The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, November 27, 1908, Image 7

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;v rt7 : The Badge of Honesty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce*# Goiden Medical Disrovory because a full list of the ingredients composing it is printed there in plain English. Forty year^ of experience has proven its superior worth as a blood purifier and invigorat ing tonic for the cure of stomach disorders and all liver ills. It builds up the run down system as no other tonic can in which alcohol is used. The active medic inal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queen's root. Stone and Mandrake root, Bloodroot and Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, triple- refined glycerine. Send to Dr. It. V. Pierce at tullalo, N. Y., for free booklet which qnotc* extracts from well-recognized med ical t. .:horif ; such as Drs. Bartholow, King Scudder, Coe, Ellingwood and a host of othept, showing that these roots car be du^^idcd upon for their curative action in all weak states of the stomach, aorompyiied by indigestion or dyspepsia as v.tll Q ia4!i bilious or liver complaints and ...yrl/nasting diseases” where thero Is loss^ / ilesh and gradual running down of tv'strength and system. , The "Golden Medical Discovery "makes ricl^ rntr<‘ i>l<K'ni SOME HOLIDAY BOOKS. Eleanor Frances Names Some of the Most Suitable for Presents. People who begin early to make their selections of books for holiday presents enjoy a great deal of pleas ure that other people miss. I know an elderlv couple who begin their the Country Boy and Town Boy. (Anderson Mail.) Twenty-five years ago or more a lit tle country boy went to town, one day. He drove a lean raw-boned mule hitched to a rickety old buggy. His clothes w'ere coarse, of the kind that country boys of that day and time wore. As he was going along the street he met a town boy who was driving a fat horse hitched to a new buying early in October, and '’TheVg^mtfy bookt-aTalways o? j -shiny buggy. The town hoy- broke I makes snecinl anneal to 111(0 laughter. \\ h.i a ^ • mule! he exclaimed. "And what a disgraceful old buggy. And did any- the sort that makes special appeal to ithe recipient. They give time and i thought to each one, and buy as they | - .... .... i find the right volume. They read to- body ever see such outlandish clothes jgether, everyone in turn, and enjoy r 18 that coun r> « . . fhe contents doubly from the thought i town hoy was thoughtless and he of their friends’ coming pleasure. meant no tea * ’ * ‘ 1 ' V The children’s hooks which they ' vor< s alld hls laug ^ tel J* 111 1 cf . f try hoy very much. In all his Hie nothing ever hurt him quite so much. That was a long time ago, and the nod so invigorates arief ?egi.^aTes th> r >u>i)i:uli. liver and bowels. and, through thefti- the whole,system. Thus all skin alfections, blotches, pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel- flnps and old open running sores or ulcers •re cured and healed. In treating old running sores, or ulcers, it Is well to In- aun their healing to apply to them Dr. Pierre's All-It< aiing Salve. If your drug gist don’t happen to have this Salve in stock, send fifty-four cents In postage •tampa^ v Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invallds’Jlotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y., ami a targe box of the •'All-Healing Salve" will reach von by return post. You can't afford to accept a secret nos trum as asuh<tit;ite for this non-alcoholic, medicine or known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take I hav as candy. buy are so charmingly written, and bound and illustrated, and the thought of the special child who is to benefit, is such a pleasant accompaniment to the story that from these hooks they derive perhaps their greatest enjoy ment, while the browsing about in the various nice book shops is in itself delightful. The publishers all are making great efforts to please their clients, and the standard set. by the best houses is town hoy and the country hoy are men now. The country boy is now one of the leading business men of his section. He has many men in his em- j ploy. Not very long ago he employed j the man who was a town boy anti who | had jeered at him that day, long ago. ! to fill a minor position and who, by Ithe way, was very glad to get it, has forgotten all about laughing jo | high that even the inexpensive hook- no dou ' , t , . . . . let daintily bound and boxed that! a ‘ the country hoy, hut his employer carries a message of kindly remem- in styles accept- Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of Ihe system through a copious and healthy action of the bowefc. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar” Children Like It* For BACKACHE WEAK KIDHtYS Try Deffitt t Kidney and Bladder Fiih Sure and Safi For Sale by S. B. Crawley Drug Co. FINAL DISCHARGE. Nfr-ice is hereby given that on Fri day November 27th, 1908, I will ap ply to Hon. J. E. Webster, Probate Judge, at his office at the court house in Gaffney, S. C., at 10 a. m. for a final settlement and discharge as Ex ecutrix of the estate of W. H. Rich ardson, deceased. AH persons hold ing claims against said estate must appear and present the same at or before that time or be forever bar red And all persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and settle same at once. Mrs. Anna Wingo Richardson, TUxtrx. estate W. H. Richardson, de ceased. P»b. Nov. 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1908. You can Find All kinds of Candy, Nuts, Fruits, Dates, Figs, Raisons at the Candy Kitchen, also Celery. The price right. Come and see mf or ring phone ItJ7. Yours truly, S. R. Suber. Fri. tf brance, is to be had able to the most fastidious taste. "The Ariel Booklets" (75 cents. G. P. Putnam Sons) are among the choicest of the miniature hooks, and are hound in sumptuous fashion in flexible red leather, printed in large type and on deckle-edge paper. This issue now numbers 175 volumes and covers a wide range of subjects each complete in one volume. There are single poems collected poems, dramas, critical literary essays, philosophy and stories so that one can he sure of finding the just right hook somewhere among the lot. Paul Elder A- Company wno mane their reputation in San Francisco and been here only since? earthquake and fire laid that city low. issue a catalogue of their unique publications —"Books that have personality" which is itself unlqlie. Its inscription “From Friend to Friend” puts one at once in pleasant relation ready to ap predate the good things in its pages, always something with the "different” notelike this recipe fro “Brown Betty:" “Short dress, stout shoes, girl inside; health, laughter, cour. ge, purity, jol lity; sun-kissed cheeks. All served has not forgotten it, although he never speaks of it. Did this happen in An derson? you ask. Perhaps it did. We should be very much surprised if it did not. for it has happened, with some slight change as to detail, in every town. And it will happen again. It is the way of the world. Savm Doctors' Bills by having at hand when the anarganejr arises a bottle of NOAHS LINIMENT 5oPure, Strong and Penetrating, that it stops almost immediately all Inflam mation, congestion, achea and pains of the Nerves, Bones, Cords and Muscles. i with abundance of out-door air. j,- or piieumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back, Stiff A novel cook-book is Constance | Joints, and Muscles, Sore Throat,Colds, Strains, Johnson’s "When Mother l^ets Us Sprains, Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Cramps, Indiges- Cook" I Mo flit .Vi Yard $1.10). Sini|)le ’ tion. Toothache, and all Nerve, Bone and Muscle recipes, easily followed by a little girl : Aches and Pains. The gemiine has Noah’s Ark who like i rules in j sticking rule: ; to cook, with the important rhymes that have a way of in the memory. Baking “When yyu hake a the oven hot; But for baking big a loi.” small tiling have things cool it off on every package. j;c., 50c. and $1.00 by all deal- ?rsin medicine everywhere. Sample by mail free. NOAH REMEDY CO.,RICHMOND,VA« BOSTON, MAC*., U I Sold and Guaranteed by Cherokee Drug Co Watches Given Away Gaffney Ledger A Solid Gold Watch (gentlerr.en’s size) will be awarded to the most popular male mill operative in Cherokee County, and a Solid Gold; Watch (ladies’ size) will be awarded to the most popular female mill operative. One of these Watches is now on exhibition in the show window of the Gaffney Jewelry Co., and the other in the show window of T. H. Westrope, where they can be seen. Vote early and often. The woman who likes to provide her table with dishes that have a de llcate homey flavor yet not extrava gant in their ingredients, will