be "> Goffne* “ -‘ton spent a day or two the first of the here with his sister, Mrs. McK. Alber- gotti, on Carolina street. Mr. Clarence J. Black returned to Union by a night train where the in-( Atlanta, Ga., Sunday night after terraent took place yesterday. spending the week-end here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Black. A New Meat Market. A new meat market has been open- Miss Bigger, of Rock Hill, spent a few hours with Mrs. P. B. Whisnant Miss Marie Sarratt and Mr. L^on ed in the store room lately occupied ! dav last week, by W. O. Johnson, on Limestone Messrs. Williams and Goode, of street. The firm name is Wilkins & Cherokee Falls, spent a few hours Stacy. They are young men and here Sunday afternoon with friends, start out under favorable clrcum- Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Smith, of stances. They propose to keep an Gaffney, spent Sunday at the Thom- exceptionaily attractive establish- son house. ment and to serve only the best in Mr. J. G. Hughes, of Union, is the their line. i guest of his sister, Mrs. W. J. Moore- head. Second Faculty Concert. Mrs. M. A. Metis is spending a few week here with his sister, Mrs. McK. Albergotti. Mr. W. W. Duncan left Sunday night for Columbia where he has ac cepted a position with the Royster Fertilizer Works. Mr. and Mrs. John Byars and lit tle daughter spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Earl, N. C., and returned home Sunday night. Blacksburg. Nov. 4.—Miss Mary Stacy spent Monday in Gaffney with relatives. Mr. James Lucas, after spending two weeks here with his mother, left Wednesday afternoon for Hiddenite, N. C., where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Frank Shaprs. Mrs. E. F. Bell and daughter, Miss Beth, returned home Sunday from Landrum where they visited relatives. Misses May Hardin and Roby Clark, of Atlanta. Ga., spent Thanksgiving here with the former’s grandparents, j Mr. and Mrs. Ira, Hardin. At a recent meeting of the Maids and Matrons Club, Dr. Henry Snyder, Mr. Jones has become identified with some of our most important in stitutions, being a director of the Na tional Bank, a director of the Globe Mill and a director of the Gaffney Land and Trust Company. It is a fact not generally known that Mr. Jones was the first man to start a subscription list for the Gaffney Manufacturing Company, the first cotton mill to be erected in our city. He was a director in this enterprise for several years after it became one of the largest cotton mills in this sec tion. Mr. Jones received a most at tractive offer to go into business at Union which he could not see his way clear to decline; and The Ledger and his numerous friends in the city wish for him abundant success in his new home, and congratulate the peo ple of our sister city upon acquiring such a valuable citizen. The second Faculty Concert at. days with her son. Mr. W. O. Metts, Wofford College, Spartanburg, de- Limestone College will he given Mon-: near Buffalo. | lighted the members with an address day evening, Dec. 14th. A program; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Johns, of Hamp-1 on Southern Literature. Th<* club where they can secure eood nav and Sale of Valuable City Property. . of classical music will be given. ton, are spending a few days here, i' vas enter tained on this occasion by nf 0 nensions when disabled At the court house next Monday Dew and Miss Churchill will the guests of the latter’s sister. Mrs ^ r8 - E Bell at her beautiful home (3) P lTpon all army and navy con . . wm be offered some valuable c it v i ,,lay so,os 0,1 the P mn0 - Miss Higley, M. Moore. , on Mountain avenue. tractors who sunnlv our armies and his great purposes. He wants men property bv Mr. Sam L Fort the real i t * affney 8 favorite singer, will sing j Mr. M. A. Metts left this morning Mr - ^ ade Hughes, of Walhalla,! nav j es with guns ships and all army o have dominion over ten cities in estate man He wi l offer to the > P!; ovidftd she has efficiently recover- for Bostic, X. C.. where he has a con 1 8 P ent ¥ Thanksgiving with Mr. and and na v suppn’cs o the extent of ™ ,8t ? e i , highest bidder the two vacant sto?e ; f ‘ d her cold to do so. * tract with the C. C. * O. Railroad | ^ ,1^J* ard, n. on. Carolina street. S^dSof mKns of dollars used to empireship here. How glad jots on Limestone street between the Company, as carpenter. Hughes was a class and room- he would be to have a Daniel in every. Gaffney Live Slock ro and f he w Buford Street M. E. Church. Mrs. George Jefferies, of Gaffney. : of ,he Ia ‘e Mr. Marvin Hardin. i .... \ 1Sam Lipscomb building, and also half The Pastor has returned from the | spent a few days Inst week with her . t Mrs - E - t F - Dell spent Wednesday Us for us to he willing to become 0 f the W. Sam Lipscomb bulldine. 