The qaffney ledger. A NEWtPAPMI IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMRLIE* AND DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB. 16, 1SS4. OAFFNEY, S. C-, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. |1S0 A YEAR. THE CAUSE OF MANY irreverence? Is not this a cause of divine displeasure? We have but few. If any, In the P||C|yCQC CAII IIPPC councils of our State or nation who DUOliluOO rHILUIlLOl j have the moral courage to lift up _________ ! their voices to legislate or to enforce stringent laws against this wilful profanation of the Sabbath. It’s too unpopular with the masses and they would Bather pass by it with Im punity than to stand by holy writ ! and enforce the divine command— It Wipes Out the Blackest Crimes j t(Remember the gabbath day ^ and Keeps the Malfactor from Be-1 kee P holy.” The minister, lay-member or others THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR THE GOD OF THE WORLD. Misses Olive and Wilma McDaniel, of Hickory Grove, are spending a few days with us. Mr. J. N. Strain is suffering with a very sore hand. He can’t use It. His wife tied up 106 bundles of fod der for him last Thursday morning. Mamie is not afraid of work though she may not like it too well. Messrs. James Garner and Ben Goforth started to Gaffney last Wed nesday morning before daylight with two bales of cotton. They dropped one bale off the wagon and drove several miles before they missed it. THE MTEST NEWS FROM BLACKSBURG AN EVEN BREAK. ! Gaffney and Greer Each Won a Game in the Last Series. Greer and Gaffney played two games, ——— ] one Thursday and one Friday. Sat- DOINGS OF THE PEOPLE IN OUR ,m1ay tlle S ame vv ' as started and four SISTER CITY. hind Prison Bars. Wilkinsville, who raise their protest against this 1 But t ^ ey went back and got it and Sept. 5.—In a pre- crimination on the part of public of- 1 raade the trip all the same. Tillet vious letter we promised to give our j ficials and others is denounced as an Hartford did the same thing several j vj ( i a an( ] Et h e l Keeter, of Grover, N innings played, the score being 2 to ! 0 in favor of the home team when 1 rain interferred and the game had to | be called. The following is the box Brief News Notes and Personal Para- s, ' orp °f the two games played: Thursday’s Game. graphs Gathered by Our “Iron City” Correspondent. Blacksburg, Sept. 7.—Misses O. j b o -j jj “THE TEN COMMANDMENTS." Dr. Knapp Lays Down Certain RulM That Must Govern the Farmer. : eccesiastical crank—a political de readers an analysis of some of the ma g 0gue( a hyprocrit or whatever causes, at least, which lead to so i e j se vv jn make his name or influence many failures and disappointments approbious years ago. Nobody can get ahead of C., visited relatives and friends here Tillet it matters not what they do. Mrs. S. F. Estes got a letter from! Monday. Mrs. May Estes, of Brockston, Texas, I Messrs. A. J. and Darwin Blalock in the business affairs of life. . This task is, by no means a small or pleasant one and we are at a loss to know where the beginning Is or where the ending will be. That the so-called almighty dollar The crime doesn’t stop nere either. | ^ ^ eek ’ Tkey Led f er i *P ent Sunday in Grover, N. with Lip 8C omb, cf. I si <•« H rtnvrei ir’ei I fl lrs-» rrArriviflr n I AT- Wood, p 4 At an early period it was found necessary to evolve from the mass of ethical teaching a few general rules for living, called “The Ten Command ments,” by which a man could bn moral without going through a course in theology. Just so, in order to In struct the average farmer how to suc cessfully conduct his farm operations GAFFNEY. s0 aR to secure a greater net gala AB R H PO A E from the farm, it is necessary to first McFadden, cf ;> 0 2 3 0 d (jpjypg from tbe magg 0 f agricultural 2 0 teachings a few general rules of pro- Hamrick, rf 4 0 0 o 0 0 cedure. They are called “The Ten 1 10 Commandments of Agriculture,” by 0 012 2 0 ^ the practice of which a man may be a 2 3 1 ' good farmer in any State without bn- 2 ing a graduate from a college or agrl- Little, ss 5 1 2 Clary, c 5 i Belue, 2b 4 1 1 Maxwell. 