The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, November 27, 1908, Image 3

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I « T'":^ i*. 17 Cents a Day Buys an Oliver This ama/.innnff«r—thp New Model DIIvtt Typewriter No T> lit 17 cents a day -isopen to everyo xiy. everywliere. It’s our new and immensely nopular plan of sediuK Oliver Typewriwrs on little easy pay ments. T)ie abandonment of lomiham) In tavorof clean, iexibie. beautiful tyhkwkit- j.m; is the next jtreat step in human progress. Already in all lines of business and all professions—tlie use of pen nd inb is largely restricted t* t he writing of signatures. Hu-lnets Colleges and High Schools, watch- fu f the trend of public sentiment, are training a vast army of young people in the use of Oliver Typewriters. The prompt and generous response of t he Oliver Ty pewrier 0 o m p a n y to the world-wide demand fur universal type writing, gives tre mendous Impetus to to tire movement. The Oliver, with the largest sale of any Typewriter in existence, was the ''W^ 1 chine to take the ii.itlHive in bring ng the universal use of typewriters. I. always leads! Save Your Pennies and Own OUVEt? Typewriter The Standard Visible Typewriter This i7-cents-a-day selling plan makes the Oliver as easy to own as to teat. It places the machine In easy reach of every home— every individual. A man’s "cigar money”- a wwtnan's ’pin money”—will buy it. Clerks mu smah salaries can now afford to own Olivers Hy utili/.ing spare moments for i ractice they may Bt themselves for more important positions. School boys ami school girls can buy Oli vers by savingtlieir pennies. Vou can buy an Oliver on lids plan at the regular catalogue price—$11*). A small first payment brings the machine. Then you save 17cents aday and pay month'v. And the possession of an Oliver Typewriter enables yt»u to earn money to finish paying for the machine. Advantages Service Possibilities The Oliver Is the most highly perfected typewriter on the mar ket—hence its 100 per cent, efficiency. Among its sources of conveniences are: tbs Balance Shift tha Ruling Davies the Double Release tha Locomotive Base the Automatic Spacer the AslomaMc Tabu- The Oliver Type writer turns out more work, of better 1 quality and greater j v arie ty than any other writing ma chine. Simplicity, strength, ease of op eration and visibility are the cornerstones of its towering su premacy in Correepondence Card Indaa Work Tabulated Reports Follow-up Syatoms Manifolding Service Addressing Envoi- Working on Ruled Forma Cutting Mimeo graph Stoneils tha Dtsaspearing In dicator the Adjustable Paper Fingers the Scientific Con- denned Keyboard Caa you spand 17 cants a day to better ad vantage than in tha purchase of this wonder ful machine ? Write lor Special Easy Payment Proposi tion or see the nearest Oliver Agent. Tlie Oliver Typewriter Co. OBvsr Typewriter BMg., Chicago, HI. Nor-I 271 Buy Intelligently Where do yo« buy your Drugs? We want your business and will do what we can to please you. We wish to impress upou you the very important fact that every article that leaves our store is guaranteed to be just as we represent it, or your money is refunded. l/ook over some of our prices. If you have been paying more for Medi cines than you should, we ask tha you give us a trial : Simmons Liver Regulator (dry) 20c Grangers Liver.Regulator 20c Raymons Liver Legulator 20c Black Draught 20c 6 bottles Kodol ($1.00 size ) l5-oo 6 bottles Kilmers Swamp Root. fS-oo 6 bottles S. S. S $5.00 6 bottles |B. B. B $5.00 6 bottles Wine of Cardui $5.00 6 bottles Scotts Emulsion ($1 size).,$5.00 6 bottles Wompoles Cod Liver Oil. .$5.00 Vinol, for Consumption, per bottle. .$1.00 6 bottles Natures Cough Remedy.. $2 50 6 bottes Lemon Elixir (50c size).. . .$2.50 6 bottles Hy-o-me (50c size) $2.50 6 boxes Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets. .$2.50 6 boxes Mi-o-na Tablets $2.50 6 bottlesMustangLiniment (25c size) $1.25 6 bottles Sloans Liniment (25c size) $1.25 6 bottles Goose Grease Liniment... $1.25 6 bottles Kuidine $2.50 6 boxes Witch Hazel Salve $1.25 6 boxes Arnica Salve $1.25 6 boxes Mentholatum $1.25 6 boxes Morses Indian Root Pills.. .$1.25 6 boxes Lanes Pills fi.25 6 boxes Kings New Life Pills $1.25 6 boxes Tutts Pills $1.25 A good Fountain Syringe #1.00 Bnlb Syringes, 50c and up. Gaffney Drag Company. QNMiids Hm Kidaej ' Never Sispect it Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prevalency " of kidney disease. Whilekidneydis- orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy sicians, v/10 con tent themselves with doctoring the effects, while the vrig- innl disease undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, r>ain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, w ine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of 5wamp«Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. When writing mention this make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. Don’t make any mistake, but re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the Ad dress. Binghampton, N. Y., on every bottle. Mrs. Youngwife—Now, tell me, Al- fonse, what papa said to you when you asked hifti for my hand? Al- fonse—He said. “Thank goodness! At last!” and went on writing. Bill—Is that watch your father gave you ten years ago still doing good service? .1111—Yes. I pawned it again today for the 20th time.