The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, October 30, 1908, Image 1

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• .1 ’ « * , ’ * - - ^ f r': ■ } s • •*>’'! #*, ■ ;■•'* ■ j v ' ^ The Gaffney ledger. A NEWSPAPER IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIED AND DEVOTED TO THE REST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1894. OAPFNEY, S. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1908. 41.50 A YEAR. WILL OF MAN AND THE largely by the most important raa- i chinery thus dispensing with a large amount of the manual labor hereto- nnr nr I fore required to complete the raanu- rnr llr \ I IN A I IIIN I I'at'turiiig process. The daily output I IILULO I llln I lull I of this mill is !),100 yards.. We will have something more to sav of our visit there later (.n when we have more time to give f t. When “Uncle Sill’’ sees, a big gar- ! den of cabbage he thinks the people i have no bacon with which to cook 1 them. i Qur old friend and comrade “Bill” “Free Sanders, got off a good joke on a fel low at Kelton several years ago just, HOLY BIBLE IS ITS EXPOSITOR. OWN CHEROKEE COURT OF CENERKL SESSIONS the court, and the county oflieers for (the consideration shown us, and the assistance given us in the discharge iof our duties. Respect full v submitted. A. N. Wood, Foreman. ; M. F. Hopper plead guilty to violat- FIGHTIR5 FOB COD tT BUFORD STREET Man Divinely Appointed Agent” with Right to Choose His a i () „^' this line. .j s» The fellow had bought a very fine DOCKET CLEARED AND ADJOURN- j. 11 * th « dispensary law and was fined , M p R pc;civp ! $ ; >00. Sentence was suspended during b E ED WEDNESDAY. i good behavior on payment of $100, j which was paid. Strap Allen, Wm. Wicks, Sam Lit r mu.,,.,* * tlcjohit and Victor Furry, were found Closing Business Consisted of Minor suj)ty of KainblJng aml fined ^- 0 ea( . h A SERMONS NENT DIVINE. BY EMI- , awfulness of such a position! The enemy of God! I want to tell you, you are fighting a losing fight. “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker!” Have you ever stood and watched a little shore wave as it starts out to ocean? Yonder comes a great white-capped breaker, majestically sweeping Its , way toward the shorn There’s a conflict, they meet, what is the re sult ? That great breaker sweeps everything before it and goes on to the shore. Just so, my brothers, the Course in Life. Says Wilkinsville. Oct. 28 cabbage head and Bill proceeded to quite a ) a i K( . tell him how to cook it so as to make Fine Discourse Wednesday Night p eat purposes of God are going to on "Separation from th World Unto ^ “ 1° U P,aCe r yourself in opposition to them you God.” W, H go down before them and be , swept away. * —. .— Xoiwilhstanding the inclement Napoleon Bonaparte flung down the .. ...wi..-“m-. ■ '■ it the hesl he ever did eat. The fel-j General Sessions ran along so smooth-j charge of house breaking and larceny weather' interest in the meeting at challenge before Almighty God when congregation attended ui«* meeting , ow thanked llini of coursei and Bill | ly and rapidly Tuesday and Wednes- and was fined $23 or one month on the Buford Street eburen continues he said, “uod is on the'side of the* of the Sabbath School Convention at ( , jroce(;ded; I day that the docket was practically ] the gang. unabated and Mr. Hardin is no less heaviest artillery.” St. Helena was impressive than when h first be- God’s answer to that challenge. meeting. If anything he in- A school friend told me that he Offenses and Appropriate Punish- i f jffi' da >' 8 <? n gang. Wicks is* a white man. the other three negroes, ment—Grand Jury Presentment. The case against William Jefferies for gambling was nol prossed. The proceedings in the Court of i Boyd Vassey plead guilty to the Rebubotli Iasi Sabbath and several "Now you go back to the store and I cleared and court was adjourned! J mi vi i visitors from a distance were present get you a little piece of the thickest,; Wednesday afternoon about four, guiltv tn vLiut?, F and took part in the exercises. a,test ^eon you can find. Take it' ‘ ' - - ,0 ' io,at »»S the I»rof a c, Davis conducted the ^ Ket • vour wife t0 wash Ifc uror. A. u. Davis < onuucieu ine | thoroughly so as to get all