3b 4 0 12 1 has become the god of this world (in a there Is no °^ d | They'shnirbe'employ^.” to dispute or reason to doubt. We have become a nation of idolaters, . ! and she says It’s like getting a let- , .. Both our language and our conduct . . * . v * relatives. . ... ... - .1 ter from her dear old home. corresponds with that of the pro- Some 0( „ ur nelghbor8 wh0 ha(1 Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bridges and smnptuous monarch of I’-gyPt. ^°| cotton under the w ater during the daughter, little Miss Hazel, or Speo- is the Lord that we should obey ^ , .a., , ,,, a a. . u r. ^ .. „ i recent freshet think It will not be cer, N. C., arrived here Sunday to Him?’ Our gold, our silver, our pos i sessions, are our own, and for the * , ....... visit relatives for a few days. .. « .|, I Mr. C. W. Whisonant, of ; Rpv I IVTppIc Whitf* of StatGsvillo i gratification of our own appetites ltl . . ... .. . nev - MeeK oiaiesviue, i vine, will have seed rye with which, ^ E w jjj preach at the Baptist .. 5 0 2 2 1 0 culture. 10 0 10 Total 40 GREER. 0 33 11 Mr. and Miss Nan White spent Monday in AB R H PO A E C)ary, 1b . .5 0 1 15 2 0 Trammel, W„ 3b. . .5 0 1 0 2 o Tipton, cf . .5 1 1 3 1 0 Suttles, c .. 5 1 0 7 0 0 Childers, 2b. .. 5 1 2 1 3 0 Trammel, P„ if. . .5 1 3 1 0 0 Davis, rf . .4 0 1 1 0 0 Poole, ss . .5 0 1 3 3 0 Painter, p . .4 0 0 2 4 0 (ivil government is as really an j 0U g bt to be S0W || ear ]y ag possible. White will v and though we may shudder at the 1 or<,lnance of God ’ as ecclesiastical Mr j N Strain had Dr. Hood to white here. thought we stand convicted of the | governmeDt - lle * therefore . 8U8 'j lance his hand yesterday for a car-i Friends of crime of idolatry. , tains an office in the State ought to buncle and he lg regtlng much bet-1 Moorehead are pain We misquote Scripture when we ^nty of conversation no, ter from It j latter’s illness and say: “Money is the root of all evil." ,esb ,han he wko 8UStains an office, To our co i ore( i friends, Ben Little-, soon be up aga j n . It is ‘‘The love of money is the root in cllurc ^i an< i when they who, j obn and Matt walker, (two of Chero of all evil. (See 1st Timothy 6:10). rule in either capacity lose sight of kee . g mogt progressive colored , Gaffney, shopping. Therefore, the crime is as preva^i' h<, solemit y of their station. they lers)> we are indebted for a sample Rev ’ G B Reed of Orangeburg, ent with those who haven’t it a8 w ith | d ^rade both themselves and ^\ot their home-made molasses. They ; and a graduate of Furman Univer-. ab K H po A E those who have, If not worse. It ^ ® aCh flne 8pecImenB and , much , sity, Greenville, preached at. the Me-i Wofford If 4 o”o fo prompts us to leave the providence ^ dlg ” Ifled d ®?