—Lon don Opinion. The latest bows on boas are im mense, nook-ruches of tulle have very long ends, touching the hems of the skirts. When you find a good husband, the women nearly always say: “His wife does not care much for him.’’ William Penn is buried at Jordans. England. He was seventy-four years old when he died. Borne of Swamp-Root paper and don’t You can cure dyspepsia, indigest ion, sour or weak stomach, or in fact any form of stomach trouble if you take Kodol occasionally—just at the times when you need It. Kodol does not have to be taken all the time. Ordinarily you only take Kodol now and then, because it completely di gests all the food you eat, and after a few days or a week or so, the stomach can digest the food without the aid of Kodol. Then you don’t need Kodol any longer. Try it today on ear guarantee. We know what it will do for you. Sold by S. B. Craw ley Drug Co. Twenty-five bales of cotton were destroyed by fire at Pendleton. The fire started from a spark from a pass ing locomotive. Foley’s Honey and Tar dears the air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, soothes the inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and inflam ed lungs are healed and strengthen- ed, and the cold Is expelled from the system. Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. Cherokee Drug Co. M. B. Williams, of Anderson, drank wood alcohol, thinking it was whis key. He died shortly after swallow ing the drink. DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills are unequalled in cases of weak back, backache, inflammation of the blad der, rheumatic pains, and all urinary disorders. They are antiseptic and act promptly. Don’t delay, for delays are dangerous. Get DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. Sold by S. B. Crawley Drug Co. The girl with a scrawny neck nat urally thinks decollete gowns in bad taste. Winter blasts, causing pneumonia, pleurisy and consumption will soon be here. Cure your cough now, and strengthen your lungs with Foley’s Honey and Tar. Do not risk starting the winter with weak lungs, when Foley’s Honey and Tar will cure the most obstinate coughs and colds, and prevent serious results. Cherokee Drug Co. It's hard for a lazy man to be truth ful. for ho is happiest when lying. If you suffer from constipation and liver trouble Foley's Orlno Laxative will cure you permanently by stimu lating the digestive organs so they will act naturally. Foley’s Orlno Lax ative does not gripe, is pleasant to take and you do not have to take laxatives continually after taking Orlno. Why continue to be the slave of pills and tablets. Cherokee Drug Co. But for the mistake made by great men, history would be awfully unin teresting. Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liver Pills, are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Sold by S. B. Crawley Drug Co. WESTERN RINKS HANDLE RECEIPTS GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORIES FOR FOREST SERVICE MONEY. All Moneys of the Service to be De posited to Credit of U. S. Treas urer. Washington, Nov. 18.—The names of six government depositories which are to handle the receipts of the United States Forest Service, after December 1, when its organization for the administration of the Nation al Forests will be removed from Washington to six field districts in the west, have just been announced. The designation of western banks to handle the moneys received from timber sales, permits for stock graz ing and for special uses of various resources in the National Forests is an innovation which will mean that all the receipts of the Forests Ser vice in the future will be deposited to the credit of the treasurer of the United States and made available for circulation in the part of the country from which it is derived, within the limits of the amounts allowed by law for government deposits, instead of being forwarded to the treasurer at Washington. The banks which have been named and which have all con sented to serve the government are located in the district headquarters of the Forest Service at Denver, Ogden, Albuquerque, Missoula, Portland, and San Francisco. They are as follows: Western Montana National Bank, Missoula, Montana. Headquarters of first district, Including northwestern Washington, northern Idaho, northern Wyoming, and northwestern South Dakota. Denver National Bank, Denver, Colorado. Headquarters of second district, including Colorado, southern Wyoming. South Dakota, northwest ern Minnesota, Nebraska, western Kansas, southeastern Utah. First National Bank. Albuquerque. New Mexico, headquarters of third district, including