the filth o’clock. The Mull plead dispensary -inn the singing. He taught a school there from your nasty, dirty hands off it. I Will McBrayer plead guilty to vio-1 Another charge of the° same nature last summer and the work he did, Then ’rasher’ it up so all the grease i lating the dispensary law and was! was nol prossed was in evidence. Some of the chosen will boil out of it. Put it in the pot sentenced to pay a fine of $100, or i The case against J. S Sarratt for speakers were not present but their and boil it with the cabbage until serve three months on the public carrying concealed weapons was nol places were filled by the visiting both are thoroughly done, season works of the county. 1 ’ brethren with salt ' P e PP er and vinegar to suit j Roach Dawkins was convicted last In the absence of the secretary, y° ur taste and you will he surprised ! June of running a gambling house Mr. W. E. Osment, Mr. Clarence to know how good it eats. Of course j and selling whiskey and was fined Chalk acted secretary pro tern. !- vou should have bread to go with it. j $200. He appealed, but later conclud- Mr J A. Hames. superintendent of t've tried it once or twice in ray life ! to pay the fine. He paid $100 and! Lillie Duncan and Robt Darwin the Rehoboth school, called the and know of nothing that will beat;'he solicitor consented that the re-1 were charged with adultery Mill** house to order and after the exercia- »• ! mainder be suspended during his good ! was in jail but Bob had flown so it - **- - the Mill got off another good ioke nn ; behavior. ' _ ; was ordered that Lillie be admitted following were the | law and were lined $300 each, or six creases in lygic and persuasivanesa. knew God had called him to the cases disposed of since the last issue months. Execution of the sentence Wednesday night Mr. Hardin ministry and that he was fighting the was suspended during good behavior, preached from 2nd Corinthians 0:17,- (a ll- He kept up the fight to the *~* 1 — '■— * ■" IS; “tvgiiaratinn from the world unto hitter end—and tonight his body lies of The Ledger: prossed. A case against J. R. Love. John Ledbetter and Robt. Love for violat ion of the dispensary law was nol prossed. a close e. L. “Millis" Little. He lived , —- neighbor to Millis. Bill and his malicious mischief the jury failed to clerk of court was authorized and di wife were speaking of going off on a I uxjnfe and a mistrial was ordered. ! reefed to take her recognizance, few days visit and he asked Millis iff Tire grand jury brought in “no bill"; Judge Klugh affirmed the judgment he would be kind enough to look af- against I. P. Sarratt, Frances Sar- of the ter his things while thev were gone. >alt. Mack Byars, Dan Byars. Millis told him he would do so with Gyars, Yates Allison and MRarion pleasure. ner, charged with highway Bill said. “Mv smoke house is not and larceny. The case against safe and if you will 1 would he glad t-ame parties for assault and battery to have you send your wagon and w lth intent to kill was nol prossed on and haul my meat over and put it in yours payment of $100 in lieu of all costs, i where it can be better taken care The grand of." against Millis told him he would do so and Roods under false pretense. 'octock, and it was :!:”0 o'clock in asked "How much meat have you?” “No bill” was found against Bud j the afternoon before it was connect- 1 Three o' pr<ssions “About three pounds, I suppose,” was Falls for abduction. ; ed tip and turned on again 'The ,0 be noted: Bill’s reply. The case against Emslle Wood. 11 rouble was caused by a grounded First. Friend of the world. By, On one occasion we met Vanev charged with assault and battery i wire between this city and the power "‘•'Id we mean, just as Caul and Porter and after asking about his; with intent to kill was nol prossed on ] plant at Gaston Shoals. Linemen John and James meant, that which! welfare and that of his family, friends, j payment, of cost. | wer c sent out at convention was opened by singing He lived a close | In the case against E. M. Sealy for to bail In the sum nf sinn some selections. ------ - - - ' - sum or $400, and the The roll was called and the follow Ing reports were read: Abingdon Creek No report. Ararat- Forest Huggins, J. Hammett and