®J tment of the “ aa ! more wholesome and delicious than thodlgt church on s unday mornin g j Ti ton ' of of God out of the calculations in our ^ hlch ^yes majesty to the minister, mo8t of the medicated stuff we find to a lar g e crowd and at thp Baptist s ^ rleg rf worldly affairs and assume respoa- 1 8 . . la unlform ; upright, > ln the markets under high sounding church Sunday evening. Mr. Reed chnd ers ' sibillties we are unable to meet. the d ‘gnifie d deportment of the man! nameg , ( hilders. . (1) Prepare a deep and thorough- “ ly pulverized seed bed, well drained; 3 break in the fall to the depth of 8, 10 or 12 inches, according to the SOIL with implements that will not brlBS too much of the subsoil to the surtnoe 2 0 (the. foregoing depths should be reached gradually). (2) Use seed of the best variety, t 3 0 intelligently selected and carefully lotal 43 4 10 33 15 0 Friday’s Game. GREER. which gives majesty to the magis- We con eratulate The Ledeer on o , t - ^ j « . \ — . t vve congratulate ine i^euger on i saloon League and made very inter-; T rani mel W. 3b. : having such an efficient corps of cor- g tipg talks both morning and eve- Besldes, a wanton, dissipated con- respondents as are our brothers and n i n „ wh^n bp cnmnlptp H< westrope, celebrated her Judge men by what they have rather; This right of electing our own repre- 1 fourth anniversary last Friday In than by what they are. If a man has sentatlon Is a great privilege for; honor of the occa8loil a party was power and Influence among men. which our fathers fought, and which, tendered the little lady and her Money Is a good servant but It’s a is bequeathed to us, sealed with the' frIendg It was a most attract IvP bad master. It corrupts leglsla- ; blood of thousands. It’s the full en- sce ne which the animated HtUe souls _ tlon, prevents justice in our courts Joyment of this right which dlstin-1 pregent , each vleing with tho other f aw days, and brings a train of disasters upon: gulshes the citizen from the subject. ln an effor( to show how h thev Mr . G . mankind in general. It’s a great which exalts the freeman In OUT' were . It was a delightful occasion blessing when It enters Into the legl-, country above the object, Insulted, for the mtle folks and carrled glad . tlmate channels of trade, but when' degraded slave in another country.! neas to the hearts of the few elder used in any other way It brings ruin I But is not this criminality prostituted I ones present. Those honored with upon Its victims. We can hardly • among us? What is the primary' i nv i tat j ong were . estimate Its Influence In dealing with | qualification which is ordinarily' Misses Sarah E Nesbitt Sarah onr fellowmen. It wipes out the nought In the candidate for public! rraven Poole Irene Jofferie8 Nellie blankest of crimes and keeps the office? Do we attend to the admonl-' n erarnp Francis Louis Parker malfactor from behind the prison j tlon prescribed by eternal truth— ■ R hoda Bramlett Millie Sue Wall bars and off the gallows. “He that ruleth over men must be Margurite DuPre, Ruth Shuford! We must not conclude that money.: Just ruling in the fear of the Lord?” Annie M. Pierson, Emelyn Brown. (or the love of money) is the only | Have we preserved the maxim de-j j anne t Gaffney, Lucile Spurgeon, u.a — * Hvered by the wisest of men, and the p., anohe Gaffney, Emily Creech, most magnificent, prosperous of Mary Carrol! Cree Kate Ne8bltt> , u v , pr, " ces ’ “Righteousness exalted a Elizabeth Ratliff, Jean Goudelock. work which, by no means are ealeu- nation,” and offered our suffrages Florence Jones, Ruth DeCamp, Eliza- ted to appease the worth of an of- for those who in private life were 1 be th Jones. Nan Bell, Margorle Sar- fended dlety or cause him to with- patterns of righteousness, and as: ratt> g arab E Sparks> Clair H h . hold his Judgments. rulers would probably use their In- rie8i Meg8rg . BenJamIne Humphries, Both as individuals and as a na-1 fluence in promoting it among others’ rlaud Cooki Jaine8 Carrol , Byer8> tlon we are chargeable with shame-1 Have we not more generally en- Tom Brown John ^tord ful ingratitude for prlvillges enjoyed, qulred “Where is the decided ardent roX( j08fiph Ear l Watkins, John Earl Is not