Arizona, Arkansas. New Mexico, and Oklahoma. First National Bank, at Ogden. Utah, headquarters of fourth district, including Utah, southern Idaho, west ern Wyoming, estern Nevada, and northwestern Arizona. First National Bank. San Francisco. California, headquarters for fifth dis trict, including California and south western Nevada. First National Bank, Portland, Ore gon, headquarters of sixth district, including Washington, Oregon, a small part of northern California, and Alaska. The estimated recepits for the Na tional Forests for the present fiscal year will be approximately $2,000,000, making the receipts from each of the six districts range from $27r>,000 to $250,000. The depositories will re ceive all remittances due the govern ment for use of the National Forests after December 1, and deposit them to the credit of the treasurer of the United States. According to the plan which has been approved by the offi cials of the United States treasury, the Forest Service and the officers of the various depositories, when ti tim ber sale, stock grazing, or special use application is made, the forest super visor will fill out a letter of transmit- tal in duplicate and tell the applicant to remit the amount directly to the national bank which is the depository for the district. Remittances will be in the form of a national bank draft, express or postoffice money order, and will be payable to the bank, since forest supervisors are not allowed to receive money. The letter of trans mittal Is virtually a deposit slip to accompany the remittance. The du plicate copy goes to the district fiscal agent. All remittances will be assembled and checked up at the end of each day, a single certificate of de posit made out by the bank and mail ed to the secretary of the treasury. This simple plan which has required months for the treasury officials and officers of the Forest Service to per fect, is one which will expedite busi ness both for the users of the Na tional Forests and for the force in the office of each district forester, and at the same time will make it possible for the government to de posit the National Forest receipts in western banks, and help the cireulat- Ion in that particular section of the country where it is originally spent. few specialists had knowledge at the time of the Conference of Governors and experts at the White House, In May. The governors carried the spirit of the conference home with them to their own people, and have kept things moving ever since hy appoint ing State Commissions to study ’oca! problems, by writing and speaking upon the subject of conservation, and by keeping in elose and helpful touch with the National Commission. They are ready to take part in the ap proaching joint meeting. The bare announcement that it had been set for December S resulted in a number of acceptances before the formal in vitation of the commission had even got into the mails. When the conservation movement was started, specific information about, the actual state of our resour ces was partly wanting, partly in accessible. Certain facts were broadly known. It was at least un questionable that our resources had been wastefully used, and that some | of them, notably the mines, were sure in time to be completely ex hausted. while others, for example the forests, could still be kept perp: tually useful by right management. The first work was to get the facts, to show exactly what the situation was and how it could be improved by measures that would work. Wit bom an inventory of the resources which should show the present condition of the resources and the way to devel op them to the best advantage, con servation was in danger of staying up in the air. But the work is now practically done. The facts are there, in dollars and cents, tons of coal, board feet of timber, acre-feet and horsepower of water, acres of land. And the' pos sible reform measures have been weighed. The final report to the pre sident will be the necessary supple ment to the addresses at the White House Conference. The note of these addresses was a note of warning. The report is expected to show that the warning must he heeded if the exhaustion of natural resources is not. one day. to impoverish the na tion. and it will also undoubtedly bring out how the country’s resources can be developed so as to last tin* longest possible time and serve the greatest good of tin* people. —Remember the two big dolls at Gaffney Jewelry Co. Washington. Nov. 18.