E. S. McKown. Asbury—Represented. Corinth— Not represented. % Nraytonville—W. F. Huskey, .1 Jenkins and Stanley Wilson. DIBethel—E. G. McCulloch Claud Sanders. Qethsamane Not represented. Sardis—A. G. Davis and Miss Da vis. Salem—H. T. Estes. J. L. Black- well and Miss Maude Blackwell. Mesopotamia—Miss Sallie Garner, Miss Sallie Goforth, Miss Annie Wil kins and Mr. Horace Garner. ' H. <!od.” The audience was not largebu: j" a suicide’s grave in a far distant at no time has the speaker appeared State. to be mote decplv in earnest or have T ou can afford to fight against the purpose treater to heart than on Hod. You will lose I know you will this occasion, when he took the win in the sense that you may hold Ubeitv to relate some personal ex- om to the ast, refuse to do God’s perriences bidding, and wreck your own life— Yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock >cu will win in that sense, but what the text was Acts 3:1-10. “Working a victory! fnr God.” The exposition was based <'>ve up the fight tonight. You re- on healing of the lame man at the member how when the fierce perse- beautiful irate of the temple- show- cutor Saul went from Jerusaleiii ing that there is just such work to toward Damascus with authority to be done bv Christians today. persecute and slay the Christians; l ast night the subject was: ,,0 ' v th at Jesus Christ. “Friend of the world ... „ . standing as enemy of Picket guard for the little band at No Power.. Phe electric current of the Electric quarters tocla\—that opposition between . » «-•» > V «•* \j * « V-i * ' ~' » I «' rand jury found “no bill’’j Manufacturing and Power Company Sam Gentry, for obtaining [failed Wednesday morning at 4:13 xler false nretense i - -- posit i !hou'h )S not n verv''"nonulnr**in ’''some Third. 1 Maketh himself Emphasis j s d if(>ct was here laid on the fact that man - enemy of God. o’clock, and it was world, and ground. popular there God anil the in the text are makes himself an ha' then* is no half wav Ji'Jn’t make you His enemy, up on you rests that responsibility. Sallust long ago said every man is the archietct of his own fate. He was right. We make ourselves the friends or the enemies of God. Here are the two sides. With once on horseback to to opposition to Cod-whether sin-whichjto we ally ourselves? Bemem- 1 1 , .I f* ill • . ... wifi CAI. UII IJil* K * * * • » I 1».-| i IW llt'l IIT'I «1H *** '-r »» v C* 11 v 1 ill I ri r I \ f *S ; KPmPm- old US hxf nin 00 n l W S’ , h f l ,<lers ’ cl i arg * d to locafe thp Houble. They found it ^ men with their sinful lusts and ber, “The world passeth away with Rehoboth—H. B. Robinson. W. Horn and M. E. Kirby. u “ miii aanaers was bad off. assault ana battery was found emiltv t. n M „ - Timber Ridge—No school. hp . ?*, atter wi,h H»I?” we ; He was sentenced to pav a fine of Xr 1 } ( * affney u an «I Gaston Shoals, evil practices, or the evil lusts that Hm lust thereof Vothof "Y” Skull Shoals No school. ni,^ *..« L ° 8t ,,S sp( “ 0(h -" Vaney re- $23. or be confined on the publ?c o.Jil Ledger ’ ,hfi -Mills and are within us all. fleshly lusts that will of God abidelh d0 » th the • Wilson’s Chapel-P. S. Lowry and Sorry for the man who fintrs works of the county for thirty d^ys. pe^enrunonGR^n ln Uu ‘ city f'V the soul You arp a Sunday night ff , St f efmPb ; - ftnwTT .las. VV. George. ,r u Childers plead gulltv to the charge‘of J,, < ^ U upoa I.* 118 Power were forced tnend of the world if the world in- The meeting wilt ” ftnw ^ Review of lessons of last quarter ‘opoat. Bill Sanders was a good resisting an Yfficer and was S S en- ek Mm 1 ’ he r boilers - Th o Ham-, stead of God has the chie/ place In 1 Sunday nigh" if T,<11 mx" 11 was made by T. G. Chalk, and it in- soldier, a member of the Johnson , lanced to pay a fined of $30 or servo sus Pended operations for vour life. To he governed hv a world- who fail "ohea/thU Th °t e eluded today’s lesson. October 25th. ^ oth S. C regiment, and car-! three months on he pubJcworksTf I ^ spirit means to shut God ou° of i er certain^ are fosine d pr T h ; • 1st query. How to get the best re- ,b? t d fI J h * r og'ment flag through the , the county. P 1 Hfe. Whether you take part ?n'opportunity * " ex0eIlont suits from the Sabbath school work 0n , P,nos - He was The vacancy on the grand iurv Club s °c'al. , so-called worldly amusements or not y ’ was discussed by Rev. L. R. Gaines, ^ u ^ d the last day and is a cripple caused by the death of Mr B S Lip 1 The E - A - p - Club held its first sn-l-vou may never go to those places. " N. G. Littlejohn and others. i 01 **], 1 / 0- {Ut we bave no better men’iscomb was filled, by the drawing of 2nd query. Some of the principal Ia this country than Bill Sanders and i the name of W. H. Perry. Mr. Perry hindrances of the Sabbath school , OSf ‘ wb0 . now l'* 01 best will verify | was sworn in open court to fill the work was most interestingly discuss- hat assertion. : deflency. ed by Rev. L. R. Gaines. What we said some time ago about: Will'Hamrick plead guilty to the 3rd query. Is the spirit of com- Predestination some of our friends,! charge of housebreaking and lareenv merclalism preventing church mem- censorlally inclined, have taken ad-, and was sentenced to six months on hers from living up to their privil- vam age of to draw us out further i the public works of the county, eges and responsibilities, and if so, to upoa ,hf \ subject by alleging that our Walter Kirby, charged with house what, extent? was led off by Mr. Mon- Position is an untenable one—the ele-, breaking and larceny, plead guilty, roe Kirby. Mr. John O. Tate and Mr. ments of which are contradictory the : and was given a six months term on Mayes. on « to he other. ; the gang. Prayer by Bro. Hodge. f (,oa 1 sae if ,n that light, | Frank- Bolin and James Mulllnax Intermission one hour. ifi ° ur . theorv is—the Bible is | were found guilty of assault and bat- Rrery session opened by singing. 'Y own expositor. To view it other-1 tery of a high and aggravated nature “Bringing in the Sheaves,” and 18 to make the divine will aland of carrying concealed weapons, prayer. Jh" 1 * of doubt and uncertainty. This Bolin was fined $50 for carrying a 4th query. Do we appreciate the ta e religious world will never submit pistol, or to serve six months, and opportunities of this age and realize lo - . 10 K |ve a rull summary of the $40. or six months for assult its responsibilities? Col. J. L. Strain subject would not only cover several!and battery, and Mulllnax $40 led off with the speaking of the last P at?e ® of manuscript, but many or six months for rarrvine a subject, followed by Prof. T. G. Chalk. Pointed columns of The Ledger, pistol and $40 or six months for Mr. Strain followed, closing the therefore it Is impracticable for us to assault and bktterv. Both parties speaking. bring the matter as fully before our paid the fine. Abingdon Creek was selected as readers as we would like. Next to Dock Parris oload euiltv to the the place of next meeting—fourth redeeming grace common sense is charge of assault and battery of a Sabbath in December. heaven’, greatest benefaction to higVand “IjSvafed nafure.^He Collection was taken up to pay the 1 P ‘ b 1 ,e ,s > aftor al1 . a i was fined $50. or six months on the quarterly dues to the State Sabbath pivinty constituted common sense gang. He naid tho fine School Associational work. $2.50. But few of its readers, scan I j. ' r. Love and John I.edbetter Adjourned by S ln S ,ng. “Ood be ««'> “ of>,e.d guilty to vZla.ingtbe di.pen with you till we meet again,” etc., nndln & anything but. the garlands of sarv law and were fined $300 each or aud prayer by Re,. L. R. Oatoea. Tliey aeon to Ignore a,x montha in .Je pTbilc “ad Sen Plenty of dinner was on the ground or overlook the fact that justice is t ( . n ce was suspended until the next to feed the large congregation pres- one of ,h e divine attributes and for t t . r m of court provided that each nav ent and all were In.ltod to oomo for- «very breael, of the saered law there <r.o and continue to behave th?m. ward and partake of it, which they a punishment—divinely appointed. | selves. did. Omnipotence, omniscience and omni- Charlie Lowe plead gulltv to the This feature of our social gather- Presence are the fundamental char- charge of assault and batterv^ with in ings is always superbly attended to acteris. es of its author God. Of lent to kIH and was glven ^ flve by the ladies who, as a general rule, everything in the material world God years sentence