The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, August 18, 1908, Image 1

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The Gaffney ledger. A NEWtPAMR IN ALL THAT THE WORD IMPLIES. AND DKVOTED TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE OF CHEROKEE COUNTY. ESTABLISHED FEB- 16, 1894. GAFFNEY, S. Cm TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1908. •140 A YEAR. FAMILY REUNION AT BLACKSBURG. CHEROKEE AT THE REUNION. RECEPTION GIVEN IN HONOR OF MRS. FANNIE CLINE. THE CAMPAIGNERS AT WILKINSVILLE, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. CONGRESSIONAL ADDRESS THE VOTERS. Enjoyable Day. Mr. R. L. Kirby, of Trough, spent Friday and Saturday in the city with j his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kirby, on Limestone St. Miss Francis Smith, of Laurens, is CANDIDATES visiting Miss Rena Wessinger. In the fcity. Mr. M. B. Smith and daughter. Miss Meta, and Mr. Dave Smith and daugh- The Campaign Conducted on a High ,er ’ Annie - Cedar Springs, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kirby last Flane and the Best of Order and week and took in the association. Attention Given Ech Speaker. Mrs. O. R. Campbell and Mrs. E. R. Parker are visiting relatives at Wilkinsville, Aug. 14—We attend- Cherokee Springs. THE BROAD RIVER ASSOCIATION AN INTERESTING AND WELL AT TENDED MEETING. Some Pleasant References to Chero kee’s Representatives. The Greenville Daily News contain ed the following very complimentary reference to Jake Carpenter Camp and its representatives at the con- I federate reunion held in that city) i last week: A Large Number of Friends and Re- .. cherokee county and especially atives Present and Spent a Most Camp Jake Carpenter, at Gaffney, evidently believe that when their camp is to be represented at a re- Blacksburg, Aug. 12. Just while I! union, or otherwise, it shall be re- was standing on the threshold, living , presented properly. As evidence of in dire dread lest my doom should be! this fact, they sent to the recent ing at Wilkinsville yesterday in which tended the association last week. ( , av evening session bv hav , ng " f ™ audlence - J hls iB what the B ‘ T * as the order of our editor whom i j State reunion in this city, two of the candidates, Messrs. Butler, Fin-; Miss Ollie Dobson spent Saturday an excellent s ,, rinon from Dr . w. T. ^ ° ^ ^ Igv and Pollool? in thp orflpr Tiftmprt ni^ht wit*h Miss Roiift, Wpssinsor. * j * * * ’, . ; Derieux, from the text as found in now called to the front by the moder* addressed a number of the voters. Anna Harmon, who has bee,, „„ , ;tll ( . hll|lt8r 33rd verse The a tor and welcomed by a hearty hand- Each Church in the Association Re-, L. Hoke. The speaker said that fof some reason the Baptists had not taken to the name “B. Y. P. U.” In some way it did not seem to he pops* lar with Baptists, hut he cousldeired it or something similar, a much need* ed organization, to train the young to work in the church, the Sunday school and the prayer-meetiag Num* ibers of church members, in fact moat I of them, could get out in the street* at their homes and converse long and intelligently, who, when they presented and .Some Important i fame into church or other public ; gathering were as mute as mice and Subjects Discussed. a jj herause of the lack of ’raining. The work of the Broad River Asso- needed the training ‘o think ed the congressional campaign meet- w. K. Bonner, of Cedar Springs, at- cia tion was continued at the Thurs- 1 staiu,ing on thelr feet in the P resence heard Which UI UUI UUILVI W UUili 1 gentlemen repeating. Ch * rokee c ° mty s l0 <' eI ‘ est two was: “That compositor is Dr. Bailey had entered and waa awfully mad with the literary editor.’ ers. Miss Floy Sarratt, sponsor for the Jake Carpenter Camp of Con- meet j n g was presided over by spending some time in the city with federate Veterans, is a most charm ing young lady and a striking bru “Why?" “Because the literary editor threw . . . . . , . , „ . nette, while Miss Came Simms, the his poetry out of the window and then ’ maid of honor, is an equally charm told him to follow the copy;” I heard a voice saying: “Welcome, welcome, gladly welcome!” Then all those fears subsided and when entering, the atmosphere by which I was surround ed. evidently, gave me a fresh lease of life, and awakened in me new courage. You know I appreciate all this, but words seem to pale into In- significence when attempting to ex press my thanks. No one likes to look like a booster, but do not mind that half as much as seeming not to appreciate, and it is my intense wish to do the right thing. If ever I make a break please tell me, and set me on the right track. It all caused me to feel, first as I imagine, whs made to feel, when a birthday reception was given at the home of Mr. John F. Cline in honor of his mother, Mrs. Fannie Cline, on Aug. 4th. The scent and warmth and glare of a glorious morning fill ed the hour; and the guests began to arrive, consisting of the children, grandchildren and some friends of Mrs. Cline, all numbering about seventy-five persons. And, oh, what tt « ™ ^ ^ * u brethren were urged by convincing shake. Hon. C. W. Wh,sonant and the best her sister, Mrs. N S. Burgess, let! arg „ me „ ts tha , , hev shouW t The report 0 „ g, ate , u or order was observed. Each weak- Saturday, for Mt. Zion, to which Lord , s „„ rk ||rfore , he|r own , n the ! road by R „. w T Thompson and er got an attentive and a respectful; place she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. queBllon m as s „ batance tbat i discussed by both Dr. Derleug and hearing and they showed by their; .T. H. Whitaker. we mus , ,. onslder „ a , ours ab , | Dr . Ba lley. The speakers each gara .’ a . ” as^ weH as Master Joseph Emory, of. Charlotte, solute], anti how much we might give many interesting facts and made N. C-, tisited Mr. G. W. Byers Sun- of jt to God. But to consider it as day. their hearers that this campaign is being conducted on a high plane. Those of our readers who have earnest appeals. Dr. Bailey reviewed to some extent the work of the board for the twenty-three years that be had been in charge of it. At that ing young lady and an attractive blonde. If all the members of that camp could but have heard the com pliments paid these yound ladies, they would have no hesitation in selecting their sponsor and maid of honor for the next encampment. “One of the most interesting and delightful veterans in attendance up on the reunion, was Col. D. A. Thomas, of Gaffney. Col. Thomas was one of the most gallant men that fought for the lost cause and Camp Jake Carpenter could not possibly have had a more worthy representa tive. Brave, refined and cultured, he is a true representative of the ‘Old School’ of which the South is so just* proud. _ Fortunntely, ^ ^V'vn^'V^ r" ! ““...r“r!™ “ WOrtI “ 4 God’s and how much of it we had a . . . ...... .i J* ev - and Mrs. J. D. Bailey, of Cow- right to keep for our own use. een eep ng up w t ^ ® campaign ^ p enSi attended the association last: The subject of denominational y rea ng e r speeches (or rather week an(1 V j s j te(1 Mr and Mrg w D literature was considered next and time there were several county aeata a synops s o t e r speec es) know Kj r l)y. was interestingly discussed by a num- with no Baptist church there. Now sav y Each m-esente’d hi* 006 tn^ Misti Myrt,e ^ o) e n . of Gastonia. N. ber of brethren. One brother in par- there is a Baptist church in every P C m m i C., is the guest of the Misses Wes- Gcular ga ve our pastors a pointer by county seat. In one of the county clear and distinct language free from i singers tl is week. ! saying that they did not speak of our seats. Georgetown, we believe, the doo- could discover Rotation^ office was ■ Mrs - c - H Robbins returned last paper ’ The Baptist Courier * as much j ^ found on,y 8eveii the argument of Messrs ButTer and Tue8day from Spartanburg where she i as they shou,d ‘ that he had been tak ‘ ! halped them t0 bulld a hoU8e ^ n0W Pollock while Mr Finley gavl an“c-i has been visiting for a few days. ing ,he Courier for twenty-five years,; there Is a strong church there. At .... J g ... c t a o . but ' n ,bat time his pastor had another place there was a house of count of hhi stewardship during the, Mina Smith, of Cedar Springs, la never sald a word l0 hlm „. worship through the roof of which time he has been representing the m the city visiting hie uncle, W. D. , ba , „ mctbodlst , or woo|d have you could study astronomy. Here h. district. He said that he was a rw Kirby been around every year as soon ae bestirred the brethren and they went presentatlve of the district and not Misses Floy and Julia Sarratt left ably fixed in the world’s goods, he is represent the best interest of his en- atives. newal. At this a number of pastors house and became a strong self-sup- now devoting himself to literary pur-1^ ” v T" ***T u. now,ai, * mu i . x- ] owned U P a «<l said that they were Porting congregation. At one point •' * tire constituency and he referred his Mrs. Harry Shaw, of Charlotte. N. u-. v . . . j , t * j i a suits. The South, with its tender;. . .. , , . , 1 r orrivori rs «» o ^ blt ‘ but ,ntended to go and sin no b ® found only one Baptist, a good wo- , , , , , , , hearers to the official records for the *C., arrived In the city Sundav morn- memories he loves with a simple. I 0( , be assertIon , bg . pure devotion and longs to see the, | n re f err | n g to eacb 0 , ber , be Mr. Robert Goforth and son, How- * uv w ..n is out an w e one Bbvbra , ettnrlldales did so In a dtgnl- ar 'l, were attendants' at the Baptist hat simple Justice to which she is so, flpd genllbmably manber _ trce t ‘ m justly entitled. Col. Thomas is a , ... . , . _ .. i any feeling except that of the very *«•- av.vaio, ui u/iihi-iuii«, i-n. i^., , — „ j _ __ _ Z'H**™** ?Mend^lp. Such is u„ educator visited his father, Mr. G. W. Byers..“r 6 - 0 ' ^ more. man who urgently plead with the doc- At this point the moderator took tor bave a bouBe °f worship built, occasion to welcome Dr. W. T. De- bu ^ be sa ^ d * ba f b ®f or ® b ® built a Assoelatlon last Saturday. rlf,,lx - ,he assistant secretary of the s,l ' h,e ’' c wa ” ted ‘d *>e sure he could Mr. E. T. Byars, of Charlotte, N. G, S,ate Mlssl °" n ° ard - and *•*. Fur- •“ *. “> P dt J" However. Association. others has become self sustaining. Dr. Bailey asserts, from facts of a reunion! With the charming per- j bnaln > and be has ,be satisfaction of : t0 the peop]e of thls country and last Sunday. sonage of Mrs. John Cline to move! aowing . T at n is 8 ® n . • w - 1 something they haven’t had the op- Dr. R. C. Garland, who has been I Tbe report .on aged ministers was around and put a glint of sunshine I i0maa ’ e ias a WOIt iy represenla- portun j ty of 0 jj serv j n g at a ii« time* In spending several days at Asheville read and tbi s was followed up by a ( ? ne , ^ 0 .. T a P T 8 into the hearts, it seemed as If all 1V< '\ ,e f Ca ” b ° y. 10 b ^ f joungest f]ie pas( and thls be | ng the case j t . g and Black Mountain, N. C., returned quite a le nstby discussion, some of | ” rf 108 ^ na are crea * shertlY of the State, holding that po pretty safe to say that the pifth Con ., t0 the cIty Frjday nIght {the speakers making pathetic appeals tUres of the State Mis8,on 3oard - were bright and happy at the thought of once again meeting friends and slt,on m cberokee county : bas b e®n relatives, but most of all, the aged mother. Even her countenance seem ed to reveal the truth of the little quotation. "Backward, turn back ward, O time in thy flight!" Her happiness being so great, as to cause her to push all cares into the back ground. As God in His goodness and kind- for eleven years endearing himself gresslonal District bids fair to have Mr. Ed Reid, oqe of the clever at for tbe support of the old worn out a representative of which it need not taehees of the Gaffney Manufactur-; ministers of the gospel and some The collection in rash and oledges amounted to $179.05. the discussion a collection was taken for the cause. The regular work of the assocla- J. W. Guy. The report specially em phasized the claims of Limestone College which must depend mainly for its support upon the two associa tions, Spartanburg and