1 annual conferent ’e and will conduct aunt. Mrs. W. A. Blalock, on Pine. aft ,® rnoon . ia _ Gaff ney, shopping Power of the President. Upon Whom Can He Rely: (1) Upon ail army and navy of ficers who hope for distinction, pro motion and large pay. (2) Upon all who for various reas ons enlist in our armies and naviefl. for , hls , "ork. Here is an exe unt opportunity for rnnsir- nn ->» S, ii an . ma h° ‘he best, some one to secure valuable strameBt. y made ’ p. ro. street. ( .| lv Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blalock The Sunday school will convene at last Friday in (Jaffney with relatives 11 a. m. and the Epworth League de- 1 Mrs. R. M. Roberts and votional meeting at 6:30 p. m. daughter. Blanche, spent Friday in Strangers and visitors cordially in- Gaffney with friends. taxes. Wo- vited to attend all services. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross, of Spartan-' Mr w (4) Upon a uxeat standing army of it may be two hundred thousand office holders scattered all over our 'country, in every city and town, who A Measuring Party. On Friday the eleventh, the »» Otwl TV 1 1 T-V .. .« f JII C-sdj aim tUWIl, Wilv i ‘ t . ■ b d Hnn Dush Dover, of the; are an xious to retain their offices and spent ; v t nr J on- Sunday here i rPady to U8e Pve cffor< thr0Uf , h the tives. " , ;h Mr and Mrs Ira Hard n. press, public meetings. dinners. little j‘ r «nei.i i ( OU u‘.v Teas- sp eeches and otherwise to sustain the IV in • • I I llesdav here collecting iirimiriiutrntinn whi^Ti unctalna tham will give a measuring find itself upder the control of the raan ’ 8 Club, prison keeper in later years. This 1 “arty at the home of Mrs. W. C. Ham 1 Gaffney Retailers Given $100 Fin* law Is Inexorable—cause and effect I Hck, for the benefit of the library. fames Harris a young white man! are inseparably connected. Many'These ladies are trying to get the ' was before Mayor Ross this mornJnc mothers and fathers too lay down | “hrary on a firm financial basis, and - Mayor Ross this morning. certain laws for their children to ob serve only in the breaking of them T. Johns left burg, spent last Thursday and Friday: u‘ ornln K for his home al Hampton, af- greater power than . - here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,‘ r H P e »d*ng a few days here with time of war L n J- B- Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Marim Moore. * administration which sustains them. Probably no man in the world (un- rtiursday | ( , s8 jt be the Tzar of Russia) has our president in Miss Mr John 1 Dev. ('. C. Derrick spent Tues day here with friends and had his and yet the offender is never brought to an account. Thus the respect is sown of the childish in after life. We only can expect to reap what we sow—the same kind of i fruit at least. We need expect no i other kind of a crop Rosa Little and to .in thin (Sr,,. Atm charged with retailing. The evidence! Sn ead, both popular young people, of!! 18 -' "'"u Tie tuts and had his It / , y ar ? K ^ ng .* the » dI 5 e £ against the defendant was conclusive.' Caffney, drove over here last Wed-i hou8 ‘“ h ‘ ,ld « oods shipped to William cnteitainments in its behalf. and t h e mayor gave him the limit "esday afternoon and were married f°, n ' vhore ho wil1 uext year. He AN OPEN LETTER. The W !^f UnU,,,e r • ent , ert S in ; thirty days on the gang* "The by Rev. B. L. Hoke at hls home. i ,e D Tuesday nigh, for Laurens to , , , o hP niLint ‘ ra y 18 £ vU 1 ed local police force is so active and They left on No. 12-for Charlotte, N., re,atlve f- seed of parental g*am na bbed as soon as they emerge from returning to their home in Gaffney! L he na P‘ is ‘ church will meet next heart to bring its fruit wm he given in Tuesday’s Ledger. their lairs Thursday nig' ~ ^ The Woman’s Exchange. There is now on sale at the ex- First Baptist Church. Dr. Simms will conduct his regular a long and happy life. To the Editor of The Ledger and I want the people of Gaffney to know that I write the following volun tarily.