are our most enthusiastic babbath lakes absolute control except the I' The ‘ following six -rand lurnrs school workers and arc ever willing »;<' <>/ man He (man) Is a "free were drawn to hold ovS for ISM- and ready to grace these occasions agent and has a divinely appointed a. B Klrbv Fd Turner T w wit with their presence and help. r, f-ht to choose between good and liamson W T Self p’ s’ pL'vqoiiI We are proud of our Sabbath evil, life and death, and with his an™ W IL Crocker ' Club Social. The E. A. P. Club held its first so i jf (; od j s shut out of vour life you cial meeting with Misses Myrtis Lit-r re worldly and worldly minded tie and (’hristine Baker Friday after-] **•— - noon. After the initiation of Miss Myrtle Littlejohn into the secrets and PROHIBITION WINS IN UNION. mysteries of the club, the following enjoyable program was rendered: Piano solo. Miss Christine Baker. • Essay on the life of Poe, Miss Lula Mae Littlejohn. Violin solo. Miss La Hentz Dram-, lett. Recitation. Miss Montez Bramlett.! Vocal solo. Miss Louise Johnson. A delicious luncheon was then served by Misses Louise Johnson and Myrtls Little. After an hour of pleasant conver sation the guests took leave of their kind hostess. Chrysanthemum Show Tonight. The annual ladies chrysanthemum show and bazaar will be held at the residence of Mr. H .D. Wheat, on Grenard street tonight. The indi cations are that this will be one of the finest, and most complete exhi bitions of this character ever given in Gaffntw . Everybody is invited and a royal ^;ood time is anticipated. Encourage the ladies with your pre sence. A LIBERAL OFFER. to * * • J. JL • V * V/VvSWV>S • to School Convention and can’t say too ‘-hoiee he takes the consequences of The following is tlie presentment nf tt nnit its work It has done hl8 acts * in the reward that follows of the grand jury: •r»o 4 \imvlr Kn f urx* them. Therefore man t»*in«r « "free To His Honor, Judge J. C. Klugh. and Is doing a great work but we them. Therefore, man being a i^no'to _ nf.nnmnlish”much more agent,” endowed with the absolute i Having passed on all bills handed Trie WOW will meet at Salem rl ght to make his own choice between to us by the Solicitor for this term Saturday to unveil the monu- 8 00(1 and evil does not in any sense of Court, we desire to submit the fol- Sfent of J. Edmond Leech, late a interfere with the foreknowledge of lowing: member of the Hickory Grove camp. or di8annu l His judgments, either | i. We thank your Honor for the Mrs Mamie Strain has been right‘ of rewards or punishments. To our courtesy and consideration shown to unweli for some davs but is better [ nlnd * 8 nothing clearer, noth- us> an d for the clear, able and in- ‘ mg happens by mere chance so far f tractive charge delivered to us on Mr. T. 1. EsteH .hap a very ajek muMTotTe''' li„l,ioe,l lo ob "’S " Tablets Is manufactureil by a hew child. It has been sick a good while , cou,n I nor he induced to ou 2 . We have, to the best of our; .. . dpvpIont , «♦„ eroa test and seems to grow weaker and nude our views upon such a deep ability, examined the report of the h^Xv PensirsuDnlies to the di- wesVer i and far-reaching question as this Sunerlntendent of Education, J. L.! ett ' ( t s ,® ncy ’ * ^ a Y“ PP ", mo«\ . jThe rain has again interfered with ‘ l the liberal terms set walker, in the short time we had for f P p^, an t etemeJtsTf theVligeluve ikrmerR in their work forth ln thft head bne of ,hls Paper— this purpose, and find the same, as important elements or int nigfsuve Vfo visited Gaffnev this week and “ A newspaper in all that the word f. ir as W e know, correct. In this con- J a , an an the eXP r a nds which sunilv all" Implies, and devoted to the best in- nection we would recommend that on an ,ne Kianns wnicn supdiv an The Gaffney Drug Co. Guarantee Cure Dyspepsia. .If They Fail, The Medicine Costs Nothing. To unqestionably prove to the peo ple of Gaffney that indigestion and dyspepsia Is curable and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will effect the cure, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it falls to give com plete satisfaction to anyone giving it a trial. The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is largely due to the new and successful