—The much- talked of inventory of the nation's re- seources is now practically complet ed. To consider the material it has brought together the National Con servation Commission has just, an nounced its first full meeting for Tuesday, December I, in Washing ton. At that meeting the first steps will be taken toward putting into tangible shtVpe the results of the six months’ hard work on taking stock of the country’s waters, forests, lands, and minerals. One week Igtor, after the commis sion lias gone over the inventory, it will hold a joint meeting in Washing ton with the government of the States and territories, or their repre sentatives. At this meeting the in ventory will be further discussed and the report which the president, has requested the commission to make to him by January 1, will be formulated. With less than six months in which to make the inventory, the four branches Into which the commission is divided, aided by the co-operation of the governments, have brought to gether what is probably the most useful collection of facts about the material things on which natlonar in dustry and progress are based that has ever been assembled at one time. Reports presenting these facts and pointing out their significance have been prepared. These reports, sum marized and Indexed, will be submit ted to the commission at Its coming meeting. All through the summer general in terest In the work and object of the Conservation Commission has been growing. The public is now well posted on a subject of which only a Store Talk. (By H. E. Sells.) A pleased customer will return. Boosting your own line ing your competitor’s. beats knock A good article well sold will bring the customer in again. Use taste in displaying goods. Don't put onions and oranges side bv side. The store is therefore make home. a reception room: your callers feel at Dpn't misrepresent your good, to do so is taking chances with your reputa tion. Don't advertise "at cost” too often. To do so excites suspicion in the minds of many. Good light and fresh air in the store, mean increased opportunities for display and sales. Good business stationery, like a pleased customer is a standing ad, sure td bring results. See that the salesforce is thorough ly familiar with the daily announce ments in the newspapers. Talk quality more and price less. If the article is good, the customer is willing to pay more for it. Use the advertising matter sent out by the manufacturers. It is designed for the special purpose of selling goods. Don’t expect your goods to sell themselves. A good article can't speak for Itself until it is in the hands of the buyer. Study the class of people who buy from you and strain a point, if neces sary, to make goods and store appeal to them. Aim to get new customers each day, but remember that a new customer will make a closer inspection of your store than an old one. A When a new customer comes in, please him. If he comes again, please him still more. After that he is likely to be a regular patron. Word was received in Wall Street that it would be a felony to conduct a bucketshop hereafter in New York State. Tlie United States produced 2!),- 704,128 barrels of salt, each of 280 pounds, in 1907, leading the world in the Industry, Three persons were burned to death in a New York tenement fire. RATIONAL CURE FOR ECZEMA. No More Dosing the Stomach—Cure the Skin Through the Skin. When you have a scratch on your hand you wash it and then the skin cures itself. You do not take blood medicine to cure a festered wound. ' The best, skin specialists today are agreed that the only way to cure the skin is through the skin. This fact that eczema is a skin dis ease and not. a blood disease is evi dent from statistics which show that nearly all eczema suffers are per fectly healthy in all other ways ex cept as to their skin. If the eczema patients were really suffering from an inward malady, the entire body and not only the skin would be dis eased. You can prove immediaAely the re lief of a true skin cure by using oil of wintergreen as compounded In D. D. D. Prescription. This liquid attacks the disease germs, numbing them while building up the healthy tissue of the skin. We have now handled this meritorious and thoroughly scientific remedy for so long and have seen its reliable re sult so many times rhat we freely ex press our confidence. Gaffney Drug Company. The South’s Opportunity at Hand. (Manufacturers’ Record.) With the political agitation out of the way, with business reviving, the South has the greatest opportunity which it ever faced for big, broad de velopment. With the United States Steel Corporation In Alabama, the South has the most powerful influence in the world for the building up of its iron and steel interests. With a re awakened appreciation of the needs for broad railroad expansion and, therefore, a more friendly legislative spit it prevailing, the South ought now to enter upon the broadest railroad and industrial development period which it has ever enjoyed. • Hexamethylentetramine. The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foley’s Kid ney Remedy. Hexamethylentetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley’s Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and avoid a serious malady. Cherokee Drug Co. At the next general assembly eight ircuit judges will be elected. ct Kodol contains the same digestive juices that are found in an ordinary healthy stomach, and there is, there fore, no question but what any form of stomach trouble. Indigestion, or Nervous Dyspepsia, will yield readi'* yet naturally to a short tratment of Kodol. Try it today on our guaran tee. Take it for a little while, as that is all you will need to take. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. It is sole by S. B. Crawley Drug Co. Well diggers at Branchville dis covered a rich deposit of phosphate rock. Raw Lungs. When the lungs are sore and in flamed, the grt’ms of pneumonia and consumption find lodgement and mul tiply. Foley’s Honey and Tar kills the cough germs, cures the most ob stinate acking cough, heals the lungs, i nd prevents serious results. The genuine is in the yellow pack age. Cherokee Drug Co. Tho Bamberg Cotton Oil Mill was destre ved by fire. Tlie loss is esti mate* at $7t>,0t)0. Kei nedy’s Laxative Cough Syrup not only heals irritation and allays inflammation, thereby stopping the cough, but it moves the bowels gent- lv and in that way drives the cold from the system. Contains no opiates, ft is pleasant to take, and children especially like the taste, so nearly like maple sugar. Sold by S. B. Crawley Drug Co. Columbia *ill organize a poultry association and will hold a poultry- show next February. —Don't forgot the diamond ring given away at Gaffney Jewelry Co. Bruises, scratches, sores and burns that other things have failed to cure will heal quickly and completelv when you use DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by S. B. Craw ley Drug Co. —Our Grip Tablets and Nature’s Cough Remedy taken together will cure any case of la grippe or money refunded. The Cough Remedy is 50 cents and the Grip Tablets 25 cents. Try them on our Iron clad guarantee. Gaffney Drug Co. —Bracelets and lockets, finest goods at Gaffney Jewelry Co. —Delicious, satisfying, nourishing Old Homestead Chocolates. Sold in 1-2 lb." boxes 25c, 50c per pound box. Made to eat—not to keep. ’Phone us for a trial box. Gaffney Drug Co. —Most popular little girl gets the doll. Gaffney Jewelry Co. —Nature’s Cough Remedy made and sold by the Gaffney Drug Co. Every bottle guaranteed to produce a complete cure or money refunded. NOTIGE! As I expect to close out my Dry Goods and Shoes and not handle anything but Groceries. I am now offering them a t cost. Call and see for yourself and be convinced I mean just what I say. : : Yours respectfully, W. A. PEELER Nov-2o-lm Catarrh Whether it is of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate or gans, catarrh is always debilitating and should have attention. The discharge from the mucous membrane is because this is kept in a state of inflammation by an impure condition of the blood. Therefore, to cure, take the best blood purifier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets known as SarsatabS. 100 doses $1. Who? Everybodyiwho wants good fitting, tailored clothes.’ When? Now and hereafter. Where? at the leading tailor shop. & Bray Nov lU-F'H-tf Keystone Traction Water Well Drillers Are Money Makers Everybody uses water. A drilled well is the only means of obtaining a pure, cold and unfailing supply. Dug wells and springs are simply cess pools for collecting disease breeding surface drainage. 85 per cent, of typhoid fever is contracted from bad water. A Kttj-stone Drill will penetrate the bed rock and tap the pure, unfailing streams below. All surface water is securely cased off. A drilled well rarely goes dry in the most protracted drouth. It is safe. There is more money in a Keystone Drilling outfit than in a threshing ma chine, hnd you work all the >ear round instead of three months out of twelve. Machine is the most complete on the market and must not he confounded with cheap and flimsy outfits. Drills a 6-inch hole through any formation to any desired depth at the rate of 50 feet a day in ordinary formations. Costs I5.00 a day to run in fuel and labor. Will go anywhere under its own steam and can be set up and put to work in 30 minutes. Write lor cat alogue No. i. KEYSTONE DRILLER COMPANY. BEAVER FALLS, PA. NOV-I7-lm A NEW Specials For u Fresh assortment National Biscuit Go’s. Pound Cake®, fruit and plain. Full line of Fruits for your home-made Cakes, all fresh and clean. Nuts, Candies, Raisins, fresh Fruits, etc., a big stock for the Holidays. We invite your inspection. . Holmes&Jones Shoe" We have installed a fine “Singer” SeW- ing Machine and are now better prepared to do your repairing than ever before. We can also do any kind of heavy sewing, such as carpets and other heavy material at a reasonable price. Patching and sew ed soles on shoes is our specialty. A trial order will convince you. BROWN & WILKINS. Next Door to Crawley’s Drug store. Limestone St. Oct. 2, 2m. Money to Loan! * am prepared to negotiate loans in .mounts from f300.00 up for a term of years on improved forms. Inter est 8 per cent Gallon 9-14-08 6m J.6. Jiffwits, Attj., 6affii|, S. C. FruitCakes All sizes from 75c to $2.00. 25c a pound at MEN'S BAKERY I Phone No. 139. DR W. K. GUNTER l> E tv T I » X iffioe in Star Theatre Building. Phonb No. 20. Crown and Bridge work a apaeiatty.