Broad Riw. The diseussion of this sunj i r was each year more to the people of that J)e ashame(1 The speaking wag In ing Company, leaves today for Chim while saying it should be done, there . The tlme for i a t®rmisslou had ar- Coun y ‘ the grove near the spring and a ney Rock and other points in the i would be no use for such relief If the ^ SSOcia,i<m to ° k a re * ~ ~~ pleasant place, too for the occasion, ^®rth Carolina mountains. , oId stingy Baptist would only pay cess until 2 p - m - Unclaimed Letter*. wjth cool> dellghtful fthoaI> The Messrs. D. C. Ross and Wofford ! the,r P astor 8 d ®ceut salary. This re- At 2 p. m. services were opened by List of letters remaining in Gaff- crowd was quiet and orderly-not the Humphries are rusticating in the P° rt was read by Rev. E. G. Ross and slriging folk> w® d with prayer by Rev. ney postoffice unclaimed for week slightest evidence of liquor being mountains festness of Western North tbe discussion was participated in by ^ uy * ending August 17, 1908: present. Taken all in all the voters Carolina. | Hev. T. H. Harrison, Rev. B. L. Hoke The ,e r rt on education prepared Mr. J. M. Anthony, Miss Eula Black- present were a representative body of Mr. Howard Gaffney, a Cherokee, and Rev - J- W. Guy. At the close of S ' wa f lead Rev ‘ ness had scattered around them the well, Joe C.-Barnett, Miss Mary Bos- the citizens and those who are roost 1 boy engaged In the merchantlle bus! brightest sunshine; and such a large! tic, Mr. N. T. Buues, Mr. Jim Bur- likely to form opinions of their own ' ness at Union, spent Sunday and yea- number of guests were present, the giss, (Stumptown), Mr. Edward Days, as to which of the candidates they ierday in the city with his parents, dinner was served among the scents, Maud, S. C., Mr. Julien Byaes, (2), J. prefer to east their ballots for on the Capt. and Mrs. R. M. Gaffney, on tion was now ,suspended but before shades and songs of the stately oaks | W. Cannon, Mr. John F. Coyle, Mrs. 25th Inst. Limestone street. dismissed the following committees in the yard, on tables that were pre j Lillie Childs Mr. W. P. Davidson, The meeting at Salem Is progress- Mr. W. D. Gaston, of Blacksburg, were announced: pared for that purpose. After the Mr. J. M. Edwards, Mr. Willie Elmore, ing wjth some Interest manifested, was In the city yesterday on husi- Finance—E. C. Pettit, W. W. Gaff- ,eft entire,y t0 ^ Lee DaTl8 party had gathered around the fes- Mrs. Effle Flaman, Mr. F. W. Foss, Rev. John A. McMurry, of Woodlawn. n ® R s. 1 ney, E. P. Macmson, E. R. Sapoch,' tive hoard and Rev. Mr. Hoke, pas | Miss Corrle Gettis, (2), Mrs. S. E. is asssting Rev. Mr. Ratchford. He J- C. McCraw, of No. 1 township, 1 Bergan Blanton, J. B. Brown, tor of the Baptist church, offered Gaffney, Miss Sarah Homell, Miss preached his first sermon yesterday Cleveland county, was in the city ye* 1 Sunday School Unions—T. H. Har- thanks to our most gracious Father.; Maud Meldras, Miss Jes de Green,, morning and t hen again last nlghr.; terday. Mr. McCraw joined The Led- rison, G. R. Feagans, L. A. Donald, E. It was then that everyone seemed to f2), J. D. Haynes, Miss Carrie Hen-j He will preach today and tomorrow sm* while here. Hardin, T. M. Horton, be enjoying himself to the fullest ex- dorson, Mrs. A. F. Harris, Miss Lois and perhaps next Sabbath. Mr. Me- Mr. Virgil Lipscomb and sister. Religious exercises, tent, for there was a sumptous din- ! Higer, Robert B. Heney.'J. D. Hughes, Murry Is a veteran minister. Miss May, of Pacolet, came to Gaff- Sunday Schools—B. L. Hoke. J. E. ner, the last course being watermel- Mr. Howard Hamrick, Miss Kattie Mr. W. C. Blackwell is attending n®y yesterday. Miss May and Mrs. Mabry, D. S. Scruggs, T. W. William-! WaS lbat there was and ^u 1 ' 1 a 01 ® e ons and cantaloupes. Humphries, Mr. M. D. Humphries. Mr. i the association at Gaffney this week. w - N. Austell leave today for the son, W. F. Huskey any con,1ict between education and When having done ample justice to! D. C. Humphries, Mrs. Mary Hill, Mr. Butler Black and his cousin, of North. Next Meeting