the holy Sabbath, that "rest , partiasn-the man who will mo8t j one8 , H arry Wilson, BenJamIne ° r ! la ?! e ? i f ° r rZ Zea, ° U8ly adhere to that P° litlcal Alexander, Edgar Gallagher. William of God. that intitutlon which Is cal- section to which we belong," without Topeson. Robert Pridmore, Perry culated to secure health to the body, regard to moral, or religions, or even Carr, Ravmond Parr. Barthwell But- no less than happiness to the soul; intelllctual qualifications? , er . Lemuel Elson, Hayford Holmes. that>p Institution which is a lively This sermoneth might be carried a Walter Smith Charlie Holler memorial of the resurrection of our great deal further for there are ’ cruslfied Lord and furnishes a con- many points upon which we have not slant pledge of our own resurrection, touched which are as vital as those is not this day openly prostituted with which we have tried in our without a blush morse? W. L. King. Master Tom Bridges is spending a few days in Rock Hill with his sister, Mrs. J. B. Shiver. Mr. Will Thomas went to Char lotte, N. C., Sunday and Is expected to return here Monday night. Miss Lucy Black leaves Monday afternoon for Charlotte, N. C., to spend a while with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Revler are visit ing relatives in Shelby, N. C., for a course that leads to our troubles and exposes us to divine displeasure. There are other patent agencies at C. Hammersley, one of the Southern’s popular engineers and a resident of Blacksburg for many years, moved his family to Rock Hill last week where they will reside In the future. Miss Bessie Blalock returned home Sunday after spending a week with her sister, Miss Revls, at Spartan burg Junction. Mr. Furman Belue, of Greenville, was In town Monday. Mr. Will Healan, who has been In the country with his grandmother, AB R H PO A E Wofford. If . .4 0 1 0 1 0 Tipton, cf . .4 0 0 ft 0 0 Suttles, rf . .4 0 0 9 2 0; Childers. 2b . .4 0 0 0 o 4 11 Clary, lb .4 0 0 6 1 01 Trammel, W„ 3b. . .4 0 1 0 0 0 Lynch, c . .3 1 2 2 0 Ij Poole, ss . .4 0 0 3 2 0 Trammel, P., p. .. . .2 0 0 1 1 °i Total .33 1 4 24 11 2 QAFFNEY ■ ! McFadden, cf. .. ..3 1 2 1 0 0 Bell, lb ..3 0 0 13 1 0 Little, 2b ..4 1 1 0 2 0 Davis, ss 0 1 2 3 2 Clary, c 0 2 10 2 2 Lipscomb, If. .. ..4 0 0 0 0 0 Maxwell, 3b ..2 0 1 1 4 0 Belue, p 0 1 0 1 1 Wood, rf . .2 0 0 0 0 0 (3) In cultivated crops, give the ! rows and the plants in the rows a space suited to the plant, the soil and the climate. (4) Use intensive tillage during the growing period of the crops. (5) Secure a high content of humus in the soil by the urie of legu mes, barnyard manure, farm refuse and commercial fertilizers. (6) Carry out a systematic crop (7) Accomplish more work In a (8) Increase the farm stock to the extent of utilizing all the waste pro ducts and idle lands of the farm. (9) Produce all the food required for the men and animals on the farm. (10) Keep an account of each Washington, D. C. S. A. Knapp. The Woman's Club. On Thursday afternoon at the “ home of Mr. S. H. Griffith, the Wo- ° man’s Club held Its first meeting of the new year. The course of study „„„ ^ lll , . _ - | will he the British Isles, and the ground was pulled off , Maxwell . . member are quite enthusiastic over caught a fly, touched third bag and .. . . _ ^ koii c^ ! the Pleasure and profit they expect Total 29 2 8 27 13 In the game Saturday the first triple play ever made on the home threw the ball to second base, catch ing the runner, thus completing the triple. The Gaffney team left yesterday morning for Buffalo where they go to play three games. Here’s luck to the Gaffney baseball team, the best amateur team in the world. List of Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of unclaim ed letters remaining in the Gaffney postofflee for the week ending Sep tember 8th, 1908: Mrs. Mattie Alexander, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Thomason, for some time, Is | Alexander, Mrs. Annie Alison. Mr. home again. * • Judson Alexander, Miss Eva Brad- Miss Hallie Thomson, of Pacolet,' shaw, Mr. Fred Bridges, Mr. D. K. is here spending a while with her! Bridges, Miss Daisy Bradford, Miss sister, Miss Bessie Thomson. May Bridges, Martin Bridges, D. J. Mrs. R. S. Cooksey and children, Bally, Mr. Luther Broom, Mrs. Ada Harry and Thomson, are spending a Cobb, Miss Lila Camp, Miss Mary few days at Pacolet with her parents. Champion, Mrs. L. E. Chiles. Mr. R Miss Mamie Blalock went over to Rev. E. G. Ross' Resigns. Rev. E. G. Ross, who has served and without re feeble way to deal, and If we have the P e °P ,e °* Midway since before said anything which will cause a they had a church bul,dIn * ftnd who Tls It not profaned by some in single one to reflect upon the subject kaa wor * fed faithfully and earnestly idleness and amusements; by others matter under consideration. we * or them > tendered hi* resignation In unnecessary visits, and by many in the deliberate prosecution of their secular employment? Is not. the T. Cooper, Mrs J. G. Coyle, Mr. Bob Gaffney Saturday to visit her aunt, j Coyle, Mr. Boyd Davis, Miss Lillie Mrs. Cora Camp, returning home | Davis, Miss Minnie Davis, Miss Mary Monday. | Dawkins, (3), Mrs. Nora Edwards, Mrs. S. A Moorehead and Mrs. 1. | Miss Velle Jones, Mr. R. Farris, Miss L. Hoke and children Lucile a:id Pearl Guinn, Mr. J. R. Garson, Mr. Frederick, spent last Friday in Stand Hope Good, Mr. Jacob Gaffney, WorawT* cj ub was a decided sue- ! King’s Mountain, N. C., with friends.' Mr. Julius Green, Mr. Fim Hender- ! ce **- The angel of death has again vist-. son, H. Howser, J. D. Haynes, Mr.' '■ ed our community, this time claim- J E. T. Harrlll, Mr. Jorge Harris, R. L.' Watsr and Something Elsa, ing for its victim, Frank, the Infant j Humphries, M. E. T. Harrlll, Jim A good Baptist brother was talklnf to derive from the work. The open ing address by the president was • exceptionally flne and brought out woman’s work In a way probably not thought of before. She also spoke of the great work the the Woman's Club had done for the library hi adding 200 books to the shelves in the past year and what they hope to accomplish In the future. After this address business was then la order. The regular program then follow ed. Opening address by Mrs. W. F. Humphries. Roll call—Quotations on the ocean. Reading—English antiquities. Mrs. B. L. Hames. Oral description—Rentes to Bad land, the ship and life aboard, Mrs. J. N. Lipscomb. The chib guests were: Mrs. Alex Ellerbe, of Columbia, Miss Corrie Henderson, of Hartsvllle, and Mrs. D. W. Hicks. A delightful course luncheon was served and the first meeting of the will have done much we started out, ,ftBt 8atnrday t0 take effect at the ' to do-call attention to the causes c,08e of the pre8ent year ’ Mr ’ Row which lead to so many disasters In has 8everal under con peaceful worshipper often Interrupt- 1 our business affairs. I *lderatIon, both in the Broad River ed and Insulted as he repairs to, or I We are only sorry that space and and s J )artanbur fc Associations. He Is retires from the temple of his God by i time causes us to suspend this sub- an ® ner 8® t l c hard working the wanton transgressor of * that Ject for the present and we promise young P re acher who has achieved sacred Institution? And does It not our readers to take It up before long 8UCCe * B t )ecaus ® h® deserved it. The render our guilt more aggravated, and