—Harry L. Goodiel. .. — . — I have suffered for the past five Thursday night. This was quite a «iiTi(lay afternoon with Mrs. Ira Har- years, and have tried different doc- surprise to their many friends here ‘ "J; a ' “ O’clock. tors, but have had no relief until I land In Gaffney, and all wish for them . ,^ f lam Metis, of Spartanburg, bought a 50 cent box of Mi-o-na from change a lovely line of fancy articles. r s( ‘ rv l ( es at 11 a. m. and 7:15 p. m. I Miss Mabel Webber spent Thanks- ‘^^,. and ^ rs - M- Metis. spent Sunday here with his parents, our drug store (R. W. Knowlton’s) TMa 4 , , , | > ■•“••rc u iu*uiy ime ui luuuy unities. | "' *'**'=*’ «• *•*. «mu i.iii p. in. I —apeu. ■ iihiiks- ... ^ -*—“■ here a short time ago. *n *»»r , ,ak( I s ‘J 8 hack These will make fine Xmas presents, i and visitors and strangers are cor- > -' ,v, og at her home in Spartanburg!. , 8S Dora ( »aston has returned to The first box did me so much good r ° r ^‘on-declsion on and the public generally la asked dially invited to worship with the returning here Sunday afternoon. j her home near here from Gooleemee., that I immediately purchased anoth- tne ^ ' - Nichols, of Grover, N. ! ’ shf; held a position asjer one. and I now feel better than I mminer have at any time in the past «ve ~ years. Am able to eat anything and How The Votes Stand. ( everything, and get a good night’s Interest in The Ledger’s voting s,< * p P afterwards, contest is increasing at a lively rate, 1 ^ as R0 had at one time that all I and each contestant is putting forth was able to eat for over a month was his best efforts to win the prize. Fol- a raw egg in a half a glass of milk, lowing is the record to date: : two or three times a day. W. M. Broom 3,375 1 would earnestly advise anyone Arthur Fortenberry 1,73b suffering as I was from dyspepsia, to , jc. J. Moss 1,440 give this remedy a fair trial. I re- W. W. Hardin fi48 main, gratefully yours. Harry L. 'Mss Watola Roberts . / .. i,r,80; Go °diel, No. 91-2 River St., Astabula, Miss Quillie McCraw 1,050 Ohio. Mr. Rosser Alexander has with- ———— to come and see them. ~ There are congregation, preserves, pickles, etc., and on Satur- Sunday school at 9:45 to which all days bread and cake to fill orders are invited, that are sent in before Friday. 1 A Dangerous Operation the part of parents who are really the authors of their children’s ruina- tio*. Firm decision on the part of pareats with their children in youth will save them of untold discomforts in after life. Perhaps this kind of talk will bring a tirade of anathemas on us from tho*6 who think we are wrong in our conclusions. “AD honor the men who are willing to sink Half their present repute for the free dom to think; And when they have thought, be their cause strong or weak, WW sink the other half for the free dom to speak.” —Ixiwell. J. L. 8. Thia it Worth Reading. I ■'Co F. Zelinski, of 68 Gibson St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: “I cured the most annoying cold sore I ever bad, with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I ap plied this salve once a day for two days, when every trace of the sore was gone.” Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee a, Cherokee Drug Co. 25c. is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King’s New Life Pills is ever sub jected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don’t feel them. They cure constipation, headache, biliousness and malaria. 25c at Chero kee Drug Co. —The best values for the price in all Christmas presents. Cherokee Drug Company. —The moat popular lady, the die mond ring. Gaffney Jewelry Co. —We have nice selections of furs. W. J. Wilkins ft Co. returning here Miss Mabel C., spent Saturday night and Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cannon, of Spar tanburg. spent Saturday and Sunday here with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blalock, on Pine street. Mr. Joe W. Gaffney, of Gaffney, was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. W. T. Dunean. of Gaffney, spent Mondav here on husinesa Dr. Lee Davis Lodge, of Gaffney, addressed a largo crowd at the Bap tist church on Sunday night in the interest of the Baraea and Phllathea classes. The members of the Baraea class entertained a number of their friends at an oyster supper on Thursday eve ning at Mrs. Jennie Roberts's. After drawn from the race. —Remember the two big dolls at Gaffney Jewelry Co. —All Christmas presents were bought at panic prices; they are go ing the same way. Cherokee Drug Company.