appre ciate Lilly Haxworth Wallace’s Rum- ford Cook-Book. Gold medalist and graduate of the “National Training School of Cooking" of London. Eng land. Miss Haxworth has drawn up on rather unusual sources for her re cipes, hut has tested them all and mod ified them to suit the requirements of this compact and practical manual published by the (Rumford Co., Pro vidence, R. I., Sit. This would he al so acceptable to fhe college girl or boy who likes to get up “spreads,” for the candy and chafing dish chap ters are particularly good. Among the new novels Myrtle Reeds’s “Flower of the Dusk,” Put nam Sons, New York, is sure to be widely read. A wholesome story, of quiet hut far from uneventful lives, told after a fashion that leaves a dis tinct impression of each personality, and interwoven with a sweet, tender philosophy that illuminates the shady places; not a goody, goody book but one that is pleasant to read, and that leaves no bitter after taste. Eleanor Frances. Conditions of The Conest are Simple DET\ rm 11 ' ■ ^( Cut out the coupons printed in each issue of The Ledger KeiI) SKAL ! tf anc * ma ' 1 or b r ‘ n g them to this office. At the expiration of the time set for the closing of the contest, December 22nd, the votes will be counted and the awards made to the persons re ceiving the highest number of votes. the Complexion $ Cranberries -FOR- Thanksgiving -AT.- Kyle Davenport's Remember -THI- I. M. Peeler Shoe Store Is the place for you to buy Shoes and save money. I have just received a new shipment from New York which I think are extra values. I have added Hats to my line of Shoes and Notions. All will be sold at short profits. Yonrs to please, Peeler. THE BLUE PENCIL. (Two points of view.) BY THE CONTRIBUTOR. Fliou tyrant’s weapon, thou oppres sor’s tool, To work the malice of some brainless fool! How oft my dinner, meager aj the best. By thy fell stroke still more has been compressed! When 1 on eagle's wing have sought to soar. How oft thy cuts have brought me to the floor! What wit or wisdom, worded wond rous well. Has sunk to silence through thy fatal spell! How many sheets with work of merit filled Have by thy silly scrawling screed been killed! I hate thy blunted end of azure gall. I hate the fate that holds me 'neath thy thrall. I hate the noodle that, directs thy course And stabs me, say compassion, sans remorse. Of all the woes with which this earth is cursed Thv pointless criticism Is the worst. BY THE EDITOR. Thou monarch’s scepter, thou magi cian’s rod. To raise me to the rank of demigod! I never can forget the happy hour When first I used thy strokes with drastic power. Thine is the task, with salutary pain, To cure the vapors of an author’s brain. The turgid cranium thou canst com press And make its owner grudgingly con fess That seven scant’s his chapeau’s nor mal size. The skillful scribe who, waxing over- wise, With stuff Irrelevant would pad his “space” Thou well canst punish for hit strength of faca Thou wast intended in my hand to be The stinging scourge of mediocrity. “The pen Is mightier than the sword," but, then. Thou, azure wand, art mightier than the pen. —John George Crandall in New York Press. ALMOND = CREAM M 2 * 1 * 2 * i i * i * This is the most delightful and refreshing toilet prepa ration . It is a perfect toilet article, free from poisonous substances and contains no oil, grease, or other sticky ingredients. You will find that at this season of the year nothing will surpass Red Seal Almond Cream „ for chapped hands, face and lips. If you will, try it once at our risk. Your money back if not satisfied. C O U P O N I vote for as the most popular mill operative in Cherokee County. tk The i L Drug Com'py j Stanyame WUmo Henry K. Osborne Wilson & Osborne LAVYERS Spartanburg;, S. C Will practice la Cherokee Courts. Call by phone, telegraph or letter. 8-a6-tf !* M i t * i In Addition to the Above every person subscribing or renewing will be permitted to cast votes for his choice as follows: A two months subscription entitles the subscriber to 25 votes; a three months subscription to 40 votes; a four months subscription to 50 votes; a six months subscription to 75 votes; an eight months subscription to 1OO votes, and a yearly sub scription to 150 votes. Vote early and often and give your favorite a nice, hand some and servicabie Christmas present The Contest Closes December 22nd all Votes to The /