method of manufacture, whereby the well-known properties of Bismuth, Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with carminatives and their agents. Bismuth Subnitrate and Pepsin are recognized by the entire medical pro fession as speefles for acute indigest ion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspep- j spent a day and nleht In the city. Of our visit to the Hamrick mill wt would be glad to give some account., our visit to the Hamrick mill we ie r( si oi me people of Cherokee our Senator and Representatives a d-i the ° ,her ele ments necessary to prop- Itlt county. *. L _ . . . . nr nvitttmtlaHrvn a rwl yKcrnatlwn btootr.' vorat. ibe ni'mZCannZ' to!*JS rt *!!!2!S.,S!!!. tST'S!; This l» a modem Dp-lo-dato mill run! , w " would not deaim to uae It. orralc the oUloe of Auditor, whom- ™ orSToUv r“le“ thl dTaturb hv electricity It’s the last one built ‘■ ol,,mns for the d I«cu8slop of any but duf v shall be to examine into all the ^ our capltal cRy ThrOTSh the 'egUlmate subjects-«rid thK we b0 ok8 and accounts of the various a . n 5« 8 and pain oaU8ed by undlge8ted in courtesy of Overseers T. A. High tower and C. A. Sparks, we were shown through the mill where these proficient and gentlemanly officials took the pains to show us the differ ent narts of the machinery and the iBprties dist idaim is one J. L. S. county offices, as is the case with fo ^. . . .. ., , .. banks and insurance comnanies, for , The perfect combination of these Had a Close Call. lour experience shows that grand i" prpd ‘ e "" e ^ Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely juries, as a rule, have neither the !1 0 JnH known proprietor of the Crfiom Hotel. I time, knowledge nor experience to r,re ot * ,n and Vaughn, Miss., says: “For several make clear and accurate statements _ a V“ p ® p8 J] a - ^ . . . workings of the same. We followed months I suffered with a severe con go. ] of such matter?. P n H i oil TqiT the cotton from the warehouse from; and consumption seemed to have At the last term of court we made I 111 " J* KexaM S P p ! “ ia i,s pr,p on mp wbpn a frlend reoom a full renort showing the resnlt of mended Dr. King’s New Discovery, our examination of the county offices. b . , J, r r _ ; . ,' T began taking It. and three bottles the jail, countv pariah, chaingans. ' J ’ affected a complete cure.” The fame und other institutions. Since that 1 y ’ of this life saving cough and cold t’me nothing has come within our ob- remedv, and lung and throat healer servatlon, or been reported to ns a i m —■ « ■— - - — which it is taken by means nf a pneumatic tube into the main mill where the manufacturing process be gins. Here it Is taken up by first one machine and then another until It Is ready for the spinners, then the weavers, until it reaches the baling department when it is .made ready tor shipment. The work is done.freo. — «wmw sx^a^as igJiMJlidl Lk# lin -Nature’s Cough Remedy made is world wide. Sold at Cherokee that calls for any further report from ami uoid by tho Gaffney Drug Co. vvng Co. 60c and $1.00. Trial - . Every bottle guaranteed to produce We desire to thank the offleers of a complete core or money refunded. l Note the preposition usea—of, in sense of coalescing with. Jesus Christ was the best friend the world ever had. but never for one moment was He a friend of the world, as here used. And what a disappointing friend ship! Enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, and then —? Ah, then! What awful soul famine! How empty is the soul that God does not fill! Hear Robertson of Brighton, “It is a spectacle for men and angels, when a man has become old in feel ing ami worn out before hia time— know we none such.among our own acquaintance? Have the young never seen those aged ones who stand amongst them in their pleas ures, almost as if to warn them of what they themselves must come to at last? Have they never marked the dull and sated look that they cast, upon the whole scene, as upon a thing they would fain enjoy and can not? Know you what you have been looking »n? A sated worldling—one to whom pleasure was rapture once, as it Is to you now. Thirty years more and that look and that place will be yours; and that is the way the world rewards Us veterans; it chains them