E. B. McSwala J obr,stinlty ’ berause 8,1 tru <? educa- each, themselves and the dinner, tne Leonard Jackson, Mr. Clyde Halford, King’s Mountain, are selling wash- Mrs. R. A. Jones and party, who R - Hollyfield, E. R. Cash, J. E. Jen- ,i0U f ( f ught rbrlst - He c,os ®d with party retired to the house where they | Miss Lucile Jennings, (2), Mrs. Hat- ing machines In this section. They have been touring the mountains nings, E. G. McCulloch. " thiS ’ The g00<1 8hip Limestone baa enjoyed an hour or two of laughter, j tie Jolly, Mr. Henry Jackson, J. W. return home today but will he back overland, have returned to the city. New Executive Board—R. O. Sams. rUn UP lh6 flag to the mast bead; tbe When the hour for seperatkm ap-1 Jones, Rev. D. H. Kearser. Miss Neva in about two weeks. Mr. Black was Mrs. C. A. Stewart, of Blacksburg, A. J. McCraw, R. C. Gossett, C. D. r ° Pe8 arC ab ° Ut t0 bG Ca8t ° ff and peared, Rev. Mr. Hoke read the 1031 Love, Sam Leeach, Miss Lettie Lip- a citizen of this community thirty-five was a Gaffney visitor Saturday. Coleman, C. A. Chaffin. ' the gang plank drawn in; and we are Psalm and begged that we might be permitted to once again meet with the president of Limestone College. He spoke for one hour and was listen ed to with breathless attention as ue would unfold one after another his beautiful sentences. We cannot give a meager out-line of his interesting speech. One thought he emphasized our aged grandmother on her annl versary. Mr from scomb, Miss Florence Mason. Mrs. years ago and is a worthy gentleman Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blalock, of Ministers Names and Postofflces— , sai1 another voyage of Addle Moore. Rev. P. L. Moore. Miss who we hope our people who need Blacksburg, came over Saturday for C. L. Hammett, J. K. Wilson, B. M. R ,, " e sha11 8top af many Llzitla l/ovelace, Corrie McWhorter, his machines and see their way clear a few hours. Davidson. E; J. Clary, M. P. Mason. * |a ° m ° d ° nt y ° U Want t0 buy ft Joe McAbee, Mr. Fedh* McAntlre.; to do so, will patronize. Mrs. R. S. Lipscomb left Saturday Delegates to State Convention—W. f ° r ,hat daughter 01 ' y °n r8 -” Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Byers returned I Mr. J. A. McSwaln, Sarah Oglesby, Cotton Is shedding its sqaures bad- for Asheville, N. C., where she goes G. P. Ezell, D. W. Cooper J. E. Prince j The repo,t 0,1 w<,mans mlsaions am Atlanta Monday. ' Mrs. Byers Mr. Ebb Phillips, Miss Powels. Mrs. ly now and the crop is not near so to spend a week or ten days. R. B. Martin, Frank Parker. * ^ va | , aex ^ ead aad discussed hut time More Richardson, Rev. A. Riobburg. flattering as It was a month ago. Messrs. Richard and George Le Delegates to Southern Baptist Con- ^ ~ ” """ Miss A. J. Robinson, Mr. H. Rhyne. Fodder pulling time la on hand and Master, of Wilkinsville, were In the i vention—L. B. Davis, W. G. Austell, getting on nicely. Miss Kate Loe Randall Is at her post of duty after spending a pleas ant vacation in Salisbury. Dr. I. G. Minick, of Latbonia, Ga., spent Sunday In town. Mrs. John Bridges has returned from Grover, N. C., where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Allen. Messrs. Glenn Sapoch and Geo. Bridges attended a lawn party given in honor of Miss Taylor, who is vis iting Msls Austell, of Earl, N. C. Even at White Diamond Springs, where the tall oaks reign supreme and stillness broods over all; cupid . finds work to do. Mr. Roy Ferguson abd Miss Annie Scott, who were guests at the hotel, were married on 'Monday. Miss Pearl Tumage and Mr. Will Bird visited White Diamond Springs last week. Luclla —Where do our repairs come from? From those tbat fail to do good work. We do the beat watch work In Gaff ney. Gaffney Jewelry Co. The association convened for the Mrs. Sal in a Ramsey, Jane Sinclair, will give farmers something to do city yesterday. j j. b. Bridges Wofford Price Georee final se8s,on at 9:30 ’ Rev - L - L - next week. Mr. J. C. Jefferies and family have Byars. Taylor conducting the opening exer- Mrs. J. W. Smarr, of Hopewell, is returned from Hendersonville, N. C., The