The ledger. [volume] (Gaffney City, S.C.) 1896-1907, July 21, 1908, Image 4

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D. C. Ross, Pre*t. J. A. Carroll, V.-Prest. Mavnard Smyth, Cashier. Chas. W. Hames, Asst. Cashier. THK National Bank of Gaffney Gaffney, S. C. Capital Stock, - - - $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits, 47,000.00 Stockholders’ Liability, - 50,000.00 Protection to Depositors, - - $147,000.00 The State of South Carolina, the County of Cherokee and the Town of Gaffney deposit with us. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. DIRECTORS. J. A. Carroll, T. M. Littlejohn, R. M. Wilkins, C. W. Whisonant, Dr. Chas. A. Jefferies, J. D. Jones, H. M. Me Aden, B. L. Hames, H. D. Wheat, D. C. Ross, Maynard Smyth. July Is one of the four time each year that we compound the interest on all accounts. When passing, we will enter the amount in your book. If you haven't an account with us and are not getting any ot^thi- 1 INTEREST, there is no better time than NOW to begin. One Dollar will open an account and get a book and you can then leave any amount you wish. Make your money work for you by leaving it with The Gaffney Savings Bank GAFFNEY. S. C. Office in National Bank of Gaffney D. C. Ross, Prest. J. A. Carroll, V.-Prest. Maynard Smyth, Cashier. June 30-08-ly W. H. Philson The ■ Lumber Man. NEWS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, EVENTS IN GAFFNEY AND CHER* OKU. Recent Happening* In antf Around tha City, and Oth*r Evanta Gath ered by the Local Now* Editor. Base Hall at. the park this after noon. PRIDMORE-KENDRICK. Postmaster Hester has had an awn-1 ing put up over the front windows ot' the po^tofliee. Joe W. Humphries starts his sing- j ing school tomo row at Mt. Araratt church. Everybody that can possibly do so should attend. A new roof has been put on the house occupied by Claud Sparks. ’ This improvement adds greatly to the appearance of the dwelling. Am About Ready To fill all your wants with building ma terial now. I say, don’t you think it will pay you to see my line before you place your order? I have a full line of Sash and Doors, Columns; Stair and Porch Balst and Rails and any kind of building ma terial. I believe I can save you money. I will build your house also if you will get your heart right and let me have a chance at you. : : : : : The Cherokee Drug Co. have had a cement floor put around their soda j fountain. This will add greatly to the sanitary condition there. 1 lome raised water melons and can taloupes are getting to be a common i sight on the streets now. About every merchant has a la 'go sunply. Sheriff Thomas has hut five board ers at his hostelry now. One is there for violating section 3242 of the United States revenue law—retailing. • The other four are charged with as sault with intent to kill. Mr. John T. Gaston, Great Sachem of the Great Council of South Caro- i lina Improved Order of Red Men, has appointed Mr. W. C. Parris, of Modoc ■ Tribe No. 20, deputy of the Seventh District Convention, composed of the counties of Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union. All persons interested in the grave- j yarn at Salem are requested to meet | there on Wednesday morning, 22nd,' at 7 o'clock to clean it off, prepara- ( tory to the Children’s Day exercises. The proceeds from the lemonade, stand will be used for repairing and ; repainting the fence. The statement of the National Bank of Gaffney, as published in this | issue, shows about $50,000 profit on a capital of $50,000; a rather remark- able showing indeed for any business. It is conducted by capable and con servative business men who are ever ready and anxious to serve their j patrons. The Merchants and Planters Bank is one of the safe and sane institutions of the community. Their statement is published in another column and from that statement we derive the in telligence that they have undivided profits and surplus to the extent of $27,- 363.25. This is a splendid showing In face of the cry of business depression. A Quiet Home Wedding Last Thurs day