to it after the lust of ( the world has passed away.” Hear a young man, who Is tired of the disappointing frk§dshlo of the world: o "I have had my will. Tasted every pleasure, I have drunk my fill Of the purple measure, Life has lost its zest, Sorrow Is my quest O. the lees are bitter, bitter! Give me rest! Love once filled the bowl. Running o’er with blisses. Made my very soul Drunk with crimson kisses, But I drank it dry, Love has passed me by, O, the lees are bitter, bitter! Let me die!” Second. Enemy of God. Friend ship of the world inevitably means this too. No middle grpurnd here. The Holy Spirit prompted James to write that the friend of the world Is the enemy of God. and If you are a friend of the world, that means you. You—the enemy of God. What a picture! Man against God. His weak human powers against the di vine power of God. Take for ex ample Belshazzar. DanitH gathered up all his sin and expressed it ail in one when he said, “Thou hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven.” And in that sentence he expressed the very o lenco of all sin —rebellion against Gud. Man choos ing his own way, refusing to obey the mandates of his Creator, rebelling against lawful authority. If you are not a Christian, you arc the enemy of Ood, in vour own life, In frustrating God’s plans and pur- noses for you and making your life what God never intended it should be; and you are His dnemv in the lives of others, by influencing them for evil and leading them astray, by doing what you can to retard the progress of God’s Kingdom. Oh, the Decisive Majority Against Establish ment of Dispensary. Union, Ort. 27.—Prohibition wins again in Union county. In the elect ion held today, with three small box es still to be heard from, the vote war strongly in favor of prohibition. Out of a total vote so far reported of 1,494 there is a majority of 282 against sale. The remaining boxes, which will not he heard from before tomorrow, will not materially change the result, though it will probably re duce the majority. The vote today exceeded by several hundred that polled in the dispen sary election held on December 27, 1907, but will fall fully a thousand short of the number of registered electors. In Union alone 400 who were registered failed to vote. In the December election for sale carried by 11 majority, but that elect ion was set aside on account of irre gularities. The prohibition advo cates. aided by the Rev. Thos. Leitch, who has labored diligently in that be half, have waged a hot contest and are jubilant over their victory. There seems to have been no organized ef fort on the part of the pro-dispensary people, though some work was done. The election passed off very quietly, no disorder having been reported. First Baptist Church. By request a sermon will be preached at 11 a. m. to the Odd Fel lows. The public is Invited. The deacons are requested to meet the pastor at the close of the services. Regular services at 7:13 p. m. to which all are invited. Sunday school at 9:45. MAKES ASTONISHING CURES. Mi-o-na Tablets Cure Dyspepsia by Promptly Removing the Cause, or Money Back. Dyspepsia cannot be cured by taking a digester, such as pepsin, be cause pepsin simply digests your food artificially, and not all of the food either, for it has no effect at all on starchy food, smh as potatoes, rice, oatmeal, bread, etc. There is just one wav to cure dy spepsia and stomach disorders, tri vial or serious, and that Is to tone up or put energy into the stomach walls, so that they will be able to properly mix or churn the food. Mi-o-na tablets cure stomach troubles by putting strength and en ergy Into the stomach. They quickly arouse the stomach from Us inaction, and in a short time it is able to do its work properly. Mi-o-na Is successfully used in vom iting of pregnancy, in car and sea sickness. And bear in mind that when the stomach is in good condition, consti- nation disappears, also n'ervousness, drowsiness, night sweats, heartburn, etc. The Gaffney Drug Co. sell Mi-o-na tablets at 50 cents a large box. un der a rigid guarantee to do all that Is claimed for them. o4 money back. ITCH cared In 30 minutes by Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Nevar fails. Sold by Gaffney Drng’ Co. 10-1 Mm.