speak of other matters which are ^ edg0r wan te hJ™ t0 move back to and expose us to severe vengeance close akin to the matters to which Gaffney that this profanation of the Sabbath we have tried to call attention, is permitted in part, at least, by pub-] But nothing we have said or may 11c authority or popular custom? say must be considered as a thrust If for no other reason this wilful at the other fellow, for we take to | Lett jr to T. J. Estes, Gaffney, 8. C. about how well Dr. Simms and Rev. S. B. Harper looked since taking their vacation (and Its no Joke to say son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Duncan, 1 Henderson, Miss Corry Harris, Mrs. after an illness of more than a week, | Jasper Jenkins. Cynthia Jefferies, during which time the little one suf- { Mrs. Letba Little, Lula*Liskon, Mr. fered agonies. In spite of all that P. S. Lowery, Mrs. Letha Little, Mr. I that both are looking exceptionally medical skill and loving hands could; Felix Johnson, Mr. Lawrence Jef 1 well), when a sinner remarked: do the little one was called to Its fiers, (2), Mr. J. R. Jones, Miss Marie 1 “Maybe they have been indulging ta heavenly home. The bereaved Long, Mr. ed Larley, Mr. R. F. Little mountain dew.” Tbe Baptist, tree to parents have the sympathy of all in this great trial. Mr. J. L. Plaxlco, of Cherokee Falls, was in town a few hours Mon day on business. John, Rosa Littlejohn, Miss Lllon G. hi* convictions, said: "Well, I don't Lipscomb, Mrs. Mary Lipscomb, MIss'toHeve Brother Harper would be Lilion Lipscomb, Miss Myrtle Moore, guilty of such a thlag, and as for Dr. Miss Bonnie Moore, Mrs. Lucy Moss, 1 Simms, why he thinks too much of Miss Sumipied Mareth, Emanuel' water.*' Mrs. John F. Jones leaves Monday I May, Miss Guinetth Moore, Miss Sal Dear Sir: Here’s the paint situat- obuse of the Sabbath Is enough to I ourself the lesson we have tried to ! ion at a glance: bring national calamity upon us and I teach others, cause the righteous Indignation of We hare a poor opinion of the an offended God to fall heavily ipon doctor, who, sick with the same dls- us as Individuals and communities. | ease, is unwilling to take the medl- How many homes are there in this country where God’s name Is never mentioned except In blasphemy or due he prescribes for hie patient. He is either dishonest or a fraud or both. Devoe takes less gallons for ajob than any other pateL If not, no pay. Tours truly 83 7 W DEVOE ft CO P. S. Gaffney Hardware Company sell our paint night on No. 38 for Clairmont, N. H., where she goes to visit her daughter, Mrs. Katherine Frye, and Mrs. M. M. Freeman. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Baptist church will entertain thHr friends and husbands at a so- lie Mason, Mrs. Mary Norrissm, Lois | Card of Thanke. Measham, Miss Annie Maning, Miss; We take this method of thanking Lucia Mungo. Mr. Wm. McCollum, 1 our neighbors and friends for the Mrs. Porter, Miss Mamie Parris, many deeds of kindness shown ns Mrs. Lizzie Powell, Mr. David PettyJ during the sickness and death of onr Etta Smith, Mrs. L. E. Walker, MrsJ wife and mother, and for the kind- Gend William, Mr. F. F. Wilson, Mr. j ness shown us since her death. May cial Tuesday evening at the home of | Frank Williams. Miss Marine White, i God’s richest blessings rest oa each Mrs. J. R. Ross at seven o'clock. Miss Anner Whitmore, Mr. Melvin 1 of them. Ice cream and cake will be served. —Call tit the Cherokee Cafe, the farmer’s restaurant, for dinner. Smith, Mrs. E. M. Strickland. Mias Annie Simson, Mr. William Sanders, Jane Sherbert, Mrs. Oiher Roberts. Thos. Hester, P. M. T. F. Addis and Children. —Call at the Cherokee Cafe, the farmer's restaurant for dinner.