Evening. For som' time Dame Rumor ha* been busy gossiping about the doings of had little Cupid, as he toyed and played with the heart strings of one of Gaffney's staid business men and one of the community’s most excell ent women. Several times has it been rumored that they were going to plight their troth hut each time the rumor proved false. Last Thursday evening, however, this love affair was brought to a nappy climax by Dr. A. M. Simms, of the First Baptist church, who, in his most impressive manner, pronounced the words that made Mr. Hampton Pridmore and Miss Sallle Kendrick maa amd wife. The cere mony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore LeMaster, on East Frederick street. Only a few ralfe lives and friends were present to wit ness the ceremony. The groom is one of Gaffney’s en terprising and upright business men. He is with the W. J. Wilkins Co., and is a splendid citizen in every respect. The bride is a most lovable lady. She is a native ot this county and has won scores of friends by her aim- able disposition. STATEMENT OF CONDITION One Thousand Dollars Can be accumulated by the average per son in five or six years by the systematic saving and depositing in a bank the money that is now being frittered away with nothing to show for it. : : : : : Better begin on that Thousand today ty starting an account with Merchants and Planters Bank, Gaffney Capital, Surplus and Profits, $100,000 ■aai i in TO THE The National Bank of Gaffney | GAFFNEY, 8. C. at the close of business July 15, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $l-tf>,<SP2 TO Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2.4W) 24 ! \ Bonds to secure circulation . 12.-500 Do Bonds, securities, etc It 324 59 Banking House, Furniture and fixtures 2ti 332 08 Other real estate owned.. t'ic’S Ofi Due from National Hi nks (not reserve agents) ti.6T4 it Due from State Ba^ks and Bankers g) Du-- from approved re serve agents.. 7,6S3 65 Checks and othei cash items j5 Notes ol other National Banks... 4.Too 00 t factional paper currency nickels and cents 1 40H Ifl Specie:... T.BflO 75 Legal-tender notes. 5 ope on 37 102 40 Redemption fund with U. I-. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation 025 on Total 1 Citizens of Cherokee County! 1244.352 7'J LIABILITIES. I 50,000 00 10,000 00 30,150 12 12,500 00 Miss Potter Entertains. Miss Eloise Potter entertained a few friends Thursday evening. Those present were: Miss Lula Mae Littlejohn with Ralph Hamilton, Miss Christine Ba ker with Engene Wood, Miss Myrtls Little with Claud Fort, Miss Irene Wheat with Keith Folger, Miss Louise Johnson with Watson Bell, Miss Em ma Wood with Welling Lodge, Miss Montez Bramlett with Durbin Little john, Miss Marlon Cole with Will Walker, Miss Julia Sarratt with Clint Robbins, Miss Winnie Davenport with Leon Gaffney, Miss Bessie Shuford with Vick Lipscomb, Miss Ethel Ham rick with Norman Jones. Stags. Claud Flack and Wells Littlejohn. During the evening delightful re freshments were served and Miss Loulie Potter rendered seven beauti ful selections on the piano. Capital Stock paid in.. . . Surplus Fund Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Bunk notes outstanding. Due to State Banks and Bankers.. g 144 45 Due to Trust Companies and Savings Banks, g,80J 74 Dividends unpaid F’O 00 Individual deposits sub ject tc cheek ...’ no 055 'ki Time certificates 01 de- ,,P° 1 s I ,t , 0,607 82 Cashier s checks out- cstandlng .. '«:i :ii 125,093 67 Notes and bills redis- eount * d 10,000 00 Total 1244,352 78 Stat* of South Carolina, County of Cherokee. 1. Maynard Smyth. Cashier of the above lamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to Hie best of my knowledge and belief. Maynard Smyth, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the loth day of July, 190S. T. D. Daniel. |.L. S.