exercises of the evening were ( .i? e -pf moderator ^ ben took sick with fever. She has been sick; where they have been for several closed with the benediction by Rev.l^^*’ ^ he mlnu, ® 8 of ^ Previous for a good while. weeks. t h Hnrrtnnn day 8 seS8 * on were then read and ap proved. Miss Kattie Smith, Miss Etta Smith, Miss Cornelar Smith, Miss Nell Smith, Mrs. E. F. Smith, Rev. Joseph E. Smith, Mrs. M. Sarratt, Mrs. Mary Turner, Mrs. Eva Littlejohn, Mr. F Mr. C. FY Inman’s family are ira- Miss Eva Little, after a pleasant F. Wilson, Miss Lucy Wood, Mr. F’or proving slowly. visit to friends and relatives in Green est Williams, Mrs. Lizzie Woods. Mrs. Eunice Vincent paid us a visit, vllle, has returned to her home In the Please call for i advertised lettera last Tuesday. She is a daughter of, city. One cent due on each. Mrs. Jane Mickle, who was ,ln this Mrs. L. Wyatt Oliver, of Marlon, Thomas Hester, neighborhood on a visit a few weeks Is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Sam Postmaster. ago. {Lipscomb, on corner of Rutledge and Your correspondent with his better! Pine streets. holf expects to make a trip to Black-j Miss Rosa Lipscomb, who has been stock next week. j. l. S. visiting in Marion, returned to her home Friday, accompanied by Misses Funeral of Mrs. McGuInn. Mamie Jones and Sadie Kate Hunter. The funeral of Mrs. L. W. Me T. H. Harrison The association met Friday morn ing promptly at 9:30. Promptness is one thing the moderator Is noted for At the Churchee. Presiding Elder Mark L. Carlisle held services at the Limestone Street M. E. church Sunday morning. Rev. E. G. Ross preached to a crowded congregation at this church Sunday night. Services we e held at the Cherokee Avenue Baptist church Sunday morn ing and evening by tha paator. Rev. G. P. Hamrick. All tbe other churches were closed Sunday on account of the absence of the pastors, who are off taking their vacation or holding Guinn took place Friday morning Befora the Mayor, from the Firs? Baptist church, Rev. There were several cases before E. O. Ross, of Greer, officiating. The Mayor Ross yesterday morning. Two service was well attended by friends cases of gambling netted $10, or $5 of the family. The Interment took;each; one case of drunk and down place at Oakland cemetary. The pall bearers were: Hon. W. D. Kirby, Messrs. J. D. Parris, John Spenoar, Calvin E. Pennington, T. T. Green and Lllonel Camp. brought |6; one case of disorderly conduct was eeaUnnad on account of the absence of the witnesses, aa was also one case of blind tiger for tha asm* reason. The report on Foreign Missions was read by Rev. A. D. Davidson. • , . . , „ x, Rev - Mr. Surles responded. Prof. R. and insists upon in all his meetings. ^ . .. , .. j , , D. Sams then read a most interesting both in the opening and in the clos- , ta , „ ™ , » i etter f rom Rev w B Crocker, the r.’ n , tt ^ aseociation’s missionary in China. Rev. B. L. Hoke read a part of the T .. “ , c . v . . . T i m m i Rev. J. D. Bailey, the moderator, then 18th chapter of Luke, offered prayer! . . . ‘ , ... ... , * made a most stirring and appropriate and conducted religious exercises for .. . ^ _.... .... _ . , ! . address on foreign mission laying em one-half hour. The first regular bnsl- ^ .. . phasls on the command of the Saviour to “Go ye into all the world and preach to every creature.” Tha address was impressive and was well received. The report of the com mittee on foreign missions was then adopted. Mr. E. R. Sapoch then read the re port of the committee on obltuaiiaa. The report was adopted. The report of the executive board ness of the association was reading the minutes of preceding day and coirectlng the roll. Prof. Bains Cade, of Boiling Springs, N. C., High School was noticed and welcomed. The regular subject for this hour was State Mission, but hearing that Dr. T. M. Bailey, the State Mission secretary, was to be In on an early train this subject was postponed and that of Tomg People** Work taken up. Tbe report was read by Rev. G. P. Hamrick and discussed by Rev. B. (Continued on page two.)