| . Notary Public. Correct—Attest : D. C. Ross. J. D. Jones, J. A. Carroll. Directors. STATEMENT — of th* — MERCHANTS A PLANTERS BANK, Gaffney, a C, at the close of business July 15, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 2210 lit an Overdrafts 1S54 91 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bk. ’900 00 I urniture and Fixtures 1.236 60 ,, „ Cash Kehoitkces Due from Banks 29,074 09 I I I I I I I I I I We offer 250 shares of Victor Cotton Oil Mill stock at the par value of $ 100.00 per share, for the next 60 days. For further information apply to :: July-2i-im J. N. LIPSCOMB, Treasurer I I i l i i i i l :j ESS v I I 1 V V V V V V v V v v V $ J I 'J 'V V V V V I $ J i V>” Buy a Home With Rent Money! You can do this by taking stock in the Cherokee Building and Loan Associa tion. This is the oldest Building and Loan Association in Gaffney. It is conducted along conservative lines. We can help you to the road of wealth. See any of our officers. Read our Booklet and learn our plans. : ; Cherokee B.1L.' V. V. Gaffnej, Sec’j ft Ms, C. A. Jefferies, Prat. County Campaign Meeting. Following are the appointments of the campaign meetings for Cherokee 'county: Timber Ridge, Monday, July 27th. Wilkinsvllle, Tuesday, July 28th. Mabry’s Mill, Wednesday, July 1 29th. Ravenna, Friday, July 31st. Goucher, at Smith’s store, Tuesday, ! August 4th. \V r hite Plains, Wednesday, August ! 5th. Macedonia. Thursday, August 6th. Butlers, Friday, August 7th. Ezells, Monday, August 10th. Maud, Tuesday, August 11th. Grassy Pond, Wednesday, August i 12th. Antioch, Monday, August 17th. King’s Creek, Tuesday, August j 18th. Blacksburg, Wednesday, August ; 19th. Draytonville, Thursday, Aumst 20th. Gaffney, Saturday, August 22nd. Gold Silver, Nickels and Pen nies Checks and Cash Items Total O.IISI uu 1.000 00 897,59 1,871 89 40,943 57 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in . Surplus Fund Undivided Profits less current ex penses and Taxes Paid. ’>» Mia OR Deposits Individual Deposits sub Jed to Check 103,506 03 Savings Deposits 34.517 33 Time Certificates of De- posit 14,195 21 ( ashler’s Checks 4 <’>4 56 152,683 13 Rediscounts and Bills Payable None Total 1255,046 38 | State of South Carolina, Cherokee County, i , Before me came R. S. Lipscomb, Cashier of \ the Merchants & Planters Bank. Gaffney, 8. i U. who being duly sworn, says that the al>ove and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said bank as shown hy the books of Hie in said bank. R. H. Lii-scomis, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me tills, the ! 20th -lay of July, 11108. J. C. Otts, IL. 8.1 Notary Public. 8. O. Correct Attest: — A. N. Wood, It. M. Wilkins, J. C Ottn, Directors. I >(>GO<XXX>0<XXXXXXXXXXXX>0<XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXy>' A Chicken Feed —AT— W.\Kyle Davenport's Good Looks! Good Wear Double satisfaction in the Oxfords that we are offer ing at a bargain for a few days only. The prices will make you a perna- ment customer. : : The Company Store. - 1 - 1 Moving! Some time in the next 30 days, we will move into tue Battery old stand next to Cherokee Drug Co. Before tbi- move is made we want to close out as many goods as we can. and it will pay you to see the prices we are making. Bear in mind that we are the biggest people in the business and can always save you more. You want to take advantage of this sale. Don’t miss it. Oaffne^r Jewelry Oo. hi Gaffney Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company Driuk Pepsi-Cola, White Diamond Ale, Schnapps Ale and Soda Water, all flavors. These goods are all manufactured from the celebrated Pied mont Mineral Springs Lithia Water. Insist on it being made of lithia water, as the drink is softer and healthier, and doesn’t cost any more. We also deliver the lithia water to residences. Prices and cleanliness guaranteed. Give us a call or phone. Wagon delivers goods at all hours of the dav. Gaffney Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company i|i June 24-lm DR. W. K. GUNTER OHJNTiaT r )fhcr in Star Theatre Building Phone No. 20. nCHNICALLY EDUCATED M IC Pi Pf E2 ID D 1£ X> The demand Is far greater thaa tbi supply. Let the tnlimeMsnsI ~ paie on adeno# aohoote, of Aorsnlee, Fa*, art re you. Postal will bring Informatio 208 courses. It's free. S-ff-ly-np